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ISO 22000:2018

Food safety
management systems
pr ac t ic a l

ISO/TC 34/SC 17
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© ISO 2020

Views expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) and contributors and do not
necessarily reflect those of the International Organization for Standardization or United Nations
Industrial Development Organization. The designations employed and the presentation of material
do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the International Organization
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Chapter 1 ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 19
Topic 1: High Level Structure (HLS) ............................................................................................................................................. 20
Topic 2: Process approach ................................................................................................................................................................. 21
Topic 3: The two PDCA cycles of ISO 22000:2018 ......................................................................................................... 23
Topic 4 : ‘Risk-based thinking’ in the context of ISO 22000 ...................................................................................... 26
Chapter 2 ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 29
Task 2.1 : Understanding the organization and its context ...................................................................................... 30
Task 2.2 : Understanding the needs and expectations of interested parties ........................................... 32
Task 2.3: Determining the scope of the FSMS .................................................................................................................... 34
Task 2.4: FSMS (processes and interactions) ..................................................................................................................... 35
Chapter 3 ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 39
Task 3.1: Draft a food safety policy, a set of objectives of the FSMS
and plan to achieve them ................................................................................................................................................................... 40
Task 3.2: Define and communicate the roles, responsibilities and authorities
for personnel who have an impact on food safety ......................................................................................................... 44
Task 3.3: Manage staff skills/competencies ................................................................................................................................ 47
Task 3.4: Provide resources for the FSMS (beyond personnel) ........................................................................... 50
Task 3.5: Using externally developed elements for the organization’s FSMS .......................................... 52
Task 3.6: Control the externally provided processes, products or services ............................................ 54
Task 3.7: Establish and maintain external and internal communications ................................................... 56
Task 3.8: Manage the documentation of the FSMS ....................................................................................................... 59
Task 3.9: Plan what to do in case of emergency situations and potential incidents .......................... 62
Task 3.10: Develop, implement and test plans for the withdrawal/recall of products ...................... 64
Chapter 4 ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 69
Task 4.1: Identify the PRPs required by the organization .......................................................................................... 70
Task 4.2: Review the PRPs in place in the organization
(applicable to existing organizations) ...................................................................................................................................... 72
Task 4.3: Implement the PRPs ......................................................................................................................................................... 73
Task 4.4: Monitor the PRPs, when relevant .......................................................................................................................... 75
Task 4.5: Verify that established PRPs are applied effectively ............................................................................. 77
Task 4.6: Develop methods or a system for product traceability ....................................................................... 79

ISO 22000:2018 Food safety management systems – A practical guide – 1

Chapter 5 ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 83
Task 5.1: Establish the food safety team ................................................................................................................................. 85
Task 5.2: Provide the information needed to conduct the hazard analysis ............................................... 87
Task 5.3: Prepare the process flow diagram ............................................................................................................................... 91
Task 5.4: Identify the hazards associated with the food ........................................................................................... 93
Task 5.5: Conduct a hazard assessment ................................................................................................................................. 96
Task 5.6: List and select control measure(s) or combination(s) of control measures ....................... 98
Task 5.7: Categorize, manage, monitor and document the control measures ....................................... 100
Task 5.8: Validate the control measure(s) or combination(s) of control measures ............................. 106
Task 5.9: Establish and apply corrections and corrective actions .................................................................... 109
Task 5.10: Control monitoring and measuring (operational processes) ............................................................ 113
Task 5.11: Conduct a verification related to the PRPs and hazard control plan ...................................... 115
Task 5.12: Update the preliminary information .................................................................................................................. 119
Chapter 6 ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 121
Task 6.1: Conduct an internal audit of the functioning of the organization
and the activities having an impact on food safety ...................................................................................................... 122
Task 6.2: Evaluate the overall performance of the organization and decisions
made to improve the FSMS: management review .......................................................................................................... 125
Task 6.3: Improve the system .......................................................................................................................................................... 127
Chapter 7 ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 129
APPENDIX A .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 139
APPENDIX B .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 143
ADDITIONAL RESOURCES ...................................................................................................................................................... 145

2 – ISO 22000:2018 Food safety management systems – A practical guide

The characteristic of food safety is the absence of foodborne hazards at the point
of consumption. These hazards can occur at different stages of the food chain,
therefore adequate controls throughout the network are essential. Food safety
is ensured through the combined efforts of all the parties participating in the
food chain, from feed producers and primary producers to food manufacturers,
transport and storage operators and subcontractors, right through to retail and
food service outlets. These work together with related organizations such as
producers of equipment, packaging materials, cleaning agents, additives and
ingredients, as well as service providers.
ISO 22000:2018, Food safety management systems – Requirements for any organi-
zation in the food chain, is recognized internationally as the most relevant docu-
ment supporting the development of a food safety management system (FSMS).
The International Standard defines what an organization needs to do in order to
demonstrate its ability to control food safety hazards and ensure that food prod-
ucts are safe for consumption. This enables organizations to deliver food-related
products and services with confidence throughout the supply chain. Authored
by experts from SC 17, Management systems for food safety, a subcommittee of
ISO’s technical committee ISO/TC 34, Food products, this standard encapsulates
the latest knowledge of food chain safety to support organizations in developing
an effective FSMS.

ISO 22000:2018 Food safety management systems – A practical guide – 3

Among the weaknesses identified by the subcommittee was the absence of ade-
quate user assistance to implement ISO 22000:2018. In response to this need, a
working group was formed, and they worked tirelessly to develop this handbook.
ISO 22000:2018, Food safety management systems – A practical guide, offers a
hands-on approach and a wide range of information for developing, document-
ing, implementing and maintaining a robust FSMS according to ISO 22000:2018.
Readers will also come away with an in-depth understanding of the aim and
outcome of the standard’s different requirements.
Supporting the wider food industry, the International Organization for Standardi-
zation (ISO) and United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO)
have joined forces to publish a handbook that will help users get the most from
their food safety programme. We hope it will offer the support you need to imple-
ment the ISO 22000 management system in your organization.

LI Yong Sergio Mujica

Director General UNIDO Secretary-General ISO

4 – ISO 22000:2018 Food safety management systems – A practical guide

This handbook provides guidance for the implementation of ISO 22000:2018, Food
safety management systems — Requirements for any organization in the food chain,
to develop a food safety management system (FSMS) for an organization. You must
read it in conjunction with ISO 22000:2018. Appendix B contains cross-references
from ISO 22000:2018 to this handbook.
For the purpose of this handbook, references to “ ISO 22000 ” are to the 2018
edition, unless otherwise specified.
This handbook is intended to provide guidance to any organization that is directly
or indirectly part of the food chain.
It is not intended to be used by certification bodies to audit organizations seeking
ISO 22000 certification.

ISO 22000:2018 Food safety management systems – A practical guide – 5

Extract from the scope of ISO 22000:2018
This document specifies requirements for a food safety management system (FSMS) to
enable an organization that is directly or indirectly involved in the food chain :

1. to plan, implement, operate, maintain and update a FSMS providing products

and services that are safe, in accordance with their intended use

2. to demonstrate compliance with applicable statutory and regulatory

food safety requirements

3. to evaluate and assess mutually agreed customer food safety requirements

and to demonstrate conformity with them

4. to effectively communicate food safety issues to interested parties

within the food chain

5. to ensure that the organization conforms to its stated food safety policy

6. to demonstrate conformity to relevant interested parties

7. to seek certification or registration of its FSMS by an external organization, or make

a self-assessment or self-declaration of conformity to this document

6 – ISO 22000:2018 Food safety management systems – A practical guide

ISO decided to unify the structure of all management system standards (MSS)
in order to facilitate their integration. For that purpose, a High Level Structure
(HLS) was adopted. The HLS provides identical structure, text and common terms
and definitions for all ISO MSSs facilitating full integration of several standards
into one management system in a single organization (e.g. ISO 9001, ISO 14001,
and ISO 45001).
ISO 22000, like other ISO MSS, is built around the concept of the PDCA (Plan-Do-
Check-Act) cycle. In ISO 22000, this concept is applied at two levels (see Chapter 1,
Topic 3).
The FSMS is designed to reduce the risk of manufacturing a product that is not
safe. This handbook is designed to help an organization to develop a robust FSMS
according to ISO 22000.
An “ expert panel ” was formed as ISO/TC 34/SC 17/AG 1, with the purpose to sup-
port the users of standards within the ISO 22000 family. It consists of a selection of
SC 17 delegates who are geographically diverse with different technical/business
backgrounds across various food sectors.
Its role is to assist SC 17’s secretariat in addressing generic questions that need
official interpretation and to gain a greater understanding of the application of
the ISO 22000 family of standards. Therefore, its role is not to address specific
questions related to schemes, on how an organization will specifically address
standard(s) requirements, and on non-ISO documents.
Questions to the expert panel may be sent via SC 17’s secretary. More information
can be found here : https://committee.iso.org/sites/tc34sc17/home/projects/

ISO 22000:2018 Food safety management systems – A practical guide – 7

Source : ISO Focus 129


Broader look
at supply chain
(from supplier
to customer)

to the modern
food industry
More clarity
in terminology

More focus
on stakeholders

KEY ! Adoption of High-Level

Structure (Annex SL) KEY ! New approach to risk
This new core structure makes The standard now distin-
it easier for organizations to guishes between risk at the
combine ISO 22000 with other operational level (with Hazard
management system standards Analysis and Critical Control
(ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015 Points approach – HACCP) and
and ISO 45001:2018). at the strategic level (business
risk) of the management system,
where opportunities form part
of the concept.

KEY ! Two PDCA cycles

The two PDCA (Plan-Do-Check- KEY ! Critical control points
Act) cycles operate one inside
the other, the first covering the Users get a clear description
management system, the second of the differences between Critical
the operations (described in Control Points (CCPs), Operational
Clause 8), which simultaneously Prerequisite Programmes (OPRPs)
cover the HACCP principles. and Prerequisite Programmes
What is new in ISO 22000:2018 ?
The following are new concepts introduced in ISO 22000:2018 :
▸ The ISO 22000 standard has been restructured to align with other MSS
(see Chapter 1, Topic 1)
▸ The concept of the process approach has been made explicit
(see Chapter 1, Topic 2)
▸ The PDCA cycle is now introduced at two levels : organizational and
operational (see Chapter 1, Topic 3)
▸ The concept of risks and opportunities (see Chapter 1, Topic 4)
has been introduced
▸ The scope has been widened to include food for animals (food is intended
for consumption by humans and animals and includes feed and animal
food ; feed is intended to be fed to food-producing animals ; animal food
is intended to be fed to non-food-producing animals, such as pets)
▸ The term “ product ” has been defined and clarified to include
service (see Clause 3 of ISO 22000)
▸ New terms have been defined, e.g. “ acceptable level ”, “ action criterion ”,
“ significant food safety hazard ”, (see Clause 3 of ISO 22000)
▸ Some definitions have been revised and improved, e.g. for “ control
measure ”, “ critical control point (CCP) ”, “ operational prerequisite
programme (OPRP) ”, and “ prerequisite programme (PRP) ”
(see Clause 3 of ISO 22000)
▸ The understanding of interested parties needs and expectations has been
introduced (see Chapter 2, Task 2.2)

ISO 22000:2018 Food safety management systems – A practical guide – 9

▸ The leadership role of the top management (commitment, responsibilities
and authorities) has been strengthened (see Chapter 3, Tasks 3.1 and 3.2).
▸ How to use and control the externally developed elements of the FSMS has
been clarified (see Chapter 3, Task 3.5).
▸ The concept of documented information has been introduced
(see Chapter 3, Task 3.8).
▸ The concept of a hazard control plan has been introduced
(see Chapter 5, Tasks 5.5 to 5.8).

This handbook provides generic guidance to assist all organizations (including
small and medium-sized) that recognize the potential benefits of implementing
a FSMS in accordance with ISO 22000:2018.
Organizations, regardless of size and complexity, very often need support and/or
clarification on how to develop, document, implement and maintain an FSMS
using ISO 22000. In addition, organizations often underestimate the depth of
commitment required to maintain such a system and the training required to do so.
This handbook describes the ISO 22000 implementation process. For organiza-
tions considering certification, the handbook also provides information on the
certification process. Each key step is explained in more detail in the relevant
chapters of this handbook.

10 – ISO 22000:2018 Food safety management systems – A practical guide

Structure of this handbook
Structure of this handbook chapters
For the purpose of this handbook, references to “ISO 22000” are to the 2018 edi-
tion, unless otherwise specified.
The following structure is used in Chapters 2 to 6 of this handbook.

Key points
Summarizes the purpose of the chapter..

Objectives of this chapter

This paragraph explains how the chapter relates to ISO 22000.

Topics covered by the chapter

Each topic is divided into tasks and is presented as follows:
Task XX: Description of the required actions
▸ Reference(s): ISO 22000:2018, clause/subclause XX
▸ Your main aim should be to:
▸ Description of action(s) to be implemented.
▸ Practical advice:
▸ Practical explanations of why/how these actions could be implemented.
▸ Types of documented information supporting the implementation of the
FSMS and related task(s): example(s)
▸ What questions do you need to ask yourself (to which an affirmative reply is
required) before continuing?

ISO 22000:2018 Food safety management systems – A practical guide – 11

Chapter 1
HLS, two PDCA cycles and ‘risk-based thinking’ in the context
of ISO 22000:2018
Key points
This chapter explains the new structure (the High Level Structure) applied to MSS, the
concept of PDCA in the context of ISO 22000, where it is applied at two levels. It also
provides basic information on ‘risk-based thinking’ as applied to ISO 22000.

Objectives of this chapter

This chapter is essential for understanding the structure of ISO 22000 and the
relevant implications regarding its requirements.
The “High Level Structure (HLS)” is used for all MSS; the HLS is built around ten
common clauses (see Topic 1).
ISO 22000 employs the process approach (see Topic 2), which incorporates
the PDCA cycle at two levels (see Topic 3) and the risk-based thinking concept
(see Topic 4).
▸ Topic 1: High Level Structure (HLS)
▸ Topic 2: Process approach
▸ Topic 3: The two PDCA cycles of ISO 22000
▸ Topic 4: ‘Risk-based thinking’ in the context of ISO 22000

ISO 22000:2018 Food safety management systems – A practical guide – 19

Topic 1: High Level Structure (HLS)
The ISO 22000:2018 standard was developed to reflect the HLS common to all the
ISO MSS. The HLS was an initiative taken by ISO and when revised, all the ISO MSS,
including ISO 22000:2005, shall apply this common structure.
The HLS concept is designed to improve alignment across MSS, therefore enabling
an organization to apply the process approach (see Topic 2), coupled with the
PDCA cycle (see Topic 3) and risk-based thinking (see Topic 4), as well as, where
required, to align it with other MSS.
The concept also includes information on the business context and interested
parties, risks, opportunities and continual improvement, and leadership
and commitment.
The HLS comprises a structure of ten clauses, common terms and definitions, and
standard text, making it easier for anyone applying multiple MSS. The illustration
below reflects the common clauses shared by all the MSS.

4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Context of the Leadership Planning Support Operation Performance
organization evaluation

4.1 5.1 6.1 7.1 8.1 9.1 10.1

4.2 5.2 6.2 7.2 9.2 10.2

4.3 5.3 7.3 9.3

4.4 7.4

Figure 1 : Common clauses shared by all MSS

The text of these clauses was required by ISO to be the same. Where it was spe-
cifically needed, allowance was given to modify some of the text addressing the

20 – ISO 22000:2018 Food safety management systems – A practical guide

specific needs of the standard, i.e. ISO 22000 concerning food safety or ISO 9001
concerning quality, etc.
Modified text for ISO 22000 included for example some terms and definitions
and information in Subclauses 5.2.1, 5.2.2, 6.3, most of Subclauses 7.1 and 7.4, 9.1.1,
9.1.2, 9.3.1 to 9.3.3 as well as Subclause 10.3. Text unique to ISO 22000 included, for
example, the introduction, scope, normative references, Clause 8.

Topic 2: Process approach

The process approach is a tool for managing the identified processes (e.g. food
safety management processes, realization processes, supporting processes) of the
organization and their interactions in order to achieve the intended results and
to avoid unwanted results.
An advantage of the process approach is the ongoing control it provides between
the individual processes within the system.

ISO 22000:2018 Food safety management systems – A practical guide – 21

Food safety management process
Top management
Policy Objectives Monitoring Verification Improvement

Realization processes
Inputs Process Outputs

Intended results

Operationnal planning and control: PRPs,traceability, hazard control, etc.

Examples of supporting functions

Human Laboratory/food
R&D Purchasing Maintenance
resources safety team

Figure 2 : Generic illustration of the process approach.

ISO 22000 follows the process approach. When used within an FSMS, the process
approach emphasizes the importance of:
▸ understanding and fulfilling ISO 22000 requirements
▸ considering food safety planning as a process
▸ considering traceability as a process
▸ monitoring of process performance and effectiveness
▸ continual improvement of processes based on objective measurement(s)

Any and all parties, as defined by internal and external communication, can play a
role in defining process requirements. Evaluating the satisfaction of these entities
requires the collection and analysis of information to determine whether or not
the organization has been able to meet these demands.

22 – ISO 22000:2018 Food safety management systems – A practical guide

From farm to fork, food products may encounter any num-
ber of health hazards in their journey through the supply
chain. Safe food handling practices are thus implemented
at every stage of the food production life cycle to curb these
risks and prevent harm to consumers.
An effective food safety management system (FSMS) rein-
forces an organization’s control on food safety hazards and
ensures that its products are safe for consumption.
Published jointly by ISO and UNIDO, this handbook pro-
vides a practical approach and a wide range of information
to develop, document, implement and maintain a robust
FSMS according to ISO 22000:2018.

United Nations Industrial

Development Organization
Vienna International Centre
P.O. Box 300
AT – 1400 Vienna

International Organization
for Standardization
ISO Central Secretariat
Ch. de Blandonnet 8
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CH – 1214 Vernier, Geneva

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© ISO, 2021
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ISBN 978-92-67-11166-7

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