Grade 12 LM Physical Science 1 Module4
Grade 12 LM Physical Science 1 Module4
Grade 12 LM Physical Science 1 Module4
Module 4: Quarter 1- Week 4
Physical Science
Grade 11/12 Module 4: Quarter 1- Week 4
First Edition, 2020
Copyright © 2020
La Union Schools Division
Region I
All rights reserved. No part of this module may be reproduced in any form without
written permission from the copyright owners.
Management Team:
Your basic nutritional needs as humans are the macromolecules you have heard since
you were in Grade 1. These are carbohydrates, lipids, nucleic acid and proteins.
Though many times you have heard about them, lessons about food never runs out of
fashion, so to speak, because food is something we need everyday. Time and again, you
need to learn more about the nutrients you take in because as young people you need
this to be successful in life. While food culture evolves due to technology and
commercialism, the basic nutrients one needs every day remain the same. And in case
you have any problem about your personal health, the food you eat is one aspect you
can program and control to address some of these problems.
This module will provide you with information and activities to help you
understand better the structures, properties and functions of macromolecules such
as carbohydrates, lipids, nucleic acid and proteins.
Before going on, check how much you know about this topic.
Answer the pretest in a separate sheet of paper.
Pre - Test
1. Starch 9. polysaccharide
2. Cholesterol 10. phospholipid
3. Steroid 11. Amino acid
4. Glycogen 12. monosaccharide
5. Enzyme 13. cellulose
6. Saturated fat 14. chitin
7. Polypeptide 15. oil
8. Glucose
Part B. Choose from the terms used in Part A- carbohydrate, protein, or lipid –
that which correspond to the following descriptions.
For you to understand the lesson well, do Activity 1. Have fun and good
There are four biological macromolecules. As the term implies, these are “large”
molecules because they are made of long chains of three of the most common
elements on the earth’s surface – oxygen, hydrogen and carbon.
In this exercise, you will complete the following table with the basic information
about these molecules by filling in the empty boxes
Energy storage,
membranes and steroids
Fig 1. Structure of Glucose
Starch polysaccharides. These are the main energy reserve in root vegetables
such as onions, carrots, potatoes, and whole grains. Some starches can only be
digested by the gut microbiota rather than our own body’s mechanisms: these are
known as resistant starches like those found in beans, peas, lentils, green bananas,
whole grain (oat & barley), cooked and cooled rice. The corresponding
polysaccharide in animals is glycogen.
Non-starch polysaccharides. These are the dietary fiber group. They are found in
vegetables, fruits as well as whole grains in the form of cellulose, hemicelluloses,
pectins and gums. As fiber, humans cannot digest them so that their average energy
content compared to most carbohydrates is lower. However, some types of fiber can be
metabolized by gut bacteria producing compounds that are good for our body.
Functions of Carbohydrates
1. Energy supply. When broken down into glucose, they provide energy directly
to cells in the body such as the muscles, brain, heart, kidneys enabling the
body to perform its functions. Without energy none of the other life processes
are performed. For the indigestible portions of carbohydrates referred to as
dietary fiber, they increase the physical bulk of the bowel for easy movement
through the colon out of the body.
2. Energy storage. Excess glucose is stored. In the human body it is stored in
the form of glycogen in the muscles and in the liver while in plant it is stored
as starch. In times when the body uses up the glucose supply after excessive
physical activity or prolonged hunger this stored energy in the form of fat is
converted back to glucose, therefore, adequate glucose supply will prevent
the degradation of skeletal muscle and other tissues such as the heart, liver,
and kidneys.
3. Building macromolecules. Some glucose is converted to ribose and
deoxyribose, which are forms of sugar used as the building blocks of RNA,
DNA, and ATP.
Proteins. Protein is said to be the growth nutrient. The building blocks are the 20
different amino acids commonly found in plants and in animals. Any protein is
made up of about 300 or more amino acids sequenced in a unique manner
providing a specific shape that will determine the protein’s specific function. Every
species, including humans, has its own characteristic proteins. In other words, the
amino acids are common in all living things, but because of the varying needs of
each organism, the sequencing or arrangement of amino acids vary from organism
to organism to come up with the protein required to meet a specific need at any
given time. For instance, proteins produced during periods of rapid growth or
increased demand, such as childhood and adolescence may not be the hormones
produced during pregnancy, and breastfeeding.
Fig. 4. Basic Structure of Amino Acid Fig. 5. Basic Structure of amino acid Lysine
Each amino acid has a side chain. It is this side chain that makes each amino acid
different, giving it a unique set of chemical properties. that further define its function.
Functions of Proteins
Since a protein is a result of a particular arrangement of certain amino acids it
follows that each protein has particular properties. and functions. Let us learn
about the different proteins.
1. Antibodies. These are proteins found in the blood made by white blood cells
called B cells. They help recognize and destroy foreign pathogens in the
immune system, thus, fight infections.
2. Enzymes. These proteins speed up chemical reactions such as blood clotting
to DNA synthesis to digestion such that reactions that would take years
could happen only in seconds. They do this either by breaking down
molecules into smaller pieces or by building up large molecules without
themselves being and without affecting the reactants and products in the
reactions they catalyze. There are approximately 1300 different enzymes
found in the human cell.
3. Hormones. These are proteins used by the cell in receiving and sending
chemical signals, thereby coordinating bodily functions. For example, insulin
controls our blood sugar concentration by regulating the uptake of glucose
into cells. Hormones include insulin, estrogen, testosterone, adrenaline,
cortisol etc.
7. DNA synthesis and repair. These are proteins associated with regulating
chromosome structure during cell division and in regulating gene
expression. Examples are histones and cohesin.
Lipids. Lipids, usually called fats, are a family of organic compounds mostly
insoluble in water. They are also said to yield high energy.
Fatty acids are the building blocks of the lipids(fats). They are produced when
digestion breaks down fats. Fatty acid is the basic structure of fat, which can then
be absorbed into the blood. In this discussion when we use the word fat, we are
referring to lipids.
Fatty acids may be saturated or unsaturated. Saturated fats are have fatty acids
where the four arms of carbon are all bonded to hydrogen. The C-H bond is
stronger bond compared to C-C bond. This is the reason why saturated fat in
butter, cheese and red meat are solid at room temperature. Unsaturated fat, on the
other hand, is composed of fatty acids with two carbon atoms connected by a
double bond, which is considered a weak bond compared to a purely C-H bond.
This is why unsaturated fats, such as vegetable oil is liquid at room temperature.
Phospholipids. These are lipids whose fatty acid component has been replaced by
a phosphate group(PO4). As a major component of the cell me membrane, it is
a bilayer whose “head” or upper layer is hydrophilic, meaning, it dissolves readily
in water. It is polar. On the other hand, its “tail” or lower layer is hydrophobic, or it
does not dissolve in water. It is non-polar. Because of this property, phospholipids
are effective barrier to the passage of ions and molecules into and out of the cell.
This mean that practically all molecules in a water solution, but because of the
hydrophobic layer, not all of these molecules can enter the cell with the aid of
membrane proteins embedded in the bilayer.
Functions of Lipids
There are three primary biological functions of lipids within the body.
1. Structural components of cell membranes. Phospholipids are the major
component of cell membrane structure.
2. Energy storehouses. When one eats a lot of carbohydrates, the excess glucose is
stored as glycogen by the liver, then this is converted back to glucose by the
liver as the need arises. For instance, when one has done a heavy work cleaning
the house or working in the garden or running in a basketball game
and has exhausted all the glucose derived from the a certain meal, the liver
converts the glycogen back to glucose.
3. Important signaling molecules. The lipids in the cell membrane receive signal
from outside the cell. A chemical signal which is the “primary messenger” can
not get into the cell and so binds to receptor on the membrane activating
enzymes. These enzymes cleave the surface of lipid to transmit the message
making the lipids the “secondary messenger” that can bind with intracellular
enzymes. This activate intracellular processes to respond to the message.
Likewise, in plants, lipids in membranes can sense extracellular
conditions such temperature, salinity, pathogen attack. It can also serve
as stress mitigators in plants.
Nucleic acid. This is a macromolecule made out of basic units called nucleotides. A
nucleotide consists of a sugar attached to a phosphate group and any of the
nitrogen-containing bases cytosine, guanine, adenine, and thymine. The nucleic
acids are found in all living organisms from the tiny bacteria to the multicellular
organisms like you and me.
2. Protein Synthesis. RNA, on the other hand, participate in the actual making
of protein known as protein synthesis. It converts stored information in DNA
to make proteins. It is also used by viruses as genetic material.
To summarize the concepts you have learned for the week, you are going to
complete the following table. Several clues are already given.
1. 1.
Fatty acid 2. 2.
1. 1.
Nucleic acid 2. 2.
1.Glycogen 1.
2. 2.
Application: Read the following selection, and write a 50-word reflection on the
importance of the hormone insulin to humans and mention the things you can do
as a student to avoid becoming diabetic.
Type 2 (adult diabetes) This starts with insulin resistance or when cells fail to
respond to insulin properly, soon lack of insulin may also develop;
Multiple Choice. Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write the letter of
your choice on a separate sheet of paper.
1. What is the main source of energy for organisms?
A. Fructose B. Galactose C. Glucose D. Sucrose
2. Proteins are made of building blocks. Which one is it?
A. Amino acid C. Carbohydrate
B. NH2 D. Polypeptide
3. Which of the following is NOT a subunit of a nucleotide?
A. Glycerol C. Nitrogenous base
B. Phosphate D. Sugar
4. Which macromolecule do Glycogen, Starch and Cellulose belong?
A. Carbohydrates C. Nucleic Acids
B. Lipids D. Proteins
5. When disaccharides are broken into monosaccharides, what is the process
A. Activation B. Dehydration C. Digestion D. Hydrolysis
6. What do saturated fats have that distinguishes them from unsaturated fats?
A. They have doubles bonds. C. They have electrostatic charges.
B. They have no double bonds. D. They are associated with heart disease.
7. Which of the following is NOT made up of proteins?
A. Hair B. Enzymes C. Fingernails D. Cellulose
8. Which of the following is NOT related to PROTEINS?
A. DNA encoding
B. Muscle composition
C. Speeding up of chemical reactions
D. Formation of cell membrane bilayer
9. Which of the following tasks is NOT a job of proteins?
B. Connecting of monomers together.
C. Ionic bonding of the monomers.
D. Addition of water to each monomer.
15. You helped your parents fix your backyard garden , and while you were fixing
the vegetable pots, a big unstable rock fell on one foot! You have to remove
this by yourself because your parents were busy with a bigger load!
Your muscles keep a form of energy stored just for these emergencies.
What macromolecule stores energy in the muscles needed in emergencies
like this?
A. Carbohydrates C. Nucleic Acids
B. Lipids D. Proteins
Aryal, Sagar. What are Carbohydrates? (2020, Feb 24). Retrieved July 25, 2020
Dotso, Dianne. Lipids: Definition, Structure & Examples. April 11, 2019. Retrieved
July 24, 2020 from
Fahy, Eoin Lipid Classification, Structures and Tools. ( 2011, June 16).
Retrieved July 24, 2020 from
Functions of Proteins. (2016, March 22). Retrieved July 25, 2020 from
Role of Proteins in the Body. (2011, June 10). Retrieved July 26, 2020 from
The Functions of Carbohydrates in the Body .n.d. Retrieved July 24, 2020 from
Types and Functions of Proteins. (2019, Nov 19). Retrieved July 23, 2020 from
What are Lipids?( 2019, June 6). Retrieved July 24, 2020 from
What are proteins and what is their function in the body.(2019,Dec 16) Retrieved
July 23, 2020 from
Key Answer
.15 Lipid
.14 Carbohydrates
.13 Carbohydrates
.12 Carbohydrates
.11 Protein
.9 Lipid .9 Carbohydrates
.8 Carbohydrates .8 Carbohydrates
.7 Carbohydrates .7 Protein
.6 Lipid .6 Lipid
.5 Lipid .5 Protein
.4 Carbohydrates .4 Carbohydrates
.3 Lipid .3 Lipid
.2 Carbohydrates .2 Lipid
.1 Lipid .1 Carbohydrates
.B A.
Jump start
A .15
A .14
A .13
B .12
A .11
B .10
C .9
A .8
D .7
B .6
D .5
A .4
A .3
A .2
C .1
Carbon Carbohydrates
.1 Growth .1 Myosin