Practice Quiz 2

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Practice Test

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Date: Score:

Please circle the letter of the BEST answer

1. What is the legal age of an adult in Canada?

?A 18


2- Section 10 under the Canadian Chfrter of Rights anU fleeaorhs states:

A Everyone.has the right to be informed the reasons for their arrest or detention
without reasonable delay.

B Everyone has the right to obtain legal counsel without reasonable delay.

C Everyone has the right to refuse unreasonable search and seizure.

D ! Everyone has the right to bear arms.

3. what is the Mosr common form of physicar access control?

.A . Keys and locks

B Electromagnetic locks

C Alarm panels

D Security Guard
+l'l Wno owns the memo book?

A The securitY guard

B The company who hired the security

C The securitY company '-

D The client
,5) Wnrt terms best describe Para-verbal

A lntonation, intention' body language

B Tone, volume' calelgq *

C Tune, Pitch' octave

D Smile' nod, wave

a radio transmission and
needed the dispatcher
,,,il.) r a security guard had trouble hearing
' ";' code would the guard use?
to ,.pr.i,ir"tttsage, what 10


\-D 10-9 -
:.\ of people through a high risk area'
l, )lt asecurity guard needed to escort a large group
posltion themselves?
tnouro the security guard
A ln front

'B ln behind -

C Doesn't matter

D ln the middle of the group


guard's license?
L Who is allowed to see the security

. A Anyone who asks ,..,

B The client

C Your suPervisor

D The Police ' I

imPortant thing to consider?

r I The safetY of the guard '

B Protection of evidence
crime and arresting them
C Finding the perpetrator of the

I D Giving first aid to the victim

-l.D-lccording guigelines what is the first response
to National use of Force

A Presence of securitY guards

on whose authority
working on private property,
.-i-r .-!a.. guard
11. Iwhile working as a security
are you I nforcing
- the rules on the site?
' A Federal and Provinciallaw

B Company policies and procedures

, '

C TresPass to ProPertY Act

-D As an agent of the owner of the

property -
g$3gg!:! a Class G fire?
What is the best agent to

A Water

B Baking soda

C Dry chemicals
D Carbon dioxide
licensed to serue liquor under
r 13.j As a security guard working outside an establishment
you witness someone leaving the establishment
the Liquor License Act of ontario
they appear to be u*Y+trt$l1tu'1Tl1,ti-u

A. Callthe Police

B Arrest them for public drunkenness

C Let them leave
.-D Ask them if they have a safe ri{g home
committing an
(--"-\ru) under criminal code section 494, if the secUrity guard sees someonethe guardfs nqxt
\.:l:' ;;;;;ril;ense and praces the person under arrest, wlear should

to conduct the arrest

; 'C Deliver them to a Peace Officer

D Search them for weapons

when would the security guard use
A They are not allowed to use them as security

B To Protect the guard

and at thtiti$SplE ' .
. ,. c
lf the security guard has made an arrest

D Only after the security has used their baton

- - -. __ ffi
i .rr,.'it{
- .;s

handling of evidence?
Ontario Evidence Act
, A Canada Evidence Act and

B Police Services Act ' \ "'

C Criminal Code of Condqct

D Forensics Act

froor patror of the

17. whne doins a froor bv '":.ll':-'iLf.fl*:'"1-:IJ!|;"'o:;'"'
yJf"ilIfl;::ffi1Jfi':ffi;;;"; srrouri the suard's next step

to cut off the oxygen to the
A Close the door and hope
to smother the fire
B Use a blanket or a tarp
with tht".ggg9$a-te agent
J-C Use a fire extinguisher
guards are notfir:eflghters
D Do nothing. Security
A\ -"^') what
" ' guard' attfhdritv
"'har authority must be given priorlry
'' te./wnite working as a security ,r 1a:,rirri,j:,h*,.ii,r,,

and guidelines
security company policy
D The client's policy and
who had been
contro] at the front desk and a contractor
6)rou are performing access
\-/ ;:ffi ::llJI Ii,':T,T:;:ffi il:; ;,;' ;'
,,:-- - -^-ri^r in .$ho rlav retu.rns urrur,' ;he said
he fforgot equipment
om e equip
org ot ssome
upsta rs
me nt upstai

guard do?
What should the securitY
recognize him'
A Let him go upstairs' You
back to
items then escort him
' 6
v Escort him upstairs and
wait until he lgggltt-Is
in-;m-;t desk and document the

steps should You follow?


B Leavetheareaimmedidtely'checkyoursite'sM'S'D'S''telltheclient

who is responsible for
call the company
frffir., check your site's M.S,D.S. and
ihe product for safe handling procedures'
guards who work in warehouses'
W.H.M.l'S. does not protect security

(?Youarecheckingtheroofandfindacontracto'Y::l'n.Youwereqn.Swsthat the seffiff guard

*'outO be working there today' {hat stgps should

to ProPertY Act
with your supervisor'
for identification and verity the contractor's presence
work untilthe supervisor returns:l:fl:Hit
Have the contractor stop their

look like contractors'

about it when
your patrol but be sure to ask your supervisor
D Continue on with
Youget back to the securitY desk'

considerea a legal document?

C Yes' lt can be submitted as a legal document

. 'fl

your front entrance'

while doing access control at a site a 9r-oj/t{gurtarts gathering at
What should You do?

A the actions of the crowd, take detailed notes but do not

call for back-up, *::re
engage until back uP arrives.

B Go outside and yell at them to move away from your main entrance'

C ldentify the leader in tlie gioup and ask them to break up the crowd'

D Arrest them all for causing a disturbance'

24. while you are working at the security desk a woman tells
you that she has iust been
sexually assaulted. by someone known to you. what should
you do to help her?

Listen to her patiently then suggest she call the police. Document
the incident'
B Call the poliqe on her behalf and relay the story to them'

her then assist

C Do a search of the site until you find the person who assaulted
her to make'an arrest'
safe until the police
D Give her a private area to write her report and keep her

surueillance and Overt securitY

lurveittance is done with a vehicle, overt surueillance is done outside'

during the day'
B Covert surveillance is done at night and overt surveillance is done
presence in uniform
c Covert surveillance is where the security guard is an obvious
while overt surveillance is pedormed when the security guard isn't
visible to the subject or Public'
visible to the
D coverl surueillance is where the security guard isn't immediately
guard is an
subject or the public while'overt surveillance is where the security
obvious presence in uniform'
occurring on your t
bargaining dispute or a strike that is
26. when referring to a collective
best example of an iniunction?
property, what would be the
that are argulng'
Separating two employees '41


so no one gets hurt'

Coordinating pedestrial*It

court order'
all parties who enter site'
D An authorization to arrest
more responsibirity on
your site and they ask you to
you the supervisor for
27. have asked
What should You do?
address the needs together'
A Meet with your team and


and ask for feedback'
Submit itto your supervisor
are sympathetic
W;,ivity of a group of people who
to voice their concerns',", in front of a property
without violence?

A Peaceful demonstration

B Political rallY

c Violent Political unrest

D Executive Protest
i6)wrlrt is the purpose behind SmartServe?

aPPears intoxicated'
of intoxication on our propefty'
B Train a security guard hoyv to prevent incidences
C As a substitute for the Liquor License

that indicates
from a remote monitoring company
30. A security guard receives a dispatch
an intrusion alarm was received. what
steps should the security guard take?

as possible and call for back up' when

A Ask the dispatcher for as many details

B Call the police and wait untilthey arrive'

as a security guard'
c Do not enter as you are not insured
are not comfortable doing intrusion

,a large area?

B Panic/Duress button

c Volumetric sensors

D Guard dog

,A lnfrared, Ultrasonic, Microwave

B Keys, Locks, Deadbolt

Vibration sensor
c Dampened Mercury Sensor, lnertia Sensor'

D Foil fine wire, Glass break, Shatter

What is the main Purpose behind magnetic swipe cards?

A Gain access through an electronic access system

B Storing data about the individual such as name, address and date of
birth s

C Gain access through a proximity'system

D Pay the security guar{ to gain access to the site

34,) What would be the security guards first step if a criminal offence happened to them
while on site?

A Arrest the person using only as much force as necessary

B Wait until the end of the shift and write a report about the incident N'

c call your supervisor and have the supervisor arrest the subject

D Report the incident to the police immediately

I "<\ terminated employee to their locker to

3s. i The client has enlisted you to escort a recently
''u/ collect their personal things and return company material. What
steps should the
security guard take?

AGo without the employee and remove everything and

Bt ,lhe employee's locker without the employee and remove only the items
belonging to the client and bring them to the security office.
belonging to the
c Go to the locker with the employee with a checklist of the items
off on the
client. Check them off as you receive them. Have the employee sign
checklist when all items have been collected'
seize another
D Refuse the task because you don't have the right to search and
person's possessions'


36' The security suard is workins

at the front desk when thev -:::::.::ili"t3:T::[

to reave the front
suard is not permitted
How should the security

A CheckthestandingordErsregardingwhotocontactwhenaboilerroomalarmis
your memo book
details of the alarm' update
received. Give the cbntact ,tttn.
the client'
and make a detailed repott for

the front desk'
is about to
the police and tell them your building
c stay at the front desk and call
burn to the ground'

probably a "false alarm'"
though because this is

a class A fire?
, li:i wngtls,!ft9*$fifi;"frgent to extinguish

B 'Wbter

c Carbon dioxide

D Baking Soda
l an arrest, who must they
the provincial offenses Act if a private citizen makes
38:' under
deliver their arrested PartY

A The Police

B A Peace officer

C lt doesn't sPecifY

D Your suPervisor
a baton would fall under
Use of Force Framework the use of
,'![-]".ording to the National
what use'of force oPtion?

, . rA lntermediate weaPons

B Communications

C Active Resistant

D PhYsical control- sott

the most effective way to retain

or memorize
What terms would best describe
I ,i;)

A Look, Listen' Feel

B SYmPathY, EmPathY' APathY

C Concentration' Association'

D Remove' RePlace' RePort

proper authorities' what's the
radio in order to alert the
to relay information over the
to proceed?
and license
fadio including names, descriptions
Ill rdrro* up by giving your recommendations'

B Don,trelayanyinformationtothedispatcher.Theyinformationisconfidential.
You call 9'11 instead'

c Givebriefanswersprovidingonlyasmuchinformationasnecessary.Waituntil
any further information'
you hear confirmation befoie re-transmitting

D Youareuncomfortableaboutgivinginformationovertheradiobecauseit's
of you'
you don't want anyone making fun
usually recorded and

to all
A police officers, firefighters and paramedics have a duty to respond
emergency situations because it is their
their power to protect the country
B Soldiers and reservists must do anything in
that theY are serving' *
when they have acquired allthe
c Private citizens are ohly expected to help
situations' \
with emergency
necessary training and are comfortable dealing

p care and thought that a reasonable

r A person must act towards others with the
person would employ in the circumstances'

43. What is the definition of positional asphyxia?

B When someone faints and falls to the

D When it becomes ditficult to breathe'
when a woman comes up
The at a busy retail environment
t. prrr.. As you are taking her
statement she
to you
llti.t't my purse!" How shoutd the security

you have the right to mat<e an anest
Arrest the person on her behalf because
go to court'
statement and sign it should you have to
arrest so you can use force to help make
Have the victim place the subject under just to be
and the incident report and
the arrest. Fill out the use of force reports
statement and sign it'
safe, have the victim make a detailed witness
police' Get
because it isn't safe and call the
Discourage the victim from engaging
its contents' Make a detailed description
a detailed description of the purse and
of what the subject looked like. Have
the victim write a report on the incident'

just looks like her purse' lf she persists'

Accuse the victim of lying. lt probably
pretend to call the police to appease her'

patrol the security guard notices

45. while the security guard is doing their floor by floor
and the gauge is cracked and
that a fire extinguisher has a large dent in the canister
broken. How should the security guard proceed?
in your memo book'
r\A Note down the time, location and the damages found
Remove the canister ard replace it with one of the extra
canisters provided'
Write a report about the incident and submit it'
B lgnore it. Fire extinguishers are not the concern of a security

6 Write about it in your memo book but don't remove it' The fire extinguisher

ProbablY stillworks'
to write a report
D Make a note about it in your memo book but there is no need
to take care of'
about it or remove it. That's for the fire service company

46, What does W.H.M.|.S. stand for?

A Worker's Healthy Material lnformation System
B Workplace Hazardous Material lnformation System

c Workplace Health Mental lnforrnation System

Mitigation lntelligence SYstem

Act, at which age are people allowed to


A Real, False, HearsaY

B Contradictory, Real, HearsaY

'. C REEIi'lp'a'.' tanentaty, Testimony

D PaPer, Metal, Plastic

What is the hierarchy of the court system in Canada?

provincial court, provincial superior cour1, Court of Appeal, supreme court


L Civil Court, Criminal Court, Tax'Court, Military Court

c Civil Law, Common Lar'i, Federal Law, Provlncial Law

Rights Tribunal
D Federal court, Provincial court, Municipal court, Human

Under the Liquor License Act, as an agent of the

owner' what does a security guard
s$ havetherighttodoifsomeoneappearsdrunkorintoxicated?
to themselves and
A use force to remove the person because they are dangerous
person to enter the premises'
B Ask the person to leave and/or refuse to allow the
escort them to the bathroom
c Tell the bartender to not serve them anymore then
if they do anything dangerous'
D Follow them around the bar like a bodyguard and

rial SafetY Data Sheets

E Make SafetY Do SafetY

c Material SecuritY Data Sheets

D Material Safety Distribution Sheets


enforcement on Private ProPertY?

A lssuetrafficticketsundertheHighwayTrafficAct.

B lssueparkingticketsbuto,Rlyiftheguardhasreceivedthetrainingtobecomea
on their site'
Municipal Law Enforcennent Officer
or parking facility and monitor
c Directing traffic on a private roadway

rust or dents.
must be searched upon exiting the
,/a) The client has requested that alltrucks/vehicles
( searched?
-:l,ty. Which area woutd LEAST likely to be
A The cargo hold

B The trunk

c The truck cab

D Under the hood


Failure to leave when directed

B Engaged in Prohibited activitY

to conduct the arrest
C Using more force than necessary

D EntrY where entry Prohibited

Rights and Freedoms states:

{ 5s.\ section g of the canadian charter of

reasonable delaY '/
search or seizure
B Everyone is protected from unreasonable

c Everyone has the right to bear arms

D Everyonehastherighttoobtainlegalcounselwithoutreasonabledelay.

A Police Services Act

B Liquor License Act

C Private SecuritY Act ,

-D Private Security and lnvestigative Seryices

,,*\{ to perform traffic enforcement on
(vt what equipment would NoT be necessary in order
private ProPertY?

A Handcuffs and baton

B Whistle
C Reflective vest

D White gloves
guard is not
performing static desk duty' The security
(,5!, The security guard is alone and ar rrif

;ffffi';l il.;' in' rrsnt'-desk'runlesr relieved bv afellowgu^1.1-Iill,l::;.""u''"

the fire alarm goes off. What steps should

wffiwwffiffiffi''Snnunciator panel to
determine the location of the alarm then
of the
the standing orders on how to proceed' Take detailed notes of the nature
Reset the building and write a
alarm and any emergency seruices that attend.
report for the client.
for the alarm because any delay might
B Call 911 even before you know the reason
the client'
cause further damage. Write a report for
to be false alarms and you don't
c Go investigate the alarm. A lot of them tend
Also, if the alarm turns out to be false
want to waste the flre department's time.
you won't need to waste time writing a repott for
the client'

lt is not a security guard's role to deal

Leave the building and call from off site.
with fire alarms.
Under the Trespass to Property Act, if a private person makes an arrest, who must
they deliver their arrested party to?

A. Apeaceofficer

B A public officer

C A police officer \
D The owner of the proper:ty

60. A security guard is workingialone and comes across an unconscious, unresponsive

person, This security guard doesn't have a radio or cell phone in order to call
emergency services. What should the security guard do?

A Leave the person and go find a telephone to call fo.r help.

B Pull the fire alarm.

C Tell someone in the crowd to go and call emergency services and report back to
you. Stay with the person to render aid.

D Do nothing. Security guards need consent before they render aid.

i Sbcurity guard would cordon off the scene of an

; B To control unauthorized access .-

C To protect the people in the surrounding area \

D To stay busy while the police are investigating

62. What is the best example of Excitbd gelerium?

A Someone who is new to the city and eagerly asks you for direction.

B The client reprimanding you for not doing the correct amount of patrols. /
C Your partner before they take vacation.

' D A substance abuser who is displaying bizarrebehaviour combined with .*

unexpected physical strength.
le "

63. A security guard just started their shift and they need to check whether the radio was
1:' transmitting properly, which 10 code would they use?

A 10-0

B 1g-2

c 104
D 10-9

As per the National Use of Force Framework, what would be the best way to describp
- {*
oassive resistant behaviour?
A someone who swings violently at you while you attempt to remove them from
the property. i

someone who curses at you as they leave the property on their own after you
ask them to leave.

c Someone who goes limp as you try to remove them from the property. .--

D Someone who threatens you with a weapon as yoL! approach them,

65. The security guard og duty is trained as a first aid provider'. The security guard comes
A 15 compressions then 2 breaths (15:Z)
B 2 compression then 15 breaths (2:1S)

c 30 compressions then 2 breaths (30:2)

D 2 compressions then 30 breaths (2:30)

1A 48e
2A 49A
3A 508
4C 51 A
5B s2c
6D 53D
7B 54C
8A 5sB
9A 56D
x0A 574
11 D s8A
t2c s9c
13D 60c
L4C 61 B
15C 52D
16A 63A
x7c 64C
184 6sc
21 B
31 C
41 C

' 'T" *"


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