Maintenance Notification
Maintenance Notification
Maintenance Notification
Icons Explanation
Create (F5)
Change (F6)
Display (F7)
Copy (Shift+F9)
Delimit (Shift+F1)
Delete (Shift+F2)
Overview (Shift+F8)
Cancel (F12)
Save (Ctrl+S)
Back (F3)
Exit (Shift+F3)
1. Creating Maintenance Notification
1.1.2 Prerequisites
Maintenance notification type must be defined.
1.1.3 Trigger
Perform this procedure when there is need to create Maintenance Notification.
1.1.4 Procedure
Figure 1
Step 2: In the initial screen of create Notification; user has to define the relevant Notification Type
(Click button 0r select from popup menu available on pressing F4). The notification No. field is
left blank.
Figure 2
The System Status field shows the current status of notification like OSNO (Outstanding
Notification), NOPR (Notification in process), NOCO (Notification Completed), etc. Details of the
status can be seen by pressing the small blue button on the right side of the status field.
In the User Status field, the user can select the status as per the process or document stage e.g.
ACPT (Accept) APGN (Approval Given) APRD (Approval Required) DCLN (Decline) Details of the
user status can be seen by pressing
Note: Work Flow will be triggered after selecting the user status APRD (as per requirement)
Step 2: If the equipment number is not known, the user can search the equipment by single
clicking the equipment field and pressing F4 for searching. The following screen appears.
Figure 3
Step 3: Select any criteria from the following screen to limit the search and press Execute or
Figure 4
Step 4: Select the Equipment from the following screen and Enter
Figure 5
By selecting the required equipment from the above shown list, the equipment No. comes in its
field. By pressing enter its name appears on the right side and Functional location appears if
Step 5: After Equipment, There are some mandatory fields (As per requirement) i.e. Notification
Description,Work Center and Priority.The system will not allow to go ahead if the said fields are
empty. Select the Work Center by pressing F4 key
Figure 6
After selecting the Equipment, the system shows its Warranty details if its warranty date is valid
Then Enter for next screen
Figure 7
Following screen will show the previous history of the object/equipment about orders &
notifications, Enter for next screen
Figure 8
Step 6: Select The Category of Work Center i.e. 0005 (Plant Maintenance)
Figure 9
Figure 10
Step 7: Select the Priority Type e.g. Emergency
Figure 11
Step 8: Select the Planner Group by pressing F4
Figure 12
Step 9: Write down comments about the fault occurred in the space provided.
Figure 13
Step 10: Select the Department responsible by pressing F4, following mentioned pop up will be
appeared then select Structure Search
Figure 14
Figure 15
Step 11: Select the relevant responsible department from the following screen
Figure 16
Figure 17
Step 13: Press Enter when following mentioned pop up appeared
Figure 18
Step 14: Select the relevant person from the list as mentioned below
Figure 19
Figure 20
Field name Description User action and values
reported the notification
Date at which the Notification
Notification Date Notification date
was created.
Step 7: This tab is mainly used for providing the Malfunction / Breakdown durations. The start
date and time comes as default and user can change it and enter end date and time. If this is a
case of breakdown, user should tick breakdown check box and the breakdown duration is
automatically calculated by the system.
Figure 21
Scheduling is used for calculations of operating time. Some other information like reported by,
inspected by, are provided here.
Figure 22
The Items tab contains the Object part and Failures which can also be maintained under
Notification tab
Cause tab (Under the Items tab) contains cause of the failure which can also be maintained under
Notification tab
Task tab contains the tasks which is to be performed and after put the tasks and Enter the system
status will be OSTS (outstanding task) will be appeared in the status field.
Step: Select the task and click Release icon (Available at left bottom) to release the task and
after completion of Task click icon (Available at left bottom) to complete the task then the
system status will be ATCO (All tasks completed)
Step 8: SAVE the Notification
1.1.5 Result
You have created Maintenance Notification.
1.1.6 Workflow
With saving the Notification, Work Flow will be triggered as per process and the Notification will
be sent by mail (SAP Business Workplace) through work flow to the approval authority (with
reference to the Priority Type defined in Notification) for approval
Step 1: the receiving end can check mail by clicking tab available in the main menu as
mentioned below;
Figure 23
Step 2: Click the workflow to see the mails related to the workflows and click the relevant mail
Figure 24
Step 3: The following screen will be appeared in which Approval authority have 4 options like
View/Change Notification (To see the Notification contents and can change them), Forward (If
Notification is OK), Send Back (If Notification requires clarification/any other reason) and Cancel
and Keep Work Item in Inbox (If holds the Notification)
Figure 25
1.2 Change Maintenance Notification
Figure 26
Step 2: By entering the notification Number in the ‘Change Notification Screen’, user goes into
the Notification for any required changes. If Notification Number is not known, user can press F4
or click the icon
Figure 27
Step 3: Select the Notification status with other search criteria like Notification type “M1” to limit
the search in the following screen
Figure 28
Step 4: Double click the relevant Notification number in the following screen
Figure 29
Step 5: Enter when following screen appears
Figure 30
Figure 31
Figure 32
Figure 33
Step 8: Select the cause of the failure and to search out press F4
Figure 34
Step 9: If more then one entry require in Object part, Failure and Cause then click as shown
in following screen
Figure 35
Step 10: Enter the object part, failure and causes as per previous mentioned steps in the
following screen
Figure 36
Step 11: Click on to see the previous entries as mentioned in following screen
Figure 37
Figure 38
After the above activity the Notification Status will be changed from OSNO to NOPR (out standing
notification to Notification in process)
Figure 39
Step 13: Make any further changes and complete the notification by clicking as mention
Figure 40
Step 14: After the above activity, the following screen will be appeared, check the date and time
of completion and or Enter.
Figure 41
Following screen shows that Notification has been completed
Figure 42
1.3 Display Maintenance Notification
Figure 43
Step 2: By entering the notification Number in the ‘Display Notification Screen’, user goes into the
Notification for viewing the notification. If Notification Number is not known, user can press F4 and
in the search screen, the required Notification can be searched with respect to Notification Type
(to be entered by user).
Figure 44
Step 3: Select the Notification status with other search criteria like Notification type “M1” to limit
the search in the following screen
Figure 45
Step 4: Double click the relevant Notification number in the following screen
Figure 46
Figure 47
Figure 48