English Questions and Model Answers

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2012 – 2017 MANEB




| Thewa Area, Box 373, Ntcheu. [email protected] 0999395086/0881032191

English Questions and Answers for Primary School – Moffat Bright Loga


This pamphlet has been produced by Moffat Bright Loga, a

teacher currently teaching in Ntcheu. The multiple choice
questions have been picked from the 2012 to 2017 MANEB papers.

To the students; the answers to the questions have been written at

the end of book. This is to help you to mark your work on your own.
Where you need clarification (a better understanding) on a
particular question and its answer, you can ask your teacher,
parent/guardian or any person you believe will help you.

To the guardian, parent and teacher; you can use this book to
assess your child or students easily. It will also help you make some
emphasis on important areas that are examinable so that your
child or students can pass with good grades in English.

Other books in stock are, Bible Knowledge Questions and Answers

(questions taken from MANEB papers), Bible Knowledge for
Primary school (all classes in one – you will like it), Science and
Technology Questions and Answers (questions taken from MANEB
papers), Science and Technology notes for Standard 5, Science
and Technology notes for Standard 6 – with clear illustrations and
Mathematics Questions and Answers (questions picked from
MANEB papers).

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English Questions and Answers for Primary School – Moffat Bright Loga

2012 PAPER

Questions 1 – 13. A. in
B. through
In each of the following questions
C. on
choose the word that best completes
D. during
the sentence.
8. The exercise is ________ difficult.
1. Whenever Mrs Bazuka _______ A. most
English, learners enjoy the lesson. B. too
A. teach C. so
B. teaches D. rather
C. had taught 9. Our club _____ to win a trophy last
D. has taught season.
2. Our teacher always talks ______ her A. was failing
background. B. failed
A. on C. is failing
B. over D. has failed
C. for 10. I haven’t seen Kharapuwa ______
D. about yesterday.
3. Mphatso got ____ marks than Temwa. A. from
A. most B. before
B. best C. until
C. better D. since
D. good 11. If you _____ the urban areas of the
4. She ______ examinations because she country, you would have found life
studies hard. different.
A. will pass A. visit
B. passed B. had visited
C. has passed C. will visit
D. pass D. have visited
5. Chimwemwe _______ score another 12. He will be here _____ an hour or so.
goal if given chance. A. in
A. should B. over
B. would C. on
C. must D. by
D. can 13. If he had called me, I ______ able to
6. A lazy person always ______ out meet him.
begging for food. A. will be
A. go B. will have been
B. goes C. should be
C. is going D. would have been
D. has gone
7. The learners were doing most of their
practical work ______ the day.

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English Questions and Answers for Primary School – Moffat Bright Loga

Questions 14 – 26 C. Conjunction
D. Adverb
In each of the following questions,
22. What is bringing trouble in your
choose the correct part of speech for
each of the underlined words.
A. Article
14. The day it rained, I was in class. B. Pronoun
A. Noun C. Adjective
B. Verb D. Verb
C. Adverb 23. They are happy with the gift.
D. Adjective A. Article
15. She had a big smile on her face. B. Adjective
A. Verb C. Pronoun
B. Conjunction D. Noun
C. Noun 24. Democracy empowers all citizens in a
D. Adverb country.
16. Although I was ill, I attended the A. Noun
meeting. B. Adverb
A. Conjunction C. Verb
B. Preposition D. Adjective
C. Verb 25. I don’t need any food now.
D. Adverb A. Verb
17. When the harvesting season comes, B. Pronoun
everyone is happy. C. Adjective
A. Adverb D. Adverb
B. Noun 26. He is the last born son in his family.
C. Verb A. Adjective
D. Adjective B. Pronoun
18. She has written me a letter. C. Preposition
A. Preposition D. Adverb
B. Conjunction
C. Pronoun
D. Adverb Questions 27 – 31
19. He had been a teacher for many years.
In each of the following questions,
A. Article
choose the correct question tag for
B. Interjection
the statements.
C. Conjunction
D. Preposition 27. You play hockey, _______?
20. Oranges taste nice. A. don’t you
A. Adverb B. didn’t you
B. Adjective C. did you
C. Interjection D. do you
D. Verb 28. We should have a duty roster for the
21. All late comers were asked to remain class, _______?
behind. A. should we
A. Preposition B. haven’t we
B. Noun C. shouldn’t we

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English Questions and Answers for Primary School – Moffat Bright Loga

D. have we C. road
29. My watch works perfectly, ______? D. passage
A. is it
B. does it
C. isn’t it Questions 36 – 40
D. doesn’t it
30. There were no drinks at the party, In each of the following questions,
________? choose the answer that gives the
A. had there correct type of clause and its
B. weren’t there function. The clause has been
C. were there underlined.
D. hadn’t there 36. Bake the scones the way I do.
31. Hard work will always pay, A. Adverb clause modifying ‘bake’
________? B. Noun clause object of ‘bake’
A. does it C. Adjective clause, qualifying
B. doesn’t it ‘scones’
C. won’t it D. Noun clause, complement of
D. will it ‘bake’
37. The learner is listening to what you
are saying.
Questions 32 – 35 A. Noun clause, complement of ‘is
In each of the following questions,
B. Adverb clause, modifying ‘is
choose the word that best completes
the proverbs.
C. Adjective clause, qualifying
32. Birds of the same ______ flock ‘learner’
together. D. Noun clause, object of ‘to’
A. colour 38. This is the year that promises good
B. feathers things.
C. beaks A. Noun clause, object of ‘is’
D. feet B. Adjective clause, qualifying ‘year’
33. A ____ in hand is worth two in the C. Adverb clause, modifying ‘is’
bush. D. Noun clause, in apposition to
A. cock ‘year’
B. chick 39. I will keep the garden until the
C. dove children have grown up.
D. bird A. Adjective clause, qualifying
34. ________ lost is never regained. ‘garden’
A. Energy B. Adverb clause, modifying ‘will
B. Money keep’
C. Time C. Noun clause, object of ‘will keep’
D. Power D. Noun clause, in apposition to
35. Where there is a will there is a ‘garden’
_______. 40. The information that Mbombe has
A. way been selected to the university pleased
B. path her parents.

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English Questions and Answers for Primary School – Moffat Bright Loga

A. Adjective clause, qualifying C. Adverb clause, modifying

‘information’ ‘pleased’
B. Noun clause, in apposition to D. Noun clause, subject of ‘pleased’

2013 PAPER

Questions 1 – 13 6. They were told to run _____ the

In each of the following questions,
A. down
choose the word that best completes
B. round
the sentence.
C. near
1. I was filled ____ joy after passing D. by
examination. 7. Soon, I will be leaving ______
A. by Mulanje.
B. to A. to
C. with B. at
D. in C. for
2. The teacher is ____ his way to the D. from
market. 8. Our team was beaten _____ four goals
A. on to zero.
B. off A. with
C. down B. by
D. at C. down
3. Breakfast is the most important meal D. about
_____ the day. 9. Today, a lot of people are talking
A. in _______ going back to school.
B. of A. about
C. by B. over
D. during C. of
4. He was unable to separate goats D. on
_____ sheep. 10. His clothes look dirty because he
A. on ______ them for a month.
B. with A. wouldn’t wash
C. and B. hasn’t washed
D. from C. couldn’t wash
5. The cat entered the house _______ the D. hadn’t wash
window. 11. She _____ the examination next year.
A. through A. could be writing
B. at B. would be writing
C. below C. would write
D. across D. will write

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English Questions and Answers for Primary School – Moffat Bright Loga

12. My mother asked me why I 19. The teacher will be here soon.
_________ the door. A. Noun
A. would lock B. Verb
B. should lock C. Adverb
C. had locked D. Preposition
D. have locked 20. I heard shouts and clapping of hands
13. Since last month, Alinafe _______ at in the hall.
this office. A. Verb
A. was working B. Noun
B. is working C. Adverb
C. has been working D. Adjective
D. had been working 21. We water vegetables every day.
A. Adverb
B. Noun
Questions 14 – 26 C. Verb
D. Pronoun
In each of the following questions, 22. The rumour that Mr Moyo is sick is
choose the correct parts of speech not true.
for each of the underlined words. A. Noun
14. He was told to book for rooms for the B. Verb
visitors. C. Adverb
A. Verb D. Adjective
B. Noun 23. Chisomo often meets his brother.
C. Adverb A. Adverb
D. Adjective B. Adjective
15. Chifuniro went to cheer up the sick at C. Conjunction
the hospital. D. Preposition
A. Adverb 24. Anybody can do this work.
B. Adjective A. Noun
C. Conjunction B. Adverb
D. Preposition C. Adjective
16. Alas! He was my only friend. D. Pronoun
A. Adjective 25. The patient was given medicine every
B. Conjunction two hours.
C. Interjection A. Verb
D. Preposition B. Adverb
17. I will go to school, although I am sick. C. Adjective
A. Verb D. Preposition
B. Adjective 26. Katambala went to school before she
C. Preposition was six years old.
D. Conjunction A. Preposition
18. Some dogs have been vaccinated. B. Adverb
A. Adverb C. Conjunction
B. Pronoun D. Verb
C. Conjunction
D. Adjective

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English Questions and Answers for Primary School – Moffat Bright Loga

Questions 27 – 31 33. Actions speak _______ than words.

A. softer
In each of the following questions,
B. higher
choose the correct question tag for the
C. lower
D. louder
27. I do not have a car, __________? 34. Every dog has its ________
A. don’t I A. week
B. do I B. day
C. have I C. month
D. haven’t I D. year
28. It is not raining, ________? 35. Experience is the best ________
A. was it A. counsellor
B. is it B. trainer
C. isn’t it C. teacher
D. wasn’t it D. adviser
29. He comes to school late every day,
A. does he Questions 36 – 40
B. doesn’t he
In each of the following questions,
C. isn’t he
choose the answer that gives the
D. is he
correct type of clause and its function.
30. An elephant is the biggest animal in
The clause has been underlined.
the forest, ________?
A. was it 36. If you do not get him in class check at
B. is it the ground.
C. wasn’t it A. Adjective clause qualifying
D. isn’t it ‘ground’
31. I am working hard at school, B. Adverb clause modifying ‘check’
__________? C. Noun clause, subject of ‘check’
A. am I D. Noun clause, object of preposition
B. aren’t I ‘at’
C. do I 37. The fact that he has left school worries
D. don’t I the teacher.
A. Adverb clause, modifying
Questions 32 – 35 B. Noun clause, subject of ‘worries’
C. Adjective clause, qualifying ‘fact’
In each of the following questions,
D. Noun clause, in apposition to
choose the word that best completes
the proverbs.
38. This is the friend I was telling you
32. She was born with a silver _____ in about.
the mouth. A. Adjective clause, qualifying
A. folk ‘friend’
B. saucer B. Noun clause, object of ‘is’
C. spoon C. Adverb clause, modifying ‘is’
D. cup D. Noun clause, complement of ‘is’

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English Questions and Answers for Primary School – Moffat Bright Loga

39. They looked seriously at what they 40. I will go to church after writing the
found. homework.
A. Noun clause, object of ‘looked’ A. Adjective clause, qualifying
B. Adverb clause, modifying ‘church’
‘looked’ B. Adverb clause, modifying ‘will
C. Noun clause, object of ‘at’ go’
D. Noun clause, complement of C. Noun clause, in apposition to
‘looked’ ‘church’
D. Noun clause, object of ‘will go’

2014 PAPER

Questions 1 – 13 B. about
C. on
In each of the following questions,
D. for
choose the word that best completes
6. I wanted the chief to look ______ this
the sentences.
matter seriously.
1. My uncle goes to work ______ by A. at
public transport. B. in
A. with C. into
B. on D. on
C. in 7. The bicycle is good enough ________
D. by our trip.
2. The librarian was looking _______ the A. at
missing book. B. to
A. for C. for
B. on D. on
C. after 8. The aeroplane disappeared _________
D. over thick clouds.
3. They started learning _______ A. over
January. B. in
A. since C. at
B. on D. into
C. in 9. Mayamiko and Tiyamike are _______
D. by ill.
4. The thief was ______ those three A. both
fishermen. B. all
A. among C. either
B. upon D. each
C. between 10. She ______ talk for hours in those
D. within days.
5. I appreciate the trust you have _____ A. could
me. B. can
A. at C. may

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English Questions and Answers for Primary School – Moffat Bright Loga

D. might D. Noun
11. They _______ to plant trees in time 18. They had to walk a long distance.
last year. A. Noun
A. would fail B. Conjunction
B. fail C. Pronoun
C. have failed D. Adjective
D. failed 19. I grow local varieties of maize.
12. You cannot sleep here, unless we A. Preposition
_____ you. B. Adverb
A. would know C. Verb
B. know D. Adjective
C. knew 20. The story was not true.
D. had known A. Pronoun
13. Tendai _____ from her work B. Adverb
tomorrow. C. Noun
A. would resign D. Adjective
B. might resign 21. This is not the first time that I entered
C. is resigning a dancing competition.
D. could resign A. Conjunction
B. Pronoun
C. Preposition
Questions 14 – 26 D. Adjective
22. It is my sincere hope that you will
In each of the following questions, arrive safely.
choose the correct part of speech for A. Preposition
each of the underlined. B. Noun
14. The hungry dog ate my chicken. C. Verb
A. Verb D. Adverb
B. Adverb 23. Three of them were punished.
C. Adjective A. Preposition
D. Preposition B. Pronoun
15. You should never write unnecessary C. Adjective
things on walls. D. Adverb
A. Adverb 24. I am not happy with the loss.
B. Verb A. Verb
C. Adjective B. Noun
D. Conjunction C. Adverb
16. What is that gentleman’s name? D. Adjective
A. Pronoun 25. Singing is a good hobby.
B. Adjective A. Pronoun
C. Adverb B. Adjective
D. Preposition C. Adverb
17. They were treated with kindness. D. Preposition
A. Verb 26. Her story is very interesting.
B. Adjective A. Adverb
C. Adverb B. Verb

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English Questions and Answers for Primary School – Moffat Bright Loga

C. Adjective C. snake
D. Conjunction D. frog
33. You cannot teach an old _______ new
Questions 27 – 31 A. horse
B. cat
In each of the following questions, C. donkey
choose the correct question tag for the D. dog
statements. 34. Too many cooks _______ the soup.
27. It is cold this morning, _______? A. improve
A. is it B. finish
B. isn’t it C. prepare
C. doesn’t it D. spoil
D. does it 35. One good turn deserves _________.
28. There was nobody in the room, A. much
_______? B. another
A. wasn’t there C. more
B. is there D. a little
C. was there
D. isn’t there
29. He did not want to do the work, Questions 36 – 40
In each of the following questions,
A. doesn’t he
choose the answer that gives the
B. didn’t he
correct type of clause and its function.
C. does he
The clause has been underlined.
D. did he
30. My father goes to the garden daily, 36. Hide the medicine where the child
_______? cannot find it.
A. didn’t he A. Adjective clause, qualifying
B. doesn’t he ‘medicine’
C. does he B. Noun clause, object of ‘hide’
D. did he C. Adverb clause, modifying ‘hide’
31. I am writing an English test, D. Noun clause, in apposition to
_________? ‘medicine’
A. am I 37. This is the place where I saw Omega.
B. aren’t I A. Adverb clause, modifying ‘is’
C. don’t I B. Adjective clause, qualifying
D. do I ‘place’
C. Noun clause, object of ‘is’
Questions 32 – 35
D. Noun clause, in apposition to
In each of the following questions, ‘place’
choose the word that best completes 38. The dog I saw was fierce.
the proverb. A. Adjective clause, qualifying ‘dog’
B. Noun clause, in apposition to
32. An early bird catches the ________. ‘dog’
A. fish C. Adverb clause, modifying ‘was’
B. worm

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English Questions and Answers for Primary School – Moffat Bright Loga

D. Noun clause, object of ‘dog’ 40. He draws whatever he sees.

39. When they found her, she was A. Noun clause, in apposition to ‘he’
extremely happy. B. Adverb clause, modifying ‘draws’
A. Noun clause, object of ‘happy’ C. Noun clause, complement of
B. Noun clause, subject of ‘was’ ‘draws’
C. Adverb clause, modifying ‘was D. Noun clause, object of ‘draws’
extremely happy’
D. Adjective clause, qualifying ‘she’

2015 PAPER

Questions 1 – 13 6. I have some doubts ________ his

In each of the following questions,
A. to
choose the word or phrase that best
B. about
completes the sentence.
C. for
1. He lent his bicycle ______ a boy he D. on
hardly knew. 7. The thief was accompanied _______
A. for several men.
B. to A. to
C. over B. for
D. from C. with
2. I will see you ______ at the airport. D. by
A. off 8. Chembe did not want to be reminded
B. away ______ his past.
C. through A. of
D. over B. about
3. He prevented me ______ speaking. C. on
A. at D. for
B. for 9. If I ______ rich enough, I would build
C. to a school.
D. from A. have been
4. It was kind ________ you to invite us. B. had been
A. for C. were
B. by D. am
C. of 10. Your suggestion __________ by the
D. from committee at this moment.
5. He is trying to cope ________ modern A. is being discussed
life. B. is discussed
A. with C. was discussed
B. to D. was being discussed
C. at 11. We shall write him when he ______ to
D. up his village.

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English Questions and Answers for Primary School – Moffat Bright Loga

A. shall return A. Noun

B. had return B. Adverb
C. returned C. Verb
D. returns D. Adjective
12. Whenever he _______ home, he 19. Chikho likes running although she is
brings his parents a gift. old.
A. has come A. Preposition
B. will come B. Pronoun
C. comes C. Article
D. come D. Conjunction
13. He _______ a teacher for ten years 20. Lusako has a lovely voice.
before he became the headmaster of A. Adjective
our school. B. Adverb
A. has been C. Verb
B. had been D. Preposition
C. was 21. Mandevu wants to water the
D. were seedlings.
A. Adjective
B. Adverb
Questions 14 – 26 C. Noun
D. Verb
In each of the following questions, 22. He has done this sort of work before.
choose the correct part of speech for A. Preposition
each of the underlined words. B. Conjunction
14. He speaks Chiyao quite fluently. C. Article
A. Adjective D. Pronoun
B. Pronoun 23. Please do me a favour.
C. Adverb A. Verb
D. Preposition B. Noun
15. The two athletes ran across the field. C. Adjective
A. Adjective D. Adverb
B. Pronoun 24. We agreed to follow the classroom
C. Adverb rules.
D. Verb A. Preposition
16. The entrance to the cave was narrow. B. Adjective
A. Verb C. Verb
B. Article D. Noun
C. Adjective 25. Have you sent someone to the party?
D. Preposition A. Conjunction
17. “Time for Music” is a popular B. Adverb
programme on Tionere Television. C. Adjective
A. Noun D. Pronoun
B. Adverb 26. I will go if you tell me what to do.
C. Adjective A. Pronoun
D. Preposition B. Preposition
18. Honesty protects citizens in a country. C. Adverb

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English Questions and Answers for Primary School – Moffat Bright Loga

D. Conjunction C. fast
D. poorly
33. As _____ as a church mouse.
Questions 27 – 31 A. poor
B. smart
In each of the following questions, C. clever
choose the correct question tag for the D. beautiful
statement. 34. Blood is ________ than water.
27. Our continent is Africa, _______? A. thicker
A. can’t it B. stronger
B. can it C. brighter
C. isn’t it D. heavier
D. is it 35. Half a loaf is better than ________>
28. We learn English every day, ______? A. fruits
A. don’t we B. one
B. do we C. cakes
C. are we D. none
D. aren’t we
29. She is doing well this term,
________? Questions 36 – 40
A. is she
In each of the following questions,
B. isn’t she
choose the answer that gives the
C. will she
correct type of clause and its function.
D. won’t she
The clause has been underlined.
30. Open the window, _________?
A. shouldn’t you 36. When I arrived at the bus station, the
B. should you coach was just arriving.
C. will you A. Adverb clause, modifying ‘was’
D. won’t you B. Noun clause, subject of ‘was’
31. You wouldn’t have passed, C. Adjective clause, qualifying
________? ‘coach’
A. would you D. Noun clause in apposition to
B. wouldn’t you ‘coach’
C. will you 37. Since there were no seats we had to
D. won’t you stand.
A. Noun clause, subject of ‘had to
B. Adverb clause, modifying ‘had to
Questions 32 – 35 C. Noun clause, object of ‘to’
In each of the following questions, D. Adverb clause, modifying ‘had’
choose the word that best completes 38. This is the season when we enjoy
the proverbs ourselves.
A. Noun clause, object of ‘is’
32. Late comers always eat _________. B. Adverb clause, modifying ‘is’
A. bread
B. bones

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English Questions and Answers for Primary School – Moffat Bright Loga

C. Adjective clause, qualifying 40. I cannot depend on what you say.

‘season’ A. Noun clause, object of ‘on’
D. Noun clause, in apposition to B. Noun clause, object of ‘cannot
‘season’ depend’
39. I want to know who came first in the C. Adverb clause, modifying
competition. ‘depend’
A. Adverb clause, modifying ‘want’ D. Adverb clause, modifying ‘cannot
B. Adverb clause, modifying ‘know’ depend’
C. Noun clause, object of ‘know’
D. Noun clause, object of ‘know’

2016 PAPER

Questions 1 – 13 5. The teacher was pleased ________

Tamandani’s success.
In each of the following questions,
A. with
choose the word that best completes
B. at
the sentence.
C. to
1. The sick baby was taken ______ the D. by
hospital for treatment. 6. We were concerned _____ issues of
A. at child labour.
B. to A. about
C. by B. on
D. in C. with
2. The car broke ______ on the way to D. of
the hospital. 7. I am looking ____ to another event of
A. away a similar nature.
B. up A. up
C. down B. over
D. off C. down
3. The pain in the chest went ______ D. forward
after she had taken the medicine. 8. The boys prefer football _______
A. away basketball.
B. off A. for
C. on B. against
D. out C. with
4. The village chief strongly advised the D. to
youths to abstain _____ smoking. 9. ______ being short, he is a very good
A. at football player.
B. to A. In spite
C. from B. Despite
D. in C. However
D. Although

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10. If it rains, the village meeting ______ D. Noun

be cancelled. 17. Why did you do that?
A. would A. Adjective
B. will B. Pronoun
C. could C. Adverb
D. might D. Preposition
11. He asked if he _____ see the class 18. Hurrah! Our school has won the
teacher. trophy.
A. could A. Adverb
B. can B. Adjective
C. will C. Conjunction
D. would D. Interjection
12. We would have been told if he _____ 19. Alinafe hurt her leg badly.
a present. A. Noun
A. send B. Adjective
B. sent C. Verb
C. has sent D. Adverb
D. had sent 20. The little boy is very excited.
13. He usually _____ money from Mary. A. Preposition
A. lend B. Adjective
B. lends C. Verb
C. borrow D. Adverb
D. borrows 21. You must go home because it will
soon be dark.
A. Conjunction
Questions 14 – 27 B. Preposition
C. Pronoun
In each of the following questions, D. Adjective
choose the correct part of speech for 22. All of us must do something to stop
each of the underlined words. the spread of HIV.
14. A bird with a broken wing fell off the A. Adverb
tree. B. Pronoun
A. Verb C. Preposition
B. Adjective D. Noun
C. Adverb 23. If you run fast, you will find him.
D. Noun A. Conjunction
15. A rabbit ran across the road. B. Pronoun
A. Pronoun C. Preposition
B. Conjunction D. Adverb
C. Preposition 24. There is a small garden behind the
D. Adverb house.
16. I heard a shout from our neighbour’s A. Preposition
house. B. Conjunction
A. Verb C. Adverb
B. Adjective D. Adjective
C. Interjection

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25. This is my opportunity to go to C. have you

secondary school. D. had you
A. Noun
B. Pronoun
C. Adjective
D. Adverb
26. Ridging along the slope encourages Questions 32 and 33
soil erosion. In each of the following questions,
A. Preposition choose the word that best completes
B. Adverb the proverb.
C. Conjunction
D. Verb 32. There is no _____ without fire.
A. wood
B. charcoal
C. kitchen
D. smoke
Questions 27 – 31 33. Don’t throw stones if you live in a
______ house.
In each of the following questions,
A. glass
choose the correct question tag for the
B. thatched
C. mud
27. Mr Ngozo is my teacher, _______? D. weak
A. is he
B. isn’t he
C. was he
D. wasn’t he
28. He usually repairs his bicycle under Questions 34 and 35
this tree, ______? In each of the following questions,
A. doesn’t he choose the word that best completes
B. did he the simile.
C. does he
D. didn’t he 34. His hands were as cold as ______.
29. Cheating does not pay, _______? A. water
A. is it B. rain
B. isn’t it C. ice
C. doesn’t it D. hail
D. does it 35. The fruit is as _______ as honey.
30. There are many people in the house, A. tasty
_______? B. good
A. were there C. nice
B. weren’t there D. sweet
C. aren’t there Questions 36 – 40
D. are there
31. You have not closed the door, In each of the following questions,
__________? choose the answer that gives the
A. haven’t you correct type of clause and its function.
B. hadn’t you The clause has been underlined.

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36. The story I heard about TasunganaU B. Noun clause, object of ‘usually
was not true. eat’
A. Noun clause, subject of ‘was not’ C. Noun clause, complement of
B. Noun clause, in apposition to ‘usually eat’
‘story’ D. Adverb clause, modifying ‘usually
C. Adjective clause, qualifying eat’
‘story’ 39. That was what the team deserved.
D. Adverb clause, modifying ‘was A. Adverb clause, modifying ‘was’
not true’ B. Noun clause, object of ‘that’
37. Although she is shy, she is the best in C. Noun clause, object of ‘that’
class. D. Noun clause, complement of ‘was’
A. Adverb clause, modifying ‘is’ 40. This is the time when we harvest our
B. Noun clause, object of ‘is’ maize.
C. Noun clause, complement of ‘is’ A. Adjective clause, qualifying ‘time’
D. Noun clause, subject of ‘is’ B. Adverb clause, modifying ‘this’
38. They usually eat whatever we prepare. C. Noun clause, in apposition to
A. Adverb clause, modifying ‘usually ‘time’
eat’ D. Adverb clause, modifying ‘is’

2017 PAPER

Questions 1 – 13 4. Standard one learners are listening

______ Tikwere radio programme.
In each of the following questions,
A. on
choose the word that best completes
B. at
the sentence.
C. to
1. The teacher is looking _____ his lost D. from
pen. 5. Democracy is the most popular from
A. at _____ government in Western
B. for countries.
C. after A. for
D. over B. with
2. The dog is running _____ the cat. C. of
A. to D. in
B. for 6. Madalo is older _______ Ekari.
C. after A. than
D. at B. to
3. _______ Tinyade nor James has stolen C. with
the book. D. from
A. Both 7. They could not see me because I was
B. Either standing ______ my sister.
C. Or A. near
D. Neither B. beside
C. behind

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D. with D. Adjective
8. We return home _____ the evenings. 15. They forgot the importance of the
A. in journey.
B. by A. Noun
C. at B. Adjective
D. on C. Adverb
9. You can’t board a plane ____ you D. Pronoun
have an air ticket. 16. She is one of the best teachers at our
A. unless school.
B. if A. Adjective
C. but B. Adverb
D. since C. Preposition
10. The thief has stolen a ______ of keys. D. Pronoun
A. heap 17. Although he was not well, he decided
B. bunch to go ahead with meeting.
C. bundle A. Preposition
D. group B. Conjunction
11. Suzgo ______ on the phone at the C. Adverb
moment. D. Pronoun
A. had talked 18. I have never visited a national park.
B. was talking A. Verb
C. has talked B. Pronoun
D. is talking C. Preposition
12. My uncle as well as my aunt, _______ D. Adverb
present at the meeting last night. 19. Life is really interesting in the village.
A. were A. Adverb
B. are B. Adjective
C. have been C. Noun
D. had been D. Pronoun
13. If I had a passport, I _______ abroad. 20. Have these already been taken by
A. would have travelled someone?
B. would travel A. Adverb
C. will travel B. Verb
D. will travel C. Pronoun
D. Adjective
21. The desk was near the window.
Questions 14 – 26 A. Preposition
B. Noun
In each of the following questions, C. Conjunction
choose the correct part of speech for D. Verb
the underlined words. 22. Besides teaching, he does farming.
14. She lives happily with her A. Verb
grandparents. B. Conjunction
A. Preposition C. Adverb
B. Conjunction D. Preposition
C. Pronoun 23. “I name this baby John,” said
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A. Noun C. do they
B. Conjunction D. don’t they
C. Adverb 31. We are not allowed to read aloud in
D. Verb examination, _____?
24. The girl was praised for her A. are we
politeness. B. aren’t we
A. Adverb C. do we
B. Adjective D. don’t we
C. Noun
D. Verb
25. The head teacher is briefing the school Questions 32 and 33
A. Noun In each of the following questions,
B. Adjective choose the word that best completes
C. Verb the simile.
D. Conjunction 32. As brave as a ______.
26. Flying insects are numerous at night. A. tiger
A. Verb B. leopard
B. Adverb C. crocodile
C. Adjective D. lion
D. Noun 33. As _______ as a morning star.
A. shiny
B. bright
Questions 27 – 31 C. clear
In each of the following questions, D. light
choose the correct question tag for the
Questions 34 and 35
27. John will sit the examination this year,
________? In each of the following questions,
A. will he choose the word that best completes
B. shall he the proverb.
C. won’t he 34. A stitch in time saves _______.
D. isn’t he A. many
28. Our teacher does not have a car, B. nine
________? C. two
A. has she D. one
B. hasn’t she 35. You can lead a horse to a _____ but
C. does she you can’t force it to drink.
D. doesn’t she A. lake
29. They ran to school this morning, B. well
________? C. dam
A. don’t they D. river
B. did they
C. do they
D. didn’t they
Questions 36 – 40
30. They will report the matter to police,
______? In each of the following questions,
A. will they choose the answer that gives the
B. won’t they

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correct type of clause and its function. A. Noun clause, in apposition to

The clause has been underlined. ‘keys’
B. Adjective clause, qualifying ‘keys’
36. If you bring the eggs, I will give you C. Adverb clause, modifying ‘were
the money. found’
A. Adverb clause, modifying ‘will D. Noun clause, object of ‘were
give’ found’
B. Noun clause, in apposition to 39. When he arrived home, he ate his
‘money’ food.
C. Adjective clause, qualifying ‘I’ A. Adverb clause, modifying ‘ate’
D. Noun clause, complement of ‘will B. Noun clause, subject of ‘ate’
give’ C. Adjective clause, qualifying ‘food’
37. The suggestion that we should all D. Noun clause, complement of ‘ate’
write the test pleased us. 40. He hasn’t heard that Tupochere went
A. Adjective clause, qualifying to Nsanje.
‘suggestion’ A. Noun clause, complement of
B. Adverb clause, modifying, ‘hasn’t heard’
‘pleased’ B. Adverb clause, modifying ‘hasn’t
C. Noun clause, subject of ‘pleased’ heard’
D. Noun clause, in apposition to C. Adjective clause, qualifying ‘he’
‘suggestion’ D. Noun clause, object of ‘hasn’t
38. The keys she lost were found heard’

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2012 PAPER
1. B 11. B 21. D 31. C
2. D 12. A 22. D 32. B
3. C 13. D 23. C 33. D
4. A 14. B 24. C 34. C
5. B 15. C 25. D 35. A
6. B 16. A 26. A 36. A
7. D 17. D 27. A 37. D
8. B 18. C 28. C 38. D
9. B 19. D 29. D 39. B
10. D 20. A 30. C 40. B

2013 PAPER
1. C 11. D 21. C 31. B
2. A 12. C 22. A 32. C
3. B 13. C 23. A 33. D
4. D 14. A 24. D 34. B
5. A 15. D 25. B 35. C
6. C 16. C 26. C 36. B
7. C 17. D 27. B 37. D
8. B 18. D 28. B 38. A
9. C 19. C 29. B 39. C
10. B 20. B 30. D 40. B

2014 PAPER
1. D 11. D 21. B 31. B
2. A 12. B 22. B 32. B
3. C 13. C 23. C 33. D
4. A 14. C 24. B 34. D
5. C 15. A 25. B 35. B
6. C 16. B 26. A 36. C
7. C 17. D 27. B 37. B
8. B 18. C 28. A 38. A
9. A 19. C 29. D 39. C
10. A 20. D 30. B 40. D

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2015 PAPER
1. A 11. D 21. D 31. A
2. A 12. C 22. D 32. B
3. D 13. B 23. B 33. A
4. C 14. C 24. C 34. A
5. A 15. D 25. D 35. D
6. B 16. D 26. D 36. A
7. D 17. C 27. C 37. B
8. A 18. A 28. A 38. D
9. C 19. D 29. B 39. C
10. A 20. A 30. C 40. A

2016 PAPER
1. B 11. A 21. A 31. C
2. C 12. D 22. B 32. D
3. D 13. D 23. A 33. A
4. C 14. B 24. A 34. C
5. A 15. C 25. C 35. D
6. C 16. D 26. A 36. B
7. D 17. B 27. B 37. A
8. D 18. D 28. A 38. B
9. B 19. C 29. D 39. D
10. B 20. D 30. C 40. C

2017 PAPER
1. B 11. D 21. A 31. A
2. C 12. A 22. B 32. D
3. D 13. B 23. D 33. B
4. C 14. A 24. C 34. B
5. C 15. A 25. C 35. D
6. A 16. A 26. C 36. A
7. C 17. B 27. C 37. D
8. A 18. D 28. C 38. B
9. A 19. B 29. D 39. A
10. B 20. C 30. B 40. D

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