Issue: 1.0
Reference: SYM/ADAPT2 On-line Candidate Handbook White Star Aviation
Date: 25th August 2021
Prepared By: Simon Bates
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Introduction .............................................................................................................................................................6
Data Protection .......................................................................................................................................................7
1. Assessment: What Should I Expect?................................................................................................................8
1.1 Link to the ADAPT On-line Website .........................................................................................................8
1.2 Log In Screen............................................................................................................................................8
2. ADAPT Personality Questionnaire (APQ) .......................................................................................................13
2.1 Instructions ............................................................................................................................................13
2.1.1 Question Type 1 .............................................................................................................................14
2.1.2 Question Type 2 .............................................................................................................................14
2.1.3 Question Type 3 .............................................................................................................................14
3. Mathematics Stage ........................................................................................................................................16
3.1 Instructions ............................................................................................................................................16
3.2 Maths Paper ..........................................................................................................................................16
3.2.1 Progressive ....................................................................................................................................16
3.3 Topics Covered ......................................................................................................................................16
3.3.1 Progressive ....................................................................................................................................16
3.4 Formulas ................................................................................................................................................17
3.5 Example Questions ................................................................................................................................17
3.5.1 Example Math Questions – Answers: ................................................................................................18
4 Physics Stage..................................................................................................................................................19
4.1 Instructions ............................................................................................................................................19
4.2 Physics Papers........................................................................................................................................19
4.2.1 Progressive ....................................................................................................................................19
4.3 Topics Covered ......................................................................................................................................20
4.3.1 Progressive ....................................................................................................................................20
4.4 Formulas ................................................................................................................................................20
4.5 Example Questions ................................................................................................................................20
4.5.1 Example Physics Questions - Answers ...............................................................................................21
5. FAST ...............................................................................................................................................................22
5.2 Step by Step Guide to FAST ...................................................................................................................23
5.2.1 Information on System Configuration and Requirements ............................................................23
5.2.2 Information on the FAST System ...................................................................................................25
5.2.3 Information on the FAST Assessment ...........................................................................................25
6. Cognitive Testing ...........................................................................................................................................28
Figure 1: Adapt 2 Login Screen ..................................................................................................................... 8
Figure 2: Opening Online Registration Screen ................................................................................................ 9
Figure 3: GDPR Acceptance .......................................................................................................................... 9
Figure 4: Personal Details Entry .................................................................................................................... 9
Figure 5: Contact Details Entry.................................................................................................................... 10
Figure 6: Your Account Details Entry ........................................................................................................... 10
Figure 7: Activation of Your Account............................................................................................................ 11
Figure 8: Registration Completion ............................................................................................................... 11
Figure 9: Candidate Assessments Menu ....................................................................................................... 11
Figure 10: List of Allocated Tests ................................................................................................................ 12
Figure 11: Conditions of use ....................................................................................................................... 13
Figure 12: APQ Instruction Screen .............................................................................................................. 13
Figure 13: APQ Question Type 1 ................................................................................................................. 14
Figure 14: APQ Question Type 2 ................................................................................................................. 14
Figure 15: APQ Question Type 3 ................................................................................................................. 14
Figure 16: Example of APQ Question Layout ................................................................................................ 15
Figure 17: Mathematics Instructions Screen ................................................................................................. 16
Figure 18: Physics Instructions Screen ......................................................................................................... 19
Figure 19: FAST Assessment Screen ............................................................................................................ 22
Figure 20: FAST Welcome Screen ................................................................................................................ 23
Figure 21: Explanation of Audio Requirements ............................................................................................. 23
Figure 22: FAST What to expect .................................................................................................................. 24
Figure 23: FAST What we expect ................................................................................................................ 24
Figure 24: FAST What we expect ................................................................................................................ 24
Figure 25: Information on Physical Assessment ............................................................................................ 25
Figure 26: Information on Cockpit Monitoring .............................................................................................. 25
Figure 27: Information on Flight Path .......................................................................................................... 26
Figure 28: Information on Reporting ........................................................................................................... 26
Figure 29: Information on Questions ........................................................................................................... 27
Figure 30: FAST Test Debrief Instructions .................................................................................................... 27
Figure 31: Cognitive Reasoning Instruction Page .......................................................................................... 28
Figure 32: Central Screen. .......................................................................................................................... 33
Figure 33: Sample Assessment End Screen .................................................................................................. 33
Symbiotics Ltd has developed ADAPT Online as a unique assessment tool that can support various training
systems. The purpose of this tool is to find out if you are right for a job and then to offer guidance to help
you develop your skills to match those that are needed. Our aims are to get the best from you and make
sure that you get the most out of your training.
There a number of elements that can make up the ADAPT Online package and you will be required to
complete a combination of the following elements:
Please contact the organization that has requested you complete the assessment for any further details.
Data Protection
Symbiotics Ltd will only collect and store personnel information relating to and pertaining to you for 24
months, as requested by Symbiotics Ltd. At the end of this period Symbiotics Ltd will delete all record of you
and either delete the data you supplied or will anonymise it. Either way no data in our system will be
attributable to you after the retention period defined other than a copy of this introduction and your
The reason Symbiotics Ltd keeps data in an anonymised form is for verification purposes. Firstly, it allows
Symbiotics Ltd to verify that the assessments are fair to all groups of people, and this is why we ask some
questions about your background. This information is not used in the assessment but allows us to determine
that the assessment is not prejudicial to a particular group of people. Secondly, it allows Symbiotics Ltd to
confirm that the comparisons made within the system against the general population remain up to date.
The data you provide through the assessment process will be stored on Symbiotics Ltd secure computers
located on our premises in the UK. The data will be used via determinist algorithms to provide Symbiotics Ltd
with a report on how you have performed in the assessment tests
No other third party (other than if demanded by a UK court of law order) will have access to this report or the
raw data you supply. Additionally, within Symbiotics Ltd only staff with a valid reason to process will have
access to your data and this will be kept to a minimum number of people.
You have the right for incorrect, out of date or misleading information relating to you to be corrected.
You should email with your request and it will be actioned provided it is a
legitimate request.
Right to be forgotten
You have the right to "be forgotten", the right to request that we stop processing your data and the right to
object to the method by which we are processing your data.
All these requests should be made to who will inform Symbiotics Ltd of
the request. These requests will be actioned provided a) we do not have a legal requirement to retain your
data or b) Symbiotics Ltd has a contractual agreement with you that requires that we retain the data for the
specified retention period.
If either of these are the case you will be notified of the reason why we cannot remove your data at this time.
To log in to the Assessment Tool, please click the link below or paste it into your browser:
We recommend you use Google Chrome and a std PC or laptop to access the assessments.
If your assessment includes the FAST test you will need a separate keyboard
The link will take you to the below screen. Please click on the “Got a licence code? Register here” link shown
in below screenshot.
protection policy or you will just be asked to confirm acceptance via a check box. If you are required to
have an activation code to do this, you will require access to your e-mail to retrieve this additional code.
You will then proceed to a screen where you will read our General Data Protection policy and have to accept it.
Which will lead on to a screen for you to enter your contact details
This will lead on to a screen where you set your account login information
The tests that you have been allocated will load. Click ‘Launch’ to receive the instructions for your first test.
A declaration is presented at the beginning of every test. Upon reading the conditions of use, click ‘start test’
to progress.
The questionnaire is split in to 11 sections. The questions will change in length and there are 3
different question types, all of which have 4 multiple choice options:
Do not spend too long thinking about each question – your first reaction is usually the best. The
information given may not be as detailed as you want, but answer the best you can. Be as honest
and truthful as you can. Do not give an answer just because it seems like the right thing to say.
Please ask the assessor or examiner if you do not understand any of the words used in the
Your answers will be saved at the end of each page, so you can come back and carry on with the
questionnaire if you get disconnected. You can go back and change any answers once you have
pressed ‘next’. You need to answer all questions in all sections. You will not be allowed to finish the
questionnaire until all the questions are answered. The left hand bar on the screen will show you
how many questions are still to be answered on the page and how many pages are left to complete
as well as the number of answers required to complete the page.
The ‘finish’ button will only activate once all questions on all pages have been answered.
3. Mathematics Stage
3.1 Instructions
The test will automatically finish after 30 minutes whether or not you have answered all the questions.
You will be logged out of the test and your data uploaded. If you finish the assessment within 30 minutes
you may click ‘finish’ to exit the test. Your data will be uploaded – you will not be able to return to the
You may choose which questions you answer and in what order.
3.4 Formulas
Below is not an all-inclusive list; familiarising yourself with the topics outlined above should ensure you
are aware of all the relevant formulas, including:
(a) Speed = Distance / Time
(b) Cosine and Sine rules
(c) Pythagoras’s theorem: c2 = a2 + b2
(d) Angles in a triangle add up to 180°
(e) Trigonometry ratios
1. From a boat, the angle of elevation of the foot of a lighthouse on the edge of a cliff is 34°. If the cliff is 150
m high, how far from the base of the cliff is the boat.
2. If you are flying on a heading of 037° and make a left turn of 45°, what will be your new heading?
3. A letter is to be chosen at random from this set of letter-cards. What is the probability that the letter is an
5. An aircraft has an airspeed of 275 km/h, and flies on a bearing of 295. The wind is blowing at a speed of 225
km/h from West to East. What is the head wind and what is the cross wind?
4 Physics Stage
4.1 Instructions
Read the instructions carefully before you click ‘next’ to start the test. The test is 30 minutes long and the
timer will commence when you start the test. Click ‘next’ to move on to the next page of the test. You
may use the ‘next’ and ‘previous’ buttons to scroll through the pages of the test.
The test will automatically finish after 30 minutes whether or not you have answered all the questions.
You will be logged out of the test and your data uploaded.
If you finish the assessment within 30 minutes you may click ‘finish’ to exit the test. Your data will be
uploaded – you will not be able to return to the assessment.
You may choose which questions you answer and in what order.
4.3.1 Progressive
(a) Properties of solids, liquids and gases
(b) Magnets
(c) Energy
(d) Mass and weight
(e) Waves – mechanical and electromagnetic
(f) Basic circuitry
(g) Units of measurement
(h) The universe
(i) Pressure
(j) Acceleration
(k) Force
(l) Circuitry – current and resistors
(m) Velocity
(n) Levers
(o) Springs
(p) Balancing weights
4.4 Formulas
Below is not an all-inclusive list; familiarising yourself with the topics outlined above should ensure you
are aware of all the relevant formulas, including:
(b) Speed = Distance/Time
(c) Gas laws – Boyle-Mariotte law, Gay-Lussac law, Dalton’s law
(d) Newton’s equations of motion
(e) Hooke's Law
(f) Bernoulli’s Theorem
(g) Ohm’s Law
1. In an emergency stop, a driver applies the brakes in a car travelling at 24 ms-1. The car stops after travelling
19.2m while braking. Calculate the average acceleration of the car during braking?
2. Calculate the current passing through a 6.8 Ω resistor when it is connected to a 9V battery:
3. A sample of ideal gas has a volume of 1.50 x 10-4 m3 at a temperature of 22°C and a pressure of 1.20 x 105
Pa. If the volume of the gas remains constant, calculate the temperature (in Kelvin not °C) at which the
pressure of the gas is 2.00 x 105 Pa.
4. In a game of cricket, a ball leaves a bat in a horizontal direction from a height of 0.39 m above the ground.
The speed of the ball is 35 ms-1. The ball takes 0.28 seconds to reach the ground again. What horizontal
distance has the ball travelled in this time?
5. In the diagram below, Aircraft A is flying East and maintaining a groundspeed of 340 kt (a kt = speed of 1
NM / hr). Aircraft B is flying in the same direction as aircraft A but 210 NM ahead, maintaining a ground
speed of 280 kt. Aircraft A will catch Aircraft B at Point ‘X’. What distance will Aircraft B have travelled
when this event occurs?
• Answer cognitive questions. The types of cognitive questions you will be asked are:
(a) Numerical Reasoning
(b) Verbal Reasoning
(c) Abstract Reasoning
(d) Perceptual Speed and Accuracy
(e) Spatial Relationship Reasoning
(f) Working Memory
( Note: Examples of these types of questions can be found online)
6. Cognitive Testing
Numerical Reasoning These questions are testing your ability to use, interpret and manipulate numbers and
mathematical data.
Verbal Reasoning These questions are testing your ability to analyse, interpret and understand written
Spatial Relationship These questions are testing your ability to see spatial patterns and move or rotate
Reasoning these in your mind to solve visual problems.
Abstract Reasoning These questions are testing your ability to recognise patterns and similarities between
shapes and figures.
Perceptual Speed and These questions are testing your ability to work quickly and accurately to find
Accuracy information from numbers or images.
Working Memory These questions are testing your ability to hold, retrieve and use information held in
short term memory.
You will receive specific instructions along with example questions for each question type shortly.
All questions are multiple choice in format and will either have three or four answer options to select from,
only one of which is correct.
You will need to read each question carefully before responding. You will not be able to go back to change
your answers: you will need to work accurately but quickly in order to complete the test within the time limit.
Each question set will have 6 questions, making a maximum total of 42 questions in the paper.
All questions will be multiple choice in format and will have 4 answer options available, only 1 of which is
correct. Question types include:
1) Basic Algebra
2) Sequences
3) Fractions, Decimals and Percentages
4) Arithmetic
5) Conversions
6) Speed / Distance / Time calculations
For example:
Calculate how many miles there are in 64 km.
a) 40 miles
b) 48 miles
c) 45 miles
d) 50 miles
Answer = A
All questions will be multiple choice in format and will have 3 answer options available, only 1 of which is
correct. Question types include:
1) Anagrams
2) Aviation Acronyms
3) Connections
4) Synonyms
5) Antonyms
6) Logic
For example:
Select the word most opposite in meaning to regular.
a) Normal
b) Usual
c) Unusual
Answer = C
For example:
Select the option that shows a reflection of this image in the red line:
Answer = C
For example:
Select the odd image that does not fit with the other images:
Answer = B
For example:
Select the sequence that exactly matches the one below:
Answer = A
For example:
Select the sequence that exactly matches the one below:
Answer = A
Once a test has been completed click on the “Return to your assessments” link to access your next test. When
you have completed all the tests please click on “Logout” at the top of the web page. This will upload your
results to Symbiotics Ltd. Your results report will be generated and sent to the Academy.