Clinical Hematology and Fundamentals of Hemostasis 5th Edition Harmening Test Bank

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Clinical Hematology and Fundamentals

of Hemostasis 5th Edition Harmening

Test Bank
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Chapter 7: Megaloblastic Anemias

1. Which cell lineage may also be affected by megaloblastic change?

A) Megakaryocytic
B) Lymphocytic
C) Granulocytic
D) A and C
E) B and C

2. A patient with pernicious anemia has the following indices: mean corpuscular volume
(MCV) >100 fL, mean corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH) = 31 pg, mean corpuscular
hemoglobin concentration (MCHC) = 33% What might be seen on the peripheral smear?
A) Codocytes
B) Macrocytes
C) Microcytes
D) Schistocytes
E) None of the above

3. What is the morphological classification of megaloblastic anemia?

A) Microcytic hypochromic
B) Macrocytic hypochromic
C) Macrocytic normochromic
D) Microcytic normochromic
E) Normocytic normochromic

4. Which of the following is a form of megaloblastic anemia?

A) Pernicious anemia
B) Aplastic anemia
C) Sideroblastic anemia
D) Sickle cell anemia
E) None of the above

5. What two dietary substances are essential for DNA synthesis?

A) Folic acid/carotene
B) Vitamin B12/folic acid
C) Vitamin B12/cyanocobalamin
D) Iron/globin
E) Transferrin/vitamin B12

6. What protein is responsible for vitamin B12 absorption?

A) Transcobalamin
B) Interleukin-3
C) Intrinsic factor
D) Erythropoietin
E) None of the above

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Chapter 7: Megaloblastic Anemias

7. Where is vitamin B12 stored?

A) Pancreas
B) Liver
C) Kidney
D) Bone marrow
E) None of the above

8. What protein is responsible for vitamin B12 transport to the bone marrow?
A) Transcobalamin II
B) Intrinsic factor
C) Interleukin-3
D) Thymidine triphosphate
E) None of the above

9. What is the leading cause of anemia in an alcoholic?

A) Vitamin B12 deficiency
B) Iron deficiency
C) Folate deficiency
D) Uridine triphosphate deficiency
E) None of the above

10. Which of the following can lead to a folic acid deficiency?

A) Malabsorption
B) Poor diet
C) Hemolytic anemia
D) All of the above
E) None of the above

11. What is the primary cause of vitamin B12 deficiency?

A) Fish tapeworm infection
B) Malabsorption
C) Poor diet
D) Transportation defect
E) None of the above

12. What findings distinguishes megaloblastic anemia due to vitamin B12 deficiency from that
due to folate deficiency?
A) Severe neurologic manifestation
B) Jaundice
C) Abnormal epithelial cells
D) High reticulocyte count
E) None of the above

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Chapter 7: Megaloblastic Anemias

13. The presence of polychromatophilic macrocytes in a treated megaloblastic anemia is due to:
A) RBC degeneration
B) Reticulocytosis
C) Macrocytosis
D) Megaloblastoid dyspoiesis
E) None of the above

14. What is most striking when viewing the peripheral smear of a severely anemic patient with
megaloblastic anemia?
A) Anisocytosis
B) Poikilocytosis
C) Macro-ovalocytes
D) Hypersegmented neutrophils
E) All of the above

15. What hematologic parameter on an automated instrument would be increased in

megaloblastic anemia?
A) MCH (mean corpuscular hemoglobin)
B) MCHC (mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration)
C) MCV (mean corpuscular volume)
D) RBC count
E) None of the above

16. What is the most common red cell inclusion body seen in megaloblastic anemia?
A) Cabot ring
B) Howell–Jolly body
C) Basophilic stippling
D) Hemoglobin H bodies
E) None of the above

17. In megaloblastic anemia, the absolute reticulocyte count is decreased as a result of:
A) Effective erythropoiesis
B) Ineffective erythropoiesis
C) Medullary hematopoiesis
D) Extramedullary hematopoiesis
E) None of the above

18. An elderly white male of Scandinavian descent presents with the following hematopoietic
studies: MCV = 115 fL, 3+ oval macrocytes, 20% hypersegmented neutrophils. What
hematologic condition is suspected?
A) Iron-deficiency anemia
B) Megaloblastic anemia
C) Thalassemia
D) Anemia of chronic disorders
E) None of the above

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Chapter 7: Megaloblastic Anemias

19. What statement is true regarding pancytopenia?

A) Decreased RBC
B) Decreased white blood cells (WBCs)
C) Decreased platelets
D) All of the above
E) None of the above

20. What is the etiology of ineffective hematopoiesis in megaloblastic anemia?

A) Decreased mature cells in peripheral blood
B) Premature death of precursor cells in the bone marrow
C) Increased mature cells in peripheral blood
D) A and B
E) None of the above

21. What other hematologic condition would present a similar peripheral blood picture as
megaloblastic anemia?
A) Hemoglobinopathies
B) Myelodysplastic syndromes
C) Chronic leukemia
D) Anemia of chronic disorders
E) None of the above

22. How is asynchrony defined?

A) Normal nuclear and cytoplasm development of hematopoietic cells in bone marrow
B) Lack of normal nuclear and cytoplasm development of hematopoietic cells in the bone
C) Lack of normal nuclear and cytoplasm development of hematopoietic cells in peripheral
D) Normal nuclear and cytoplasm development in hematopoietic cells in peripheral blood
E) None of the above

23. In megaloblastic anemia, the band and metamyelocyte may exhibit:

A) Toxic granulation
B) Auer rods
C) Giantism
D) Pelger–Huët anomaly
E) None of the above

24. The reversed myeloid–erythroid ratio in the bone marrow of a person with megaloblastic
anemia is defined as:
A) Myeloid hyperplasia
B) Erythroid hypoplasia
C) Erythroid hyperplasia
D) Hypocellularity
E) None of the above

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Chapter 7: Megaloblastic Anemias

25. Which hematologic condition is indicated with a macrocytosis and a reticulocyte count of
A) Iron-deficiency anemia
B) Hemolytic anemia
C) Megaloblastic anemia
D) Thalassemia
E) None of the above

26. All of the following are initial diagnostic tests performed simultaneously in determining the
cause of macrocytosis except:
A) Reticulocyte count
B) Serum and red cell folate
C) Schilling test
D) Serum vitamin B12
E) None of the above

27. What percentage of megaloblastic anemia is due to vitamin B12 or folic acid deficiency?
A) 50%
B) 90%
C) 40%
D) 60%
E) 20%

28. Which of the following is not a cause of vitamin B12 deficiency?

A) Gastrectomy
B) Blind loop syndrome
C) Blood loss
D) Fish tapeworm (Diphyllobothrium latum)
E) Diseases of the ileum

29. A lack of intrinsic factor is diagnostic for which of the following?

A) Vitamin B12 deficiency
B) Folate deficiency
C) Pernicious anemia
D) All of the above
E) None of the above

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Chapter 7: Megaloblastic Anemias

Answer Key
1. D
2. B
3. C
4. A
5. B
6. C
7. B
8. A
9. C
10. D
11. B
12. A
13. B
14. E
15. C
16. B
17. B
18. B
19. D
20. D
21. B
22. B
23. C
24. C
25. B
26. C
27. B
28. C
29. C

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