BS en 60265-1-1998 HV Switches 1kV To 52kV
BS en 60265-1-1998 HV Switches 1kV To 52kV
BS en 60265-1-1998 HV Switches 1kV To 52kV
IEC 60265-1:
switches —
Part 1: Switches for rated voltages
above 1 kV and less than 52 kV
ICS 29.120.60
BS EN 60265-1:1998
National foreword
Summary of pages
This document comprises a front cover, an inside front cover, pages i and ii,
the EN title page, pages 2 to 38, an inside back cover and a back cover.
This standard has been updated (see copyright date) and may have had
amendments incorporated. This will be indicated in the amendment table on
the inside front cover.
© BSI 05-1999
National foreword Inside front cover
Foreword 2
Text of EN 60265-1 5
© BSI 05-1999 i
ii blank
April 1998
English version
High-voltage switches
Part 1: Switches for rated voltages above 1 kV and
less than 52 kV
(IEC 60265-1:1998)
European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization
Comité Européen de Normalisation Electrotechnique
Europäisches Komitee für Elektrotechnische Normung
Central Secretariat: rue de Stassart 35, B-1050 Brussels
© 1998 CENELEC — All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved worldwide for
CENELEC members.
Ref. No. EN 60265-1:1998 E
EN 60265-1:1998
Foreword Contents
The text of document 17A/512/FDIS, future Page
edition 3 of IEC 60265-1, prepared by SC 17A, Foreword 2
High-voltage switchgear and controlgear, of
1 General 5
IEC TC 17, Switchgear and controlgear, was
submitted to the IEC-CENELEC parallel vote and 1.1 Scope 5
was approved by CENELEC as EN 60265-1 1.2 Normative references 5
on 1998-04-01. 1.101 General requirements 5
This European Standard supersedes 2 Normal and special service conditions 6
HD 355.1 S3:1995.
3 Definitions 6
The following dates were fixed:
3.1 General terms 6
— latest date by which the 3.2 Assemblies 6
EN has to be
implemented at national 3.3 Parts of assemblies 6
level by publication of an 3.4 Switching devices 6
identical national 3.5 Parts of switching devices 7
standard or by
3.6 Operation 7
endorsement (dop) 1999-01-01
3.7 Characteristic quantities 7
— latest date by which the
national standards 3.8 Index of definitions 8
conflicting with the EN 4 Ratings 8
have to be withdrawn (dow) 2001-01-01 4.1 Rated voltage (Ur) 8
This standard refers to EN 60694:1996, which is 4.2 Rated insulation level 8
applicable unless otherwise specified in this 4.3 Rated frequency (fr) 8
standard. In order to simplify the indication of 4.4 Rated normal current (lr) and
corresponding requirements, the same numbering temperature rise 8
of clauses and subclauses is used as in EN 60694. 4.5 Rated short-time withstand
Amendments to these clauses and subclauses are current (lk) 8
given under the same references whilst additional
subclauses are numbered from 101. 4.6 Rated peak withstand
current (lp) 8
Annexes designated “normative” are part of the
body of the standard. 4.7 Rated duration of short-circuit (tk) 8
In this standard, Annex ZA is normative. 4.8 Rated supply voltage of closing and
opening devices and of auxiliary and
Annex ZA has been added by CENELEC. control circuits (Ua) 8
Endorsement notice 4.9 Rated supply frequency of closing
and opening devices and of
The text of the International Standard auxiliary circuits 9
IEC 60265-1:1998 was approved by CENELEC as a 4.10 Rated pressure of compressed gas
European Standard without any modification. supply for operation and/or
interruption 9
4.101 Rated mainly active load-breaking
current (l1) 9
4.102 Rated closed-loop breaking
current (l2a and l2b) 9
4.103 Rated no-load transformer breaking
current (l3) 9
4.104 Rated cable-charging breaking
current (l4a) 9
4.105 Rated line-charging breaking
current (l4b) 9
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Page Page
4.106 Rated single capacitor bank 5.102 Requirements for switch-disconnectors 11
breaking current for special purpose 5.103 Mechanical strength 11
switches (l4c) 9
5.104 Securing the position 11
4.107 Rated back-to-back capacitor
5.105 Auxiliary contacts for signalling 11
bank breaking current for special
purpose switches (l4d) 9 6 Type tests 11
4.108 Rated back-to-back capacitor 6.1 General 11
inrush making current for special 6.2 Dielectric tests 12
purpose switches (lin) 9 6.3 Radio interference voltage (RIV) tests 12
4.109 Rated earth fault breaking 6.4 Measurement of the resistance of
current (l6a) 9 the main circuit 12
4.110 Rated cable- and line-charging 6.5 Temperature-rise tests 12
breaking current under earth fault
6.6 Short-time withstand current
conditions (l6b) 9
and peak withstand current tests 12
4.111 Rated motor breaking current for
special purpose switches (l7) 9 6.7 Verification of the protection 12
4.112 Rated short-circuit making 6.8 Tightness tests 12
current (lma) 9 6.9 Electromagnetic compatibility
(EMC) tests 12
4.113 Rated breaking and making
currents for a general purpose switch 10 6.101 Making and breaking tests 12
4.114 Ratings for limited purpose 6.102 Mechanical operation tests 19
switches 10 6.103 Operation under severe ice conditions 20
4.115 Ratings for special purpose switches 10 7 Routine tests 21
4.116 Ratings for switches backed by fuses 10 7.101 Mechanical operating tests 21
5 Design and construction 10 8 Guide to the selection of high-voltage
5.1 Requirements for liquids in switches for service 21
high-voltage switches 10 8.1 General 21
5.2 Requirements for gases in 8.2 Conditions affecting application 21
high-voltage switches 10 8.3 Insulation coordination 21
5.3 Earthing of high-voltage switches 10 8.4 Selection of class of switch 21
5.4 Auxiliary and control equipment 10 9 Information to be given with
5.5 Dependent power operation 10 inquiries, tenders and orders 22
5.6 Stored energy operation 10 9.1 Information to be given with
5.7 Independent manual operation 10 inquiries and orders 22
5.8 Operation of releases 10 9.102 Information to be given with tenders 22
5.9 Low- and high-pressure interlocking 10 Rules for transport, storage,
and monitoring devices 10 erection, operation and maintenance 23
5.10 Nameplates 11 11 Safety 23
5.11 Interlocking devices 11 Annex ZA (normative) Normative
references to international
5.12 Position indication 11
publications with their
5.13 Degrees of protection by enclosures 11 corresponding
5.14 Creepage distances 11 European publications Inside back cover
5.15 Gas and vacuum tightness 11 Figure 1 — Three-phase test circuit for
5.16 Liquid tightness 11 mainly active load current switching for
test duty 1 32
5.17 Flammability 11
Figure 2 — Single-phase test circuit for
5.18 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) 11
mainly active load current switching for
5.101 Making and breaking operations 11 test duty 1 33
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Figure 3 — Three-phase test circuit for Table 8 — Test duties for special purpose
distribution line closed-loop and parallel switches — Single phase tests on
transformer current switching test for three-pole switches operated pole-after-pole
test duties 2a and 2b 33 and single-pole switches applied on
Figure 4 — Single-phase test circuit for three-phase systems 30
distribution line closed-loop and parallel Table 9 — Prospective recovery voltage
transformer current switching test, for test parameter limits for single-phase capacitor
duties 2a and 2b 34 bank current breaking tests 31
Figure 5 — Three-phase test circuit
for short-circuit making current test
for test duty 5 34
Figure 6 — Single-phase test circuit for
short-circuit making current test for
test duty 5 35
Figure 7 — Prospective TRV parameter
limits for single-phase capacitor bank
current breaking tests 36
Figure 8 — Three-phase test circuit for
earth fault breaking current tests, for
test duty 6a 37
Figure 9 — Three-phase test circuit
for cable-charging breaking current tests
under earth fault conditions, for
test duty 6b 37
Table 1 — Rated line- and cable-charging
breaking currents for general purpose switch 23
Table 2 — Nameplate information 24
Table 3 — Supply circuit TRV parameters
for mainly active load current
breaking tests 25
Table 4a — TRV parameters for
distribution line closed loop breaking tests 26
Table 4b — TRV parameters for parallel
power transformer current breaking tests 27
Table 5 — Test duties for general
purpose switches — Test duties for
three-phase tests on three-pole operated,
pole-after-pole operated, and single
pole switches 28
Table 6 — Test duties for general purpose
switches — Single phase tests on
three-pole switches operated pole-after-pole
and single-pole switches applied on
three-phase systems 29
Table 7 — Test duties for special purpose
switches — Three-phase tests on
three-pole operated, pole-after-pole operated,
and single-pole switches 30
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EN 60265-1:1998 3.7.104
single capacitor bank switch closed-loop breaking capacity
special purpose switch intended for switching of a breaking capacity when opening a closed-loop
single capacitor bank with charging currents up to distribution line circuit, or a power transformer in
its rated single capacitor bank breaking current parallel with one or more power transformers, i.e., a circuit in which both sides of the switch remain
back-to-back capacitor bank switch energized after breaking, and in which the voltage
appearing across the terminals is substantially less
special purpose switch intended for breaking than the system voltage
capacitor bank charging currents with one or more
capacitor banks connected to the supply side of the 3.7.105
switch up to its rated back-to-back capacitor bank cable-charging breaking capacity
breaking current. The switch shall be capable of breaking capacity when opening a cable circuit
making the associated inrush current up to its rated under no-load conditions
capacitor bank inrush making current 3.7.106 line-charging breaking capacity
motor switch breaking capacity when opening an overhead line
special purpose switch intended for switching of circuit under no-load conditions
motors under steady-state and stalled conditions 3.7.107 single capacitor bank breaking capacity
parallel power transformer closed-loop switch breaking capacity when opening a single capacitor
special purpose switch intended for switching a bank circuit connected to a supply that does not
closed-loop circuit consisting of large power include another capacitor bank adjacent to the bank
transformers in parallel. The switch is typically being switched
applied as a medium voltage tie switch on the 3.7.108
transformer secondary circuit such that the back-to-back capacitor bank breaking
breaking current is high and the transient recovery capacity
voltage (TRV) conditions are severe
breaking capacity when opening a capacitor bank
3.5 circuit connected to a supply that includes one or
parts of switching devices more capacitor banks adjacent to the bank being
no particular definitions switched
3.6 3.7.109
operation back-to-back capacitor bank inrush making
no particular definitions current
3.7 Characteristic quantities high-frequency and high-magnitude current
occurring when closing a capacitor bank circuit onto
3.7.101 a supply including one or more capacitor banks
breaking capacity adjacent to the bank being switched
[IEV 441-17-08] NOTE The frequency and magnitude of the inrush current
depend upon the values of capacitance and inductance between
3.7.102 the capacitor banks.
mainly active load-breaking capacity
breaking capacity when opening a mainly active motor breaking capacity
load circuit, the power factor of which is at
breaking capacity when opening a motor under
least 0,75, in which the load can be represented by
steady-state and stalled conditions
resistors and reactors in parallel
earth fault breaking capacity
no-load transformer breaking capacity
breaking capacity in the faulty phase of an isolated
breaking capacity when opening a transformer
neutral or resonant earthed system when clearing
circuit under no-load conditions
an earth fault on an unloaded cable or overhead line
on the load side of the switch
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EN 60265-1:1998
3.7.112 M
cable- and line-charging breaking capacity
under earth fault conditions Mainly active load-breaking capacity 3.7.102
Motor breaking capacity 3.7.110
breaking capacity in the sound phases of an isolated Motor switch
neutral or resonant earthed system when switching
off an unloaded cable or overhead line, with an earth N
fault on the supply side of the switch No-load transformer breaking capacity 3.7.103
3.7.113 P
breaking current
Parallel power transformer closed-loop
[IEV 441-17-07] switch
3.7.114 (Peak) making current 3.7.114
(peak) making current S
peak value of the first major loop of the current in a Short-circuit making capacity 3.7.115
pole of a switch during the transient period Single capacitor bank breaking capacity 3.7.107
following the initiation of current during a making Single capacitor bank switch
operation Special purpose switch 3.4.105
NOTE 1 Peak value may differ from one pole to another and Switch 3.4.101
from one operation to another as it depends on the instant of
current initiation relative to the wave of the applied voltage.
Switch-disconnector 3.4.102
NOTE 2 Where, for a three-phase circuit, a single value of
(peak) making current is referred to, it is, unless otherwise 4 Ratings
stated, the highest value in any phase.
Clause 4 of IEC 60694 is applicable with the
additions and exceptions indicated below.
short-circuit making capacity
4.1 Rated voltage (Ur)
[IEV 441-17-10]
Subclause 4.1 of IEC 60694 is applicable.
3.8 Index of definitions
4.2 Rated insulation level
B Subclause 4.2 of IEC 60694 is applicable.
Back-to-back capacitor bank breaking 4.3 Rated frequency (fr)
capacity 3.7.108 Subclause 4.3 of IEC 60694 is applicable.
Back-to-back capacitor bank inrush
making current 3.7.109 4.4 Rated normal current (lr) and temperature
Back-to-back capacitor bank switch rise
Breaking capacity 3.7.101 Subclause 4.4 of IEC 60694 is applicable.
Breaking current 3.7.113 4.5 Rated short-time withstand current (lk)
C Subclause 4.5 of IEC 60694 is applicable with the
Cable- and line-charging breaking following addition.
capacity under earth fault conditions 3.7.112 The rated short-time withstand current of an
Cable-charging breaking capacity 3.7.105 earthing switch forming an integral part of a switch
Class E1 general purpose switch shall be equal to the rated short-time withstand
Class E2 general purpose switch current of the switch, unless otherwise agreed to
Class E3 general purpose switch between the manufacturer and the user.
Class M1 general purpose switch 4.6 Rated peak withstand current (lp)
Class M2 general purpose switch
Closed-loop breaking capacity 3.7.104 Subclause 4.6 of IEC 60694 is applicable.
E 4.7 Rated duration of short-circuit (tk)
Earth fault breaking capacity 3.7.111 Subclause 4.7 of IEC 60694 is applicable.
4.8 Rated supply voltage of closing and
opening devices and of auxiliary and control
General purpose switch 3.4.103 circuits (Ua)
L Subclause 4.8 of IEC 60694 is applicable.
Limited purpose switch 3.4.104
Line-charging breaking capacity 3.7.106
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4.9 Rated supply frequency of closing and 4.108 Rated back-to-back capacitor bank
opening devices and of auxiliary circuits inrush making current for special purpose
Subclause 4.9 of IEC 60694 is applicable. switches (lin)
4.10 Rated pressure of compressed gas supply The rated back-to-back capacitor bank inrush
for operation and/or interruption making current is the peak value of the current that
a special purpose switch shall be capable of making
Subclause 4.10 of IEC 60694 is applicable. at its rated voltage and with a frequency of the
4.101 Rated mainly active load-breaking inrush current appropriate to the service conditions.
current (l1) The assignment of a rated back-to-back capacitor
The rated mainly active load-breaking current is the bank inrush making current is mandatory for
maximum mainly active load current that the switches that have a rated back-to-back capacitor
switch shall be capable of breaking at its rated bank breaking current.
voltage. NOTE The frequency of the inrush current for back-to-back
capacitor banks may be in the range of 2 kHz to 30 kHz. The
4.102 Rated closed-loop breaking current (l2a specific values are dependent upon the size and configuration of
and l2b) the capacitor bank being switched, the supply side capacitor bank
and the inclusion of limiting impedances, if any.
The rated closed-loop breaking current is the
maximum closed-loop current the switch shall be The switch is not necessarily rated to break
capable of breaking. Separate ratings for the inrush making current produced by the
distribution line loop breaking current and parallel back-to-back capacitor back installation.
power transformer breaking current may be 4.109 Rated earth fault breaking current (l6a)
assigned. The rated earth fault breaking current, for an
4.103 Rated no-load transformer breaking isolated neutral or resonant earthed system, is the
current (l3) maximum earth fault current in the faulted phase
The rated no-load transformer breaking current is that the switch shall be capable of breaking at its
the maximum no-load transformer current the rated voltage.
switch shall be capable of breaking at its rated NOTE The TRV of an isolated neutral system is more severe
than the TRV of a resonant earthed system, even if detuned;
voltage. therefore, for test purposes an isolated neutral system is
4.104 Rated cable-charging breaking assumed.
current (l4a) 4.110 Rated cable- and line-charging breaking
The rated cable-charging breaking current is the current under earth fault conditions (l6b)
maximum cable-charging current that the switch The rated cable- and line-charging breaking current
shall be capable of breaking at its rated voltage. under earth fault conditions, for an isolated neutral
4.105 Rated line-charging breaking or resonant earthed system, is the maximum
current (l4b) current in the sound phases that the switch shall be
capable of breaking at its rated voltage.
The rated line-charging breaking current is the
NOTE The maximum cable- and line-charging current under
maximum line-charging current that the switch
fault conditions is 3 times the cable- and line-charging current
shall be capable of breaking at its rated voltage.
occurring in normal conditions. This covers the most severe case,
4.106 Rated single capacitor bank breaking which occurs with individually screened cables.
current for special purpose switches (l4c) 4.111 Rated motor breaking current for
The rated single capacitor bank breaking current is special purpose switches ((l7)
the maximum capacitor bank current that a special The rated motor breaking current is the maximum
purpose switch shall be capable of breaking at its steady-state current of a motor the switch shall be
rated voltage with no capacitor bank connected to capable of opening at its rated voltage. Refer
the supply side of the switch adjacent to the bank to IEC 61233.
being switched. Unless otherwise specified, the breaking current for
4.107 Rated back-to-back capacitor bank the condition of a stalled motor is eight times the
breaking current for special purpose rated normal current of the motor.
switches (l4d) 4.112 Rated short-circuit making current (lma)
The rated back-to-back capacitor bank breaking The rated short-circuit making current is the
current is the maximum capacitor bank current that maximum peak prospective current that the switch
a special purpose switch shall be capable of breaking shall be capable of making at its rated voltage.
at its rated voltage with one or more capacitor banks
connected on the supply side of the switch adjacent
to the bank being switched.
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4.113 Rated breaking and making currents for — back-to-back capacitor bank breaking capacity
a general purpose switch and inrush making current;
A general purpose switch shall have specific ratings — motor breaking capacity.
for each switching duty as follows: A special purpose switch shall have a short-circuit
— rated mainly active load-breaking current rated making current as stated in 4.112. This
equal to the rated normal current; short-circuit making current may be less than the
— rated no-load transformer breaking current rated peak withstand current.
equal to 1 % of the rated normal current; 4.116 Ratings for switches backed by fuses
— rated distribution line loop-breaking current Short-circuit ratings, short-time withstand
equal to the rated normal current; currents, and making currents of switches may be
— rated cable-charging breaking current as selected by consideration of the limiting effect on the
shown in Table 1; duration and value of the short-circuit current by
fuses. Current limiting fuses and certain other
— rated line-charging breaking current as shown
in Table 1; classes of fuses can be utilized. The associated fuse
having the highest rated normal current shall be the
— rated short-circuit making current equal to the basis for establishing a rating. Refer to IEC 60420.
rated peak withstand current. The switch shall
have a capability of closing successfully two or 5 Design and construction
more times at the rated making current.
Clause 5 of IEC 60694 is applicable, with the
Switches intended for use in isolated neutral
additions and exceptions indicated below.
systems or in systems earthed by a high impedance
shall have a rated earth fault breaking current and 5.1 Requirements for liquids in high-voltage
a rated cable and line charging breaking current switches
under earth fault conditions. Subclause 5.1 of IEC 60694 is applicable.
The standard values of ratings should be selected 5.2 Requirements for gases in high-voltage
from the R10 series specified in IEC 60059. switches
If an earthing switch, forming an integral part of a Subclause 5.2 of IEC 60694 is applicable.
switch, has a rated short-circuit making current,
this rated current shall be equal to the rated peak 5.3 Earthing of high-voltage switches
withstand current of the switch, unless otherwise Subclause 5.3 of IEC 60694 is applicable.
agreed to between the manufacturer and user. 5.4 Auxiliary and control equipment
NOTE The R10 series comprises the
number 1 – 1,25 – 1,6 – 2 – 2,5 – 3,15 – 4 – 5 – 6,3 – 8 Subclause 5.4 of IEC 60694 is applicable.
and their products of 10n.
5.5 Dependent power operation
4.114 Ratings for limited purpose switches
Subclause 5.5 of IEC 60694 is applicable with the
A limited purpose switch shall have a rated normal following limitation.
current, a rated short-time withstand current, and Dependent manual operation is allowable only for
one or more, but not all, switching capabilities of a limited purpose switches not having a short-circuit
general purpose switch. If other ratings are making capability.
specified, values from the R10 series should be
selected. 5.6 Stored energy operation
4.115 Ratings for special purpose switches Subclause 5.6 of IEC 60694 is applicable.
A special purpose switch shall have a rated normal 5.7 Independent manual operation
current, a rated short-time withstand current, a Subclause 5.7 of IEC 60694 is applicable.
rated short-circuit making current and may have
5.8 Operation of releases
one or more switching capabilities of a general
purpose switch. Subclause 5.8 of IEC 60694 is applicable.
Ratings and capabilities shall be assigned for the 5.9 Low- and high-pressure interlocking and
specific special service application for which it is monitoring devices
applied. The rated values should be selected from Subclause 5.9 of IEC 60694 is applicable.
the R10 series. One or more of the following ratings
and capabilities may be assigned:
— parallel power transformer breaking capacity;
— single capacitor bank breaking capacity;
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Consideration shall be given to the effects of For single-phase breaking tests on three-pole
energization of either terminal of the switch. When switches operated pole-after-pole, or for tests on
the switch in service can be supplied or energized single-pole switches applied on three-phase
from either terminal, and the physical arrangement systems, tests shall be performed with one terminal
of one side of the switch differs from that of the other of the pole to be tested connected to the supply, and
side, the supply side of the test circuit shall be the other terminal connected to the load. The
connected to the side that represents the most common-side connection of the load and supply may
onerous conditions. In case of doubt, 50 % of the be earthed, as shown in Figure 2 and Figure 4, for
total number of close-open operations of each test example. For capacitive tests circuits, refer
duty shall be carried out with supply side of the test to
circuit connected to one side of the switch and the For test currents requiring both the supply and load
remaining 50 % of each test duty shall be made with neutrals to be earthed, the supply zero sequence
the supply connected to the other side. impedance shall be less than three times the supply
Making and breaking tests on three-pole operated side positive sequence impedance.
switches shall be made three-phase except as noted The connections used in all tests shall be indicated
for capacitive current switching tests. Making and in the test report.
breaking tests on three-pole switches operated NOTE The recommended earthing connections for general
pole-after-pole, or single-pole switches applied purpose switches are based upon the condition that, for rated
on three-phase systems, may be performed voltages below 52 kV, many operating systems are unearthed
single-phase. (supply or load or both). For capacitive current switching, tests
should be conducted so as to establish ratings for the specific
For switches normally installed within a metal application and earthing conditions.
enclosure, and having the characteristic of the 6.101.3 Test frequency
emission of flame or metallic particles during
breaking or making, the following procedure is Switches shall be tested at rated frequency, with a
required. The tests shall be made with the switch tolerance of ± 10 %. However, for convenience of
mounted within the metal enclosure or with testing, some deviations from the above tolerance
metallic screens placed in the vicinity of the live are allowable; for example, when switches rated
parts, and separated from them by a clearance at 50 Hz are tested at 60 Hz and vice versa. Care
which the manufacturer shall specify. The screens, should be exercised in the interpretation of the
frame and other normally earthed parts shall be results, taking into account all significant facts,
insulated and then connected to earth through a such as the type of switch and the type of test
fuse consisting of a copper wire of 0,1 mm diameter performed.
and 5 cm in length. The fuse wire may also be NOTE In some cases, the rated characteristics of a switch may
be different for use at 60 Hz than for use at 50 Hz.
connected to the secondary side of a 1 : 1 ratio
current transformer. The terminals of the current 6.101.4 Test voltage for breaking tests
transformer should be protected by a spark gap or The power-frequency test voltage for three-phase
surge arrester. No significant leakage is assumed to tests shall be equal to the rated voltage of the switch
have occurred if this wire is intact after the test. except as noted for specific test duties as shown
Other methods to sense excessive leakage current in Table 5. Test voltages for single-phase tests on
may also be used. three-pole operated switches for capacitive current
6.101.2 Earthing of test circuit and switch switching are given in item b) of
Making and breaking tests, with the exception of If single-phase tests on three-pole switches operated
capacitive current switching tests, conducted on pole-after-pole or single-pole switches applied on
three-pole operated switches, shall be performed three-phase systems are performed, they shall be
using a three-phase test circuit with either the conducted in accordance with the values specified
neutral point of the supply earthed, or the neutral in Table 6.
point of the load earthed. In either case, the test
circuit and the frame of the switch shall be earthed
so that the voltage conditions between live parts and
earth, and across the switch, after arc extinction,
are representative of service voltage conditions.
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The test voltage shall be measured immediately 6.101.7 Short-circuit making current
after interruption, with the exception of capacitive The short-circuit making current shall be expressed
loads, where the voltage is measured immediately in terms of peak making current and the r.m.s.
prior to opening of the contacts. The voltage shall be symmetrical making current. For general purpose
measured as closely as possible to the terminals of switches, the symmetrical r.m.s. value of current in
the switch, i.e. without appreciable impedance each pole at 0,2 s shall be at least 80 % of the rated
between the measuring point and the terminals. For short-time withstand current. The duration of the
three-phase tests, the test voltage shall be short-circuit current shall be at least 0,2 s.
expressed as the average of the phase-to-phase test
voltages. The test voltage between any two phases The switch shall be able to make the current with
shall not be different from the average test voltage pre-strike of the arc occurring at any point on the
by more than 10 %. voltage wave. Two extreme cases are specified as
The power-frequency test voltage shall be
maintained for at least 0,3 s after arc extinction. a) making at the peak of the voltage wave,
leading to a symmetrical short-circuit current
6.101.5 Breaking current and the longest pre-striking arc;
The current to be interrupted shall be symmetrical b) closing at the zero of the voltage wave, without
with negligible decrement. The contacts of the pre-striking, leading to a fully asymmetrical
switch shall not be separated until transient short-circuit current.
currents due to closing of the circuit have subsided.
The test procedure as outlined in 6.101.10 aims to
NOTE The value of the d.c.-component of the breaking current demonstrate the ability of the switch to fulfill these
is considered negligible when the d.c.-component is equal to or
less than 20 %. requirements.
The breaking current for three-phase tests shall be A general purpose switch shall be able to operate at
as noted in Table 5, and is measured as the average voltages below its rated voltage at which it may
of the current interrupted in all poles. actually make with a fully asymmetrical current.
The difference between the average current and the The lower limit of voltage, if any, shall be stated by
the manufacturer.
values obtained in each pole shall not exceed 10 % of
the average value. The short-circuit making current performance shall
be stated in terms of:
The breaking currents for single-phase tests shall
be as shown in Table 6. a) the test voltage;
The waveform of the test current for capacitive b) the making current expressed as a peak value
current switching tests should be sinusoidal. This for asymmetrical making and an r.m.s. value for
requirement is satisfied if the ratio of the r.m.s. symmetrical making;
value of the total current to the r.m.s. value of the c) the short-circuit current duration;
fundamental component does not exceed 1,2. The d) the test circuit;
test current shall not go through zero more than
once per half cycle of power frequency. e) the number of making operations.
The breaking capacity shall be stated in terms of: 6.101.8 Test circuits
a) the test voltage; Breaking and making tests shall be performed using
three-phase test circuits or single-phase test circuits
b) the breaking current;
as noted in 6.101.1.
c) the circuit power factor; Mainly active load circuit (test duty 1)
d) the test circuit;
The test circuits, Figure 1 and Figure 2, consist of a
e) the transient recovery voltage parameters; supply circuit and a load circuit. The supply circuit,
f) the number of close-open operating cycles. representing the total series impedance, shall have
6.101.6 Test voltage for short-circuit making series-connected reactance and resistance and shall
tests have a power factor not exceeding 0,2. The
impedance of the supply circuit shall be (15 ± 3) % of
Three-phase tests shall be made on three-pole
the total impedance of the test circuit for test duty 1
operated switches at the rated voltage of the switch.
(at 100 % of the rated current). The same supply
Test voltages for single-pole switches applied on
circuit impedance shall be used for all tests at
three-phase systems, or three-pole switches
reduced current levels.
operated pole-after-pole, are shown in Table 6.
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The impedance representing the supply side circuit Capacitive circuits (test duties 4a, 4b, 4c
may be connected on the source side of the switch, or and 4d)
split on both sides. The prospective transient a) General
recovery voltage of the supply circuit, under
conditions of a terminal fault, shall not be less Tests are normally carried out in a laboratory.
severe than those specified in Table 3. The load However, field tests may also be performed. For
circuit should have a power factor of 0,7 ± 0,05 and field tests, the actual lines, cables and capacitor
shall consist of reactors and resistors connected in banks shall be used.
parallel. Lower power factors may be used at the For laboratory tests, the lines or cables may be
discretion of the manufacturer. partly or fully replaced by artificial circuits with
NOTE TRV values for medium voltage systems are currently lumped elements consisting of capacitors,
under study by CIGRE. Values specified for this test duty, reactors or resistors.
therefore, are subject to revision.
Three-phase tests should be performed. Closed-loop circuits (test duty 2) However, single-phase laboratory tests on
a) Distribution line circuit (test duty 2a) three-pole operated switches, are permitted for
capacitive current switching tests. The
The tests circuits, Figure 3 and Figure 4, shall
specification of the circuits for single-phase
have series-connected reactors and resistors and
capacitor bank current switching tests may be
a power factor not exceeding 0,3. The load
impedance (ZL) may be on the supply side of the replaced by specification of the switch
prospective recovery voltage parameter limits, as
switch, the load side or divided. If the load given in Table 9 and identified in Figure 7.
impedance is on the load side, the supply side
impedance (ZS) should be as low as possible, but b) Test voltages
not such that the short-circuit current exceeds The power-frequency test voltages for
the making current of the switch. The three-phase tests are given in Table 5. Test
prospective transient recovery voltages shall be voltages for single-phase tests on three-pole
not less severe than those specified in Table 4a. operated switches shall equal the product of
NOTE TRV values for medium voltage systems are
de Ur/ 3 and one of the following factors. These
currently under study by CIGRE. Values specified for this test test voltages are for switches having a pole
duty, therefore, are subject to revision. non-simultaneity equal to or less than 1/6 cycle:
The open circuit, phase-to-phase, test voltage for — 1,0 for earthed neutral supply systems for
three-phase tests is 20 % of rated voltage as switching of capacitor banks with earthed
noted in Table 5. Test voltages for single-phase neutrals and for switching of screened cables;
tests on three-pole operated switches operated — 1,1 for earthed neutral supply systems for
pole-after-pole, or single-pole switches applied on switching of belted cables;
a three-phase system, are shown in Table 6.
— 1,2 for earthed neutral supply systems for
b) Parallel power transformer circuit (test switching of overhead distribution lines;
duty 2b) for special purpose switches
— 1,4 for earthed neutral supply systems for
The test circuits, Figure 3 and Figure 4, shall switching of unearthed neutral capacitor
have series-connected reactors and resistors and banks;
a power factor not exceeding 0,2. The prospective
transient recovery voltages shall be not less — 1,4 for systems other than earthed neutral
severe than those specified in Table 4b. supply systems for switching of capacitor
banks, lines or cables.
The open-circuit, phase-to-phase, test voltage for
three-phase tests on three-pole switches is 15 % For three-pole operated switches with
of rated voltage as noted in Table 7. Test non-simultaneity greater than 1/6 cycle,
voltages for single-phase tests on three-pole either three-phase tests may be performed or
operated switches operated pole-after-pole, or single-phase tests may be conducted, using
single-pole switches applied on a three-pole the test voltages in Table 6 or Table 8.
phase system, are shown in Table 8. NOTE 1 Tests at 60 Hz may be used to demonstrate the
breaking performance at 50 Hz if no restrikes occur. No-load transformer circuit (test duty 3)
Tests are not normally required for this duty. If
tests are required, it is recommended that a typical
transformer is switched.
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NOTE 2 Tests at 50 Hz may be considered to prove the d) Earthing of the supply circuit
characteristics at 60 Hz provided that the voltage across the
switch is not less during the first 8,3 ms than it would be For three-phase tests, the earthing shall be as
during a test at 60 Hz with the specified voltage. If restrikes follows:
occur after 8,3 ms, due to instantaneous voltage being higher
than it would be during a test at 60 Hz with the specified — for tests of a switch intended for use in
voltage, and the switch has a very low expected probability of isolated neutral and resonant earthed
restrike, the test duty should be repeated at 60 Hz with a test systems, the neutral point of the supply
voltage as prescribed for the 60 Hz test. If no restrikes occur,
the switch is considered to have passed the test.
side shall be isolated so as to achieve a
NOTE 3 The laboratory test circuits representing lines and first pole-to-clear factor of 1,5;
cables and capacitor banks are not applicable for determining NOTE 6 To achieve a first pole-to-clear factor of 1,5,
the magnitude of possible overvoltages when restrikes occur. particularly for line-charging current breaking tests, it
They are adapted to demonstrate the switching performance might be necessary to disconnect the TRV control elements
only. from earth. For very low currents, this should have no
c) Characteristics of supply circuit influence on the breaking performance. Alternatively, the
neutral of the load circuit may be disconnected from earth.
For line and cable charging current breaking — for tests of a switch intended for use in
tests, the supply side circuit shall be that earthed neutral systems, the neutral point of
specified for mainly active load switching tests the supply circuit shall be earthed. The zero
including TRV control capacitors and resistors. sequence impedance shall be less than three
For single capacitor bank switching, the times the positive sequence impedance of the
characteristic of the supply circuit shall be such supply side.
that the voltage variation is less than 3 %, but For single-phase laboratory tests, either
the prospective short-circuit current shall not terminal of the single-phase supply circuit may
exceed the rated short-time current of the be earthed.
switch. The prospective TRV parameters under
condition of a terminal fault shall not be less e) General characteristics of the capacitive
severe than the TRV parameters specified circuits to be switched
in Table 3. For three-phase tests, the earthing of the
For back-to-back capacitor bank breaking capacitive circuit to be switched shall be such as
current tests, the capacitance of the supply to conform to the applications for which the
circuit and the impedance between the switch is intended.
capacitors on the supply and load sides shall be The characteristics of the capacitive circuit, with
such as to give the rated capacitor bank inrush all necessary measuring devices such as voltage
making current when testing with 100 % of the dividers included, shall be such that the voltage
rated back-to-back capacitor bank breaking decay on the switched capacitance does not
current. The prospective transient recovery of exceed 10 % at the end of an interval of 300 ms
the supply circuit, under conditions of a terminal after final arc extinction. This requirement does
fault, will be dependent upon the capacitance of not apply for field tests.
the supply circuit. NOTE 7 Since the voltage decay may be very much
NOTE 4 If a switch is intended to be used in a network with influenced by apparatus such as voltage transformers
appreciable lengths of cable on the supply circuit, appropriate connected to the capacitive circuit, the measurement should
additional capacitance may be used on the supply circuit. be made with suitable voltage dividers.
NOTE 5 For back-to-back capacitor bank current switching f) Cable-charging circuit (test duty 4a)
tests with a switch having a very low expected probability of
restrike, and where separate making tests are performed, a Capacitors may be used to simulate screened and
lower capacitance of the supply circuit may be chosen for the belted cables. Belted cables are typically used at
breaking tests. system voltages up to and including 15 kV. For
three-phase tests with an earthed neutral
supply, representing three-core belted cables, the
positive sequence capacitance of the capacitance
circuit shall be approximately equal to two times
the zero sequence capacitance. For an unearthed
supply neutral, this requirement is not
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When capacitors are used to simulate cables, a Test circuits for earth fault tests (test
non-inductive resistance, not exceeding 5 % of duties 6a and 6b)
the capacitive impedance, may be inserted in Test circuits according to Figure 8 and Figure 9
series with the capacitors. Higher values may shall be used with the impedance ZS equal to the
unduly influence the recovery voltage. If the impedance of the supply side for test duty 1 for
peak inrush current is still unacceptably high, general purpose switches.
then an alternative impedance may be used,
provided that the current and voltage conditions Non-inductive resistors R having a resistance not
at the instant of breaking, and the recovery exceeding 5 % of the capacitive impedance may be
voltage, do not differ significantly from the inserted in series with the capacitors.
specified values. Motor circuits (test duty 7)
NOTE 8 A short overhead line may be used in series with IEC 61233 is applicable.
the cable for the tests, provided the line-charging current does
not exceed 1 % of the cable-charging current. 6.101.9 Breaking tests for general purpose
NOTE 9 The use of capacitors to simulate cables may not switches
accurately reflect field conditions depending upon the
characteristics of the switching device. The required number of operations, test voltages,
g) Line-charging circuit (test duty 4b) and tests currents for class E1, E2 and E3 switches
are given in Table 5 for three-phase tests and
Capacitors may be used to simulate lines. For in Table 6 for single-phase tests. Test duties 1
three-phase tests, with an earthed neutral
through 4 and, if applicable, test duty 6 shall be
supply, the positive sequence capacitance of the
performed on the same switch but may be performed
capacitive circuit shall be approximately three
in any convenient order. The tests shall be
times the zero sequence capacitance. For an
performed without reconditioning of the switch
unearthed neutral, supply, this requirement is during the test program.
not necessary.
Make-break operating cycles shall be carried out for
When capacitors are used to simulate overhead
test duties 1 through 4 and 6. The opening
lines, a non-inductive resistance, not
operation shall follow the closing operation with a
exceeding 5 % of the capacitive impedance, may
time delay between the two operations at least
be inserted in series with the capacitors. Higher
sufficient for any transient currents to subside. The
values may unduly influence the recovery opening and closing operations can be separated
voltage. If the peak inrush current is still when design features of the switch or limitations of
unacceptably high, then an alternative
the test plant require it. The time interval between
impedance may be used instead, provided that
closing and opening shall not normally
the current and voltage conditions at the instant
exceed 3 min. For convenience, open-close
of breaking, and the recovery voltage, do not
operations may also be performed. The breaking
differ significantly from the specified values.
currents shall be in accordance with 6.101.5.
NOTE 10 A short cable may be used in series with an
NOTE 1 If the TRV parameters achieved in test duty 1 are
overhead line for the tests, provided the cable-charging
equal to or more severe than TRV parameters required for test
current is less than 20 % of the overhead-line charging
duty 2a, then test duty 2a need not be performed provided 10
additional operations for class E1 switches or 20 for class E2 and
NOTE 11 The use of capacitors to simulate overhead lines E3 switches are performed for test duty 1 at 100 % l.
may not accurately reflect field conditions depending upon the
NOTE 2 Tests are not normally required for no-load
characteristics of the switching device.
transformer switching since the stress associated with this duty
h) Capacitor bank circuits (test duty 4c and 4d) is negligible and is easily performed for a switch capable of
for special purpose switches switching active load. If tests are required, the number of tests to
be performed shall be determined upon agreement between
For three-phase tests, the neutral of the manufacturer and user.
capacitor bank shall be isolated or earthed, NOTE 3 Switches with a rated cable-charging current for
depending upon the rating or use of the switch application on other than earthed neutral systems need not be
tested for cable-charging currents in earthed neutral systems.
and the earthing of the neutral of the supply
NOTE 4 Switches with a rated cable-charging current for belted
circuit. cables for application on earthed neutral systems need not be Test circuits for short-circuit making tests tested on cable-charging currents for screened cables if the
current ratings for this duty are equal to or less than that for
(test duty 5) belted cables.
The test circuit for three-phase tests shall be as If the rated cable-charging current breaking tests have been
proven by utilizing a test circuit yielding a first pole-to-clear
shown in Figure 5. Single-phase tests on three-pole factor equal to or greater than produced for a line-charging
switches operated pole-after-pole, or single-pole current breaking test circuit, then tests for line-charging current
switches applied on three-phase systems may use a need not be performed if the line-charging current ratings are
single-phase test circuit as shown in Figure 6. equal to or less than those for cable-charging current as listed
in Table 1.
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— 50 operating cycles at the specified maximum — five close-open manual operations if the
supply voltage and/or maximum pressure of switch can be manually operated besides its
compressed gas supply. normal electric or pneumatic operating device.
A manually operated switch shall be subjected to During these operating cycles, operating
the following test: 1 000 operating cycles using a characteristics shall be recorded or evaluated,
range of operating forces typical of that to be if applicable, such as operating times,
expected in service. consumption of the control circuit, maximum
No specific time intervals between operating cycles forces for manual operation; satisfactory
or between closing and opening operations are operation of control and auxiliary contacts, and
required. These tests shall be made, however, at a position-indicating devices (if any) shall be
rate such that the temperature rises of the verified. It is not necessary to include all the
energized electrical control components do not oscillograms recorded in the type test report.
exceed the specified values. c) After each series of 1 000 operating cycles or at
6.102.3 Tests for limited purpose switches maintenance intervals, some significant
operating characteristics should be recorded or
Unless otherwise specified, the tests performed evaluated.
shall be in accordance with the tests required for a
NOTE The extended mechanical endurance tests do not apply
general purpose switch. Alternatively, tests may be to manually operated switches.
performed by agreement between manufacturer and
6.102.5 Condition of switch during and after
mechanical operation tests
6.102.4 Extended mechanical endurance tests
The fully closed and fully open positions shall be
on switches for special service requirements
attained during each operating cycle.
Switches tested according to this subclause are The switch shall be in such a condition that it is
designated class M2 mechanical endurance. capable of operating normally, making, carrying
For special service requirements, extended and breaking its rated normal current.
mechanical endurance tests may be carried out as Satisfactory operation of operating devices,
follows. The user should specify. of control and auxiliary contacts, and of
a) The tests shall be made according to 6.102.2 position-indicating devices (if any), shall be
with the following addition: 5 000 operating verified during the test.
cycles shall be performed comprising five times For switches having gas as an interrupting and
the test series specified in the 6.102.2. insulating medium, a tightness test shall be
Between the test series specified, some performed before and after the mechanical
maintenance such as lubrication and mechanical operation test. See 6.8 of IEC 60694.
adjustment is allowed and shall be performed in Lubrication in accordance with the manufacturer’s
accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. instructions is permissible during the test, but
Change of contacts is not permitted. mechanical adjustments are not permitted.
The program of maintenance during the tests After the tests, all parts shall be in good condition
shall be defined by the manufacturer before the and shall not show excessive wear.
test and recorded in the test report.
6.103 Operation under severe ice conditions
b) Before and after the total test program, the
following operations shall be performed: If required, tests shall be performed in accordance
with 6.103 of IEC 60129, with the following
— five close-open operating cycles at the rated
supply voltage and/or pressure;
— five close-open operating cycles at the 6.103.1 Checking of operation
minimum supply voltage and/or pressure; Switches having stored energy or dependent
— five close-open operating cycles at the power-operating mechanisms shall operate
maximum supply voltage and/or pressure; successfully on the first attempt to operate.
Switches having dependent manual operation must
operate successfully on opening or closing; that is,
satisfactorily open or close the circuit safely.
However, if the switch is bounded by ice and does
not move on the first attempt to operate, additional
attempts to operate are permissible.
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8) Current required at rated supply voltage for The manufacturer should give the necessary
shunt opening release. information regarding overall dimensions of the
9) Number and type of spare auxiliary switch switch and details necessary for installation.
contacts. General information regarding maintenance
should also be given.
10) Current required at rated supply voltage
by other auxiliaries.
10 Rules for transport, storage,
e) overall dimensions and other information erection, operation and maintenance
Clause 10 of IEC 60694 is applicable.
11 Safety
Clause 11 of IEC 60694 is applicable.
Table 1 — Rated line- and cable-charging breaking currents
for general purpose switch
Rated voltage Rated cable charging Rated line charging
Ur l4a l4b
kV A A
3,6 4 0,3
4,76a 4 0,3
7,2 6 0,5
8,25a 6 0,5
12 10 1
15a 10 1
17,5 10 1
24 16 1,5
25,8a 16 1,5
36 20 2
38a 20 2
48,3a 24 2,5
NOTE Higher values selected from the R10 series may be stated by the manufacturer.
Refer to IEC 60056 for suggested higher rated line and cable-charging breaking currents for a
special purpose switch.
North American values.
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Table 3 — Supply circuit TRV parameters for mainly active load current breaking testsa
Supply TRV parameters
Rated voltage Peak voltage b
Time coordinateb
Ur uc t3
kV kV 4s
3,6 6,2 40
4,76c 8,2 40
7,2 12,3 52
8,25c 14,1 52
12 20,6 60
15c 25,7 72
17,5 30 72
24 41 88
25,8c 44,2 88
36 62 108
38c 65,1 108
48,3c 82,8 132
NOTE 1 The transient recovery voltage across the switch during load current breaking tests is of the (1-cos) form. The switch
supply and load transient components are illustrated below. The peak value of the supply component, u9c as illustrated, will be
approximately 15 % of uc at an approximate time t3. The actual u9c and time to peak will be dependent upon the load circuit power
factor and series impedance of the supply circuit.
Supply circuit TRV parameters under conditions of a terminal fault.
TRV values for medium-voltage systems are currently under study by CIGRE. Users are cautioned that if current-limiting
reactors are used, the supply circuit TRV may exceed the values specified. Values specified for these duties, therefore, are subject
to revision.
North American values.
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Table 4a — TRV parameters for distribution line closed loop breaking tests
Rated voltage Peak voltagea Time coordinatea
Ur uc t3
kV kV 4s
3,6 1,2 110
4,76b 1,7 110
7,2 2,4 110
8,25b 2,9 110
12 4,1 150
15 b 5,1 200
17,5 6,0 200
24 8,3 250
25,8b 8,9 250
36 12,3 310
38 b 13,1 310
48,3b 16,5 350
NOTE 1 The specified transient recovery voltage across the switch is of the (1-cos) form. A typical transient is illustrated below.
NOTE 2 Steady-state, phase-to-phase, open-circuit test voltage is 20 % of rated voltage. Uc is based on a system having a
first pole-to-clear factor Kϕ of 1,5 and an amplitude factor equal to 1,4.
TRV values for medium-voltage systems are currently under study by CIGRE. Values specified for this test duty, therefore, are
subject to revision.
North American values.
26 © BSI 05-1999
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Table 4b — TRV parameters for parallel power transformer current breaking tests
Rated voltage Peak voltage Time coordinate t3a
Ur uc K factor
kV kV
3,6 0,6 0,25
4,76b 0,7 0,28
7,2 1,1 0,35
8,25b 1,3 0,38
12 1,9 0,45
15b 2,3 0,50
17,5 2,7 0,55
24 3,7 0,63
25,8 b 4,0 0,67
36 5,6 0,78
38 b 5,9 0,80
48,3 b 7,5 0,90
NOTE 1 The transient recovery voltage across the switch is of the (1-cos) form and the values are for the first pole to clear.
NOTE 2 The first pole-to-clear factor Kϕ is 1,5. The amplitude factor is assumed to be 1,7 in accordance with IEC 60056 for
short-circuit test duty no. 1. It is assumed that two power transformers are in parallel with one transformer being switched. The
TRV is mainly from the transformer being switched. This implies that the transient recovery voltage is based only on half of the
steady-state recovery voltage.
The time coordinate is calculated as
where t3 is in microseconds and l is the test current in kA. The K factor and the formula for t3 were derived from published transient
recovery voltage frequencies obtained by low-voltage current injection of transformers. The frequency is typical of power
transformers having a current rating close to the test current and an impedance of 15 % at the forced cooled rating.
North American values.
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Table 5 — Test duties for general purpose switches — Test duties for three-phase tests
on three-pole operated, pole-after-pole operated, and single pole switches
Test duty Test Test current Number of cycles of operations
No. Type + 10 % + 10 % Class E1 Class E2 Class E3
0 0
1 Mainly active load current Ur l1 10 30 100
0,05 l1 20 20 20
2a Closed-loop distribution circuit 0,20 Ur l2a 10 20 20
l4a 10c 10c 10c
4a Cable-charging currentb Ur 0,2 – 0,4 l4a 10c 10c 10c
4b Line-charging currentb Ur l4b 10c 10c 10c
5 Short-circuit making current Ur lma 2 3 5
making making making
operations operations operations
6a Earth fault current Ur l6a 10 10 10
6b Cable- and line-charging current Ur l6b 10 10 10
under earth faults
a TRV parameters are as shown in the appropriate table for the first pole-to-clear.
b Supply circuit earthing shall be as stated in item d) of
Point-on-wave tripping to control contact parting may be used; however, random operations are permissible.
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Table 6 — Test duties for general purpose switches — Single phase tests on three-pole switches
operated pole-after-pole and single-pole switches applied on three-phase systemsf
Test duty Test current Number of cycles of operations
1,5 Ur/ 3 l1 5 15 50
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Table 7 — Test duties for special purpose switches — Three-phase tests on three-pole operated,
pole-after-pole operated, and single-pole switches
Number of cycles of
Test duty Test voltage Test current
No. Type + 10 % + 10 %
0 0
2b Closed-loop parallel power transformer l2b
0,15 Ura 10
circuit current
l4c 10
4c Single capacitor bank currentc Ur 0,2 – 0,4 l4c 10
Ur l4d 10
4d Back-to-back capacitor bank currentc 0,2 – 0,4 l4d 10
8 Motor current b b b
TRV parameters are as shown in Table 4b for the first pole-to-clear.
Refer to IEC 61233.
Supply circuit earthing shall be as stated in item c) of For test duties 4c and 4d, the capacitor bank neutral shall be
isolated or earthed depending upon the application of the switch.
Table 8 — Test duties for special purpose switches — Single phase tests on three-pole switches
operated pole-after-pole and single-pole switches applied on three-phase systemsf
Number of cycles of
Test duty Test voltage Test current
No. Type + 10 % + 10 %
0 0
2b Closed-loop parallel power transformer circuit 0,15 Ura l2b 10
4c Single capacitor bank current b l4c 12c
0,2 – 0,4 l4c 12c
l4d 12c, d
4d Back-to-back capacitor bank current b 0,2 – 0,4 l4d 12c
8 Motor current e e e
The peak TRV values shall be 3 /1,5 times the values shown in Table 4b.
The manufacturer shall select the test circuit to be representative of intended application. The test voltage shall equal the
product of Ur/ 3 and one of the following factors:
a) 1,0 for earthed neutral systems for switching of capacitor banks with earthed neutrals;
b) 1,75 for systems other than earthed neutral systems for switching capacitor banks.
c Point-on-wave tripping to control contact parting at 30 electrical degree increments. If this is not possible, 30 random operations
shall be used.
At least three of the making operations shall take place within 15 electrical degrees of voltage peak.
Refer to IEC 61233.
These test duties are not applicable for single-pole switches intended for application in single-phase systems.
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Table 9 — Prospective recovery voltage parameter limits for single-phase capacitor bank
current breaking tests
, Time coordinatesa
Recovery voltagea b
uce uad t ad
50 Hz 60 Hz
1,97 0,042 t3c 8,7 7,3
Refer to Figure 7.
Values are per unit with respect to the peak value of the test voltage.
t3 in Table 3.
d The peak value u9a of the initial part of the prospective TRV shall be less than ua and the time to peak t9a shall be greater than ta
as shown in Figure 7.
The prospective peak recovery voltage u9c shall be greater than uc and the time to peak t92 shall be less than t2 as shown
in Figure 7.
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Figure 1 — Three-phase test circuit for mainly active load current switching for test duty 1
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Figure 2 — Single-phase test circuit for mainly active load current switching for test duty 1
Figure 3 — Three-phase test circuit for distribution line closed-loop and parallel
transformer current switching test for test duties 2a and 2b
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EN 60265-1:1998
Figure 4 — Single-phase test circuit for distribution line closed-loop and parallel
transformer current switching test, for test duties 2a and 2b
Figure 5 — Three-phase test circuit for short-circuit making current test for test duty 5
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Figure 6 — Single-phase test circuit for short-circuit making current test for test duty 5
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Figure 8 — Three-phase test circuit for earth fault breaking current tests, for test duty 6a
Figure 9 — Three-phase test circuit for cable-charging breaking current tests under
earth fault conditions, for test duty 6b
© BSI 05-1999 37
38 blank
EN 60265-1:1998
Annex ZA (normative)
Normative references to international publications with their corresponding
European publications
This European Standard incorporates by dated or undated reference, provisions from other publications.
These normative references are cited at the appropriate places in the text and the publications are listed
hereafter. For dated references, subsequent amendments to or revisions of any of these publications apply
to this European Standard only when incorporated in it by amendment or revision. For undated references
the latest edition of the publication referred to applies (including amendments).
NOTE When an international publication has been modified by common modifications, indicated by (mod), the relevant EN/HD
© BSI 05-1999
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reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any
means – electronic, photocopying, recording or otherwise – without prior written
permission from BSI.
This does not preclude the free use, in the course of implementing the standard,
of necessary details such as symbols, and size, type or grade designations. If these
details are to be used for any other purpose than implementation then the prior
written permission of BSI must be obtained.