B1 U2 Exam Practice Reading
B1 U2 Exam Practice Reading
B1 U2 Exam Practice Reading
5 Why was Doyle sure that Edalji was innocent? 1 making something exist (paragraph 1)
2 rich (paragraph 2)
6 What happened to Slater in 1925? 3 the ability to see (paragraph 4)
4 responsible for a bad thing (paragraph 4)
5 sure (paragraph 5)
B1 Preliminary Part 6 3 For each question, write the correct answer. Write
one word for each gap.
1 Choose the correct alternative.
A gap in a text (a) can/can’t be a phrasal verb or it can
It pays to be honest
be part of a fixed (b) sentence/phrase. Look at the
words before and after the gap to see what is there. If it
is a phrasal verb, it might be missing the verb (c) and/or
the preposition.