Ead-519 - Culture Climate and Communication

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Culture, Climate, and Communication

David Grayson

College of Education, Grand Canyon University

EAD-519: Clinical Internship I: Learner-Centered Leadership

Dr. LeConte Middleton

October 11, 2023



Our School Improvement Plan (SIP) is in year two of a five-year plan. The SIP has

multiple pillars that address topics such as student academic achievement, school culture,

discipline, and attendance. The stakeholders are able to easily see the effects of the SIP on the

school’s culture and climate. Our version of Deans are called Climate & Culture staff. The SIP

has shown the steps for improving the culture and behavior in the school. Through this plan, we

have been able to hire two additional staff in these positions. We have also implemented PBIS

through the SIP this year. We have seen an upswing of staff morale and student attendance in

classes. This data has been shared not only with all school staff but the community.

The school’s SIP has been shared with community stakeholders through social media,

emails, text, and online. There have been open forums to discuss the planning and

implementation of the SIP each year. Administration discusses and shares the steps of the SIP at

every staff meeting. This makes the stakeholders in the school very aware of the progress and

steps of the SIP. The pillars of the SIP addresses all of the major needs that were brought up in

the needs assessment. This was conducted by the administration along with surveys sent to

families, teachers, and staff. The main topics that were found in the needs assessment were

safety, discipline, student attendance, school culture, and student achievement. They used those

when crafting the SIP and made pillars specific to each one. Administration put together a five-

year plan to address each pillar, set benchmarks, and collect data to see the improvements. For

example, a new discipline plan has been put in place with step-by-step procedures for teachers

along with sample messages home to families by the teachers. It outlines how things should be

documented and who is responsible for discipline for the first, second, third, etc. offense by the

student. This is also shared with all students, posted around the school, and shared with families.

Since it outlines who is responsible for each step, the SIP does a great job of specifying who is

responsible for each pillar along with each minor step. Since this SIP was created using needs the

stakeholders felt were important, I believe it supports the needs of the school from their


This SIP has been embedded into everything we have done as a staff. Each staff meeting

is related back to the SIP and each curriculum review is based on the steps in the SIP. Student

numbers have improved across the board. The school’s Mission focuses on academics for

students and the SIP has a major pillar dedicated to improvements by every student. The mission

mentions safety and encourages diversity (Waukegan Public Schools, 2023). The SIP has a pillar

for safety improvements and allocating resources for improvements in diversity gaps between

groups of students, such as ELL student achievement. I believe the SIP is well aligned with

Mission and Vision of the school.



Waukegan High School. (2022). School Improvement Plan (SIP) 5-Year Plan. Waukegan Public


Waukegan Public Schools. (2023). Mission and vision. Waukegan High School.


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