Dr. Sreekumar's English Literature & Career Advancement - The Insistence of The Letter in The Unconscious

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1. The Imaginary [the mirror stage]
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From birth to around 6 months we live in a

world of wishes, images, united with the
mother. Our self image is in flux because
we do not yet differentiate. Between the
age of 6 to 18 months we enter a
transitional stage, the mirror stage. We
literally or metaphorically begin to see
ourselves in the mirror, as a
differentiated being. We recognize the
separation of objects from ourselves,
leading to a feeling of lack (lost
harmony). As we pass through the Imaginary
order we long for the Mother, as a
representation of total unity and
2. The Symbolic Order

The Symbolic Order is the next phase in our

development. We are conscious of
separation, of difference. Males vs
females. Right vs. wrong. We learn
language. Really, language masters us,
shapes us as individuals. The father figure
dominates in this phase. He represents the
rules, the laws, norms. The symbolic
represents a further remove from the

3. The Real

The final order is the Real. It includes

the physical world; it includes everything
the person is not. In the Real Order we are
conscious of our perennial lack.

Differences between Lacan and Freud

1. Lacan was concerned to distinguish the

ego from the subject and to elaborate a
conception of subjectivity as divided or
‘alienated’. In Freud the ‘Ego’ is often
associated with consciousness. But Lacan
felt that this was a mistake. He felt that
the subjectivity is essentially divided.

2. The unconscious is structured like a

language. Freud viewed the unconscious as
chaotic. Lacan felt that it was not so. On
the other hand the unconscious is ordered
and is structured like a language.

Lacan—a brief biography

Jacques Lacan (1901 – 81 )

Lacan earned a medical degree in 1932 and
was a practicing psychiatrist and
psychoanalyst in Paris for much of his
career. He reached prominence only after he
began conducting regular seminars at the
University of Paris in 1953. He acquired
celebrity status in France after the
publication of his essays and lectures in
Écrits (1966). The book established his
reputation as an original interpreter of
Freud's work.

Later in 1964, Lacan founded and headed an

organization called the Freudian School of
Paris. However, he was not satisfied with
its functioning. Finally, he disbanded the
school in 1980 for its failure to adhere
‘with sufficient strictness’ to Freudian

Lacan—A Critical Estimate


1. Lacan emphasized the primacy of language

as the mirror of the unconscious mind. He
introduced the study of language into
psychoanalytic theory. His major
achievement was his reinterpretation of
Freud's work in terms of structural

2. The influence he gained extended well

beyond the field of psychoanalysis to make
him one of the dominant figures in French
cultural life during the 1970s.
3. In his own psychoanalytic practice,
Lacan was known for his unorthodox, and
even eccentric therapeutic methods.

Adverse Critical Opinions

To say that Lacan is a controversial figure

is an understatement. He was a charismatic
teacher, flamboyant, charming and something
of a dandy [a man who cares a lot about his
clothes and appearance]. He was also
extremely ambitious, arrogant and

Raymond Tallis writes thus in Times Higher

Education Supplement:

“Future historians trying to account for

the institutionalized fraud that goes under
the name of ‘theory’ will surely accord a
central place to the influence of the
French psychoanalyst Jacques Lacan. He is
one of the fattest spiders at the heart of

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