Activity 1

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Leonard S.

Javierto BSAT-2

Semi-Final Activity #1 I. Instruction: Enumerate and explain. 1. Enumerate at least 4 forms of Kinetic
Energy, and explain each form thoroughly. (20 points) 2. What are the 2 types of energy? Explain each
type. (10 points) 3. Enumerate at least 3 forms of Potential Energy, and explain each form thoroughly.
(15 points)

1. A. The energy that an object has due to its motion is called kinetic energy. Kinetic energy comes
in many different forms. Translational kinetic energy. In mathematics and physics, the word
translates means “move from one place to another place”. Translational kinetic energy is the
kinetic energy an object has due to its motion in a straight line from one from one place to
another place. Train moving on a track, any object freely falling due to gravity, driving a car on
the road, motion of bullet fired from a gun and expanding of galaxies are some examples of
translational kinetic energy. The translational kinetic energy can be mathematically written as

KE = kinetic energy of an object

m = mass of an of an object
v = velocity of an object

B. Rotational kinetic energy is the kinetic energy an object has due to its rotational motion around an
axis. It is also called as angular kinetic energy. The rotating object has kinetic energy associated with
rotation, even if its center of mass is at rest. For example, suppose you spin a bicycle wheel on its axis
and hold the axle stationary. The spinning wheel of a bicycle has kinetic energy because the atoms are
moving in a rotational motion relative to the center of mass. The blades of the rotating fan have
rotational kinetic energy due to its rotational motion. The rotational kinetic energy can be
mathematically written as

Where KE = kinetic energy of an object

I = moment of inertia around the axis of rotation
ω = angular velocity
Moment of inertia is the measure of body's resistance to the angular momentum.

C. Vibrational kinetic energy is the kinetic energy an object has due to its vibrational motion. Cell phone
that vibrates when it is ringing and vibration of a drum when it is hit by a hammer are some examples of
vibrational kinetic energy.
2. A. Kinetic energy is energy of motion. Atoms and their components are in motion, so all matter
possesses kinetic energy. On a larger scale, any object in motion has kinetic energy.

A common formula for kinetic energy is for a moving mass:

KE = 1/2 mv2

KE is kinetic energy, m is mass, and v is velocity. A typical unit for kinetic energy is the joule.

B. Potential energy is energy that matter gains from its arrangement or position. The object has the
'potential' to do work. Examples of potential energy include a sled at the top of a hill or a pendulum at the
top of its swing.

One of the most common equations for potential energy can be used to determine the energy of an object
with respect to its height above a base:

E = mgh

PE is potential energy, m is mass, g is acceleration due to gravity, and h is height. A common unit of
potential energy is the joule (J). Because potential energy reflects the position of an object, it can have a
negative sign. Whether it is positive or negative depends on whether work is done by the system or on the

3. A. Gravitational potential energy is the energy possessed by masses according to their spatial
arrangement and the gravitational force (one of the four fundamental forces) that pulls them
towards one another.[2] Since Earth is so large compared to the objects on it, it's easy to watch
these objects being pulled (falling) towards the center of the planet, not the planet being pulled
towards the object. The direction of Earth's gravitational pull is just called "down. There's a
simulation to play with potential energy that shows the interaction of gravitational potential
energy, kinetic energy and spring energy. The simulation below shows how energy flows back
and forth between kinetic energy and gravitational potential energy (this is called mechanical
Potential energy due to gravity is calculated using the following formula:[2]
E is energy, measured in joules (J)
m is mass, measured in kilograms (kg)
g is the acceleration due to gravity measured in m/s2. On the surface of Earth this is 9.81 m/s2.
h is the height of an object relative to where it would be if it fell, measured in metres (m)
The more mass an object has, the more energy it stores. A 20 kg mass stores twice as much gravitational
potential energy as a 10 kg mass at the same height.
The higher up an object is, the more energy it stores. A mass 10 m above the ground stores twice as much
energy as the same mass only 5 m above the ground.
A stronger gravitational pull will also result in more gravitational potential energy. A mass 8 m above the
surface of Earth stores much more gravitational potential energy than it would if it were 8 m above the
moon. Some forms of hydropower indirectly harness gravitational potential energy. The water behind a
hydroelectric dam stores gravitational potential energy since it is at a higher level than the water on the
other side of the dam. As the water falls, this potential energy is converted into kinetic energy, which
turns turbines to generate electricity.
B. Chemical energy is the potential energy stored in the arrangement of atoms within molecules.
Breaking chemical bonds requires energy, while forming new chemical bonds releases energy. The more
energy that's released when a bond forms, the more stable that bond is. These bonds are stable because the
same amount of energy must be put into these bonds to break them again (this is an example
of conservation of energy). When bonds between atoms are broken or formed, this is called a chemical
reaction. Many energy-rich molecules are present on Earth; these are molecules that can undergo
chemical reactions that make energy available for use. The most prevalent energy-rich molecule that
exists on Earth is oxygen, just two oxygen atoms bound together and forming O2. These molecules
combine with other molecules to give off energy. Almost any molecule that's a collection of carbon atoms
(especially with hydrogen and oxygen) will react with oxygen to form carbon dioxide. Wood and other
materials can be burned when there is oxygen present in what is called a combustion reaction. Burning
wood transforms this chemical potential energy and releases it as radiant heat. Many other fuels can be
burned in similar reactions. Fossil fuels like petroleum, coal, and natural gas are some of the most energy-
rich molecules that exist naturally on Earth. These are large hydrocarbon molecules that come from plants
and animals that lived, died, and were buried hundreds of millions of years ago (see this external link for
information about the carboniferous period). These fossil fuels are mined, drilled, and pumped to the
surface to use as fuel for transportation, electricity generation, and other uses. Fossil fuels are all
harnessed for the chemical energy they store. These are non-renewable resources - they are finite and
limited in quantity. Biofuels are alternatives to fossil fuels that use energy from living or recently living
organisms. They are also useful for the chemical energy they store, and are renewable resources.
Hydrogen is both a fuel and an energy currency (please see Hydrogen as an energy currency). It can be
combusted like a fossil fuel, releasing its chemical potential energy, but unlike hydrocarbons, it does not
produce CO2 in this reaction.
C. The potential energy stored in a spring (or any similar object) is known as the elastic potential
energy. It is stored by the deformation of an elastic material such as the spring.
The ability to get energy out depends on the material's elasticity. The energy stored in a spring depends on
Distance the spring is deformed
The spring constant, which defines the amount of force required to deform a spring by a certain length
The elastic properties of a spring depends on both shape and the material of the spring. Therefore, the
elastic constant is different for every object. Elastic potential energy increases with the constant of the
spring and with the distance stretched.Changing the shape of a system uses energy. If the energy comes
back out when the pressures and forces are released, that deformation is called elastic deformation. For
example, when you pull a spring (using energy) the spring will bounce when released (energy comes back
out). This is what allows these objects to have elastic potential energy. Plastic deformation is the energy
that is put into the system that doesn't come back out; for example, when two cars collide, much of their
energy goes into changing the shape of the cars. Plasticity means that when something is stretched, it
stays stretched. When an object stays stretched (or bent), that process is called plastic deformation. When
the material goes back to its original form, that's elastic deformation. All springs have some plastic
deformation, so some energy is always lost. Plastic deformation causes the atoms to speed up in the
spring, raising the temperature of the material (similar to, but different from friction), which is why the
hoods of cars are quite hot after a car accident. Elastic potential energy is the energy that comes back out,
so that doesn't increase the temperature.

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