Economic Analysis Report (After-Project Scenario)

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Second Rural Transport Improvement Project (RTIP-II) –

Additional Financing

Project ID: 123828

Credit No: 6327 BD


November, 2022


Resource Planning & Management Consultants Ltd.

Development Design Consultant Ltd.


This document forms consolidated Report prepared by the consultant for LGED. It presents
the economic analysis of the road sub-projects of RTIP-II (Additional Financing) –
Rehabilitation and maintenance of UZR and UNR which were damaged during the flood

Relevant Excel files used in the economic analysis also would be supplied separately in soft


Economic Analysis of Roads Rehabilitation Sub-projects........................................................1

1. Assumed project life..........................................................................................................1
2. Measurement of economic costs......................................................................................1
3. Measurement of economic benefits..................................................................................2
a Income increasing benefits of RTIP-II AF roads sub-projects...................................2
b Lower transportation and vehicle operating costs for RTIP-II roads sub-projects.....4
4. Results of Economic Analysis...........................................................................................8
a Rehabilitation and periodic maintenance of upazila and union roads under
Additional Financing..........................................................................................................8
b Comment on Sensitivity of Results to Household Income Benefits...........................8
PROJECT AREA....................................................................................................................10
FROM BBS, 2010..................................................................................................................21
ANNEX 5: SAMPLE CALCULATION METHOD....................................................................24

List of Figures

Figure 1: Concept of consumer surplus...................................................................................6

List of Tables

Table-1: Calculation of differential growth rate of project vs control Household Income.........3

Table- 2: Typical change in IRI Before and After project.........................................................6
Table- 3: Sensitivity of VOCs to Road Roughness (2022).......................................................7

Table A1- 1: Average National Income & Expenditure (1995-2016)......................................11

Table A1- 2: Forecast population and household number in sample upazila of a district......11

Table A2- 1: Estimation of Escalation Factor.........................................................................14

Economic Analysis of Roads Rehabilitation Sub-projects
The components of project were expected to bring significant benefits for impoverished &
uninterrupted rural communities through the rehabilitation and maintenance of UZR and
UNR roads which were damage during the flood 2017. These benefits are in the form of
improved access and reduced transport cost, as well as more efficient marketing of rural
products, and ultimately increased employment and income generation. The benefits have
been compared with the economic costs of the roads sub-projects components over their
project life, in the form of their economic internal rates of return (EIRR), economic net
present values (ENPV), and benefit cost ratios (BCR).

1. Assumed project life

As was the case for the initial RTIP-I & II, a project life of 20 years was assumed for the
infrastructure components of RTIP-II AF, in this case of Rehabilitation to reinstate the road in
original condition & establish uninterrupted communication. The project life was assumed to
be inclusive of the construction and maintenance periods for each improved asset and thus
defined the period for the project. In the case of the roads sub-projects a service period of 18
months was assumed.

2. Measurement of economic costs

Biddings and actual implementation unit capital costs of contract rates for LGED RTIP-II
projects which already implemented were used as the basis for computing, in this analysis of
the selected RTIP-II AF sub-projects. These unit costs, expressed in financial values, were
converted to economic values through the application of a Standard Conversion Factor
(SCF). The SCF has been applied in order to remove the tax and duty components, as well
as to adjust for any market distortions (such as subsidies) in financial prices. To ensure
consistency with other projects, an SCF of 0.902 has been used for the determination of
economic costs in RTIP-II AF sub projects. In this analysis we have calculated economic
value of each sub-projects deducting the VAT & IT from financial value after multiplying with
SCF. At this level, the SCF makes adequate allowance for the importation of some
construction materials (such as asphalt) which will carry higher rates of tax.

The actual unit financial costs of completed RTIP-II AF subprojects are taken from the
consultants completed report in which financing were done by GOB & WB. These cost of
UZR UNR rehabilitation/maintenance sub-projects were based on actual implementation
cost of the sub projects.

It should be noted that the unit costs don’t include allowance for the costs of monitoring and
supervision of construction works.

The economic analysis also make allowance for the annual maintenance of the improved
infrastructure. The financial costs of annual maintenance were obtained from the LGED
data base maintained by RIMMU (Road Infrastructure Management and Maintenance Unit)
and were converted to economic costs through application of an SCF. The costs used are:

Routine Maintenance of UZR & UNR: Off-pavement & on pavement Tk. 80,000/km per
annum, economic cost Tk. 72,160/km per annum.
Periodic Maintenance of UZR & UNR: 10% of unit capital cost of different subproject
reduced to economic cost by multiplying SCF
assumed and for five-year cycle.
3. Measurement of economic benefits
The economic benefits of the project have been assessed for the two categories of roads
sub-projects’ rehabilitation and periodic maintenance (RPM) of UZR and UNR. For the rural
population of the target area, these benefits include:

 Increased incomes and reduced poverty, as a result of improved mobility and better
access to markets, as well as to health, education and government services.
 Increased & generated employment.
 Lower transportation and vehicle operating costs.

a Income increasing benefits of RTIP-II AF roads sub-projects

The overriding purpose of RTIP-II AF, as is the case with any rural infrastructure project, is
to reduce poverty and stimulate development by increasing the household incomes of
impoverished rural communities. This is achieved by improving the access of these
communities to markets and other sources of income generation, as well as to health
services, education and local government facilities. Thus, of the benefits listed above,
increased income represents the most significant of all benefits resulting from rural transport
infrastructure projects. It therefore becomes essential to attempt to measure the impact of
projects on the generation of this type of benefit.

A lack of adequate information on average household income levels for small administrative
areas has in the past prevented measurement of the income increasing benefits of local
infrastructure projects. However, for the purposes of the RTIP-II AF project, open source
data from the 2016 Household Income and Expenditure Survey were accessed in order to
generate estimates of average household income by upazila. The methods used to generate
these estimates and to forecast the average level of household income in end-2045 in a
majority of upazila encompassed within the RTIP-II AF project area are documented in
Annex 1.

In addition, sufficient data have now been collected in relation to the income-increasing
impacts of earlier or on-going projects to provide guidance for the estimation of such benefits
in this and future projects. For example, both the Long-run Socio-Economic Impact Study of
RRMIMP-II and the Socio-Economic Monitoring and Evaluation (SEME) Report of RTIP
taken into account as SEME study is not conducted in RTIP-II Project which contain
detailed assessments of the impact of rural transport infrastructure projects on poverty
reduction, employment and income generation.

In particular, the SEME study for RTIP uses baseline and post-implementation project and
control data to measure the impact of the project on average family income and expenditure
in the project area. The report of this study also provides an assessment of the employment
generating impact of the project, both in terms of the direct employment associated with the

Bangladesh Institute of Development Studies: Long-run Socio-Economic Impact Study of Rural Roads and Markets
Improvement & Maintenance Project II – Final Report, January 2009.
Hifab International AB in association with RPMC and Kranti: Socio-Economic Monitoring and Evaluation Report of Rural
Transport Infrastructure Project, June 2010.

construction and maintenance of infrastructure projects and the indirect employment induced
by these projects. Table-1 below shows the “before and after project” average household
income for project upazila roads of previous RTIP-I and for corresponding control roads in
the same area.

Table-1: Calculation of differential growth rate of project vs control Household Income

Project Area Control Area Net

income by
Before After % Change Before After % Change Project/
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
5,797.00 10,066.00 73.64% 6,336.00 9,378.00 48.01% 7%
from all
Source: SEME Report for RTIP (June 2010)

In this table the figure in the seventh column (% Change, Control area) can be interpreted as
representing the percentage change in average household income which would result for the
project roads if the project was not implemented. In other words, this reflects normal growth
which would occur even in the absence of the project. Thus if this growth is applied to the
“before project” average income level for the project area, the result would be the average
income level for the project area if the project did not proceed. This may be compared with
the average income level for the project area after project implementation (see Column 4, %
Change Project area), to derive the net change in average income which would result
directly from the project (as shown in Column 8, Net change, Project/Control). The net
change in average household income shown in Column 8 of the above table is 7%, half of
that benefit (i.e. 3.5%) has been used as the basis for calculating the income increasing
benefits for all categories of roads sub-projects in RTIP-II AF. In this case of RPM sub-
projects, however, the increase of generated traffic has been assumed half, since the
improvement in transport access generated by RPM works was assumed to be less than
that of road upgrading works.

The rate of increase in average household income of each upazila has been calculated by
projecting the household income (2016) with the inflation rate 6.5% per year due to lack
consistent HIES Data.

Independently the number of households per project road was calculated in proportion to the
project road’s share of the total length of UZ and UN roads in the upazila. The household
number (2011) has been projected upto 2045 using individual upazila growth rate.
Accordingly, the incremental household income for the road project has been calculated by
multiplying per km household income with the road length for each year.

Estimated incremental household income benefits of subproject to subproject for each year
(assumed to be 20 years), are transferred to the EIRR calculation worksheets for all road

This is assumed to be the case because roads selected for RPM treatment have previously been improved to a relatively
high standard and the intention is merely to restore these roads to their original condition. Thus, RPM sub-projects will have
a proportionately smaller impact on the improvement of transport access than road upgrading sub-projects.

sub-projects (upazila and union road RPM). For the phasing-in of benefits over the initial five
years of the project life in accordance with growth, the following percentages has been used:

Year 1 (first year of operation): 10%

Year 2: 30%
Year 3: 50%
Year 4: 70%
Year 5: 100%

The phasing-in of household income benefits in this way produces estimates which are quite
conservative in the sense that they allow for the realization of the full quantum of benefits
once different parts of the upgraded road network are in place.

b Lower transportation and vehicle operating costs for RTIP-II roads sub-

A significant benefit for the roads component of RTIP-II AF is a reduction in Vehicle

Operating Costs (VOCs) resulting from qualitative improvements to road surfaces. Such
improvements will also allow an increase in average speeds, with consequently improved
transport access to markets and other income generating facilities, as well as to education,
administrative and medical facilities.

Other possible benefits resulting from improved road surfaces and increased speeds will
include the attraction of generated traffic and (over time) a shift in the modal mix from non-
motorized to motorized vehicles.

Increased average speeds will also lead to travel time savings. However, this has not been
included as a benefit in this study, since travel time savings are reflected in increased
household incomes. If included in addition to increased household income benefits, they
would represent a double counting of benefits.

The VOC benefits of road projects are measured by comparing the Vehicle Operating Cost
streams for the “With” and “Without” project cases. In the “Without project” case the road will
attract only normal traffic. This is the traffic which will eventuate even in the absence of the
project. It will grow from year to year but at a steadily reducing rate as the quality of the road
deteriorates. In the “With project” case, the normal traffic using the road will increase year by
year at considerably increased rates of growth as the quality of the road improves, leading to
reduced unit VOCs and increased average speeds. The benefits accruing to the normal
traffic may be measured as the difference between the unit VOC’s for the road in improved
and unimproved condition respectively multiplied by the relevant vehicle–km for each vehicle
category on the unimproved road. The normal traffic benefits may be expressed by the
following formula:

VOCs = [(Cud- Cd) x Qud]

Where:VOCs= VOC saving;

Cud = per vehicle-km cost on undeveloped road;

Cd = per vehicle-km cost of developed road

Qud = vehicle-km of undeveloped road

In addition, the improved road will attract new, or “generated” traffic, the quantum of which
may estimate by deducting the vehicle-km of the undeveloped road from the vehicle-km of
the developed road. The vehicle-km of the developed road is determined as a function of the
ratio between the VOCs of the developed and of the undeveloped roads weighted by the
relevant price elasticity factor, in accordance with the following formula:

Qd = Qud x (1+pe – (pe x Cd)/Cud)

Where Qd = vehicle-km of developed road

Qud = vehicle-km of undeveloped road

pe = price elasticity factor

Cd = per vehicle-km cost of developed road

Cud = per vehicle-km cost on undeveloped road;

Cd = per vehicle-km cost of developed road

The VOC benefits of generated traffic are calculated by the following formula:

VOCsgen= ½[(Cud-Cd) x (Qd-Qud)]

Where VOCsgen= VOC saving from generated vehicle-km

Cud = per vehicle-km cost on undeveloped road;

Cd = per vehicle-km cost on developed road

Qd = vehicle-km of developed road

Qud = vehicle-km of undeveloped road

Generated traffic represents a type of consumer surplus and its benefits may be measured
in accordance with the “Rule of a Half”, whereby only half of the product of differential
vehicle operating costs and of differential vehicle-km is taken as the value of benefits. This
may be demonstrated in a diagram (see Figure 1 below) which shows consumer surplus
occupying a triangular area below the demand curve but above the price line drawn from the
intersection of the supply and demand curves towards the price (Y) axis. Thus consumer
surplus may be calculated as half the base (quantity) of the triangle multiplied by its height,
as represented by the difference between the equilibrium price (where demand and supply
are equal) and the maximum price (where the demand curve intersects with the Y axis).

It is assumed that generated traffic will develop over three years from the first year of
operation of the improved road, as follows:

Year 1: 20%
Year 2: 60%
Source: Wikipedia, Economic Surplus.

Year 3: 100%

The foregoing paragraphs outline the approach which has been used for the measurement
of the VOC benefits of generated traffic in RTIP-II AF. For any road project, the quantum of
normal and generated traffic benefits will depend upon existing traffic levels and on the
difference between the IRIs (International Roughness Index) of the road in its undeveloped
and developed states. This is because the VOCs for traffic on a road will vary in accordance
with the IRI of the road. For example, an earthen road with an IRI of 18 will have unit VOCs
which are on average 1½ - 2½ times greater than the unit VOC’s of a developed road with
an IRI of 4, while a degraded upazila road requiring repair and maintenance may have an IRI
of 7 with unit VOCs which are only 5-10% higher than those of a developed road with IRI of

The sensitivity of vehicle operating costs to road roughness is illustrated in Table 3 below.
This table shows VOCs updated for RTIP-II AF to mid-2022 values from the Roads and
Highway’s Department’s HDM-4 database. The method used for updating the VOC data is
given in Annex 2 to this document.

Source: Wikipedia, Economic Surplus

Figure 1: Concept of consumer surplus

Typically, the main road improvement sub-projects in RTIP-II AF will result in the following
changes in IRI:

Table- 2: Typical change in IRI Before and After project

Sub-project type Typical change in IRI
Upazila road improvement From: 18 (Earthen road) To: 4 (developed BC road)
Union road improvement From: 18 (Earthen road) To: 4 (developed BC road)
Rehabilitation and periodic From: 13-7 (BC road, poor- To: 4 (developed BC road)
maintenance (RPM) of upazila moderate quality)


However, the LGED RIMMU roads inventory data-base includes IRI figures for all the roads
selected for RPM (which are BC) and for the BC sections of many of the UZR and UNR
proposed for upgrading. These figures have been used in the economic analysis of specific
sub-projects to define the current “Without” project BC surface quality.

Overall VOC savings were found to be substantial in the case of the first RTIP-I project,
reducing by 15-25% where a road with an IRI of 10 was improved and by 40-60% where a
road with an IRI of 18 was improved. The VOC savings of different IRI and mode of
transport have been calculated by multiplying the base VOC data of 2011 with the national
price escalation factor from 2018 to 2022.

Table- 3: Sensitivity of VOCs to Road Roughness (2022)

Bicycle/ Ricksha Bullock Push Motor Auto-rick/ Bus/ Truck/
IRI Rickshaw Pickup Car Pedestrian
Helicopter w-Van Cart Cart cycle Tempo Mini-bus Tractor
Develop 4 1.32 3.84 3.84 9.32 9.32 2.35 4.55 16.66 33.97 42.75 18.28 0.50
5 1.37 4.21 4.21 9.51 9.51 2.38 4.67 17.31 35.09 44.51 18.81 0.52
6 1.42 4.06 4.06 9.69 9.69 2.42 4.79 18.08 36.21 46.33 19.37 0.53
7 1.40 4.23 4.23 9.87 9.87 2.44 4.92 19.00 37.33 48.22 19.92 0.55
8 1.45 4.32 4.32 10.05 10.05 2.45 5.06 20.11 38.52 50.14 20.47 0.55
9 1.48 4.43 4.43 10.24 10.24 2.45 5.22 21.44 39.87 52.16 21.10 0.56
BC 10 1.53 4.55 4.55 10.42 10.42 2.47 5.38 22.96 41.47 54.28 21.79 0.58
11 1.64 4.87 4.87 11.03 11.03 2.49 5.55 24.61 43.30 56.54 22.53 0.63
12 1.76 5.23 5.23 11.71 11.71 2.54 5.75 26.36 45.35 58.89 23.32 0.68
13 1.90 5.64 5.64 12.47 12.47 2.62 5.94 28.17 47.55 61.31 24.16 0.73
14 2.06 6.13 6.13 13.34 13.34 2.69 6.14 30.04 49.87 63.86 25.00 0.81
15 2.26 6.69 6.69 14.34 14.34 2.78 6.38 31.95 52.29 66.45 25.88 0.89
16 2.50 7.39 7.39 15.48 15.48 2.87 6.61 33.90 54.72 69.10 26.79 0.98
17 2.79 8.24 8.24 16.84 16.84 2.97 6.85 35.90 57.20 71.87 27.73 1.10
Earthen 18 3.16 9.32 9.32 18.45 18.45 3.08 7.09 37.95 59.70 74.74 28.70 1.26
For Undeveloped:
Earthen 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
HBB 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
BC 17.16 51.67 51.67 120.71 120.71 29.78 60.22 232.35 456.58 589.73 243.66 6.71
Average 1.40 4.23 4.23 9.87 9.87 2.44 4.92 19.00 37.33 48.22 19.92 0.55
Sources: RHD, HDM-4 data base (unit VOC’s for motorized vehicles; RTIP Economic Appraisal, 2006, unit VOC’s for non-
motorized vehicles); Consultant’s estimates (updating of source data to mid-2011). Consultant’s updating the data of 2018 to

It is not possible within the time allowed to estimate the VOC benefits arising from diverted
traffic (i.e. traffic which may be diverted from other parts of the road network at a
considerable saving in vehicle operating costs). It is likely that the addition of these benefits
would result in a substantial increase in project EIRRs. A similar remark could apply in the
case of changes in the modal distribution of the traffic on project roads, especially those
involving the transfer of traffic from non-motorized to motorized forms of transport.

Escalation factor has been used 1.27; See Annex 2

4. Results of Economic Analysis
The detailed economic analysis spreadsheets for each roads sub-project will be supplied
separately. The analysis for each road calculates base case values for EIRR, ENPV and
BCR. These results have been subjected to sensitivity tests, involving:

 An increase of 20 percent in project O&M costs

 A decrease of 20 percent in project benefits
 A combined increase of 20 percent in project costs and a 20 percent decrease in
project benefits
 Restriction of benefits to normal and generated traffic (i.e. Excluding household
income benefits)
 Restricting benefits to normal traffic only

Summary results by road are presented in Annex 3 and an overview is given below for each
of the roads sub-components.

Rehabilitation and periodic maintenance of upazila and union roads under
Additional Financing
The results of the economic analysis of Additional Financing (RPM) roads are in Annex 3. A
total of 86 roads having length 611 km have been analyzed for rehabilitation and periodic
maintenance. All the roads analyzed have a base case EIRR greater than 12%, in many
cases substantially greater, with ENPVs ranging from Tk. 20.05 million to Tk. 705.32 million.
All roads remain economically viable if costs increase by 20% and benefits decrease by
20%. However, again, for some of the roads the results are sensitive to the benefits from
increases in household income.

Economic returns of Additional Financing (RPM ) sub-projects
BDT in Million
Sensitivity Tests
Indicator Base Case O&M Cost Benefit Both and Normal
Increase 20% Decrease 20% Cases Generated Traffic only
Traffic only
From From From
From 12.94% From 12.64% From 10.37%
EIRR 10.10% to -9.57% to -10.93% to
to 89.22% to 80.02% to 70.58%
70.44% 53.97% 52.34%
From From From
Post From 20.05 to From 13.68 to From -31.87 to
NPV -36.98 to -159.45 to -163.07 to
705.32 698.68 540.04
537.04 189.87 175.48
From 1.09 to From 1.06 to From 0.86 to From 0.85 From 0.18 From 0.17
15.90 15.40 12.41 to 11.98 to 5.64 to 5.36

b Comment on Sensitivity of Results to Household Income Benefits

We have noted above the sensitivity of the economic results, for all categories of road sub-
project, to the estimation of household income benefits. While many of the roads remain
economically viable when the Normal and Generated Traffic Only sensitivity test is applied,
for others the benefits are highly dependent upon the increases in household income. Two
points should be noted:

 Earlier appraisals of rural infrastructure projects have included the benefit of value of
time (VoT) savings to travelers on the roads, including pedestrians for whom the
Rehabilitation and Periodic Maintenance type road work

value of time saved after road improvement (faster walking speed) are the only
benefit. These estimates of VoT savings reflected the economic potential of the
beneficiaries to use the time saved productively. The household income increases
estimated for RTIP-II incorporate these benefits from productive use of the time
saved by faster travel.
 Roads which are currently in very poor condition tend to have low, largely non-
motorized traffic together with large numbers of pedestrians. In practice, one of the
benefits from road improvement will be changes in travel mode – from walking to
movement by vehicle, and from non-motorized to motorized transport. For the many
pedestrians on these roads, the benefit from change of mode is the time saved.
Again, the estimates of increases in household income incorporate this benefit.


Estimates of Average Household Income by Upazila in the Project Area

Estimates of household have been derived from the existing open source data of BBS, 2011
which projected to 2045 with growth rate and average household income of HIES, 2016
projected to 2045 with inflation. It was necessary to make estimates of Average Household
Income for upazila comprising the project road area, as a basis for measuring the income
increasing (and poverty reducing) benefits of RTIP-II AF road investments.

The BBS publishes average household income data for the country as a whole and
separately as consolidated totals for all rural and urban areas of the country. In its
publication, the BBS provides no subdivision of this household income data into divisions or
smaller administrative areas.

Table A1- 1: Average National Income & Expenditure (1995-2016)

Year National
National Income

1995 4,366.00 4,096.00

2000 5,842.00 4,881.00
2005 7,203.00 6,134.00
2010 11,479.00 11,200.00
2016 15,988.00 15,715.00
Source: HIES Data, Bangladesh

For the purpose of calculating “With” and “Without” project average household income per
road sub-project, it is necessary to estimate future population & household growth within
individual upazila. This is done for 20 years hence, in line with the estimated average life of a
new or upgraded road. Individual project district’s population growth rate per annum has
been used to project household growth in individual upazila up to 2045, and the number of
household has been taken from the BBS data of 2011 for the purpose of estimating the
number of households. The sample estimates of household numbers are given below:

Table A1- 2: Forecast population and household number in sample upazila of a


Per Year-Per KM income of Upazila Gopalpur District Tangail

*Population growth rate of District 0.90%

*Total paved road length in Upazila 213.54 km
*inflation rate 6.50%
*ALL DATA FROM BBS-2011 Census Report

Details Additional Financing Districts and Upazila-wise data from BBS, 2010 presented in Annex-4

Income (per
After Project
Year Total HH No. Per km HH No. Per year Per KM (3.5% Increment)
2016 63927 299 15988 191856 2.01
2017 64502 302 17027 204327 2.16
2018 65083 305 18134 217608 2.32
2019 65669 308 19313 231752 2.49
2020 66260 310 20568 246816 2.68
2021 66856 313 21905 262859 2.88
2022 67458 316 23329 279945 3.10
2023 68065 319 24845 298142 3.33
2024 68677 322 26460 317521 3.57
2025 69295 325 28180 338160 3.84
2026 69919 327 30012 360140 4.13
2027 70548 330 31962 383549 4.44
2028 71183 333 34040 408480 4.77
2029 71824 336 36253 435031 5.12
2030 72470 339 38609 463308 5.50
2031 73123 342 41119 493423 5.91
2032 73781 346 43791 525496 6.35
2033 74445 349 46638 559653 6.83
2034 75115 352 49669 596030 7.34
2035 75791 355 52898 634772 7.89
2036 76473 358 56336 676032 8.47
2037 77161 361 59998 719975 9.11
2038 77856 365 63898 766773 9.78
2039 78556 368 68051 816613 10.51
2040 79263 371 72474 869693 11.30
2041 79977 375 77185 926223 12.14
2042 80696 378 82202 986428 13.05
2043 81423 381 87545 1050545 14.02
2044 82156 385 93236 1118831 15.07
2045 82895 388 99296 1191555 16.19
Sources: Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics website & LGED’s website


Estimation of Unit Vehicle Operating Costs (VOC)

The VOC savings resulting from the implementation of RTIP-II road sub-projects were
estimated in proportion to the reduced surface roughness of the upgraded and rehabilitated

For calculating the VOCs, first Escalation factor have been calculated from the Monthly
Economic Trends Report of Bangladesh Bank. Then incorporated that value to the
established VOCs of previous study.

Table A2- 1: Estimation of Escalation Factor

Year Inflation rate (%)
2018-19 5.52 1.0552
2019-20 6.02 1.0602
2020-21 5.64 1.0564
2021-22* 7.56 1.0756
Source: Monthly Economic Trends Report, June 2022, Bangladesh Bank
*up to June, 2022


Economic Analysis of Additional Financing Roads
EIRR Sensitivity Tests NPV Sensitivity Tests BCR Sensitivity Tests
Normal Financial NPV per
Total Base O&M Normal Base O&M Switching Switching Base O&M Normal
Sl Benefit Normal Benefit and Normal Cost Unit Benefit Normal
District Upazila Road Code Package No Road Name Length AADT Case Cost Both and case Cost Both Value Value case Cost Both and
No Decrease Traffic Decrease Generated Traffic Million Investment Decrease Traffic
(km) EIRR increase Cases Generated NVP increase Cases Cost Cost BCR increase Cases Generated
20% only 20% Traffic only Taka Cost 20% only
20% Traffic only 20% Increase Decrease 20% Traffic only
Sreepur GC - Rajabarai
1 Gazipur Sreepur 333862004 GAZ/AF-2 12.23 1592.90 22.57% 21.85% 19.04% 18.84% 5.64% 5.05% 159.39 150.80 98.40 95.32 -50.00 -53.58 3.71 0.52 158.38 1.29 2.29 2.24 1.80 1.75 0.60 0.57
Mirzapur GC-
Bhabanipur bazar at
2 Gazipur Gazipur-S 333302010 GAZ/AF-39 6.90 3445.45 40.93% 40.31% 36.38% 36.29% 13.17% 12.53% 527.71 522.26 403.28 401.42 7.67 3.40 19.38 0.85 108.63 6.25 7.59 7.42 6.04 5.90 1.10 1.04
NHW Mowchak -
3 Gazipur Kaliakoir 333322005 GAZ/AF-40 19.15 3148.36 45.44% 44.81% 40.03% 39.91% 28.38% 27.49% 705.32 698.68 540.04 537.04 189.87 175.48 21.23 0.85 144.39 6.25 7.62 7.41 6.07 5.90 2.78 2.65
Fulbaria GC

Kapasia H/Q-Jangalia
4 Gazipur Kapasia 333362013 GAZ/AF-41 GC via Chandpur UP 7.40 2756.46 32.94% 32.54% 28.78% 28.61% 19.64% 18.89% 133.83 131.91 97.98 96.80 29.46 26.00 13.89 0.75 57.61 2.98 4.15 4.04 3.31 3.22 1.69 1.61
(Kapasia Part) Road.

Jaina Bazar RHD -

5 Gazipur Sreepur 333862011 GAZ/AF-42 Nolua - Batajor GC 11.20 1890.85 12.94% 12.64% 10.37% 10.10% -1.22% -1.79% 20.05 13.68 -31.87 -36.98 -159.45 -163.07 0.63 0.08 328.58 0.08 1.09 1.06 0.86 0.85 0.32 0.30
(Sreepur part)
Jangalia GC-Kapasia
H/Q Via Chanpur UP
6 Gazipur Kaliganj 333342006 GAZ/AF-108 H/Q (Kaliganj Part 5.22 798.98 27.59% 27.21% 24.16% 23.99% 3.89% 3.32% 76.74 75.23 54.41 53.54 -15.75 -16.52 10.20 0.69 42.94 2.30 3.37 3.28 2.68 2.61 0.51 0.49
Bahubal UP Office-
Manikabazar via
7 Habiganj Bahubal 636053008 HAB/AF-3 4.40 454.52 24.32% 23.84% 20.86% 20.64% -9.57% -10.39% 35.41 34.25 23.28 22.62 -19.07 -19.27 6.08 0.58 31.18 1.46 2.52 2.45 2.00 1.95 0.18 0.17
Goharua Primary

Shankhola U.P Office-

8 Habiganj Chunarughat 636263011 HAB/AF-4 Dewandi Bazar Via 4.20 1581.26 34.26% 32.17% 28.58% 28.39% -6.90% -7.41% 59.51 56.43 41.98 41.42 -14.09 -14.24 3.87 0.68 22.35 3.43 4.29 4.16 3.32 3.22 0.22 0.21
Badargazi Bazar road

9 Habiganj Nabiganj 636772003 HAB/AF-37 12.70 2307.45 38.08% 37.50% 33.37% 33.22% 22.05% 21.29% 248.69 245.17 186.00 184.29 56.98 51.52 14.14 0.79 75.25 4.25 5.32 5.17 4.23 4.11 1.99 1.90
Shaistanagar Bazar-Poil
10 Habiganj Habiganj-S 636443001 HAB/AF-44 UP Office-Moshajan 5.93 453.93 23.39% 22.95% 19.95% 19.74% -4.66% -5.30% 69.93 67.60 44.71 43.38 -39.04 -39.69 6.01 0.55 73.13 1.23 2.34 2.28 1.86 1.81 0.25 0.24
Bazar Rd
Banla Bazar-Goplar
11 Habiganj Nabiganj 636772006 HAB/AF-46 Bazar upto Rustompur 5.24 1248.73 33.57% 32.97% 29.37% 29.19% 8.46% 7.86% 73.84 72.45 54.19 53.53 -5.18 -5.94 10.60 0.75 27.83 3.43 4.44 4.30 3.52 3.42 0.76 0.72
Tonkey GC -
12 Jamalpur Melendah 339612005 JAM/AF-5 Pachabohola GC via 6.30 4511.05 40.31% 38.40% 33.66% 33.49% 24.63% 23.76% 140.22 135.43 101.93 100.88 42.69 38.97 5.85 0.73 46.77 3.86 4.87 4.73 3.81 3.71 2.18 2.08
Ballappur Road
Dharmakura GC-
13 Jamalpur Islampur 339292006 JAM/AF-33a Mahmudpur GC via 12.40 1363.11 32.05% 30.26% 26.58% 26.39% 6.30% 5.70% 252.53 239.27 174.10 171.49 -34.72 -37.66 3.81 0.64 127.24 2.55 3.60 3.51 2.79 2.72 0.64 0.61
Boliadah Road
Dharmakura GC-
14 Jamalpur Islampur 339292014 JAM/AF-33b Dewangonj Upazila HQ 4.90 1312.52 31.99% 30.21% 26.52% 26.34% 6.12% 5.52% 99.43 94.19 68.51 67.48 -14.08 -15.24 3.80 0.64 50.28 2.55 3.59 3.50 2.79 2.71 0.63 0.60
via Molomgonj road
Belgacha UP-
15 Jamalpur Islampur 339293009 JAM/AF-33c 5.60 1037.98 29.36% 27.64% 24.25% 24.06% -5.86% -6.44% 95.79 89.85 64.06 62.88 -33.93 -34.38 3.22 0.60 57.46 2.15 3.19 3.10 2.46 2.40 0.23 0.22
Dharmakura GC Road
Nurundi GC - Gopalpur
16 Jamalpur Jamalpur-S 339362004 JAM/AF-48 4.63 2509.34 19.24% 18.86% 16.09% 15.87% -4.69% -5.24% 61.50 58.43 31.85 30.01 -62.13 -62.99 4.00 0.41 116.01 0.68 1.75 1.71 1.39 1.36 0.24 0.23
Bazar RHD Road
Gabergram RHD-Koyra
17 Jamalpur Madarganj 339582012 JAM/AF-49b GC via Hatmagura 7.45 2134.95 51.59% 47.24% 42.23% 42.06% 12.62% 12.05% 139.96 134.08 103.84 103.09 0.88 0.07 4.76 0.77 23.87 7.56 7.95 7.66 6.16 5.93 1.04 1.00
Bazar Road
Bhabki RHD - Raigonj
18 Jamalpur Melendah 339612004 JAM/AF-50 GC Via Beltail Bazar 14.20 5351.36 19.14% 18.33% 15.55% 15.30% 3.32% 2.85% 136.67 123.18 63.45 58.78 -99.39 -103.21 2.03 0.37 255.30 0.69 1.70 1.66 1.33 1.30 0.49 0.47
Adarshapara GC to
19 Kishoreganj Kishoreganj-S 348492006 KIS/AF-7 10.88 5371.21 55.67% 52.87% 46.40% 46.25% 40.50% 39.30% 363.25 354.26 274.11 272.50 170.74 160.05 8.08 0.81 67.83 6.90 7.86 7.63 6.18 6.00 4.23 4.02
Jasodal GC Road

Tarail RHD-Nilgonj
20 Kishoreganj Tarail 348922001 KIS/AF-8 8.76 3561.71 37.69% 37.09% 33.00% 32.84% 20.49% 19.78% 170.44 167.89 127.18 125.99 32.68 29.32 13.36 0.79 52.98 4.15 5.22 5.07 4.15 4.03 1.81 1.73
GCC Road
Sararchar GC - Pirijpur
21 Kishoreganj Bajitpur 348062012 KIS/AF-51a 4.85 4676.89 41.17% 40.57% 36.22% 36.10% 25.82% 25.03% 157.45 155.55 119.16 118.37 45.74 42.13 16.58 0.82 38.79 5.22 6.33 6.16 5.03 4.90 2.55 2.43
Bazar RHD
22 Kishoreganj Bajitpur 348062003 KIS/AF-51b 4.00 7430.51 37.57% 36.97% 32.99% 32.86% 18.94% 18.28% 108.24 106.68 80.99 80.34 16.02 14.21 13.89 0.79 32.02 4.35 5.44 5.29 4.32 4.21 1.66 1.58
Road (Bajitpur part)
Bajitpur-Ruderpudda via
23 Kishoreganj Bajitpur 348062006 KIS/AF-51d Sharishapur (Bajitpur 6.22 3479.60 34.84% 34.25% 30.53% 30.39% 12.33% 11.73% 144.26 141.84 106.71 105.69 1.00 -0.78 11.96 0.77 49.75 3.73 4.81 4.68 3.82 3.72 1.03 0.98
Katiadi-Manikkhali GC
24 Kishoreganj Katiadi 348452002 KIS/AF-53a 7.70 2593.89 32.94% 31.27% 27.40% 27.21% 12.29% 11.62% 168.91 161.11 117.70 116.02 1.32 -1.73 4.33 0.66 82.77 2.63 3.70 3.60 2.88 2.80 1.02 0.97
Dhuldia GC-Manikkhali
25 Kishoreganj Katiadi 348452005 KIS/AF-53b 5.91 2321.50 30.94% 29.32% 25.68% 25.48% 7.56% 6.96% 114.87 108.92 78.54 77.25 -13.85 -15.43 3.86 0.63 63.57 2.33 3.39 3.30 2.63 2.56 0.71 0.68
GC via Gachihata Rd
26 Kishoreganj Kuliarchar 348543005 KIS/AF-54 7.78 1433.07 44.00% 43.02% 38.62% 38.46% 12.83% 12.19% 150.26 147.98 114.18 113.34 1.53 0.33 13.16 0.83 31.03 6.24 7.16 6.92 5.68 5.49 1.06 1.01
Faridpur UP via Bangla
Tarail HQ-Cherang
27 Kishoreganj Tarail 348922002 KIS/AF-55a 6.32 4130.62 31.95% 31.45% 27.51% 27.32% 16.79% 16.08% 117.34 115.13 83.93 82.71 17.98 15.00 10.62 0.70 64.65 2.33 3.56 3.47 2.83 2.76 1.39 1.33
GCC Road
Tarail HQ - Chowganga
28 Kishoreganj Tarail 348922008 KIS/AF-55b GC via Damiha UP 5.88 1900.09 26.02% 25.52% 22.20% 21.99% 2.74% 2.17% 70.33 68.29 47.04 45.90 -22.07 -23.00 6.90 0.60 60.13 1.50 2.65 2.58 2.11 2.05 0.48 0.46
(Tarail Part)
29 Kishoreganj Pakundia 348792003 KIS/AF-64 7.85 1214.27 25.55% 25.06% 21.71% 21.49% 3.90% 3.30% 99.35 96.38 65.53 63.83 -30.17 -31.81 6.70 0.59 93.31 1.37 2.54 2.47 2.01 1.96 0.53 0.51
Austagram- Lakhai road
30 Kishoreganj Austagram 348022011 KIS/AF-84b via Ekurdia Dalarkandi 5.61 1784.16 26.03% 25.84% 22.11% 21.89% 1.75% 1.16% 62.56 61.47 41.37 40.28 -24.56 -25.44 11.47 0.59 64.07 1.25 2.44 2.38 1.95 1.91 0.43 0.41
Mithamoin UZ H.Q-
31 Kishoreganj Mithamoin 348592001 KIS/AF-120 4.63 3058.26 33.65% 32.03% 27.96% 27.76% 15.78% 15.07% 86.65 82.91 60.61 59.72 9.46 7.55 4.64 0.67 42.24 2.63 3.69 3.59 2.88 2.81 1.29 1.23
Katkhal GC Road
Binnadangi Zila Road
32 Manikganj Singair 356822004 MAN/AF-10 7.60 965.01 25.80% 24.48% 21.22% 20.98% 2.25% 1.66% 74.73 69.61 47.08 45.71 -26.14 -27.20 2.92 0.54 63.32 1.52 2.54 2.47 1.97 1.92 0.46 0.44
Upazila via Hatni Bazar,
Maniknagar Gc & Sollah
Manikgonj-Singair R&H
33 Manikganj Manikganj-S 356462004 MAN/AF-58 at Mitora to Burundi Hat 3.90 3928.74 33.02% 32.58% 28.64% 28.48% 21.51% 20.75% 84.74 83.39 61.49 60.74 26.81 24.13 12.54 0.73 39.71 2.73 3.91 3.81 3.11 3.03 1.92 1.83
GC road

Dhaka-Aricha NHW
34 Manikganj Shivalaya 356782004 MAN/AF-60a (Shibrampur)-Machain 11.70 3829.57 34.48% 33.91% 29.91% 29.73% 17.25% 16.58% 204.44 200.84 149.33 147.52 28.44 24.30 11.36 0.74 87.05 3.01 4.20 4.08 3.33 3.24 1.44 1.38
GC via Rupsha Road.

Teota UP Office-
35 Manikganj Shivalaya 356783001 MAN/AF-60b Jhafargonj GC (Poila) 5.71 2158.21 30.94% 30.37% 26.74% 26.55% 9.17% 8.60% 79.87 78.12 56.96 56.08 -6.02 -7.11 9.13 0.70 42.48 2.41 3.56 3.46 2.82 2.75 0.81 0.77
RHD (Chadnighat)-
36 Moulvibazar Moulvibazar-S 658742010 MOU/AF-12a 5.57 1682.60 30.04% 29.65% 26.05% 25.88% 18.93% 18.19% 87.28 85.71 62.18 61.23 22.92 20.00 11.12 0.70 47.92 2.35 3.44 3.35 2.74 2.67 1.64 1.56
RHD(Kamalpur) Road
37 Moulvibazar Moulvibazar-S 658742006 MOU/AF-12b Kagabala-Athangiri 13.56 1536.82 31.04% 30.65% 26.95% 26.78% 20.52% 19.76% 228.26 224.43 163.98 161.66 71.44 63.59 11.92 0.71 116.76 2.52 3.62 3.53 2.88 2.81 1.82 1.73
Basirpur RHD -
38 Moulvibazar Juri 658842003 MOU/AF-62 Dasherbazar GC 5.40 1373.28 30.65% 30.47% 26.35% 26.14% 9.08% 8.42% 67.31 66.44 47.46 46.59 -6.48 -7.76 15.57 0.68 46.57 1.86 3.11 3.03 2.49 2.42 0.80 0.76
Kumerbogh UP Office
Moucha sluice Gate -
39 Munshiganj Lauhajong 359443006 MUN/AF-13 2.60 1640.44 28.44% 27.96% 24.47% 24.28% 10.87% 10.22% 36.09 35.26 25.12 24.65 -1.41 -2.18 8.64 0.66 23.85 1.94 3.09 3.00 2.45 2.39 0.92 0.87
Goalimandrahat GC
Rasulpur GC-
40 Munshiganj Gazaria 359242005 MUN/AF-66 Bhaberchar GC via 5.45 730.20 49.85% 45.93% 41.07% 40.90% 13.91% 13.22% 105.26 100.96 78.08 77.51 2.21 1.38 4.90 0.77 18.60 7.27 7.70 7.43 5.97 5.76 1.14 1.09
Karim Khan
Assim GC-Bhoraduba
41 Mymensingh Fulbaria 361202010 MYM/AF-68 Ghatail RHD 5.15 5648.18 40.83% 38.45% 33.70% 33.53% 18.45% 17.70% 168.06 161.61 121.64 120.49 22.29 19.35 5.21 0.72 57.88 3.73 4.92 4.79 3.84 3.74 1.52 1.45

Late Engr SM Aminul
Haque Road
42 Mymensingh Phulpur 361812002 MYM/AF-107 [Tarakanda GC - 4.74 2573.19 49.26% 45.59% 40.65% 40.54% 16.17% 15.43% 352.16 338.88 261.69 260.37 17.71 14.31 5.30 0.78 69.42 6.52 7.73 7.54 6.00 5.85 1.34 1.27
Guatala GC road]
(Phulpur Part)
Katchpur NHW-
43 Narayanganj Sonargaon 367043003 N.GONJ/AF-15 Mousumi Indus via 3.30 1698.31 30.62% 30.19% 26.65% 26.51% 12.68% 12.00% 99.71 98.01 71.74 70.86 1.94 0.01 11.71 0.71 51.45 2.49 3.70 3.62 2.95 2.88 1.05 1.00
Katchpur UP Office
Rampura-Volta (RHD)
44 Narayanganj Rupganj 367682005 N.GONJ/AF-70a Rd. to Nawrabazar R& 5.20 551.92 34.49% 33.88% 30.28% 30.13% 1.82% 1.22% 114.42 112.51 84.73 83.91 -16.74 -17.36 12.01 0.77 39.80 3.69 4.85 4.72 3.85 3.75 0.44 0.41
H Via Majina
Aukhabo RHD-Upazila
45 Narayanganj Rupganj 367683004 N.GONJ/AF-70b HQ via Majhipara 5.26 1756.16 38.68% 38.05% 34.00% 33.86% 16.36% 15.63% 143.80 141.86 108.15 107.31 11.13 9.07 14.82 0.81 40.26 4.58 5.79 5.63 4.60 4.48 1.37 1.30
Mirkutire Saw Road
46 Narayanganj Rupganj 367683013 N.GONJ/AF-70c Atlapur bazar-Karatia 2.98 2073.55 36.29% 35.67% 31.87% 31.73% 9.55% 8.95% 72.11 71.02 53.80 53.32 -2.93 -3.57 13.20 0.79 22.77 4.06 5.25 5.10 4.17 4.06 0.83 0.79
Barhatta Pry./S (UP)-
47 Netrokona Barhatta 372093003 NET/AF-19A Shahata Ferryghat via 5.40 1430.25 39.32% 38.49% 34.39% 34.22% 8.90% 8.29% 100.60 98.91 75.37 74.69 -4.49 -5.27 11.86 0.80 28.40 4.56 5.68 5.51 4.51 4.37 0.79 0.75
Machehala Bazar
48 Sunamganj Jagannathpur 690472001 SUN/AF-106 Biswanathpur Road 13.00 7604.88 23.51% 22.83% 19.67% 19.47% 14.51% 13.92% 246.45 234.57 152.74 148.22 39.81 29.80 4.15 0.53 249.48 1.27 2.28 2.23 1.79 1.75 1.21 1.15
(Jagannathpur Part)
Upazila H/Q.-
49 Narshingdi Palash 368632002 NAR/AF-16 6.15 1145.93 36.44% 34.36% 30.54% 30.37% 8.08% 7.48% 104.47 99.74 74.92 74.08 -7.20 -8.16 4.42 0.71 33.84 3.96 4.77 4.63 3.70 3.59 0.74 0.71
Charnagardi G.C.
Algi Bazar-Gouripur
50 Narshingdi Raipura 368643002 NAR/AF-17 Bazar Road via 6.23 1036.04 44.19% 40.94% 36.52% 36.36% 5.85% 5.25% 143.24 137.08 105.01 104.15 -9.90 -10.67 4.65 0.75 34.48 5.51 6.37 6.17 4.93 4.78 0.63 0.60
Sapmara Bazar
Shibpur UZHQ-Jeshor
51 Narshingdi Shibpur 368762002 NAR/AF-18 6.80 5182.62 47.07% 44.49% 39.28% 39.08% 27.85% 27.01% 104.22 100.83 77.32 76.60 29.41 27.35 6.14 0.77 24.04 5.75 6.32 6.09 4.94 4.77 2.50 2.39
GC Via Chaitanna road
Jangli Shibpur bazar-
52 Narshingdi Belabo 368073002 NAR/AF-72 Dhukandi-Baznabo UP 10.13 2236.57 36.26% 35.65% 31.61% 31.44% 17.50% 16.78% 186.39 183.33 137.83 136.36 23.65 20.14 12.18 0.77 67.23 3.57 4.73 4.59 3.76 3.65 1.47 1.40
office Road
Monohordi H/Q-
53 Narshingdi Monohardi 368522003 NAR/AF-73a 12.57 2786.63 39.96% 39.83% 35.03% 34.88% 22.06% 21.33% 284.11 282.17 213.11 211.17 72.91 66.07 29.36 0.80 102.08 3.59 5.01 4.87 4.01 3.90 2.03 1.93
Drinerghat R&H
Chalakchar GC-
54 Narshingdi Monohardi 368522013 NAR/AF-73b Shimulia R&H via 7.54 1513.73 34.48% 34.33% 29.96% 29.78% 10.22% 9.58% 121.17 120.01 88.43 87.27 -5.52 -7.33 20.88 0.74 61.23 2.55 3.85 3.75 3.08 3.00 0.87 0.83
Chanditola Atushal road
Lebotola UP (sluice
gate) to Sagordi Bazar
55 Narshingdi Monohardi 368523002 NAR/AF-73c 4.43 1008.96 32.03% 31.86% 27.68% 27.49% 1.24% 0.64% 59.76 59.08 42.82 42.14 -14.58 -15.07 17.55 0.71 35.93 2.14 3.39 3.30 2.72 2.64 0.42 0.40
via Chalk Char Bazar
Parulia R&H Crossing-
56 Narshingdi Palash 368633002 NAR/AF-75 3.28 1172.21 35.77% 33.79% 29.96% 29.79% 9.58% 8.94% 56.85 54.29 40.60 40.13 -2.68 -3.32 4.45 0.70 19.84 3.67 4.54 4.41 3.53 3.43 0.83 0.79
Gazaria U.P.
Muluvi bazar-
57 Narshingdi Raipura 368643001 NAR/AF-76a Narayanpur R&H Rd. 8.39 1857.40 35.94% 35.23% 31.26% 31.09% 7.65% 7.04% 175.91 172.77 129.73 128.36 -13.43 -15.03 11.22 0.76 66.70 3.39 4.67 4.54 3.71 3.61 0.72 0.69
via Mizapura UP. Office
Sreerampur GC-
Narayanpur GC Road
58 Narshingdi Raipura 368642006 NAR/AF-76b 12.73 1766.85 36.37% 35.66% 31.64% 31.47% 9.07% 8.44% 273.09 268.33 201.78 199.71 -14.30 -17.02 11.47 0.77 101.24 3.47 4.76 4.63 3.78 3.67 0.80 0.77
via Shapmara & Nilkuti
Kunderpara R&H -
59 Narshingdi Shibpur 368763014 NAR/AF-77 7.00 4456.62 47.07% 44.80% 39.64% 39.46% 30.93% 29.98% 119.33 115.79 88.97 88.23 42.32 39.36 6.74 0.79 24.92 6.14 6.61 6.38 5.18 5.01 2.99 2.85
Jeshor Bazar Road
Nakla kalapara-
60 Sherpur Nakla 389672009 SHE/AF-26a Pathakata via 7.58 771.51 37.51% 36.62% 32.49% 32.27% 4.06% 3.43% 90.23 88.37 66.61 65.78 -10.63 -11.25 9.72 0.76 31.40 3.69 4.80 4.63 3.80 3.67 0.55 0.53
panchkania Road
Kursha Master Bari-
Pathakata Bazar
61 Sherpur Nakla 389672011 SHE/AF-26b (Narayan Khola GC) via 8.56 549.38 36.82% 35.93% 31.88% 31.65% 0.61% -0.04% 98.39 96.29 72.42 71.48 -15.51 -16.05 9.39 0.76 35.46 3.57 4.67 4.51 3.70 3.57 0.42 0.40
Dorga Bazar & Talki UP
Baneshwardi U P-
62 Sherpur Nakla 389672008 SHE/AF-26c Bhathsala (Sherpur) 5.61 724.13 36.88% 36.00% 31.93% 31.71% 0.98% 0.36% 64.72 63.34 47.65 47.03 -9.96 -10.30 9.42 0.76 23.25 3.58 4.68 4.52 3.71 3.58 0.43 0.41
Ganapaddi U.P-Rampur
63 Sherpur Nakla 389673010 SHE/AF-26d bazar via Baneshwardi 6.15 1037.64 38.57% 37.67% 33.42% 33.21% 8.15% 7.48% 77.12 75.61 57.18 56.50 -4.71 -5.41 10.22 0.77 25.48 3.89 5.00 4.83 3.97 3.83 0.76 0.72

64 Sherpur Jhenaigati 389372001 SHE/AF-90 Jhenaigati-Gobindaganj 10.47 2679.97 30.08% 28.44% 24.88% 24.68% 5.16% 4.60% 178.23 168.09 120.24 118.08 -33.15 -35.21 3.52 0.61 104.71 2.20 3.23 3.15 2.51 2.44 0.58 0.56
Nakla-Gourdwar via
65 Sherpur Nakla 389672004 SHE/AF-91a Chandrakona & 7.33 1375.06 22.91% 22.45% 19.35% 19.11% 1.89% 1.30% 66.40 63.92 41.09 39.61 -31.14 -32.30 5.36 0.52 79.37 1.08 2.18 2.13 1.73 1.69 0.45 0.42
Lasmanpur UP
66 Sherpur Sherpur-S 389883005 SHE/AF-92b (Jamtoli)-Boilerchar UP 4.20 4203.51 32.67% 32.05% 28.36% 28.21% 5.56% 5.05% 103.20 101.14 74.80 73.93 -13.69 -14.53 10.02 0.73 47.26 2.81 4.03 3.93 3.20 3.12 0.60 0.57
Tatihati U.P.(Poragor)-
67 Sherpur Sreebordi 389903003 SHE/AF-93 5.85 1109.07 38.70% 36.24% 32.17% 32.00% 9.54% 8.90% 117.43 111.96 84.46 83.61 -4.90 -6.06 4.29 0.71 36.01 4.19 5.06 4.91 3.92 3.81 0.83 0.79
Bhatpur Baza
Ekdanta GCM - Ataikula
68 Pabna Atghoria 176052009 PAB/AF-20 12.84 934.79 19.07% 18.27% 15.53% 15.27% 2.88% 2.28% 85.67 77.24 39.95 36.87 -64.24 -67.12 2.03 0.37 157.00 0.70 1.70 1.66 1.33 1.30 0.47 0.45
GCM Road
Paksey UP H/Q
(Sayenuddin More) -
69 Pabna Ishwardi 176393014 PAB/AF-21 9.55 1695.13 29.61% 29.15% 25.66% 25.49% 12.18% 11.51% 158.53 155.29 112.46 110.73 0.90 -2.42 9.78 0.69 89.28 2.28 3.41 3.32 2.71 2.64 1.01 0.96
Bilkedar Hat RHD road
via Laxmikunda GPS
Sujanagar GC at
Rofique Shop -
70 Pabna Sujanagar 176832008 PAB/AF-22 7.26 1405.02 30.31% 28.80% 25.10% 24.88% 9.73% 9.05% 92.04 87.30 62.37 61.15 -6.43 -8.18 3.89 0.62 55.40 2.14 3.18 3.09 2.48 2.41 0.85 0.81
Poradanga RHD via
Modhupur GPS road
Laxmikunda UP -
71 Pabna Ishwardi 176393013 PAB/AF-81 Kadimpara Hat RHD via 5.30 1856.26 28.82% 28.34% 24.95% 24.77% 9.12% 8.49% 80.39 78.62 56.60 55.66 -7.10 -8.47 9.08 0.68 47.74 2.17 3.28 3.20 2.61 2.54 0.80 0.76
Babulchara road
UP(Zorgacha R&H) -
Selondah GC Via
Hapania Gopalpur H/O
72 Pabna Santhia 176722011 PAB/AF-83 Upazila Chairman B.F.F 9.47 1459.44 34.11% 33.50% 29.70% 29.53% 11.57% 10.90% 153.02 150.21 112.08 110.73 -1.46 -3.62 10.88 0.75 61.23 3.21 4.34 4.22 3.45 3.35 0.97 0.92
Sheikh Nizam uddin &
MonsurAlam &
Holudghor Khedirgram
Upazila H/Q (Jamtoil G
73 Sirajganj Kamarkhand 188442001 SER/AF-23 C) DR(near Alokdiar)- 8.30 1980.17 28.14% 27.70% 24.23% 24.04% 12.17% 11.53% 136.04 133.02 94.47 92.75 0.86 -2.32 8.99 0.65 93.09 1.88 3.04 2.97 2.42 2.36 1.01 0.97
Balarampur GC
Dubil UP to Amsara Hat
74 Sirajganj Raiganj 188613007 SER/AF-24 7.30 5495.82 62.78% 58.65% 51.91% 51.78% 40.91% 39.65% 290.99 283.13 221.03 220.04 104.03 97.24 7.40 0.83 39.53 9.50 10.29 9.97 8.05 7.81 4.32 4.10
Via Maltinagar
Khukni UP-Gopinatpur
75 Sirajganj Shahzadpur 188673009 SER/AF-25a 3.25 2142.47 53.86% 52.27% 46.94% 46.82% 7.20% 6.58% 151.30 149.33 116.52 116.03 -5.06 -5.60 15.34 0.87 23.13 8.40 10.07 9.78 7.99 7.76 0.70 0.66
hat via Shibpur bazar
Garadah UP - Char
76 Sirajganj Shahzadpur 188673026 SER/AF-25b Narina Bazar Via Tepri 3.67 1311.53 54.29% 52.69% 47.31% 47.19% 9.15% 8.49% 173.02 170.79 133.31 132.76 -3.58 -4.32 15.52 0.87 26.13 8.50 10.18 9.89 8.08 7.85 0.81 0.77
Belkuchi Upazila H/Q
(Mukundaganti Bazar) -
77 Sirajganj Belkuchi 188112005 SER/AF-85 Balorampur GC Via 5.87 2677.45 59.97% 54.47% 48.81% 48.68% 19.10% 18.36% 191.23 184.21 143.94 143.28 11.53 10.14 5.45 0.81 23.16 10.09 10.67 10.33 8.28 8.01 1.58 1.51
Baniagati Bazar
Dhubil U.P. Office-
78 Sirajganj Raiganj 188613005 SER/AF-87 6.00 5021.04 89.22% 80.02% 70.58% 70.44% 53.97% 52.34% 241.16 234.51 184.86 184.25 75.24 70.73 7.26 0.86 19.80 15.58 15.88 15.30 12.41 11.95 5.64 5.36
Bhuyagati Ha
Bhadraghat GC -
79 Sirajganj Serajganj-S 188782022 SER/AF-88 Songacha Hat RHD via 4.88 1652.37 43.27% 42.32% 38.06% 37.93% 7.65% 7.05% 144.87 142.76 110.17 109.49 -6.63 -7.39 13.72 0.83 30.13 6.20 7.33 7.12 5.81 5.65 0.71 0.68
Kalidasgati Hat
Tarash UZ HQ-Katagari
80 Sirajganj Tarash 188892003 SER/AF-89a 11.59 1243.12 44.80% 44.62% 39.05% 38.84% 9.76% 9.13% 173.26 171.95 130.81 129.50 -6.01 -7.53 26.56 0.82 55.10 4.05 5.44 5.27 4.36 4.21 0.85 0.81
Baruhash GC-Ranirhat
81 Sirajganj Tarash 188892006 SER/AF-89b 6.20 1527.25 46.18% 46.00% 40.32% 40.12% 14.05% 13.39% 99.23 98.53 75.21 74.51 3.33 2.21 28.44 0.83 29.47 4.33 5.76 5.57 4.61 4.46 1.16 1.11
Kasrupur bazar GC-
82 Sylhet Balaganj 691082005 SYL/AF-95 Pailanpur-Balaganj GC 7.10 1571.58 76.85% 67.72% 60.64% 60.52% 22.64% 21.72% 454.55 440.26 346.89 345.91 27.12 24.30 6.36 0.84 39.60 14.73 15.90 15.40 12.37 11.98 1.89 1.80
Road.(Balagonj Part)
83 Sylhet Beanibazar 691172003 SYL/AF-96 Beanibazar Road 4.44 7658.66 35.80% 35.35% 31.02% 30.85% 24.79% 23.96% 106.86 105.41 78.53 77.66 40.44 37.01 14.74 0.75 46.14 2.98 4.29 4.18 3.42 3.33 2.24 2.14
(Beanibazar Portion)
Basail R&H (UPZHQ)-
84 Tangail Basail 393092001 TAN/AF-34a 3.65 3240.46 49.54% 48.78% 43.27% 43.13% 36.11% 35.06% 110.42 109.28 84.44 83.92 49.36 46.08 19.35 0.85 23.15 6.14 7.50 7.28 5.97 5.80 3.91 3.71
Kanchanpur GC road

Natiapara NHW (Bus
85 Tangail Basail 393092002 TAN/AF-34b Stand)-Kanchanpur GC 4.60 2393.06 40.22% 39.49% 35.00% 34.84% 21.07% 20.25% 94.57 93.15 70.75 70.11 17.61 15.67 13.33 0.79 29.18 4.17 5.42 5.26 4.31 4.18 1.82 1.73
via Kazirapara road

Jhawail GC-Sunamui
86 Tangail Gopalpur 393382013 TAN/AF-102 5.46 1052.73 35.11% 34.37% 30.43% 30.25% 4.13% 3.55% 96.17 94.26 70.42 69.60 -12.89 -13.59 10.11 0.75 38.89 3.18 4.41 4.28 3.50 3.40 0.54 0.52
RHD Road

Total 611 204968 33.77% 29.64% 28.93% 25.89% 13.17% 12.51% 12573.3 11537.32 9068.45 8261.43 360.99 153.62 242.73% 71.75% 158.38 2.98 4.12 3.43 3.25 2.71 1.09 1.04


Population and Household No of Completed Sub-Projects of RTIP-II (AF) - Open Source Data

Total Paved Road

Upazila Area Population Household No (Nos)
*From LGED's Road
(Sq. Km) Growth Rate of *BBS's Survey of
District Upazila *BBS's Survey District (%) 2011 from
(2011) of each *BBS's Survey WebMaster:redatam@
zila report (2011) of each
zila report
Gazipur Sreepur 462.94 121,351 1,050.21
Sadar 457.67 436,377 803.10
Kapasia 356.98 5.21 79,615 698.73
Kaliganj 214.63 67,696 529.95
Kaliakair 314.13 114,877 591.98
Habiganj Bahubal 250.65 37,226 225.69
Chunarughat 495.50 60,977 284.10
Nabiganj 439.61 1.72 61,493 305.77
Sadar 253.77 61,699 251.80
Azmeriganj 223.98 21,293 140.84
Jamalpur Melendah 258.32 79,255 370.13
Islampur 353.31 74,833 250.81
Dewanganj 267.51 0.83 60,643 158.97
Sadar 505.80 151,687 375.60
Madarganj 225.39 63,585 246.24
Kishoreganj Sadar 193.72 88,913 378.99
Tarail 141.43 34,545 151.80
Bajitpur 193.76 52,690 170.28
Katiadi 219.21 69,691 241.34
Kuliar Char 104.01 1.14 39,092 152.15
Pakundia 180.53 57,263 239.83
Mithamoin 222.91 23,813 125.11
Austagram 355.53 31,129 155.83
Karimganj 200.5 62,774 184.88
Manikganj Singair 221.45 64,809 351.58
Daulatpur 216.24 38,741 98.45
Shibalaya 199.07 0.80 40,736 191.39
Sadar 214.81 70,667 336.22
Saturia 140.12 40,557 210.72
Maulvibazar Sadar 344.32 62,307 406.71
Barlekha 448.86 43,977 285.30
Kamalganj 485.26 51,765 304.86
Juri 186.30 27,437 156.18
Munshiganj Lauhajong 131.10 35,978 171.38
Gazaria 131.00 34,760 148.47
Mymensingh Fulbaria 398.70 1.28 101,050 296.05
Total Paved Road
Upazila Area Population Household No (Nos)
*From LGED's Road
(Sq. Km) Growth Rate of *BBS's Survey of
District Upazila *BBS's Survey District (%) 2011 from
(2011) of each *BBS's Survey WebMaster:redatam@
zila report (2011) of each
zila report
Phulpur 626.20 135,706 159.32
Narayanganj Sonargaon 171.67 88,820 271.73
Rupganj 176.48 119,002 470.06
Narsingdi Palash 94.43 46,355 204.76
Raipura 312.76 110,269 359.81
Shibpur 217.71 1.59 64,913 473.26
Belabo 117.90 42,262 182.05
Monohardi 193.87 63,111 310.53
Netrokona Barhatta 221.50 1.15 37,815 134.56
Pabna Atghoria 186.15 38,411 259.58
Bhangura 138.36 28,774 149.66
Ishwardi 250.89 73,089 320.72
Sujanagar 338.65 63,618 399.66
Sadar 439.3 138,839 636.68
Santhia 331.55 88,964 426.88
Serajganj Raiganj 259.74 77,104 234.63
Kamarkhand 90.80 31,920 140.14
Sadar 320.15 124,852 310.49
Shahzadpur 324.15 123,181 182.80
Belkuchi 158.87 74,196 188.73
Tarash 300.07 48,847 253.75
Sherpur Nakla 173.84 47,276 227.03
Jhenaigati 242.07 41,052 142.28
Sadar 372.89 121,961 280.00
Sreebordi 248.25 65,817 235.93
Sunamganj Jagannathpur 368.11 2.02 42,496 247.14
Sylhet Balaganj 375.75 54,058 95.19
Beanibazar 253.24 41,789 249.98
Golapganj 278.33 50,465 381.65
Osmaninagar No info found No info found 206.96
Tangail Basail 157.77 38,490 153.65
Ghatail 451.3 0.90 104,035 328.32
Gopalpur 193.37 63,927 213.54



Road ID : 333862004
Road Name : Sreepur GC - Rajabarai GC
Road Length : 12.23 km
Package No : GAZ/AF-2
Upazila : Sreepur
District : Gazipur
Date of Commencement : 10/03/2020
Date of Completion : 08/04/2021

1. Traffic Count from LGED’s RSDMS database

2. Calculation of WADT and AADT from existing traffic flows of project road
Road ID : 333862004 JUL Year: 2019
District : Gazipur
Upazila : Sreepur
Mode of Hat Day Hat day Non-hat day Non-hat day
Transport (12 hours TC) (24 hours TC) (12 hours TC) (24 hours TC)
Bicycle/Helicopter 235 341 211 274 293 270
Rickshaw 211 306 198 257 271 250
Rickshaw-Van 232 336 212 276 293 270
Bullock cart 5 7 4 5 6 5
Push Cart 2 3 1 1 2 2
Motorcycle 205 297 198 257 269 247
Auto-Rick/Nasimon 156 226 143 186 197 182
Pickup/Jeep/Car 184 267 133 173 200 184
Bus/Mini-bus 19 28 15 20 22 20
Truck/Tractor 142 206 129 168 179 164
Pedestrians 0 0 0 0

3. Generated traffic calculation
Vehicle type Without Project Situation With Project Situation Annually VOCs Benefits
AADT VKM Per day Per VKM VKM Per Per VKM Per VKM VOC Saving on VOC Saving on
(Qud) VOC (Cud) day (Qd) VOC (Cd) VOCs Existing Traffic generated Traffic
Bicycle/Helicopter 270 3300 1.40 3490 1.32 0.08 97122 2791
Rickshaw 250 3052 4.23 3332 3.84 0.39 431193 19749
Rickshaw-Van 270 3296 4.23 3598 3.84 0.39 465685 21329
Bullock Cart 5 65 9.87 69 9.32 0.55 13028 362
Push Cart 2 20 9.87 21 9.32 0.55 3957 110
Motorcycle 247 3024 2.44 3136 2.35 0.09 99564 1844
Auto-rick/Tempo 182 2221 4.92 2389 4.55 0.37 302209 11438
Pickup/Jeep/car 184 2247 19.00 2524 16.66 2.34 1918406 118084
Bus/Mini-bus 20 245 37.33 267 33.97 3.36 300699 13526
Truck/Tractor 164 2010 48.22 2238 42.75 5.47 4011145 227436
Pedestrians 0 0 0.55 0 0.50 0.05 0 0
Total 1593 19481 21064 Figure in (million) 7.64 0.42

Vkm = Vehicle Kilometer
Qud = Vehicle Kilometer of Undeveloped Road.
Qd = Vehicle Kilometer of Developed Road.
Cud = Per Vkm VOC of Undeveloped Road.
Cd = Per Vkm VOC of Developed Road.

4. Analysis for 20 years return period

Unit Capital Cost (Million) 12.95 Capital Cost (Million) 158.38 Project Length (km): 12.23
Routine Maintenance Cost (Million) 0.98 Construction Period (months): 13.13
Periodic Maintenance Costs (Million) 15.84 Project Life (years): 20.00

Costs Benefits Sensitivity Test

Net cash
Years Capital cost Maintenance Total Inc. HH Normal Generated Total Cost Benefit Normal
Flow Both Cases
Cost Cost Income Traffic Traffic Benefits (+20%) (-20%) Traffic
1 92.005 92.01 0 -92.01 -92.01 -92.01 -92.01 -92.01
2 31.09 31.09 0 -31.09 -31.09 -31.09 -31.09 -31.09
3 0.88 0.88 1.88 3.06 0.04 4.98 4.09 2.17 1.56 1.56 2.17
4 0.88 0.88 6.31 8.25 0.23 14.79 13.91 7.37 5.72 5.72 7.37
5 0.88 0.88 11.79 8.91 0.49 21.19 20.31 20.13 16.07 15.89 8.03
6 0.88 0.88 18.49 9.63 0.52 28.65 27.76 27.59 22.03 21.86 8.75
7 14.28 14.29 29.60 10.40 0.57 40.57 26.28 23.42 18.17 15.31 -3.89
8 0.88 0.88 33.17 11.23 0.61 45.01 44.13 43.95 35.13 34.95 10.35
9 0.88 0.88 37.16 12.13 0.66 49.95 49.07 48.89 39.08 38.90 11.25
10 0.88 0.88 41.64 13.10 0.71 55.45 54.57 54.40 43.48 43.30 12.22
11 0.88 0.88 46.66 14.15 0.77 61.58 60.69 60.52 48.38 48.20 13.26
12 14.28 14.29 52.28 15.28 0.83 68.39 54.11 51.25 40.43 37.57 0.99
13 0.88 0.88 58.58 16.50 0.90 75.98 75.10 74.92 59.90 59.72 15.62
14 0.88 0.88 65.64 17.82 0.97 84.43 83.55 83.37 66.66 66.48 16.94
15 0.88 0.88 73.55 19.25 1.05 93.84 92.96 92.78 74.19 74.01 18.36
16 0.88 0.88 82.41 20.79 1.13 104.33 103.44 103.27 82.58 82.40 19.90
17 14.28 14.29 92.34 22.45 1.22 116.01 101.72 98.87 78.52 75.66 8.16
18 0.88 0.88 103.46 24.24 1.32 129.03 128.15 127.97 102.34 102.16 23.36
19 0.88 0.88 115.93 26.18 1.43 143.54 142.66 142.48 113.95 113.77 25.30
20 0.88 0.88 129.89 28.28 1.54 159.72 158.83 158.66 126.89 126.71 27.40
123.0966743 56.094974 179.19 1000.77 281.65 15.00 1297.42 1118.23

Variable Used
Standard Conversion Factor : 0.902
Traffic Growth Rate(W.Av) : 8.00%
Elasticity Co-efficient : 1.0
Discount Factor : 12%
VAT & IT : 12.5%

5. Result of Economic Analysis of this sub-project

Result of Economic Analysis
Sensitivity Test
Cost Benefit Normal and
Indicator Base Case Normal
Increase Decrease Both Cases generated
Traffic only
20% 20% traffic only
EIRR 22.57% 21.85% 19.04% 18.84% 5.64% 5.05%
NPV 159.39 150.80 98.40 95.32 (50.00) (53.58)
BCR 2.29 2.24 1.80 1.75 0.60 0.57

Summary of Economic Analysis
Economic Returns of Additional Financing (RPM type work) Sub-projects
BDT in Million
Sensitivity Tests
O&M Cost Benefit and Normal
Indicator Base Case Both
Increase Decrease Generated Traffic
20% 20% Traffic only
From From From
From 12.94% From 12.64% From 10.37% to
EIRR to 89.22% to 80.02% 70.58%
10.10% to -9.57% to -10.93% to
70.44% 53.97% 52.34%
From From From
Post From 20.05 to From 13.68 to From -31.87 to
NPV 705.32 698.68 540.04
-36.98 to -159.45 to -163.07 to
537.04 189.87 175.48
From 1.09 to From 1.06 to From 0.86 to From 0.85 From 0.18 From 0.17
BCR 15.90 15.40 12.41 to 11.98 to 5.64 to 5.36

The results of the economic analyses show that investments in road rehabilitation &
maintenance work are economically justified as summarized below. In addition to these
quantifiable benefits of this component, other non-quantified benefits of the road
rehabilitation & maintenance work are that it will also enhance access to health, educational
services, financial institutes and extension services.


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