The Definition of (لعفلا) the verb

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‫الجملة الفعلية‬

The sentence which begins with a verb is called verbal sentence ( ‫الفعلية‬ ‫)الجملة‬

The Arabic verbal sentence has two main components. They are:

1. The verb ( ‫)الفعل‬

2. The doer ( ‫)الفاعل‬

The order is vital in this regard. This means that a verbal sentence must start –
originally- with a verb. The verbal sentence will be having One more component i.e.
direct object ( ‫ ) املفعول به‬if the verb is transitive type.

) The verb ( ‫الفعل‬

The Definition of ( ‫ )الفعل‬the verb: A word which gives full meaning by itself, indicating the time or the

tense in which the action was happened, is called in Arabic ‫الفعل‬. As per the tenses all the verbs are
divided into three types:
‫الفعل املاضي‬ (The past tense ): which shows the action is happened in past time .

‫ سمع‬/ ‫ كتب‬/ ‫فعل‬ ( he did/ he wrote/ he heard

‫الفعل املضارع‬ (the present and future tense): which shows the action is happening now or going to

happen in future . ‫ يسمع‬/ ‫ يكتب‬/ ‫يفعل‬ ( he does/he writes/he listens

but if the ( ‫ ) الفعل املضارع‬is prefixed with ( ‫)س‬ or ( ‫ ) سوف‬it gives only the meaning of future

tense , no present tense. ‫يسمع‬ ‫ سوف‬/‫ سوف يكتب‬/‫ (سيفعل‬he will do/ he will write/ he will listen)

‫(فعل االمر‬Imperative mood) is a command or a request for an action.

)II person female ( ‫ اكتبن‬/‫ اكتبا‬/ ‫اكتبي‬ )II person male ( ‫ اكتبوا‬/ ‫ اكتبا‬/‫أكتب‬

)III person female ( ‫ ليكتبن‬/ ‫ لتكتبا‬/ ‫لتكتب‬ )III person male ( ‫ ليكتبوا‬/‫ ليكتبا‬/ ‫ليكتب‬

)I person male/female ( ‫ لنكتب‬/ ‫ألكتب‬

The active and passive forms of verbs
All the verbs are classified according to presence of the Subjects:

Any verb If the subject (doer) is present, it is called ‫(الفعل املعروف‬active verb)

‫ضرب زيد حامدا‬ ،‫كتب محمد خطابا‬

If the subject( doer) is not present or if it is not known, that verb is called ‫ (الفعل المجهول‬passive
verb) In passive constructions, the object of the active sentence becomes a grammatical subject.
‫ُض ِرَب حامٌد‬ ، ‫ُكِتَب الِخ طاُب‬
Note: It is to be remembered that we can only form passive constructions from transitive verbs, i.e.
verbs that take a direct object.

Transitive and intransitive verbs

As per requirement of direct object the verbs are divided into two types:
1- The first type is the transitive verb “‫”الِف ْع ُل ا َع ِّد ي‬. These kinds of verbs require a direct
object. As the meaning of the sentence will be incomplete without this object.
‫ًة‬ ‫ٌد‬ ‫قرأ حامٌد الدرَس‬
e.g. ‫كتَب محم رسال‬
2- On the other hand, some verbs do not need a direct object, and the meaning can be
complete without this object. These types of verbs are called intransitive verbs
‫ْل‬ ‫ خرج املديُر‬/ ‫جلس االستاُذ‬
“ ‫”ا ِف ْع ُل الالِز ُم‬. Eg.

Note : prepositional phrase are not counted as direct object. e.g. ‫ خرج المدير من‬، ‫جلس األستاذ على الكرسي‬

The ‫( فاعل‬doer / Subject )

. ‫ أي من فعله حقيقة‬، ‫الفاِع ُل فُهَو اْس ُم يدل على من قام بالفعل‬

The subject or the doer is a noun refers to whoever did the action i.e. who actually did it. This
will be always in nominative case ( Marfu ) eg:

Mohammed went
‫محمٌد‬ ‫ذهَب‬
Hamid wrote a letter ‫حامٌد رسال‬ ‫كتَب‬
In the first example Mohammed is the doer and in the second example Hamid is the doer and
they both are nominative case and they both came after the verb. The following rules must be
met in verbal sentence:
1) The( ‫ )فاعل‬doer must come after the verb.
2) The ( ‫ ) فاعل‬will be always marfu. ( dhamma sign over it -------------)
3) The ( ‫ ) فاعل‬can be singular , dual or plural forms but the verb will be always singular.
4) The verb will follow the doer in gender (the verb will be male or female as per the doer ( ‫الفاعل‬
-----‫ ذهب األوالد‬، ‫ ذهب محمد وحامد‬، ‫ذهب محمد‬
‫ ذهبت البنات‬،‫ ذهبت فاطمة وزينب‬، ‫ذهبت فاطمة‬

The ‫( نائب الفاِع ِل‬substitute for the doer).

.‫ُهَو اسم يأتي بعد فعل مجهول ويحل محل الفاعل بعد حذفه‬

It is a noun which comes after a passive verb( ‫ ) فعل مجهول‬and it will substitute the subject (
doer ‫ ) الفاعل‬in all the rules such as taking (‫ ) رفع‬, gender and number. In short the object
whose doer is not mentioned with it is called ‫نائب الفاعل‬
‫ُة‬ ‫ُك ِت َب الدرُس‬
‫كتبِت الرسال‬
‫ُس َق ْت َّس َّي ُة‬ ‫ُس َق املاُل‬
‫ِر ال ار‬ ‫ِر‬

The direct object - ‫اْلَم ـْفـُعـول ِبـه‬

. ‫املفعول به فهو اسم يدل على من وقع عليه فعل الفاعل‬

The object is a noun refers to on whom the action of doer takes place. This will be always in
accusative case ( Mansoob )
In fact It is a direct object of transitive verb ( ‫ ) الفعل المتعدي‬and it is a part of verbal sentence. It
is the receiver of the action done by the doer ( ‫ ) الفاعل‬.

) Mohammed wrote the lesson ‫كتَب محم الدرَس‬

 Here The direct object is ( ‫ )الدرَس‬which is undergoing the action of writing which is in
the verb ( ‫)َكَتَب‬.

We learnt before that the direct object falls only after a transitive verb, For example the
verbs ( ‫ َفِهَم‬، ‫ َدَّر َس‬، ‫ َتْر َج َم‬،‫ )َقَر أ‬require a direct object. Without this direct object, the meaning
will remain incomplete.

( ) Mohammed sat on the chair ‫جلس محمد على الكرسي‬ 

 The verb in the above mentioned sentence does not need a direct object; instead it is
completed by the prepositional phrase. ‫المركب الجري‬

The case marking system (‫ )اإلعراب‬is one of the most important system of Arabic grammar. The (
‫ )إعراب‬expresses relationships between different elements of a sentence in very clear and explicit
way. In the case marking system, each word is marked by a certain vowel or suffix for its case,
i.e. its function in the sentence.

In Arabic language each word of sentence denoted with some signs . most of the
noun are Marfu by defalt unless otherwise it come in accusative or janative case

The nouns which takes rafa are called marfu,

The nouns which take nasab are called mnsoob

The nouns which takes jar are called majroor

: ‫املرفوعات‬
:Noun in nominative cases are called Marfuat . they are as follows

: ‫املرفوعات هي‬

‫) ونائب الفاعل‬4 ‫) الفاعل‬3 ‫) الخبر‬2 ‫املبتدا‬ )1

‫) خبر ال لنفي الجنس‬8 ‫) اسم ما مشابه بليس‬7 ‫) خبر إن واخواتها‬6 ‫)اسم كان واخواتها‬5

The subject of Nominal Sentence ‫) المبتدا‬1

It is the starting noun of nominal sentence, which is the noun we talk about. This noun is always
in nominative case.

‫) الكتاب مفيد‬2 ‫) التفاحة حلوة‬1

1) The subject ( ‫ ) املبتدا‬: can be a noun, pronoun or a demonstrative noun.

2) The defining property of a nominal sentence is the subject ( ‫ ) املبتدا‬precedes the verb.
3) The general rule is that the Mubteda ( ‫ ) املبتدا‬is a definite noun.
4) This noun will be always in nominative case ( ‫ ) مرفوع‬having Damma sign on its final letter.
The predicate ‫) الخبر‬2
It is a noun which follows the subject and tells us about the subject or it gives us information about it. Eg.:
‫) الكتاب مفيد‬2 ‫) التفاحة حلوة‬1

1) The Predicate will be in nominative case ( ‫ ) مرفوع‬having Damma sign on its final letter.
2) The general rule is that the predicate ( ‫ ) الخبر‬is a indefinite noun. But some it may come otherwise
3) ‫ (املبتدا والخبر‬the subject and predicate ) They both should agree in number and gender.

) refer above ( ‫الفاعل‬ ‫نائب‬ )4 ‫الفاعل‬

) refer above ( )3
))Ismu kana and its sisters : ‫اسم كان واخواتها‬ )5
)he /it became( ‫صاَر‬ – )he /it was( ‫كا‬
)he /it stayed overnight( ‫با‬ ) he /it remain( ‫ظَّل‬
)he /it became/ to enter upon evening( ‫أْم سى‬ )he /it became /to enter upon morning( ‫أْص َب َح‬
)not( ‫ْي َس‬ -)he /it keep doing/ continuing( ‫مازاَل‬
If any one of ( ‫ ) كان واخواتها‬are prefixed with a nominal sentence the subject of that nominal
sentence( ‫املبتدا‬ )will be named as Ism kana wa Akwatuha( ‫ ) اسم كان واخواتها‬and it will be
in nominative case. Eg.:
)the boy was standing( ‫كان الولُد واقف‬
In this sentence the word ( ‫ ) الولُد‬is ‫ اسم كان‬and it is in nominative case ( ‫) مرفوع‬
) the poor man became rich ( ‫صار الفقيُر غني‬
In this sentence the word ( ‫ ) الفقيُر‬is ‫ اسم صار‬and it is in nominative case ( ‫) مرفوع‬
)the boy remain standing full time ( ‫ظل الولُد واقف طوال الوقت‬
)the poor stayed overnight hungry ( ‫بات الفقيُر جائع‬
)the farmer became/ entered the morning active( ‫أصبح الفالُح نشيط‬
)the laborer became/ entered the evening tired( ‫أمسى العامُل متعب‬
‫ُر ًال‬
)the rain is keep on falling ( ‫ما زال املط ناز‬
)the weather is not cold ( ‫ليس الجُّو بارد‬
All the auxiliary verbs can be conjugated in to 14 forms and changed in to present tense except
‫ ليس‬. where ‫ ليس‬can be conjugated in to 14 forms.
‫ تدخل كان وأخواتها على املبتدأ والخبر فترفع املبتدا ويسمى اسمها وتنصب الخبر ويسمى‬: ‫القاعدة‬
. ‫لكل من هذه األفعال مضارع وأمر اال ليس‬.‫خبرها‬

:‫خبر إ وأخواتها‬ )6

Particles which resembles verb such as:

‫لعَّل‬ ‫َت‬ ‫ل َّن‬ ‫كأَّن‬ ‫أَّن‬ ‫إَّن‬
) ‫لي‬ ‫ِك‬ (
Are called ‫ ( إَّن و أخواتها‬Inna and her sisters) . if any one of these particles is introduced in a
nominal sentence ( ‫ ) املبتدا‬the subject and predicate ( ‫ ) الخبر‬of the sentence will be named as ( ‫اسم‬
‫ ) إَّن‬and ( ‫ ) خبر إَّن‬respectively.
‫اسم اَّن‬Will be ‫ منصوب‬on its final letter ( َ fatha ) and ‫ خبر إَّن‬will be ‫ ٌ ( مرفوع‬Damma ) on its
final letter.

1) ‫( إَّن‬indeed/ no doubt) is used for a slight emphasis . it has to be used in the beginning of a
sentence . it may come in the middle of the sentence only after ‫ قال‬and all derivatives. Eg:
‫إَّن القلَم جديٌد‬ ‫القلُم جديٌد‬
‫ٌة‬ ‫َة‬ ‫ٌة‬ ‫ُة‬
‫املدرس كبير إَّن املدرس كبير‬
‫قال صديقي إَّن خالدًا شجاٌع‬ ‫خالٌد شجاٌع‬

2) ‫ ( أَّن‬that ) is used normally as conjunction and it is similar to the usage of ( that ) in English . it cant
be used in the beginning of the sentence. Eg:
‫سمعت أَّن اإلمتحاَن قريٌب‬ ‫اإلمتحاُن قريٌب‬
‫علمت أَّن الوزيَر قادٌم من الهند‬ ‫الوزير قادم من الهند‬

3) ‫ كأَّن‬is used to mean “ as if “ or “like” or “ as though” . eg:

‫كأن الكتاَب صديٌق‬ ‫الكتاب صديق‬
‫كأن القمَر مصباٌح‬ ‫القمر مصباح‬
4) ‫ لكَّن‬is used as conjugation and gives the meaning of “ but”. Eg:-
‫البيُت جديٌد لكَّن األثاَث قديٌم‬ ‫البيت جديد األثاث قديم‬
‫اال ستاذ موجود لكَّن الطالَب غائٌب‬ ‫االستاذ موجود – الطالب غائب‬
5) ‫ ليت‬is used to express a wish or a desire which can’t be materialized. Eg:-
‫ليت الشباَب عائٌد‬ ‫الشباُب عائٌد‬

6) ‫ لعَّل‬is used to express a wish or a desire which can be materialized. Eg:-

‫لعل املدرَس غائٌب‬ ‫املدرُس غائٌب‬
‫لعل املطَر نازٌل‬ ‫املطُر نازٌل‬

Note: some time particle ( ‫ ) ما‬will come suffixed with most of these particles like : / ‫ كأنما‬/ ‫ أنما‬/‫إنما‬
‫ ليتما‬in that case the above mention changes in Irab will not take place.
‫إنما زيٌد تاجٌر‬
‫إنما هو إلٌه واحٌد‬

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