Essentials of The Living World 5th Edition George Johnson Solutions Manual 1

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Essentials of The Living World 5th Edition George Johnson

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Test bank:

6 Photosynthesis: Acquiring Energy from the Sun



 Define photosynthesis, and name the three layers of a leaf through which light must pass to reach
chloroplasts (6.1.1).
 Diagram the structure of a chloroplast, and contrast the light-dependent and light-independent
reactions that occur there (6.1.2).
 Describe what a photon is made of, and state in what way its energy is related to its wavelength
 List the five stages of the light-dependent reactions (6.2.2).
 Describe the function of the electron transport system (6.3.1).
 Define chemiosmosis, and state the function of ATP synthase (6.3.2).
 Differentiate between photosystems I and II (6.3.3).
 Describe the function of the Calvin cycle, and explain why it requires NADPH as well as ATP (6.4.1).
 Contrast C3, C4, and CAM photosynthesis (6.5.1).

Photosynthesis (p. 106)

6.1 An Overview of Photosynthesis (p. 106; Text art pages 106–109)
A. The ultimate source of energy on earth is energy from the sun, and less than 1% of the energy
from sunlight is captured by plants in photosynthesis.
B. Mesophyll cells in plant leaves contain organelles called chloroplasts.
1. The interior of the chloroplast is made up of membranes organized into flattened sacs
called thylakoids and a fluid substance called stroma.
2. Thylakoids are often grouped into stacks called grana.
3. Chlorophyll pigments are located in the thylakoids and are grouped together in a light-
capturing network called a photosystem.
4. When light waves of the correct wavelength strike chlorophyll molecules in the
photosystem, energy is passed from one chlorophyll molecule to the next until it is
eventually transferred to a key chlorophyll molecule touching a membrane-bound
5. The chlorophyll transfers a high-energy electron to the acceptor molecule it is touching,
the electron is then passed along a series of proteins, and its energy is used to make
molecules such as ATP and NADPH.
C. Overall, photosynthesis occurs in three stages: (1) sunlight energy capture; (2) making ATP
from the energy; and (3) using ATP to manufacture organic compounds from carbon dioxide.
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D. The first two stages are the light-dependent reactions, and the third involves the Calvin cycle,
or light-independent reactions.
6.2 How Plants Capture Energy from Sunlight (p. 110; Figs. 6.1–6.4)
A. Light consists of tiny packets called photons.
B. We perceive photons of energy only in the visible light range of the entire electromagnetic
1. Pigments are molecules capable of absorbing light.
2. Retinal, the pigment in human eyes, can absorb light in the violet to red range of visible
C. Pigments and Photosystems
1. Plant pigments, such as chlorophyll, also absorb and capture light energy.
2. In plants, the light-dependent reactions of photosynthesis occur on membranes in the
chloroplasts, within photosystems.
3. A photosystem is a network of pigment molecules and proteins on the surface of a
photosynthetic membrane.
4. The photosystem channels energy to a specific chlorophyll a molecule, called the
reaction center chlorophyll, which passes the energy, in the form of an excited electron,
out of the photosystem.
D. Using Two Photosystems
1. Plants and algae employ two photosystems in series, photosystems I and II, which use
the electron energy to reduce NADP+ to NADPH with enough left over to make ATP.
6.3 How Photosystems Convert Light to Chemical Energy (p. 112; Figs. 6.5, 6.6)
A. Photosystem II
1. In photosystem II, energy from light is captured by the antenna complex, the portion of
the photosystem that contains the pigment molecules.
2. The energy is funneled to the reaction center chlorophyll molecule, which gives up an
excited electron to the electron transport system.
3. An enzyme splits water, and oxygen is released while the electrons from water are used
to replace those that were boosted from the reaction center by sunlight.
B. Electron Transport System
1. The electron boosted from photosystem II is carried to photosystem I by a series of
electron carrier molecules.
2. One of the electron carrier molecules is a proton pump.
C. Making ATP: Chemiosmosis
1. Protons enter the thylakoid membranes at embedded proton pumps, causing a buildup of
protons in the thylakoid space.
2. Protons diffuse back out, down their concentration gradient, through special ATP
synthase channels, causing ADP to be phosphorylated to ATP.
D. Photosystem I: Making NADPH
1. The energized electron that entered the electron transport system from photosystem II
now arrives at photosystem I.
2. When photosystem I absorbs a photon of light, an electron from its reaction center is
boosted to an even higher energy level.
3. Electrons from photosystem I enter an electron transport system and are used to form
E. Products of the Light-Dependent Reactions
1. The products ATP and NADPH are passed on to the Calvin Cycle.
6.4 Building New Molecules (p. 114; Essential Biological Process 6A)
A. The Calvin Cycle
1. In C3 photosynthesis, plants use the Calvin cycle to assemble organic molecules, such as
2. ATP drives the cycle and NADPH from photosystem I provides a source of hydrogens
and the energetic electrons needed to bind them to carbon atoms.

Photorespiration (p. 115)

6.5 Photorespiration: Putting the Brakes on Photosynthesis (p. 115; Figs. 6.7, 6.8)
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A. Photorespiration short-circuits the production of glucose via the Calvin cycle in hot weather
when stomata are closed to conserve water.
1. When stomata are closed, O2 levels in leaves build up.
2. Rubisco, the enzyme that catalyzes the first step in the Calvin cycle, will then bind O 2
instead of CO2, disrupting the Calvin cycle.
B. C4 Photosynthesis
1. C4 photosynthesis has evolved as a means by which plants can conserve carbon dioxide
when conditions are hot and dry.
2. In C4 photosynthesis, carbon fixation first occurs in the mesophyll cells, and then CO 2 is
regenerated in bundle sheath cells.
3. Because CO2 cannot leak out of the bundle sheath cells, the concentration of CO 2 builds
up, the Calvin cycle proceeds, and the rate of photorespiration is lowered.
C. CAM photosynthesis
1. In CAM plants, the C4 pathway occurs during the night, and then during the day the
carbon dioxide is released to the Calvin cycle.

 photosynthesis (p. 106)
 chlorophyll (p. 108)
 light-dependent reaction (p. 109)
 Calvin cycle (p. 109)
 light-independent reaction (p. 109)
 photon (p. 110)
 electromagnetic spectrum (p. 110)
 pigment (p. 110)
 photosystem (p. 110)
 electron transport system (p. 111)
 chemiosmosis (p. 113)
 C3 photosynthesis (p. 114)
 carbon fixation (p. 114)
 stomata (stoma) (p. 115)
 photorespiration (p. 115)
 C4 photosynthesis (p. 115)
 crassulacean acid metabolism (CAM) (p. 115)


1. Photosynthesis Demonstration. Photosynthesis is easily demonstrated in the classroom using the
freshwater aquatic plants Elodea or Anacharis, which can usually be purchased inexpensively from
aquarium shops. Set up several pairs of test tubes, so that each small group of students has two test
tubes to work with. Have them fill each test tube half full of phenol red solution. Phenol red is a pH
indicator that turns red when its pH is 7 or more (the alkaline range) and changes to a pale yellow
when its pH is less than 7 (the acid range). Have two students in each group use straws to blow air into
their two test tubes until the phenol red turns yellow. They are adding carbon dioxide to the solution,
which makes it more acidic. Next, add a sprig of Elodea or Anacharis to one of each pair of test tubes,
leaving the other test tube with phenol red solution alone. Place the test tubes under lights (a desk lamp
will do) for 15 to 20 minutes. The Elodea rapidly begins to photosynthesize, using up the carbon
dioxide in the water. There should be a color change in the phenol red solution (it turns red again) after
the plant has used up enough carbon dioxide to raise the pH. Another indication that photosynthesis is
occurring can be seen by the tiny bubbles of oxygen that form in the test tubes containing the aquatic
plant sprigs.
Copyright © 2017 McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved. No reproduction or distribution without the prior written consent of McGraw-Hill
1. Is it possible to genetically engineer plants to be more efficient at photosynthesis? What specific area
would be the best for scientists to pursue in this regard? Explain your answer.
2. Explain why a plant might switch to using one photosystem to produce additional molecules of ATP.

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cloud and the sun, while the snake-like lightning symbols were painted
in white upon his powerful brown arms. A second attendant bore a great
bundle of prayer-plumes, and a third a bowl of water and a short, stiff
brush of turkey feathers.
Solemnly the planters met Mosu as he came toward them. Falling into
line behind him they marched solemnly around the field, and back to the
center where a hole had been dug and a stone slab placed over it in
imitation of the sipapuh in the kiva. Here they formed into a hollow
square, each side facing a point of the compass. The attendant distributed
the prayer-plumes, which each man held high in his left hand as Mosu
scattered the sacred meal to north, east, south and west, the zenith and
the nadir. Then into the bowl of water he dipped the turkey-feather brush,
sprinkling the earth toward the cardinal points. Marching about the
improvised sipapuh each man stamped upon it in passing. Then, stooping
reverently, they laid the prayer-plumes underneath the slab that covered
the excavation, and the ceremony was over.
“I wonder where Sado is,” said Wiki suddenly, as the boys passed the
spring at the head of the canyon on their way home.
“I hope we may see him again some time,” returned Kwasa. “Do you
suppose he has danced in the kiva yet?”
“Sometimes I wish we had not been ‘adopted,’” said Wiki almost
regretfully, “for I would like to throw the dice again.”
“Well, why not?” laughed Kwasa. “The men play at that game, and I
have never shown you old Honau’s trick. Besides, here are the dice. Let
us hurry home.”
The Luck of the Dice
The summer passed pleasantly in the village of the Cliff. When the men
went to the field to work the women often accompanied them, helping in
the cultivation of the crop and gathering the wild berries and edible
plants that grew in profusion in the fertile valley. In baskets swung from
their heads by woven and padded bands they carried the ripened peaches
up the steep stairs, spreading them out along the stone ledges to dry.
There was other work, too, that must be done while the weather was
warm and pleasant. New earthenware bowls must be made while they
could be baked in the summer sun. Garments of soft, exquisitely wrought
feather-cloth, and of fur strips wound on heavy cords and woven into
fabric, must be made ready for cold weather. There were new rooms to
be built, too, for the rapidly increasing population of the village made the
old quarters too crowded for winter comfort. So the men brought great
gray and brown rocks from the slopes of the canyon, carrying them
suspended from head bands as the women carried their baskets. These
were carefully chipped and dressed with the great stone mauls, and set
evenly and squarely into place, held there by layers of mortar which no
one except old Honau knew how to mix. Then the women made a thin,
plaster-like cement from colored earths and spread it on with their hands,
smoothing it down with many careful pats which left the prints of slender
brown fingers in many places on the wet wall. Sometimes the rooms
were brightened by wavy red and yellow lines running bandwise just
below the ceiling; sometimes they were decorated with sacred symbols
such as might bring a peculiar blessing to the household living in them.
But always, whatever the inside might be, the outside was cunningly
wrought to look like the forbidding walls of the cliff, gray, and dull
yellow and brown, with here and there mottled patches of subdued red,
so that an enemy might have hard work to spy them out in passing
through the canyon below.
It was nearly harvest time, and the corn was already ripening. Day after
day the watcher in the field tower, keen-eyed Haida, had reported
everything well, until the last lurking fears of even the old men were
almost forgotten. The storerooms were being repaired and made ready
for the new crop, and the men were working on a larger granary, or
storage cist, some distance below the level of the cavern, where the
heavy baskets of corn might be emptied without carrying them up the
last steep third of the ascent.
Then, early one morning, a wild-eyed messenger from the field tower
came hurtling up the niche stairs in the gray light to report evil tidings. A
band of savages, of what race he could not say, had ridden their fleet
ponies down through the canyons that night, carrying off and trampling
down a considerable part of the precious crop. And what was worse, they
had raided the very tower itself and had left Haida, whose practised eyes
had failed to see them in the moon-blinded lower trail, silent on his face
with an arrow between his shoulders. The messenger himself had
escaped only by dropping quickly into the farthest shadow of the
adjoining shelter-room and lying motionless against the darkest wall
until the last sound of the ponies’ drumming feet had died away in the
Mosu quieted the panic-stricken people who crowded about him in the
early light as well as he could. One thing was sure, if the people of the
Cliff were not to starve when the cold days came, the rest of the crop
must be saved. Wisely seeing in vigorous action the best remedy for fear,
he hastily organized men and women into bands for taking care of what
was left of the grain, giving to the women the actual work of gathering
that the men might be left free to protect them.
So, leaving the old men and smaller boys to look after the village, and
with many cautions to Bimba to keep speedy messengers always ready to
carry news of danger, the harvest bands went silently down the steep
stairs and passed swiftly through the canyons to the great field. Once
there, no time was lost in stripping the ears from the stalks and piling
them into the wide-mouthed baskets which the women carried on their
backs, and in cutting down the stalks with keen-edged flint knives to be
carried home in bundles on the shoulders of the big boys. The wheat-
heads were hastily snatched from their stems, to be shelled out by busy
fingers in the leisure hours of winter. They worked in nervous haste,
casting fearful glances up and down the canyon at every turn. From the
tower the new watchman who had taken dead Haida’s place strained his
eyes anxiously into vague distances, intent upon guarding, even to his
own death, those lives so dependent upon his vigilance.
Swiftly as they worked, and quickly as the many trips to and from the
village were made, it was many days before all the crop was safe and the
people could breathe more easily in their well-guarded cavern home. But
the old air of careless gayety was gone, and in its place was a constant
atmosphere of apprehension. No one knew when the bold savages,
encouraged by their success in the valley, might not undertake even so
difficult a task as the storming of the cliff fastness. Rumors, too, were
constantly afloat of murderous attacks on smaller outlying cliff
dwellings, and once a small party that had been down the canyon to look
for wild gourds came upon the body of a Cliffman, apparently from one
of those distant houses, lying stiff with a Ute arrow in his breast.
In a consultation of the old men it was at last decided that the best thing
to be done was to send messengers to the Rainbow and Bear Clans on the
south, which were probably so far free from attack, and to the Seven
Cities on the North, asking them to be ready to send aid should the
threatened danger fall. Mosu, standing stern and tall in the middle of the
court, told the people of this decision and asked for messengers.
“The Walpi road is a dangerous one,” he said, “to be undertaken by no
one who is afraid to lose his life. He must go alone, for one is as safe as
ten, and we have no lives to risk without great reason. I would not
willingly send any forth to such chance of death, but if one will offer
Before he could finish the sentence fifty men and youths had stepped
forward. Mosu looked at them with proud sadness.
“Your lives are precious to us,” he said, his eyes kindling, “and there are
many among you who cannot be spared. Let those who have wives and
children step back, for them we cannot lose.”
Reluctantly more than half of those who had come forth drew back
again. There remained only the young men, straight, supple, earnest-eyed
lads who were the very flower of the village. In their brown faces was no
sign of fear. Mosu scanned them, one by one, his lips set in a thin line,
his eyes tenderly kind.
“It is danger we offer you,” he said slowly, “but it is also the greatest
honor we can give. Choose among yourselves who shall be sent, for you
know your own worth.”
Kwasa stepped forward eagerly.
“Let us toss the dice,” he begged, “and hang our fortunes on the first who
shall throw the whites.”
Mosu thought a moment. The idea appealed to him in two ways; for one
thing, it removed from anyone the responsibility of sending a comrade
forth to possible death, and for another he knew the gambling spirit was
strong in every Cliffman’s breast and the decision of the dice would
never be disputed.
“Who has dice?” asked Mosu, turning to the onlookers.
Kwasa undid a fold of his belt and gave the priest the three sticks of cane
he had carried so long.
Mosu handed them to the boy who stood nearest. He tossed them
nervously, amid a breathless silence. As they came down showing two
reds and one white, a woman on the lower terrace gave a sobbing cry.
Turning toward her, his lip quivering with disappointment, the lad saw
his mother, and bounded across the court to where she sat.
“The gods be praised—they have not taken my son from me,” she said,
throwing her arms about his neck.
“But I would have served them well,” he cried, trying hard to keep back
unmanly tears.
One after another the youths came forward to try their fortunes with the
dice. But no one threw the whites together. Wiki, trembling with
eagerness, found them at his feet with all the red sides up, and gave place
to Kwasa, who came next.
Carefully placing the sticks in his fingers, and with a quick glance at old
Honau, who stood watching with much interest, Kwasa spun the dice
high in the air. And when they came down every one knew that the
danger and the honor had fallen to Kwasa by the favor of the gods. Tcua,
his old grandmother, scorning the weakness that fought its way to her
moist eyes, called him proudly to her side and touched the turquoise at
his throat.
“You will come back safe—it is a charm,” she said confidently.
But once more Kwasa hid the cane strips carefully in his belt.
“Yes, I will come back safe—for I have a charm,” he said, smiling.
So Kwasa took the long trail toward the Seven Cities alone and in the
dark, for so it was thought best, since he knew the first part of the way
well and would need daylight more after coming to the unknown
country. And because he had thrown the chance of next value, Wiki was
given the place of lesser honor, because of lesser danger, that of
messenger to the Clans of the Rainbow and the Bear.
On the Walpi Trail
If Kwasa had not felt so proud of the honor that had been shown him, he
might have feared to go down the long, dark canyons alone. But, boylike,
his thoughts were not so much on the danger of his task as they were
upon the rewards he might hope for when it was done, for he knew the
people of the Cliffs would pay royal honors where they were due. And
he never thought of failure, for surely one so high in favor with the gods
could not fail, however great the task.
So Kwasa picked his way with a light heart along the first well-known
part of the journey. He wanted to be far from home by daybreak, and
ready to undertake the unknown paths where he would need all his
sharpness of sight to keep the right direction. He had received many and
definite instructions from the old men, who knew the Walpi road well,
and he felt confident of his ability to reach the Seven Cities without loss
of time.
The sun came up, hot and strong, just as he emerged from the shadows of
the last wooded canyon and stepped forth upon the wide-spaced plateau
that stretched away toward Walpi. There was no chance for cover now,
he realized, a little startled at the thought, for he had not before
considered this difference between a trail on the plateau and one through
the canyons. If he had not been afraid both of delay and of losing the trail
if he should attempt to follow it by night he would have liked to lie down
in a hidden nook and wait for dusk again rather than to run the risk of a
race across such open and dangerous country by day. But he knew no
time should be lost, so, eating his breakfast from his food-bag as he went
along, he swung forward with the long, easy strides of one who is
accustomed to travel much by foot.
It was the middle of the forenoon when a fitful gust of wind brought a
strange, regular, pounding sound to his ears. He could not think what it
was. Again it came, louder than before, a sharp, ringing “clickety-
clicket,” that brought him to a standstill. Then, too late for flight or any
chance of concealment, he recognized the sound as one that he had never
heard more than once or twice in his life—the beating of hard-ridden
ponies’ hoofs.
In another minute he saw them coming, a cloud of dark, terrible riders in
fantastic head-dress, with their almost naked bodies horribly striped and
scarred. At a glance he knew them, though his only idea of them had
been formed from the tales he had heard the men tell, and in the same
moment gave himself up for lost. For they were the hated enemies whose
awful deeds made the blood run cold at the barest thought of them—the
Utes of the northeastern mountains.

Kwasa knew they had seen him.

Kwasa knew they had seen him, so, giving up the hope of hiding which
had flitted momentarily through his mind, he determined to stand his
ground and sell his life as dearly as he could. He ran a few steps from the
trail and placed his back against a jutting ledge of rock, at the same time
drawing his bow and setting one of his sharpest arrows. Hardly had he
time to make even this scanty preparation when they were upon him, a
yelling, death-dealing whirlwind of fiendish faces and quick-footed,
fiery-eyed ponies.
With an agonized thought of home, of the trust in which he now must
fail, and of the terrible danger which was sweeping down upon the Cliff
people, he drew his arrow back to the head. Excited as he was, he took
steady aim, and a painted warrior slid limply from his pony’s neck and
rolled over in the dust. As he hastily fitted another arrow he felt a
stinging pain in his throat, his hand lost its strength, the sky reeled about
him and turned dark—and then he knew no more.
When he came to himself again he lay where he had fallen on his face in
the red dust of the plateau. How sick and dizzy he felt! His first thought
was to wonder how he came there; the next to remember that the Utes
were headed straight for the canyons, on what awful errand he did not
dare to think. He knew the Cliff village could be held for some time, but
would not these fiendish foes at last be able to overcome the peaceful,
unwarlike men of the Cliffs, no matter what their advantages might be?
Help must be brought, and brought quickly. A glance at the sun assured
him that he had not long lain unconscious, even though he knew he must
have been left for dead. With a great effort he pulled himself to his feet.
How black the sunlight grew! And what was that queer, choking thing
that seemed to be gripping him by the throat? Putting up his hand, he felt
the shaft of an arrow which had pierced his neck, running through until
the point projected above his shoulders. With a shudder he tried to pull it
out, but the pain turned him sick again. Then, too, even through the
turmoil of his thoughts he realized that to remove the arrow would mean
a great and weakening loss of blood. So, blinded and choking as he was,
the brave lad stumbled along as fast as he could, imploring the gods to
give him strength to reach Walpi and send aid to his people before he
should die.
It seemed ages before he saw the dark outlines of the pueblo of Walpi
rising above the rounded crest of the mesa. But it was not so far from
where he fell after all, for he had been nearer than he believed when the
attack occurred. He could never quite remember how things happened
after that. He had a vague memory of Sado’s voice calling out in sharp
surprise, of telling his story quickly between the gasps of his failing
breath, and of a sudden great bustle in the court of the pueblo. Only one
thing he remembered distinctly, the sudden idea that flashed through his
mind at sight of Sado.
“The hidden path,” he gasped, “tell them to take the hidden path. It will
bring them up from the back. No one knows it except—except—” and
here in spite of himself his voice trailed off into silence and the blindness
that was worse than midnight came over his eyes again.
As in a dream he heard Sado’s excited reply:
“I know—I know—I will lead them. Have no fear, for we will save your
people yet!”
And then gentle hands laid him down, and he thought no more except
that it was very good to rest.
The terrible Battle of the Cliffs had been fought and done for many
weeks before Kwasa was strong enough to hear about it. For the arrow in
his throat had come very near indeed to causing his death, and only the
tender nursing of careful and practised hands could have brought him
back to life and strength again. There was one pair of slim, soft hands
that he always knew, even through his delirium, so gentle and capable
were they, and so soothingly did they place upon his poor, torn throat the
cooling poultices of pounded herbs. After he grew able to think again he
fell to wondering what the face would be like that belonged with such
dear, gentle fingers; but so weary and listless was he that even after the
thought came it was a long time before he opened his eyes to see. But
when he did look up into the beautiful young face that bent so anxiously
above him, he knew that one of two things would surely happen—either
he would stay at Walpi forever, or he would not go back to the canyons
And that day Kwasa heard the story of the Battle of the Cliffs. It was
Sado who told it, helping the words with vivid gestures of his long,
brown fingers. He told how bravely the men of the village had held their
own for many long and fearful hours, even against the death-bearing
poisoned arrows of their foes; and how, hard pressed as they were and
overwhelmed by numbers, as the Utes swarmed up the niche stairway,
the men who stood along the ledge sold their lives at a heavy price. And
then, just as the Utes were sounding their wild whoop of final victory,
and were pressing upward unchecked over the narrow stair, so slippery
with the horrible slime of blood, the fresh band of fighters which Sado
had led secretly up the hidden path sounded their battle cry from the
back of the long court into which they had come unseen. At this the
savages had wavered a moment in surprise, and then, seeing the lithe
brown bodies of the men of Walpi, whose prowess they knew of old, had
broken and fled, many of them losing their foothold and falling down the
face of the cliff to a horrible death on the rocks below. And just then had
come up from the south the bands from the Rainbow and Bear Clans,
summoned by Wiki, and before the sun had set upon the narrow valley
the grass was stained with a deeper red than that of the red dust. Only
two Ute horsemen were able to break through the terrible ring of death
that shut them in and get away on their fleet ponies. And that, said Sado,
was just as it should be, for with the story of that disastrous fight as a
warning it would be long before the northern tribes would attempt to take
The day came at last when Kwasa was strong enough to go back to his
people. Glad as he was at the thought of seeing them all again, a greater
gladness lay at his heart—a joy even greater than all the honor that his
grateful people were waiting to give could bring. For Ani, the gentle
sister of Sado, who had nursed the stricken messenger so faithfully and
well, was easily persuaded that her services might still be needed by her
brave young patient. So she decided to go back across the mesas and
down the cool, dusky canyon paths with him, lest evil should again befall
So it happened that when the rejoicing people of the Cliffs came down
the niche stairway to welcome their honored hero, they took also to their
grateful hearts the dark-eyed girl who had saved him from death for
them. And not the less did they love her because she was the sister of
Sado, who had brought them help in their hour of greatest need.
“But what of Wiki?” said Kwasa, when they would have overwhelmed
him with loving honors.
“He has had his share,” answered Wiki himself, pressing the hand of his
old playfellow affectionately. “Besides, my little deed needed no honor,
since it did not require a particularly stout heart to run an errand where
there was no danger. Yet Mosu has promised me no less a gift than that I
should lead the dance of the priests in his own place at the next Blessing
of Seeds. And he says he will make a priest of me when the time comes.
Besides—” he paused in some confusion, and beckoned to a pretty
brown maiden who stood not far away.
“Besides?” prompted Kwasa with a smile.
“Not all the maidens in the world dwell on the mesa of the Seven Cities,”
blurted out Wiki, taking the girl’s slender fingers in his own.
Kwasa laughed, then his face grew grave.
“Yet it was well for me that one maid dwelt there,” he said softly,
looking up into Ani’s sweet face with adoring eyes.
7c—Supplementary Readers and Classics for all Grades—7c
☞ This list is constantly being added to. If a substantial number of
books are to be ordered, or if other titles than those shown here are
desired, send for latest list.

Fables and Myths
*6 Fairy Stories of the Moon—Maguire
*27 Eleven Fables from Æsop—Reiter
*28 More Fables from Æsop—Reiter
*29 Indian Myths—Bush
*140 Nursery Tales—Taylor
*288 Primer from Fableland—Maguire
*1 Little Plant People—Part I—Chase
*2 Little Plant People—Part II—Chase
*30 Story of a Sunbeam—Miller
*31 Kitty Mittens and Her Friends—Chase
*32 Patriotic Stories—Reiter
*104 Mother Goose Reader—Faxon
*228 First Term Primer—Maguire
*230 Rhyme and Jingle Reader for Beginners
*245 Three Billy Goats Gruff and Other Stories

Fables and Myths
*33 Stories from Andersen—Taylor
*34 Stories from Grimm—Taylor
*36 Little Red Riding Hood—Reiter
*37 Jack and the Beanstalk—Reiter
*38 Adventures of a Brownie—Reiter
Nature and Industry
*3 Little Workers (Animal Stories)—Chase
*39 Little Wood Friends—Mayne
*40 Wings and Stings—Halifax
*41 Story of Wool—Mayne
*42 Bird Stories from the Poets—Jollie
History and Biography
*43 Story of the Mayflower—McCabe
*45 Boyhood of Washington—Reiter
*204 Boyhood of Lincoln—Reiter
*72 Bow-Wow and Mew-Mew—Craik
*152 Child’s Garden of Verses—Stevenson
*206 Picture Study Stories for Little Children
*220 Story of the Christ Child—Hushower
*262 Four Little Cotton Tails—Smith
*268 Four Little Cotton Tails in Winter—Smith
*269 Four Little Cotton Tails at Play—Smith
*270 Four Little Cotton Tails in Vacation—Smith
*290 Fuzz in Japan—A Child Life Reader
*300 Four Little Bushy Tails—Smith
*301 Patriotic Bushy Tails—Smith
*302 Tinkle Bell and Other Stories—Smith
*303 The Rainbow Fairy—Smith
*308 Story of Peter Rabbit—Potter

Fables and Myths
*46 Puss in Boots and Cinderella—Reiter
*47 Greek Myths—Klingensmith
*48 Nature Myths—Metcalfe
*50 Reynard the Fox—Best
*102 Thumbelina and Dream Stories—Reiter
*146 Sleeping Beauty and Other Stories
174 Sun Myths—Reiter
175 Norse Legends, I—Reiter
176 Norse Legends, II—Reiter
*177 Legends of the Rhineland—McCabe
*282 Siegfried and Other Rhine Legends
*289 The Snow Man and Other Stories
*292 East of the Sun and West of the Moon
Nature and Industry
*49 Buds, Stems and Fruits—Mayne
*51 Story of Flax—Mayne
*52 Story of Glass—Hanson
*53 Story of a Little Water Drop—Mayne
*133 Aunt Martha’s Corner Cupboard—Part I. Story of Tea and the
*135 Little People of the Hills—Chase
*137 Aunt Martha’s Corner Cupboard—Part II. Story of Sugar, Coffee
and Salt
*138 Aunt Martha’s Corner Cupboard—Part III. Story of Rice,
Currants and Honey
*203 Little Plant People of the Waterways—Chase
History and Biography
*4 Story of Washington—Reiter
*7 Story of Longfellow—McCabe
*21 Story of the Pilgrims—Powers
*44 Famous Early Americans (Smith, Standish, Penn)—Bush
*54 Story of Columbus—McCabe
55 Story of Whittier—McCabe
57 Story of Louisa M. Alcott—Bush
*59 Story of the Boston Tea Party—McCabe
*60 Children of the Northland—Bush
*62 Children of the South Lands—I (Florida, Cuba, Puerto Rico)—
*63 Children of the South Lands—II (Africa, Hawaii, The
*64 Child Life in the Colonies—I (New Amsterdam)—Baker
*65 Child Life in the Colonies—II (Pennsylvania)—Baker
*66 Child Life in the Colonies—III (Virginia)
*68 Stories of the Revolution—I (Ethan Allen and the Green
Mountain Boys)—McCabe
*69 Stories of the Revolution—II (Around Philadelphia)—McCabe
*70 Stories of the Revolution—III (Marion, the Swamp Fox)—
*132 Story of Franklin—Faris
*164 The Little Brown Baby and Other Babies
*165 Gemila, the Child of the Desert
*166 Louise on the Rhine and in Her New Home (Nos. 164, 165, 166
are the stories from “Seven Little Sisters” by Jane Andrews)
*167 Famous Artists—I—(Landseer and Bonheur)
*35 Little Goody Two Shoes
58 Selections from Alice and Phoebe Cary
*67 The Story of Robinson Crusoe—Bush
*71 Selections from Hiawatha (Five Grades)
*227 Our Animal Friends: How to Treat Them
*233 Poems Worth Knowing—Book I—Primary

Nature and Industry
*75 Story of Coal—McKane
*76 Story of Wheat—Halifax
*77 Story of Cotton—Brown
*134 Conquests of Little Plant People—Chase
*136 Peeps into Bird Nooks—I—McFee
*181 Stories of the Stars—McFee
*205 Eyes and No Eyes and The Three Giants
History and Biography
*5 Story of Lincoln—Reiter
*56 Indian Children Tales—Bush
*78 Stories of the Backwoods—Reiter
*79 A Little New England Viking—Baker
*81 Story of De Soto—Hatfield
*82 Story of Daniel Boone—Reiter
*83 Story of Printing—McCabe
*84 Story of David Crockett—Reiter
*85 Story of Patrick Henry—Littlefield
*86 American Inventors—I (Whitney, Fulton)
*87 American Inventors—II (Morse, Edison)
*88 American Naval Heroes (Jones, Perry, Farragut)—Bush
*89 Fremont and Kit Carson—Judd
*91 Story of Eugene Field—McCabe
*178 Story of Lexington and Bunker Hill—Baker
*182 Story of Joan of Arc—McFee
*207 Famous Artists—II—Reynolds and Murillo
*243 Famous Artists—III—Millet
*248 Makers of European History—White
*90 Fifteen Selections from Longfellow—(Village Blacksmith,
Children’s Hour, etc.)
*95 Japanese Myths and Legends—McFee
*103 Stories from the Old Testament—McFee
*111 Water Babies (Abridged)—Kingsley
*159 Little Lame Prince (Cond.)—Mulock
*171 Tolmi of the Tree-Tops—Grimes
*172 Labu the Little Lake Dweller—Grimes
*173 Tara of the Tents—Grimes
*195 Night before Christmas and Other Christmas Poems and Stories
(Any Grade)
*201 Alice’s First Adventures in Wonderland
*202 Alice’s Further Adventures in Wonderland
*256 Bolo the Cave Boy—Grimes
*257 Kwasa the Cliff Dweller—Grimes
*291 Voyage to Lilliput (Abridged)—Swift
*293 Hansel and Grettel, and Pretty Goldilocks
*304 Story Lessons in Everyday Manners—Bailey
*312 Legends from Many Lands—Bailey
*314 The Enchanted Bugle and Other Stories

Nature and Industry
*92 Animal Life in the Sea—Reiter
*93 Story of Silk—Brown
*94 Story of Sugar—Reiter
*96 What We Drink (Tea, Coffee and Cocoa)
*139 Peeps into Bird Nooks—II
210 Snowdrops and Crocuses
263 The Sky Family—Denton
*280 Making of the World—Herndon
*281 Builders of the World—Herndon
*283 Stories of Time—Bush
*290 Story of King Corn—Cooley
History and Biography
*16 Explorations of the Northwest
*80 Story of the Cabots—McBride
*97 Stories of the Norsemen—Hanson
*98 Story of Nathan Hale—McCabe
*99 Story of Jefferson—McCabe
100 Story of Bryant—McFee
*101 Story of Robert E. Lee—McKane
105 Story of Canada—McCabe
*106 Story of Mexico—McCabe
*107 Story of Robert Louis Stevenson—Bush
110 Story of Hawthorne—McFee
112 Biographical Stories—Hawthorne
*141 Story of Grant—McKane
*144 Story of Steam—McCabe
*145 Story of McKinley—McBride
157 Story of Dickens—Smith
*179 Story of the Flag—Baker
*185 Story of the First Crusade—Mead
190 Story of Father Hennepin—McBride
191 Story of La Salle—McBride
*217 Story of Florence Nightingale—McFee
*218 Story of Peter Cooper—McFee
*219 Little Stories of Discovery—Halsey
232 Story of Shakespeare—Grames
*265 Four Little Discoverers in Panama—Bush
274 Stories from Grandfather’s Chair—Hawthorne
*275 When Plymouth Colony Was Young
*287 Life in Colonial Days—Tillinghast
*8 King of the Golden River—Ruskin
*9 The Golden Touch—Hawthorne
*61 Story of Sindbad the Sailor
*108 History in Verse
*113 Little Daffydowndilly and Other Stories
*180 Story of Aladdin and of Ali Baba—Lewis
*183 A Dog of Flanders—De La Ramee
*184 The Nurnberg Stove—De La Ramee
*186 Heroes from King Arthur—Grames
194 Whittier’s Poems—Selected
*199 Jackanapes—Ewing
*200 The Child of Urbino—De La Ramee
208 Heroes of Asgard—Selections—Keary
*212 Stories of Robin Hood—Bush
*234 Poems Worth Knowing—Book II—Inter.
*244 What Happened at the Zoo—Bailey
*250 At the Back of the North Wind, Selection from—Macdonald
255 Chinese Fables and Stories—Feltges
*309 Moni the Goat Boy—Spyri
*313 In Nature’s Fairyland—Bailey

Nature and Industry
*109 Gifts of the Forests (Rubber, Cinchona, Resins, etc.)—McFee
249 Flowers and Birds of Illinois—Patterson
*298 Story of Leather—Peirce
*299 Story of Iron—Ogden
*271 Animal Husbandry, I—Horses and Cattle
*272 Animal Husbandry, II—Sheep and Swine
*114 Great European Cities—I (London-Paris)
*115 Great European Cities—II (Rome-Berlin)
*168 Great European Cities—III (St. Petersburg-Constantinople)—
*246 What I Saw in Japan—Griffis
*247 The Chinese and Their Country—Paulson
*285 Story of Panama and the Canal—Nida
History and Biography
*73 Four Great Musicians—Bush
*74 Four More Great Musicians—Bush
*116 Old English Heroes (Alfred, Richard the Lion-Hearted, The Black
*117 Later English Heroes (Cromwell, Wellington, Gladstone)—Bush
*160 Heroes of the Revolution—Tristram
*163 Stories of Courage—Bush
187 Lives of Webster and Clay—Tristram
*188 Story of Napoleon—Bush
*189 Stories of Heroism—Bush
*197 Story of Lafayette—Bush
198 Story of Roger Williams—Leighton
*209 Lewis and Clark Expedition—Herndon
*224 Story of William Tell—Hallock
*253 Story of the Aeroplane—Galbreath
*266 Story of Belgium—Griffis
*267 Story of Wheels—Bush
*286 Story of Slavery—Booker T. Washington
*310 Story of Frances E. Willard—Babcock
Stories of the States
508 Story of Florida—Bauskett
509 Story of Georgia—Derry
511 Story of Illinois—Smith
512 Story of Indiana—Clem
513 Story of Iowa—McFee
515 Story of Kentucky—Eubank
520 Story of Michigan—Skinner
521 Story of Minnesota—Skinner
523 Story of Missouri—Pierce
*525 Story of Nebraska—Mears
*528 Story of New Jersey—Hutchinson
533 Story of Ohio—Galbreath
*536 Story of Pennsylvania—March
*540 Story of Tennessee—Overall
542 Story of Utah—Young
546 Story of West Virginia—Shawkey
547 Story of Wisconsin—Skinner
*10 The Snow Image—Hawthorne
*11 Rip Van Winkle—Irving
*12 Legend of Sleepy Hollow—Irving
*22 Rab and His Friends—Brown
*24 Three Golden Apples—Hawthorne[2]
*25 The Miraculous Pitcher—Hawthorne[2]
*26 The Minotaur—Hawthorne
*118 A Tale of the White Hills and Other Stories—Hawthorne
*119 Bryant’s Thanatopsis, and Other Poems
*120 Ten Selections from Longfellow—(Paul Revere’s Ride, The
Skeleton in Armor, etc.)
*121 Selections from Holmes (The Wonderful One Hoss Shay, Old
Ironsides, and Others)
*122 The Pied Piper of Hamelin—Browning
161 The Great Carbuncle, Mr. Higginbotham’s Catastrophe,
162 The Pygmies—Hawthorne
*211 The Golden Fleece—Hawthorne
*222 Kingsley’s Greek Heroes—I. The Story of Perseus
*223 Kingsley’s Greek Heroes—II. The Story of Theseus
*225 Tennyson’s Poems—Selected (Any grade)
226 A Child’s Dream of a Star, and Other Stories
229 Responsive Bible Readings—Zeller
*258 The Pilgrim’s Progress (Abridged)—Simons
*264 The Story of Don Quixote—Bush
277 Thrift Stories—Benj. Franklin and Others
*284 Story of Little Nell (Dickens)—Smith
294 The Dragon’s Teeth—Hawthorne
*295 The Gentle Boy—Hawthorne

*13 Courtship of Miles Standish—Longfellow
*14 Evangeline—Longfellow[2]
*15 Snowbound—Whittier[2]
*20 The Great Stone Face—Hawthorne
123 Selections from Wordsworth (Ode on Immortality, We are Seven,
To the Cuckoo, and other poems)
124 Selections from Shelley and Keats
125 Selections from The Merchant of Venice
*147 Story of King Arthur, as told by Tennyson
*149 The Man Without a Country—Hale[2]
*192 Story of Jean Valjean—Grames
*193 Selections from the Sketch Book—Irving
196 The Gray Champion—Hawthorne
213 Poems of Thomas Moore—(Selected)
214 More Selections from the Sketch Book
*216 Lamb’s Tales from Shakespeare—Selected
*231 The Oregon Trail (Condensed)—Parkman
*235 Poems Worth Knowing—Book III—Grammar—Faxon
*238 Lamb’s Adventures of Ulysses—Part I
*239 Lamb’s Adventures of Ulysses—Part II
*241 Story of the Iliad—Church (Cond.)
*242 Story of the Æneid—Church (Cond.)
*251 Story of Language and Literature—Heilig
*252 The Battle of Waterloo—Hugo
*254 Story of “The Talisman” (Scott)—Weekes
*259 The Last of the Mohicans (Abridged)
*260 Oliver Twist (abridged)—Dickens
*261 Selected Tales of a Wayside Inn—Longfellow
*296 Uncle Tom’s Cabin (Condensed)
*297 Story of David Copperfield (Condensed)
*307 The Chariot Race—Wallace
*311 Story of Jerusalem—Heilig
*315 The Story of Armenia—Heilig
*278 Mars and Its Mysteries—Wilson
*279 True Story of the Man in the Moon—Wilson

*17 Enoch Arden—Tennyson[2]
*18 Vision of Sir Launfal—Lowell[2]
*19 Cotter’s Saturday Night—Burns[2]
*23 The Deserted Village—Goldsmith
*126 Rime of the Ancient Mariner—Coleridge[2]
*127 Gray’s Elegy and Other Poems
*128 Speeches of Lincoln
*129 Julius Cæsar—Selections—Shakespeare
130 Henry the VIII—Selections—Shakespeare
131 Macbeth—Selections—Shakespeare
*142 Scott’s Lady of the Lake—Canto I[2]
*154 Scott’s Lady of the Lake—Canto II[2]
143 Building of the Ship and Other Poems—Longfellow
148 Horatius, Ivry, The Armada—Macaulay
*150 Bunker Hill Address—Selections from Adams and Jefferson
*151 Gold Bug, The—Poe
153 Prisoner of Chillon and Other Poems—Byron[2]
155 Rhoecus and Other Poems—Lowell[2]
156 Edgar Allan Poe—Biography and Selected Poems—Link
*158 Washington’s Farewell Address
169 Abram Joseph Ryan—Biography and Selected Poems—Smith
170 Paul H. Hayne—Biography and Selected Poems—Link
215 Life of Samuel Johnson—Macaulay[2]
*221 Sir Roger de Coverley Papers—Addison[2]
*236 Poems Worth Knowing—Book IV Adv.
237 Lay of the Last Minstrel—Canto I—Scott[2]
276 Landing of the Pilgrims (Orations)—Webster
*305 Wee Willie Winkie—Kipling
*306 Howe’s Masquerade—Hawthorne

[2] These have biographical sketch of author, with introduction or
explanatory notes.

Price 7 Cents Each. Postage, 1 cent per copy extra on orders of less
than twelve.
The titles indicated by (*) are supplied also in Limp Cloth Binding at
12 cents per copy.
1 Evangeline. Biography, introduction, oral and written exercises and
notes. 18c
3 Courtship of Miles Standish. Longfellow. With introduction and
notes. 18c
5 Vision of Sir Launfal. Lowell. Biography, introduction, notes,
outlines. 12c
7 Enoch Arden. Tennyson. Biography, introduction, notes, outlines,
questions. 12c
9 Great Stone Face. Hawthorne. Biography, introduction, notes,
outlines. 12c
11 Browning’s Poems. Selected poems with notes and outlines for
study. 12c
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outlines. 12c
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children. 12c
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21 Cricket on the Hearth. Chas. Dickens. Complete with notes. 18c
23 Familiar Legends. McFee. 18c
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Sixth grades. 12c
27 Hiawatha. Introduction and notes. 30c
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questions, comments, pronouncing vocab. 24c
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238 pages. 30c
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