New Method For Deflection Control of Reinforced Concrete Beams and Slabs

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Prof. László P. Kollár

This paper presents a new, simple method for the deflection control of reinforced concrete slabs,
rectangular beams, ribbed slabs, and T-beams. The limit span to depth ratio is presented as a
function of the design load and the characteristic strength of the concrete. This paper shows that
the approximation of Eurocode 2, which takes into account the effect of the provided/required
steel area ratio, may not be conservative, and presents a new, simple and reliable method.

Keywords: deflection, reinforced concrete, Eurocode, span to depth ratio, slab, ribbed slab

The calculation of the deflection of reinforced concrete (RC) beams and slabs is based on the
assumption of cracked sections taking into account tension stiffening (ISO 4356, 1977,
Dulácska, 2002, Bódi et al, 1989, Pálfalvi et al, 1996). The codes offer a simple method for
deflection control based on the span to depth (l/d) ratio (Neville et al., 1977, Litzner, 1994, Deák,
1989, Várkonyi, 2001), where l is the effective length of a simply supported beam and d is the
effective depth. This method can be used in preliminary design to estimate the height of RC
beams and slabs.

In this paper we propose a new method to determine the limit l/d ratio based on the "accurate"
deflection calculation of the last version of Eurocode 2 (Eurocode 2, 2002). (Note that the last
version gives significantly higher deflections and hence higher beams than the previous versions.
For a RC beam with a reinforcement ratio of 1.5%, the limit l/d was reduced from 18 (Eurocode,
1991) to 14.)

We present the limit span to depth ratio as a function of the design load. This has two advantages
over the conventional method (where the span to depth ratio is given as the function of the
reinforcement ratio): (a) it is easier to use in preliminary design, when the design load is known
but the reinforcement ratio is not, (b) this method enables us to correct the unconservative
approximation of Eurocode, where the provided/required steel area ratio is taken into account.


According to Eurocode 2, the curvatures must be determined for the uncracked (kI) and fully
cracked (kII), cross sections and then the total curvature is obtained from the expression:

k = (1_z)kI+z kII, (1)

where (for sustained or cyclic load)

z = 1-0.5 (Mcr/M)2e ³ 0 . (2)

Mcr is the cracking moment. Hence, the deflection is smaller than that calculated on the basis of
the fully cracked section: this effect is called tension stiffening. In the calculation of k, both the
bending moments and the effects of shrinkage must be taken into account. (The latter is
calculated by expression 7.21 of the Eurocode.) The moments are calculated from the quasi
permanent load. The deflection is calculated by integrating the curvatures along the length of the

The deflection of a beam does not affect its appearance if the sag of the beam does not
exceed l/250. Eurocode 2 presents an approximate expression for the limit span to depth ratio
(expression 7.16), which for simply supported rectangular beams with tensile reinforcement, is
as follows:

, ifr £ ro (3a)

, ifr ³ ro (3b)

where fck is the characteristic strength of concrete in N/mm2,

r = As/bd is the required reinforcement ratio and. These expressions were determined assuming
fyk=500 N/mm2, pqp/pEd=0.5, and pEd=pRd (where pqp is the quasi permanent load, pEd is the
design load, and pRd is the ultimate load, which causes MRd at the midsection of a simply
supported beam.) The last two assumptions can also be written as
pqp/pRd=0.5, i.e. the quasi permanent load is 50% of the ultimate load. Table 1 was calculated
from Eqs.(3a) and (3b).

When the characteristic yield strength of steel, fyk, is not equal to 500 N/mm2, or more steel is
provided than required, according to the Eurocode, the above values may be multiplied by
(500/fyk) (As,prov/As,requ ) where As,requ is the required, and As,prov is the provided cross sectional
area of the tensile reinforcement. This approximate calculation can be unsafe. For a RC slab, the
amount of reinforcement hardly influences the deflection. (See the Numerical Example.)
Precamber (up to the value of l/250) may be applied to compensate for some of the deflections.

Table 1: The limit span/depth ratio, (l/d)limit, as a function of the reinforcement ratio (Eqs.(3a)
and (3b))

Numerical calculations were carried out for simply supported rectangular beams with tensile
reinforcement subjected to a uniformly distributed load. In the calculation, the following creep
coefficients were taken into account (Visnovitz, 2003): for concrete strength classes C40/50,
35/45, 30/37, 25/30, 20/25 and 16/20: jef = 1.76, 1.92, 2.13, 2.35, 2.55 and 2.76, respectively;
while the shrinkage strain was esh= 0.04 %. The effective modulus was calculated as Ec,eff = 22
[(fck+8)/10]0.3/(1+j ef) and the tensile strength is fctm = 0.3 f ck2/3 (Eurocode 2, 2002). We assumed
that fyk=500 N/mm2, Es=200 kN/mm2,
fcd=fck/1.5 and fyd = fyk/1.15.

The first row in Table 2 was calculated with the following further assumptions: the deflection
was calculated with the z (Eq.2) based on the mid section (see the previous footnote); the limit
deflection is l/250; pqp/pRd=0.5; the class of concrete is C30/37; and d/h= 0.85. (For the
calculated l/d ratios, when the beam is subjected to 50% of the ultimate load, the deflection is
exactly l/250.) The values between reinforcement ratios 1.5 to 0.3% agree well with the values
obtained by the approximate expression (Eq.3) of the Eurocode (fourth row).

The second row was calculated such that z and the curvatures were calculated at 51 cross
sections along the beam (assuming uniform reinforcement), and the deflection was obtained
numerically. These values are slightly higher than the values in the first row. In the third row, the
numerical integration was carried out by assuming that the reinforcement is not uniform, but
follows exactly the (parabolic) bending moment curve.

The effect of d/h was investigated in the fifth and sixth rows. For small reinforcement ratios, the
uncracked section, and hence h, plays an important role. As a consequence, d/h affects the results
significantly. For high reinforcement ratios,

the cracked cross section dominates the deflection and d/h plays a minor role.

In the seventh row, the effect of shrinkage was investigated by assuming zero shrinkage strain. It
can be seen that shrinkage has a very large effect on the l/d ratio. It is worthwhile to note that
these values are close to those given in a previous version of EC (Eurocode, 1991).

In the eighth row, the limit deflection was assumed to be


We also determined the design value of the moment resistance, MRd, from the reinforcement
ratio. Then, using l/d from the first row, a uniformly distributed load which results in MRd at the
midsection was calculated. This load is called the ultimate load, pRd, and is shown in the last row
of Table 2.

Table 2: The limit span/depth ratio, (l/d)limit, as a function of the reinforcement ratio. In the first
row the limit deflection is l/250, pqp/pRd=0.5, C30/37, fyk=500 N/mm2, d/h= 0.85, esh= 0.04 %. In
rows 5-8, only one of these parameters was changed, which is listed in the first column. The
deflection was calculated on the basis of the midsection (uniform z) in the first and in the 5th to
8th rows. In the second and third rows, z was calculated along the beam and the deflection was
calculated by numerical integration. In the second row, a uniform reinforcement was assumed
along the beam, while in the third row the reinforcement varies with the bending moment.

This calculation can be carried out such that the starting point is the ultimate load, pRd. We
calculate first the reinforcement ratio, then the limit l/d ratio. The results of the calculation that
follows this procedure are presented in Table 3. These calculations were repeated assuming fully
cracked and uncracked cross sections (Tables 4 and 5).
Table 3: The limit span/depth ratio, (l/d)limit, as a function of the ultimate load (kN/m2). The limit
deflection is l/250, pqp/pRd=0.5,
d/h= 0.85, esh= 0.04 %. The calculation is based on the midsection (uniform z), cracked cross
section with tension stiffening.

Table 4: The limit span/depth ratio, (l/d)limit, as a function of the ultimate load (kN/m2). The limit
deflection is l/250, pqp/pRd=0.5, d/h= 0.85, esh= 0.04 %. The calculation is based on the
midsection, fully cracked cross section without tension stiffening (z=1).

Table 5: The limit span/depth ratio, (l/d)limit, as a function of the ultimate load (kN/m2). The limit
deflection is l/250, pqp/pRd=0.5,
d/h= 0.85, esh= 0.04 %. The calculation is based on an uncracked cross section (z=0).
Table 6: The limit span/depth ratio, (l/d)limit, as a function of the ultimate load (kN/m2). The limit
deflection is l/250, pqp/pRd=0.5,
d/h= 0.85, esh= 0.04 %. Uniform reinforcement was assumed along the beam. Tension stiffening
was taken into account: z was calculated along the beam, and the deflection was calculated by
numerical integration.

Table 7: The limit span/depth ratio, (l/d)limit, as a function of the ultimate load (kN/m2), based on
the approximate expression of EC (Eq.3).

Table 8: The limit span/depth ratio, (l/d)limit, as a function of the design load for rectangular cross
section beams and slabs. For a beam, pEd is the uniformly distributed load along the axis in
kN/m, while for a slab it is the load of a strip of unit width, 1 m. When fyk=500 N/mm2,
pqp/pEd=0.5, and pEd=pRd the values of b (and a in Eq.4) are set equal to 1.
The values are rounded numbers from Table 3. This table was calculated assuming that d/h=
0.85 and the calculation is based on the midsection (uniform z). The question arises: are the
values in Table 8 on the safe side, when d/h>0.85? To answer this question we calculated Table
16, where d/h=0.9 and z is calculated along the beam assuming a uniform reinforcement.
Comparing the values in Table 16 to those of Table 8, we can see that the values in Table 8 are
on the safe side, even for d/h=0.9.
Hence, we obtained numerically that when the ultimate load, pRd, is given, (l/d)limit is inversely
proportional to . If shrinkage is neglected, and uncracked cross section is assumed (l/d)limit is
(approximately) inversely proportional to pqp, while assuming fully cracked cross section it is
inversely proportional to. Our numerical result is between these two expressions.

Table 9: The multiplier of (l/d)limit as a function of pqp/pRd

We also calculated the limit l/d ratio by numerical integration of the curvatures along the beam,
calculating the z values at frequent cross sections. The results are given in Table 6. The
approximate expression of EC (Eq.3) was used for Table 7. Note that these values are close to
those of Table 3.

In all the above calculations, pqp/pRd=0.5 was assumed. This value may vary significantly,
depending on the structural application and on the possible overstrengthening of the beam.
In Tables 11 through 15 we present results for pqp/pRd= 0.7, 0.6, 0.4, 0.3 and 0.2, respectively.

When a precamber of (l/250) is applied, the allowable deflection compared to the curved initial
shape is l/125. Results for this case are given in Table 17.

The empty places in the tables show that the tensile reinforcement was elastic under the design


Based on the numerical calculations presented in the previous section, we suggest the following
deflection control for RC beams and slabs.

The deflection of simply supported rectangular cross section beams or slabs should not exceed
the limit of l/250, when

, (4)

where l is the span, d is the effective depth, and the values of (l/d)limit are given in Table 8.1 This
table and Eq.(4) can be used with a =b =1, when fyk=500 N/mm2, pqp/pEd » 0.5, and
pEd » pRd.

The design load (over b) of a slab is typically between 10 and 20 kN/m2 and that of a beam is
between 150 and
250kN/m2. (For two-way slabs the load carried by the shorter span must be considered, which
can be approximated as
pEd l4y /( l4x + l4y) when lx < ly.)

The effect of load ratio, overstrengthening and steel strength

As stated before, the deflections are calculated from the quasi permanent load, which is
approximately 50% of the design load, and hence of the ultimate load. When the quasi
permanent load is significantly smaller or larger then 50% of the ultimate load, Tables 11
through 15 can be used. For three different ratios of pqp/pRd, the results are also illustrated in Fig.
1. The values in these tables can be approximated well by multiplying the values of Table 8 by
the correction factors given in Table 9.

These values can be further approximated by:

.2 Taking into account that pRd may be higher

than pEd (pRd > pEd) and that fyk can differ from 500 N/mm2, a is written as

, (5)


or approximately


MRd is the design value of the moment resistance and MEd is the moment obtained from the
design load. In the calculation of b, the first fraction takes into account the ratio of the ultimate
load to the design load, while the second fraction provides that lower yield strength must result
in a higher reinforcement ratio. In the second expression, As,requ is the required, while As,prov is the
provided, cross sectional area of the tensile steel reinforcement.

If a precamber of l/250 is applied, the span to depth ratio, (l/d)limit may be increased as listed
in Table 17.

In wide flange T cross section beams, the compressive zone is usually in the flange. The rib plays
a minor role in tension stiffening, and it is conservative to calculate the deflection on the basis of
the fully cracked section neglecting tension stiffening. The result of this calculation is shown
in Table 4 and the rounded values are presented in Table 10. These values are quite accurate for
wide flange beams and less accurate for narrow flange beams, but the calculation is always
conservative, provided that the compressive zone is in the flange.

Ribbed slabs can be modelled as T section beams, with an effective width, beff , of the flange.

When the beam is not simply supported, l must be replaced by l/K, where K is given in Table 7.4
of Eurocode 2.

Fig. 1: The limit span/depth ratio, (l/d)limit, as a function of the ultimate load (kN/m2). (See
Tables 8, 11 and 14, d/h= 0.85, esh= 0.04 %, fyk=500)

Compression reinforcement reduces the deflection of RC beams. Numerical calculations were
carried out for rectangular cross section beams with compression reinforcement ratio, r' which
does not exceed the tensile reinforcement ratio, r. The location of the compression reinforcement
is 0.15h from the top of the cross section. Similarly to the assumptions listed in Table 3: the limit
deflection is l/250, pqp/pRd=0.5, d/h= 0.85, esh= 0.04 %. The calculation is based on the
midsection (uniform z), the tension stiffening was taken into account. The calculations showed
that the limit span/depth ration may be increased by up to 3.5. We calculated (l/d)limit for r'/r =0,
0.1, 0.2, .... , 1.0; and then an approximate expression was determined using a least square




r* is in kN/m2, and fck is in N/mm2. Expression (7) may be used if and r' £ r. If r'=0,
Eq.(7) results very accurately the limit span/depth ratios given in Table 3. (For a beam, pEd is the
uniformly distributed load along the axis in kN/m, while for a slab it is the load of a strip of unit
width, 1m. For a beam b is the width in m, for a slab b=1.)

A) We consider a simply supported one-way slab, with effective span l=4.2 m and
thickness h=200 mm. The con

crete strength class is C20/25, the steel is B 500, the diameter of the rebars is 12 mm, and the
cover is 20 mm. The dead load is gk=10 kN/m2 and the live load is

qk=5 kN/m2. Perform the deflection control of the beam, using the span to depth ratio.
The limit deflection is elimit = l/250 = 16.8 mm.

The design load of the slab is (Kollár, 1997) pEd = 1.35 gk + 1.5 qk = 1.35 ´ 10 + 1.5 ´ 5 = 21
kN/m2, while the quasi permanent load is pqp= gk + Y2 qk = 10 + 0.3 ´ 5 = 11.5 kN/m2.
Hence pqp/pRd = pqp/pEd = 0.54, b=1; and from

Eq.(5) = 0.965. From Table 8, with b pEd = 21, we have: (l/d) limit = 22.4; and a

(l/d) limit = 0.965´22.4 = 21.6. The effective depth is

d = 174 mm, and hence l/d = 24.1>21.6. Consequently, the deflection of the slab exceeds the
limit of l/250.
The reinforcement of the slab can be calculated from the midsection bending moment
(MEd=pEdl 2/8=46.3 kNm/m), giving: f12/170. Using this reinforcement and the load pqp= 11.5
kN/m2, we calculated the deflection of the midsection. When z was determined along the beam,
and the deflection was calculated by numerical integration we obtained 19.7 mm, while using a
uniform z calculated at the midsection, the result is 21.7 mm. (Both are higher than the limit
B) Apply higher reinforcement ratio in the slab to avoid the deflection problem.

According to Eurocode 2, we must increase the amount of the reinforcement by 24.1/21.6 = 1.12
to reduce the displacement such that it does not exceed the limit. This is wrong. We must apply
about 1.7 times the original reinforcement to avoid the deflection problem. We verify this with
the following calculation: the applied reinforcement is f12/100, and hence the design value of
moment resistance is MRd = 76.5 kNm. b=76.5/46.3=1.65, from

(5) we have = 1.23; b pEd =34.7 , and hence from Table 8: (l/d) limit = 19.8; and a (l/d) limit =
1.23´19.8= 24.4>24.1. This slab now satisfies the deflection criterion.

An "accurate" analysis leads to the same conclusion: When z was determined along the beam,
and the deflection was calculated by numerical integration, we obtained 15.1 mm, while using a
uniform z calculated at the midsection, the result is 16.6 mm. (Both are smaller than the limit
deflection of 16.8 mm.)

C) Can the original slab given in section A) be applied with a precamber?

The maximum precamber is l/250=16.8 mm. In this case, the total limit deflection is l/125.
According to Table 17

(l/d) limit = 32.2, and a (l/d) limit = 0.965´32.2= 31.0. This is larger than l/d = 24.1 and hence the
deflection is within the given limit.

In this paper, we presented a new method for the deflection control of RC beams and slabs. The
span to depth ratio is given as a function of the design load instead of the reinforcement ratio. On
the basis of Eurocode 2, Table 8 and Eq.(7) were determined for the limit span/depth ratio of
rectangular beams and slabs, while Table 10 was determined for T beams and ribbed slabs. The
method provides a more accurate means of accounting for the ratio of quasi permanent/ultimate
loads. (The recommendation of Eurocode is not conservative.)

In Fig. 2, we compared the calculations based on the midsection (taking into account shrinkage
and uniform z) with the more accurate numerical integration (z is calculated along the beam) and
with the calculation neglecting the effect of shrinkage. It can be seen that the effect of shrinkage
is significant and that the numerical integration hardly modifies the results.

In Fig. 3, our results are compared to those obtained from the approximate expression of
Eurocode, and good agreement was found. It was also compared to the results obtained from the
Hungarian Standard, which is more conservative in case of slabs, and less conservative in case of
Fig. 2: The limit span/depth ratio, (l/d)limit, as a function of the ultimate load (kN/m2) calculated
according to the EC (d/h= 0.85,

esh= 0.04 %, fyk=500, C20/25)

Fig. 3: The limit span/depth ratio, (l/d)limit, as a function of the ultimate load (kN/m2) calculated
according to the EC (Table 8 and Eq.3) and to the Hungarian Standard. (C20/25, pqp/pRd =0.5)

Acknowledgements: The author is thankful for the valuable comments and suggestions of
Professors Gy. Deák, A. Borosnyói and Gy. Visnovitz.

As cross sectional area of tensile reinforcement

b width of a rectangular cross section

d effective depth, distance between the centre of gravity of the tensile reinforcement and the
compressed outermost point of the cross section

fcd = fck/1.5 design value of concrete cylinder compressive strength

fck characteristic compressive strength of concrete

fyd = fyk/1.15 design yield strength of reinforcement

fyk characteristic yield strength of reinforcement

h height of the cross section

l effective span

MRd the design value of moment resistance at midspan

MEd moment obtained from the design load at midspan

pEd design value of the applied loads

pRd ultimate load; which result in MRd at the midsection of a simply supported beam

pqp quasi permanent load

r = As/bd tensile reinforcement ratio

r' = A's/bd compression reinforcement ratio

jef the effective creep coefficient

f diameter of rebars

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Table 10: The limit span/depth ratio, (l/d)limit, as a function of the design load (kN/m2) for T
section beams. When fyk=500 N/mm2, pqp/pEd=0.5 and pEd=pRd, the values of b (and a in Eq.4)
are set equal to 1. The compressive zone is in the flange.
Table 11: The limit span/depth ratio, (l/d)limit, as a function of the ultimate load (kN/m2). The
limit deflection is l/250, pqp/pRd=0.7, d/h= 0.85, esh= 0.04 %. The calculation is based on the
midsection (uniform z), cracked section with tension stiffening.

Table 12: The limit span/depth ratio, (l/d)limit, as a function of the ultimate load (kN/m2). The
limit deflection is l/250, pqp/pRd=0.6, d/h= 0.85, esh= 0.04 %. The calculation is based on the
midsection (uniform z), cracked section with tension stiffening.

Table 13: The limit span/depth ratio, (l/d)limit, as a function of the ultimate load (kN/m2). The
limit deflection is l/250, pqp/pRd=0.4, d/h= 0.85, esh= 0.04 %. The calculation is based on the
midsection (uniform z), cracked section with tension stiffening.

Table 14: The limit span/depth ratio, (l/d)limit, as a function of the ultimate load (kN/m2). The
limit deflection is l/250, pqp/pRd=0.3, d/h= 0.85, esh= 0.04 %. The calculation is based on the
midsection (uniform z), cracked section with tension stiffening.
Table 15: The limit span/depth ratio, (l/d)limit, as a function of the ultimate load (kN/m2). The
limit deflection is l/250, pqp/pRd=0.2, d/h= 0.85, esh= 0.04 %. The calculation is based on the
midsection (uniform z), cracked section with tension stiffening.

Table 16: The limit span/depth ratio, (l/d)limit, as a function of the ultimate load (kN/m2). The
limit deflection is l/250, pqp/pRd=0.5, d/h= 0.9, esh= 0.04 %. Uniform reinforcement was assumed
along the beam. The tension stiffening was taken into account: z was calculated along the beam,
and the deflection was calculated by numerical integration.

Table 17: The limit span/depth ratio, (l/d)limit, as a function of the ultimate load (kN/m2). The
limit deflection is l/125, pqp/pRd=0.5, d/h= 0.85, esh= 0.04 %. The calculation is based on the
midsection (uniform z), cracked section with tension stiffening.

László P. Kollár (1958), civil engineer (1982), Dipl. of Engineering Mathematics (1986), Ph.D.
(1986), Doctor of Sciences (1995), Corresponding member of the Hungarian Academy of
Sciences (2001), professor at the Department of Mechanics, Materials and Structures, Budapest
University of Technology and Economics. Fields of interests: composite structures, earthquake
engineering, reinforced concrete structures.

As an approximation, z may be calculated at one cross section only (e.g. at the midspan of a
simply supported beam) and this value can be taken into account for the entire span. In this case
the calculation of the deflection simplifies to e= (1-z)eI + z eII where eI and eII are the deflections
calculated assuming uncracked and fully cracked cross sections, respectively.

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