Burnett Curability of Tumors
Burnett Curability of Tumors
Burnett Curability of Tumors
Jacoues Lechevaljer
— — : —
Curability of Tumours
12, Warwick Lane, E.C.
Gbe Hutbor*
Coll. w^;V!Omec
referred to.
Yes ;
and a number of my cured cases were
declared to be such by the highest authorities
in England ;
and I hope later on to have the
privilege of treating of that dire malady in a
separate work — by itself, and apart from
Tumours in genera]— but my clinical material
viii Preface.
xii Preface.
feet ;
if, however, mine are better than theirs,
a way.
86, Wimpole Street,
Cavendish Square, London,
Easter, 1893.
Curability of Tumours
by Medicines.
Curability of Tumours. 3
it is admitted.
be tested it ;
has been tested and
proved unto very weariness with the —
competent, therefore, it is admitted.
We now come to
Curability of Tumours. II
Why ?
comes spent.
18 Curability of Tumours.
marvellous action.
organopathy ;
the quality of the action
here is simple, and simple homceo-
pathicity is enough.
20 Curability of Tumours.
I am
going to walk twenty miles to
my goal along a given route, my strong
friend is going the same route, and
thus I shall have a companion, but
Amicus only goes twelve miles, and this
Curability of Tumours. 21
If the
range of action of the remedy
be not coincident with the disease itself
a real cure does not result, no matter
how many symptoms you may silence.
cure a disease by remedies, the
remedies must stand in some relation-
ship to the disease-process itself, no
matter whether the symptoms reveal
Curability of Tumours. 23
* And also my
Natrum Muriaticum as Test
of the Doctrine of Drug Dynamizaticn," in
which it is demonstrated by clinical
facts that the small dose of Nat. Mur. fully
antidotes the effects of the larger quantities of
the crude salt already taken and still being
24 Curability gof Tumours.
do it.
so speak feelingly.
30 Curability of Tumours
Curability of Tumours. 31
As I knew appearance, I
the girl's
Curability of Tumours. 35
36 Curability of Tumours.
Curability of Tumours. 39
-at least as to
afresh the truth of Scott's lines
patients :
Having to go from home shortly
to accompany a patient whose
mind was off its
world-wide )
homoeopathic periodical literature.
Curability of Tumours. 43
been ten times more grateful,
more impressed; and because she would
have comprehended the operation,
whereas she did not, could not, com-
prehend the gentle medicinal cure.
Curability of Tumours. 45
The Difficulties.
I cannot present it as a
complete and
polished whole, with a smoothly eupho-
nious Hellenic name, but what it lacks
in science it fully makes up in sense,
and so let it be known as my stick-
by-stick method.
After nothing positively
all there is
50 Curability of Tumours.
Curability of Tumours. 51
fibroma, myoma,
sarcoma, &c., as
designations of tumours are thera-
peutically so little helpful, still they
do, nevertheless, constitute a compara-
tively fixed basis of classification, and
that is something. And even here it
Curability of Tumours. 53
negation of science in therapeutics ;
madam yes, I know what homoeo-
pathy is; it is nothing!" and lately —
I was reading a smart pamphlet in
which the author thus burst forth
into eloquence :—
" medical world was at this time
governed by Theory, Empiricism, Authority,
and Speculation. The majority ot practition-
ers blindly followed the authority of the past,
and bled and dosed by the book, or adopted
some strange theory. For example Doctor :
Curability of Tumours. 57
Let me
prove this by adducing a
case of exostosis cured purely homce-
opathically, yet without any regard to
symptoms, the choice of the remedy
being based upon the morbid anatomy
alone. This proves that morbid anato-
my may be taken as a prescribing
Curability of Tumours.
basis in medicinal
tumour-curing on
homoeopathic lines. This point is
very important, because many deny
it, and maintain that the totality of
the symptoms alone must serve as
the basis for a truly homoeopathic
62 Curability of Tumours.
the same.
of recent origin.
lady for a bony
treated one
tumour of the skull with Hecla lava
but it
(after the failure of Aurum),
Curability of Tumours. 63
Von GrauvogVs Deductive Homceopathy.
Nutrition Remedies.
jo Curability of Tumours.
Curability of Tumours. 71
Grauvogl's idea in which I fully
concur is not that the Silicea 6
itself supplied the lacking silex, but
acted dynamically, enabling the or-
ganism to appropriate the silex it
74 Curability of Tumours.
Enchondwma (continued).
Hay - baths,
be constantlyhandling silicea-con-
taining-earth of one sort and another.
— Homoeopathic
i. —The
tradition. 2.
homoeo-pharmic symptomatology of
silicea. — His pathological specu-
^ Rep.
10th. —The swelling continues to
get softer.
Rep. (
dry on the tongue.)
1^ Rep.
Curability of Tumours. oi
Curability of Tumours. 83
certainly prove.
92 Curability of Tumours.
94 Curability of Tumours.
Curability of Tumours, 97
thus :
In difficult, chronic, complicated
cases of disease you require not a reme-
dy but a ladder (series) of remedies, not
one of which can of itself effect the cure,
but each of which works cure-wards,
their cumulative action eventuating in
a cure that is how I cure cataract,
and many other chronic diseases that
are currently held to be incurable by
most men of all shades of therapeutic
98 Curability of Tumours.
Curability of Tumours. 99
Thuja 30.
Psor. 30.
$ Psor. C.
1^ Merc. viv. 5.
31s/. — Has
been visiting a friend
suffering from consumption, and since
then has spit a little blood-streaked
Curability of Tumours. 101
phlegm ;
has a good deal of tickling
in the throat.
Psor. 30.
R: Thuja 30.
Be Urea 6.
Be Rep.
Be Rep.
Dec. 315/. The tumour can not be
found, but she still complains of a
husky voice.
Be Trit. 4. Kali brom.
104 Curability <of Tumours.
Be Psor. C.
R Psor. C.
Etiological Doctrine of
Homoeopathy. Sycosis.
H2 Curability of Tumours.
homoeopathic adviser of the family,
u6 Curability of Tumours.
6 Gtt. v. nocte maneque.
a Hunterian one ?
Ovarian Tumour
Cured by Bovista and Aurum Muriaticum
years of
mother of seven
Abdominal Tumour.
R Thuja.
as also themenstruation
last much ;
January, — Continues
1890. well.
wonderfully better.
smaller ;
gets a pain in it after she
has been in bed a few minutes.
Syph. CC. Six in twenty-four, one dry
on the tongue at bedtime.
3* Med. CC.
February idtk. Better all round ;
128 Curability of Tumours.
March — Getting
on very well
she says. The uterus can be ballooned
about just under the umbilicus, and
is still tumid.
July 6th.
—" I am getting on very
well, thank God." — The tumour has
left no trace of itself. Everything
Curability of Tumours. 129
under my
care on
placed herself
May 26th, 1882,
for atumour of the parts for whose
cure she had been advised an operation.
She was in a state of great nerve ex-
haustion, very largely, I think, from
observing the course of the case of a
friend of hers, who had been operated
on for a similar affection and who had
undergone great suffering. Patient was
at this date thirty-five years of age
had had two was much
children ;
July 3rd. —
Very great amelioration
of the facial acne, but the pain in the
ovarian tumour is dreadful, and hot and
burning; worse at night; she complains
of constant thirst.
igth. —
always thirsty; the pain
worse at night."
Aurum metallicum 4 trit.
August 31^. There was some im-
provement (in the pain) at first, but she
Curability of Tumours. 133
Mer. cor. C.
1^ Dulcamara ix.
ft Syph. CC.
Be Syph. CC.
June. — No change.
Be Trit. 4 Lapis alb.
Merc. Met. 4;
February 4th. Seems to have set
up violent inflammatory symptoms in
the tumour.
R Variolinum 30.
August —
nth. Considering herself
quite well, she stayed away last month,
and comes now because there are a
few more pimples and some pain.
R Liquor. Sod. Chlor.
138 Curability of Tumours.
Be Tc. Causticum 6.
R Syph. CC.
Be Psor. C.
June 12th. The cough went away,
and patient has also stayed away till
now. The left ovary still troubles her,
and the pain is very bad again, and is
ft Med. 30.
R Rep. ( C.
Be Psor. C.
Be Osmium 6.
the majority of medical men the
just narrated case will mean no more
than just this " Oh, he had a case of
March — Slight
discharge from
vagina which is most unusual. Slight
shew of eczema on her hands.
R Psor. 30.
painful motions.
^ Merc. viv. C.
25th. — Her
knees are very bad
painful and swelled worse at rest,—
better moving about. Has small puru-
lent spots about the pubes.
well— menor-
June 10/A.— Not so
rhagia and leucorrhoea ;
and constipation.
ft Nux
V. 30 and Sul. 30.
ul nfA.-_.The tumour (from
ternal palpation)
seems rather smaller;
with more ease.
patient can walk
ft Sedum
acre 30.
and Phos. 6.
has be-
August M.—The vagina
irritable, requiring frequen
come very The left
ablutions and
is not so tender as formerly.
Sempervivum tectoruro 30
See."" »J ~
Very constipated.
viv. C.
R Merc.
Curability of Tumours. 147
— Has done
April $th. her a great
deal of good — the swelling is decreasing.
R Thuja 30.
iqth. — Better.
Be Trit. 4. Lapis alb.
R Rep.
Then Ceano-
follow Hepar, Silicea,
thus, Ferrum, Helonias, Tarentula Cub.,
Sul. and Thuja, &c. when on May 15/,
Ovarian Tumour.
particularly ;
decidedly better the ;
piles bleed ;
profuse menorrhagia
leucorrhcea sanguineous and severe.
Tumour not perceptibly smaller.
1^ Tc. Thuja 30.
less tender.
^ Rep.
March 3rd. Leucorrhoea better;
tumour about half its original size but ;
R Psor. C.
Be Med. 30.
ft Syph. CC.
ft Trit. 6 Silicea.
Curability of Tumours. 155
July \th. —
Leucorrhcea again bad ;
piles bleeding.
r Med. C.
R Med. CC.
R Pso. C.
On two
subsequent occasions patient
came with a little tenderness at the old
156 Curability of Tumours.
the way, the great objectors to
the use of Bacillinum and the like for
the most part declare that the higher
dilutions contain none of the drug ; but
as I use these zoic medicines only in
high dilutions they are objecting to
. • . nothing, and this on their own
shewing! Either the higher dilutions
158 Curability of Tumours.
constipated ;
now, after some years' use of
cathartics, immovably so; a well-defined tumour
in the right iliac fossa, about the size of a
cocoanut, elastic feel, but hard and immovable,
and the seat of an occasional severe cutting
pain. During the attacks of colic, I should
have said, there was bilious vomiting uterus ;
ing potencies never lower than the 200th
resulting in a complete cure. One year after-
wards she remained w ell. T
1 62 Curability of Tumours.
literature of America
however, they :
unmarried lady, fifty-one years
of age, was sent to me on April ictfA,
1883, by the Countess of X. For the
past eight years patient had been suffer-
ing from a uterine tumour with oc-
casional bleedings, and which had been
diagnosed by eminent gynaecologists as
uterine fibroid. In external appearance
patient appeared to be in the family
way at about the eight month or the
beginning of the ninth, when the onus
lies well just below the meso-gastrium.
point the blownoutness and prescribed
September 6th. Better smaller in ;
vaginal discharge.
Psoricura 30.
R Tc. mur.
Platina 3. Five drops in
water night and morning.
1^ Psoricum 100.
February 2nd. Pains in the chest
gone fearful metrorrhagia.
1^ Variolinum 30.
Calcium fluoricum 6, and also the third
decimal of the Pyrophosphate of Iron.
Be Repeat.
— Foot
R Psoricum 30.
July \2th. —
No bleeding; less un-
comfortable soles of feet tender and
Tc. Urea 6.
Be 5iv. Five drops in water
night and morning.
R Urea 6. as before.
Psor. 100.
R Medorrh. 100.
March 25th, 1886.— Did her so
much good that she has had no
medicine since, and she now comes to
ask she need take/any more.
tumour has gone down so much that
patient has become shapely like
other lady; still gets occasional
and as nearly as I can judge the
is about two thirds
gone, but the fatty
tumour remains pretty much as it
R Medorrh. 30.
I7 2 Curability of Tumours.
R Urea 12.
June lyth. Eye well; rheumatism
well no discharge, not much of the
tumour left.
Be Trit. 3# Hecla lava.
worse (at —
night towards morning) ;
July 13^. —
Patient feels much
better ; headaches better ; no pips ; no
retching; tumour smaller, not so active,
and no longer looks so red, but the
tissue in itshas evidently
softened, and the contents will clearly
have to be voided.
Thickening of Cardia.
saliva ;
passes less water ; no head-
aches no vomiting
; still ; has the
" ghost fever" less chilly less tender-
; ;
May —
suddenly plunged into
yth. Is
acute grief by the death of her husband
of angina pectoris.
none at all."
Organopathy grounded on
Homeopathic Aggravations proved by
Be Bellis per. 9
1 86 Curability of Tumours.
cheek flushes.
R Rep.
1 e) th m
— " Since I have been taking
the last medicine I have gradually
become much better ; the dizziness
and swimming in the head, and swelling
in the side, have been much less."
October 20th. Had to give up the
Bellis p. and had some more Variol.
powders, when no further progress
being appreciable I gave Morbillin. 30
in very infrequent dose (December)
when patient passed a round worm
and (January) I ordered her Rubia
1 88 Curability of Tumours.
Curability of Tumours, 19
Ceanothus Am.
1^ r. Five drops in
water night and morning.
the obstacle, or
bar to drug action,
just as Hahnemann noticed and taught
in regard to his aetiologic homoeopathy
the Coethen phase of homoeopathy.
Do homoeopathic physicians in
general really believe what they so oft
have quoted : Magis venenum magis
remedium ? Do they understand
what it all involves ?
" First-rate."
A bdominal Tumour.
R Rep.
in finding it —
it seems much further
away from the surface."
R Iris Versicolor 30.
I have had my
doctor here to see how
the tumour was getting on he says it ;
July 15/.
August 12th. —
Has returned to
England, and comes to me worn out
with dysentery. Simaruba cured it.
Curability of Tumours. 21
Be Syph. CC.
I remain,
Yours sincerely,
Years Later..
February, 1892. At this date I
saw this lady and found the tongue
still healthy. This lapse of time justi-
fies my calling this a really Hunterian
Postaural Lymphoma —
Vaccinosis and Psora.
and deaf now two years ago was
taken to an aurist who removed
portions of the tonsils and thereafter
totally excised them. Deafness was
better, but patient herself became
very ill, was sent to the seaside and
Mammary Tumour.
Yes sir, all of them."
Curability of Tumours. 225
June 13th. Better in health ;
bilious and many headaches.
1^ Psor. 30.
July ibth. At first the lump swelled
a good deal and then went down again.
Patient is very yellow and bilious ; the
tumour very tender.
August 2jth. She does not think
there is any real improvement.
R Bacill. 30.
November. Very bad bilious attack
and the tumour has increased in size
ft Hydrastis Can. p.
R Rubia tinctoria ?.
ft Rep. (C.)
R Sabina 30.
Tc. Cupress. Law. 3, 5iv. Five drops
in water night and morning.
August 22nd. It is rather smaller,
but not much. She herself has always
been well, but thus far has never had a
healthy look.
October 8th. The eye has ceased
watering and the wee growth is less
be still marriageable ?
married lady, forty-two years of
age, mother of seven children, was
brought to me by her husband in
the month of November, 1886, for a
swelling in one of her breasts, which
had been hurt. I found in the lowest
third of her left breast a hardish
tumour, of the size of a hen's egg,
which was at times painful. Her
menses were always too profuse, so
that for many years she had never
been able to get over the anaemia
due to one period before another was
there. Had leucorrhoea badly for
many years. On the skin, in various
regions, a number of wart-like excre-
scences. She had had measles, scar-
latina and mumps, each twice, she
informed me. Had also had variola,
and besides this, she had been vaccin-
ated four times, the last three times
240 Curability of Tumours.
Let me exemplify :
Curability of Tumours. 243
The small
tumid mass on the
buttock was produced from the within
246 Curability of Tumours.
Fragaria vesca
1^ (a very good mamma-
Fragaria vesca. 0
1^ Silicea 12.
Curability of Tumours. 251
He had from
me, named, in the order
Chelidonium majus (p, Med. 30 Urea ;
Syph, CC ;
Stigmata maidis Fh Ext.
Acid nit, 3* ;
Stillingia sylvat, (p ;
distinctly smaller.
The man who bakes a few bricks
might as well say he will make no
bricks till the house is built and
in.— But the bricks are needed for the
building of the house.
262 Curability of Tumours.
young lady of 17 years of age was
brought by her mother to me on
February 25/A, 1890, for a small tumour
in the left breast that had already been
reduced in size by homoeopathic treat-
ment, and also, and principally, for
large strumous glands all round her
neck under the jaw, giving the young
lady an almost hideous aspect, she
being very full in the face. She had
never been ill till she had the measles
at the age of two the next summer
R Bacill. C.
of Tumours.
much dislike. An
aunt of hers has
cancer she tells me, but otherwise
her family history is good. She has
been twice vaccinated and has had
scarlatina and " nerves."
Patient informed me
he had
not been fully aware of its presence
till three months previously, and then
Be Rep.
276 Curability of Tumours.
June igth. Although the plate of
bone has gone, the ridge of hard cord
still exists from end to end, but not
quite so cord-like.
January 29/A, 1892. There is no
return of the tumour, but we can just
feel a little gristly node in the shaft,
and when erect the organ turns aside
R Aurum met. 12.
Keloid of Face.
FOREIGN gentleman, 32 years
of age, unmarried, came under
my observation on January 22nd,
1886. His flat-backed nose made me
think of syphilis. His right ear and
the skin in front of it were the seat
of a new formation of scar-tissue, in
extent about that of a child's palm,
but with irregular contour it was :
about a and
month, thereafter
Cupressus Lawsoniana 30 for a
number of weeks, which finished the
cure, and when he showed himself to
me in the Summer of 1887, I could
certainly tell where the keloidal process
had been, but its activity was quite
extinct, the scar had redness
lost all
Two Tumours.
Curability of Tumours. 285
also flatter.
1^ Rep.
ft Nil.
3 Nil.
Lipoma Cruris.
under my
lady, childless,
care on August i,
for a fatty tumour of the right thigh,
near the vulva. Or rather she came
under my care really for severe piles,
" to avoid an operation," she having
heard that I did not think highly of
operations. The having been
cured, her husband enquired whether
the fatty tumour could be likewise got
rid of by medicines. I replied that I
2 go Curability of Tumours.
Psor. 30.
298 Curability of Tumours.
R Med. C.
Ovarian Tumour.
February nth. Sodium Bromide
3#. Eight grains night and morning.
302 Curability of Tumours.
March —
nth. Last period seven
days too soon thereafter leucorrhoea.
A bdominal Tumour.
fifty -six
of a
years of age,
very large family,
came under my care for a tumour in
the epigastrium, on March 26th, 1886.
Her mother had died of internal
tumour. She was in a most miserable
plight pains at the pit of the stomach,
Be Bellis perennis 1.
R. Variol 30.
October — She
very much
3rd. is
February 2nd, 1886. This remedy
produced a very violent aggravation
lasting several weeks, when health
returned, the side was practically well,
and the tumour was gone.
Phosphorus C
completely controlled
the haemorrhage for some time, but did
not cure it ; it recurred. The real
cure of the tumour was effected by
Med, 30, Sepia $x, Med. C, and Psor. C ;
Note on Sanguisuga.
R Vaccinin C.
Curability of Tumours. 315
Be Vaccin. C.
July gth. —
Better; the tumour is
not so denned and not so hard, and the
nodules are less distinct. There is
now no incrustation of the nipples.
ft "abina 30.
influenced by wet.
Abdominal Tumour
Abdominal Tumour cured 85, 121, 206
Accidents, Chapter of 59
Acid Nitric in Tumour of Breast...
Range of 10
Stop-spot of the • •• ••• 1
Allsufficiency of Symptoms * • • • • • 26
Arsenicum in Ovarian Tumour ... • •• • • • 1 j
Bovista in " Blown-out " feeling ... 166
in Ovarian Tumour 118, 135
in Uterine Tumour i
47 , ^6
Brain, Congestion of X 6
Breast, Bacillinum in Tumour of 176
Cancer of 266
Silicea in Tumour of
Tumours of 30, 31, 174
and Thyroid, Swellings of 258
Calc Fluor, in Enchondromata 79
in Uterine Tumour 168
Calc. Phos. in Osteoma ... ... 82
Cancer, after operations for ... ... ... 266
of Breast ... ... ... ... ... 266
Cancerous Tumour of Tongue ... ... ... 215
Cardia, Thickening of ... ... . . ... 179
Causticum in Ovarian Tumour ... ... ... 138
Ceanothus as a Splenic ... ... ... ... 90
in Abdominal Tumour ... ... ... 85
in Ovarian Tumour ... ... ... 135
in Uterine Tumour ... ... ... 149
Chapter of Accidents ... ... ... ... 58
Chelidonium in Uterine Tumour 149
Chill- Pneumonia, Phosphorus in 11
„ „ Throat 102
Ferri Pyrophos. in Uterine Tumour 168
Fibroid of Uterus, Large
l(5 4
Fibroma, Composition of
Fragaria Vesca, a Mammary Medicine ... 250
Gastric Tumour IJg
„ Remedies in ^1
Case of
Gilchrist, Dr., I59
Glandium Quercus ^6, 201
Glonoin in Tuberc. Meningitis 18
Grauvogl's Theory of Enchondromata ... 70
Growth inside Eyelid 229
Hay Baths Enchondromata
in 74
Hecla Lava in Osteoma Penis 275, 276
Abdominal Tumour ... ... 122
,, Composition of 61
„ Cure of Exostosis with 60
,, in Tumour
Uterine ... ... 149
Helonias in Uterine Tumour 149
Homoeopathy in Tumour Curing 54
Horses, Treatment of Splint in ... ... ... 63
Hunterian Cure 309
Hunter's conception of Cure 111
Hydrastis inTumour of Breast... ... ... 40
Hypochondrium, Tumour in left 197
Iodine in Tubercular Meningitis 18
Isopathic Principle of Lux 129
Kali Chlor. in Keloid of Face 281
Index. 325
2 79
Keloid of Face
Bromide in Throat Affections 103
Chlor. in Ovarian Tumour 134
of Thigh 288
Thuja in 291
Neuroma 49
New Cure of Consumption 23
Nosodes 129
Nutrition Remedies • • • • • • 69
Nux Vom. in Uterine Tumour • • 146
Osmium • • • • • • 139
Bovista in • • • 135
Index. 327
Cured by Colocynth 59
I 34
Kali Chlor in
I 35
Lapis Alb. in ... • ••• •••
Platanus in Psoriasis
Platina in Uterine Tumour I4 3
Platina Mur. „
" ••• ••• ... 107
Psora and Vaccinosis ... „ T o
in Throat Tumour
in Uterine Tumour 145, 148, 167, 168, 170
Rademacherianism ... ,
2 g4
ofRib 284
Tumours, two
33° Index.
Tarentula in Ovarian Tumour 136
in Uterine Tumour i 4g
Nux Vom. in ^6
Persicaria Nr. jn
" Platinain 148, 167
332 Index.
Uterine, Tumours Psorinum in 145, 148, 167,
168, 170
Rhus Tox. in 145
Sedum Acre in • • •
Sempervivum Tect. in 146
Silicea in 148, 149
Syphilinum in *47> 148
Tarentula in ... 149
Thuja in 145, 148
Urea in ... 149
Variolinum in 137, 146, 168
Viscum Alb. in ... 146
Urethrorrhcea ••• ••• ... ••• ... 280
Uterine Polypus • ••• • • • • • * ... 289
Vaginal Medication ... ... ... 297
Vascular Tumour, Congenital ... 3i7
Vaccinosis and Psora ... 218
Variolinum in Uterine Tumours ... 137, 146, 168
Vascular Growth inside Eyelid ... 229
Viscum Alb. in Ovarian Tumours 132
in Uterine Tumours 146
Warty Tumour in Mouth ... 106
Thuja in 107
Wen — Sebaceous Cyst 185
Zoic Remedies • . • ••• ••• 24