Breachworld Quick Start
Breachworld Quick Start
Breachworld Quick Start
Rule #1
Over the course of this RPG, you will find references to Rule #1. This is the
first and most important rule in the Breachworld RPG, and it consists of only
two words: have fun.
The Mini Six ruleset was selected to serve as the framework for the
Breachworld RPG simply because it facilitates fun. Breachworld is a very fast
and loose game where anything can happen. The core game and its supple-
ments will cover a dozen types of gaming standards, from the supernatural to
human augmentation to survival to world domination. Different player
groups will opt to be good guys, bad guys, and everything in between.
To accomplish this, the ruleset has to be streamlined and adaptable. In
Mini Six, there is one mechanic that rules just about every facet of the game,
that being that an attempt to do something is rolled versus a Target Number
appropriate to the difficulty. Great though it is, and thorough as I have tried
to be in the design of Breachworld and the adaptation of Mini Six, you will
surely find issues in your sessions that don’t quite fit into the system as
presented. Don’t sweat it. As a player, be creative and find solutions. As a
Game Master, make a ruling and move on. Don’t let figuring out how many
dice to roll, or determining difficulty levels, or applying modifiers slow down
the game or take away from the enjoyment.
So remember, there is only one rule that actually matters: have fun.
Difficulty TN Description
Very Easy Nearly everyone can do it. These checks should
only be made if a success is critical to the
scenario at hand.
Easy 6-10 Player characters will seldom have trouble with
these tasks, but an untrained individual may find
them challenging.
Moderate 11-15 Average characters have a reasonable chance of
failing at this level. Consistent success often
requires training in the skill or a high level of
natural ability.
Difficult 16-20 Tasks at this level are truly challenging. To suc-
ceed, a character needs to be well skilled or very
Very Difficult 21-30 Challenges of this level fall into the domain of
masters in the skill being used; few others will
succeed at them.
Heroic 30+ These challenges are almost impossible. Only the
very lucky or true masters can consistently
succeed at them.
Attacking a Target
The Target Number is the number needed to successfully hit the target. The
base Target Number on an attack is based on the target’s static defense score,
determined as noted above. This can also be modified by the following,
particularly for Dodge scenarios.
Full Dodge: If the character does nothing except dodge until his or her
next turn, add 10 to the Dodge score, and apply range and cover as usual.
This result is applied against any number of attacks.
Range: Add the range modifier to the Dodge score in all cases (Point
Blank/Hand-to-Hand -5, Short +0, Medium +5, Long +10). Ranges for
various weapons are listed in the Gear section.
Cover: If the target is behind at least 25% cover, add +2 to the Target
Number. Add +5 to the Target Number for 50% cover. Add +10 for
75% cover. It’s impossible to hit a target behind 100% cover. Darkness or
smoke/fog can also be considered as cover at the GM’s discretion.
Description Modifier
Character attempting the skill has a great advantage -6 to -10 to TN
Character attempting the skill has some advantage -1 to -5 to TN
Character attempting the skill has no advantage No modifier
Character attempting the skill is at some disadvantage +1 to +5 to TN
Character attempting the skill is at a great disadvantage +6 to +10 to TN
Character Actions
Scenes and Rounds
A game is divided into scenes, just like in a movie or television program.
During a scene, characters may discuss a plan of action, investigate a crime
scene, have a high-speed chase, or get into a fight. The time between scenes
spent walking from place to place, doing routine vehicle maintenance, or
sleeping is skipped over because it’s mundane, boring, and generally violates
Rule #1.
When things heat up, be it a firefight, trying to hack a computer terminal
before the alarms sound, or making a daring escape, then the game goes into
rounds. Each round represents about 10 seconds of real-life time, give or take
a few seconds depending on the situation. When playing in rounds, it usually
means that the action is high and bullets are flying, so every move that every
character makes must be accounted for in detail.
Natural Healing
Wound Level Frequency Might TN
Dazed 1 minute automatic
Wounded 3 days 6
Severely Wounded 3 days 6
Incapacitated 2 weeks 8
Mortally Wounded 5 weeks 9
Assisted Healing
Characters with the Medicine skill can attempt to help others heal more
quickly. A skill check may be made once per day for each patient treated. On
a successful roll, the patient heals one Wound Level.
Assisted Healing
Wound Level Frequency Medicine TN
Dazed Immediate Easy
Wounded 1 day Moderate
Severely Wounded 1 day Moderate
Incapacitated 1 day Difficult
Mortally Wounded 1 day Very Difficult
Not all objects are on the same scale. When dealing damage to a smaller
scaled target or resisting damage inflicted by it, the larger adds the difference
in modifiers to their die rolls or static defenses. Smaller scaled targets
attempting to dodge attacks from or actually attempting to attack a larger
scaled opponent add the difference to their dodge and attack rolls.
Scale Modifiers
Scale Modifier
+0D: Character, Animals None
+2D: Air Cycle, Car, Little Dragon, Wagon +2D to Hit & Damage
+6 to Dodge & Soak
+4D: Big Dragon, Galley, Mecha, Tank +4D to Hit & Damage
+12 to Dodge & Soak
+6D: Fighter, Lt. Transport, Heavy Mecha +6D to Hit & Damage
+18 to Dodge & Soak
Character Advancement
At the end of each session, the GM awards each character a number of
Character Points (CPs). The number of points given per session typically
varies from 3 to 7 depending on drama, danger, success, and fun! CPs are
used to improve skills and attributes, and represent a character’s development
and growth over time. Full rules for advancement are found in the complete
Aether Feats
The following descriptions group various Feats into general categories (Air
Manipulation, Heat Manipulation, Space-Time Manipulation, etc.) for the
sake of organization. Generally speaking, any Epic can learn any Feat without
restriction, though some Perks may make the character better at some types
than others, and some Complications may restrict the availability of Feats.
Stat blocks include the following:
TN: The Target Number that must be met or exceeded for the Epic to
successfully perform a Feat.
Duration: How long a Feat lasts before it fizzles out. A duration of “in-
stant” means that it occurs in a moment, while a duration listed as “con-
Scale: +2D Static:
Might: 4D Dodge 14, Soak 16
Brawl 6D, Stamina 5D Move: 18
Agility: 2D+2 Perks:
Athletics (Run) 4D+2, +4 Armor (included in Soak)
Dodge 4D+2, Stealth 3D+2 +2D Teeth
Wit: 0D
Charm: 1D
Scale: +0D Static:
Might: 3D+2 Dodge 16, Soak 11
Brawl 5D, Stamina 6D Move: 20
Agility: 3D+1 Perks:
Dodge 5D+1 Fly (60 ft/18 m per round)
Wit: 1D +1D Talons
Charm: 2D
Imp (Yellow)
Scale: +0D Static:
Might: 2D Block 9, Dodge 21, Soak 6
Brawl 3D Move: 11
Agility: 5D Perks:
Athletics 6D, Dodge 7D May perform the Aether Feat
Wit: 1D+2 of Spontaneous Combustion
Charm: 1D once per hour as a natural abil-
ity. Is immune to damage by fire
and heat.
Scale: +4D Static:
Might: 5D Block 21, Dodge 10, Soak 17
Brawl 7D Move: 17
Agility: 2D Perks:
Athletics (Running) 4D, +2 Armor (included in Soak)
Dodge 3D+1 +1D Claw Arm
Wit: 0D +2D Club Arm
Charm: 1D
-1D on Might checks using
smaller secondary arms
Trapcat (Wild)
Scale: +0D Static:
Might: 4D Dodge 15, Soak 12
Brawl 5D, Stamina 5D+1 Move: 25
Agility: 4D Perks:
Athletics 5D+1, Dodge 5D, +1D Claws
Stealth 5D +2D Teeth
Wit: 1D Pack Intelligence (Trapcat
Charm: 1D+2 gets a +1D bonus to Brawl and
Stealth when hunting in a group
of 3+)