Tac84 08

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Tac Attack
Angle of Attack

The air and ground losses reflected in this old pilots. Maj John Gibbs (who really isn't that old)
issue of TAG Attack are intended to remind us that shares a dozen bullets of back-to-basics
during the first half of 1984 we have lost more than information that flight commanders and section
cold statistics. We have lost dear friends and leaders throughout T AC should use as a starter to
precious combat capability. While our record is answer the question.
about the same as last year at the midway point, Also in this issue, Lt Col Tim Kinnan takes a
operator factor is higher than last year. There is no detailed look at what happens inside the engine
time in our business to rest on laurels. Still, we are during compressor stalls. Nearly all jets are
optimistic that the last half of the year will parallel susceptible when we fly in the top left side of the
the 1983 history. flight envelope. Capt Larry Danner explains that
One reason for our optimism is that we have the reason your F-16 doesn't always rotate when
begun to receive your reports on TAC Safety Day. you expect it can be right in front of your eyes.
The reports confirm one thing we already knew-- And MSgt David MacDonald provides his own
you know how to make things better. We are "bullets" for towing an aircraft from here to yon in
reviewing each report in detail and will be sharing one piece.
the lessons learned through command and safety Let's capitalize on the lessons of safety day,
channels. listen to the troops, and work smarter. Time
While current leadership writings extol the invested in building the team and drilling on the
virtues of one-minute management, quality basics will be returned in performance.
circles, and other buzz words, we in TAC continue
to rely on the value of listening. The basic
organization of the command is the flight or
section. Flight commanders and section leaders
are in position to learn good ideas from their

teammates. But that doesn't just happen . Each of
us must be innovative in soliciting ideas on doing
the mission smarter--therefore safer. Don 't wait for
the next safety day to listen . Harold E. Watson, Colonel USAF
In hangar flying sessions, younger pilots
wonder (but seldom ask) how bold pilots become Chief of Safety
2 AUGUST 1984

A-70 Corsair II s
over the midwest.

HON VERNE ORR It Won 't Rotate-- I'm Aborting 4

How to spot a bogus rotation speed be fore using one.
AIR FORCE Aircrew of Distinction 7
1st Lt Joseph M. Ford and Capt Ronald A. Ru benbauer.
Chock Talk 8
GEN W. L. CREECH Incidents and inciden tals with a maintenance slant.
COMMANDER The Fighter Pilots ' Guide to Compressor Stalls 10
Gremlins, stray electrons , and cheap gas can no longer be b lamed.
USAF Awards 13
The Colombian Trophy and Koren Kolligian , Jr., Trophy.
Tow to Tow 14
Something happens between points A and B.
Our Losses in the Air 16
The centerspread we wish was blank .
Gibber's Dozen Bullets 18
Ammun ition to insure longevity of single-seat fighter pilots.
TACTips 20
Interest items , mishaps w ith morals, for the TAC aircrew member.
CHIEF OF SAFETY Monthly Safety Awards 23
Sgt Mart T. Hunt and A1C Jeffery P. King .

MAJ LEW WITT Down to Earth 24

Items that can affect you and you r fa mily here on the ground.
Short Shots 26
Quick notes of interest.
ART EDITOR Our Losses on the Ground 27
Another page we wish was blank .

MARTY DILLER Weapons Words 28

WRITER-EDITOR Working with T AC 's weapons sys tems.
Letters 30
A1C KELVIN TAYLOR Our turn to take fl ak.


The flight safety scorecard .

TAG ATTACK is not directive in nature . Recommendations are inte nded to comply with existing directives. Opinions
expressed are those of the authors and not necessarily the positions of TAC or USAF. Mishap informat ion does not ident ify the
persons, places, or units involved and may not be construed as incriminating under Article 31 of the UCMJ . Ph otos and artwork
are representative and not necessarily of the people or equipment invo lved.
Contributions are encouraged , as are comments and criticism . We reserve the right to edit all manuscripts f or readabili t y and
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TAG ATTACK (ISSN 0494-3880) is published monthly by HQ TAC/ SEP, Langley AF B, VA .
POSTM ASTER : Send address changes to TAG ATTACK. TAC/ SEP. Langley AFB , VA 23665.
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It won't
I'm aborting
By Capt Larry Danner
Hill AFB, Utah

charts is based on two dimension matches its

We have recently seen a assumptions (unfortunately, the corresponding pressure range .
rash of aborted takeoffs in the Dash One does not tell us what When all three struts are
F-16 community for no rotation. these assumptions are) . First, properly serviced , the angle
A striking example is the pilot who rotation speed charts assume between the floor of the cockpit
aborts at 160 knots-when the exact strut servicing. Second , and the horizontal plane of the
rotation speed for his 2-bag, they assume that the pilot is earth (the deck angle) will be a
block 10 Falcon is 161 knots . applying FULL aft stick pressure . given value. Misserviced struts
The first obvious impact of an Any deviations from these change the deck angle . Two
abort for no rotation is a lost conditions will directly affect the other relationships can be
sortie. However, the more speed at which the aircraft determined from deck angle: the
important consideration is the rotates. wing angle of attack and the
effect on the aircraft itself : hot First, let us look at strut longitudinal distance between the
brakes, brakes in the caution or servicing. When the struts are center of gravity (CG) and the
danger zone , and potential serviced , the crew chief starts by main gear axle ( Figure 1).
aircraft damage (see the article letting out all the gaseous If the deck angle changes
" F-16 Brakes : A Fiery Issue" in nitrogen pressure and then because of an underserviced
the December 1983 issue of ensuring the hydraulic fluid level nose strut, for example , the
TAG ATTACK). In most no is correct. Next, he attaches a longitudinal distance from the
rotation cases, the aircraft was nitrogen bottle to the strut CG to the main gear axle
responding properly and the lack through a pressure gauge and changes; in this case (Figure 2) it
of rotation was the result of pilot valve assembly. Our intrepid increases to d. It is now apparent
technique, strut servicing, or a maintainer then adds that the force required to lift the
combination of the two. Although compressed nitrogen gas from nose is increased in direct
lack of flight control response the bottle to the strut and refers proportion to the change in d.
cannot be discounted, it should to a chart that lists pressure Put another way, the weight held
be evident when you check flight ranges and an "X-dimension " or up by the nose strut (Wn)
control response prior to takeoff. strut extension value for each increases and the weight held up
Rotation speed obtained from pressure range . The strut by the main struts (Wm)
the Dash One performance pressure is varied until the X- decreases.

4 AUGUST 1984
Now, let's look at what
happens when we roll down the
runway with our underserviced
nose strut (Figure 3). The first
effect will be less lift developed
by the wing (Lw) because the
nose is lower and thus the initial
angle of attack is lower than it
would be on the same aircraft
with correctly serviced struts.
Consequently, the natural
tendency of Lw to raise the nose
is reduced . As Lw (which is
forward of the CG) increases, the
weight supported by both the
nose strut (Wn ) and main gear
struts (Wm) is reduced , but Wn is
reduced faster than Wm . If the
forward velocity is increased
enough, the aircraft wil l tend to
rotate and fly without any input
from the pilot; however, to keep
the takeoff roll within reasonable
tire speed and runway length
limits, we require the pilot to
make flight control inputs.
Thus, the pilot enters the
picture. The pilot's input is aft
stick pressure which drives the
trailing edge of the horizontal
tails up and, therefore, creates a
downward lift component (Lht).
This downward lift vector, well aft
of the CG, forces the tail down
and the nose up. If the pilot does
not apply full back pressure (the
performance chart assumption
for computing rotation speed),
the Lht will be less and
therefore, not lift the nose until
increased airspeed makes up for
the reduced pitch input. The
aircraft will eventually become
airborne; it is simply a matter of
gaining enough speed to raise
the nose.
In our attempts to make the
rotation and takeoff occu r at the
computed numbers, we must
ensure the servicing is correct
and then input fu ll aft stick. If this
is not done, the aircraft cannot
rotate at the computed speed.

up bar, maintenance usually rotation speed is critical if you

It w on't finds one main strut flat. So ,

since you probably don 't carry
use that speed as an abort
criteria . If you race through the

rotate- your own pressure gauge to

check actual strut servicing , you
can develop a "feel " for what
chart two minutes prior to brief
and do not take CG into account,
then your figures can easily be
looks about right , and at least five to ten knots off. "Where does

I'm feel comfortable about everything

being close . Another indicator of
a misserviced nose strut is
one find CG ," you ask? Talk to
your friendly Quality Assurance
folks ; they have computed the

aborting "bottoming out " during the BUC

check , the 80 percent run-up
check , or during taxi-too much
CGs for all loads for the most
forward and most aft CG aircraft
in the wing . Wing Stan / Eval also
air and too little fluid is most has the information ; they tell you
likely the problem here. where it 's located in volume V of
" But how do we check the Now a word from the folks that the FCIF. Some shops gather this
servicing," you ask? Other than figure out the dynamics involved information into an easy-to -use
putting a pressure gauge on in rotating the jet for takeoff. The chart showing configuration and
each strut and comparing the engineers at General Dynamics worst case (most forward ) CG
pressure to the X-dimension , tell me that a one-degree change which you can use to get
there is no book answer. Here is in deck angle will result in about "corrected " rotation and takeoff
a rule of thumb that works for seven knots change in rotation speeds.
me: depending on what kind of a speed . What is one degree Although you are now armed
load the aircraft is dragging relative , for example , to nose with all the information you need
around , if the pilot tube is strut extension? My slide rule to rotate at the precise book
somewhere between the top of says it is about a 2%-inch airspeed , expect to find actual
my head and my throat, then change in nose strut extension . rotation speed plus -or-minus five
everything is OK. But if the pitot That works out to about six knots and possibly more
tube is down by my navel, inches at the pilot tube. But the because of strut servicing and
something is not right. And if I nose can change that much by other variables that are beyond
have to stretch to get the pilot putting a load of MK-82s on the your control.
cover off, it is also time to start aircraft . So , as I said before, you What the experts say is, "Give
asking questions. Oh yes, I'm 5 can only get a feeling of the jet a chance. " Do a good
foot 8. Another thing I've noticed : "reasonable " based on the check of flight control movement
if one wing tip is at eye level and aircraft's ground attitude . at EOR; make sure you 've
the other is the height of a chin- The method used to compute applied full aft stick by the time
you 're at the computed rotation
speed ; then be patient. Don 't
expect that "on speed " takeoff
everytime. __;:::-

Captain Danner graduated from

Northrop Institute of Technology in
1972 with a BS in Aerospace
E11gineering. He was commissioned
through ROTC then went to UPT at
Craig AFB, Alabama. From there he
went to F-4 RTU at Luke AFB. Arizona.
He was an F-4 pilot at Bitburg,
Germany, and Osan AB. Korea He
spent two years as an 0-2 FAC at
Bergstrom AFB, Texas. and has been
flying F-16s at Hill AFB, Utah, since
Jun 80. He's also been additional
duty safety officer since Sep 82.

6 AUGUST 1984

On 26 February 1984, 1ST LT JOSEPH M. FORD

two on a 2-v-2 air intercept mission. Passing
14,000 feet MSL on departure, their F-4E began to
yaw severely left and right. lieutenant Ford
immediately squeezed the emergency quick-
1st Lt Joseph M. Ford
release lever (paddle switch) on the control stick in
Capt Ronald A. Rubenbauer
case the stability augmentation system had
malfunctioned. But the paddle switches in both 68 TFS, 347 TFW
cockpits were useless. Moody AFB, GA
lieutenant Ford informed his flight leader of the When the gear and flaps came down, the Phantom
problem, and the flight began to turn to RTB. rolled into a right bank which the pilot was unable
During the right turn, the aircraft rolled violently to to counter until he raised them again.
the left. Lieutenant Ford was able to stop the roll The crew tried a second controllability check
with full aileron and rudder. Then the aircraft (this time with flaps up) at 12,000 feet MSL, 35
began banking 30 to 70 degrees alternately left and miles out on final. When lieutenant Ford lowered
right. The flight lead reported that the rudder was the gear handle, the gear did not extend. So he
continuously moving 5-10 degrees either side of blew down the gear. Configured, the aircraft was
center. stable in pitch, and the pilot was able to
While dumping fuel, Lieutenant Ford and successfully counter yaw and roll inputs. The
Captain Rubenbauer reviewed the emergency crew felt they could continue to a safe landing.
procedures for several flight control malfunctions lieutenant Ford flew final at 230 knots. Eight
that might be causing the problem. They tried miles from touchdown. the aircraft rotted into a
using rudder trim, turning off stab augs, and right 45-degree bank turn that he could not
pulling the ARI and rudder trim circuit breakers. override until the Phantom had turned 180
But none of these actions improved or corrected degrees. Then, lieutenant Ford continued the turn
the situation. The crew discussed their dilemma and rolled out heading for the runway. Touchdown
with the supervisor of flying who phoned the F-4 occurred at 220 knots in a left bank. The aircraft
air logistics center (ALC) for help. A technical engaged the departure-end cable and stopped on
representative at the ALC suggested turning off the runway.
the generators. But that didn't work either. The outstanding airmanship and professional
lieutenant Ford and Captain Rubenbauer skill of lieutenant Ford and Captain Rubenbauer
rejected bailout, because their aircraft was not saved a valuable aircraft and earned them the
uncontrollable. At 15,000 feet MSL, they slowed Tactical Air Command Aircrew of Distinction
the aircraft to see if it was flyable when configured. Award.

Chock talk

Incident and

gator who took off Captain Hook's hand. Despite

A closer eye the door's reputation and without close supervision,
this fairly new guy (FNG) was almost seriously
A s the F-4 returned to its parking spot, the injured.
crew chief and his new assistant were standing by Does your aircraft bite? Does it have special
to park and chock the aircraft. Once that was done, hazards that you 've learned to watch out for or
the inexperienced chief got a little ahead of his work around? Well, they may be second nature to
checklist. He tried to install a safety lock onto the you now-but the FNG in your outfit will try to learn
aux air door actuator before the pilot shut down the them the hard way unless you help point them out.
engines. He just about had the lock in place when Keep a close eye on him while he's learning. It
the generator dropped off the line in the shut down could save you both a lot of grief.
sequence. The power interruption caused the door
to slam violently. When it did, the partially installed

Skipped step
A worker was performing maintenance on the
armament control panel of an A-1 0. To get at the
works behind the panel and to have more room to
maneuver his tools, he raised the landing gear
handle. When the job was complete, he signed off
the aircraft forms and headed for another job.
A while later, a pilot came out to fly the aircraft.
When he started the first engine, hydraulic fluid
found its way to the nose gear actuator, and the
nose gear retracted . Kabam! The Warthog 's snout
slammed to the concrete ramp. The actuator was
only doing what the raised gear handle was telling
safety lock damaged the door. It bent it up so badly it.
that it couldn 't be repaired locally. Imagine what it In the A- 10, a solenoid operated mechanism
could have done to the chief's arm. He was lucky. locks the handle in the down position. Normally the
Even safety equipment that 's designed to prevent handle can 't be raised until weight is off the gear.
injuries can bite if it's used improperly. But a manual override feature allows maintenance
The Phantom has been around a long time. And workers to move the handle while the aircraft is on
its aux air door bite is about as well known as that the ground.

8 AUGUST 1984

The maintenance TO tor the job that the worker

was doing has two separate warnings at crucial
steps in the procedure to insure the worker returns
the landing gear handle to the down and locked
position. And confirming the handle is down before
engine start is one of the pilot's cockpit checks as
well. But they each missed the step in their tech
data. And the Warthog took it on the nose. Another
case of " failure to follow tech data. " It happens too

Dear transient alert

Hi. I'm the highlighted pin you see in the
drawing over there. My Air Force name is "rocket
motor initiator hose safety pin ," but you can call me
Rocky. I'm one of hundreds of parts that fit together
to make up the Martin-Baker ejection seat in the
F- 4. And f need your help.
I was recently placed here on the side of the seat
by TCTO 1F-4-1299. The rocket motor firing
mechanism that I was added to used to be under
the seat. But some folks thought it was a safety
hazard there ; so they moved us up where they
could keep an eye on us . Here 's my problem : a didn 't. So here's a couple of ways to remember me:
number of transient alert workers aren 't familiar with 1) I'm about 4 V2 inches below the safety pin that fits into
my being up here yet . And one of the pins that the rocket motor ignitor sear. And I'm about 4 inches
safes the seat (the drogue gun pin) looks a lot like left of the drogue gun safety pin .
me. In fact, we look so much alike that occasionally 2) Here's the big clue! I have a 3 V2 inch chain that
I get pulled out too. Please don 't ever do that-it attaches me to the seat. The other pins are on
destroys the seat's zero-zero capability. streamers and go into the pin bag .
I know , I know , they should have made me more Now that you know me, please LEAVE ME
distinguished looking than the other pin. But they ALONE!

My purpose in this article is to explain in
layman's terms how compressor stalls occur.
Very basically, a compressor can be thought of
as a fan that pulls air through the tube. If the tube
behind the fan is constricted, the air becomes
THE FIGHTER compressed (Figure1). If we install a valve to adjust





the size of opening behind the fan, we can vary the

amount of compression. By reducing the size of the
valve opening, air flow through the tube will

STALLS decrease and the amount of compression will

In Figure 2, compression (pressure rise) is on the


By Lt Col Timothy A. Kinnan i
In collaboration with Dr. William H. Heiser /
Distinguished Visiting Professor, /
Every fighter pilot has stories to tell about r/ OPERATING POINT
compressor stalls, surges, and related engine
misadventures. But how many of us really
understand these phenomena? IGURE 2
It's a widespread problem. There were 599
reportable compressor stalls last year in TAC. But vertical axis, and amount of flow is on the horizontal
this number is understated since most stalls are axis. Because we hold rpm constant during this
reported only if they lead to overtemp, flameout, experiment, the solid line is called a constant speed
intentional shutdown, or damage. line. As we open and close our valve, the
And it's a complicated problem. Each new compressor operating point moves back and forth
generation of aircraft engines has included efforts along the line.
to design out compressor stalls. We thought we had Since the compressor blades are airfoils creating
done pretty well with the J-79-until we put leading lift, you can visualize their angle of attack
edge slats on the F-4E. A by-product of flying the increasing as the valve closes. Like all airfoils, they
Phantom at higher angles of attack is increased can reach a point where the flow separates from
stalls. Despite our best efforts, the compressor stall them and they stall (stall point in Figure 2). An
remains a fact of life in modern fighters. Since the important fact you won't read in your Dash One is
F-15 and F-16 have entered the force, we've added that the compressor design point, for peak
terms like stagnation and nonrecoverable stall to efficiency and high compression, is as close as
our vocabulary. reasonably possible to the stall point. This is

10 AUGUST 1984
significant, because it means the compressor compressor) and bolt it behind the inlet of a fighter.
doesn't have to deviate very far from normal flow The valve behind the compressor in our theoretical
before it stalls. When that occurs, the blades can engine has been replaced in the actual engine by
no longer effectively pull the air through the tube; turbine inlet guide vanes. The compressor operates
so the flow decreases drastically, and the in much the same manner as before, and either
compression drops. This is depicted in Figure 3 distorting the flow into the compressor or raising the
pressure behind it will have the same effect (cause
MIS s RE a stall) as closing the theoretical valve.
RISE There are three general ways to distort the flow
into or raise the pressure behind the compressor:
A compressor damage, engine malfunctions, and pilot
r / inputs. Compressor damage, usually the result of
/ / OPEN FOD or birdstrikes, can distort the flow, and the inlet
// UNSTALLED CONSTA and engine controls have no way to compensate.
/ // ;1/1
/ / SPEED LINE Engine malfunctions can result from many things,
// C
such as material failure or improper engine rigging.
... ' The cause that you have the most control over is,
of course, pilot inputs. If you make abrupt changes

in angle of attack or sideslip angle, particularly in

FIGURE 3 the upper left portion of the flight envelope, the inlet
flow can be sufficiently distorted to cause a stall. If
as a sudden departure from the unstalled constant you combine that with throttle movements,
speed line, a move from point a (stall point) to point particularly into and out of the afterburner range,
b. you can send pressure pulses upstream through
Intuitively, it would seem you could unstall the the turbine and backpressure the compressor.
compressor by opening the valve a little bit, putting Let's take a look at what happens in real life.
you back at point a, right? Wrong. Once the blades You're flying an F-4, and you've just lured an
are stalled, the flow through the compressor is aggressor into gun range. You're slow at 28,000
reduced to the point that the blades remain stalled. feet when you start a rolling break while lighting
When the valve is opened, we now move up a new your afterburner. Pop! As our compressor stalls, the
line, the stalled constant speed line, from point b operating point starts down the line from point a to
towards point c. Once the compressor has moved point b just as before. But real engines have an
onto the stalled constant speed line, it will stay added complication: there's a big space right
there forever unless some action is taken, in this behind the compressor in the combustor. This
case opening valve sufficiently to get to the unstall space has the ability to store energy (or pressure)
point, c. At point c enough air is moving through the when the flow through the compressor suddenly
compressor that the blades' angle of attack is drops, and then to release that energy (like a spring
reduced below the stall point. When that happens, in a mechanical system). The result is shown in
we jump back up to point d on the unstalled Figure 4. The operating point starts down toward b,
constant speed line. We say that the stall is now
It's worth noting that the blades don't stall RISE
uniformly. There will be patches of dead flow and
patches of almost full flow. These patches would
like to be stationary with respect to the compressor,
but they can't decide whether to cling to the
stationary vanes (stators) or turning blades (rotors).
As a result, they split the difference and rotate at
one half the rotor speed. Hence, the name "rotating
stall" has become associated with the stalled
constant speed line.
So much for theory. Now let's attach our
compressor to a combustor, put a turbine behind AIR FLOW -IP-
the combustor (which we'll use to drive the




but as it arrives, the combustor releases its stored FIGU1k5

energy, and the compressor rebounds past points
b, c, and d to return to point a. If the condition But we don't have a valve to open to get to point
which caused the stall is still present, the c as we did in the theoretical case. Rather, in most
compressor will stall again. This cycle repeats itself cases, we have to shut the engine down and start
hundreds of times a second. During each cycle, the over. This is the type of stall that has emerged as
flow can actually reverse itself. The fuel/air mixture our most serious problem, and it goes by many
ignites in the combustor and actually goes names: stagnation stall, nonrecoverable stall, and
backwards through the compressor and out the rotating stall. Whatever the name, the result is a
inlet. Any fighter pilot knows the result: loud noise loss of thrust, decaying rpm, little indication to the
(the hundreds of cycles actually sound like one pilot, and possible engine damage from high
loud thump or pop), spectacular flames out both temperatures.
ends of the airplane, and in airplanes like the F-100, Is there a moral to the story? You can certainly
where the pilot sits over the inlet, his feet get improve your odds by knowing your engine's
knocked off the rudder pedals. operating restrictions, particularly for afterburner
Fortunately, the duration of the event is so short operation and by realizing that stalls are the result
that it seldom results in damage. More importantly, of the whole engine system working together. You
it is so obvious that something is wrong that the are in charge of that system. Be aware of the
corrective action is obvious-even instinctive. Once problem; the sooner you recognize a stagnation
you've stopped doing whatever you were doing, the stall, the more time (altitude) you have to work the
compressor's operating point usually returns to the problem, and the less chance of damaging the
unstalled speed line and you're back in business. engine. Respect your engine and it will pay you
This process is called "surge," and the loops back with reliable operation. Abuse it and
around the chart in Figure 4 are called "surge lose it.
The previous discussion of the F-4 versus
For those readers interested in a more rigorous and
Aggressor engagement is not entirely pertinent to
detailed discussion of compressor stalls, Dr. William H.
the F-15 and F-16. What's different in the F100 Heiser will publish an article in Aeronautics Digest this
engine? Among the advances in the evolution of jet September. This periodical is edited by the Department of
engines have been relatively smaller, lighter and Aeronautics at the U.S. Air Force Academy. To receive a
more efficient combustors. The new combustors copy, contact USAFA/DFAN, USAFA, Colorado, 80840,
AUTO VON 259-4010.
are less capable of storing enough energy to cause
the compressor to go into a surge cycle. Other
changes in the design of the compressor itself can Lt Col Kinnan graduated with a BS degree from the USAF
also reduce the ability of the system to spring back Academy in 1970. He received his MS in astronautical and
towards point a. The result is that the compressor aeronautical engineering from Purdue University in 1971. He
went to UPT at Columbus AFB, Mississippi. He has flown
tends to spiral down to point b and damp out as the F-4 at George AFB, California; RAF Woodbridge, UK;
shown in Figure 5. No bangs; no flames; just greatly Clark AB, Philippines; and as a fighter weapons school
diminished compressor performance. As I said instructor at Nel lis AFB, Nevada. He completed a tour at Air
before, the compressor is very happy to operate Staff (Directorate of Programs), attended Armed Forces Staff
there forever until we take action to get it off the College, and most recently worked for the command section
at HQ TAC.
stalled constant speed line.

12 AUGUST 1984
The 4th Tactical Fighter Wing made an
outstanding flight safety sweep in 1983. The wing
won the Colombian Trophy for flying more than
27,000 hours and 23,300 sorties in F-4 aircraft
without a Class A or B mishap; the USAF Flight
Safety Plaque for meritorious achievement in
mishap prevention; and the TAG Flight Safety
Award for flying one year without a command-
controlled Class A mishap.

• ••

The Koren Kolligian , Jr., Trophy, which is

awarded to the Air Force aircrew member who
most successfully coped with an emergency in
flight, also went to a member of the 4th Tactical
Fighter Wing , Major Jon R. Alexander. Major
Alexander was on a unit transatlantic deployment
when he lost an engine on his F-4. With the help of
his wingman and a KC-135 tanker, Major
Alexander successfully flew 520 NM to the
diversion base, Gander, Newfoundland, and
landed safe Iy despite an 800-foot cei Ii ng and high
surface winds. Major Alexander also won the
USAF Well Done Award and the TAG Aircrew of
Distinction Award for his superior flying skills in
handling this serious inflight emergency.

Tow to tow

By MS gt T . Dav id M acDona ld crew chiefs are involved with

49 FIS / MAAF towing. By regulation , a
G riffi ss AFB , New Yo rk maintenance man cannot taxi an
aircraft; so any time one has to
be moved (and there are plenty
Or all the jobs required on of reasons) , it's towed. And
the flight line, tow ing aircraft has unless someone develops a
to be one of the most common. better mousetrap, the tow vehicle
The requirements are the same and tow bar will be the
no matter where you go: start at equipment that's used.
point A and move to point B So where is the problem? Why
arriving with the aircraft intact. do w.e replace wingtips ,
As a flight chief assigned to a stabilizers, rudders , and landing
fighter outfit, I am involved with a gear doors that were missing or
lot of towing. So when one of my damaged when we completed
crew chiefs is rated Unsat on a the task? Something happens
Quality Assurance evaluation between points A and B.
because of a towing violation, I Let's examine a few
have to ask myself how this can misconceptions about towing
happen . aircraft, and see if they sound
From day one until retirement, familiar:

14 AUGUST 1984
The proper towing speed middle of a tow, one of his
is 55 mph. Have you ever been maintenance people changed his
driving a pickup on the flight line career field to civil engineering.
and been passed by an aircraft Checking the AFTO Form
that's being towed by a Coleman 373 (Operator's Inspection
(MB-4) and tow bar? have
I Guide) is only required when
the tow vehicle runs out of gas
or the transmission quits for
no apparent reason. Nothing
turns my hair gray quicker than
hearing someone say, "Just keep
pumping the brake; it will
eventually stop." And when the
Coleman breaks down, there is
the mad rush to sign off all the she is assigned to. In fact, the
missing daily inspections-or tow team supervisor is
worse, the driver will suddenly responsible for the entire
realize it's a different month than operation. Period. If there is any
received phone calls from my the one printed on the form. doubt or question about being
boss asking me if tail number Once the tow starts is a able to safely proceed, he or she
074 qualified for the Indy 500. good time for the vehicle is required to stop the towing
Then he asks for my presence in operator to take a break. The operation.
his office. Believe me, flight break lasts until the aircraft Let's face it, towing an aircraft
chiefs don't need this. reaches its destination, with or is easy, and these pitfalls can be
Yellow lines on the flight without him. Would you believe avoided. But anyone on a tow
line and taxiways are just for some operators have been team can ruin the unit's safety
pilots. have spent hours
I known to smoke, drink, talk, and record just by not paying
helping dig aircraft tires out of read while driving a vehicle attention. The solution to
the mud because some yo-yo problems like these that
towed the aircraft 20 feet to the sometimes occur while towing an
side of the center yellow line. aircraft between points A and B
is integrity. Don't hurt yourself
or damage the aircraft you
maintain. Do it right, and save
your flight chief some
aggravation that he or she
doesn't need.

Sergeant MacDonald entered the Air

Force in August 1969. Since then he's
earned an AAS from the Community
College of the Air Force and City
pulling a multimillion-dollar College of Chicago. He has worked on
Please be assured, when a aircraft? Sure, we've read about and around aircraft most of his career,
landing gear sinks in the dirt off them; and like the postman, they including assignments as the NC=
of the repair and reclamation shop.
the taxiway, you will receive swift do it in the fog, rain, snow, and
325 EMS, Tyndall AFB, Florida, and as
attention and plenty of help ice. Flight chiefs have been the Flight Chief for 57 FIS, Keflavik,
pulling it out. Every agency that known to seek other employment Iceland. Sergeant MacDonald is a
is even remotely related to when accidents occur under graduate of NCO Leadership School,
aircraft maintenance will honor these circumstances. where he won the class speaker's
award, and the NCO Academy where
you with their presence. The only qualification for he won the Commandant's award. He's
However, your flight chief won't tow team supervisors is being currently an interceptor flight
be there; he or she will be able to pick (within three superintendent with the 49 FIS, Griffiss
explaining to the boss why, in the guesses) the base that he or AFB, New York.


16 AUGUST 1984


how to surv1ve a single-

By Maj John B. G ibbs

310 TFTS
Luke AFB , Arizo na

A s this crusty old major

was leaving my last assignment,
a shiny new lieutenant asked me,
"How do you keep from killing
yourself flying single-seat
fighters? " You would think after
all these years I'd have a good
answer, but all that came to mind
was, "Don't fall asleep while
flying ." True, but very weak.
Embarrassed to the point of
academia, I sat down and wrote
this. I hope it says something
useful to present and future
single-seat lieutenants. I'd like to
see you all live to be crusty old
lieutenant colonels.
Dear Lieutenant Whoever,
Forget my last answer. It was
Friday night and very late. Here's
a dozen bullets. This ought to be
enough ammo to last you a
• Goals. This may seem like an
overused term, but it is the most
important aspect of flying to me.
Not only does the squadron need
goals to know where it is going,
not only do you need goals to
keep improving, but each
mission and mission segment
needs goals. Without them,
flights become lax; discipline
suffers. Fighter pilots must be

18 AUGUST 1984
eE fficiency (or economy of your wingman over the limit, is
effo rt) . Organize yo ur cockpit. inexcuseable.
Depending on the flyi ng e Unnatu ral. If it feels unnatural ,
demands, place your checklists (i.e., night weather formation)
where they can do you some there's a good reason for it. It's
good, not where they requi re your mind telling you to back off.
seat fighter unnecessary movements or
where they compete fo r your
You may be pushing the limit of
you r gas or you r low altitude
att ention. D evelop and use good comfo rt level or the regulations.
habit patterns. Organize your L isten to your personal warning
missions in the same way. device.
challenged. Idle hands and all "Cosmicity" kil ls in my book. e Lead (not led) . Every single-
that. Simp le tacti cs with straig ht seat fighter pilot shou ld be a
e l nstruments . Yo u must be the forward backups always work leader. Just because you are a
best instrument pilot there is. best, especially in combat. One wingie doesn 't mean you don 't
Handling complex situations or of my squadron commanders put lead. Do you participate in
emergencies in the weather is it best: "To the IP you are a mission preparation and debrief,
not the time to discover you clock; to the target you are a or do you do as told? Do you tell
have no crosscheck. I know bomb." KISS (keep ing it simp le) your leaders what really went
" sunshine IFR " is not the best is a proven technique. wrong, or do you just gripe at the
place to develop good instrument • Regulations. Know them . bar? Don't let bad leaders lead
habit patterns, but be honest with How many accident reports have you down the wrong path.
yourself-use a chase and rea lly you read th at might have been e Emergencies . Again, keep it
fly heads down now and again. avoided if the pilot had fo llowed simple. Have a plan to get your
Don't pencil-whip those regulations, known the Dash One jet on the ground, wheels down,
approach requirements. Use your better, or used common sense safely. Develop rules of thumb
time in the simulator effectively; (see below). In today's Air Force, that al low you to maintain control
work on instruments, not tryi ng to there's plenty of cha llenging while you analyze the situation.
depart it or zoom to 100,000 feet. tactical aviation within the Climb, stabilize, cope. Don 't kiss
If it has visual capability, crank in regulations . If you don 't like off your emergency procedure
a 300-foot ceiling and 1 mile vis. them, don't disregard them. practice sessions . Learn from
Instrument flying is as important e sense (as in common) . I like others' mistakes and situations.
to single-seat flying as BFM. to say that the rules of e safety . Added to make an
eB iindfold Cockpit Check . engagement we fly with are a even dozen. Serious ly, if you
Have you done one since UPT? I replacement for common sense. follow all the above rules, safety
can 't always put my fingers on We all know that most ROE was will take care of itself.
every switch the first time, but I developed from accidents where Well, Lieutenant, good flying to
can find every switch (and someone had a lapse in you. Of course, the worst flying I
change TACA N c hann els) common sense fo r one reason or ever had was great.
wit hout looking. Wh en it's IMC or another. Be aware of the impact Cheers,
night on the wi ng, I want to be of your decisions. Don't hesitate The Gibber __...::::....
able to handle the situation or to make them, but use your
th e emergency without taking my head. Addendum for leaders: After he received his BS from Baylor
eyes off the primary att itud e Treat your peop le as if th ey can University in 1968. Major Gibbs went
indicator. think for t hemselves, or they will to pilot training in Laredo AFB, Texas.
• Humility. Be hum ble prove your worst suspicions to Since then he's flown the 0..2A in
Vietnam; the OV-10A in Thailand and
(occasionally anyway). Don' t let be wel l-founded. at Hurlburt Field, Florida; the A-70 at
your ego hide poor or unsafe e Realism . T ry to achieve England AFB, Louisiana; and the F-16
habit patterns. Listen to oth er realism on all sorties. In corporate at Hahn AB, Germany. While in
people. Li sten between th e lines; fence checks into all missions. Germany, he was also at the HQ
criticism is someti mes veiled. Be However, being "over realistic" is USAFE Command Center at Ramstein
and Chief of the Command Post at
critical of yourself. Being posit ive, very dangerous. Losing a combat Hahn. He's currently an F-161P at
not negative, makes a big aircraft in a noncombat situ ation, Luke AFB, Arizona, and has over 3,370
difference in your flying att itude. because you pus hed yourself or hours flying time.

Tac Tips

flight manual advertises that the APU will provide

Dense adequate air pressure and flow for starting an
engine at altitudes up to 10,000 feet . We found out
D uring a functional check flight , the A-1 0 FCF that the APU will run smoothly at 12,500 feet, but
pilot shut down his right engine according to the won 't put out enough air pressure to keep a starting
Dash Six checklist. At 12,500 feet MSL and around engine 's temperature in the green .
160 knots , with the auxiliary power unit (APU) The weather guesser may have helped uncloud
running smoothly, he tried to restart the turbine. the issue even further : you see, this episode
After an initial rise, the ITT (inter -turbine happened in the great southwest during July when
temperature) warmed up in a hurry . The pilot shut the surface temperatures can hover around 115
down the engine again as the ITT climbed through degrees. Density altitude varies proportionally with
860 degrees, but the temperature reached 1,000 temperature. That means the density altitude may
degrees before cooling off again. The pilot limped have been as much as 2,000 feet higher than the
home on his Warthog 's one good engine. pressure altitude the pilot was looking at on his

Caution Arny owners

W hat's the first cockpit indication of the oil
quantity in one engine being so low that the
constant speed drive (CSD) begins to fail and
causes an unstable phase / frequency between the
two generators?
A. The affected engine 's generator warning light
will illuminate when the generator drops off the line.
B. The bus tie will open .
Maintenance troubleshooters couldn't find any C. All the aircraft heading indicators (in primary
damage or good reasons why the engine acted up. and standby) wi ll freeze and be unusable for the
The aircraft flew another FCF without engine remainder of the flight.
problems and, as far as we know , is still behaving Good question . Let's start from the top. Each J-79
itself. engine holds 5.3 gallons of oil. If enough oil (about
So what happened? The FCF profile requires an 2.8 gallons) oozes out of the reservoir, CSD failure
APU-assisted airstart at 10,000 feet MSL. And the wi ll in fact light up the applicab le generator warning

20 AUGUST 1984

light. That 's why the Dash One says single markers - from the Navy. Wet hands can also
generator failure may be an early indication of oil complicate using som e of the other treasures
failure. But before the CSD gives up the ghost, the hidden in our survival kits. And more than one pilot
frequency differential between the two generators has commented about the difficulty he had
should cause the bus tie to open . For years releasing the Koch fittings on the parachute risers
aircrews have regarded the Bus Tie Open light while wearing wet flying gloves. Could you release
(with both generators operating) as the indication of yours? Think about it.
an out of phase condition . So in a vanilla F- 4, Now that warm weather 's here and many
answer B is probably the first cockpit indication . units are scheduling annual water survival training ,
Not so in an Arny jet (ARN -101-equipped F/ RF-4). maybe you could arrange some slippery hands-on
Answer C is the longest choice . Let's see why it 's training .
correct: the power supply for the ARN-101 's IMU
may shut down in respon se to the phase / frequency
oscillations before the bus tie opens . Apparently ,
the IMU is more sensitive to power fluctuations than
the system that was intended to protect it . First brick
W hen his landing gear didn 't come up after
he raised the handle on takeoff, an F-15 pilot put
Slippery survival gear the handle back down and decided to burn down
fuel for landing . With reliable gear down indications ,
he was flying multiple radar approaches when the
A ccording to the Navy's Weekly Summary, a Antiskid warning light came on . Now he made
couple of maintenance workers on the deck of a
carrier were unexpectedly blown overboard by the
exhaust from a turning aircraft . They were properly
attired in survival gear, but once in the water, they
experienced great difficulty in opening their sea dye
marker packets. One of the survivors managed to
work one packet partially open ; the other man just
couldn 't open his . The men said the sea water
made their hands slippery and required excessive
force to even partially open the little varmints . The
. dunkees and their CO invite you to deploy a sea
dye marker with wet hands-it's an eye opener.
Guess where the A ir Force gets its sea dye

busy refueling. Once off the boom , my backseater
TAC TIPS and I went through the checklist for extreme
cockpit temperatures. But since we were up around
arrangements for an approach-end arrestment and 30,000 feet , I didn 't pull the vent knob-it wasn 't
brought the Eagle around for landing. bad enough to depart the flight and descend below
Unfortunately, he landed on the first brick-the 25,000 feet where the aircraft could be
wheels touched on the first few feet of the runway , depressurized.
but the tailhook hit in the overrun . And before the About thirty minutes later I felt like I was freezing.
hook completed the 1,000 plus-foot trip to the
cable, it was damaged by several collisions. The
first contact in the obstacle course was with a
threshold light This collision sheared the mounting
bolts and ripped the wear pad from the hook. Then
the hook tried to grab a raised portion of one of the
concrete slabs of the runway which caused the
hook to skip over the cable.
When the pilot realized a missed engagement , he
went around for another try. But even though this
touchdown was more like TACR 60-2 0 criteria for
landing, the hook missed the cable again . The pilot
elected to keep the aircraft on the ground this time
and brought the Eagle to a halt on the runway .
With the misalignment of concrete slabs just
before the cable, who 's to say the lad wouldn 't have
missed the engagement if his first landing had been I was shivering uncontrollably . When I looked in the
on the money? Then again , who 's to say the initial mirror, I saw icicles attached to my mask near my
damage caused by the short landing didn 't magnify exhalation valve. I asked around the mght if any
the problem? one had ever run into this on a deployment before .
A number of airfield managers and civil engineers One old , crusty guy had and told me to-
at a number of locations are working hard to fix the 1) Descend to 25,000 feet MSL.
runway hazards that cause hook skip. Looks like we 2) Set the air conditioner 's controls to auto / full hot
can help . 3) Push the defog / footheat lever full forward.
4) Slowly pull out the vent knob to depressurize the
5) Wait about 5 minutes with the cockpit
Brrrrrrrrr 6) Suddenly slam the vent knob back.
It worked like a charm . Ice flew all over the
S itting on the runway with the canopy down on cockpit, out of the air conditioning outlets and from
a sunny summer day waiting for clearance to the window defogger. Then heat slowly began filling
take off, the sweat runs into your eyes and stings so the cockpits. We rejoined the flight above us and
badly you can hardly see lead. Have you been there? cruised uneventfully to destination .
Or haven 't you climbed out of the cockpit drenched I thought this was an isolated incident until last
with sweat following a low-level mission in July or winter when a friend said he'd suffered frostbite on
August when it's 100 degrees on the ramp? Times his toes when the same thing happened to his F-4's
like these make many of us believe that the F-4's air conditioner on a flight back from Europe. So
cockpit cou ld never be cool enough. hang on to this; you may not need it now, but over
But there I was out over the Pacific, halfway the Atlantic or Pacific one day perhaps it'll be
between Hawaii and California , when my air useful.
conditioner stuck full cold. It was plenty warm when How do you remember these steps? Easy.
we took off, so it wasn 't that uncomfortable when I They 're actually the same ones in the checklist for
first noticed it I could hack it extreme cockpit temperatures. Have a look. The
A few minutes later it was a little chilly, but I was only difference is a little patience.

22 AUGUST 1984
During an operational readiness exercise, SGT
MARK T. HUNT was in the process of preparing his
aircraft for taxi when he noticed an aircraft taxiing
by that had the safety pin to the front ejection seat
still installed; the pin and bag were on top of t[ e
seat. Sergeant Hunt took immediate action. He
directed the aircraft to stop, connected the
intercom, and informed the aircrew of the
situation. If the safety pin had gone undetected
the pilot would not have been able to use the
primary ejection handle.
Sergeant King's actions ex mplify a dedicate
crew chief. His attention to detail, quick Sgt Mark T. Hunt
assessment, and quick action reduced the 37 AGS, 37 TFW
potential for a serious mishap to occur. George AFB, CA


Ai C JEFFERY P. KING was driving a forklift to a
parked L-188 Logair aircraft when he spotted
flames and smoke coming from the emergency
brake of a 25 K-loader that was going toward the
same aircraft. Airman King knew the aircraft
contained Class B explosives, so he overtook the
K-loader and warned the driver of the situation.
The driver of the K-loader stopped his vehicle.
Airman King then stopped his forklift,
chocked it, grabbed his fire extinguisher, and ran
to fight the fire. When his extinguisher ran out, the
fire was still burning; so Airman King looked for
another extinguisher, found one near the aircraft,
wheeled it over to the burning K-loader, and
extinguished the fire. Al C Jeffery P. King
Airman King displayed a high degree of safety 832 Trans Sq
awareness. He took control of a serious situation Luke AFB, AZ
that minimized damage to the K-loader and kept
the aircraft from being harmed.
" I pulled away from the other side of the road ,
glanced at my mother- in-law, and headed over the
Funny excuses embankment. "
" I had been shopping for plants all day and was
on my way home. As I reached an intersection , a
The following are actual statements found on hedge sprang up, obscuring my vision , and I did not
insurance forms where car drivers attempted to see the other car."
summarize the details of an accident in the fewest " I was on my way to the doctor with rearend
words possible. trouble when my universal joint gave way causing
"Coming home, I drove into the wrong house and me to have an accident."
collided with a tree I don't have." "My car was legally parked as it backed into the
"I thought my window was down, but I found out other vehicle."
it was up when I put my head through it." "The guy was all over the road . I had to swerve a
" I collided with a stationary truck coming the number of times before I hit him."
other way. " "A pedestrian hit me and went under my car."
"A truck backed through my windshield into my "I told the police that I was not injured; but on
wife's face." removing my hat, I found that I had a fractured
"The pedestrian had no idea which direction to skull. "
run , so I ran over him." -Courtesy ATC

In need of a buddy
A group of seven airmen who were off duty
headed for a local river for some fun in the sun.
Once they arrived at the river bank, they all
immediately entered the water. One of them, a
senior NCO , talked to another NCO about
swimming across the river. The senior NCO
indicated that he wasn 't confident enough in his
swimming ability to attempt the crossing.
Shortly afterwards, two other members of the
group swam across the river; and, as they were
swimming, they tried to talk the senior NCO into
following them. He began to. He made it halfway
and then turned around to try to go back. He sank
before he could get back. Some others in the group
tried to reach him, but they didn't get to him in time.

24 AUGUST 1984
Sheriff's department divers found his body four from loss of fluids and salt. Symptoms include
hours later. profuse sweating, weakness , rapid pulse, dizziness,
When our good sense tells us that we can 't hack nausea, headache, and possible unconsciousness.
it, we ought to listen-even if someone else tries to Treat it by resting , drinking a cool electrolyte
convince us that we can. But beyond that, even if solution or any other non-alcoholic fluids, and
we think we can swim the distance, we shouldn't try cooling the body.
it by ourselves. Having someone near you just in Heat stroke is the most dangerous of the heat-
case is called the buddy system. And that's what related illnesses. It's a failure of the body's cooling
buddies are for -to help you out when you get in mechanisms. Symptoms of heat stroke are the
trouble, not to goad you into it. same as heat exhaustion except that with heat
stroke there won 't be any sweating, the skin will be
flushed and the body will be hot. Some people can
co llapse from heat stroke without any warning
Heat stress symptoms. Heat stroke is a medical emergency.
Get the person to a hospital or doctor immediately.
In the meantime the important thing to do is cool
A Iter working or playing outside on a hot day, the body. Cool the body with water, bring the
have you ever felt dizzy or had muscle cramps? If person into an air-conditioned room or put them in
you have, then you probably had a rea ction to heat the shade, and remove as much clothing as
stress. possible.
Heat stress is a combination of environmental You can prevent a heat-related illness by drinking
heat and physical activity that produces body heat. plenty of fluids, increasing salt intake, wearing
You have to have both to create heat stress. The lightweight or light-colored clothes, and taking
body reacts according to the degree of heat stress, frequent breaks from the heat to cool down. Salt
and sometimes a heat-related illness occurs. There tablets are not recommended-eat salty foods; and
are three heat-related illnesses: heat cramps, heat alcoholic beverages are not recommended fluids
exhaustion, and heat stroke. because alcohol will dehydrate you even more. To
Heat cramps occur after hard physical activity in combine the fluids and salt, you can buy an
a hot environment. Loss of water is a factor, but electrolyte solution at the grocery store.
lack of salt intake is what causes the cramps. Legs It also helps to become acclimated to the heat.
and stomach are where you'll probably get the Start out slowly with a physical activity in the heat
cramps , and they will follow heavy sweating. To for about two hours a day for a week. That's all it
treat heat cramps you need to replenish the salt takes. Once you 're acclimated to the heat, it takes
you lost; so drink a cool electrolyte solution, loosen about two to three months to lose acclimation;
clothing, and rest. If you don't have an electrolyte however, a measurable amount can be lost in a few
solution, drink any non-alcoholic fluids and eat days. If you stay indoors in an air conditioned room
something salty, like potato chips or pretzels. for a whole weekend or if you have just returned
Heat exhaustion (also known as heat collapse or from a trip to a cooler climate, expect your heat
heat prostration) takes longer to develop and results tolerance to be lowered.

Car Restra ints for Kids. As of February this year,
the only states that don 't have laws requiring the
use of approved child restraints or seat belts for
small children are Alaska, Idaho, Iowa, Louisiana,
South Dakota, Texas, Utah, and Wyoming. Several
of these states are expected to enact laws before
the year ends. And at least one insurance company
is offering a Century 200 child restraint device to
policyholders at a significantly reduced price ($20-
less than half the retail price). Check into it.

Bet You Didn't Know This . But sassafras tea is

harmful. Sassafras contains safrole, an oil once
used in root beer and some other beverages, that
was banned by the FDA as a flavoring or food
additive because it caused cancer in laboratory rats
and mice. No one knows how much safrole it takes
to be harmful, but one cup of strong sassafras tea
contains about 200 milligrams of safrole-that's at
least four times the minimal amount believed to be
hazardous if used on a regular basis. Camphor is
Short Shots
another known toxin-one teaspoon of
camphorated oil can be toxic to a baby-the FDA
has taken camphorated oil off the market, and over-
AAFES Recalls Flint stone Xylophone. The Army the-counter products with more than 2.5 percent
and Air Force Exchange Service (AAFES) has camphor can be dangerous.
recalled the Flint stone xylophone, a Gordy
International toy. AAFES officials said legs on the
orange plastic toy can be easily removed and Emergencies in Restaurants or Theaters. When
swallowed by young children. They explained that entering a restaurant or theater, check out the
toys posing such a hazard should carry a warning location of the exits, and in case of an emergency,
stating they are not recommended for children plan to use a different exit from the one you
under three. Because the xylophone package entered. Panicked people usually try to leave a
doesn't carry this warning , AAFES has removed the building the same way they entered. In an
toy for a refund. AAFES officials also urge parents emergency situation, that causes a backup at the
to look for age recommendations and other safety exit and loss of precious time.
labels when buying toys.
Conferences. Many hotels and motels set up for
Pink Elephants. You don't have to drink to see conferences by converting large rooms to smaller
pink elephants. Just stare at your computer and rooms using partitions. If there aren 't two exits in
then glance at a white elephant. Some operators of each partitioned area, think twice before entering it.
visual display terminals (VDTs) that have green In case of emergency, having another exit could
characters on a dark background have reported save your life.
that when they switch to looking at white characters
on a dark background, the characters would appear Unplug the Toaster. The Consumer Product
pink. They also noticed a pink fringe on white walls Safety Commission says fire departments respond
or the edges of white paper. (After looking at a VDT to more than 20,000 fires a year that are associated
with amber characters, the fringe would appear with electrical appliances. To help prevent these
blue-green.) This strange effect (called the fires , the Commission recommends unplugging
McCullough effect) never lasted more than a day. appliances that produce heat (hair dryers and
The New England Journal of Medicine says the toasters) and are motorized (can openers and drills)
effect is normal, never permanent, and is not a when they aren 't in use. Also unplug any appliance
symptom of hysteria or eye disease. Whew! near a source of water.

26 AUGUST 1984
Our TAC Losses on the Ground JAN-JUN 84


t t tt
Hit by train
Private acft

Industrial tt t PMV


had no procedures for using the substitute with

Plowing new ground the AIM-9L G&C; so he was plowing new ground .
After the G&C unit was tucked away in the
container, the troop discovered he didn 't have
What do you do when you have to mail or enough information to complete the turn-in
move your stereo gear, and you don 't have its paperwork. So he picked up the G&C unit to read
original container? Most of us just get any old box, the serial number. But it slipped and fell. Crashl The
throw in a pound or two of styrofoam chips , and IR dome shattered .
send it along . Right? The alternate container could have worked . But
Someone tried something similar with part of an the shop didn't have any "how-to" guidance for the
AIM-9L Sidewinder missile. It was a $4,500 mistake. airman to use the substitute. They do now. And
An airman, who was packing the unserviceable they include copying the G&C's serial number
AIM-9L guidance and control (G&C) unit for before packing it into the container.
Sounds like a good idea for any unit that routinely
works with both kinds of missiles and containers.

Missing bombs
It was a wet and foggy night when a munitions
convoy made its way from the storage area to the
flight line holding area. Maybe that's why no one
noticed when three inert MK-82 , 500-pound bombs
fell from the 25-foot flatbed trailer somewhere along
the route. Everyone noticed their absence at the
flight line though.
All the bombs were recovered along the route,
and no one was injured-but what an example of
slighting tech data and substituting a jury-rigged
solution. Someone used aluminum rails instead of
wood to rest two of the bombs on. Then for
additional security, they connected a cargo strap
between the horizontal bracket of the rail extender
and the axle of the flatbed wheels. But instead of
shipment to depot for repair, couldn 't find a CNU- additional security, the strap caused increased
300 / E container. So he used a PI N 69F33200 con- vibration of the aluminum rails. So when the trailer
tainer that AIM-9P G&Cs are packed in. But the shop made a turn, one of the bombs shifted from its

28 AUGUST 1984
chained position and fell off the flatbed . With that
bomb missing, the chain, that ran the length of the
trailer, developed some slack which allowed the
other bombs to shift and fall .
One thing that might have prevented the
embarrassment was the alignment of the lugs on but he wasn 't able to because the majority of the
the bombs. Had they been turned to face either up bomb 's weight is up front in the nose, and his hand
or down, like the TO suggests, the lugs may have was back near the bomb's tail. And his
caught on the chain on top of the bombs or the concentration was on the safety pin. His hand and
rails beneath them his concentration were in the wrong places to
Shortcuts plus imaginative attempts to make up prevent the bomb from falling.
for them equal trouble. Good thing the bombs were That combination stacked the cards against him.
inert. But we can 't always count on that, can we? Loading bombs doesn 't have to be a gamble. We
just need to concentrate on doing it according to
Hoyle-or in our case, according to local

It takes two
A weapons specialist on a load crew was
loading a BDU-330 / B practice bomb on station six
of a SUU-20 dispenser. He had one hand on the
bomb, back near the fin . With the other hand he
tried to insert a safety pin into the rack housing .
Before the pin went in , the bomb fell to the
concrete and discharged. Kapow! Even though the
older type safety block was installed on the nose of
the bomb , the BDU 's spotting charge fired .
The blast caused damage to the SUU-20, a MK-
106 practice bomb on an adjacent station , and the
crew chief. It singed the hair on his arm, dumped
phosphate dust on his neck, and sent him to the
hospital complaining of hearing problems.
Apparently there will be no permanent
complications , but it was close. The fellow learned
a tough lesson . Local directives require two workers
to upload BDU-33s-for good reason : the practice
bomb weighs only 25 pounds , but it caught the man
by surprise when it fell . He thought he could stop it,

tenance debriefing.
Third, from a crew member's point of view, why
didn't the crew follow the old maxim, "If you don't
know what it does, don't mess with it"? Isn't "fire,
smoke, and fumes" considered an inflight emergency?
Most all of the Dash Ones I have encountered pro-
hibit reapplication of power to a system causing
smoke and / or fumes unless the cause is known and
It appears this is another case of currency and
training requirements clouding normally sound
judgment. Let me tell you from firsthand experi-
ence, an inflight fire is not something to be taken
lightly. It can get very hot very quickly, especially in
the close confines of a fighter type aircraft.
Thanks for letting me get this off my chest, but
every time I read about an incident like this, it really
Letters to the Editor
bugs me.
Dear Editor Roy W. Adams, Jr., MSgt, USAF
1 ust a few lines to clear up an error in an other- Chief, AWACS Airborne Radar
wise excellent article, "Asking for It," April 1984, Technician Training
and to raise a couple of questions that were unasked.
First, the magnetron mentioned in your article is
the device used to generate the transmitted radar Dear Sergeant Adams
energy, not receive it nor display it. Thanks for correctly describing the magnetron. We
Second, why didn't the crew have the launch truck can't answer why the aircrew didn't call for a redba/1.
weapons control system technician check out the Let's give them the benefit of the doubt because we
problem? He or she is the expert on the entire radar don't know the history of the aircraft's radar;
system and quite possibly could have cleared the perhaps the initial indications of trouble weren't as
malfunction in a few minutes. Was there a history of cut and dried as it sounded.
radar problems on this aircraft? If so, perhaps We share your concern that the crew apparently
planning a show time a few minutes earlier would did not take the emergency more seriously. Yes,
have allowed a thorough maintenance check-out electrical fire/ smoke and fumes are F-4 emergency
when the problem was encountered. The best procedures. When we read about an aircrew slighting
troubleshooting aid a maintenance man has is to see them, it may bug you and me-but it could really
the problem as it occurs, rather than relying on a burn them up.
few AFTO 781A lines and ten minutes in main- Ed

Pass it along...

nine people are waiting

Tac Tally


JUN 1984 1983
JUN 1983
1984 1984 1983
CLASS A MISHAPS I. 5 13 14 0 3 6 0 0 0
AIRCREW FATALITIES I• 2 10 4 0 2 4 0 0 0
TOTAL EJECTIONS I• 6 10 11 0 2 5 0 0 0
SUCCESSFUL EJECTIONS I• 6 9 10 0 2 2 0 0 0

lAC's TOP 5 thru JUN 84

class A mishap - free months class A mishap-free months
55 355 TTW 137 57 FIS
34 58 TTW 90 5 FIS
27 4 TFW 87 48 FIS
23 405 TTW 46 318 FIS
21 27 TFW 37 87 FIS

class A mishap- free months class A mishap- free months class A mishap- free months
146 188 TFG (ANG) 120 177 FIG 179 182 TASG (ANG)
138 138 TFG (ANG) 86 125 FIG 163 110 TASG (ANG)
137 917 TFG (AFR) 69 119 FIG 159 USAFTAWC
115 114 TFG&174TFW(ANG) 53 107 FIG 150 84 FITS
110 112 TFG (ANG) 44 147 FIG 93 552 AWACD


1984 3.4 3.4 2.8 2.0 2.6 3.5
c 1983 6.9 5.3 3.4 3.8 4.0 3.9
1984 0.0 2.3 1.5 2.2 2.6 2. 1
G 1983 9.1 7.0 4.4 4.3 3.4 4.2

AF 1984 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

R 1983 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

11 1:>0 1-001< UKf

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