3d Printing For Manufacture A Basic Design Guide Download Original

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3D printing for manufacture:

a basic design guide


Introduction 3

3D printing fundamentals 4

3D printing processes for manufacture 5

Selective Laser Sintering (SLS)
Digital Light Processing (DLP)
Fused Deposition Modelling (FDM)
Direct Metal Laser Sintering (DMLS)

Design considerations of 3D printing 10


Summary and conclusions 24

Contacts and further information 25

About the author 26

Copyright © Crucible Design Ltd. 2014


‘3D printing’ is the media-friendly name given to a

range of technologies that build parts using layers of
material to create a three dimensional object.

Building parts one layer at time means that 3D printed

components do not need moulds or tooling, so
conventional ‘design for manufacture’ (DfM) issues
like draft angles and undercuts don’t apply. This has
led to the misconception that 3D printing isn’t subject
to any design limitations.

Although this may be true for prototyping, the use of

3D printing in manufacture means that it will be
subject to the same demands to minimise time and
cost as any other process.

Whilst 3D printing does not involve tooling, it does use

a considerable amount of time and power, both in the
production of parts and their finishing. These inputs
need to be minimised to make the most efficient, and
profitable, use of 3D printing as a manufacturing

In this paper, we look at the most appropriate 3D

printing technologies for manufactured parts. We will
also explain the basic principles of the technologies.
Finally, we will look at the advantages and limitations
of the different technologies and examine the design
rules that can help you create manufactured parts that
minimise time, cost and waste.

We hope you find it useful.

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3D printing fundamentals

Although the term ‘3D printing’ tends to trivialise a

range of complex production technologies, it is, in
principle, an accurate description.
If you imagine that you could choose the thickness
of the ink that your office printer places on each
page you print, and that you could keep printing
onto one area so that it got thicker, that is the
principle on which most 3D printing technologies
Some techniques use a layer of powder or resin that
is solidified by UV light or a laser; some extrude very
thin layers of molten material from a nozzle; but
they all build parts by using data from CAD files to
construct the geometry one layer at a time. The
layers range from 0.015mm to 0.1mm in thickness,
depending on the process. The thickness of the
layers (the thinner the better) affects part quality,
cost and the amount of finishing that the part
needs once it is removed from the machine.
Each new layer may
require some support The other major implication of building a part one
layer at a time is that, as the geometry builds
upwards, any downward-facing surface will require
some support, as the material will often be more
fluid than solid at this point in the process (see left).
Most processes involve a support structure that is
built as part of the model, like miniature
scaffolding. This can be easily removed in some
cases, but others will require it to be machined
away once the part is built. This can involve
considerable additional time and cost.
Issues like support removal, and other types of
‘post processing’, affect the economic viability of
3D printing as a production technology. Minimising
the need for these additional operations is the key
to making 3D printed parts as economically efficient
as possible.

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3D printing processes for manufacture

Of the 20 or so technologies that come under the

general banner of ‘3D printing’ only a few are
currently suitable for the production of
manufactured parts. This is because many 3D
printing processes use materials that were
designed for prototyping, not production, so
cannot withstand the rigours of day to day use.

The technologies described in the following pages

represent the main 3D printing systems that are
suitable for producing useable parts. This is very
much a moving target, and new processes are
being developed and improved all the time.

3D printed products are still a relatively

specialised and costly market sector. Commercial
3D printing systems are expensive, and the build
chambers are relatively small, so individual part
A great 3D printed costs tend to be high. Some processes do
product - Freedom of however allow for complex ‘nesting’ of the build
Creation’s Lily lamp chamber, which can dramatically reduce costs. For
example, the ‘Lily’ lampshade (left) was designed
to have a small version made inside the large one
within the build chamber, doubling the efficiency
of the overall part volume.

However, the most challenging issue for 3D

printed products remains that of finish. Most
processes deliver a part with a rough surface.
Some products, like the Lily lamp (left) use this as
an integral feature of the design. If a more
conventional finish is needed, considerable work,
and cost, may be needed to achieve an acceptable

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Introducing Selective Laser Sintering (SLS)

Selective Laser Sintering (SLS) uses layers of

thermoplastic powder to create parts.
Each layer of powder is applied from the supply
chamber to the build chamber by a recoating roller,
where it is fused to the one beneath it by laser. The
build chamber then drops by one layer, the supply
chamber rises by one layer and the process begins
As each layer (0.05 - 0.2mm) is applied, the part sits
in a chamber of mostly reusable powder that
supports the partially built parts. This removes the
need for support structures which minimises the
need for post processing.
The materials used in SLS have good mechanical
properties for making functional parts.

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Introducing Digital Light Processing (DLP)

Developed by EnvisionTEC, DLP 3D printers use acrylic

photo-curable polymer cured by UV light. Strictly speaking,
the system works on individual voxels, or volumetric pixels,
rather than layers, which means that parts straight from the
machine are considerably smoother than conventional layer
-based systems.
The process is also considerably quicker than
Stereolithography and other similar systems. DLP parts
build upside down, with the model suspended below the
build platform.
Support material is added to assist the production of
overhanging areas (see 7 above). This can be removed
quickly, and does not have a major impact on post-
processing time.

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Introducing Fused Deposition Modelling (FDM)

One of the most popular 3D printing systems, FDM uses a

similar method to conventional printing, a printer head that
moves in the X and Y axes, to lay down a thin layer of
molten polymer. The build platform moves up and down in
the Z axis to enable depth to be added to the part.
The process uses thin plastic filaments drawn through
rollers to provide the material for the part and any
supporting structures that may be needed. These are then
liquefied in heated collars (6, above) and extruded out to
form the part.
The support material can either be broken off after the part
is built or, depending on the system, dissolved in a water
filled tank.

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Introducing Direct Metal Laser Sintering (DMLS)

DMLS is similar to SLS, but uses various types of metal

powder melted by laser to build up the layers of the
part. Far higher temperatures are involved, and the
process requires considerable set up and post finishing
work to create useable parts.
The process is based on laying down layers of fused
metal powder onto a rigid steel build plate. Support
structures are needed for all downward facing surfaces
or those at a small angle to the horizontal. As the
supports must be made from the same material as the
part, these have to be removed by machining, which can
take a considerable amount of time.

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Design considerations for 3D printing

Resumo da funcionalidade de design

The design rules for 3D printing are very different
from conventional ones, and they vary for each
process. Most of them relate to minimising the
cost of post processing and making the build
process as efficient as possible.

Unlike other production processes, 3D printing

involves the use of a finite build chamber or
platform. By packing as much as possible into each
‘build’ the individual part costs can be dramatically
reduced and this can have a serious impact on
design considerations.

Post processing is the big issue. An injection

moulded part comes off the machine ready to use,
whereas a DMLS part has to removed from its
construction base by wire erosion; have the
supports machined off; machined to make sure
3D printed parts obey critical surfaces are correct; and then have the
different rules to surface prepared for painting or plating.
conventional parts Problema que afeta todos os processos
(image from 3TRPD) Before we look at the issues for each process,
there is one issue that affects most of them...

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1 A word or two about layers and supports...

As discussed, most 3D printing processes require

some supports to be built into the model, so let’s
look at this important general issue first.

Why are supports needed?

Definição do problema
With most 3D printing processes, each layer is soft
when it is first built. If it is applied to a solid base,
that is fine, but if it is not fully supported from
below, it might collapse or become distorted. In
image 1, the part geometry goes vertically
upwards with each layer building on the last. This
does not require supports.

In image 2, however, the downward facing

surfaces of the dark grey material needs
2 supporting by the light grey material as it builds
upwards, or the ’steps’ would otherwise distort or

Why are supports important?

Precaver para não usar suportes
Because they have to be removed when the part is
finished, and this takes time and costs money.
Sometimes steps are inevitable. However if they
can be designed out, or the part orientation
changed to make them unnecessary, it will reduce
your costs - and minimise waste.
For example, the same geometry that is used in
image 2 could be made by using a gentle curve
(image 3). For some processes, this removal of the
downward facing flat surfaces would be enough
to eliminate the need for supports.

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Design considerations for Selective Laser Sintering (SLS)

How useable are SLS parts?

SLS parts are very durable and have excellent
mechanical properties. The surface finish is like fine
sandpaper, and nylon parts tend to absorb moisture.
Accuracy is very good, and bearing surfaces tend to
‘work harden’ in use with little wear. The prototype
front end for a Smart car (left), that Crucible
designed, was unpainted SLS and showed no wear or
damage after several thousand miles of test driving.
Which materials can I use?
The most common material is polyamide (nylon)
which can be used in either standard or modified
form, with glass or aluminium added to the powder.
Other fillers can be used to enable living hinges to
be built and create materials that can be useable in
temperatures of up to 184oC. Elastomeric materials
can also be used to create gaskets, seals and other
flexible parts. SLS parts do not require supports
Front end for Smart car during the build process, as the geometry is
made from several SLS supported by the bed of powder that the parts sit in.
parts bonded together
Layer thicknesses range from 0.05mm to 0. 2mm.

How large can the parts be?

The largest SLS machines can build parts up 700mm

x 380mm x 600mm, and parts can be joined together
to make larger items (see image).

How difficult is surface finishing?

Difficult. The surface can be rolled in abrasive
powder (similar to the lapidary machines used to
polish pebbles) or bead blasted to make it smoother,
but nylon is hard to rub down to a smooth surface
capable of taking a good paint finish. Allow a cost
almost equivalent to the part itself to get a good
cosmetic surface.

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What are the main design rules?

■ Ensure wall sections do not drop below 1mm.

■ When working with small diameter pins or

shafts, remember that the diameter may deviate
by up to 0.3mm. This could be significant if you
are developing a mechanism.

■ The accuracy of holes in the parts will be

1 seriously affected by the wall thickness. The
thicker the wall section, the less accurate the
hole will be. Generally, it is best to avoid holes
smaller than 1mm diameter in parts with a 2.0 –
5.00mm wall section.

■ If you are developing a mechanism to be made

as an assembly in SLS, always leave at least
0.6mm between the individual parts. This
prevents them binding together during the build

■ Make your parts as two dimensional as possible.

The key to an environmentally and economically
efficient build, particularly in a production
context, is getting as many parts into the
chamber as possible. This will be helped if the
parts can be layered to make maximum use of
the chamber volume (1).

■ Alternatively, nest the parts inside each other


■ Consider the orientation of the part. SLS lays

down layers of material which will be visible and
may introduce weakness in thin parts. The
orientation of the part may also have an affect
on the build chamber efficiency (3).

■ Avoid ‘build fodder’. When using SLS for

manufacture, do not place one-off prototype
parts into spaces that might be available. This
may introduce distortions into the thermal
efficiency of the build chamber which will distort
the parts (4).
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■ Consider section consistency. Some
commentators suggest that wall section issues
that affect mouldings do not apply to ALM parts,
but this is not the case. Very thick wall sections
create large concentrations of heat during the
build process that can affect cooling performance
and distort parts. Large heat concentrations can
also affect adjacent parts in the build. Overall, it
should be considered that maintaining consistent
wall sections is good design practice, whatever
production process is used.

■ Take full advantage of the technology. The layer-

based process used in SLS enables otherwise
impossible geometries to be created (see left).
The possibilities offered by this technology are
considerable, including the production of
complete assemblies as one ‘part’, including
hinges and other moving components. Close
tolerances on the moving parts are not possible,
however. Joints are ok, bearings are not.

■ Other benefits offered by SLS are:

● Complex edges that would be undercuts in a


● Snap details to aid assembly

● Sprung sections for holding other parts in place.

■ Aesthetically, SLS allows the creation of any form

that can be thought of and modelled using a CAD

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Design considerations for Digital Light Processing (DLP)

How useable are DLP parts?

DLP is widely used to create small, precise parts
that require customisation, such as parts for
hearing aids. They are as durable as the equivalent
moulding would be.
Which materials can I use?
Over ten resins are available to create parts with
different properties, from transparent to coloured
opaque and soft materials. Medical grade polymers
are available, and wax-like materials are suitable for
patterns for casting. Depending on the material
used, resolution can be as fine as 0.015mm. This,
plus the curing of individual voxels, rather than
layers, results in parts with no visible stepping.

For more information, go to www.envisiontec.com

How large can the parts be?

DLP is particularly
suitable for small, This is the main limitation of the DLP process. The
precise parts highest precision machines (with the best surface
finish) currently build parts up to a maximum size
of 160mm x 100mm x 160mm. This means that the
process is ideally suited to small parts like hearing
aid shells (left).

How difficult is surface finishing?

Quite simple, due to the naturally smooth surface
of the finished parts. Most parts will have support
structures built in to avoid distortion during
building, but these are quite easy to remove
mechanically. Unlike most other 3D printing
processes, parts can be made in the final colour,
making this similar to low volume moulding.

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What are the main design rules?

■ Small parts may require some adjustment to

wall thicknesses to obtain the desired result.
■ Most parts will require some support
structure (1). The design and location of the
supports will depend on part orientation,
size and wall thickness. Software like ‘Magics’
and some CAD programmes will create
support structures automatically, but advice
from experts in the process would be
advisable to ensure the part is built as
accurately as possible. It may take a few
iterations of build orientation and support
design before the best solution is found.

■ Uncured resin may be trapped in enclosed

volumes if a drain hole is not included in the
Rings on build platform
with supports (image
from EnvisionTEC)

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Design considerations for Fused Deposition Modelling (FDM)

How useable are FDM parts?

The materials used in FDM parts are very close to
conventional engineering polymers, so basic
material suitability is not an issue. The main
difference between an FDM part and a moulding is
the fact that it is built up in layers, which means
that the inherent strength of the part will be
slightly lower in the ‘Z’ direction (vertically). Part
layers are relatively large - between 0.13mm and
0.33mm. This can result in quite rough surface
finishes prior to surface treatment.

Which materials can I use?

The process works well with several polymers,
including ABS, polycarbonate and
polyphenylsulfone. A range of coloured plastics can
be used. Layer thicknesses range from 0.13mm to
FDM is the least
complex 3D printing How large can the parts be?
Parts up to 900mm x 600mm x 900mm can be built
on the largest machines, although most of the
commercially available FDM printers have
considerably smaller build platforms.

How difficult is surface finishing?

Reasonably simple, as some systems allow for

support structures to be removed in a tank of
water, and the parts can be self coloured in a
(limited) range of colours.
The stepped surface of FDM models can be
considerably improved by using plastic pellet bead
blasting or proprietary systems that smooth the
surface of the parts. In conventional finishing
terms, the materials are quite simple to work with,
and easy to rub down and paint.

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What are the main design rules?

■ FDM parts that have downward facing

horizontal surfaces will need supports, and
these will need to be removed once the part is
built, adding time and cost. So, if possible,
design your part to avoid the need for
supports, or possibly change its build angle to
achieve the same result.
In the examples on the left, the part in image 1
1 is a simple vertical build that does not require
any supports - each new layer is directly on top
of the previous one.
In image 2, the example has horizontal
downward facing surfaces (indicated by the
exclamation mark) that need to be held up by
! the support material (shown in green). This
support material will add time to the build
process, as the machine has to switch
materials, and it will also add time and
complexity to the part finishing process.
In image 3, the downward facing horizontal
surfaces have been replaced by angled
surfaces. FDM is capable of building faces as
2 steps at an angle without supports, although
the resulting surface will not be very smooth.
The precise angle that the face can be built at
(xo) will vary depending on the system and the
material, but somewhere between 45o and 30o
is a good starting point.
This approach will impose limits on the design,
in the same way that draft angles do, but will
result in a more efficient, less costly and less
wasteful product.

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Usar nervuras devido aos empinamento
■ Warping due to heat is not usually a problem
with FDM parts, but may occur in thin wall
sections. This should be prevented by using
ribs, similar to those used in an injection
■ Holes under 3mm in diameter should be drilled
out to ensure their accuracy.

■ Holes in for self tapping screws in fixing bosses

should be slightly larger than for an equivalent
injection moulded part (0.9 x the diameter of
the screw thread, rather than the more normal
0.8 for ABS, for example). This will reduce the
chances of the boss shearing off.

■ Wall thicknesses are related to the layer

thickness of the build process. For example, a
part with 0.13mm layers could have a wall
thickness of 0.5mm, whilst one with layers
FDM parts showing 0.33mm thick would have to use a minimum
layers prior to finishing wall thickness of 0.8mm.

■ If your model will include any text, 16pt bold

face is the smallest font that should be used
on top or bottom planes. 10 pt is the minimum
size that should be used on vertical surfaces.

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Design considerations for Direct Metal Laser Sintering

How useable are DMLS parts?

DMLS parts are extremely strong and durable. The
process delivers solid metal parts in a range of
highly durable materials (see below). DMLS parts
are now used as production parts in commercial
aircraft, for example. Extremely complex geometry
can be constructed, and if the process is used
correctly, parts can be combined to improve
durability and make a product more efficient.

Which materials can I use?

A range of metals can be used in DMLS, including
titanium, stainless steel, aluminium, bronze, cobalt
chromium and maraging steel.

Unlike SLS, where parts can be stacked on top of

each other to make maximum use of the build
chamber, DMLS parts can only occupy the space on
DMLS produces the build platform. Any space above the part
accurate, durable parts cannot be used.
- at a price
The layer thickness is fine, from 0.02m to 0.1mm.

How large can the parts be?

Most machines have build chambers approximately

250mm x 250mm x 250mm, although some larger
machines can build parts up to the size of a 500mm

How difficult is surface finishing?

Complex and expensive. The parts need to be
removed from the build platform using wire
erosion, which is expensive and power intensive.
The supports then need to be machined off, and
the parts then have to be smoothed and polished.

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1 What are the main design rules?
x ■ Support for downward facing surfaces is a
major issue in DMLS part design. For a
general introduction, see page 11. Because
the support material in DMLS parts is made
of the same material as the rest of the
component, removal usually involves
significant machine time.
! Like other processes (FDM - see page 18)
DMLS can build surfaces at an angle without
2 supports (1). The angle will differ with each

■ Stainless steel - 30o

■ Aluminium - 45o
■ Titanium - 30o
■ Cobalt chrome - 30o

Where downward facing surfaces are

3 unavoidable (2), a support structure can be
built from the side and angled inwards,
minimising the amount of material that
needs to be removed (shown in light grey)
Alternatively, the same opening can be
divided into a number of smaller holes with
angled tops that only need support at their
lower points (4).
Small holes can be built into a face without
4 supports, but large round holes will require
some support in the centre or the entire
part may collapse or distort. A tear-drop
shaped hole (which tapers to a point at the
top) will not, however, require any support.

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■ Another consideration for DMLS is the
strength of the part as it builds. The
process involves coating newly built
surfaces with a layer of powder, and this is
achieved by drawing a blade over the part.
This blade can connect with the top
surface, so any weak geometry may be
damaged (1).
The solution to this possible problem is to
1 avoid long vertical openings by bridging
them at frequent intervals (2).
As a general rule, the vertical height of a
section of geometry should not be more
than 8 times the width of the part (3).
It is good design practice to drag a
dynamic section up through your CAD
model as the design progresses. This will
simulate the vertical building process and
will allow you to see if there will be any
weak areas during the build itself.
■ It is good to avoid any sharp edges in the
2 design, particularly vertical points.
■ Thick sections should be avoided as the
heat build up in these areas could damage
or distort the part as a whole. This is
particularly true if thin areas are placed
next to thick ones.

■ If possible, avoid angled surfaces that

point towards the recoating blade. This
8 will increase the chances of the blade
colliding with the part as new layers of
powder are applied.

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■ The removal of the part from the build
platform is another significant issue in the
DMLS process as it involves wire erosion
or Electrical Discharge Machining (EDM).
1 In this process, discharges of electrical
current take place between a wire
electrode and the DMLS platform in a
bath of dielectric liquid, causing material
to be removed. It is slow and uses a
considerable amount of power.
Consequently, anything that can be done
to make it more useful is a positive move.
One way to do this is to include the
cutting path (which is similar to a cheese
wire) in the design of the part, as it will
create a well defined surface (1).
If the cutting path is considered as part of
the design process, the components can
be arranged on the build platform to
minimise the need for supports and utilise
the cutting path as part of the part
construction (2).
■ Where possible, design parts to be
vertically oriented on the build platform
(2) to make the most use of the space
■ Finally, consider the finishing of your part
when working on the detailed design. It is
possible to polish even the most complex
geometry with deep grooves and holes,
but they should be avoided.

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In summary

3D printing is not free of design constraints - they

are just completely different from conventional
ones. If you intend to use 3D printing techniques
for the production of useable parts, and you want
to minimise your costs, there are a number of
design issues to get to grips with.
These range from making the most efficient use of
the build chamber or platform for your chosen
process, to minimising the use of the supports that
have to be removed.
Choosing the right process for your product will
depend on many factors - size, required surface
finish, strength and the function of the part. For
example, large parts that won’t be seen would
probably be best produced in SLS, whilst small
parts that need to look good might be better made
using the DLP process.

An example of Whichever process you use, we strongly advise

analogue layer-based talking to the potential supplier as early as possible
construction in the design process. This is because the successful
and economic design of parts made for
manufacture using 3D printing are even more
closely associated with their production process
than conventional moulded components. Build
platform size; the layout of the parts in the build;
their orientation and the minimisation of supports
could all have an impact on the design of the part.
So, when someone tells you that 3D printing has
eliminated design for manufacture rules - please
ignore them!

Mike Ayre. June 2014

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Contacts and further information

Plunkett Associates
Plunkett Associates cover all prototyping and
manufacturing solutions, from CNC machining to
injection mould tooling and all the additive layer
based processes that fall under the popular
heading of 3D printing. As it says on their website
‘We get things made’.

3T specialise in SLS and DMLS, and are the experts
when it comes to laser sintered parts.

EnvisionTEC developed the first DLP systems and
remain the experts.

Stratasys produce some of the best, professional
FDM machines.

About the author

Mike Ayre is the Managing Director of

Crucible Industrial Design, an award
winning industrial design consultancy with
over twenty years of experience in product
design and development.
Mike’s early interest in creativity, design
and science led him to complete a BA in
Industrial Design. Several years later Mike
was responsible for pioneering research
into CAD systems and 3D computer
modelling whilst he completed his MDes at
the Royal College of Art. Having graduated
Mike spent over ten years working on
design projects in the third world. These
projects required a profound
understanding of the product’s
requirements, as well as detailed
knowledge of production methods. This
early training has given Mike a unique ability
to evaluate practical requirements and
identify appropriate materials and
production methods.
Following work at a London based
consultancy, Mike set up his own industrial
design practice in 1990. Crucible Industrial
Design works across all areas of product
development, from low volume high value
scientific instruments to high volume
consumer goods.
Mike’s authority in matters of industrial
design are recognised across the industry.
He has held positions as a part-time
university lecturer and is a regularly
published author of design related articles
and also participates as a guest speaker at
industry shows and events.

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