Advanced Control Solutions For Enhanced Resilience of Modern Power-Electronic-Interfaced Distribution Systems

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J. Mod. Power Syst.

Clean Energy (2019) 7(4):716–730

Advanced control solutions for enhanced resilience of modern

power-electronic-interfaced distribution systems
Shiyuan WANG1, Payman DEHGHANIAN1 , Mohannad ALHAZMI1,
Mostafa NAZEMI1

Abstract Modern power delivery systems are rapidly demonstrates its effectiveness to minimize the system
evolving with high proliferation of power-electronic (PE)- transient during faults, with an enhanced grid-edge and
interfaced distributed energy resources (DERs). Compared system-wide resilience characteristics in voltage profiles.
to the conventional sources of generation, the PE-inter-
faced DERs, e.g., solar and wind resources, are attributed Keywords Distributed energy resource (DER), Model
substantially different characteristics such as lower over- predictive control (MPC), Power electronics (PE),
load capability and limited frequency response patterns. Protection, Resilience
This paper focuses on effective management and control
mechanisms for PE-interfaced DERs in power distribution
systems with high penetration of renewables, particularly 1 Introduction
under fault, voltage-sag, load variations, and other pre-
vailing conditions in the grid. Aiming at the solutions to The elevated incidence and severity of high-impact low-
enhance the system performance resilience, we introduce probability (HILP) events and outage-inducing weather and
an advanced model predictive control (MPC) based cyber patterns pose new challenges to the electricity grid
scheme to control the DER units, minimize the impact of and the increasingly electrified economy. The conse-
transients and disruptions, speed up the response and quences can range from local disruptions in infrastructures
recovery of particular metrics and parameters, and main- resulting in or triggering cascading and widespread outa-
tain an acceptable operation condition. The performance of ges, network flow and voltage violations, etc. It has become
the suggested control scheme is tested on a modified IEEE more apparent that advanced planning, operation, and
34-bus test feeder, where the proposed solution control solutions are needed ensuring resilience before,
during and following such disturbances. Both long-term
CrossCheck date: 18 April 2019 and short-term strategies for enhancing the grid resilience
against extreme conditions have been addressed in [1]. In
Received: 23 November 2018 / Accepted: 18 April 2019 / Published the former, enhancing the grid structural resilience is pri-
online: 22 July 2019 marily the focus of concern and suggestions are made
Ó The Author(s) 2019
toward ‘‘grid hardening’’ plans through reinforcement,
[email protected]
preventive maintenance of critical infrastructure, vegeta-
tion management, and efficient allocation of distributed
Shiyuan WANG
energy resources (DERs) and other flexible energy
[email protected]
resources, e.g., energy storage units [1–4]. In the latter,
Mohannad ALHAZMI
improving the operation resilience is targeted, through fast
[email protected]
emergency response, remedial actions, defensive islanding
Mostafa NAZEMI
[email protected]
scenarios and micro-grids control [5–8].
The rapid deployment of power-electronic (PE)-inter-
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, George faced DERs in modern power distribution systems has
Washington University, Washington 20052, USA

Advanced control solutions for enhanced resilience of modern power-electronic-interfaced... 717

introduced new opportunities and advanced solutions for practice. In particular, program logical control devices are
power distribution system resilience against the HILP widely utilized in current protective relays and circuit
incidents as well as unpredictable faults and disturbances. breakers to help the DER system undergo less severe
Such resilience-driven solutions, however, have brought conditions even during the faults or overvoltage scenarios.
about new challenges and concerns which, in turn, call for While the system can still continue operation under such
the evolution of the traditional protection and control prevailing conditions, the electrical power components will
mechanisms that may no longer be optimal, if applicable at be stressed.
all. Depending on the depth and duration of the abnor- In this paper, an improved model predictive control
malities (e.g., overvoltage conditions), the DER units (MPC) based mechanism is proposed, which primarily
might be disconnected from the grid, or keep being con- focuses on achieving the PE-interfaced DER performance
nected under permissible limits. Even if such conditions resilience to voltage disruptions and overloading condi-
may last only for a short period of time, such events may tions during the faults. The entire effort is to create resi-
potentially impose a risk of damage, performance degra- lience culture on the PE-interfaced DER operation control
dation and lifetime reduction of PE-interfaced DERs and and ensure that the voltage source inverters (VSIs) are able
other grid connected devices. An effective protection and to function properly (overload free) and resiliently dur-
control scheme centered on PE devices at the edge con- ing the faults. The proposed MPC mechanism is featuring
nection of DERs to the distribution system is critical in the following advantages:
order to prevent the disastrous consequences of the failures,
1) Ensuring a fast dynamic response during both normal
ensuring resilience.
and abnormal conditions.
The effective utilization and control of advanced PE
2) This MPC-based control scheme is embedded with
interfaces in DER-penetrated distribution systems and
two different strategies, achieving the flexibility in
microgrids have been extensively investigated in [9–12].
switching between balanced and unbalanced output
The role of PE technologies on enhancing the microgrid
modes accordingly.
resilience is discussed in [9]. Centered on PE converter
3) Extending the application of MPC from supplying
technologies, a dynamic routing scheme is suggested in
power to improving voltage resilience by mitigating
[10] to maximize the loadability in unbalanced distribution
the voltage degradation and regulation during abnor-
systems with hybrid AC and DC microgrids. Employing
mal conditions.
the voltage-shifting and slope-adjusting strategies, a dis-
tributed secondary control is introduced in [11] to eliminate This paper is structured as follows: background infor-
the DC voltage deviation and improve the current sharing mation on power grid resilience and the basic principles of
performance in DC microgrids. A control model for par- MPC are presented in Section 2. Section 3 is devoted to the
allel operation of inverters is proposed in [13] to achieve PE-interfaced DER models. An MPC-based control
the frequency and voltage control with no communication scheme for voltage source inverter is proposed for grid-
requirements between inverters. A control scheme for connected DER operation under normal and prevailing
uninterruptible power supply (UPS) systems has been conditions in Section 4. To verify the promising perfor-
introduced in [14]. A circular chain control (3C) mecha- mance of the proposed control scheme, numerical case
nism for inverters is introduced in [15] to achieve a high- studies are discussed in Section 5. And finally come the
performance current control. An extensive review on concluding remarks in Section 6.
control schemes in multiple-cluster DC microgrids is
explored in [12]. A cooperative distributed secondary/pri-
mary control paradigm for AC microgrids is introduced in 2 Background
[16]. Several other control strategies are proposed for high-
fidelity operation of parallel inverter interfaces 2.1 Power grid resilience
[13–15, 17, 18]. Extensive fault analyses on the behaviors
of inverter-interfaced DERs considering different control New North American Electricity Reliability Corporation
schemes are conducted and reported in [6], where the (NERC) power system planning performance standard
experiment results demonstrate that a current-controlled TPL-0014/0040a enforced in 2016 states that ‘‘studies shall
inverter typically has the ability to resist the fault current at be performed to assess the impact of the extreme events’’
a certain extent even in protection system failure scenarios. [19]. The power grid is constantly exposed to potential
In most cases, protection devices can arrest the overvoltage hazards ranging from weather-driven natural disasters to
surges and protective relays can isolate the electrical malicious cybersecurity attacks. Due to numerous factors
components from a long-term exposure to overvoltage such as rapid deployment of intermittent renewable gen-
conditions. However, protection failure does happen in eration, growing demand to ensure higher quality

718 S. WANG et al.

electricity to end customers, and intensified public focus

and regulatory oversights, safeguarding the national elec-
tric power grid and ensuring a continuous, reliable, and
affordable supply of energy are among the top priorities for
the electric power industry. Hence, resilience of the elec-
tricity grid and its capacity to withstand unexpected
extreme events has become more and more critical for
human well-being and every aspect of our economy
Although well-known traditional reliability principles
Fig. 1 General representation of a resilience evaluation framework
have been widely adopted in practice to make the grid over time
operate securely and reliably under normal conditions and
safely withstand credible contingencies (N-1 criterion), the disturbance occurs at te , the performance index is degraded
concept of ‘‘resilience’’ to HILP incidents has remained at te and reaches to a minimum at tp . Subsequently, the
less clarified and unfocused. Higher power/energy capacity preparation and recovery process begins at tp and tr ,
adequacy during extreme events, higher capacity accessi- respectively, following which, the system performance
bility (i.e. the extent of power and energy the grid can elevates until it reaches its full functionality. As it can be
utilize from the generation sources), and higher reacha- seen, the temporal framework for resilience evaluation
bility to such sources will render higher grid resilience could be classified into four phases: normal state, survival,
during extreme events [21]. The concept of ‘‘resilience’’ preparation, and recovery.
has been quite explored in the literature in recent years.
The word ‘‘resilience’’ is derived from the Latin word 2.2 MPC
‘‘resilire’’ highlighting the ability to rebound [23] and can
be defined from many different perspectives. For instance, Over the past three decades, MPC analytics have been
the National Infrastructure Advisory Council (NIAC) pro- advanced and applied in different engineering disciplines
posed a universal definition of infrastructure resilience in such as process control, industrial control, as well as
2010: ‘‘the ability to reduce the magnitude and/or duration petrochemical processes, among many others [33–35].
of disruptive events. The effectiveness of a resilient With the relatively easy implementation and proven
infrastructure depends on its ability to anticipate, absorb, applicability to various multivariate systems, MPC offers a
adopt to and/or rapidly recover from a potentially disrup- unique advantage to be applied for control of PE-interfaced
tive event’’ [24]. Moreover, [25] defines the concept of DER infrastructure [36, 37].
resilience as the system ability to withstand the main Principally, MPC is a multi-variable control algorithm
interruption within an acceptable degradation performance that uses an internal dynamic model of the process with a
and to recover within an acceptable time duration and history of past control records and an optimization cost
composite risks and costs. The definition of ‘‘the system function J over the receding prediction horizon under
ability to prepare for and adapt to changing conditions, certain constrains. The MPC mathematical formulation can
with robust performance and swift recovery’’ is proposed in be generally expressed as follows:
[26]. Resilience is interpreted as the ability to prepare and
plan for, absorb, recover from, and more successfully adopt 1) Cost function
to adverse events in [27]. Many other definitions of resi- X
N 1
lience can be found in economic systems [28], organiza- min Jðyk ðt þ 1Þ; yk ðtÞ; uk ðtÞ; gk ðtÞÞ ð1Þ
tional systems [29], social systems [30] and complex k¼0

networks [31, 32]. 2) System dynamics

All the above definitions for resilience share a common
f ðyk ðt þ 1Þ; yk ðtÞ; uk ðtÞ; gk ðtÞÞ ¼ 0 ð2Þ
goal of moderating the consequences of a severe shock to a
system or infrastructure. Hence, monitoring the perfor- 3) Flow constraints
mance of a system subject to a disruption can help
gðyk ðt þ 1Þ; yk ðtÞ; uk ðtÞ; gk ðtÞÞ  0 ð3Þ
understand its resilience before, during, and after the event.
A typical system performance evaluation framework fol- 4) Initial condition
lowing a disturbance is illustrated in Fig. 1, where the
yk ¼ yk ð0Þ ð4Þ
vertical axis represents the system performance (or a
parameter of interest) over a period of time captured in the where yk is the predicted state of the system; uk is the input
horizontal axis. The resilience evaluation starts at t0 , a

Advanced control solutions for enhanced resilience of modern power-electronic-interfaced... 719

MPC yk(t) commonly applied in the Park transformation [41], the

y^ k(t+1)
Predictor u(t+1) Clarke transformation [42] is here employed first to convert
yk,ref (t+1) + e (t+1) a three-phase signal from the ABC-reference frame (xA(t),
 + k u(t) yk(t) xB(t), xC(t)) to components in a stationary ab-frame, as
yk,ref (t) u
ek(t) Optimizer System
+ +

yk(t) Cost function Constraints
xab ðtÞ ¼ xa ðtÞ þ jxb ðtÞ ð5Þ
8 2 3 2 3
> xa ðtÞ xA ðtÞ
> 4 x ðtÞ 5 ¼ C4 x ðtÞ 5
> b B
Fig. 2 General architecture of the MPC algorithm >
> x c ðtÞ x C ðtÞ 3
> 2
with the set of its optimal values; gk is the disturbance < 2 1 1
appearing in the system. The general architecture of the 63  pffiffi3ffi
p3ffiffiffi 7
> 6
MPC process is demonstrated in Fig. 2, where yk;ref is the >
> 6 3 37
> C ¼ 60  7
reference state; ek is the error; y^k is the estimated state; t is >
> 6 3 3 7
> 4 1 5
: 1 1
the current time; and t þ 1 is the future time step.
3 3 3
In the last decade, improvements on MPC have been
majorly focused on speeding up its process to make it com- Clarke transformation will result in a rotating phasor.
putationally friendly to applications with very fast sampling During unbalanced conditions, both the magnitude and
rate requirements [33]. Focusing on power grids with inte- angular speed of the phasor experience periodical changes
gration of PE-interfaced DER, MPC is a promising alternative [43, 44] that can be used to represent the grid operation
to other classic power flow control mechanisms with pulse conditions.
width modulation (PWM). Continuous control set-MPC
(CCS-MPC) and finite control set-MPC (FCS-MPC) have 3.2 VSI switching models
been already implemented in PE-centered researches and
developments [36, 38–40]. In the former, the continuous
output of the predictive controller is used as a starting point to In general, the single-phase model of a PE-interfaced
generate the switching states using the modulator, while in the DER system can be represented by a DC voltage source, a
latter, a limited number of switching states of converters are one-leg inverter (with two switching gates), and an LC
utilized with no dependence in the modulation stages. A dis- filter. The blue arrow in Fig. 3 represents the measured
crete model is developed to predict the system behavior for data/control signal flow (discrete data format). A traditional
every admissible actuation sequence up to the prediction one-phase VSI model embedded with an MPC controller
horizon. The switching action that minimizes a predefined with voltage, current, or power control strategies is illus-
cost function is finally selected to be applied in the next trated in Fig. 3, where Rf , Lf , Cf are the resistance,
sampling interval. Very recent MPC applications in PE-in- inductance and capacitance of AC filter, respectively. Sph
terfaced system controls are in the domains, including but not stands for the switching signal; Vdc is the DC link voltage;
limited to distributed generation systems, active filters and vo and io are the output voltage and current of AC filter,
power conditioning, drives, and UPS systems which are respectively; if is the inductor current; ic is the capacitor
extensively reviewed in [35]. Different from the past resear- current; vi is the VSI output voltage; and vc and ic are the
ches on the application of MPC schemes, our proposed MPC- voltage and current across the capacitor of AC filter.
based control strategy extends the traditional MPCs from According to Fig. 4, the switch signal Sph for each phase is
supplying power to improving voltage resilience during fed into the gates and the three-phase output voltage can be
abnormal conditions. The proposed MPC ensures additional described as follows:
flexibility and a fast dynamic response during both normal and
abnormal conditions. This performance is highlighted by the
comparisons over the traditional schemes later in this paper. Rf Lf if io
+ vf  + Cf
vi vc ic Load vo
3 Modeling of PE-interfaced DERs Sph 

Voltage and current
3.1 Waveform representation and modeling MPC Current

To simplify the analysis of a three-phase system and Fig. 3 Single-line model of the PE-interfaced DER system with MPC
relax any dependence to a rotating reference frame controller

720 S. WANG et al.

<2 p
Vdc ejðn1Þ3 n ¼ 1; 2; . . .; 6
Vn ¼ 3 ð7Þ
0 n ¼ 0; 7

The switching combination ½SA , SB , SC  for the above

eight possible output voltages are [000, 110, 110, 010, 011,
001, 101, 111], with ‘‘1’’ representing the ON status for the
Fig. 5 Diagram of a four-leg inverter with an LC filter
gate switches and ‘‘0’’ otherwise. The output voltage and
current of the DER system can be mathematically expres-
sed as: Table 1 Switching combinations and the associated inverter output
voltages in the abc-coordinates
vi ¼ vo þ Rf if þ Lf ð8Þ n 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
io ¼ if  ic ð9Þ S 0000 0001 0010 0011 0100 0101 0110 0111
Va 0 0 2Vdc Vdc Vdc Vdc pdcffiffi
V Vdc
3 3 3 3 3
In a grid-connected operation, i.e., vo ¼ vg , where vg is 3
Vb 0 0 0 V
pdcffiffi V
pdcffiffi 0 V
pffiffidc V
the voltage at the grid-connected node, the states 3 3 3 3
Vdc Vdc 2Vdc 2Vdc Vdc 2Vdc Vdc
corresponding to the two switching gates are unalike— Vc 0 3 3 3 3 3 3
one is ON while the other is OFF. To ensure an
n 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
acceptable power quality, a suitable set of capacitors are
selected and deployed during normal grid-connected S 1000 1001 1010 1011 1100 1101 1110 1111
2Vdc Vdc Vdc Vdc pdcffiffi
V Vdc
operation conditions. This will yield a rise in the voltage, Va 0 0 3 3 3 3 3 3
and therefore, an inductance load is added to compensate Vb 0 0 0 pdcffiffi
V pdcffiffi
V 0 V
pffiffidc V
3 3 3 3
the reactive power provided by the capacitor. Vdc 2Vdc Vdc 2Vdc Vdc 2Vdc
Vc Vdc 0 3 3 3 3 3 3

3.3 Three-dimensional space vector S: On/Off (1/0) status in a binary format

modulation (3D SVM) n: Decimal value of S for indexing purpose

In order to capture the neutral current resulting from a

nonlinear load and/or unbalanced sources in the grid, a The switching combinations can be represented by an
four-leg inverter model is suggested and a 3D SVM ordered set of S ¼ ½S1 , S3 , S5 , S7 , where the status of the
scheme is proposed in [45]. The four-leg inverter model lower-level gates is always opposite to that of the upper-
can be achieved by including another pair of switching level gates to avoid the short-circuit scenarios. It should be
gates into a three-leg inverter model previously described noted that Vc in Table 1 represents the zero-sequence
in Fig. 4. The neutral branch is characterized via an component and corresponds to the neutral current. There-
inductor Ln to reduce the switch ripples; it is connected to fore, the voltage control vector trajectory in the case of a
the common point of a three-phase LC filter to smoothen balanced load is a circle in the ab-frame, while it rotates
the unbalanced output. The configuration of the four-leg into a 3D space in the case of an unbalanced load. The
inverter with an LC filter employed in this paper is transformation of the 2D SVM to the 3D SVM in the ab-
demonstrated in Fig. 5 and the corresponding switching frame is graphically illustrated in Fig. 6.
patterns are listed in Table 1.

Six-bridge 4 Grid-connected operation and control of PE-

interfaced DERs
The proposed control scheme is centered on the active
Vdc vB power and reactive power control, which is mainly applied
vC in grid-connected operations. Dealing with the abnormal
SA SB SC operation conditions is a challenge in islanded operation
modes. During islanded operation modes, the proposed
control scheme can still be applied, but together with other
Fig. 4 Diagram of a three-leg six-bridge VSI energy resources, where the proposed scheme will operate

Advanced control solutions for enhanced resilience of modern power-electronic-interfaced... 721

1110 1100
the DER power outputs. According to the equation set (12),
αβγ-frame switching vectors 0110 (13), the derivatives are obtained as follows:
1010 dP 3 dvg;a dif ;a dvg;b dif ;b
β 0100 ¼ if ;a þ vg;a þ if ;b þ vg;b
dt 2 dt dt dt dt
α 1000
0010 ð14Þ
Choose a frame according to  
different grid operation conditions dQ 3 dvg;b dif ;a dvg;a dif ;a
¼ if ;a þ vg;b  if ;b  vg;b
β dt 2 dt dt dt dt
010 110
π/3 100 α Assuming the initial phase to be zero in a balanced
0101 distribution system, the output voltage in the ab-frame (5)
1001 and the derivatives can be expressed as follows:
001 101
αβ-frame switching vectors
0011 0001 vab ¼ jvjejxt ¼ jvj cos xt þ jjvj sin xt
~ ð16Þ
dvg;a dðjvg;ab j cos xtÞ
Fig. 6 Switching patterns and voltage control vectors of a four-leg ¼ ¼ xvg;b ð17Þ
inverter in abc-frame dt dt
dvg;b dðjvg;ab j sin xtÞ
¼ ¼ xvg;a ð18Þ
as an auxiliary power source (not the main power supply) dt dt
providing voltage and frequency regulation benefits. The
Employing (8), (17), and (18) to substitute all the
control scheme in this section focuses on grid-connected
derivatives in (14) and (15), we can obtain:
operation modes in two scenarios in normal and abnormal
conditions, respectively. dx 3
¼ Ax þ Bu þ D ð19Þ
dt 2Lf
4.1 DER control in normal operation and balanced 8 
> P
load change scenarios >
> x¼
>  Q
> v
In normal operation scenarios where the PE-interfaced >
> u ¼ f ;a
> v
2 f ;b 3
DER is grid-connected and there is no fault in the system, >
> Rf
>  x
there still exists a possibility of balanced load changes. The < 6 Lf 7
proposed control scheme is designed to react to such sce- A¼6 4
7 ð20Þ
R f 5
narios and inject power to the grid accordingly, ensuring >
> x 
>  Lf
the generation-load balance as well as a resilient local >
> vg;a vg;b
system-wide voltage regulation. The DER instantaneous >
> B¼
> v v
>  g;b 2 g;a
output active and reactive powers in balanced distribution >
> jv j
:D ¼ g;ab
systems are as follows: 0
S ¼ P þ jQ ¼ V Tg;ABC I f ;ABC ð10Þ
The discrete-time control model of the PE-interfaced
 DER system can be expressed as:
V g;ABC ¼ ½V g;A V g;B V g;C T
I f ;ABC ¼ ½If ;A I f ;B If ;C T 3
x½k þ 1 ¼ Ad x½k þ Bd ½ku½k þ D½k ð21Þ
3  2Lf
P¼ RefV Tg;ABC I f ;ABC g
¼ vg;a if ;a þ vg;b if ;b ð12Þ 
2 Ad ¼ eATRs
T ð22Þ
3  Bd ½k ¼ 0 s eAs B½kds
Q ¼ ImfV Tg;ABC I f ;ABC g ¼ vg;b if ;a  vg;a if ;b ð13Þ
2 where k is the discrete time variable; and Ts is the sampling
where V g;ABC and I f ;ABC are the three-phase grid connected interval. If Ts is sufficiently small, (22) can be
node voltage phasor vector and three-phase VSI output approximated by the following series.
current phasor vector, respectively;  donates the complex
ðATs Þ2 ðATs Þn
conjugate and T donates the transposition operation. To eATs ¼ I þ ATs þ þ  þ  I þ ATs
control the power injection, the state space of the LC filter 2! n!
is needed which can be developed through derivatives of ð23Þ

722 S. WANG et al.

where I is the identity matrix. This approximation can dð vg;ABC Þ
in ¼  if ;ABC  Cf ð26Þ
significantly reduce the computational burden and dt
programming complexity of (21) and (22). Assuming that
where vi;ABC and if ;ABC stand for the three-phase inverter
the grid voltage is constant during a very short sampling
output voltages and currents, respectively; vg;ABC and io;ABC
interval, the future value of the active and reactive power
can be predicted by (21). The next step will be to evaluate are the three-phase voltages at the grid-connected node and the
the effect of each voltage vector on vi in (7) and select the output current injected to the grid; in and Ln are the neutral
one which results in a minimum value of the following cost current and the inductor. The transformation matrix C in (6) is
function. applied and use (9) to simplify the voltage derivative in (26).
Then, the abc-frame system function is expressed as:
J ¼ ðPref  P½k þ 1Þ2 þ ðQref  Q½k þ 1Þ2 ð24Þ
dif ;abc dio;abc
¼ Ap if ;abc þ Bp ½vi;abc  vg;abc  þ Dp ð27Þ
where P is the real power; Pref is the reference real power; dt dt
Q is the reactive power; Qref is the reference reactive > Lf 2Ln 1
> A ¼  I þ CGC 1
power. The selected voltage vector will be the VSI gate >
> p
> Rf Rf
switching pattern in the next switching interval. The block < Ap
diagram of the proposed control scheme under a normal Bp ¼  ð28Þ
> R
grid-connected operation of PE-interfaced DERs is >
>  f 1
> Lf 1
demonstrated in Fig. 7. >
: Dp ¼ C þ 2GC1 GC1
4.2 DER control in abnormal conditions and voltage where the subscript abc denotes the abc-frame for both
disturbances voltage and current. G is an all-one matrix. Assuming the
sampling rate is sufficiently large, one can use (29) to
In abnormal operation scenarios where either there is a approximate dig;abc =dt in discrete time for simplicity. Then
fault and voltage sag or a sudden variation of the unbal- applying (22) to (27), the discrete state-space system
anced load happens, the voltage at the grid-edge connec- function is achieved as:
tion of the PE-interfaced DER will experience distortions.
dy y½k þ 1  y½k
The RMS voltage at each phase is then crucial to spa-  ð29Þ
dt Ts
tiotemporally detect the faults or large load variations. In
an unbalanced load scenario, the VSI needs to adjust the if ;abc ½k þ 1 ¼ Apd if ;abc ½k þ Bpd vi;abc ½k
DER output power to regulate the voltage accordingly. The Dpd ð30Þ
VSI has the ability to restrict the DER power injection to  Bpd vg;abc ½k þ ½io;abc ½k  io;abc ½k  1
the grid to handle the overvoltage conditions, or increase
the DER output power to mitigate the voltage dips. In such where Apd , Bpd , Dpd are the discrete-time system models of Ap ,
unbalanced load scenarios, the VSI’s forth leg is active and Bp , Dp , respectively. Assuming that the inverter output current
the circuit model is illustrated in Fig. 5, which is mathe- is still within the desired thresholds under such abnormal
matically expressed as: conditions and the PE-interfaced DER is functioning in a grid-
connected operation mode, the predicted nominal current
dif ;ABC din
vi;ABC ¼ Lf þ Rf if ;ABC þ vg;ABC  Ln ð25Þ if ;abc ½k þ 1 is obtained via (30), where vg ½k acts as the future
dt dt
value of vg ½k þ 1 as a presumed future grid voltage. Finally,
predicted power are calculated in abc-frame as follows:

vi,ABC [k] if ,ABC [k] vg,ABC [k]

Switching Calculate P[k], Q[k] (12), (13) v
g,αβ Clarke transformation
signal Predict P[k+1], Q[k+1] (20), (21)
vf,αβ ABC to αβγ-frame
Minimize J (24)

Pref Qref

Fig. 7 Diagram of the proposed MPC-based DER control scheme during normal operation conditions

Advanced control solutions for enhanced resilience of modern power-electronic-interfaced... 723

2 3 2 32 3
P vg;a vg;b 0 if ;a abnormal operation conditions is demonstrated in Fig. 8.
6 7 36 76 7 The overall architecture of the proposed scheme for DER
4 Q 5 ¼ 4 vg;b vg;a 0 54 if ;b 5 ð31Þ
2 control is presented in Fig. 9.
P0 0 0 vg;c if ;c

Similar to the analytics introduced for DER control in

normal operation conditions, the predicted output power 5 Test cases and numerical analysis
under disturbances at time instant k can be calculated using
different voltage control vectors listed in Table 1. The 5.1 Test platform, configuration and assumptions
MPC cost function (24) for DER control in faults and
disturbance scenarios now becomes: A modified IEEE 34-bus test feeder is employed as the
test platform in this paper, the single-line diagram of which
J ¼ ðPref  PÞ2 þ ðQref  QÞ2 þ ðP0ref  P0 Þ2 ð32Þ
is illustrated in Fig. 10. The simulations are conducted in
EMTDC/PSCAD. All tap chargers within the voltage reg-
where P0 is the zero sequence power; P0ref is the ref- ulating transformers are set to be fixed, and hence, the
erence zero sequence power. Here, the cost function voltage across the grid will not be affected by other regu-
appears to be a three-dimension function in the Cartesian lating devices in the grid (i.e., all other voltage regulators
coordinate system. Note that the 2D voltage switching are set off, except the one proposed in this paper for the
patterns previously discussed for normal operating condi- DERs). The DER is assumed to be located at Bus 852, and
tions are no longer sufficient to provide the input voltage the data and measurements are captured from a PMU-in-
vectors as desired. Suppose the DER unit is not able to stalled location at Bus 850 serving as the global perfor-
regulate the grid connected node voltage to a desired value mance evaluation point. With micro-PMUs or other
jVg;ref j following a disturbance, e.g., a huge load loss in the monitoring devices installed at different nodes across the
distribution system triggered by a fault. Then, it is theo- network, the proposed control scheme does require a cen-
retically possible that the VSI may function as a converter, tral master controller which monitors the grid, coordinates
absorbing power from the grid. In such scenarios, if the the switches as well as the DER controller directly, and
DER cannot absorb the required power from the grid and ensures a balanced load across the network through com-
the difference between the desired and actual power munication channel. The LC filter is built of Rf ¼ 0:005 X,
exceeds a preset threshold, the DC-link voltage needs to be Lf ¼ 0:02 mH, Ln ¼ 100 mH, and Cf ¼ 960 lF. The max-
regulated as well. To simplify the simulation process: imum voltage of the DC-link is set to be Vdc ¼ 1 kV, and
(i) the DC link is modeled as an ideal DC voltage source; the DER rated power is 0.5 MVA.
(ii) all the phasor amplitudes are captured from a low-pass
filter since the measurements are also vulnerable during 5.2 Test cases and scenarios
disturbances and transients; (iii) a finite set of DC-link
voltage values are selected reflecting the converter func- 5.2.1 DER control under disturbances
tionality of the DER in such scenarios. A diagram of the
proposed scheme for PE-interfaced DER control during When there is a fault in the system (potentially due to a
HILP event), the grid protective devices will detect the

if [k] vi [k] vg, ph [k]

Predict if ,αβγ[k+1] (29)
Calculate power in αβγ-frame (31) Voltage phasor
Minimize J (32) measurement

V g,ref Pref Qref P0ref Vi θi Vg θg

Vdc DC-link Presume new Pref , Qref , P0ref LPF

voltage Calculate Pout , Qout , P0ref
control Difference exceeds threshold? LPF

Fig. 8 Diagram of the proposed MPC-based DER control scheme during abnormal operation conditions

724 S. WANG et al.

Start non-faulted sections of the grid. The voltage regulation

needs to be enforced in such scenarios and the PE-inter-
Voltage and current measurement
faced DER needs to adapt to the voltage change by prop-
erly adjusting its output power.
Balanced load? In order to verify the effectiveness of the proposed
control scheme for PE-interfaced DER operation in
abnormal conditions and voltage disturbances, the follow-
Balanced power Unbalanced
regulation power regulation ing two test scenarios with corresponding test cases are
Pref Pref studied and extensively analyzed:
Qref Qref Difference
between output – Test Scenario 1: voltage regulation at the edge bus—
and reference power through which the DER is connected to the grid—,
exceeds when the system experiences a fault and the DER is
If n=0:7 If n=0:15 threshold?
grid-connected. The protection devices are functional
and able to swiftly clear the fault.
αβ-frame αβγ-frame
Vdc regulation 1) A single-line-to-ground (SLG) fault occurs in
output power output power
prediction prediction Phase A at Bus 820. The normally-closed switch 1
(pinpointed in Fig. 10) is opened in response and
If J[n]< J[n1] If J[n]< J[n1]
Sαβγ =n, n=n+1 Sαβγ =n, n=n+1
isolates the fault.
2) A three-phase-to-ground (3UG) fault occurs on the
If n>7?
If n>15?
distribution line connecting Bus 834 to Bus 858.
The normally-closed switch 2 (pinpointed in
Fig. 10) is opened and isolates the fault.
Select associated 2D or
3D switching pattern S – Test Scenario 2: voltage regulation at the edge bus, and
MPC loop there is a high-resistance fault at the low-voltage
section of the grid, where the breakers may fail to
N Trigger Trigger detect and clear the fault.
switching? signal
Y 3) A 3-phase high-resistance fault occurs at Bus 890,
Output S and remains undetected by the protective devices
in the grid.

Fig. 9 Overall architecture of the proposed control scheme for PE- 5.2.2 DER control in normal operation conditions
interfaced DERs
This section verifies the ability of the proposed DER
control scheme for voltage regulation during normal
operation conditions. In such scenarios, load variations
may occur, resulting in minor voltage changes across the
grid. The voltage regulation and control may need to be
activated so as to adjust the DER output power injection
corresponding to load variation scenarios.
To verify the performance of the proposed control
scheme in normal operation conditions, the following test
scenario with several test cases are numerically

Fig. 10 Single-line configuration of the test system – Test Scenario 3: voltage regulation in operation con-
ditions, where there is no fault, the DER is grid-
connected functional, and different types and values of
fault and the normally-closed breakers will be signaled to load changes in different buses and phases happen, as
switch ON. Consequently, a sudden load drop may be presented and analyzed through the following test
observed. As a result, a voltage rise may appear in the cases.

Advanced control solutions for enhanced resilience of modern power-electronic-interfaced... 725

4) A sudden change of (1 MW, 0.32 Mvar) in the 14.0

Magnitude (kV)
three-phase load at Bus 844 is observed.
5) An unbalanced load of 0.62 MW is added to Bus Vrms,A
824, in both Phase A and Phase B. 13.0 Vrms,B
6) An unbalanced load of (0.06 MW, 0.04 Mvar) is
simultaneously added to both Phase B and Phase C 0.45 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1
at Bus 830. Time (s)
(a) At Bus 850 without proposed control scheme
7) An unbalanced load of (0.1 MW, 0.04 Mvar) is
simultaneously added to both Phase B and Phase C

Magnitude (kV)
at Bus 856. 13.5
8) A three-phase balanced load of (0.06 MW, Vrms,A
13.0 Vrms,B
0.01 MW) is added to Bus 860. Vrms,C
All the studied test cases elaborated above in each test 0.45 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1
scenario are listed in Table 2. Time (s)
(b) At Bus 850 with proposed control scheme

5.3 Numerical analysis and discussions 0.06 PA


P (MW)
In Case 1, the grid protection devices successfully iso-
late the fault. The proposed voltage control scheme is
applied at the DER-hosting Bus 852 and its promising 0
0.45 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1
performance globally on the voltage profile across the grid Time (s)
is particularly verified at the measurement Bus 850, as (c) At Bus 852 for active power
demonstrated in Fig. 11 where Vrms,A, Vrms,B, Vrms,C are 0.2 QA
root mean square (RMS) values of voltage at phase A, B QB
Q (Mvar)

and C. Following a single-line-to-ground (SLG) fault at 0.1 QC

Bus 820, the corresponding load in phase A drops at 0
t ¼ 0:5 s, as the normally-closed switch S1 is opened to
isolate the branch from Bus 818 to Bus 822. An over- -0.1
0.45 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1
voltage appears at Phase A in the voltage profile at the Time (s)
measurement Bus 850 in Fig. 11a, and therefore, the DER (d) At Bus 852 for reactive power
decreases its output power in Fig. 11c, d accordingly. In
Fig. 11 Case 1 results
this case, however, the overvoltage at Bus 850, while being
mitigated a bit via the proposed control scheme, is still
Power (MW)

noticeable ( [ 0:5 kV) in Fig. 11a, b. The power through 0.45

the DC-link decreases and this can be seen in Fig. 12. The 0.40
faulted section of the grid is re-connected online at 0.35
t ¼ 0:9 s, and one can see in Fig. 11 that the grid has 0.30
0.45 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1
Time (s)

Fig. 12 Power supported by DC-link within the PE-interfaced DER

Table 2 Test scenarios and test case settings
in Case 1
Test scenario Case Location Phase Type Load
returned back to its normal operation condition
Fault 1 Bus 820 A LG –
in Fig. 13.
2 Line 834–858 ABC 3UG –
In Case 2, a three-phase fault is simulated which triggers
3 Bus 890 ABC 3UG –
the normally-closed switch S2 to be opened and isolate the
Load change 4 Bus 844 ABC – –1–j0.32
faulted section of the grid. In this case, a sudden load loss
5 Bus 824 AB – 0.62
occurs at t ¼ 0:5 s resulting in an overvoltage condition at
6 Bus 830 BC – 0.12?j0.04 Bus 850 in Fig. 14a, the proposed control scheme is
7 Bus 856 AC – 0.2?j0.08 applied, and the DER initially decreases its output power,
8 Bus 860 ABC – 0.06?j0.02 as demonstrated in Fig. 14c, d. After 0.08 s, the DER starts
Note: negative value reflects a decrease in load; G stands for ground- absorbing power from the grid, as a result of which, the
connected voltage starts to drop in Fig. 14b. Comparing the result

726 S. WANG et al.

0.6 scheme is verified as demonstrated in Fig. 15: following the

Power (MW)
0.2 fault, a voltage drop of around 1 kV is observed in each
0 phase at both DER location (Bus 852) in Fig. 15b and the
-0.4 measurement Bus 850 in Fig. 15a; the proposed DER
0.45 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 control scheme was activated to regulate the voltage levels
Time (s)
accordingly, the performance of which is demonstrated in
Fig. 13 Power supported by DC-link within the PE-interfaced DER Fig. 15c, d for Bus 850 and Bus 852, respectively. Com-
in Case 2 paring the results presented in 15c, d, where the proposed
DER voltage control scheme is applied, we can see that the
observed in Case 2 with that one in Case 1 in Fig. 11b, we local voltage at Bus 852 where the DER is connected to is
can see that in the former, some voltage distortions appear attributed a much better voltage regulation outcome than
after the DER control is applied, reflecting the fact that the that of the measurement point at Bus 850. This observation
DER reaches its full potential to deal with the exceeded verifies how effective the proposed MPC-based DER
voltage in this case; according to Fig. 13, the DC-link starts control performs ensuring the local voltage resilience in the
draining power from the grid after 0.62 s of the fault distribution system.
occurrence. Under the grid normal operation conditions with load
In Case 3, a high-impedance fault occurs at a low- variations in Case 4, the voltage control outcome is
voltage Bus 890 which is close to the DER location at Bus demonstrated in Fig. 16. With a significant load change
852. The performance of the proposed DER voltage control observed at Bus 844, the voltage will subsequently increase

14.5 14.0 Vrms,A
Magnitude (kV)

Magnitude (kV)

14.0 Vrms,C 13.5
13.5 13.0
13.0 12.5
12.5 12.0
0.45 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 0.45 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1
Time (s) Time (s)
(a) At Bus 850 without proposed control scheme (a) At Bus 850 without proposed control scheme
Vrms,A 14.0 Vrms,A
Vrms,B Vrms,B
Magnitude (kV)

Magnitude (kV)

14.0 Vrms,C 13.5 Vrms,C

13.5 13.0
13.0 12.5
12.5 12.0
0.45 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 0.45 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1
Time (s) Time (s)
(b) At Bus 850 with proposed control scheme (b) At Bus 850 with proposed control scheme
0.2 PA 13
Magnitude (kV)

P (MW)


-0.4 11
0.45 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 0.45 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1
Time (s) Time (s)
(c) At Bus 852 for active power (c) At Bus 852 without proposed control scheme
0.2 QA 14 Vrms,A
Magnitude (kV)

0.1 QC 13
Q (Mvar)

0 12
-0.1 11
-0.2 10
0.45 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 0.45 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1
Time (s) Time (s)
(d) At Bus 852 for reactive power (d) At Bus 852 with proposed control scheme

Fig. 14 Case 2 results Fig. 15 Case 3 results

Advanced control solutions for enhanced resilience of modern power-electronic-interfaced... 727

Vrms,A 14.5 Vrms,A

Vrms,B Vrms,B

Magnitude (kV)
14.5 14.0
Vrms,C Vrms,C
Magnitude (kV)

14.0 13.5
13.5 13.0
13.0 12.5
12.5 0.45 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1
0.45 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 Time (s)
Time (s) (a) At Bus 850
(a) At Bus 850 without proposed control scheme 14.5 Vrms,A

Magnitude (kV)
Vrms,A Vrms,B
14.5 Vrms,B Vrms,C
Magnitude (kV)

14.0 Vrms,C 13.5

13.0 0.45 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1
12.5 Time (s)
0.45 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 (b) At Bus 852
Time (s)
(b) At Bus 850 with proposed control scheme Fig. 17 Case 4 classical PID control results
14.0 Vrms,B
Vrms,C brings in a smoother transient but is still slower even it is
Magnitude (kV)

13.5 tuned to be faster than its traditional settings. Obviously,

13.0 the benefits realized by deployment of the proposed
12.5 scheme is highlighted through a significant reduction in the
12.0 time interval that the grid connected devices are exposed to
0.45 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 over voltage conditions during emergencies, which is
Time (s)
(c) At Bus 852 without proposed control scheme critical when resilience to such violations is the focus of
Vrms,A concern.
Vrms,B Similar analyses have been conducted in the other Cases
Magnitude (kV)

13.5 Vrms,C
5–8 (introduced earlier in Section 5.2) and the performance
13.0 of the suggested MPC-based DER control scheme in all
12.5 cases is summarized in Table 3. We can see that in Cases
12.0 where a load variation appears, no matter how it is bal-
0.45 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1
Time (s) anced or unbalanced and major or minor, the proposed
(d) At Bus 852 with proposed control scheme control scheme could resiliently regulate the voltages
across the network. The degradation observed in the volt-
Fig. 16 Case 4 results age profile is mitigated during abnormal condition, which
improves the voltage resilience performance according to
as demonstrated in Fig. 16a, c at Bus 850 and Bus 852, the evaluation framework described in Fig. 1. In all, it is
respectively. With the proposed control scheme applied, demonstrated that the proposed MPC-based mechanism not
Fig. 16b demonstrates a promising performance at the
measurement point (Bus 850) which is observed to be
Table 3 Simulation results of voltage variations in different cases
similar to that of the DER Bus 852. From the observations
made in Case 4, we can conclude how effective the pro- Case Without proposed scheme With proposed scheme
posed control scheme can regulate the voltage locally and Phase A Phase B Phase C Phase A Phase B Phase C
globally across the grid. In order to highlight the dynamic
response speed of the proposed control scheme, a three- 1 0.034  0.013 0.001 0.031  0.012  0.001
phase PWM inverter with a classic proportional–integral– 2 0.032 0.036 0.029 0.005 0.002  0.014
derivative (PID) controller is applied and its performance is 3  0.045  0.043  0.044  0.035  0.038  0.047
compared with that of the proposed solution. The PID 4 0.019 0.020 0.021 0.009 0.009 0.007
control is tuned to have a fast response for the sake of 5  0.020  0.040  0.001  0.013  0.040  0.002
fairness. Comparing the results in Fig. 16b, d with those 6 0.002  0.010  0.007 0.009  0.011  0.008
presented in Fig. 17a, b, we can see that the proposed 7  0.013 0.006  0.018  0.006 0.006  0.021
control scheme stands out at the response speed with the 8  0.008  0.008  0.008  0.002  0.008  0.008
cost of higher distortions, while the PID control mechanism Note: a negative value represents a voltage decrease

728 S. WANG et al.

only achieves the prescribed goals of resilience (i.e., sup- Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the
plying power and preventing damage to DERs from Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (http://, which permits unrestricted
external faults), but also reduces the negative impacts on use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided you give
the adjacent equipment. Consequently, the power-con- appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a
trolled DER could promisingly support the grid perfor- link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were
mance locally. made.
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tron 55(12):4312–4324 USA, in 2017, respectively. He is currently pursuing his Ph.D. degree
[37] Kouro S, Cortés P, Vargas R et al (2009) Model predictive in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at The
control a simple and powerful method to control power con- George Washington University. His research interests include power
verters. IEEE Trans Ind Electron 56(6):1826–1838

730 S. WANG et al.

system control, reliability and resiliency, cyber security and smart engineering at the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineer-
electricity grid applications. ing, George Washington University, Washington DC, USA. His
research interests include power system resilience, power system
Mostafa NAZEMI received the B.Sc. degree from K. N. Toosi planning and operation, energy optimization, and smart electricity
University of Technology, Tehran, Iran, in 2015, and the M.Sc. grid applications.
degree from Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran, in 2017,
in electrical engineering and in energy systems engineering, respec-
tively. He is currently pursuing the Ph.D. degree in electrical


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