Supplier Readiness Manual - 20231013

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Supplier Readiness
Version 2.0
Edition 2023


Supplier Readiness is a specialized extension to the

APQP process that is specifically designed to manage
components with high risk or special priority and their
respective suppliers through all levels of the Global
Development and Product Evolution Process (GDPEP).
The Supplier Readiness concept is to take a proactive
and collaborative approach to ensure that the identified
ZF suppliers are fully ready to support production on

The goal of this program is to secure the right part, in

the right quantity, in the right quality and at the right
location for pre-series, ramp-up and the start of series
production. When properly executed, the Supplier
Readiness process allows ZF and the supplier to identify
and address potential issues early in the process,
thereby reducing the cost impact and chance of delay.

If a supplier is selected for the Supplier Readiness

process, the participation is mandatory.

The purpose of this manual is to provide a clear and

concise description of the Supplier Readiness process
for current and prospective ZF suppliers.

Michael Schmitt

Vice President Materials Management

Head of Supplier Management ZF Group

Table of Contents

1.1 Index of Terms 5

2.1 Roles in Readiness Project 7
2.2 Tools & Guidelines 7


Technical Review
3.2 APQP Kick-off Meeting 8 4 APPENDIX 12
Meeting Preparation 8 4.1 Checklist 12
Meeting Output 9
3.3 Supplier Readiness Project
Status Tracking 9
SupplyOn (eAPQP) 9
Milestone Meetings 9
Change Management 10
3.4 Sub-Supplier Readiness 10
3.5 Run@Rate 10
3.6 Safe Launch 11
3.7 Project Closure and Process
Release 11

1.1 Index of Terms

APQP Advanced Product Quality Planning

BoM Bill of Material

PEP Product Evolution Process

PPAP Production Part Approval Process

PTS Program Tracking System

RFQ Request for Quotation

SDB Sourcing Decision Board

SDE Supplier Development Engineer

SOP Start of Production

6 Supplier Readiness Manual
Introduction to Supplier Readiness

2 Introduction to Supplier Readiness

This manual will cover each stage of the Supplier

Readiness process shown in the diagram below.

There are five meeting types within the Supplier In preparation for the Technical Review the supplier shall
Readiness process (blue boxes): answer the questionnaire in ZF’s supplier communication
1. Technical Review (for suppliers which are portal SupplyON (module Technical Review) for which
candidates for nomination) the invitation is sent out as an information email after
2. APQP Kick-off meeting (for nominated suppliers) activation from ZF side.
3. Regular Milestone Meetings
4. Process Release Throughout the APQP process, the status and action
5. Final Project Meeting (optional) items are recorded and monitored through ZF’s supplier
communication portal SupplyON (module ProMa). The
usage of SupplyOn ProMa for APQP/PPAP is mandatory
for every nominated ZF supplier.

Supplier Readiness Process

BoM .......RFQ...Offer....... Short List ......................... Nomination ............................ APQP Kick off APQP Execution ........................................................... SOP

Readiness Team

ZF Supplier

SL Development SL Execution

Milestone Final Project

Meetings Com- Meeting
Approved pletion of (optional)
Technical Safe
Review in


2.1 Roles in Readiness Project 4.1) to guide the supplier through the process steps of
As a successful SOP depends on many varied factors, Supplier Readiness. This checklist will be provided to
Supplier Readiness requires the expertise of a cross- the supplier during the Technical Review prior to nomi-
functional team involving representatives both from sup- nation.
plier and ZF side. The supplier is expected to provide
support and the appropriate resources to the ZF Sup- ZF Supplier Communication Portals
plier Readiness team. The APQP phase of the Supplier Readiness process is
managed through the electronic communication plat-
2.2 Tools & Guidelines form of ZF, SupplyOn (Technical Review) and SupplyOn
There are a number of available tools provided by ZF to (ProMa). Suppliers selected for this process shall use
assist and guide the supplier through the Supplier Rea- this tool to track and report the status of the agreed
diness process. project milestones.

Quality Directive QD83

The guiding document that outlines the general ZF sup-
plier quality requirements, expectations and processes
is the Quality Assurance Directive for Purchased Items,
also known as QD83. ZF Group’s standard Advanced
Product Quality Planning (APQP) is a core element of
Supplier Readiness and is outlined in this publication.

Technical Review
The Technical Review is a questionnaire in the
SupplyON portal that shall be completed prior to the
Technical Review Meeting. It contains the following
• General Data (mandatory): information about the
project itself, the milestones and the involved
• Feasibility study (mandatory): already sent out with
the RFQ. Update discussion in SupplyOn.
• Compliance Matrix (mandatory for high and medium
risk components): confirmation of feasibility for all
items on the drawing.
• Sub-Supplier Tree (for high-risk components and
upon request by ZF): risk assessment for complete
supply chain (see Chapter 3.4).

Several tutorials for working with the Technical

Review are available on

ZF Template for Risk Assessment (VDA Maturity

Level Assurance)
This template should be used as standard for evaluation
of risks along the supply chain; equivalent templates can
also be accepted.

Supplier Readiness Checklist

ZF provides a Supplier Readiness Checklist (appendix
8 Supplier Readiness Manual
Supplier Readiness Process

3 Supplier Readiness Process

Purpose of the Supplier Readiness Process is to ensure a flawless
launch into serial production.

3.1 Technical Review

After determination of the components of increased risk, ZF schedules a
meeting with the respective suppliers in order to discuss the identified focus
points. The Technical Review questionnaire in SupplyOn will be reviewed
and completed in the Technical Review meeting and pre-development
measures will be addressed and documented. The output of this meeting
shall be a feasibility check, an action plan in order to close identified gaps
and the supplier’s commitment to the ZF Supplier Readiness process.

A completed technical review with an approval from ZF is required for a

supplier to be considered for sourcing.

3.2 APQP Kick-off Meeting

The APQP Kick-Off meeting is the official start of the APQP execution
between ZF and the nominated supplier.

Meeting Preparation
The APQP Kick-off meeting will be organized by ZF and can be held at the
supplier or at a ZF location or via a virtual meeting. The supplier shall be
given advance notice of the meeting to allow for adequate preparation. The
invitation to this meeting shall be sent by ZF to the supplier and will contain
an agenda and the necessary templates.

The following table outlines ZF’s expectations to the supplier with regards to
that preparation:

Preparation by • Cross-functional team defined

Supplier • Team members’ responsibilities
Project Organization
• Escalation Path defined
• DFMEA (initial, when applicable)
• PFMEA (initial)
Part Introduction • Understanding about part and
process (derived from released
drawings & specifications)
• Measurement & Testing
Machine and Process Planning
Equipment Concept (initial)
• Manufacturing Equipment &
Tooling Concept (initial)

Identified Items / Actions from • Closed action items

Technical Review (Feasibility
Study & Compliance Matrix) • Open tasks
• Initial Project and Milestone
Project Schedule Planning
Sub-Supplier Readiness • Detailed sub-supplier information

Conditions for Process Release • Necessary documentation defined


Meeting Output
The expected results of the Kick-off meeting are as follows:
• Clear understanding of all project targets
• Agreed project schedule
• On-site milestone meeting timeline to realize the APQP process,
including the integration of the sub-supplier readiness process
• APQP deliverables
• Open issue list / action plan
• Finalization of prioritized sub-supplier structure by updating the Sub-
Supplier Tree with risk categorization.

3.3 Supplier Readiness Project Status Tracking

The tool for status monitoring of the Supplier Readiness project is the
SupplyOn Project Management module (ProMa).

SupplyOn (eAPQP)
The Supplier Readiness project is set up by the Supplier Readiness Manager
(ZF Program SDE) in SupplyOn. Suppliers selected for this process will be
required to utilize this tool to track and report the status of the project. After
each gate, the work packages will be rated (red, yellow, green) and the
rating results will be shown in SupplyOn as project status. The project
members will be notified automatically by email about status changes of
work packages.

According to the status of work packages, the following measures may be

taken per the below chart:

Status Tracking Measures
(Frequency depends on problem) Readiness Project
Status Tracking
• Status report from supplier

Red • Virtual conference

• Additional on-site visit

• Status report from supplier

• Virtual conference

• No special measures – regular

check at SR milestone meetings

Milestone Meetings
Within the Kick-off meeting, milestone meetings and their frequency are
defined to achieve the APQP requirements.

Key points of the milestone meetings are:

• Review project timing
• Review and resolve any remaining open issues
10 Supplier Readiness Manual
Supplier Readiness Process

• Parts review
• Sub-supplier Readiness
• Factory visit

Change Management
Design changes influence the Supplier Readiness Process in that different
measures or process steps may need to be reviewed or repeated. Design
changes will be monitored within the status tracking process. A new
feasibility check is required for each new drawing release.

3.4 Sub-Supplier Readiness

Responsibility for sub-supplier APQP remains the responsibility of the direct
supplier to ZF. However, the Sub-Supplier Readiness Process helps define
risk and ZF may require additional activities to be carried out to reduce risk.
ZF will identify when the Sub Supplier Readiness process is required.

Sub-Supplier Readiness Process

Readiness Process

Safe Launch Execution

Safe Launch Development

Management Process

The starting point of the Sub-Supplier Readiness process is the Sub-Supplier

Tree including risk classification, which determines the risk of each sub-
supplier and creates the critical paths within the Sub-Supplier Tree.

Upcoming tasks include identifying and eliminating weaknesses in the

supply chain. In addition, it is necessary to track and document sub-
supplier status and report to ZF on a regular basis. Based on the reporting,
ZF may require additional actions (e.g. joint supplier meetings, visits or

The ZF supplier remains fully responsible for the performance of the sub-
supplier, this includes directed suppliers.

3.5 Run@Rate
Run@Rate is a capacity measurement under volume production conditions
that, at the time of implementation, assists in verifying that the production

processes of a supplier are capable of supplying products in the agreed

volume and quantity. This process considers production equipment,
employees, tools and logistics processes.

The Run@Rate must be applied at the bottleneck of the process chain. It is

successfully passed if the contracted peak volume over lifetime is verified
with production of the required quantity and quality and there are no
significant deviations in the production process. It is conditionally passed if
the peak volume in the first 12 months after SOP is verified with production
of the required quantity and quality and an agreed capacity plan with ZF
commodity buyer to cover peak volume is available.

The supplier is requested to do a self-assessment. However, ZF may decide

to execute the assessment on-site at the supplier.

3.6 Safe Launch

The standard process and the content of Safe Launch Phase is defined in
the Safe Launch Process description of QD83 (section 4.4). Safe Launch is
executed according to the PCM-SLP form (QD83 F2.12).

3.7 Project Closure and Process Release

A formal process release at the end of the APQP is mandatory. The
requirements for the process release will be communicated to the supplier
during the APQP Kick-off meeting.

ZF and the supplier may agree to schedule a final project meeting.

The aim of this meeting is to evaluate the Supplier Readiness project. After
the final project meeting, both ZF and the supplier will have a confirmation
of the successful closure of the Supplier Readiness project documented in
the meeting minutes. Lessons learned will likewise be summarized for
further development.
12 Supplier Readiness Manual

4 Appendix
4.1 Supplier Readiness Checklist

Project Supplier Readiness Phases/tasks Complete? Remarks

1.0 Technical Review
1.1 Detailed check of feasibility study incl. Compliance Matrix
1.2 Action plan for closure of identified gaps out of risk analysis
and feasibility study developed
1.3 Sub-Supplier Tree including the risk analysis of the sub-
supplier structure (if applicable)
1.4 Supplier Commitment to ZF SR Process
2.0 APQP Kick-Off Meeting Preparation
2.1 Project Organization
2.1a Defined cross functional team
including team member’s responsibility
2.1b Escalation Path is defined
2.2 Part Introduction
2.2a Design FMEA (initial, when applicable)
2.2b Know-How about Part and Process prepared
2.2c Completion of Safe Launch Development
2.3 Machine and Process Capacity Planning
2.3a Measurement & Testing Equipment Concept (initial)
2.3b Manufacturing Equipment & Tooling Concept (initial)
2.4 Identified items/actions from Technical Review (feasibility study/compliance matrix)
2.4a Overview actions already undertaken is prepared
2.4b Open tasks identified
2.5 Initial Project Schedule
2.5a Initial Project and Milestone Planning prepared
2.6 Sub-Supplier Readiness (if applicable)
2.6a Sub-Supplier Tree (sent to ZF before kick-off)
2.6b Risk analysis sub-supplier/critical path
2.6c Inclusion into the Initial Project and Milestone Planning
2.6d Sub-Supplier Management Process incl. reporting scheme
to ZF is prepared
2.7 Conditions for Process Release
2.7a Necessary documentation defined

3.0 Regular Milestone Meetings

3.1 Status Tracking
3.1a Common review of status within SupplyOn ProMa
3.1b Common review of project timing
3.1c Remained problems check and resolve incl. topics from
technical review and risk analysis
3.1d Parts review
3.1e Status of Sub-supplier Readiness
3.1f Factory visit plan and schedule defined
3.2 Change Management
3.2a Monitoring of the design change status until design freeze
(fit/form/function process)
4.0 Project Closure and Process Release
4.1 PPAP and process release
4.2 Successful Run@Rate
4.3 Machine & Process capabilities
4.4 PCM_SLP graduated
4.5 Sub-Supplier Readiness completed
4.6 List of remaining open items closed
4.7 Lessons Learned to be summarized
4.8 Final Project Meeting scheduled (optional)
4.9 SDE--> SQA handover completed
4.10 Supplier Readiness project sign-off

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