Group Report

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Table of Contents

Situation Analysis 4

Client Information 4

Overview 4

Products & Brands 4

More information 5

Product Description 5

Industry Analysis 7

Market Overview 7

Competitors 7

Trends identification and drivers 16

Recent promotional activities 17

Targeting audience 18

Communication objectives 21

Campaign evaluation 24

Situation analysis 24

Issues identification and what to achieve 24

Longevity 24

Creative and Media Strategies 25

Run Youtube advertisements 25

Building a website 25

Public Relationship 27

Budgeting Approach 28

References 30

Appendices 31

I. Situation Analysis
1. Client Information

a. Overview

● Established year: 1984

● Business activities: Sourcing, manufacturing, and distribution of food and

beverage products.

● Number of employees: Approximately 560 people

● Main consumption markets: New Zealand, China, Australia, and South-East


● Headquarters: 80 Box Rd, Taren Point, New South Wales, 2229, Australia.

● ASX (Australian Securities Exchange) code: NOU

b. Products & Brands

The Group is currently manufacturing and distributing three categories:

1. Dairy & Nutritionals: Australia's Own, MILKLAB, Vitalife, PUREnFERRIN, So

Natural, Vital Life, Uprotein, and Crankt.

2. Plant-Based Beverages: Australia's Own Organic, MILKLAB.

3. Cereals & Snacks (discontinued): Messy Monkeys, Heritage Mill, Arnold’s

Farm, and Barley+.

c. More information

To-fulfill Michael-Perich's wish,-Freedom Foods-Group's CEO-is to-“simplify

the company's-business structure-and product-range, improve-profitability and

prioritize-growth opportunities."-On December 17,-2020, an agreement-was signed

to transfer-the Freedom-Foods Group's-cereals and snacks-operation to

the-Arnott's Group - the largest biscuit-manufacturer and-the second-largest snack

provider-in Australia (Barrie 2020).

The-acquisition includes-more than-one hundred-production staff members,

machinery, and-facilities for-producing cereals-and snacks-in the-towns of-Leeton

and-Darlington Point-in the-state of-New South-Wales and-Dandenong in-Victoria

state (Martin 2022)

After a vote-by shareholders,-the Freedom-Food Group-changed its

corporate-name to-Noumi Limited-(pronounced as-noo-me), with-the brand-name

Freedom Food-remaining in-the ownership-of Arnott's Group-(Barrie 2020).

2. Product Description

With the-brand’s ever-since-motto “Simply-food by-the mill,”-Heritage Mill

nourishes customers-with wholesome-commodities ranging-from muesli-and

clusters, fulfilling-high grain-sources and-pleasing people-with fun-twisting

traditional flavors.-Additionally, the-brand positioned-itself as-a healthy-food

manufacturer and-completed such-duty by-not adding-artificial colors-or flavors

and optimizing-and reducing-other harmful-ingredients. Freedom-Foods is-one of

the-companies producing-commodities with-the tag-“Gluten-free”-as they-contain

less than-three parts-per million-(ppm) of-gluten,-met Australia’s-regulation

(Heritage Mill n.d.). Assuring-the brand-promise, Heritage-Mill created-a closed

cycle-to fully-manage the-supply of-raw materials-from farm-to factory-plus

throughout-the production-process, rigorous-testing of each-finished product

batch using-international standards-certified methods-(AOAC) and systems-(ELISA,

VITAL) (Heritage Mill n.d.).

Owning product-lines that-are diversified-in niches-and savors-(figure 1),

Heritage Mill-can thrive-on the-demands of-every target-segment. Due-to

frequently purchased-items, its products-are categorized-as convenience-goods;

therefore, strategic-advertising is-vital to building-up Heritage Mill’s-recognition

because consumers-tend to-remain loyal-once they-choose a-brand (Cova-& Pace


Figure 1. Product lines of Heritage Mill (Freedom Foods n.d.)

4. Industry Analysis

a. Market Overview

Over-the past-five years,-from 2017-to 2022, Australia's health-snack food

industry has-significantly expanded-with positive-annual profit-growth of-$254.7M

(figure 2) in-response to-increased demand-for the-healthier foods-sector.

Explaining for-sudden skyrocketed-demand, there-are two-primary external

determinants:-rising health-consciousness boosted-consumption of-supermarkets

and grocery-stores.

After-proceeding with-predictive analysis,-it is expected-that the-revenue of

this market-to reach-an annualized-3.8% to-$2.3B throughout-the following-period

(2022-2027), which-is nearly-three times-the current-rate (Martin 2022).-Also, the

market is-only dominated-by only-a few major-players - low concentration-(figure

3); thus, more-and more-newcomers are-entering the-health snack-bar industry-as

being enticed-by appealing-marginal profitability.-According to-Martin, the

industry life-cycle of-Australian health-snack food-production is-neither evaluated

in maturity-stage nor-quality growth-orientation, but a-propensity to-develop in

quantity growth-(figure 4). In brief,-mentioned elements-eventually create-a highly


b. Competitors

To-gauge customer-satisfaction with-various morning-cereal products-in

Australia via-ISO 26362-certified research-panels operated-by Qualtrics,-a reputable

Australian product-and service-comparison website-named Canstar-Blue surveyed

over 3,000-Australians after-three months-of trying-different cereal-brands (Canstar

Blue 2022).

Figure 5.-Most 13-favorite cereal-brands of-Australians (Canstar-Blue 2022)

It-could be-said that-the cereal-business is-already quite-congested by-the

number of-brands displayed,-not to mention-the numerous-lesser names-such as

Heritage Mill.-It can be-concluded that-competition is-a significant-factor in-this


Four-typical brands-will be-selected to-be examined-in the-context of-this

report, with-two major names-from Canster-Blue’s research-and two-niche names

to ensure-diversity and completion.-These are: The Uncle’s Tobys,

Sanitarium/Weet Bix,-Kellogg's,-and-Be-Natural.

Uncle Toby’s

The brand-has a solid-connection to-its advertising-initiatives. They-have

done a-great job-with their-advertising campaigns,-such as-the company's-first and

second-handshakes with-Royal Life-Saving in-2009 and-2018. In 2009,-Uncle's Tobys

contributed-a half-million-dollars to-Royal Life-Saving, which-organizes thousands

of-swimming classes-for Aussies children-to prevent-drowning deaths

(Canstar-Blue 2022).-Followed by-that, in-2018, 20.000-free swimming-lessons were

provided via-a program-named Swim-My Way to-Australian citizens-who have-not

had the-opportunity, or have-missed out-on aquatic-environment safety-education

as part-of a-program co-funded-by the-Royal Life-Saving and-Uncle's Tobys.-The

program reached-people of-all ages, genders,-ethnicities, physical-or mental


The-SWIM 4-ALL program-launched in-June 2018-with the-cooperation of

Olympic-gold medalists-Cate Campbell-and Bronte-Campbell. In-this program,

participants-are encouraged-to get in-the water,-become more-courageous,-and


Figure 6.-The Campbell-sisters associating-with Uncle’s-Tobys


However,-a common-misconception about-Uncle's Tobys-is that-not only the

program-with the-Campbell sisters,-the company's-advertising campaigns

featuring-Olympics athletes-have achieved-a level-of fame-that leads-the general

public-to believe-the company-is the-official sponsor-of the-Olympic Games.-In

fact,-the opposite-is true-when the-company only-works with-Olympic champions


It-was only-until 2008-that the-brand announced-that it-had become-the

official-sponsor for-the Beijing-Olympics Games-in the-same year-(Olympics 2007).

Not only-did Uncle-Toby’s successfully-create an-image of-a snack-and cereal

brand-that cares-about consumer-health and lifestyle-by remaining associated

with the sport through partnerships with prominent athletes, but this strategy also

advanced brand identity and awareness.


Owning an extensive brand portfolio including Corn Flakes, Pringles, Frosted

Flakes, Rice Krispies, Eggo, and Cheez-It, the Kellogg company through which

products are marketed to different target markets (classical cereal, toaster pastries,

snack bars, beverages). Kellogg's promotional methods are focused on reaching

consumers' minds with specialized personal information (such as price sensitivity)

(Kellogg’s marketing strategy 2021). However, the contemporary advertising tool -

the company newsletter, truly making unparalleled access by incorporating all

products' latest news with direct promotions, mass advertising, and print media

(The Marketing Strategies Of Kellogg Cornflakes Marketing 2018).

The exemplary Kellogg's advertising strategy in figuring out "actual"

Australian breakfast conceptualization is the "My Perfect Bowl" campaign, created

by J Walter Thompson (figure 7). Launched in January 2019, the trio ads show ten

groups of real Australian families and friends coming to share their ideal breakfast


Figure 7. “My Perfect Bowl” advertising campaign

(Perfect Bowl Recipes n.d.)

Such documentary-style advertisements featured the unscripted and

exciting debating of perfect Kellogg’s breakfast; in the end, the brand has

influentially told authentic stories from diverse perspectives (demographic factors

and behavioral consumption) and genuine love for Aussies (figure 8). Moreover,

Sinead Roarty - creative director, said Kellogg’s is pushing more target customers to

join in the discussion using the hashtag #perfectbowl on multiple media platforms.

To summarise, Kellogg’s did a fantastic job creating the viral advertisement,

entering to grasp the target senses, and portraying the greatness of the

contemporary Australian population (united but distinguished).

Figure 8. Groups of real Australian families and friends

(Perfect Bowl Recipes n.d.)

The Carman Fine Foods

Carman's Kitchen is considered a niche brand for Australia's expanding FMCG

market. At 18 years old, Carolyn Creswell launched the company in 1992 in

Melbourne (Carman's Fine Foods n.d.).

The part devoted to the company's founder is immediately noticeable when

viewing the company's website. The success story of Carolyn Creswell has

resonated widely and spawned an advertising concept for this brand; when

Carolyn's name is mentioned, people automatically think of 'muesli queen' and her

brand (Fitzsimmons 2017). It is not challenging to find articles on the internet

highlighting Cresswell's successful startup while she was still a freshman. On

Carman's website are numerous "inspirational" quotes about launching a great

business and living a healthy life. It is evident that the company is attempting to

portray an "inspirational" image of a lifestyle that many aspire to: run a great

business, be your own boss, and pursue a balanced life, which in recent years has

been a popular idea encouraged in social media.

Figure 9. Website of Carman’s Fine Foods (Carman's Fine Foods n.d.)

One of the Carman's product advertising campaigns that are considered to

be "thought out of the box" is that the brand sent its products to Australians named

Carman along with a list of their shopping products. Within a short time, emails,

phone calls, and handwritten messages began pouring in from all across Australia,

praising this innovative and generous approach to promoting the brand's products.

This unique strategy also has the effect of consumers spreading word of mouth

about Carman, which may be considered a sort of advertising that saves millions of

dollars but is as effective at boosting sales since a suggestion from a friend could be

sufficient to gain customers. The slogan 'Nothing to hide when it's real inside'

printed on the product packaging also shows this brand's confidence in quality.

Be Natural

Being one of the niche brands in the enormous portfolio of the Kellogg

empire, Be Natural proceeds homogenous branding tactics. Take the “Real Food

For Real People 2020” campaign as an instance by releasing serial videos, each

informing every flavor and ingredient related to the campaign message (Real Food

for Real People 2021). Clarifying the advertising message, “real food” meant the

nutritional facts and desired food characteristics of the brand’s product, only

providing everyday goodness for “real people” who love natural, tasty food. Like its

mother company, Be Natural also uses hashtags to promote the campaign.

c. Trends identification and drivers

Tremendously concerning self-health and fitness, Australians replace

traditional meals and breakfasts with another substitution: healthy snack bars since

they feature favorable healthy traits such as low carbs, sugar-free, fat, and calories.

Recently, the healthy snack niches are on the rise and consequently acquiring

further innovative criteria (health, convenience, and taste) to compatible with

customers’ preferences (Healthy Snacks Market Size, Share & Trends Analysis

Report By Product (Frozen & Refrigerated, Fruit, Bakery, Savory, Confectionery,

Dairy, Others), By Distribution Channel, By Region, And Segment Forecasts, 2022 -

2030 2020).

● Health Consciousness

Health cognition is a major factor attributed to every consumption

decision-making process during and after the COVID-19 epidemic. Its impact forced

people to include healthy snacks into their daily diet to cultivate the immunity

system and provide energy, especially interesting in one's functionality-specific

health benefits. Conclusively, the importance of health has been widely spread

alongside enlarging the industry's product popularity and increasing revenue.

● The demand for Supermarkets and Grocery stores

As a result of raising health awareness, distribution channels (retailers,

hypermarkets, stores) are heavily pressured to constantly supply essential goods

and adequately restock the quantity. Moreover, greater supermarket demand

indicates higher healthy food expenditure and uptaking sales. To resolve the

market intensity and maintain profit sustainability throughout the coronavirus

outbreak, supermarkets will likely acquire and rebrand small enterprises and

benefit from them. Besides, the shelf placement interventions in supermarkets are

viewed as a strategy (Young et al. 2020) affecting determinants of purchases

resulting in dedicating revenue and reflecting the current noteworthy trend of

consuming healthy snacks over the past five years (Martin 2022).

d. Recent promotional activities

Since the brand's inception in 2018, the former and recent owners, The

Freedom Foods (Noumi) and the Arnott's Group, have made no promotional

investments for their cereal and snack division. Surprisingly, Heritage Mill continued

to experience consistent annual growth thanks to its company reputation.

However, as expected, the brand could not gain market share due to the lack of

promotion and advertising. A website and a Facebook page were the only mediums

through which the company could provide a modest amount of information about

its product, implying that it had gone five years without promotion.

II. Targeting audience

Figure 10. Heritage Mill Target audience Profile

Our advertising campaign is aimed toward the Conventional Family Life, one

of the 10 Roy Morgan Value Segments. This segment represents 12% of the

Australian population and is geared towards married women aged 30-45 who have

their own job and are financially independent (Zanon 2010). According to research,

this demographic constantly wants to demonstrate devotion to family members by

providing basic necessities and guaranteeing their children's health and safety (Roy

Morgan 2019). As a result, Heritage Mill's nutritious snack items will meet their

demands. Targeting a group of family mothers allows us to influence their

purchasing habits through effective advertising methods.

When it comes to advertising strategy, the challenge of the nutritious food

industry is that there are many potential audiences that may develop. The diet of

Generation Z appears to be typical of those in their late teens and early twenties.

They dislike eating fresh fruits and vegetables and favor packaged and prepared

foods (Britianthinks 2019). When it comes to convenience, Heritage Mill's product

range is following this need; products are packaged in the shape of snacks and do

not require complicated cooking or time-consuming preparation. Gen Z is

unquestionably spearheading the movement toward whole, organic, and clean

foods (Siegner 2018). They are also ecologically conscious and ethical when it comes

to food procurement. They investigate the origins of the meal as well as its

ingredients. For these reasons, they tend to look at the larger picture, such as the

health of the earth and the future.

Looking at other demographics, such as Millennials, the emphasis is on the

health advantages of eating, such as weight loss, energy, digestive health, and

heart health (Okumus 2021). To accomplish those results, they look at dietary

sources, including fiber, whole grains. Furthermore, those who care about their

health are prospective clients for our advertising campaign. The health-conscious

target market segment is a rapidly expanding demography. According to a recent

Food Industry Association survey, the concept of "healthy" for Australian customers

is shifting; they are not just concerned with health criteria but also want

convenience, fair costs, food safety, palatability, and honesty. As stated in sector I.2,

Heritage Mill , This campaign's consumer target groups require transparency in

products and care about health issues. Therefore, they are more aware of what is

happening in their bodies and where their food originates. Heritage Mill ensures

that. The origin of the product, the implementation procedure, and the food safety

certificate are all saved and displayed when needed. Health-conscious customers

are the ones who are motivated. This client file reveals that they enjoy sports,

walking, and fitness. It is more than simply food; it is a living style. We have never

seen consumers connected to the food supply, safe environment, knowledge, and

understanding of food consumption. For this promotional project, we had the goal

of intelligently sharing information with our customers about the origin of their


Heritage Mill caters to various age groups and dietary requirements, but we

also have consumers in their baby boomer years. Recent studies confirm what we

observe in our stores: aging people are seeking meals that will keep them feeling

youthful and alive while also preventing a variety of health concerns. Age-related

health problems (A & Jm 2001).

Furthermore, those who care about their health are prospective clients for

our advertising campaign. The health-conscious target market segment is a rapidly

expanding demography. According to a recent Food Industry Association survey,

the concept of "healthy" for Australian customers is shifting; they are not just

concerned with health criteria but also want convenience, fair costs, food safety,

palatability, and honesty. As stated in sector I.2, Heritage Mill’s products have the

“Gluten Free" tag. This campaign's consumer target groups require transparency in

products and care about health issues. Therefore, they are more aware of what is

happening in their bodies and where their food originates. Heritage Mill ensures

that. The origin of the product, the implementation procedure, and the food safety

certificate are all saved and displayed when needed. Health-conscious customers

are the ones who are motivated. This client file reveals that they enjoy sports,

walking, and fitness. It is more than simply food; it is a living style. We have never

seen consumers connected to the food supply, safe environment, knowledge, and

understanding of food consumption. For this promotional project, we had the goal

of intelligently sharing information with our customers about the origin of their


III. Communication objectives

In this part, the SMART framework is applied to clearly set goals for the

long-term process and overall management of the campaign. To be more specific,

SMART is represented as Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and


SMART Increase Awareness Provide Information


Specific Heritage-Mill-has-many-difficulties Heritage Mill is a small brand and

proving-its-position-and has a little reputation in the

uniqueness-in-the-market-due-to market. Customers cannot decide

its loss of

advertising-for-five-years. Basically, to purchase if they only know the

this brand cannot even in the top brand.

of customers when it has not

We expect that customers
succeeded in building the brand’s
have more knowledge of products
awareness and identity.
in some aspect such as: flavour,

The leading goal of this brand aims main ingredient, benefits,... This

is that increase brand awareness. It enhances customers’ shopping

refers to the perception, attitude, and gain trust from them.

and behavior of customers.

Instead of providing more general

information about the market,

brand awareness is more

concerned with describing the

advantages of the brand itself.

Measurable Using qualitative data: Using quantitive survey:

This-focuses-on-accessible-data We receive feedback and change
such as-how-many-users-have based on customers' experiences
accessed-the-website, the-number to enhance products. The more
of clicks taken, ... The stats of survey has been taken, the more
reaching the number will be information customers gain.
assumed annually.

Attainable This-stage-is-fundamental-to Customers must be fully informed

branding. This awareness-enables about the product's specifications

customers-to-remember-Heritage for them to use it safely. The

Mill and intend to-select-it-among customer may be allergic to a

similar products. Moreover, it product component, or it may

requires Heritage Mill to unify the contain materials that do not mix

brand visualization and product to well with what they intend to use

attract customer's attention and it.

create a sustainably unique image

in the long run.

Realistic Our brand confidently believes This goal can be deployed actively
that our holding company has by Heritage Mill. Our brand has
strong ability in finance, invested five years in this market,
reputation, and experience. That so we are deeply aware of
leads to the fact that Heritage Mill informing customers of our
has a well-built background to high-quality products. The
achieve its communication goal. highlight here is that we are
applying advertising in this
strategy to deliver more

Time-bound 1-2 years 2-3 years

If this communication objective This objective is totally launched

achieves outcomes as measurable at the same time with increasing
predicted, it will be considered a awareness strategies. We believe
successful plan. After that, the that this period is enough to prove
company can prepare more our benefits and values for
marketing strategies suitable for customers.

long-term determines.

IV. Campaign evaluation

1. Situation analysis

This research assessed the topic and presented instances of the

repercussions of a brand lacking a solid base. Promotional spending is critical for a

small business hoping to compete with the industry's top players and gain a

portion of the market.

2. Issues identification and what to achieve

Defining the objective is the initial stage in determining the path of a

campaign. After identifying the knots, which are low level of brand recognition and

lack of credibility for buyers due to a shortage of information, the following

approaches have been chosen to address these issues:

● Advertising in social media: raising brand awareness.

● Creating a trusted product information platform: gaining customers’ trust

and connecting with customers closely.

● Combining public advertising (public relations): boosting the exposure of

the brand’s image.

3. Longevity

The estimated duration of the plan said above, i.e., the period it is expected to

be practical/achievable when the following approaches are implemented, is three

years, including cases where results arrive later than planned. This suggests that it

is a positive outcome if the goals are accomplished within three years.

V. Creative and Media Strategies

1. Run Youtube advertisements

More-than-2 billion-people use-YouTube, the-second most-popular website

on-the-internet (Statista, 2019). Because-of this, 80% of-marketers believe that

YouTube is the most successful-platform for-video marketing (GO Globe, 2019).

Every year, marketing forecasts tell us that video marketing is a trend to keep

an eye on. However, video marketing is now more than just a fad—it is necessary.

Furthermore, by a wide margin, watching videos online on YouTube is the most

common activity. Suppose-you-are-not-utilizing-YouTube-advertising to take

advantage of the platform's reach; you will be missing out.

Heritage-Mill's video-advertisement-will-be-displayed-around 10-15s. The

content will focus on the product's benefits, including nutritional elements, the

natural origin, and product lines. The visual is designed to be colorful and attractive

so that advertisements straightforwardly draw customers' attention. Our brand

does not advertise on every Youtube channel due to the disturbance. We plan to

collab with Youtubers who create content related to lifestyle, family, and traveling

because their viewers are also our target customers.

2. Building a website

A website is a necessary tool that connects customers and brands closely.

Moreover, it is representative of the brand's prestige from the customers'

perspective. Websites are considered virtual markets that enable customers to seek

products and purchases. Due to various factors, customers are more likely to buy

online through websites in the modern era (Devi, Das & Baruah 2019). However,

Heritage Mill has not had a website for many years, which is most likely why the

brand is struggling to attract new customers, negatively impacting its brand

identity in the market (Müller & Chandon 2003). It also minimizes various

opportunities for spreading the brand's reputation and creates barriers to business


Our website aims to be user-friendly and customer-centric service. It is

designed to assist customers in the shopping experience more than complicated

appeared information. It is also integrated links that conveniently lead to other

social media. The central entrance theme displays several essential categories: Our

products, Our story, Talk to us, Q&As and policies. They are for essential customers'

needs in purchasing experiences.

Figure 11. Heritage Mill website (mock-up)

Figure 12. Heritage Mill website (mock-up)

3. Public Relationship

Heritage-Mill was-founded in-2018-but-has-yet-to-gain-notable success in

the healthy food industry. As a result, we must run advertisements for the product

to attract potential clients.

The-purpose-of-this-media-strategy is for our consumers to become brand

advertisers. This implies that we will not use celebrities or KOLS to promote our

products. Heritage Mill will visit elementary schools and provide items for parents,

children, and individuals concerned about their health to try. The company only

asks that these individuals share their experiences with our products on social

media. Following that, we will promote the hashtag

#HeritageMillcareaboutyourhealth with customer postings so that people can see

them when they use social media.

Since Heritage Mill is still relatively young compared to its competitors,

recruiting celebrities will be ineffective and costly. Potential clients might find

themselves in this media approach. This genuine feedback from actual individuals

will encourage our target audience to consider purchasing our items seriously. On

the other side, this provides a chance for our company to listen to its consumers

and enhance product quality.

For this media strategy to be effective, we must study the audience that

receives the product. Furthermore, marketers must guarantee that each product

distributed receives feedback on social media sites. Furthermore, the brand's IT

personnel must grasp how social networking sites function, check hashtags

frequently and guarantee that data is updated fast and adequately.

VI. Budgeting Approach

There-are two-most common-methodologies to measure-the cost-structures

in advertising: the percentage of sales and build-up (also called objective and task)

approaches (Nolan & Amit 2007). Respectively, one is how a firm adopts

competitors’ posture-affects-bandehaviors, while-another is-integrating its-set

sales-target-and advertising-budget. To apply-the correct-expenditure

determinant, we must comprehend and analyze the nature of the product-market

competition (Nolan & Amit 2007). Therefore, in this case, our team chose the

build-up method because Heritage Mill’s advertisement needs to successfully hit

the market once the brand step into the market (highly competitive), and such

success only happens if the company is willing to invest generously. Additionally,

taking the company’s goals, needs, and other marketing elements into account, is

also asserted to be the most logical approach (Mitchell 1979). Objective and task

methods help the firm achieve desired advertising appropriations by tasks and

products until the target expenditure is attained; however, the objectives may

sometimes not be realistic or adequately listed and brutal to calculate (Nolan &

Amit 2007).


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