Yazhu Toyota - R

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After Sales Service is any support provided to a customer after the product or service
has already been purchase. Companies use after sell service as a business strategy as
it typically leads to higher customer satisfaction brand loyally and even word-of- mouth

The objective of this study is to know the consumer satisfaction of Toyota service in
Pallikaranai. In this study the Questionnaire method is used to collect the data the
simple percentage, pie chart and bar graph method applied. The major finding of this
study and suitable suggestion are presented in this article.

Keywords: consumer, satisfaction.



A customer satisfaction as a response to an evaluation. Besides product quality is more

related to consumer dissatisfaction whereas quality is more related to consumer
satisfaction. The satisfaction elements of after sales service will also include
maintained interest and complaints handling. Consumer will feel appreciated when
company handling is responsive and customer is kept in formed throughout the process
handling. It will help in ensuring repeated orders placement from the customers who will
also have the confidence that the organisation is receptive and committed to provide
service support.

There are many methods that can be implemented to improve on customer retention.
These are service guarantees, regular communication, customer education,
personalised service and extraordinary service with these implementations opportunity
to deliver a product to the customer and contribute of business is greatly enhanced for
the organisation. In the service industry, service providers will generate profit from
continuous business. If customers are not satisfied with service providers they will
simply change service providers. This is especially true where the customers give a
wide variety of choice in the highest competitive market. Consumers satisfaction derives
from the greatly of the service delivery that expected by customers while being served.
The satisfaction level can be measured by comparing the actual service performed
various the customer expectations through a survey. Service quality is a reflection of the
customer perception of relatively, assurance, responsiveness, empathy and tangible.
Consumer satisfaction will be influenced by perception of product quality, service quality
and service environment. Four main factors such as product quality, service quality,
cost and timelines that contributes more to the consumer overall satisfaction. Quality of
product offered in conjunction with service will a effect customer perception of service,
satisfying customer perception of service. Satisfying customer and increasing loyali of
customers are the best way to stay competition in global Marketplace nowadays the
balancing act between customer satisfaction and quality service must be optimised in
order to maximize the organisation long term profit.
The LANSON TOYOTA is a company which is an automobile industry. This
industry deals with four wheelers marketing. The four wheelers marketing in India has
been the fastest growing industry segment. Mainly 4 million units of vehicles were sold
in the year

2019 and expected to grow at a rapid pace. Automobile export grow at a rapid rate of

14.5% during FY 19 in India. The automobile industry comprises wide range of

Companies and organisations involved in the design, development, manufacturing,
marketing and selling of motor vehicles. It is one of the world largest industry by
It is also the industry which highest spending on the research and development.


The company LANSON TOYOTA was established in November 18 19 20. The head
office was situated in 2-1 Toyota cho Kariya-shi,Aichi 448,8671 Japan. The president of
the company is Akira honshu. The business activity involves manufacturing and sales of
textile machinery, material handling equipments, automobile and Automobile parts. The
capital of the company 804 billion Ye n as of March 31st 2021.The net sales is 118.3
billion in fiscal year ended March 31st 2021. The operating profit level 11 8.1 billion yen.
Profit 136.7 billion in fiscal year and that March 31st 2021. The company Lanson Toyota
at Pallikaranai unit this was charted at 2007. There are totally 210 employees are
working in this unit.

The main purpose of the study is to know how much level the customer are been
satisfied with Sales Service.
 To know whether the customers are our of the Toyota company.
 To make utilise of the service of the company.
 To create an awareness regarding the company and the industry.


The main scope to find out the satisfaction of consumers using Toyota service.

 This study is to know the people choosing Toyota.

 To know how much customers are currently using Toyota service.
 To give suggestions to be made to improve.



 A Study on consumer satisfaction on after Sales Serviceprovided in Toyota

company at Pallikaranai unit.


 To analyse the satisfaction of Toyotausers.

 To know the Toyota service effect on Indian market. To study why people
switching on others service to Toyota
 To identify if the schemes are beneficiary or not.


 Due to time constrict only 120 numbers of respondents were considered.
 The result fully depends on the information given by the respondents which may
be based
 The main source of data for the study was primary data with the help of self
administered questionnaires. Hence, the chances of unbiased information are
 People were hesitant to disclose the true facts.
 The chance of biased response can’t be eliminated through all necessary steps
taken to avoid the same


2. The Literature Review

After sales service plays a great role in customer satisfaction. The relationship
between after sales service and customer satisfaction is positive (r=0.463,
P0.001) and there is positive correlation between after sales service and intent to
repurchase (r=0.583, P0.001)

(Maghsoudlou, Mehrani and Azma,2014, “The Role of After- Sales Service in

Customer Satisfaction: Case Study : Samsung House Appliances). Out of 100
customers of Tata at Jharkhand, 66% were satisfied with the after salesservice
provided by the showroom, 60% of the customers agreed that staffs were
available in timely manner, 20% said that they had to wait longer hours to get the
service, 26% agreed that the staff were friendly and cheerful in dealing with them,
44% agreed that staff greeted them and offered help as well, 40% agreed that
staff were skilled and knowledgeable, 42% agreed that staff answered their
problems, and 40% agreed that facilities were provided in waiting room
(Mishra, 2014 “A study on relation between effective after sales service and
customer overall satisfaction at TATA motor‟s with special reference to
Ramgarhia Automobiles Ramgarh Cantt, Jharkhand”). Customer satisfaction
largely dependson product features, price and aftermarket. Price, mileage, pickup
and design have significant effect on customer satisfaction of Honda at Tirupati
(Yuvaraju and Rao, 2014, “Customer Satisfaction towards Honda Two Wheelers:
A case study inTirupati”). Customers are satisfied with price, design, safety,
mileage, interior space, status, brand name, comfort level, spares and after sale
service of Tatamotors passenger vehicles. Price was the most influencing and
primary determinant, mileage and interior space were considered to be
secondary determinants. After sale service were found to be less influencing
(Dua and et.al, 2013). As per the research of Ladokun, Adeyemo, and Ogunleye
(2013), Product delivery; Installation and Warranty were significantly joint
predictors of customer satisfaction. Fuel Economy, Comfort, Spare parts, Price,
value for money, mileage, maintenance, radius and parking have significant
effect on customer satisfaction of Maruti Suzuki. Discounts, seasonal offers and
delivery period were considered valuable by the customer (Singh and Srivatava,
2013, “Factors Affecting Customer Satisfaction: A Study on Maruti Suzuki”).
People of Zonguldak rate warranties at highest (72%) after sales service out of
services like warranties, transportation, installation and free customer hotlines.
Transportation comes to the second place; installation to third and free customer
hotlines comes to the fourth place (Cabuk, Karayilmazlar and Turedi,2012, “A
study on evaluation of after sales services in the furniture sector”). Similarly,
Srinivasan and et.al
(2011) made a research on “A Study on Customer Satisfaction with Reference to

Characteristics and Services of Schwing Stetter India Private Limited” and infer
that there is no relationship between quality of product
and value for money. There is no relationship between performance and
complaint handling. However, there is a very high degree of positive correlation
between quality of product and after sales service. There are some factors of
after sales services which influence consumer buying behaviour. Economic spare
parts have strong impact on consumer buying behaviour as compared to easy
availability of spare parts and easy availability of mechanic (Saeed and et.al,
2013, “Impact of „After Sales Service‟ on
„Consumer Buying Behavior‟ in Sahiwal Pakistan”). Consumer buying decision
also depends on demographic factor of the customer. Sales are strongly
correlated with age group and gender of the consumers whereas income level
has nothing to do with purchase decision of customers (Shaikh, 2012). Service
dimensions are one of the major determinants of customer satisfaction. In
telecom sector of Pakistan, service quality dimensions (like reliability, technical
service, image, assurance etc) and customer satisfaction have positive
correlation (Sandhu and et.al, 2013), whereas in China‟s Auto industry fairness,
empathy, reliability and convenience have significant positive impact on
satisfaction, but responsiveness has no significant positive impact on satisfaction.
However, trust has a significant positive impact on commitment (Gang and
Shuqin, 2012).
Accepting attitude of the company, service personal attitude, increasing
processing speed, after sales service like maintenance, supply of spare parts,
replacement and most importantly, time to recover service etc will be helpful in
after sales service recovery
(Fenghua, Xiaoye and Yuqing, 2013). SERVQUAL model is widely used in
measuring service quality. Five dimensions of SERVQUAL model: Tangibles,
Reliability, Responsiveness, Assurance and Empathy, are analysed in terms of
Expectation and Perception and the gap range is analysed for the conclusion. In
assessing the service quality of bank in Lahore, Pakistan, it was found that
banking institutions are exceeding customer expectations in three dimensions i.e.
“Tangibles”, “Reliability” and
“Responsiveness” and lacking in other two dimensions “Assurance” and
“Empathy” (Ilyas and et.al, 2013). Whereas survey in a local bank at Chittagong
showed that it does not have ability to exceed customer expectation in any of the
SERVQUAL dimensions. In fact, customers are highly dissatisfied in terms of
Responsiveness (Tazreen, 2012). Product quality and social responsibility are
major variables affecting customer satisfaction and customer satisfaction
increases with better service delivery (Hussain, Batti and Jilani, 2011) “An
empirical analysis of after sales service and customer satisfaction”). Service
delivery is prime determinant of customer satisfaction. 50% vehicles were
delayed due to overload of service centre which causes customer dissatisfaction
and that problem can be solved by installing automated machines for washing
and cleaning of vehicles and working shift can also be managed Katarne and
Sharma (2010). Along with SERVQUAL model, Kano Model is also used in
measuring customersatisfaction. In this regard, Mustofa and Abebe (2012), made
a study on “Effect of after sale services on customer satisfaction and loyalty in
Automotive Industry of Ethiopia” where two brands MOENCO and Holland Car
are taken for the study. It is found that for Holland car PLC after sale service
customers, maintenance, spare part supply and inspection are one dimensional
requirement, while online (telephone) service, car washing and documentation
services are indifferent requirements. In addition, warranty is must be
requirement. Moreover training (driving orientation) is reverse requirement for
Holland Car PLC customers. For MOENCO, car washing is attractive
requirement,while maintenance service, spare part supply service and inspection
services are onedimensional requirements. In addition, online (telephone)
service, and documentation services are indifferent requirements. Moreover
training (driving orientation) is reverse requirement for MOENCO after sale
service customers. They also found out that after sale service components like
car washing service, telephone service, maintenance service, spare part supply
service and warranty service are found significantly related to overall satisfaction
level of after sale service of customers and they have no equal contribution to
overall satisfaction levels. However, they found that driving orientation and
documentation services are not significantly related to overall satisfaction of
By using Kano‟s model of customer satisfaction to explore customers‟ stated
needs and unstated desires and resolve them into different categories can be
used as a basis for product development, especially for quality function
deployment Matzler and Hinterhuber (1998). The must-be, satisfier, and delight
categorization system developed by Kano is a popular means of better
understanding the key differences between customer satisfaction and customer
delight. Must be requirement consists of the basic criteria of goods or services
that result in extreme customer dissatisfaction if not fulfilled. A consumer‟s
degree of satisfaction among satisfiers is related to the level of fulfilment- higher
the level of fulfilment, greater the level of customer satisfaction. Attractive
requirement basically deals with customer delight if met but there will be no
feeling of dissatisfaction if not met. Berman (2005). Research has found that
customer satisfaction leads to loyalty.
Satisfaction on technical-functional (safety, vehicle‟s manoeuvrability and vehicle
comfort quality) of the automobile is the core factor to determine the loyalty. The

satisfaction with the global cost of the vehicle (associated with price, fuel costs,

repair costs and replacement part costs) and with the dealer after sales service
(reception, delivery and vehicle service realized) falls under second place
(Lucero, Legorreta and
Cervantes, 2007). Hallowell (1996) made a study on “The relationships of
customer satisfaction, customer loyalty, and profitability: an empirical study” and
concluded that customer loyalty in terms of customer retention, relationship
tenure, accounts cross sell and service cross sell is related with overall
satisfaction and satisfaction with respect to service index and price index. From
the literature review, it was found that most of the past studies have focused their
research more on product attributes (price, design, features etc) rather than after
sales attributes. Likewise, most of the past studies have not considered the
contribution of human factor i.e. behavior aspect in customer satisfaction.
Moreover, most of the past studies have a limited sample size of 100 and their
studies are confined with only brands like Hero or Maruti which only reflect the
scenario of a company but not the condition of the industry as a whole. However,
this research focuses on core after sales service attributes and human aspect of
service of two wheeler industry. Moreover, this study includes sample of almost
every brand of the two wheeler industry present in Kathmandu Valley making
sample size 280. Hence, this research provides a better insight in all the
shortcoming of the past studies and fulfills the research gap.

To study the consumersatisfaction on actor Sales Service of Toyota
company. This is a quantitative type of study, mainly this type of study is used to
quantify data and generalize results from a sample to the population of interest.
Random sampling as the method was used for collecting data.

In view of constraints faced by an individual researcher, the sample size is

restricted to 120. The primary data was collected by incorporating a survey
questionnaire delivered to respondents of specific age groups. Secondary sources of
data including several research papers and articles as well as industry reports were
referred to in addition to the primary data. Survey questionnaire was used as a data
collection tool. Excel was used as a tool for data analysis.Queries and responses are
netted and are made into one. Data is made in the form of Pie charts and Bar graphs for
easy understanding


Descriptive research is a study designed to depict the participants in an
accurate way. More simply put, descriptive research is all about describing people who
take part in the study.


3.2.1 Convenience sampling method

A convenience sample is one of the main types of non-probability sampling

methods of study.

 A convenience sample is made up people who are easy to reach.

Data collection is the term used to describe a process of preparing and collecting data.


Questionnaire given to 120 respondents


Websites and online journals, Published reports & Review of study


Questionnaire was divided into two sections. First part was designed to know

the general information about customers and the second part contained the

respondent’s opinions about customer’s experience.


The duration of study is from January 2022 to march 2022 which us three

months of study.


Percentage analysis
 Bar Graph
 Pie chart etc…



4.1 Percentage Analysis

4.1.1 Table Showing Gender of the respondents

Gender No.of Respondents Percentage

Male 105 87%

Female 15 13%

Total 120 100%

4.1.1 Chart Showing Gender of the respondents

From the above table. It is interpretation that 87% of the respondents are
male and 13% of the respondents are female.
Inference :
Majority 87% of the respondents are Male.

4.1.2 Table Showing the age group of the respondents

Age No.of Respondents Percentage

Age 20 9 8%

Age 20 – 30 26 22%

Age 30 – 40 44 37%

Age 40 – 50 28 23%

Age Above 50 13 11%

4.1.2 Chart Showing the age group of the respondents

From the above table. It is interpreted that 8% of the respondents are at the
Age20. 22% of the respondents are at the Age from Age 2030 – 37% of the
respondents are at the Age 30-40 = 23% of the respondents are at the Age 40-
50 11% of the respondents are at Age above 50

Inference : Majority 37% of the respondents are at the Age of 30-40

4.1.4 Table Showing Occupation of the respondents

Occupation No.of Respondents Percentage

Student 13 11%

Employee 37 31%

Business 25 21%

Working 44 37%

4.1.4 Chart Showing the occupation of the respondents

From the above table. It is interpreted that 11% of the respondents are Students
are Employee 21% of the respondents are Businessman 37% of the respondents
are working
Inference : Majority 37% of the respondents are Working People.

4.1.7 Table Showing the Visually appealing service material

The Visually appealing No.of Percentage

Service Material Respondents

Excellent 59 50%

Good 57 48%

Fair 2 2%

Better 1 1%

Can be improved 0 0%

4.1.7 Chart Showing the Visually appealing service Material.


From the above table. It is interpreted that 50% of the respondents are
excellent 48% of the respondents. Were given as good 2% of the
respondents were given as Fair 1% of the respondents were given as

Inference :

Majority 50% of the respondents were given as Excellent.

4.1.8 Table Showing the Convenient Operating Hours.

The Convenient No.of Percentage

Operating Hours Respondents

Excellent 38 32%

Good 70 58%

Fair 11 9%

Better 1 1%

Can be improved 0 0%

4.1.8 Chart Showing the Convenient Operating Hours.


From the above table. It is interpreted that 32% of the respondents

were given as Excellent 58% of th respondents were given as good 9% of

the respondents were given as Fair 1% of the respondents were given as
Inference :

Majority 58% of the respondents were given as Good.

4.1.10 Table Showing the Provision of service as provised.

The Provision of No. of Percentage

service as provised Respondents

Excellent 32 27%

Good 71 59%

Fair 14 12%

Better 3 3%

Can be improved 0 0%

4.1.10 Chart showing the provision of Service as provised.


From the above table. It is interpreted that 27% of the respondents

were given as Excellent 9% of the respondent were given as good 12% of
the respondents were given as Fair 3% of the respondents were given as
Inference : Majority 59% of the respondents were given was good.

4.1.11 Table Showing the Provision of Se vice

Provision of Service No. of Percentage


Excellent 32 26%

Good 65 54%

Fair 22 18%

Better 2 2%

Can be improved 0 0%

4.1.11 Bar Graph Showing the provision of Service


From the above table it is interpreted that 26% of the respondents were
given as Excellent 54% of the respondents were given as good 18% of the
respondents were given as Fair 2% of the respondents were given as Better.

Inference : Majority 54% of the respondents were given was good.

4.1.12 Table Showing the availability of technical service staff.

The availability of No. of Percentage

Technical Service Respondents

Excellent 33 28%

Good 76 63%

Fair 7 6%

Better 4 3%

Can be improved 0 0%

4.1.12 Chat Showing the availability of technical service staff.


From the above table. It is interpreted that 28% of the respondents were
given as excellent 63% of the respondents were given as good 6% of the
respondents were given as Fair 3% of the respondents were given as Better.
Inference : Majority 63% of the respondents were given was good.

4.1.13 Table Showing Consistency of Service quality.

No. of Percentage

Excellent 35 29%

Good 67 56%

Fair 17 14%

Better 1 1%

Can be improved 0 0%

4.1.13 Bar Graph Showing the Consistency of Service quality.


From the above table it is interpreted that 29% of the respondents were
given as Excellent 29% of the respondent were given as Excellent 56% of the
respondents were given as good 14% of the respondents were given as Fair
1% of the respondents were given as Better.
Inference : Majority 56% of the respondents were given was good.
4.1.14 Table Showing the Customer service during warranty period.

Customer service No. of Percentage

during warranty Respondents

Excellent 34 28%

Good 67 56%

Fair 16 13%

Better 3 3%

Can be improved 0 0%

4.1.14 Chart Showing the Customer service during warranty period


From the above table it is interpreted that 28% of the respondents were given as
Excellent 56% of the respondents were given as Good 15% of the respondents
were given as Fair 3% of the respondents were given as Better.

Inference : Majority 56% of the respondents were given was good.

4.1.15 Table Showing about immediate identification and counter

About immediate No. of Percentage

identification and Respondents
counter measurement

Excellent 36 30%
Good 72 60%
Fair 9 8%
Better 3 3%
Can be improved 0

4.1.15 Bar Graph Showing about immediate identification and counter



From the above table it is interpreted that 30% of the respondents were
given as Excellent 60% of the respondents were given as Good 8% of the
respondents were given as Fair 3% of the respondents were given as Better.
Inference : Majority 60% of the respondents were given was good.

4.1.16 Table Showing the time taken in servicing.

Time taken in No. of Percentage

servicing Respondents

Excellent 32 27%

Good 73 61%

Fair 13 11%

Better 3 2%

Can be improved 0 0%

4.1.16 Bar Graph Showing time taken in servicing.


From the above table it is interpreted that 27% of the respondents were
given as Excellent 61% of the respondents were given as Good 11% of the
respondents were given as Fair 2% of the respondents were given as Better.
Inference : Majority 61% of the respondents were given was good.

4.1.17 Table Showing time taken for resolving complaints.

Time taken for resolving No. of Percentage

complaints Respondents

Excellent 31 26%

Good 69 57%

Fair 18 15%

Better 2 2%

Can be improved 0 0%

4.1.17 Bar Graph showing time taken for resolving complaints.


From the above table it is interpreted that 26% of the respondents were
given as Excellent 57% of the respondents were given as Good 15% of the
respondents were given as Fair 2% of the respondents were given as Better.
Inference : Majority 57% of the respondents were given was good.



 Majority 87%of the respondents of gender are Male.

 Majority 837% of the respondents are at age group 30-40.
 Majority 42% of the respondents are HSC educated people.
 Majority 37% of the respondent’s are working people.
 Majority 71% of the respondent’s are 6times users.
 Majority 63% of the respondents are given as good
 Majority 50% of the respondents are given as Excellent
 Majority 58% of the respondents are given as good
 Majority 39% of the respond are given as good
 Majority 39% of the respondents are given as good
 Majority 59%of the respondents are given as good
 Majority 54% of the respondents are given as good
 Majority 63% of the respondents are given as good
 Majority 56% of the respondents are given as good
 Majority 60% of the respondents were give good
 Majority 61% of the respondents were given as good
 Majority 57%of the respondents were given good
 Majority 62% of the respondents were given as good
 Majority 58% of the respondents were given as good
 Majority 61% of the respondents were given as good
 Majority 60% of the respondents were given as good
 Majority 66% of the respondents were given as good
 Majority 55% of the respondents were given as good
 Majority 69% of the respondence where given is good
 Majority 69% of the respondents were given as good

From the study it is well known that most of the customers weredissatisfied with the cost
of service rented. For this problem the company is giving offers, conducting events and
campaigns and also ready to issue discount in labour and parts by this way the cost will
be reduced for the customer and the organisation won't be get affected.

The present study confirms to know the satisfaction of Toyota users service in
Pallikaranai unit. The result of the study reveals the perception of the customers.

Customers having good satisfaction level towards the service and maintenance of their
work. The customers have good opinion on the service like wise offers customer
service maintenance reminded attenting of customers. The customers are satisfied with
the services and most of them looking for cost reduction.


1. Gender

A. age 20

B. Age 20-30

C. Age 30-40

D. Age 40-50

E. Age above 50

3. Education

4. Occupation

A. student

C. Businessman
5. The frequency of obtaining service
B.More than 6times
6. The availability of Information and advice at service centre
A Excellent

D. Can be improved

7. The visually appealing service material
A. Excellent
B. Good
C. Fair
D. can be improved
8. Convenient operating hours
A. Excellent
B. Good
C. Fair
D. can be improved
9. The price performance ratio of service rendered
A. Excellent
B. Good
C. Fair
D. can be improved
10. The provision of service as promised
A. Excellent
B. Good
C. Fair
D. can be improved
11.The provision of services
A. Excellent
B. Good
C. Fair
D. Can be improved
12. The availability of Technical service staff
A. Excellent
B. Good
C. Fair
D. Can be improved
13. Consistency of service quality
A. Excellent
B. Good
C. Fair
D. Can be improved


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