Stair Component

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This evidence sheet will form part of your portfolio of competency, it is imperative
that you FULLY EXPLAIN your actions in each box, NOT demonstrating competency
will result in the work being sent back to you.
Each document has been created bespoke to the Standards; therefore, you should
be able to complete each box for each specific practical skill.

Name Stair Components

S1, S2, S3, S5, S6, S8, B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, B6,
D2, D3, D5, D6, D9
Date Site Address

Explain how you applied safe working practices – Explain how you planned for the work and how
think H&S. S1 this made your work easier and more
productive. S2
Personal protective equipment (PPE) such as To reduce time and increase productivity, the
goggles, gloves, ear plugs, steel-toed boots, and cutting and placing of stair components by
high-visibility apparel were used. When working nailing them down, at the marked positions
at a height, we further ensured that there was have been done simultaneously. It made the
scaffolding in place to ensure our safety. process easier and quicker to complete.
Explain how you used hand AND power tools Explain how you calculated the materials
safely and how you stored them after use. S3, D5 needed for the work, including fixings. S5
We adopted a methodology to use a chop saw Because the total measurements can be readily
because it was more convenient than a hand saw assessed via the paperwork, specifications, and
for cutting the wood planks on either side for drawings, it was less difficult for us to get the
stair components. This included keeping necessary materials according to the supplied
ourselves at a specified distance, adjusting the and evaluated dimensions.
saw in a secure and specified position before
proceeding with the cut, ensuring the correct
rotation of blades, and ensuring that the guards
were properly placed. The chop saw had to be
disconnected before service and after use, which
was ensured.
Explain how you measured, marked, and fitted Explain how you used a level for both levelling
the materials to complete the work. S6 and plumbing; did you use a laser level? S6
Using basic mathematical calculations, such as We were asked to make stair components. The
arithmetic, algebra, geometry, calculus, and levelling was done by laser and the
statistics, materials were measured, amounts components, handrails, tread, and risers were
were totalled, and many other project planning properly placed as per the marked positions
activities were accomplished. Carpenters may
use mathematics to interpret blueprints and
calculate the quantities of materials required for
a project. Using the same criterion, the
dimensions of the building, softwood, and
hangers, including the fasteners, were
calculated, and multiplied by the standard
amount of materials required for standard and
specified measurements

Fully explain how you completed the work, what did you do? you will need to give a full account of the work
including PPE worn, hand and power tools used. MIN 500 WORDS S8, D9
In the morning, I put on my Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), which included a hard helmet,
high-visibility clothing, steel cap boots, eye shields and a dust mask as soon as I arrived at the yard
at 7:30 am. This was done to protect my health and safety as I worked. After that, I spoke to the
site manager about getting a sketch so I could figure out how many stair components are we going
to need. After collecting them from our store we drove them to the building site where they would
be installed. After that, we had to gather all of the necessary equipment and nails so that we could
nail the components in place. When we were nailing it into place, we had to work together as one
person is measuring the position it needs to be placed, and the other is putting it. The measuring
tape, the hammer, and the chop saw were all put into the van, and we headed out to the job site.
To guarantee that no one was hurt while they were working, my coworker and I went through the
time estimate and safety precautions that we needed to take into consideration. A dustpan and
brush were requested from the client as soon as we got to the site so that I could thoroughly clean
the area where we would be working and verify that it was safe for us to do so, We were able to
start working on our project immediately away because of this. No one was in danger of tripping or
falling since I disposed of all the extra junk in the dumpster. To measure the length of stairs, the
laser marker was used and the components were put at every 300 mm.
To secure each component, I walked outside and got the 2-inch nails, which I used to fasten the
stair components to the marks on the stairs. As soon as we got the go-ahead from the customer that
they were happy with our job, I loaded up the equipment into the back of the truck, threw out the
garbage, and packed away the remaining supplies. After that, I swept the area to return it to its pre-
job condition. We didn't complete securing our items until we returned to our yard and parked the
Explain how you communicated with others, Explain how you worked as part of a team to
including verbal, written, and body language. B1 complete the work. B2
We, my coworker and I discussed the flow of the By working simultaneously, my teammate and
method and how we would operate when we were I completed the assignment as a team. It was
on site, and we extensively studied the drawing to much easier to finish together if the task was
ensure that everything was correct. Furthermore, completed concurrently.
we documented all of the estimates relating to
material procurement and the equipment we
would need throughout the operation. In addition,
we queried the client about everything to
complete our work according to their

Explain how you worked alone on aspects of the During the task, you will need to make
installation; how did you take responsibility to decisions yourself, explain how you came to
complete the work? B3 what you did, and did you use logical
thinking? B4
I checked to make sure that all security measures I asked my coworker to first work on the
are in place and that no one is hurt. In addition, I risers so that would be less messy as they will
worked with my coworker to figure out how much be placed and the other work will be done
material we needed, hauled it to the truck, double- more conveniently.
checked the measurements, and then spoke with
the client to receive their feedback so that we
could finish our project as quickly as possible
When working on the task, how did you make sure When working on the above task, at some
that you were working to the deadline for the job? point you will have had to carry materials and
B5, B6 tools, explain how you carried them safely, so
you didn’t damage them. D2
When working on a job, we made certain that all The components were taken from the
work was completed following the timeline that workshop to the site in a truck.
we had previously established, and as a team. This
technique enabled us to complete our task by the

Explain how you prepared the area so you could Working in a mess can be dangerous, explain
complete your task, clearing the area of debris, how you made sure your work area was clean
material delivery, and hand & power tools needed. and tidy. D6
The area was prepared by putting all the debris We cleaned the work area to reduce the
and trash into the trash and vacuuming the whole chance of tripping, slips, and falls, as well as
work area so the work can be performed easily. other hazards

The completed work needs to be checked, explain

the process you followed to make sure that the
work you have installed is to the standards
required, ALSO, explain any alterations you may
have made because of your inspection. D7
As carpenters, each work we do is examined by
an inspector to make sure it will meet all the
requirements. After inspection, our work was
authorised by our inspector.
In this section, you must add supplementary evidence to reinforce what you have
written about, the easiest form of supplementary evidence is images – insert 10
images of you completing the task above, the images must include you
working on the task and show the progression of the work.

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