Web Services

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IBM Datacap

Version 9 Release 0

Installing and using Datacap Web


IBM Datacap
Version 9 Release 0

Installing and using Datacap Web


Before using this information and the product it supports, read the information in “Notices” on page 51.

This edition applies to Version 8 Release 1 of Datacap (product number 5725-C15) and to all subsequent releases
and modifications until otherwise indicated in new editions.
© Copyright IBM Corporation 2014.
US Government Users Restricted Rights – Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract
with IBM Corp.
ibm.com and related resources. . . . . v GET method for a batch ID - GetBatchId . . . . 22
How to send your comments . . . . . . . . . v GET method for batch history details -
Contacting IBM . . . . . . . . . . . . . vi GetBatchHistory. . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
GET method for a list of batches - GetBatchList . . 24
Datacap Web Services installation steps 1 PUT method to run a batch - GrabBatch . . . . . 26
PUT method to set the next pending batch status -
Datacap Web Services authentication . . . . . . 2
GrabNextPendingBatchOnJobTaskList . . . . . . 27
Configuring Datacap Web Services authentication 2
PUT method to release a batch - ReleaseBatch. . . 28
Configuring Datacap Web Services ADSI or LDAP
GET method for CCO information - GetCCO. . . . 29
authentication . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
POST method to upload a file with a page object -
Configuring Datacap Web Services ADLDS or
UploadFile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
LLLDAP authentication. . . . . . . . . . 3
POST method to upload files with no page object -
Setting up sharing permissions for Datacap Web
SetFile. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
GET method to return a file - GetFile . . . . . 34
Setting up shared folder security for Datacap Web
POST method to copy files to the cache folder -
Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
CopyFilesToCache . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Setting up application folders security for Datacap
PUT method to assign a page file name -
Web Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
SetPageFileName. . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Installing Datacap Web Services . . . . . . . . 5
GET method for page file contents - GetPageFile . . 37
Datacap Web Services hosting options . . . . . . 6
GET method for a page file name - GetPageFileName 38
Setting up the Windows service to host Datacap
GET method for a list of applications -
Web Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
GetApplicationList . . . . . . . . . . . 39
Setting up IIS to host Datacap Web Services . . . 7
GET method for a program settings file -
Importing encryption keys to Datacap computers . . 8
GetProgramFile . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
POST method to save a user permission list -
Datacap Web Services REST API SetUserPermissionList . . . . . . . . . . 41
methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 POST method to save a group permissions list -
POST method to log on to an application - Logon . . 9 SetGroupPermissionList . . . . . . . . . . 42
POST method to log off an application - Logoff . . 10 GET method for user permissions list -
POST method to change a password - GetUserPermissionList . . . . . . . . . . 43
ChangeUserPassword . . . . . . . . . . . 11 GET method for group permissions list -
POST method to run rules on a batch - Execute . . 12 GetGroupPermissionList . . . . . . . . . . 44
POST method to create a batch record - CreateBatch 14 POST method to create or save a task - SaveTask . . 46
POST method to delete batches - DeleteBatches . . 16 GET method for mobile profiles -
GET method to check the integrity of a batch - GetMobileProfiles . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
CheckIntegrity . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
POST method to save batch attributes - Notices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
SaveBatchAttribute . . . . . . . . . . . 19
GET method for batch attributes -
GetBatchAttributes . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2014 iii

iv IBM Datacap: Installing and using Datacap Web Services
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vi IBM Datacap: Installing and using Datacap Web Services

Datacap Web Services installation steps
The Datacap Web Services installation in a client/server environment requires you
to follow several steps, including preparation, installation, configuration, and
verification steps.

You can install Datacap Web Services on a dedicated web server or on a web
server on which other Datacap Web Services components are installed. You must
have administrator access to all computers on which the Datacap software is
installed and to the server on which you install Datacap Web Services.

The following list is an overview of the steps that are required to install and
configure Datacap Web Services in a Datacap client/server environment.
v Ensure that you meet the prerequisites that are detailed in Installation and
configuration prerequisites.
v You can adjust the value of the maxAllowedContentLength and maxRequestLength
settings in the web.config file. The maximum size message that can be uploaded
depends on your web server, proxy server, and client.
v Determine which Datacap applications you want Datacap Web Services to
interact with and the type of interactions you want Datacap Web Services to
have with Datacap.
v Ensure that you can run all of the application tasks manually before you
configure Datacap Web Services to run them.
v Based on your authentication system, set up the Datacap Web Services
authentication credentials in the Application Manager for users and stations.
Access to the Datacap Web Services HTTP IP address and methods is limited to
authorized computers and users by a firewall or other network devices.
v Set up security permissions for Datacap Web Services on the Datacap shared
folder on the Datacap Server.
v Set up security permissions for Datacap Web Services account on the Datacap
folder that contains the application with which Datacap Web Services is to be
v Install and configure Datacap Web Services on the web server, including
selecting the appropriate language for installation purposes and selecting
Datacap Web Service from the list of components.
v You can host Datacap Web Services as a Windows Service or you can set up IIS
to host Datacap Web Services. Validate the Datacap Web Services installation by
opening the help page.
– To host Datacap Web Services as a Windows Service, select the Datacap
Windows Service option in the installation wizard.
– To set up IIS to host Datacap Web Services, you must add the wTM website,
configure the application pool settings, and enable the ISAPI extension for All
v Import encryption keys to from the Datacap Server to the computer on which
you are installing Datacap Web Services to secure passwords that are sent across
the network.
v Set the location of the datacap.xml file.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2014 1

Datacap Web Services authentication
The Datacap Web Services authenticates with the Datacap Server by using a
configured user in the Application Manager or by calling the \Session\Logon
endpoint and providing the credentials. When you use the Application Manager
configured user, all authentication methods are supported. When you use the
\Session\Logon endpoint, the TMA, ADLDS, and LLLDAP authentication methods
are supported.

The Datacap Web Services configured user, password, and station information is
retrieved from the Application Manager for authentication. Configure the
Application Manager Custom values settings with the name and value pair for the
user, password, and station authentication. Datacap Web Services uses settings in
the c:\Datacap\wTM\web.config file to determine the names of the keys that are
stored in the Application Manager from which the user name, password, and
station information is retrieved. You must set up the wTMUser, wTMPassword, and
wTMStation name and value pairs in the Application Manager that is based on your
authentication method. The web.config file contains the following lines that
identify the names of the keys.
<setting name="pathUser" serializeAs="String">
<setting name="pathPassword" serializeAs="String">
<setting name="pathStation" serializeAs="String">

When you are using the Application Manager configured user, Datacap Web
Services authenticates with the Datacap Server when each endpoint is called. Each
time an endpoint is called, Datacap Web Services sends a request to the Datacap
Server to log in the user, then processes the endpoint action, and logs off the user.

When you are using the \Session\Logon endpoint, a user session is persisted for
subsequent calls to reduce the number of calls to the Datacap Server. When the
user is logged in, the session between Datacap Web Services and the Datacap
Server continues throughout all subsequent endpoints until the \Session\Logoff
endpoint is called or the session expires.

To avoid unauthorized user access when you use the \Session\Logon endpoint,
ensure that a user is not configured in the Application Manager. If you are using
ADSI or LDAP for your application, configure a separate instance of the Datacap
Server for Datacap Web Services to use the TMA, ADLDS, or LLLDAP
authentication method.

Configuring Datacap Web Services authentication

To set the Datacap Web Services credentials when your authentication system is
TMA, you must add the Datacap user, password, and station in the Application

When your authentication system is TMA, follow this procedure to set up the
Datacap Web Services credentials for your application. In Application Manager,
add the name and value pair for a Datacap user, password, and station.
1. Add a name and value pair in General string values section of the Custom
values tab for the Datacap user name.

2 IBM Datacap: Installing and using Datacap Web Services

v Value name: wTMUser
v Value: Set to the Datacap user name.
2. Add a name and value pair in the General string values section of the Custom
values tab for the Datacap station name.
v Value name: wTMStation
v Value: Set to the Datacap station name.
3. Add a name and value pair in the Advanced values section of the Custom
values tab for the Datacap user password.
v Value name: wTMPassword
v Value: Set to the Datacap user password.

Configuring Datacap Web Services ADSI or LDAP

To set the Datacap Web Services credentials when your authentication system is
ADSI or LDAP, you must add the name and value pair for the user, password, and
station in the Application Manager.

When your authentication system is ADSI or LDAP, follow this procedure to set up
the Datacap Web Services credentials for your application. In the Application
Manager, add the name and value pair for a user, password, and station.
1. Add a name and value pair in General string values section of the Custom
values tab for the blank user name.
v Value name: wTMUser
v Value: Leave this field blank.
2. Add a name and value pair in the General string values section of the Custom
values tab for the Datacap station name.
v Value name: wTMStation
v Value: Set to the Datacap station name.
3. Add a name and value pair in the Advanced values section of the Custom
values tab for the blank user password.
v Value name: wTMPassword
v Value: Leave this field blank.

Configuring Datacap Web Services ADLDS or LLLDAP

You can set the Datacap Web Services credentials when your authentication system
is ADLDS or LLLDAP by adding the user, password, and station in the
Application Manager. If you are using the \Session\Logon endpoint to provide
valid credentials and authenticate, you must not add the user, password, and
station in the Application Manager.

When your authentication system is ADLDS or LLLDAP, you can configure the
user in the Application Manager or you can use the \Session\Logon endpoint for

When you use theDatacap Web Services \Session\Logon method, you force each
client of the web service to provide credentials and authenticate. The session
between Datacap Web Services and the Datacap Server continues throughout all

Datacap Web Services installation steps 3

subsequent endpoints until the \Session\Logoff endpoint is called or the session
expires. If you use the \Session\Logon method, you must not configure the user in
the Application Manager.

If you configure the user, password, and station in the Application Manager,
Datacap Web Services authenticates with the Datacap Server when an endpoint is
called. Each time an endpoint is called, Datacap Web Services sends a request to
the Datacap Server to log in the user, then processes the endpoint action, and logs
off the user.

Follow this procedure to set up the Datacap Web Services credentials for your
application in the Application Manager. Add the name and value pair for a user,
password, and station. The user name and password must match the user name
and password that is set up in your ADLDS or LLLDAP authentication system.
1. Add a name and value pair in General string values section of the Custom
values tab for the Datacap Web Services user name.
v Value name: wTMUser
v Value: Enter the user name.
2. Add a name and value pair in the General string values section of the Custom
values tab for the Datacap Web Services station name.
v Value name: wTMStation
v Value: Enter the station name.
3. Add a name and value pair in the Advanced values section of the Custom
values tab for the Datacap Web Services user password.
v Value name: wTMPassword
v Value: Enter the password.

Setting up sharing permissions for Datacap Web Services

You must set up the sharing permissions for the Datacap Web Services account on
the shared Datacap folder.

An example of the shared folder is the C:\Datacap folder on the Datacap Server.
Note that other accounts were already granted sharing permissions during the
initial installation and configuration of the Datacap Server.
1. On the server, start Windows Explorer, navigate to, and right-click the
c:\Datacap folder and select Properties.
2. Click the Sharing tab and ensure that the folder is shared with the Share name
of Datacap.
3. Click Advanced Sharing. When User Account Control (UAC) is on, the User
Account Control window is displayed. Click Yes.
4. Click Permissions. Ensure that the domain/Windows user ID of Datacap Web
Services is set to allow Full Control.

Setting up shared folder security for Datacap Web Services

You must set up security permissions on the shared folder with which the Datacap
Web Services account is interacting.

You must set up the security permissions for the Datacap Web Services account on
the shared folder, such as c:\Datacap. In the examples that are used in this
material, the shared folder is the c:\Datacap folder on the Datacap Server. Note

4 IBM Datacap: Installing and using Datacap Web Services

that other accounts were already granted security permissions during the initial
installation and configuration of the Datacap Server.
1. On the server, start Windows Explorer, navigate to, and right-click the
c:\Datacap folder and select Properties.
2. Click the Security tab and click Edit. When User Account Control (UAC) is on,
the User Account Control window is displayed. Click Yes.
3. Ensure that the domain Windows user ID of the Datacap Web Services account
is set to Read.

Setting up application folders security for Datacap Web Services

You must set up security permissions on the application folders with which the
Datacap web services account is interacting.

If you are setting up Datacap Web Services to run tasks from more than one
application, you must set up security permissions for each Datacap\Application
folder. Note that other accounts were already granted security permissions during
the initial installation and configuration of the Datacap server. In the examples that
are used in this material, the application files are found on the Datacap server in
the shared c:\Datacap folder.
1. On the server, start Windows Explorer, navigate to, and right-click the
c:\Datacap\Application folder and select Properties.
2. Click the Security tab and click Edit.
3. Ensure that the domain Windows user ID of the Datacap Web Services account
is set to Read.

Installing Datacap Web Services

You can install Datacap Web Services on the web server by using the installation

Follow this procedure to install the Datacap Web Services software component on
the web server. You can also install the Datacap Windows Service, if you want to
host Datacap Web Services as a Windows service.
1. Make the installation package available on your network or insert the Datacap
CD in the web server's CD/DVD drive. If the installation process does not
start automatically or if the package is on the network, open Windows
Explorer, navigate to and double-click the Setup.exe.
2. Select the appropriate language, then click OK. The language that you select
determines the language that is displayed by the installation program during
the installation process.
3. When additional, redistributed software is required, the installation program
displays a list of the items to be installed. Click Install.
4. Click Next.
5. Accept the license agreement and click Next.
6. Select the Custom option and click Next.
7. Select the Datacap Web Service option from the list of components.
8. Select the Datacap Windows Service option from the list of components, if
you want to host Datacap Web Services as a Windows service.
9. Click Next.
10. Click Install.
11. Click Finish.
Datacap Web Services installation steps 5
Datacap Web Services hosting options
You can host Datacap Web Services as a Windows service or by configuring
Datacap Web Services on Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS).

To host Datacap Web Services as a Windows service, select the custom option and
choose the Datacap Windows Service option in the installation wizard.

To host Datacap Web Services on Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS), add
the wTM website and configure the application pool settings.

Setting up the Windows service to host Datacap Web Services

To host Datacap Web Services as a Windows service, install the Datacap Windows
Service by using the installation wizard. You must start the Datacap Windows
Service before you can validate the installation by opening the Datacap Web
Services help page.

Install Datacap Web Services by using the installation wizard.

Follow this procedure to install and start the Datacap Windows Service to host the
Datacap Web Services.
1. Install the Datacap Windows Service from the installation wizard.
a. Make the installation package available on your network or insert the
Datacap CD in the web server's CD/DVD drive. If the installation process
does not start automatically or if the package is on the network, open
Windows Explorer, navigate to and double-click the Setup.exe.
b. Select the appropriate language, then click OK. The language that you select
determines the language that is displayed by the installation program
during the installation process.
c. When additional, redistributed software is required, the installation program
displays a list of the items to be installed. Click Install.
d. Click Next.
e. Accept the license agreement and click Next.
f. Select the Custom option and click Next.
g. Select the Datacap Windows Service option from the list of components.
h. Click Next.
i. Click Install.
j. Click Finish
2. Start the Datacap Windows Service.
a. Go to Administrative Tools > Services.
b. Right-click Datacap Windows Service and select Start.
3. Validate the installation of Datacap Web Services by opening the help page.
a. Go to c:\Datacap\Taskmaster and open wTMservice.exe.config with
b. Copy the baseAddress URL to your browser and add /help. The following
is an example of a baseAddress URL in the wTMservice.exe.config file.
<add baseAddress="http://localhost:82/service" />

6 IBM Datacap: Installing and using Datacap Web Services

In this example, the URL of the help page is http://localhost:82/service/
c. When the Datacap Web Services help page opens, you can click one of the
links in the Method column to show detailed information about the REST
API endpoint.

Setting up IIS to host Datacap Web Services

Set up Datacap Web Services on Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) by
adding the wTM website, configuring the application pool settings, and enabling the
ISAPI extensions for All verbs.

Follow this procedure to set up the Datacap Web Services wTM website on Microsoft
Internet Information Services (IIS).
1. Add the Datacap Web Services in IIS.
a. From Start, select Administrative Tools > Internet Information Services
(IIS) Manager.
b. In the Connections pane, right-click Sites and select Add Web Site.
c. Set Site name to wTM. The Application pool is automatically set to wTM.
d. Set the Physical path by entering or browsing to the installation folder for
Datacap Web Services. The default location is C:\Datacap\wTM.
e. Select the IP address of the Datacap Web Services server and assign a
unique Port number and click OK to close the Add Web Site dialog.

Note: The Datacap Web Client and Datacap Web Services must be assigned
different port numbers when they are installed on the same server. The
Datacap Web Client does not work unless Datacap Web Services is assigned
a different port number.
2. Set up the Datacap Web Services IIS application pool.
a. In the Connections pane, select Application Pools.
b. In the Application Pools pane, select the wTM application pool. Select
Actions > Edit Application Pool > Advanced Settings.
c. Ensure that the .NET Framework Version is set to v4.0.
d. Ensure that Enable 32-Bit Applications is set to True.
e. Ensure that Managed Pipeline Mode is set to Integrated.
f. Ensure that Start Automatically is set to True.
g. In the Process Model section, click the Browse button next to Identity.
h. In the Application Pool Identity window, select Custom account and click
i. In the Set Credentials window, enter the wTM domain Windows account
information in the format, accountname@domainname. Enter the account
password and click OK.
j. In the Process Model section, set Load User Profile to True and click OK.
k. In the Connections pane, select the wTM site. In the Actions pane under
Manage Web Site, click Restart.
l. Confirm that the Application Pools, Default Web Site, and wTM website
are started.
3. Enable ISAPI extensions for All verbs and for execution on the Datacap Web
Services server.
a. In the Connections pane, select the wTM site. In the wTM Home pane,
double-click Handler Mappings.

Datacap Web Services installation steps 7

b. Scroll down, select svc-ISAPI-4.0_32bit, and ensure that it is enabled.
c. In the Actions pane, click Edit Feature Permissions, select Read, Script, and
Execute, then click OK.
d. In the Actions pane, click Edit, and on the Edit Script Map dialog, click
Request Restrictions.
e. On the Request Restrictions dialog, click the Verbs tab, select All verbs,
click OK, then click Yes.
4. Validate the Datacap Web Services installation by opening the Datacap Web
Services help page.
a. Open Internet Explorer and enter the following help page URL,
http://<WebServerName or IP address>:<port number>/ServicewTM.svc/
b. Click a link in the Method column to show detailed information about the
REST API endpoint.

Importing encryption keys to Datacap computers

In a client/server configuration, you must import security encryption keys to the
computer where you are installing and configuring each Datacap component. This
requirement secures passwords that are sent across the network between Datacap
servers and clients.

You must generate the encryption keys in the keystore on a server on which the
Datacap server software component is installed. You export the new keys to a key
transport file.

To import encryption keys to Datacap computers:

1. Find the dc_KTF.xml key transport file in the c:\Datacap\Taskmaster folder on
the Datacap server where you generated and exported the encryption keys.
2. Copy the dc_KTF.xml key transport file to the c:\Datacap\Taskmaster folder on
the computer where you installed the new component. The encryption keys
will be applied automatically to the keystore the next time you start the
Datacap component.

8 IBM Datacap: Installing and using Datacap Web Services

Datacap Web Services REST API methods
Datacap Web Services is a Windows web service or Microsoft IIS-based web service
for interaction with Datacap through a simple, platform-independent,
representational state transfer (REST) application programming interface (API).
Datacap Web Services supports the HTTP GET, POST, and PUT methods for you to
create, update, and release a batch.

POST method to log on to an application - Logon

The POST method initiates a new session with theDatacap Server and logs on to the
Datacap application. The response header includes a wTmId cookie and value that
must be included in subsequent requests to maintain the session.

The session timeout is specified in wtm\web.config file. If the number of minutes is

exceeded, the session expires and the user must log on again.


http://{IP address}:{Port}/ServicewTM.svc/Session/Logon

Request content

The request for this method contains no content.

Response content

The Set-Cookie session value wTmId=<session cookie> that is returned by the

POST method is kept within the session header of subsequent requests.

The POST method returns one of the following response codes.

Table 1. Response codes for the POST method
Response Code Description
200 OK The request was successful.
400 Bad Request The request was not understood by the service because of malformed
401 The request requires user authentication. If the request included valid
Unauthorized credentials, the 401 response indicates that authorization was refused for
those credentials.
411 Length The service refuses to accept the request without a defined
Required Content-Length. The client can repeat the request if it adds a valid
Content-Length header field that contains the length of the message
body in the request message.
500 Internal An unexpected condition was encountered that prevented the service
Error from fulfilling the request.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2014 9

POST method JSON request example
"application":"String content",
"password":"String content",
"station":"String content",
"user":"String content"

POST method XML request example

<application>String content</application>
<password>String content</password>
<station>String content</station>
<user>String content</user>

POST method to log off an application - Logoff

The POST method logs off the Datacap application and ends the session with the
Datacap Server.


http://{IP address}:{Port}/ServicewTM.svc/Session/Logoff

Request content

The request content includes the wTmId cookie the request header.

Response content

The response for this method contains no content.

The POST method returns one of the following response codes.

Table 2. Response codes for the POST method
Response Code Description
200 OK The request was successful.
400 Bad Request The request was not understood by the service because of malformed
401 The request requires user authentication. If the request included valid
Unauthorized credentials, the 401 response indicates that authorization was refused for
those credentials.
411 Length The service refuses to accept the request without a defined
Required Content-Length. The client can repeat the request if it adds a valid
Content-Length header field that contains the length of the message
body in the request message.
500 Internal An unexpected condition was encountered that prevented the service
Error from fulfilling the request.

10 IBM Datacap: Installing and using Datacap Web Services

POST method JSON request example
"application":"String content",
"password":"String content",
"station":"String content",
"user":"String content"

POST method XML request example

<application>String content</application>
<password>String content</password>
<station>String content</station>
<user>String content</user>

POST method to change a password - ChangeUserPassword

You can change your password by using the web services POST method,
ChangeUserPassword. Your password can be changed by you or an administrator
with privileges to change passwords.


http://{IP address}:{Port}/ServicewTM.svc/Session/ChangeUserPassword

Request content

The request contains application, password, and user information.

Response content

The response contains the change result with a true/false string in the
changeResult attribute. The response also provides a message that states the change
is complete or the change failed.

The POST method returns one of the following response codes.

Table 3. Response codes for the POST method
Response Code Description
200 OK The request was successful.
400 Bad Request The request was not understood by the service because of malformed
401 The request requires user authentication. If the request included valid
Unauthorized credentials, the 401 response indicates that authorization was refused for
those credentials.
411 Length The service refuses to accept the request without a defined
Required Content-Length. The client can repeat the request if it adds a valid
Content-Length header field that contains the length of the message
body in the request message.
500 Internal An unexpected condition was encountered that prevented the service
Error from fulfilling the request.

Datacap Web Services REST API methods 11

POST method JSON request example
"application":"String content",
"newPassword":"String content",
"oldPassword":"String content",
"user":"String content"

POST method XML request example

<application>String content</application>
<newPassword>String content</newPassword>
<oldPassword>String content</oldPassword>
<user>String content</user>

POST method JSON response example

"msg":"String content"

POST method XML response example

<msg>String content</msg>

POST method to run rules on a batch - Execute

The POST method runs rules on a batch.

Files that are retrieved from the batch folder or sent to the batch folder are cached
in a session folder on the Datacap Web Services server. When the web services
session ends, the session folder is deleted. When the application closes, all folders
are deleted.

The Execute POST method does not update batch attributes. If one of the values is
changed by the rules, such as Priority, the batch attributes must be updated by
using SaveBatchAttribute.

Caching is not required to run rules. If the BatchDir value is specified, the Datacap
Web Services accesses the batch folder directly. The BatchDir value must be empty
when the web.config setting enableCache is set to True to run rules against the
files in the cache folder. If enableCache is set to False, you must specify a batch
folder in BatchDir.
v Result is not needed when you are posting. It is the result of rules execution. You
can post with <Result></Result>.
v If you post the TargetDCOObbject property as empty, the page is targeted.
v ChildCondition is not needed when you are posting. It is the result of rules
execution that is set by the action Task_RaiseCondition. ChildCondition can be
empty or omitted when you post.
v ChildrenQuantity is not needed when you are posting. It is the result of rules
execution as set by the action Task_NumberOfSplits. ChildrenQuantity can be
empty or omitted when you post.
v XtraBatchFields are custom fields added to the Job Monitor. See Creating a custom
column in the Job Monitor. The caller can use the SaveBatchAttribute endpoint to

12 IBM Datacap: Installing and using Datacap Web Services

update the custom fields in the database after the actions change them.
XtraBatchFields can be empty or omitted when you post. If actions need access to
extra batch fields, the caller must pass XtraBatchFields, as in the following
<KeyValueOfstringstring xmlns=""http://schemas.microsoft.com/2003/10/Serialization/Arrays"">
v AllowOverride means that the actions are allowed to override failed validations.
AllowOverride can be omitted when you are posting. If AllowOverride is included,
the value must be set but it is not used. In the response, AllowOverride is set to
False, if the action SetIsOverrideable is called with a parameter of False and a
validation failed.
v DocsInBatch is the number of documents in the batch, which you can find in the
page file. DocsInBatch can be used by actions.
v PagesInBatch is the number of pages in the batch, which you can find in the page
file. PagesInBatch can be used by actions.
v AppName (application name) and Workflow (workflow name) are not always the


http://{IP address}:{Port}/ServicewTM.svc/Rules/Execute

Request content

The request content for this method runs the rules on a batch.

Response content

The response for this method contains the same content as the Request content.

The POST method returns one of the following response codes.

Table 4. Response codes for the POST method
Response Code Description
200 OK The request was successful.
400 Bad Request The request was not understood by the service because of
malformed syntax.
401 Unauthorized The request requires user authentication. If the request included
valid credentials, the 401 response indicates that authorization was
refused for those credentials.
405 Method Not The method that is specified in the Request-Line is not allowed for
Allowed the resource that is identified by the Request-URI. The response
must include an Allow header that contains a list of valid methods
for the requested resource.
411 Length Required The service refuses to accept the request without a defined
Content-Length. The client can repeat the request if it adds a valid
Content-Length header field that contains the length of the message
body in the request message.
500 Internal Error An unexpected condition was encountered that prevented the
service from fulfilling the request.

Datacap Web Services REST API methods 13

POST method JSON request example
"Profile": "Verify",
"Properties": {
"AllowOverride": true,
"AppName": "Flex",
"BatchDir": "C:DatacapFlex\batches20140804.000000",
"BatchID": "20140804.000000",
"DCOFile": "Verify.xml",
"DocsInBatch": 1,
"JobName": "VSan-TIFF",
"Operator": "admin",
"PagesInBatch": 1,
"Priority": 1,
"Station": "1",
"TaskName": "Verify",
"Workflow": "Flex"

POST method XML request example


POST method to create a batch record - CreateBatch

The POST method creates a new batch record in the application's Engine Database.
The new batch record is uniquely identified by a batch queue ID.


http://{IP address}:{Port}/ServicewTM.svc/Queue/CreateBatch

Request content

The request contains the application name and the job name. The request can also
contain the batch folder name, the new page file name, and the name of an
existing page file.
Table 5. Request content attributes for the POST method
Attribute Name Description
application The Datacap application name that is shown in the datacap.xml file.
The application name is required and must be the first attribute.
job The job name that is shown in a Datacap application workflow. The
job name is required and the batch creation task must be the first
task in the job.
batchFolder The name of the batch folder that is created is optional. When this
variable is not included, the batch folder is assigned a name by

14 IBM Datacap: Installing and using Datacap Web Services

Table 5. Request content attributes for the POST method (continued)
Attribute Name Description
pageFile The name of the page file that is created is optional. When this
variable is not included, the page file is assigned a name by
Datacap. Do not include a pageFile attribute with a blank value.

The following are the pageFile value options.

v The string to use as the file name.
v A file attribute that specifies an existing page file.
v The XML content of the page file.
file The name of an existing page file is optional. When you include this
attribute, you must embed it as a child node of pageFile and provide
the full path, file name, and file extension. When you use this
variable, you must also include the batchFolder variable.

Response content

The response for this method returns the following batch attributes.
Table 6. Response content attributes for the POST method
Attribute name Description of value
batchID The batch ID that is assigned to the batch by Datacap.
job The name of the job.
queueId The unique identifier that is assigned to the batch by Datacap.
status The status of the batch.
task The name of the task.

The POST method returns one of the following response codes.

Table 7. Response codes for the POST method
Response Code Description
200 OK The request was successful.
400 Bad Request The request was not understood by the service because of
malformed syntax.
401 Unauthorized The request requires user authentication. If the request included
valid credentials, the 401 response indicates that authorization was
refused for those credentials.
405 Method Not The method that is specified in the Request-Line is not allowed for
Allowed the resource that is identified by the Request-URI. The response
must include an Allow header that contains a list of valid methods
for the requested resource.
411 Length Required The service refuses to accept the request without a defined
Content-Length. The client can repeat the request if it adds a valid
Content-Length header field that contains the length of the message
body in the request message.
500 Internal Error An unexpected condition was encountered that prevented the
service from fulfilling the request.

Datacap Web Services REST API methods 15

POST method XML request example 1

Datacap creates the batch folder and manages the adding of each file to the DCO
page file, such as adding the tm000001 node to scan.xml. The request content
contains an empty text value for the batchFolder node. The message content does
not contain a pageFile node.
<job>Main Job</job>

POST method XML request example 2

Datacap creates the batch folder and the client manages the DCO page file. The
request content batchFolder node contains the XML to use for the page file. The B id
batch node attribute must be blank. This method is useful for transferring
metadata with or without the page objects. If page objects are specified, the
UploadFile endpoint must be used instead of SetFile.
<job>Main Job</job>
<B id="">
<V n="STATUS">0</V>
<V n="TYPE">FastDoc</V>
<P id="TM000001">
<V n="TYPE">Other</V>
<V n="Status">49</V>
<V n="IMAGEFILE">TM000001.tif</V>

POST method XML request example 3

The client creates the batch folder and manages the DCO page file. The page file
name is provided and the page file is separately uploaded. The request content
message body pageFile node text contains the name of the page file, such as
scan.xml. After CreateBatch is called, then SetFile is called to upload the page
<job>Main Job</job>

POST method to delete batches - DeleteBatches

The POST method deletes batches that are associated with an application name.


http://{IP address}:{Port}/ServicewTM.svc/Queue/DeleteBatches/{application}

The URI for the POST method includes the following path elements.

16 IBM Datacap: Installing and using Datacap Web Services

Table 8. Path elements for the POST method
Name Type Required? Description
{application} String Yes The name of the application for which
batches are to be deleted.

Request content

The request deletes the batches that are associated with the application name.

Response content

The response for this method contains no content.

The POST method returns one of the following response codes.

Table 9. Response codes for the POST method
Response Code Description
200 OK The request was successful.
400 Bad Request The request was not understood by the service because of
malformed syntax.
401 Unauthorized The request requires user authentication. If the request included
valid credentials, the 401 response indicates that authorization was
refused for those credentials.
405 Method Not The method that is specified in the Request-Line is not allowed for
Allowed the resource that is identified by the Request-URI. The response
must include an Allow header that contains a list of valid methods
for the requested resource.
411 Length Required The service refuses to accept the request without a defined
Content-Length. The client can repeat the request if it adds a valid
Content-Length header field that contains the length of the message
body in the request message.
500 Internal Error An unexpected condition was encountered that prevented the
service from fulfilling the request.

GET method to check the integrity of a batch - CheckIntegrity

The GET method checks the integrity of a batch by using the application name and
the queue ID. The page file must be uploaded to the server before you run the
CheckIntegrity GET method.


http://{IP address}:{Port}/ServicewTM.svc/Queue/CheckIntegrity/{application}/

The URI for the GET method includes the following path elements.
Table 10. Path elements for the GET method
Name Type Required? Description
{application} String Yes The name of the application for which the batch
integrity is checked.

Datacap Web Services REST API methods 17

Table 10. Path elements for the GET method (continued)
Name Type Required? Description
{queueId} String Yes The unique identifier that is assigned to the batch.

Request content

The request for this method contains no content.

Response content
The response for this method returns the ID, message, and returnCode content.
ID - In case of error, the last object that is checked.
message - Return message.
returnCode - One of the following values is returned.
0 = Passed.
1 = Has more child objects that allowed by the maximum attribute.
2 = Has fewer child objects than required by the minimum attribute.
3 = Invalid member – a child object is not of a type that is supported by
the parent.
4 = A child object is in the wrong position relative to other child objects as
specified by the position attribute.

The GET method also returns one of the following response codes.
Table 11. Response codes to the GET method
Code Description
200 OK The request was successful.
400 Bad The request was not understood by the service due to malformed syntax.
401 The request requires user authentication. If the request included valid
Unauthorized credentials, the 401 response indicates that authorization was refused for
those credentials.
405 Method The method that is specified in the Request-Line is not allowed for the
Not Allowed resource that is identified by the Request-URI. The response must include
an Allow header that contains a list of valid methods for the requested
500 Internal An unexpected condition was encountered that prevented the service from
Error fulfilling the request.

GET method JSON response example

"ID": "String content",
"message": "String content",
"returnCode": 2147483647

18 IBM Datacap: Installing and using Datacap Web Services

GET method XML response example
<ID>String content</ID>
<message>String content</message>

POST method to save batch attributes - SaveBatchAttribute

The POST method saves the batch attributes, including extra batch attributes.
The logon user must have Status change/rollback privileges for the
jobTaskOrder, queueStatus, and taskID attributes to be saved.
The logon user must have Priority/Operator change privileges for the
QueuePriority, Operator, Station, SkipOperator, or SkipStation attributes to be
The logon user must have Batch attributes change privileges for the BatchDir
or PageFile attributes to be saved.


http://{IP address}:{Port}/ServicewTM.svc/Queue/SaveBatchAttribute/{application}

The URI for the POST method includes the following path elements.
Table 12. Path elements for the POST method
Name Type Required? Description
{application} String Yes The name of the application for which the
batch attributes are to be saved.

Request content

The request content saves the batch attributes.

Response content

The response return the message and returnCode content.

The POST method returns one of the following response codes.

Table 13. Response codes for the POST method
Response Code Description
200 OK The request was successful.
400 Bad Request The request was not understood by the service because of
malformed syntax.
401 Unauthorized The request requires user authentication. If the request included
valid credentials, the 401 response indicates that authorization was
refused for those credentials.
405 Method Not The method that is specified in the Request-Line is not allowed for
Allowed the resource that is identified by the Request-URI. The response
must include an Allow header that contains a list of valid methods
for the requested resource.

Datacap Web Services REST API methods 19

Table 13. Response codes for the POST method (continued)
Response Code Description
411 Length Required The service refuses to accept the request without a defined
Content-Length. The client can repeat the request if it adds a valid
Content-Length header field that contains the length of the message
body in the request message.
500 Internal Error An unexpected condition was encountered that prevented the
service from fulfilling the request.

POST method JSON request example


"batchDir": "String content",

"jobTaskOrder": 2147483647,
"operationUser": "String content",
"pageFile": "String content",
"queueID": 2147483647,
"queuePriority": 2147483647,
"queueStatus": "String content",
"skipOperator": "String content",
"skipStation": "String content",
"station": "String content",
"taskID": "String content",
"xtraBatchFields": {
"Count": 2147483647,
"Fields": [
"field": "String content",
"value": "String content"

POST method XML request example

<batchDir>String content</batchDir>
<operationUser>String content</operationUser>
<pageFile>String content</pageFile>
<queueStatus>String content</queueStatus>
<skipOperator>String content</skipOperator>
<skipStation>String content</skipStation>
<station>String content</station>
<taskID>String content</taskID>
<field>String content</field>
<value>String content</value>
<field>String content</field>
<value>String content</value>

20 IBM Datacap: Installing and using Datacap Web Services

POST method JSON response example
"message": "String content",
"returnCode": 2147483647

POST method XML response example

<message>String content</message>

GET method for batch attributes - GetBatchAttributes

The GET method returns the attributes of a batch that is associated with a Datacap
application name and queue ID.


http://{IP address}:{Port}/ServicewTM.svc/Queue/GetBatchAttributes/

The URI for the GET method includes the following path elements.
Table 14. Path elements for the GET method
Name Type Required? Description
{application} String Yes The name of the application for which the
batch attributes are to be returned.
{queueId} String Yes The unique identifier that is assigned to the

Request body

The request for this method contains no content.

Response content

The response contains the following batch attributes.

Table 15. Response content for the GET method
Attribute Name Description
batchID The batch ID that is assigned to the batch.
job The name of the job.
queueID The unique identifier that is assigned to the batch.
status The status of the batch.
task The name of the task.

The GET method also returns one of the following response codes.
Table 16. Response codes for the GET method
Response Code Description
200 OK The request was successful.

Datacap Web Services REST API methods 21

Table 16. Response codes for the GET method (continued)
Response Code Description
400 Bad Request The request was not understood by the service because of malformed
401 Unauthorized The request requires user authentication. If the request included valid
credentials, the 401 response indicates that authorization was refused
for those credentials.
405 Method Not The method that is specified in the Request-Line is not allowed for
Allowed the resource that is identified by the Request-URI. The response must
include an Allow header that contains a list of valid methods for the
requested resource.
500 Internal Error An unexpected condition was encountered that prevented the service
from fulfilling the request.

GET method for a batch ID - GetBatchId

The GET method returns the ID for a batch that is associated with a Datacap
application name and queue ID.


http://{IP address}:{Port}/ServicewTM.svc/Queue/GetBatchId/{application}/

The URI for the GET method includes the following path elements.
Table 17. Path elements for the GET method
Name Type Required? Description
{application} String Yes The name of the application for which the
batch ID is to be returned.
{queueId} String Yes The unique identifier that is assigned to
the batch.

Request body

The request for this method contains no content.

Response content

The response contains the batch ID.

The GET method also returns one of the following response codes.
Table 18. Response codes for the GET method
Response Code Description
200 OK The request was successful.
400 Bad Request The request was not understood by the service because of malformed
401 Unauthorized The request requires user authentication. If the request included valid
credentials, the 401 response indicates that authorization was refused
for those credentials.

22 IBM Datacap: Installing and using Datacap Web Services

Table 18. Response codes for the GET method (continued)
Response Code Description
405 Method Not The method that is specified in the Request-Line is not allowed for
Allowed the resource that is identified by the Request-URI. The response must
include an Allow header that contains a list of valid methods for the
requested resource.
500 Internal Error An unexpected condition was encountered that prevented the service
from fulfilling the request.

GET method for batch history details - GetBatchHistory

The GET method returns the batch history details of a batch that is associated with
the Datacap application name and the queue ID.

http://{IP address}:{Port}/ServicewTM.svc/Queue/GetBatchHistory/{application}/

The URI for the GET method includes the following path elements.
Table 19. Path elements for the GET method
Name Type Required? Description
{application} String Yes The name of the application for which the
batch history is to be returned.
{queueId} String Yes The unique identifier that is assigned to the

Request body

The request for this method contains no content.

Response content

The response contains the batch history details.

The GET method also returns one of the following response codes.
Table 20. Response codes for the GET method
Response Code Description
200 OK The request was successful.
400 Bad Request The request was not understood by the service because of malformed
401 Unauthorized The request requires user authentication. If the request included valid
credentials, the 401 response indicates that authorization was refused
for those credentials.
405 Method Not The method that is specified in the Request-Line is not allowed for
Allowed the resource that is identified by the Request-URI. The response must
include an Allow header that contains a list of valid methods for the
requested resource.
500 Internal Error An unexpected condition was encountered that prevented the service
from fulfilling the request.

Datacap Web Services REST API methods 23

GET method for a list of batches - GetBatchList
The GET method returns a list of batches that are based on the application name,
page size, page index, sort column, and optional filters.


http://{IP address}:{Port}/ServicewTM.svc/Queue/GetBatchList/{application}/

The URI for the GET method includes the following path elements.
Table 21. Path elements for the GET method
Name Type Required? Description
{application} String Yes The name of the application for which the list of
batches is to be returned.
{pageSize} String Yes The maximum number of batches in a list that you
can retrieve. If you set the pageSize value to 0 to
return a list of all batches, you must include
optional filtering to avoid a performance impact on
the Datacap Server and Datacap Web Services.
{pageIndex} String Yes The specific batches in a list that you want to
retrieve. For example, if there are 30 batches and
your pageSize is 10, enter 0 to retrieve the list of the
first 10 batches. Enter 1 to retrieve the list of the
second 10 batches and enter 2 to retrieve the list of
the last 10 batches.
{sort} String Yes You can sort the list of batches by any column in
the response.
Optional String No When you add an optional filter, you must use the
filters format, databaseField=Operator|Value. If you add
more than one optional filter, you must put an
ampersand between the filters. In the following
example, this method returns a list of the first 10
batches that have a pending status and a priority
value of 1. "http://localhost:55287/ServicewTM.svc/

Date filtering is not supported.

Request content

The request for this method contains no content.

Response content

The response for this method returns a list of batches.

The GET method also returns one of the following response codes:

24 IBM Datacap: Installing and using Datacap Web Services

Table 22. Response codes to the GET method
Code Description
200 OK The request was successful.
400 Bad The request was not understood by the service due to malformed syntax.
401 The request requires user authentication. If the request included valid
Unauthorized credentials, the 401 response indicates that authorization was refused for
those credentials.
405 Method The method that is specified in the Request-Line is not allowed for the
Not Allowed resource that is identified by the Request-URI. The response must include
an Allow header that contains a list of valid methods for the requested
500 Internal An unexpected condition was encountered that prevented the service from
Error fulfilling the request.

GET method JSON response example

"pb_StationID":"String content",
"pb_UserID":"String content",
"pb_adjustdocs":"String content",
"pb_adjustpages":"String content",
"pb_batch":"String content",
"pb_batchdir":"String content",
"pb_expectdocs":"String content",
"pb_expectpgs":"String content",
"pb_headertable":"String content",
"pb_mrdate":"String content",
"pb_ndocs":"String content",
"pb_needMeet":"String content",
"pb_pagefile":"String content",
"pb_pages":"String content",
"pb_parentbatch":"String content",
"qs_OpSkip":"String content",
"qs_StSkip":"String content",
"qs_elaps":"String content",
"qs_op":"String content",
"qs_qid":"String content",
"qs_start":"String content",
"qs_station":"String content",
"qs_stop":"String content",
"qs_taskid":"String content",
"qs_tsorder":"String content",
"qu_admDB":"String content",
"qu_batch":"String content",
"qu_counter":"String content",
"qu_done":"String content",
"qu_elaps":"String content",
"qu_id":"String content",
"qu_job":"String content",
"qu_lock":"String content",
"qu_parent":"String content",
"qu_priority":"String content",
"qu_source":"String content",
"qu_spawntype":"String content",
"qu_start":"String content",
"qu_status":"String content",
"qu_task":"String content",
"qu_tsorder":"String content",

Datacap Web Services REST API methods 25

"field":"String content",
"value":"String content" }] }

GET method XML response example

<BatchList> <Count>2147483647</Count>
<pb_StationID>String content</pb_StationID>
<pb_UserID>String content</pb_UserID>
<pb_adjustdocs>String content</pb_adjustdocs>
<pb_adjustpages>String content</pb_adjustpages>
<pb_batch>String content</pb_batch>
<pb_batchdir>String content</pb_batchdir>
<pb_expectdocs>String content</pb_expectdocs>
<pb_expectpgs>String content</pb_expectpgs>
<pb_headertable>String content</pb_headertable>
<pb_mrdate>String content</pb_mrdate>
<pb_ndocs>String content</pb_ndocs>
<pb_needMeet>String content</pb_needMeet>
<pb_pagefile>String content</pb_pagefile>
<pb_pages>String content</pb_pages>
<pb_parentbatch>String content</pb_parentbatch>
<qs_OpSkip>String content</qs_OpSkip>
<qs_StSkip>String content</qs_StSkip>
<qs_elaps>String content</qs_elaps>
<qs_op>String content</qs_op>
<qs_qid>String content</qs_qid>
<qs_start>String content</qs_start>
<qs_station>String content</qs_station>
<qs_stop>String content</qs_stop>
<qs_taskid>String content</qs_taskid>
<qs_tsorder>String content</qs_tsorder>
<qu_admDB>String content</qu_admDB>
<qu_batch>String content</qu_batch>
<qu_counter>String content</qu_counter>
<qu_done>String content</qu_done>
<qu_elaps>String content</qu_elaps>
<qu_id>String content</qu_id>
<qu_job>String content</qu_job>
<qu_lock>String content</qu_lock>
<qu_parent>String content</qu_parent>
<qu_priority>String content</qu_priority>
<qu_source>String content</qu_source>
<qu_spawntype>String content</qu_spawntype>
<qu_start>String content</qu_start>
<qu_status>String content</qu_status>
<qu_task>String content</qu_task>
<qu_tsorder>String content</qu_tsorder>
<field>String content</field>
<value>String content</value>
<field>String content</field>
<value>String content</value>

PUT method to run a batch - GrabBatch

The PUT method sets the batch status to running for the pending task that is
associated with a Datacap application name and queue ID.

26 IBM Datacap: Installing and using Datacap Web Services


http://{IP address}:{Port}/ServicewTM.svc/Queue/GrabBatch/{application}/

The URI for the PUT method includes the following path elements.
Table 23. Path elements for the PUT method
Name Type Required? Description
{application} String Yes The name of the application for which the
batch status is set to running.
{queueId} String Yes The unique identifier that is assigned to
the batch.

Request content

The request for this method contains no content.

Response content

The response sets the batch status to running for the pending task.

The PUT method returns one of the following response codes.

Table 24. Response codes for the PUT method
Response Code Description
200 OK The request was successful.
400 Bad Request The request was not understood by the service because of malformed
401 Unauthorized The request requires user authentication. If the request included valid
credentials, the 401 response indicates that authorization was refused
for those credentials.
405 Method Not The method that is specified in the Request-Line is not allowed for
Allowed the resource that is identified by the Request-URI. The response must
include an Allow header that contains a list of valid methods for the
requested resource.
500 Internal Error An unexpected condition was encountered that prevented the service
from fulfilling the request.

PUT method to set the next pending batch status -

The PUT method sets the next pending batch status to running by using the
application, job name list, and task name list. The job name list and the task name
list define the job and task pair that is to be used.


http://{IP address}:{Port}/ServicewTM.svc/Queue/

The URI for the PUT method includes the following path elements.

Datacap Web Services REST API methods 27

Table 25. Path elements for the PUT method
Name Type Required? Description
{application} String Yes The name of the application for which the
next pending batch status is to be set.
{jobNameList} String Yes The list of job names that are separated by a
comma, such as Main Job, Web Job.
{taskNameList} String Yes The list of task names that are separated by a
comma, such as VScan, Verify, Export

Request content

The request for this method contains no content.

Response content

The response sets the status of the next pending batch on the job and task list to

The PUT method also returns one of the following response codes.
Table 26. Response codes for the PUT method
Response Code Description
201 Created The request was successful.
400 Bad Request The request was not understood by the service because of malformed
401 The request requires user authentication. If the request included valid
Unauthorized credentials, the 401 response indicates that authorization was refused for
those credentials.
405 Method Not The method that is specified in the Request-Line is not allowed for the
Allowed resource that is identified by the Request-URI. The response must
include an Allow header that contains a list of valid methods for the
requested resource.
500 Internal An unexpected condition was encountered that prevented the service
Error from fulfilling the request.

PUT method to release a batch - ReleaseBatch

The PUT method releases a batch that is associated with a Datacap application
name, queue ID, and status. When the current task is complete, the batch is
released for processing the next task in the workflow.


http://{IP address}:{Port}/ServicewTM.svc/Queue/ReleaseBatch/{application}/

The URI for the PUT method includes the following path elements.

28 IBM Datacap: Installing and using Datacap Web Services

Table 27. Path elements for the PUT method
Name Type Required? Description
{application} String Yes The name of the application for which the batch is
{queueId} String Yes The unique identifier that is assigned to the batch.
{status} String Yes The following are the value options for status.
v hold
v finished
v canceled
v aborted
v offline

Request content

The request for this method contains no content.

Response content

The response releases the batch for the next task in the workflow to process.

The PUT method returns one of the following response codes.

Table 28. Response codes for the PUT method
Response Code Description
200 OK The request was successful.
400 Bad Request The request was not understood by the service because of malformed
401 Unauthorized The request requires user authentication. If the request included valid
credentials, the 401 response indicates that authorization was refused
for those credentials.
405 Method Not The method that is specified in the Request-Line is not allowed for
Allowed the resource that is identified by the Request-URI. The response must
include an Allow header that contains a list of valid methods for the
requested resource.
500 Internal Error An unexpected condition was encountered that prevented the service
from fulfilling the request.

GET method for CCO information - GetCCO

The GET method returns the CCO information for an image file by using the
application name, the batch queue ID, and the image file name.


http://{IP address}:{Port}/ServicewTM.svc/Queue/GetCCO/{application}/

The URI for the GET method includes the following path elements.

Datacap Web Services REST API methods 29

Table 29. Path elements for the GET method
Name Type Required? Description
{application} String Yes The name of the application for which the
CCO information is returned.
{queueId} String Yes The unique identifier that is assigned to the
{imageFilename} String Yes The name of the image file. You must not
include the file name extension.

Request content

The request for this method contains no content.

Response content

The response content is the CCO information for the image file.

The GET method also returns one of the following response codes.
Table 30. Response codes for the GET method
Response Code Description
201 Created The request was fulfilled and resulted in the creation of a new
400 Bad Request The request was not understood by the service because of malformed
401 Unauthorized The request requires user authentication. If the request included
authorization credentials, then the 401 response indicates that
authorization was refused for those credentials.
405 Method Not The method that is specified in the Request-Line is not allowed for
Allowed the resource that is identified by the Request-URI. The response must
include an Allow header that contains a list of valid methods for the
requested resource.
500 Internal Error An unexpected condition was encountered that prevented the service
from fulfilling the request.

GET method JSON response example

"Count": 2147483647,
"Lines": [
"Count": 2147483647,
"l": 2147483647,
"t": 2147483647,
"b": 2147483647,
"r": 2147483647,
"Words": [
"b": 2147483647,
"l": 2147483647,
"n": 2147483647,
"r": 2147483647,
"t": 2147483647,
"text": "String content"

30 IBM Datacap: Installing and using Datacap Web Services


GET method XML response example


POST method to upload a file with a page object - UploadFile

The POST method uploads a file to a batch folder that is associated with the
application name and queue ID. A page object is added to the page file.

Files can be transferred as a binary string or by using Base64 encoding. When

Base64 encoding is used, you must add Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 to the
header when you are streaming, or to the form part for multipart/form-data. For
Base64 encoding, you can specify the Content-Type: as the file type. The
UploadFile request can accept a byte stream as the message body or the message
body can use the multipart/form-data format where the file byte stream is
contained in each part.

The sequentially numbered page object is created in the page file. The task settings
contain the page file name. The page TYPE is always set to Other, and STATUS is
always set to 49. The page object contains the following information.
<P id="tm000001">
<V n="TYPE">Other</V>
<V n="STATUS">49</V>
<V n="IMAGEFILE">tm000001.tif</V>

You can adjust the value of the maxAllowedContentLength and maxRequestLength

settings in the web.config file. The maximum size message that can be uploaded
depends on your web server, proxy server, and client.

Datacap Web Services REST API methods 31


http://{IP address}:{Port}/ServicewTM.svc/Queue/UploadFile/{application}/

The URI for the POST method includes the following path elements.
Table 31. Path elements for the POST method
Name Type Required? Description
{application} String Yes The name of the application for which the file
is to be uploaded.
{queueId} String Yes The unique identifier that is assigned to the

Request content

The request content contains a multipart/form-data message, including the file or

files that are to be uploaded.

Response content

The response returns the original file name and the page ID.

The POST method returns one of the following response codes.

Table 32. Response codes for the POST method
Response Code Description
200 OK The request was successful.
400 Bad Request The request was not understood by the service because of malformed
401 Unauthorized The request requires user authentication. If the request included valid
credentials, the 401 response indicates that authorization was refused
for those credentials.
405 Method Not The method that is specified in the Request-Line is not allowed for
Allowed the resource that is identified by the Request-URI. The response must
include an Allow header that contains a list of valid methods for the
requested resource.
411 Length The service refuses to accept the request without a defined
Required Content-Length. The client can repeat the request if it adds a valid
Content-Length header field that contains the length of the message
body in the request message.
500 Internal Error An unexpected condition was encountered that prevented the service
from fulfilling the request.

POST method to upload files with no page object - SetFile

The POST method uploads a file or multiple files to a batch folder that is associated
with the application name, queue ID, file name, and file extension. A page object is
not added to the page file.

Files can be transferred as a binary string or by using Base64 encoding. When

Base64 encoding is used, you must add Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 to the
header when you are streaming, or to the form part for multipart/form-data. For

32 IBM Datacap: Installing and using Datacap Web Services

Base64 encoding, you can specify the Content-Type: as the file type. The SetFile
request can accept a byte stream as the message body or can have the message
body use the multipart/form-data format where the file byte stream is contained in
each part.

If you specify a header field file name, then it is used as the file name for the
uploaded the file. If you do not specify a header field file name, then the {fileName}
in the SetFile URI is used as the file name for the uploaded file.

You can adjust the value of the maxAllowedContentLength and maxRequestLength

settings in the web.config file. The maximum size message that can be uploaded
depends on your web server, proxy server, and client.


http://{IP address}:{Port}/ServicewTM.svc/Queue/SetFile/{application}/{queueId}/

The URI for the POST method includes the following path elements.
Table 33. Path elements for the POST method
Name Type Required? Description
{application} String Yes The name of the application for which the file
is to be uploaded.
{fileName} String Yes The name of the file that is to be uploaded.
{fileExtension} String Yes The file name extension of the file that is to be
returned, such as exe. Do not include the file
name path, set.xml.

Request content

The request content contains file that is to be uploaded.

Response content

The response for this method contains no content.

The POST method returns one of the following response codes.

Table 34. Response codes for the POST method
Response Code Description
200 OK The request was successful.
400 Bad Request The request was not understood by the service because of malformed
401 Unauthorized The request requires user authentication. If the request included valid
credentials, the 401 response indicates that authorization was refused
for those credentials.
405 Method Not The method that is specified in the Request-Line is not allowed for
Allowed the resource that is identified by the Request-URI. The response must
include an Allow header that contains a list of valid methods for the
requested resource.

Datacap Web Services REST API methods 33

Table 34. Response codes for the POST method (continued)
Response Code Description
411 Length The service refuses to accept the request without a defined
Required Content-Length. The client can repeat the request if it adds a valid
Content-Length header field that contains the length of the message
body in the request message.
500 Internal Error An unexpected condition was encountered that prevented the service
from fulfilling the request.

GET method to return a file - GetFile

The GET method returns a file that is associated with a Datacap application name,
queue ID, file name, and file extension.

http://{IP address}:{Port}/ServicewTM.svc/Queue/GetFile/{application}/{queueId}/

The URI for the GET method includes the following path elements.
Table 35. Path elements for the GET method
Name Type Required? Description
{application} String Yes The name of the application for which
the file is to be returned.
{queueId} String Yes The unique identifier that is assigned to
the batch.
{fileName} String Yes The name of the file in the batches
directory that is to be returned. The
{fileName} must not have a dot such as
verify.1 or a plus sign such as
{fileExtension} String Yes The file name extension of the file that is
to be returned, such as xml. Do not
include the file name path, such as

Request body

The request for this method contains no content.

Response content

The response returns the file.

The GET method returns one of the following response codes.

Table 36. Response codes for the GET method
Response Code Description
200 OK The request was successful.
400 Bad Request The request was not understood by the service because of
malformed syntax.

34 IBM Datacap: Installing and using Datacap Web Services

Table 36. Response codes for the GET method (continued)
Response Code Description
401 Unauthorized The request requires user authentication. If the request included
valid credentials, the 401 response indicates that authorization was
refused for those credentials.
405 Method Not The method that is specified in the Request-Line is not allowed for
Allowed the resource that is identified by the Request-URI. The response must
include an Allow header that contains a list of valid methods for the
requested resource.
500 Internal Error An unexpected condition was encountered that prevented the service
from fulfilling the request.

POST method to copy files to the cache folder - CopyFilesToCache

The POST method copies files from the batch folder to the cache folder without
downloading the files to the client. When files are uploaded or downloaded, they
are placed in the cache. This POST method is used to run rules on data files such
as, tm000001.xml and tm00000.cco, for pages that were not downloaded.

If the file is cached and an endpoint is used to retrieve a file from the batch folder,
the cached file is returned. If the file is not in the cache, the file is returned from
the batch folder and added to the cache. When you are calling an endpoint that
adds or updates a batch file, the file is saved to the cache but it is not saved to the
batch folder. When the batch is released, all files are copied from the cache and
will write over files that are in the batch folder.

The wTmId header value that is returned by the POST method Session/Logon must
be in the session header.


http://{IP address}:{Port}/ServicewTM.svc/Queue/CopyFilesToCache/

The URI for the POST method includes the following path elements.
Table 37. Path elements for the POST method
Name Type Required? Description
{application} String Yes The name of the application for which the files
are to be copied to the cache folder.
{queueId} String Yes The unique identifier that is assigned to the

Request content

The request content is the message body.

Response content

The response for this method contains no content.

The POST method returns one of the following response codes.

Datacap Web Services REST API methods 35

Table 38. Response codes for the POST method
Response Code Description
200 OK The request was successful.
400 Bad Request The request was not understood by the service because of
malformed syntax.
401 Unauthorized The request requires user authentication. If the request included
valid credentials, the 401 response indicates that authorization was
refused for those credentials.
405 Method Not The method that is specified in the Request-Line is not allowed for
Allowed the resource that is identified by the Request-URI. The response
must include an Allow header that contains a list of valid methods
for the requested resource.
411 Length Required The service refuses to accept the request without a defined
Content-Length. The client can repeat the request if it adds a valid
Content-Length header field that contains the length of the message
body in the request message.
500 Internal Error An unexpected condition was encountered that prevented the
service from fulfilling the request.

POST method JSON request example

["String content"]

POST method XML request example

<ArrayOfstring xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/2003/10/Serialization/Arrays">

PUT method to assign a page file name - SetPageFileName

The PUT method assigns a name to the page file for the batch that is associated
with a Datacap application, queue ID, file name, and file extension.


http://{IP address}:{Port}/ServicewTM.svc/Queue/SetPageFileName/{application}/

The URI for the PUT method includes the following path elements.
Table 39. Path elements for the PUT method
Name Type Required? Description
{application} String Yes The name of the application for which the
page file name for the batch is assigned.
{queueId} String Yes The unique identifier that is assigned to the
{fileName} String Yes The name of the file that is assigned.
{fileExtension} String Yes The file name extension of the file that is to be
returned, such as exe. Do not include the file
name path, set.xml.

36 IBM Datacap: Installing and using Datacap Web Services

Request content

The request for this method contains no content.

Response content

The response sets the page file name for the batch.

The PUT method returns one of the following response codes.

Table 40. Response codes for the PUT method
Response Code Description
200 OK The request was successful.
400 Bad Request The request was not understood by the service because of malformed
401 Unauthorized The request requires user authentication. If the request included valid
credentials, the 401 response indicates that authorization was refused
for those credentials.
405 Method Not The method that is specified in the Request-Line is not allowed for
Allowed the resource that is identified by the Request-URI. The response must
include an Allow header that contains a list of valid methods for the
requested resource.
500 Internal Error An unexpected condition was encountered that prevented the service
from fulfilling the request.

GET method for page file contents - GetPageFile

The GET method returns the contents of the page file for a batch that is associated
with a Datacap application name and queue ID.


http://{IP address}:{Port}/ServicewTM.svc/Queue/GetPageFile/{application}/

The URI for the GET method includes the following path elements.
Table 41. Path elements for the GET method
Name Type Required? Description
{application} String Yes The name of the application for which the
contents of the page file are to be returned.
{queueId} String Yes The unique identifier that is assigned to
the batch.

Request body

The request for this method contains no content.

Response content

The response contains the XML contents of the page file.

The GET method returns one of the following response codes.

Datacap Web Services REST API methods 37

Table 42. Response codes for the GET method
Response Code Description
200 OK The request was successful.
400 Bad Request The request was not understood by the service because of malformed
401 Unauthorized The request requires user authentication. If the request included valid
credentials, the 401 response indicates that authorization was refused
for those credentials.
405 Method Not The method that is specified in the Request-Line is not allowed for
Allowed the resource that is identified by the Request-URI. The response must
include an Allow header that contains a list of valid methods for the
requested resource.
500 Internal Error An unexpected condition was encountered that prevented the service
from fulfilling the request.

GET method for a page file name - GetPageFileName

The GET method returns the name of the page file of a batch that is associated with
a Datacap application name and queue ID.


http://{IP address}:{Port}/ServicewTM.svc/Queue/GetPageFileName/{application}/

The URI for the GET method includes the following path elements.
Table 43. Path elements for the GET method
Name Type Required? Description
{application} String Yes The name of the application for which the
page file name is to be returned.
{queueId} String Yes The unique identifier that is assigned to
the batch.

Request body

The request for this method contains no content.

Response content

The response contains the page file name.

The GET method returns one of the following response codes.

Table 44. Response codes for the GET method
Response Code Description
200 OK The request was successful.
400 Bad Request The request was not understood by the service because of malformed

38 IBM Datacap: Installing and using Datacap Web Services

Table 44. Response codes for the GET method (continued)
Response Code Description
401 Unauthorized The request requires user authentication. If the request included valid
credentials, the 401 response indicates that authorization was refused
for those credentials.
405 Method Not The method that is specified in the Request-Line is not allowed for
Allowed the resource that is identified by the Request-URI. The response must
include an Allow header that contains a list of valid methods for the
requested resource.
500 Internal Error An unexpected condition was encountered that prevented the service
from fulfilling the request.

GET method for a list of applications - GetApplicationList

The GET method returns a list of applications that are defined in the Datacap
Application Manager.


http://{IP address}:{Port}/ServicewTM.svc/Admin/GetApplicationList

Request content

The request for this method contains no content.

Response content

The response contains the list of applications that are defined in the Datacap
Application Manager.

The GET method also returns one of the following response codes.
Table 45. Response codes for the GET method
Response Code Description
201 Created The request was fulfilled and resulted in the creation of a new resource.
400 Bad Request The request was not understood by the service because of malformed
405 Method Not The method that is specified in the Request-Line is not allowed for the
Allowed resource that is identified by the Request-URI. The response must
include an Allow header that contains a list of valid methods for the
requested resource.
500 Internal An unexpected condition was encountered that prevented the service
Error from fulfilling the request.

GET method JSON response example

{ "Applications":["String content"] }

GET method XML response example

<string xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/2003/10/Serialization/Arrays">String content</string>
<string xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/2003/10/Serialization/Arrays">String content</string>

Datacap Web Services REST API methods 39

GET method for a program settings file - GetProgramFile
The GET method returns the requested program settings file that is associated with
the application name and the file name. The user must have administrator
workflow permission.


http://{IP address}:{Port}/ServicewTM.svc/Admin/GetProgramFile/{application}/

The URI for the GET method includes the following path elements:
Table 46. Path elements for the GET method
Name Type Required? Description
{application} String Yes The name of the application for which the
file is to be returned.
{fileName} String Yes The name of the file in the batches directory
that is to be returned. The {fileName} must
not have a dot such as verify.1 or a plus
sign such as batch+profiler.
{fileExtension} String Yes The file name extension of the file that is to
be returned, such as xml. Do not include the
file name path, such as verify.xml.

Request content

The request for this method contains no content.

Response content

The response content is a byte stream.

The GET method returns one of the following response codes.

Table 47. Response codes for the GET method
Response Code Description
200 OK The request was successful.
400 Bad Request The request was not understood by the service because of
malformed syntax.
401 Unauthorized The request requires user authentication. If the request included
valid credentials, the 401 response indicates that authorization was
refused for those credentials.
405 Method Not The method that is specified in the Request-Line is not allowed for
Allowed the resource that is identified by the Request-URI. The response must
include an Allow header that contains a list of valid methods for the
requested resource.
500 Internal Error An unexpected condition was encountered that prevented the service
from fulfilling the request.

40 IBM Datacap: Installing and using Datacap Web Services

POST method to save a user permission list - SetUserPermissionList
The POST method saves the job and task index pair list for which the user has


http://{IP address}:{Port}/ServicewTM.svc/Admin/SetUserPermissionList/

The URI for the POST method includes the following path elements.
Table 48. Path elements for the POST method
Name Type Required? Description
{application} String Yes The name of the application for which
the permissions list is to be saved.
{userInd} String Yes The index for a user is the value in the
us_ind column of the tmuser table in the
Administration database.

Request content

The request content contains the job and task index pair list for which the user has
Table 49. Request elements for the POST method
Name Description
Job The value of jb_ind from the job table of the Administration database.
Task The value of ts_ind from the tasks table of the Administration database.

Response content

The response for this method contains no content.

The POST method returns one of the following response codes.

Table 50. Response codes for the POST method
Response Code Description
200 OK The request was successful.
400 Bad Request The request was not understood by the service because of malformed
401 The request requires user authentication. If the request included valid
Unauthorized credentials, the 401 response indicates that authorization was refused for
those credentials.
405 Method Not The method that is specified in the Request-Line is not allowed for the
Allowed resource that is identified by the Request-URI. The response must
include an Allow header that contains a list of valid methods for the
requested resource.
411 Length The service refuses to accept the request without a defined
Required Content-Length. The client can repeat the request if it adds a valid
Content-Length header field that contains the length of the message
body in the request message.

Datacap Web Services REST API methods 41

Table 50. Response codes for the POST method (continued)
Response Code Description
500 Internal An unexpected condition was encountered that prevented the service
Error from fulfilling the request.

POST method to save a group permissions list -

The POST method saves the job and task index pair list for which the group has


http://{IP address}:{Port}/ServicewTM.svc/Admin/SetGroupPermissionList/

The URI for the POST method includes the following path elements:
Table 51. Path elements for the POST method
Name Type Required? Description
{application} String Yes The name of the application for which the
permissions list is to be saved.
{groupInd} String Yes The index for a group is the value in the
gr_ind column of the tmgroup table in the
Admin database.

Request content

The request content contains the job and task index pair list for which the group
has permission.
Table 52. Request elements for the POST method
Name Description
Job The value of jb_ind from the job table of the Administration database.
Task The value of ts_ind from the tasks table of the Administration

Response content

The response for this method contains no content.

The POST method returns one of the following response codes.

Table 53. Response codes for the POST method
Response Code Description
200 OK The request was successful.
400 Bad Request The request was not understood by the service because of malformed

42 IBM Datacap: Installing and using Datacap Web Services

Table 53. Response codes for the POST method (continued)
Response Code Description
401 Unauthorized The request requires user authentication. If the request included valid
credentials, the 401 response indicates that authorization was refused
for those credentials.
405 Method Not The method that is specified in the Request-Line is not allowed for the
Allowed resource that is identified by the Request-URI. The response must
include an Allow header that contains a list of valid methods for the
requested resource.
411 Length The service refuses to accept the request without a defined
Required Content-Length. The client can repeat the request if it adds a valid
Content-Length header field that contains the length of the message
body in the request message.
500 Internal Error An unexpected condition was encountered that prevented the service
from fulfilling the request.

POST method JSON request example


POST method XML request examples


GET method for user permissions list - GetUserPermissionList

The GET method returns a job and task index pair list for which the user has


http://{IP address}:{Port}/ServicewTM.svc/Admin/GetUserPermissionList/

The URI for the GET method includes the following path elements.
Table 54. Path elements for the GET method
Name Type Required? Description
{application} String Yes The name of the application for which
the permissions list is to be returned.
{userInd} String Yes The index for a user is the value in the
us_ind column of the tmuser table in
the Administration database.

Request content

The request for this method contains no content.

Datacap Web Services REST API methods 43

Response content

The response contains the job and task index pair list for which the user has
permission. If -1 is returned for the task and job, the object has permission to all
job and task pairs.
Table 55. Response elements for the GET method
Name Description
Job The value of jb_ind from the job table of the Admin database.
Task The value of ts_ind from the tasks table of the Admin database.

The GET method returns one of the following response codes.

Table 56. Response codes for the GET method
Response Code Description
200 OK The request was successful.
400 Bad Request The request was not understood by the service because of malformed
401 Unauthorized The request requires user authentication. If the request already
included valid credentials, the 401 response indicates that
authorization was refused for those credentials.
405 Method Not The method that is specified in the Request-Line is not allowed for
Allowed the resource that is identified by the Request-URI. The response must
include an Allow header that contains a list of valid methods for the
requested resource.
500 Internal Error An unexpected condition was encountered that prevented the service
from fulfilling the request.

GET method JSON response example

{ "Permissions":[{ "Job":"10", "Task":"15" }]}
{ "Permissions":[{ "Job":"12", "Task":"15" }]}
{ "Permissions":[{ "Job":"13", "Task":"15" }]}
{ "Permissions":[{ "Job":"14", "Task":"15" }]}
{ "Permissions":[{ "Job":"15", "Task":"15" }]}
{ "Permissions":[{ "Job":"16", "Task":"15" }]}
{ "Permissions":[{ "Job":"17", "Task":"15" }]}
{ "Permissions":[{ "Job":"18", "Task":"15" }]}
{ "Permissions":[{ "Job":"19", "Task":"15" }]}
{ "Permissions":[{ "Job":"20", "Task":"15" }]}

GET method XML response example


GET method for group permissions list - GetGroupPermissionList

The GET method returns a job and task index pair list for which the group has

44 IBM Datacap: Installing and using Datacap Web Services


http://{IP address}:{Port}/ServicewTM.svc/Admin/GetGroupPermissionList/

The URI for the GET method includes the following path elements:
Table 57. Path elements for the GET method
Name Type Required? Description
{application} String Yes The name of the application for which
the permissions list is to be returned.
{groupInd} String Yes The index for a group is the value in the
gr_ind column of the tmgroup table in
the Admin database.

Request content

The request for this method contains no content.

Response content

The response contains the job and task index pair list for which the group has
permission. If -1 is returned for the task and job, the object has permission to all
job and task pairs.
Table 58. Response elements for the GET method
Name Description
Job The value of jb_ind from the job table of the Admin database.
Task The value of ts_ind from the tasks table of the Admin database.

The GET method also returns one of the following response codes.
Table 59. Response codes for the GET method
Response Code Description
200 OK The request was successful.
400 Bad Request The request was not understood by the service because of malformed
401 The request requires user authentication. If the request included valid
Unauthorized credentials, the 401 response indicates that authorization was refused for
those credentials.
405 Method Not The method that is specified in the Request-Line is not allowed for the
Allowed resource that is identified by the Request-URI. The response must
include an Allow header that contains a list of valid methods for the
requested resource.
500 Internal An unexpected condition was encountered that prevented the service
Error from fulfilling the request.

GET method JSON response example

{ "Permissions":[{ "Job":"10", "Task":"12" }]}
{ "Permissions":[{ "Job":"10", "Task":"14" }]}
{ "Permissions":[{ "Job":"10", "Task":"15" }]}
{ "Permissions":[{ "Job":"10", "Task":"16" }]}

Datacap Web Services REST API methods 45

GET method XML response example

POST method to create or save a task - SaveTask

The POST method saves task properties such as the application name, description of
the task, and program file name. You can queue the batch by a user or station and
set the task properties mode for normal processing, batch creation, or task routing.


http://{IP address}:{Port}/ServicewTM.svc/Admin/SaveTask

Request content

The request contains the name of the application that is defined in the Application
Manager and the following task properties content.
Table 60. Task properties for the POST method
Task Property Description
conditions A comma-separated list of conditions, such as Skip_Verify.
desc The description of the task, such as Identify, Recognize, or Flag
id The value of ts_ind from the tasks table of the Administration
database. When you are creating a new task, id must be empty.
jobId The job index value of jb_ind from the job table of the
Administration database. The jobId is optional for an existing task
but is required for a new task.
mode Sets the task as normal processing, batch creation, or task routing.
v 2 - Normal processing
v 3 - Batch creation
v 6 - Routing task
name The task name, such as Profiler.
program The executable file or web page file that is used by the task, such as
FastDoc.exe. You can use Rulerunner.exe for a background task
when the tasks are run by a client.
queueBy The value specifies the user and station to which the batch is
v 0 - No user or station is specified
v 1 - Station
v 2 - User
v 3 - Other Station
v 4 - Other User
v 5 - Station And User
v 6 - Station And Other User
v 7 - User And Other Station
v 8 - Other Station And Other User

46 IBM Datacap: Installing and using Datacap Web Services

Table 60. Task properties for the POST method (continued)
Task Property Description
store The value specifies the user ID or station ID that is stored with the
v 0 - No user ID or station ID is stored.
v 1 - The station ID is stored.
v 2 - The user ID is stored.
v 3 - The user ID and the station ID are stored.

Response content

The response for this method contains no content.

The POST method returns one of the following response codes.

Table 61. Response codes for the POST method
Response Code Description
200 OK The request was successful.
400 Bad Request The request was not understood by the service because of malformed
401 Unauthorized The request requires user authentication. If the request included valid
credentials, the 401 response indicates that authorization was refused
for those credentials.
405 Method Not The method that is specified in the Request-Line is not allowed for
Allowed the resource that is identified by the Request-URI. The response must
include an Allow header that contains a list of valid methods for the
requested resource.
411 Length The service refuses to accept the request without a defined
Required Content-Length. The client can repeat the request if it adds a valid
Content-Length header field that contains the length of the message
body in the request message.
500 Internal Error An unexpected condition was encountered that prevented the service
from fulfilling the request.

POST method JSON request example

"desc":"Identify, Recognize, Flag Problems",

POST method XML request example

<desc>Identify, Recognize, Flag Problems</desc>

Datacap Web Services REST API methods 47


GET method for mobile profiles - GetMobileProfiles

The GET method returns the mobile profiles of the application for which you have
permission. Each mobile profile represents one job that is enabled for mobile
capture and includes image requirements and batch-level fields that can be entered
on the mobile device.

The profile settings are a combination of task settings, batch fields, and batch level
dictionaries in the Setup DCO. A list of the Start Batch Panel fields is saved to the
profile on the mobile client.

In Datacap Web Client, you can set a batch creation task for a job to use the
Mobile Capture program. The GET method adds a mobile profile to the returned
list for each job and task pair. In addition to the task settings, the profile includes
the job and task IDs, the job and task indexes, and batch fields. The batch fields
include the DataType variables and a database column from the tmbatch table that
is updated with the field value.


http://{IP address}:{Port}/ServicewTM.svc/Admin/GetMobileProfiles/{application}

The URI for the GET method includes the following path elements.
Table 62. Path element for the GET method
Name Type Required? Description
{application} String Yes The name of the application for which the
mobile profiles are to be returned.

Request content

The request for this method contains no content.

Response content

The response for this method contains the mobile profiles for the Datacap

48 IBM Datacap: Installing and using Datacap Web Services

Table 63. Mobile Capture profile settings descriptions
Name Description
DataType The following are the values for the DataType node for the batch
level fields.
0 - None
1 - Alphabetic A-Z
2 - Alphanumeric A-Z, 0-9
4 - INT 16K, 32K plus or minus
5 - INT 32 BigInteger
6 - 32-bit floating point
7 - 64-bit floating point
8 - Date
9 - Time HH:MM[:SS]
16 - Currency
DatabaseColumn The DatabaseColumn node for the batch level fields is not currently
PageTypes Key and If the Setup DCO contains a dictionary that is called PageNames, the
Value pair dictionary is returned. The Key is the DCO type and the Value is the
display name. If the Setup DCO does not contain a dictionary, all
page types are returned.
DocumentTypes Key If the Setup DCO contains a dictionary that is called DocumentNames,
and Value pair the dictionary is returned. The Key is the DCO type and the Value is
the display name. If the Setup DCO does not contain a dictionary, all
document types are returned.
Job The job ID assigned to the job by Datacap.
JobIndex The value of jb_ind from the job table of the Administration
Task The task ID assigned to the task by Datacap.
TaskIndex The value of ts_ind from the tasks table of the Administration

The GET method also returns one of the following response codes.
Table 64. The wTM response to the GET method
Response Code Description
200 OK The request was successful.
400 Bad Request The request was not understood by the service because of
malformed syntax.
401 Unauthorized The request requires user authentication. If the request included
valid credentials, the 401 response indicates that authorization was
refused for those credentials.
405 Method Not The method that is specified in the Request-Line is not allowed for
Allowed the resource that is identified by the Request-URI. The response must
include an Allow header that contains a list of valid methods for the
requested resource.
500 Internal Error An unexpected condition was encountered that prevented the service
from fulfilling the request.

Datacap Web Services REST API methods 49

GET method JSON response example
"DatabaseColumn":"String content",
"Name":"String content"}] },
[{"Key":"String content",
"Value":"String content"}] },
"Job":"String content",
[{"Key":"String content",
"Value":"String content"}] },
"Task":"String content",
[{"Name":"String content",
[{"Name":"String content",
"Value":"String content"}] },
"Value":"String content"}] }

GET method XML response example

<DatabaseColumn>String content</DatabaseColumn>
<Name>String content</Name>
<DocumentTypes> <Documents>
<Key>String content</Key>
<Value>String content</Value>
</Documents> </DocumentTypes>
<Job>String content</Job>
<PageTypes> <Pages>
<Key>String content</Key>
<Value>String content</Value>
</Pages> </PageTypes>
<Task>String content</Task>
<Settings> <TaskSetting>
<Name>String content</Name>
<Settings> <TaskSetting>
<Name>String content</Name>
<Settings> <Settings i:nil="true"> </Settings>
<Value>String content</Value>
</TaskSetting> </Settings>
<Value>String content</Value>
</TaskSetting> </Settings>

50 IBM Datacap: Installing and using Datacap Web Services

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© Copyright IBM Corp. 2014 51

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52 IBM Datacap: Installing and using Datacap Web Services

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Notices 53
54 IBM Datacap: Installing and using Datacap Web Services
A D Datacap Windows Service host
Datacap Web Services 6
application folders security Datacap folder Delete batches
Datacap Web Services 5 Datacap Web Services 4 POST method
Application list Sharing permissions 4 DeleteBatches 16
GET method Datacap web services
GetApplicationList 39 application folders security 5
Application Manager Datacap Web Services 4
ADLDS authentication 3 add wTM website 7 E
ADSI authentication 3 ADLDS authentication 3 encryption keys
Datacap Web Services 3 ADSI authentication 3 importing 8
Configuring TMA Application Manager 3 Execute rules on a batch
authentication 2 Authentication POST method
LDAP authentication 3 Configured user 2 Execute 12
LLLDAP authentication 3 Endpoint user 2
Assign a page file name Configuring TMA authentication
PUT method Application Manager 2 G
SetPageFileName 36 Datacap Windows Service host 6 Get batch list
Authentication GET method GET method
Datacap Web Services CheckIntegrity 17 GetBatchList 24
Configured user 2 GetApplicationList 39 Get CCO information
Endpoint user 2 GetBatchAttributes 21 GET method
GetBatchHistory 23 GetCCO 29
GetBatchId 22 GET method
B GetBatchList 24
GetCCO 29
CheckIntegrity 17
Base64 encoding GetApplicationList 39
GetFile 34 GetBatchAttributes 21
POST method
GetGroupPermissionList 45 GetBatchHistory 23
SetFile 32
GetMobileProfiles 48 GetBatchId 22
UploadFile 31
GetPageFile 37 GetBatchList 24
Batch attributes
GetPageFileName 38 GetCCO 29
GET method
GetProgramFile 40 GetFile 34
GetBatchAttributes 21
GetUserPermissionList 43 GetGroupPermissionList 45
Batch history
Hosting options GetMobileProfiles 48
GET method
IIS 6 GetPageFile 37
GetBatchHistory 23
Windows Service 6 GetPageFileName 38
Batch ID
IIS application pool settings 7 GetProgramFile 40
GET method
Installation steps 1 GetUserPermissionList 43
GetBatchId 22
Installing 5 Get page file contents
LDAP authentication 3 GET method
LLLDAP authentication 3
C POST method
GetPageFile 37
Get page file name
Change your password ChangeUserPassword 11 GET method
POST method CopyFilesToCache 35 GetPageFileName 38
ChangeUserPassword 11 CreateBatch 14 Group permissions list
Check batch integrity DeleteBatches 16 GET method
GET method Execute 12 GetGroupPermissionList 45
CheckIntegrity 17 Logoff 10
Copy files to the cache folder Logon 9
POST method SaveBatchAttribute 19
CopyFilesToCache 35 SaveTask 46 I
Create a batch record SetFile 32 IIS application pool settings
POST method SetGroupPermissionList 42 add wTM website 7
CreateBatch 14 SetUserPermissionList 41 Datacap Web Services 7
Create or save a task UploadFile 31 IIS hosting option
POST method PUT method Datacap Web Services 6
SaveTask 46 GrabBatch 27 import
GrabNextPendingBatch encryption keys 8
OnJobTaskList 27 Installation steps
ReleaseBatch 28 Datacap Web Services 1
SetPageFileName 36 Installing
REST API methods 9 Datacap Web Services 5

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2014 55

L Save group permissions list
POST method
Log off an application SetGroupPermissionList 42
POST method Save user permissions list
Logoff 10 POST method
Log on to an application SetUserPermissionList 41
POST method security
Logon 9 encryption keys 8
Set next pending batch status
PUT method
M GrabNextPendingBatch
Mobile capture profiles OnJobTaskList 27
GET method setting securityDatacap Web Services
GetMobileProfiles 48 application folders 5
shared folder 4
shared folder security 4
P Datacap Web Services 4
Sharing permissions
passwords Datacap Web Services 4
securing 8
POST method
ChangeUserPassword 11
CopyFilesToCache 35 U
CreateBatch 14 Upload a file
DeleteBatches 16 POST method
Execute Page object added to page file 31
Execute rules on a batch 12 UploadFile 31
Logoff 10 Upload files
Logon 9 POST method
SaveBatchAttribute 19 Page object not added to page
SaveTask 46 file 32
SetFile SetFile 32
Page object not added to page User permission list
file 32 GET method
SetGroupPermissionList 42 GetUserPermissionList 43
SetUserPermissionList 41
Page object added to page file 31 W
Program settings file Windows service hosting option
GET method Datacap Web Services 6
GetProgramFile 40
PUT method
GrabBatch 27
OnJobTaskList 27
ReleaseBatch 28
SetPageFileName 36

Release a batch
PUT method
ReleaseBatch 28
REST API methods
Datacap Web Services 9
Returns a file
GET method
GetFile 34
Run a batch
PUT method
GrabBatch 27

Save batch attributes
POST method
SaveBatchAttribute 19

56 IBM Datacap: Installing and using Datacap Web Services

Product Number: 5725-C15


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