118 - P1 - Corrigendum JVP Date 04-06-2020

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Government of Pakistan

Federal Government Employees Housing Authority (FGEHA)

F.No. 6(25-JVPs)N-P-H-P/2020-HA
Subject:-Hiring of Transac on Advisor


7 The amended Expression of Interest(EOI) and Pre qualifica on Document for “Pre-qualifica on of Consul ng
Firms/Companies having exper se in the Transac on Advisory Services of Development Projects executed under Joint
Venture of Public and Private Sectors” are enclosed. The changes/amendments in the documents, as proposed by Finance
Wing, have been incorporated a er discussion with Deputy Director Finance.

8 Furthermore, following Consultant Selec on Commi ee (CSC) is proposed in accordance with Clause 09 of Procurement of
Consultancy Services Regula ons, 2010 for shortlis ng and selec on of consultant for JV projects.

i. Director JVP (Convener)

ii. Deputy Director Finance
iii. Deputy Director JVP-1
iv. Assistant Director Contracts

9 Forwarded for your kind perusal and approval from Competent Authority, please.

haider ali
2020-05-08 13:01:21.922
10 Pre-qualifica on Document, along with Expression of Interest, as a ached herewith / shown vide Para 7/N, for
prequalifica on of consultant firms for transdac on advisory services on joint venture projects of houisng schemes, are
hereby submi ed for approvaLplease.

Asrar Ahmad
2020-05-08 14:21:33.483

11 Para 10/N is submi ed for approval of DG(FGEHA) please

Rubina Hussain
2020-05-08 14:22:57.447

12 what does condi on no 6 imply in expression of interest, kindly elaborate and resubmit.

Faaiz Aali Gill

2020-05-13 11:42:39.148

13 Submi ed again as discussed

Rubina Hussain
2020-05-13 12:10:36.177

14 Para 10/n ante read with para 7 and 8 ante w.r.t pre-qualifica on transac on advisor may be approved, please.
Faaiz Aali Gill
2020-05-13 12:54:30.095

15 Approved as proposed.

Waseem Hayat Bajwa

2020-05-13 15:58:37.876

16 Proceed as per para 15/n ante, please.

Faaiz Aali Gill

2020-05-13 16:16:30.614

17 Adver sment be published in leading news papers and forwarded to IT wing for uploading on PPRA and FGEHA web sites
in light of para 15, 16/N.

18 An immediate ac on in this regard is requested please

Rubina Hussain
2020-05-14 10:56:12.027

19 Please proceed as per approval of the DG.

Muhammad Adnan Dayar
2020-05-15 11:24:09.957

20 Reference No ng A ached

21 Needful has been done as required

22 Forwarded please

Nasir Choudary
2020-06-02 12:23:49.094

23 The Expression of Interest (EOI)) for “Pre-qualifica on of Consul ng Firms/Companies having exper se in the Transac on
Advisory Services of Development Projects executed under Joint Venture of Public and Private Sectors” was invited through
daily Newspaper with PID No: 6200/19 published on 16-05-2020 and Tender No: TS423195E posted on PPRA and FGEHA

24 Due to EID Holidays and current COVID-19 pandemic, limited bidders have purchased the pre-qualifica on document. So,
it is proposed the me may be extended from 04-06-2020 to 18-06-2020 to have healthy response.

25 The dra Corrigendum is a ached for kind perusal and further approval for Competent Authority, for publica on in daily
newspaper and pos ng on websites of FHEHA & PPRA.

Rana Ameer Hamza khan

2020-06-02 12:33:03.902
26 The Corrigendum is revised and a ached herewith (Corrigendum) for approval please, so that the me for collec on and
submission of documents can be extended.

Asrar Ahmad
2020-06-02 13:42:22.494

27 Corrigendum is submi ed for approval od DG (FGEHA) as limited bidders have responded due to COVID-19 and Eid

Rubina Hussain
2020-06-02 15:25:03.917

28 Does this corregendum covered under PPRA Rules 2004 or not, if yes under which provision? kindly re-examine and
resbmit by tomorrow for perusal of DG FGEHA, please.

Faaiz Aali Gill

2020-06-02 18:32:00.664

29 This corrigendum relates to the Extension of Time for submission of bids due to limited response of bidder because of Eid
holiday and current COVID-19 pandemic. The healthy response of the bidders will increase the compe on at RFP stage.

30 Furthermore, this corrigendum was forwarded for approval in the light of Rule 27. “Extension of Time for submission of
Bids” of Public Procurement Rules 2004 of PPRA.

31 It is requested that same may be forwarded for publica on in Newspaper and pos ng on PPRA & FGEHA website at the
earliest a er approval of DG FGEHA.
Rubina Hussain
2020-06-04 10:42:18.21

32 Discussed with DG FGEHA, para 31/n ante approved.

Faaiz Aali Gill

2020-06-04 11:44:41.521

33 As per Para 32/N, the corrigendum is submi ed for publica on in Newspapaer and pos ng on PPRA & FGEHA website at
the earliest.

Rubina Hussain
2020-06-04 12:47:47.701

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