Course Plan: L1-L7 L18-L32

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Academic Year : 2023-24

Subject (Subject Code) : IMA-111
Semester & branch : I & common to all branches
Name of the faculty : Dr. Sayinath Udupa N. V.
No of contact hours/week : 04

Assignment portion
Assignment no. Topics
1 L1-L7
2 L18-L32
Test portion
Test no. Topics
1 L1-L17
2 L18-L42

Submitted by: Dr. Sayinath Udupa N. V.

(Signature of the faculty)

Date: 09/08/2023

Approved by:

(Director, ICAS)

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Lecture no. Topic to be covered

L1 Introduction to the course

L2 Rolle’s Theorem, Lagrange's mean value theorems and problems
L3 Cauchy’s mean value theorem and problems
L4 Taylor's series and Maclaurin's series and problems
L5 Different types of indeterminate forms
L6 L’Hospital’s Rule and its applications
L7 Tutorial
L8 Functions with two or more variables, partial differentiation - basic concepts
L9 Euler Theorem of homogeneous functions
L10 total derivatives, composite functions, implicit functions, chain rule
L11 More problems on total derivatives
L12 Errors and approximation and its related problems
L13 Taylor’s and Maclurin’s series for two variables
L14 Maxima and minima for functions of two variables.
L15 Lagrange’s method of undetermined multipliers
L16 More problems on Lagrange’s method of undetermined multipliers
L17 Tutorial
L18 Introduction to Successive differentiation
L19 Leibnitz method of successive differentiation
L20 Introduction to polar co-ordinate systems
L21 angle between polar curves
L22 More problems on angle between polar curves
L23 derivative of arc length
L24 Problems on derivative of arc length
L25 Introduction to curvature
L26 Problems on curvature for cartesian co-ordinates
L27 Problems on curvature for parametric form
L28 Problems on curvature for polar co-ordinates co-ordinates

L29 radius of curvature
L30 More problems
L31 Introduction to Evolutes
L32 More problems on Evolutes
L33 Introduction to Infinite series: Convergence and divergence of series,
L34 Geometric series test
L35 Comparison test, integral test, and problems.
L36 p-series test, Cauchy’s root test and problems.
L37 D’ Alembert’s Ratio Test, Raabe’s test and related problems.
L38 Alternating Series, Leibnitz’s test, and related problems
Meaning of Absolute convergence and conditional convergence and related
L40 Problems on Absolute Convergence /conditional Convergence
L41 power series with problems.
L42 Tutorial
L43 Reduction formulae and related problems
L44 curve tracing-Cartesian co-ordinates
L45 curve tracing-Polar co-ordinates
L46 application of integration to find arc length
L47 area of the plane regions
L48 surface area of revolution
L49 volume of revolution
L50 Tutorial

1) B.S.Grewal, Higher Engineering Mathematics, 42nd edition, 2012, Khanna Publishers.
2) E. Kreyzig , Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 8th edition, Wiley Eastern, Delhi.. 3.
3) E. D. Rainville and P. E. Bedient, A short course in differential equations, 7th edition,
prentice hall, New New york, 1989.

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