Debate Competition Brochure
Debate Competition Brochure
Debate Competition Brochure
(Deemed to be a University)
This event is scheduled to take place on 24th of August 2023, Friday, at 2:00
PM in LT 16. The competition is open to both undergraduate and postgraduate
students of HILSR. Please note that the registration for the competition will
end at 23:59pm on the 23rd of August 2023. Furthermore, certificates and
prizes would be provided to winners!
The Debate Club at Hamdard Institute of Legal Studies and Reseach (HILSR),
School of Law, Jamia Hamdard is pleased to organize a debate competition on
the topic ‘’The Legality of UAPA’’ on 24th August 2023. Through this
competition we intend to build a healthy environment to share constructive
argumentation with positive introspection and observation. We expect the
students will acquire a multifaceted analysis and knowledge of the subject and
engage in an active, learner-centred activity
4. Registration
● Each team must enter the required information on the registration form. No
late submissions will be accepted. Last date to register is 23th August, 2023
. ● One member from each team will be added in a WhatsApp group for all the
updates regarding the competition.
● Team: Team of 2 students, one to speak FOR and one AGAINST the motion.
● Marks will be deduced for overshooting time limit for more than 30 seconds.
● Top 3 speakers based on their individual scores will be adjudged 1st, 2nd and
3rd. Cumulative score will decide the best team and runner ups.
7. Evaluation Process
● Marking Scheme:
Note: The decision of the Judges shall be considered ‘Final and Binding’
11. Penalty System- Any form of indecent behaviour either from a student, or
team will lead to disciplinary action. This may lead the team to getting
disqualified from the competition.
Student Organisers:
Laiba (8287725835)
Muzakkir (9718894411)