1309 FlexoTech Colour Management For Flexo Part II
1309 FlexoTech Colour Management For Flexo Part II
1309 FlexoTech Colour Management For Flexo Part II
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Colour management
Colour management in
the pressroom
In the second article of our series on colour management, Stefano d’Andrea, Acus Srl, and
Steve Donegan, Graphic Republik, discuss how colour management extends from pre-press
through to the pressroom.
olour management, colour which may also overlap aware that the colour recipe or
Solid colour
formula will only be guaranteed to
be correct for a particular volume
anilox roller, substrate, plate and
of these words may seem alien, but The appearance of a solid colour tape, that will be used in
please, read on. The following article depends upon the characteristics of final production.
is not only intended for those an ink in combination with other set- Actually, Printer A has more than
involved in pre-press, it is also for tings on a printing system, such as one anilox roller with the same vol-
you, the printer. type of plate, mounting tape, anilox ume and linescreen. Such specifica-
volume, sub- tions were calculated in order to
strate, etc. have an ideal volume for printing
Here is a solids and increases the possibility of
basic sce- greater consistency. He knows the
nario. You rollers will deliver a fairly identical
need to print result when printing.
a green solid
colour. How Printer B
much is pre- In this scenario, ink is formulated or
press purchased without a clear reference
involved in to the actual components which will
this? The be used in production. Printer B
answer is: accepts the fact that the ink colour
very little. may not initially be an exact match
Sure, the on press, but he has other anilox
platemaking rollers with different volumes and
Accurate formulation of ink for each press condition is department linescreen, and he can load more ink
necessary to achieve accurate colour reproduction may provide or reduce the ink quantity until the
a plate which desired result is reached.
The nature of the subject requires defines the solid area to be printed, On top of this, he can also adjust
some reference to pre-press but in and pre-press may be involved in the ink by introducing other colours
essence, it has been written from a producing a visually correct rendi- into the mix until the desired result
pressroom perspective. It compares tion of the solid colour through a is finally reached ... at least for
two similar sized printing companies proofing system. Pre-press may also this time.
which differ in their approach to suggest that the proof colour is only Printer B has invested in a wider
colour management. indicative and the actual printed inventory of rollers and, as a conse-
colour may differ dependent on the quence, allows additional time for
Managing colour aforementioned settings in production changes.
Colour management describes a the pressroom.
series of activities involving tech- Pre-press would only really Halftone colours
nologies that manage the pre-press become involved in making adjust- When halftones are involved, pre-
and printing workflow. It exists in ments if the green solid ink over- press has a greater involvement in
order to achieve a printed appear- printed or was in any way connected the production workflow. Here, not
ance that matches the customer’s to another colour. only are the standard CMYK colour
expectation. These activities start in So what form of colour manage- separations considered, but also any
the pressroom, are continued in pre- ment occurs in the pressroom when spot colours containing halftones.
press and then return to the press- a solid colour needs to be printed? These spot colours may also interact
room for the final print production. Let’s compare the differing philoso- in some way with the CMYK
To illustrate these activities, we phies of Printer A and Printer B. colours.
will begin by focusing on colour The final appearance of colours
appearance and consider these Printing solids depends both on the characteristics
aspects (1) when the colour is just a Printer A of the ink for a particular print con-
solid or linework, and (2) when the Firstly, the correct ink is formulated dition and the pre-press settings
colour contains halftone or tint areas for the respective colour. Printer A is used. If colours are overlapping,
September 2013
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Colour management
September 2013