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The Sustainable Solution to

Industrial Chemical Separation

Reserved 1
The Problem
Chemical separation processes
are resource intensive $3.6T in energy

> 10% of world’s

CO2e emissions

1.2 trillion liters

of water
* Seven Chemical Separations to Change the World; Nature
Reserved 2
The Solution
Molecular level solvent recovery

Operating Expenses



90% LESS < 2 YEARS

SOLVENT Energy Consumption Return on
& CO2e Emissions Investment

©2021 SEPPURE All rights Reserved 3
The Solution
Concentrating 1 m3 of a dilute solution in methanol by a factor of 10, using
(a) Conventional (Distillation) and (b) SEPPURE (Membrane Filtration) Technologies*

Qdistillation = 1750 MJ

Qfiltration = 3 MJ
Membrane Filtration

SEPPURE’ technology uses 580X less energy than the conventional method to do the same job!
In industrial applications, we usually use a hybrid process that ensures a minimum of 10X energy savings

©2021 SEPPURE All rights Reserved * Chem. Rev. 2014, 114, 10735−10806 4
The Solution
SEPPURE’s unique and proprietary CHEMICAL-RESISTANT membrane

Start 1 min


Conventional Membrane Conventional Membrane

(Polyethersulfone, PES) Chemical-resistant (Polyethersulfone, PES) Chemical-resistant
Membrane Membrane

Immersion in Dimethylacetamide (DMAc) solvent

©2021 SEPPURE All rights Reserved 5
The Solution
How it works?
A strong solvent can easily dissolve / swell polymers

Chemical crosslinking modification avoids that

Chemical agents are used as bridges among polymer chains;

• Improving chemical resistance
• Reconstructing pore structures
• Constraining membrane swelling

©2021 SEPPURE All rights Reserved 6

Technology Maturity
Outcome of US$13M in grants, investment and revenue

80+ 1000+ km 2000+ 10

Membrane Membrane fibers Modules fabricated Industrial projects
formulations tested produced and tested

2 Patents

©2021 SEPPURE All rights Reserved 7

Cross-section Selective layer Membrane structure Free volume
• Special material choice and recipe (polymer, additive,
solvent) that provides a thin selective layer and porous
structure (high free-volume) for high throughput

• Special chemical cross-linking that is stable and keeps

membrane highly permeable

Hollow fiber module Spiral wound module

• Hollow fiber configuration that provides 3.7X higher
packing density (surface area per volume) compared
to spiral wound

©2021 SEPPURE All rights Reserved 8


Vegetable Oil Hemp Oil Biodiesel Semiconductor Pharmaceutical Petrochemical

$300B by 2027 $56B by 2028 $55B by 2025 $800B by 2028 $2T by 2027 $730B by 2030
CAGR 3.3% CAGR 47.5% CAGR 7.3% CAGR 8.6% CAGR 7% CAGR 5.1%


Solvent Free Fatty Acid Wax & Lipid Hydrocarbon Monomer Product API Concentration Solvent Homogeneous
Recovery Removal Removal separations Removal Upgrading & Purification Exchange Catalyst Recovery

©2021 SEPPURE All rights Reserved 9

Early Wins
Vegetable oil

Solvent Solvent Crude

Oil Seed Preparation
Extraction Recovery Vegetable Oil

Biodiesel Vegetable oil

Conversion Refining

Solvent Used Refined Refining Solvent

FFA Removal FFA + Solvent FFA
Recovery Cooking Oil Vegetable Oil Process Recovery

FFA Biodiesel

SEPPURE’s technology is ready to be implemented in the Vegetable Oil and Biodiesel industries

©2021 SEPPURE All rights Reserved 10

Customer Pipeline
Vegetable Oil Semiconductor
After 10 months trial, they want to purchase
Pilot Completed with GIIAVA, signed MOU to industrial / semi-industrial modules
implement technology in Singapore

Three-phase long term contract signed with

Fuji Oil, Pilot phase (US$200K revenue) ended
in Nov 2021, semi-industrial starts in Q1 2022

CA$3.6 million 2-Year Project with ERA and
Richardson Oilseed, Started in July 2021

Paid trial completed with Cargill Europe,

Proposal submitted for the new plant


©2021 SEPPURE All rights Reserved 11

Business Model
STREAM Industrial System
One-time investment
15-20 years lifetime
1-2 years ROI

One-time revenue (System sales)


Recurring revenue (Module sales)

2 Membrane Modules
Recurring savings
1-2 years lifetime
VALUE 50% OPEX reduction

©2021 SEPPURE All rights Reserved 12

Revenue Projection
Total Revenue (2021-2026) Potential
System Stages Recurring Revenue 302M

0.4M 6M
2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 Recurring

©2021 SEPPURE All rights Reserved 13

Competitive Advantage

SolSep BV

Separation speed (Flux) Very High Low Low Moderate

Pricing Low High Moderate Moderate

Temperature tolerance High Low Moderate High

Organic solvents, Organic Organic Organic

Acid, Base solvents solvents solvents

Packing density High Low Low Low

Maturity Pilot Industrial Pilot Pilot

SEPPURE’s product compared to the competition is more Revolutionary than Evolutionary

©2021 SEPPURE All rights Reserved 14

Competitive Advantage

How much
Features SEPPURE Evonik
Why better?
SEPPURE 3” module
100-150 °C Max 50°C 2-3X Higher temperature tolerance Membrane effective
surface area (m2) 5.8
SEPPURE works in acid and
pH range 1-14 ~7 only -- base Productivity (Acetone
SEPPURE uses an efficient @ 20 bar), L/h 350
Hollow fiber Spiral wound -- configuration
20 m2 for 4" x 5.4 m2 for 4" x Smaller system size and
Packing Density 3.7X
EVONIK 4” module
40" module 40” module lower system cost
Permeance Pure Acetone: Pure Acetone:
(L/m2h bar) 20X Faster separation
Membrane effective
3 0.15
Productivity per surface area (m2)
module (L/h) at 1200 16.2 74X More productive Productivity (Acetone
20 bar @ 20 bar), L/h 16.2
Price ($/m2
Est. 300 1000 3X More economical

It takes 1 SEPPURE Module to complete the same job as 74 EVONIK Module

©2021 SEPPURE All rights Reserved 15

$7.5M $2.7M $2.9M
Research grant from Seed investment Project secured to implement
Singapore Prime the technology in Canada
Minister's Office

We are here

2015 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025


Research on Chemical- • Founding of SEPPURE • 4" industrial modules • Manufacturing plant established • Gas Separation
resistant Nanofiltration membranes for
• MVP membrane product • 150 TPD veg. oil skids • Production ramp up to
Membranes at NUS Carbon Capture and
20,000 modules per year
by Dr. Farahani under • All technical milestones • 2-4 in-field units deployed at Hydrogen Purification
the guidance of achieved different plants • Signed supply contracts with key
Professor Neal Chung suppliers
• Roll-to-roll fabrication • 6 months endurance and
performance testing • 3 regional sales offices GAS TECHNOLOGIES
• Digital Solutions roll out


©2021 SEPPURE All rights Reserved 16


Mohammad Farahani, PhD

Founder, CEO & CTO
PhD in Membrane Technology (NUS)
10 Years Research & Industry Experience
3 Patents, 30+ Publications, 1450+ Citations • Outstanding Young Alumni Award by National University of Singapore, 2021
• Innovators Under 35 by MIT Technology Review, Class of 2020
• Founder of the Year by TechNode Global at Origin Innovation Awards 2020
• Innovator of the Year Award by Singapore Business Review 2020
• Leader of Tomorrow by Gen.T List, Class of 2020
• The outstanding postgraduate research thesis award, AIChE-SLS, 2018
• The President's Innovation Challenge Award by X-lab (Tsinghua University), 2019
• Singapore International Graduate Award (SINGA) for 4 years of Ph.D. study, 2015

©2021 SEPPURE All rights Reserved 17

Executive Management Advisory Board
Ivy Chua, MSc Kee Kia Kian, MSc Prof. Neal Chung
VP, Product VP, Engineering Technical Advisor
MSc in Chemical Engineering MEng in Chemical Engineering Provost's Chair Professor
25+ Years Industrial Experience MSc in Mechanical Engineering National University of Singapore
3 Patents on Membrane 20+ Years Industrial Experience

Scott Greer, PhD, PMP Hafiiz Osman, PhD Prof. William B. Krantz
VP, Research & Development VP, Business Development Technical Advisor
Professor Emeritus
PhD in Plant Science PhD in Mechanical Engineering University of Colorado
MSc in Biology MEng in Mechanical Engineering
15+ Years Industrial Experience 10+ Years Industrial Experience

©2021 SEPPURE All rights Reserved 18

Series A Fundraising

CAPEX for R&D Other R&D Expenses

6.3% 5.7%
Other SG&A Expenses

Operational Cost
CAPEX for Manufacturing US

Wages & Salaries


©2021 SEPPURE All rights Reserved 19


Backed By Affiliations and Partners

©2021 SEPPURE All rights Reserved 20

The Sustainable Solution to
Industrial Chemical Separation

Reserved 21

©2021 SEPPURE All rights Reserved 22

Sustainability Impact

SEPPURE’s technology replacing just

10% of the world’s distillation would
have an impact equivalent to...
Cost of energy for distillation is $3.6B globally, it is consuming 15% of the world’s energy, emitting 5B T of CO2e

savings in electricity supply CO2e emissions Olympic-sized

energy cost for Singapore avoided swimming pool of
water saved
©2021 SEPPURE All rights Reserved 23
Circular Economy
Through life-cycle sustainability

From disposal & incineration Recovery
to recovery & reuse

From solvent-resistant membranes

to protective fire-resistant fabric

Green Circular
Commodities Chemistry
From use in food preparation
to clean power generation

©2021 SEPPURE All rights Reserved 24

Manufacturing Plan

Engineering Construction Production

Q1 2022 Q2-Q4 2022 Q4 2022

Factory planning and Equipment procurement, Membrane module

initial engineering Factory setup & commissioning production line operational

CAPEX required for 1st line of 15,000 modules/year + infrastructure: US$4-5 million
CAPEX required for subsequent lines of 15,000 modules/year: US$2.5 million
Revenue from selling 15,000 modules/year: US$90 million (margin > 40%)
Proposed Location: Alberta, Canada

©2021 SEPPURE All rights Reserved 25

Business Development Framework
Leads Generation (Top of the Funnel)

Innovation Strategic Collaborative Market Exploration Exhibitions &

Marketplace Memberships Mentorships Programmes Conferences
Free / Low cost High cost

Customer Discovery & Project Proposal (Middle of the Funnel)

Direct Proposal Innovation Grant Funding

Solicitation Challenges Call-for-Proposals

Closing the Deal (Tip of the Funnel)

Pilot / POC Commercial

Projects Projects
Direct revenue

Joint Industry Research

Projects (JIP) Grant
Indirect revenue
(Grant funding)

©2021 SEPPURE All rights Reserved 26

Resources for Trial/Pilot Tests
Membrane fabrication line Membrane tester Produced modules

Process Laboratory

©2021 SEPPURE All rights Reserved 27

Vegetable Oil
Potential Addressable Market

Global market size of US$300 Billion by 20271

Asia Pacific Europe North America
55.7% market share by region in 20182 15.8% market share by region in 20182 11.0% market share by region in 20182

Top Producers2 Top Producers2 Top Producers2 Top Oils2

24.7% market share in 2018 2.9% market share in 2018 6.9% market share in 2018 2. Canola Oil (24%)
3. Palm Oil (9%)
23.0% market share in 2018 2.8% market share in 2018 2.3% market share in 20183

10.9% market share in 2018 2.0% market share in 2018
South America
INDIA Top Oils2 12.0% market share by region in 20182
3.6% market share in 2018
1. Sunflower Oil (44%) Top Producers2 Top Oils2
Top Oils2 2. Canola Oil (33%)
3. Soybean Oil (13%) BRAZIL 1. Soybean Oil (76%)
1. Palm Oil (56%) 5.1% market share in 2018 2. Palm Oil (12%)
2. Soybean Oil (18%) 3. Sunflower Oil (7%)
3. Canola Oil (7%) ARGENTINA
0.8% market share in 2018

©2021 SEPPURE All rights Reserved 28

2Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Potential Addressable Market

Global market size of US$50 Billion by 20271

Global Market Value: ~US$50 billion

15 billion gallons in 2020
US$3 per gallon average conservative

Source: REG Annual Report 2020

©2021 SEPPURE All rights Reserved 29

Hemp and Cannabis Oil
Potential Addressable Market

Global market size of US$227 Billion by 20241

©2021 SEPPURE All rights Reserved 30

Potential Addressable Market

Global market size of US$2.1 Trillion by 20271

Americas Europe Asia, Africa & Australia

53.2% market share by region in 20172 22.2% market share by region in 20172 24.7% market share by region in 20172


US$465 bn market value in 20173 US$47 bn market US$26 bn market US$122 bn market value in 20173
value in 20173 value in 20173

BRAZIL US$34 bn market US$22 bn market JAPAN
US$33 bn market value in 20173 value in 20173 value in 20173 US$84 bn market value in 20173


US$20 bn market value in 20173 US$30 bn market US$15 bn market US$16 bn market value in 20173
value in 20173 value in 20173

1Fortune Business Insights

©2021 SEPPURE All rights Reserved 31
3IMS World Review Analyst
Potential Addressable Market

Global market size of US$800 Billion by 20281

2019 Semiconductor market share by country (Top 6)2 Semiconductor consumption (US$ bn) (2018-2027)3


South Korea 19% 401

(Province of
China) 6% Japan 5%

United States 47% China 5% 4% 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027

1Fortune Business Insights

2Semiconductor Industry Association 2020 Factbook
©2021 SEPPURE All rights Reserved 3Deloitte (August 2021) Rise of the "Big 4" The semiconductor industry in Asia Pacific 32
Solvent Extraction & Recovery
Hybrid Process

Pure Solvent
GreenMem 500 Oil content ~0%
Filtration Unit

Oil + Solvent
Oil content: 10-20%
Energy Pure Solvent
Oil content ~0%

Oil + Solvent
Oil content 60-70%


ROI within Up to 50% Up to 90% less

1-2 years
Oil + Solvent
less OPEX GHG emissions Heating Energy Oil content: 98-99%
To solvent stripping unit

©2021 SEPPURE All rights Reserved 33

Free-Fatty Acid Removal
General Process FFA + Solvent
Oil content: ~0%
GreenMem 500 GreenMem 200
Oil + FFA + Solvent
Oil content: 10-20% § No use of Caustic
FFA content: 1-2% Pure Solvent
Pump § No oil loss to soap stock
§ No effluent treatment
Hybrid § Saves energy
Oil: ~ 100% FFA: ~98%
Solvent: <2%

Product Performance
Feed: 10% Soybean Triglyceride / 90% Acetone (wt%) Feed: 10% Oleic Acid (FFA) / 90% Acetone (wt%)
Temperature: 45°C, Pressure: 15 bar Temperature: 45°C, Pressure: 10-15 bar
Membrane Avg. Acetone Flux Avg Oil Rejection Membrane Avg. Acetone Flux Avg FFA Rejection
(LMH) (%) (LMH) (%)
GreenMem 500 38.2 98.2 GreenMem 200 8.0 98.9

©2021 SEPPURE All rights Reserved 34

Circular Solutions for Biodiesel
Recovered Methanol + Catalyst

Secondary Product

Methanol Crude Glycerine

Methanol & Glycerol
Catalyst Recovery

Used Cooking Oil FFA Transesterification Products

Removal Separation

Primary Product

FFA Catalyst Crude Biodiesel Washing Biodiesel


Pre-treatment Biodiesel Extraction Methanol & Catalyst

Removes FFA to avoid
saponification during
Separates biodiesel from
reaction by-products and
Recovers excess methanol and
transesterification process excess methanol
catalyst for next batch process

©2021 SEPPURE All rights Reserved 35

FAME Production (Conventional Process)
Recovered Methanol + Catalyst

Methanol Glycerol 1. Neutralisation

• Caustic is added to neutralise the FFA
NaOH / KOH Alkali Catalyst to form soap stock that is removed
Methanol + • Up to 30% oil loss can occur due to
3 Distillation Distillation
Glycerine +
H2SO4 Methanol 2. Centrifugal Separation
• Due to the low solubility of glycerol in
Higher FFA Oil the esters, they can be separated with
Acid Catalyst Acid Glycerine Refining FFA
(FFA > 5%)
a centrifuge
Pre-treatment Centrifugal • Both the glycerol and FAME separated
Esterification Transesterification 2
e.g. Degumming Separation would contain excess methanol,
catalyst and soap which needs to be
Crude Biodiesel further refined
3 Methanol+
Lower FFA Oil Pre-treatment Neutralisation
Distillation Water 3. Distillation
(FFA ≤ 5%) e.g. Degumming (Alkali)
• Recovery of methanol is carried out
Biodiesel through either vacuum or conventional
(FAME)+Residual Washing Distillation distillations

Acid Biodiesel (FAME)

©2021 SEPPURE All rights Reserved 36

FAME Production (SEPPURE Process)
Recovered Methanol + Catalyst

Methanol Crude Glycerine Crude Glycerol Removes FFA to avoid
saponification during
NaOH / KOH Alkali Catalyst transesterification process
Distillation (To
Methanol & remove water)
Catalyst Recovery

Glycerine Refining FFA

Biodiesel Extraction
Crude Glycerine,
Higher FFA Oil Separates biodiesel from
Acid Catalyst H2SO4
Application 2 Methanol, Alkali Catalyst
(FFA > 5%) reaction by-products and
excess methanol
Pre-treatment e.g.
Esterification Transesterification
Degumming Products

Crude Biodiesel (FAME)

Lower FFA Oil Pre-treatment e.g.

Methanol & Catalyst
(FFA ≤ 5%) Degumming Removal Washing Recovery
Recovers excess methanol and
catalyst for next batch process
FFA Biodiesel (FAME)
Application 1

©2021 SEPPURE All rights Reserved 37

Methanol Recovery
Recovery of valuable feedstock from process effluents

Problem: Methanol (32 Da) is the most expensive input for the Biodiesel (Fatty Acid Methyl Esters)
biodiesel process, and is added in excess to ensure all of the Methyl palmitate (C16:0), 260-270 Da
used oil are converted to biodiesel. The excess methanol ends Methyl stearate (C18:0), 180-200 Da
up in the Glycerol (92 Da) by-product. Recovery of methanol Methyl oleate (C18:1), 280-300 Da
using evaporation and condensation contributes to GHG Methyl linoleate (C18:2), 280-300 Da
Methyl linolenate (C18:3), 280-300 Da
emissions and increases cost of biodiesel as a transport fuel.
Musa Idris Atadashi, Egyptian Journal of Petroleum, Volume 25, Issue 1, March 2016, Pages 21-31

SEPPURE Solution


Methanol Biodiesel Stage 1 Glycerol Stage 2
+ Catalyst + Glycerol + Methanol
+ Methanol + Catalyst
+ Catalyst
Vegetable Oil Pump + Catalyst
Methanol Energy

Transesterification Pump
Reactor Energy Biodiesel Glycerol
©2021 SEPPURE All rights Reserved 38
Circular Solution for Used Lube Oil

Used Lube Oil Dewatering Flash Distillation Fractionation Solvent Extraction Base Oil

Water Gas Oils Aromatics

Light Ends Other Components

Customers Lube Oil Blending Additives

Used lube oil recycling makes business sense and is better for the environment

800 million liters

Used lube oil are disposed annually vs
in the United States alone
318 Liters 5 Liters 8 Liters 5 Liters
Crude Oil Fine Lubricant Reclaimed Oil Fine Lubricant

©2021 SEPPURE All rights Reserved 39

Lube Oil Recycling
Solvent Extraction of Used Lube Oil Distillate

Problem: Recycling of used lube oil involve the removal of Utilisation in

chemical, physical and mechanical impurities. Recycling using a Base oil Lube Oil
solvent blend comprising Toluene (92 Da), Methanol (32 Da) and 1-
Butanol (74 Da) in equal proportion, provides maximum solubility for
base oil and minimum for additives carbonaceous. More solvent
leads to more sludge removal (e.g. Oil to solvent proportion of 1:3). Re-refining Collection Used Lube Oil

1. Egyptian Journal of Petroleum, vol. 27, no. 2, pp. 221-225, 2017 Used lube oil life cycle

SEPPURE Solution
Solvent Hybrid System
Feed: Used Lube Mixing
Oil Distillate

Solvent Blend +
Pre-filtration Post-process
Used Lube Oil Distillate + Pump Base Oil
Solvent Blend (1:3) Energy
©2021 SEPPURE All rights Reserved 40
Lube Oil Dewaxing
Energy-Efficient Wax Removal from Lube Oil Raffinate

Problem: In solvent lube oil dewaxing, the raffinates are first dissolved in a
solvent blend mixture comprising Toluene (92 Da) and Methyl Ethyl Ketone (79
Da). The mixture is cooled to precipitate the wax component which is then
filtered out to obtain dewaxed lube oil (e.g. C25H52). The refrigeration process
consumes substantial energy and presents a bottleneck in the dewaxing
process, including the industry-standard Max-Dewax process (graphic insert)1,2.
1. Separation and Purification Technology, vol. 261, pp. 118278, 2021
2. Environmental Progress, vol. 20, no. 1, pp. 12-16, 2001 Max-Dewax process

SEPPURE Solution

Solvent GreenMem 500 GreenMem 200
Feed: Waxy
Lube Oil Mixing
Solvent Blend
Pump (MEK + Toluene, 1:1)
Waxy Lube Oil + Pump
Solvent Blend, (1:4) Energy Waxes Dewaxed Lube Oil
©2021 SEPPURE All rights Reserved 41
Wax & Lipid Removal and Solvent Recovery
Example of Applications

1. Extraction of Hemp and Cannabis Oil

Step 1: Wax & Lipid Removal
Removal of undesirable compounds (Waxes (~1000Da), Lipids (~800Da), Chlorophyll (~900Da), Beta
Carotene (~536Da)

Step 2: Solvent Recovery

Partial concentration of THC (314Da) or CBD (314Da) and Recovery of Solvent e.g. Methanol (32Da),
Ethanol (46Da), and Acetone (58Da)

©2021 SEPPURE All rights Reserved 42

Wax & Lipid Removal and Solvent Recovery
Conventional Hemp and Cannabis Oil Extraction Process
Extraction Winterization Filtration Colour Removal Evaporation Isolation

Process with SEPPURE Nanofiltration Membranes

(Solvent recovery and partial
(Removal of waxes, color and unwanted compounds) concentration of CBD/THC)
OSN2: GreenMem Fractional
Extraction OSN1: GreenMem 500 Isolation
200 Distillation

Step 1: Wax & Lipid Removal Step 2: Solvent Recovery

Hemp Oil (CBD) or Cannabis Oil (THC)

/Undesirable Compounds (UC) e.g.
Waxes and Lipids/Solvent: Ethanol CBD or THC/Solvent GreenMem 200
CBD/THC: 1-10%
Filtration Unit
UC: 1-5%
Pure Solvent

Pump Energy GreenMem 500 Pump Energy

Filtration Unit
UC: ~100% CBD or THC: 60-70% Further Refining
until ~85% purity

©2021 SEPPURE All rights Reserved 43

Hydrocarbon Separations
Separation of n-Hexacosane (367Da) from n-Dodecanal (198Da) in n-Decane solvent (142Da) after hydroformylation1

Product Performance Hybrid Process

(in Study) GreenMem 200
n-Hexacosane :~0%
Membranes Used: Filtration Unit


2. Evonik Puramem S380 (Silicon
coated polyimide) n-Hexacosane, n-Dodecanal, n-Dodecanal/Solvent
Solvent: n-Decane Pump n-Hexacosane :~0%
Feed: n-Hexacosane, n-Dodecanal,
Solvent: n-Decane
Temperature: 30°C, Pressure: 35 bar
n-Hexacosane /Solvent
n-Hexacosane: 60-70%
Solvent: Flux Cooling

Rejection (%) Energy
n-Decane (LMH)

BORSIG 80 25 n-Hexacosane
Heating Energy
Evonik 72 10 n-Hexacosane: 98-99%
To solvent stripping unit

Micovic, J., et al., Hybrid separations combining distillation and organic solvent nanofiltration for separation
©2021 SEPPURE All rights Reserved of wide boiling mixtures. Chem. Eng. Res. Des. (2014), 44
Homogeneous Catalyst
Recovery of Rhodium catalyst (~850Da) and ligand Recovery
(~650Da) from Octene (112 Da), Isononanal (142 Da) and
High boilers (300-450 Da) in organic solvent in hydroformylation1
Product Performance General Process
(in Study)
Feed: Rodium catalyst, Ligand,
Membranes Used: Light hydrocarbons (octene,
isononanal), Heavy hydrocarbons,
1. Starmem 122 (Polyimide Organic solvent GreenMem 500
membrane, MWCO 220Da) Filtration Unit
Feed: Octene, Isononanal, High
boilers, Bulky phosphite ligand,
Active catalyst complex
Pump Organic solvent, Light
Temperature: 30°C, Pressure: 35 bar Energy hydrocarbons

Concentration of
Permeability Rhodium Catalyst and
Rejection (%)
(kg/(m2 h bar) Ligand in feed tank
Starmem 122
90-99 0.7-1.2*

*Permeability decline over the test period ranges from 25% to 30%. The reasons for this decline are further irreversible compacting of the membrane and the blocking of
the pores as well as deposition of solid matter from abrasion of the pumps on the membranes surface

Micovic, J., et al., Hybrid separations combining distillation and organic solvent nanofiltration for separation
©2021 SEPPURE All rights Reserved of wide boiling mixtures. Chem. Eng. Res. Des. (2014), 45
Semiconductor Application: Removal of Impurities

SEPPURE Effectively Prevents Defects Due To Impurities

The slightest deviation in chemical formulations can be detrimental to process yield. This is especially pertinent
in semiconductor processes that require a high purity environment because the slightest increase in impurities
can cause irreversible defects.

SEPPURE’s chemically-resistant nanofiltration technology can effectively remove destructive particles and
unwanted components from chemical mixtures in harsh organic solvents.

For example, in photolithography, photochemical formulations are very complex. Nanofiltration is needed to
effectively remove destructive particles and gels from photochemicals without disrupting photochemical
integrity during the filtration process.1

©2021 SEPPURE All rights Reserved
Zhang, H., Ayubali, M., Andrews, J., Man, X., Antle, P., & Buschjost, R. (2008, February). Membrane compatibility for nanofiltration applications in DUV lithography. Solid State
Technology, 51(2), 42+. 46
Semiconductor Application: Removal of Impurities
Removal of Impurities from BARC formulations

Problem: The production and application of the bottom anti-

reflective coatings (BARC) require precise control and uniformity to
achieve the desired process performance. BARC formulations are
acidic (pH~3) and comprises solvent, polymer and a light absorbing
compound. The filtration solution employed in the production and
recovery of the BARC must maintain the formulation’s integrity.
Solid State Technology (2008), 51(2), 42+.
2Advances in Resist Materials and Processing Technology XXV (2008), (Vol. 6923, p. 69233H).


Filtration Unit

BARC Formulation +
BARC Formulation

Energy Impurities

©2021 SEPPURE All rights Reserved 47

Semiconductor Application: Removal of Impurities
Removal of Impurities from Spent Solvents

Problem: The fabrication of semiconductors is highly chemical-intensive, especially the photolithography step. Two of the most
common solvents used in photolithography are propylene glycol monomethyl ether acetate (PGMEA) and Propylene glycol
monomethyl ether (PGME).1 Acetone is also frequently used as a cleaning solvent in the fabrication and packaging stages.

Impurities must constantly be removed frequently to maintain a certain level of purity in the permeate. SEPPURE’s membrane
technology can effectively remove impurities more than 5 nm and recover spent solvent for reuse.
Kim, S., Yoon, C., Ham, S., Park, J., Kwon, O., Park, D., … Kim, W. (2018). Chemical use in the semiconductor manufacturing industry. International Journal of Occupational and Environmental Health, 24(3-4), 109–118.


Filtration Unit

Solvent Solvent
(PGME/PGME/Acetone) + (PGME/PGME/Acetone)
Energy Impurities

©2021 SEPPURE All rights Reserved 48

Semiconductor Application: Solvent Recovery

SEPPURE Eliminates Waste by Recovering Solvents for Reuse

Due to the lack of alternative solvent recovery methods, waste solvents are frequently incinerated in the
semiconductor industry.1 Even if the solvents can be recovered, common solvent recovery methods such
as distillation are energy-intensive, polluting and not economical.

To solve this challenge, SEPPURE’s nanofiltration technology can separate chemicals without heat and
recover pure solvents that can be reused. SEPPURE’s solution creates a closed-loop system that can
eliminate solvent waste and greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions while reducing operating costs.

Chaniago, Y. D., Khan, M. S., Choi, B., & Lee, M. (2014). Energy efficient optimal design of waste solvent recovery process in semiconductor industry using
©2021 SEPPURE All rights Reserved enhanced vacuum distillation. Energy Procedia, 61, 1451-1454. 49
Semiconductor Application: Solvent Recovery
PGMEA & PGME Recovery from Waste Photoresistor Thinners

Problem: Photoresists are essential in photolithography processes for Common Industrial Photoresists
coating treatment. When photoresist thinners, comprising mostly of PGME
and PGMEA, are used to remove unreacted photoresists, a large amount of
Fujifilm RER Series Dupont DUV
waste thinners is generated.1 Although the waste thinners are conventionally
recovered by distillation, it is highly energy-intensive and polluting. Brewer Science E2
Microchem SU-8
SEPPURE’s nanofiltration technology enables the recovery of high-value Stack Series
waste thinners sustainably without heat and at a lower cost.
1. Enhanced recovery of PGME and PGMEA from waste photoresistor thinners by heterogeneous azeotropic dividing-wall column (2016). Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 103, 413-423.


Filtration Unit

Photoresist waste (e.g.

Unreacted photoresists, Metal
ions, BARC Compounds),
Energy Photoresist waste

©2021 SEPPURE All rights Reserved 50

SEPPURE Product Performance

SEPPURE is Compatible with Common Photolithography Solvents

Solvent Pure Solvent Flux @ 20 bar (L/H)

Acetone 1200



Pure solvent fluxes are based on 4040 industrial size module with an area of 25m2

©2021 SEPPURE All rights Reserved 51

SEPPURE Gas Technologies (by 2024)

Carbon Capture Membranes

65% of global greenhouse gas emissions are attributable to carbon dioxide that is emitted from the burning of
fossil fuels for industrial processes.1 One way for organizations to significantly reduce carbon emissions and meet
climate targets would be to separate CO2 from a gaseous mixture. The CO2 captured can be recycled into higher
value-adding products (e.g. fuels). SEPPURE’s membranes are a sustainable alternative to energy-intensive gas
separation methods like distillation as they can separate gases without heat.

Examples of Applications:
1. Syngas purification during pre-combustion: Separation of H2 from CO2
2. Flue gas treatment during post-combustion: Separation of CO2 from N2


1IPCC (2014)
©2021 SEPPURE All rights Reserved 2
Giordano, L. et. al. (2018). Conceptual design of membrane-based pre-combustion CO2 capture process: Role of permeance and selectivity on performance and costs 52
Partnering with SEPPURE
Structured Approach to Technology Adoption in 3-phases

3 M O N T H S 6 M O N T H S 2 0 2 2 O N W A R D S

Trial/Pilot Semi-Industrial Full-scale Industrial

• In-house tests with customer- • Process & retrofit engineering • Process engineering & industrial
supplied samples and specifications • Industrial membrane system control systems integration
• On-site tests at customer’s facility performance & endurance tests • Long-term membrane supply
with SEPPURE’s modules • O&M regime development • Digital control & monitoring system

©2021 SEPPURE All rights Reserved 53

Partnering with SEPPURE
1. Laboratory Trial / In-Field Pilot (3 months)
• Process design and test plan development
• Selection of membrane product and fabrication of membrane modules
• In-house tests with customer-supplied samples or pilot tests at customer site with shipped modules
• Project reporting and recommendations for next phase

2. Semi-Industrial Stage (6 months)

• Process engineering and endurance test plan development
• Development of customized operations and maintenance regime
• Integration of control, monitoring and data collection system
• System installation and commissioning
• Project reporting and recommendations for next phase

©2021 SEPPURE All rights Reserved 54

Partnering with SEPPURE
3. Full-Scale Implementation
• SEPPURE provides complete solution package (industrial system + membrane modules)
• Return of Investment for CAPEX is expected to be within 2 years
• Reduction of OPEX and Carbon Emissions by 30-50%

Industrial System Membrane Modules

One-time investment Recurring savings
20 years lifetime 1-2 years lifetime
2 years ROI 30-50% OPEX reduction

©2021 SEPPURE All rights Reserved 55

Case Study
Current Solution
Large vegetable oil refinery
Pure Solvent

(100k tons oil per year)

Distillation Unit
Even with a hybrid system and initial CAPEX of $4 million for Energy
Oil + Solvent
membrane system, breakeven can be realized within 1 year Oil content Oil ~99%
of operation. Cumulative OPEX savings of over $6 million can 10%
be realized within 5 years of implementation.

Replacing distillation with SEPPURE’s membrane solution will

realise an ROI of 1 year and $6 million savings by Year 5
$20 $8 Energy
$18 SEPPURE Solution

Total savings, USD millions

Total cost, USD millions

$16 $6 (Hybrid Process)

$12 $4 Pure Solvent
$8 $2

Distillation Unit
$6 SEPPURE Cooling
$4 $0 Membrane Energy
$2 Oil + Solvent
$0 -$2 Oil content Oil ~99%
0 1 2 3 4 5 10%
Oil + Solvent
Oil content
Savings Current solution (distillation) SEPPURE solution (membrane) 70%

©2021 SEPPURE All rights Reserved 56
Product Performance for vegetable oil separation
Example (1) Oil Rejection
Membrane Flux (L/m2h)
Feed: 10% Soybean Triglyceride (TG) and 90% Acetone (%)
Application: Solvent Recovery GreenMem 500-1 38.2 98.2
Temperature: 45 ºC, Pressure: 15 bar GreenMem 500-2 30.2 98.9
Example (2) Oil Rejection
Membrane Flux (L/m2h)
Feed: 10% Palm Oil and 90% Acetone (%)
Application: Solvent Recovery GreenMem 500-1 37 99.2
Temperature: 45 ºC, Pressure: 15-20 bar GreenMem 500-3 38 99.4

Performance comparison for vegetable oil application

10% soybean oil in acetone
Membrane GreenMem 500-1 Evonik Duramem 500*
2.55 0.3
(L/m2h bar)
Rejection (%) 98.2 85.8

* Journal of Membrane Science 588 (2019) 117202 Oil/Acetone Pure Acetone

©2021 SEPPURE All rights Reserved 57

News & Awards
SEPPURE was featured at Our CEO, Dr. Farahani, has Our CEO, Dr. Mohammad Farahani, SEPPURE won the First Prize at
Channel NewsAsia during been selected as one of the was listed as Leader of Tomorrow at the "2020 Kunshan Innovation &
Singapore Green Plan 2030 MIT Technology Review Gen.T List of Leaders 2020 Entrepreneurship Challenge"
announcement "Innovators Under 35"!

Our Founder & CEO, Dr.

Mohammad Farahani, received SEPPURE wins the President's
“Founder of the Year” award at Innovation Challenge Award at
Origin Innovation Awards 2020 Tsinghua University by X-LAB
SEPPURE is placed amongst Singapore Business Review:
Singapore's 20 Hottest Startups SEPPURE turns chemical
separation processes greener

©2021 SEPPURE All rights Reserved 58

Recent Membrane M&A Activity
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021

Acquisition of X Classic Tubular Acquired assets of UF Acquisition of RO

Acquisition of water filtration Acquisition of membrane Acquisition of air filtration Acquisition of spiral wound
Start-up NanoH2O for producer Microdyn-Nadir Membrane from Pentair membrane product line
Acquisition of RO/NF companies Jack Filter membrane company membrane company
from Lanxess
US$200 million membrane producer TCK Lufttechnik and Jack Filter Oltremare PolyCera Inc (Series A 2018)
(Founded in 2005) Membrane America Hungaria
Acquisition of air filtration
company Hardy Filtration
Acquisition of ultrafiltration Acquisition of water treatment
and microfiltration membrane and filtration company
producer IMT Solutions Acquisition of specialty Acquisition of filtration Acquisition of filtration
Aquapure Technologies
membrane company TriSep company Kuss Filtration company Keystone Filter
Corporation from PE firm Industrial Acquisition of filtration company
Opportunity Partners Hangzhou Anow Microfiltration
Acquisition of microporous in US$73 million cash deal
membrane company Acquisition of UF
Polypore Separations for Acquisition of air filter membrane business Inge
US$3.2 billion company Chimbault- GmbH from BASF
Acquisition of hollow fiber
filtration company Acquisition of closed-circuit RO
Spectrum Inc company Desalitech Ltd,
hollow fiber UF and MBR Acquisition of hollow fiber
Acquisition of membrane
product line Memcor from
company Ultura membrane manufacturer
Evoqua and membrane WaterSep BioSeparations for
aerated biofilm reactor US$ 36 million (Seed
producer OxyMem Limited
Round 2017)

• These M&A activities are related to water applications or air separation markets which is a saturated market
• There are no known recent M&A for chemical-resistant membranes as it is a new market segment
• Early investors in this blue ocean segment will benefit from huge upside

©2021 SEPPURE All rights Reserved 59

IPO Success

Company Description Company Description

Producer of specialised filters for the semiconductor industry Producer of hollow fiber membranes for water treatment

Founding Date Founding Date

1966 2016

IPO Date IPO Date

Jul 2000 June 2021

No. of Years to IPO No. of Years to IPO

34 years 5 years

Market Cap Market Cap

Current market cap is US$19.55B (3/11/2021) Aimed to raise US$191M through IPO
Current market cap is US$650M (3/11/2021)

©2021 SEPPURE All rights Reserved 60

IPO Success

Company Description Company Description

Producer of water treatment membranes that incorporate Producer of microporous membranes
the use of aquaporin proteins
Founding Date
Founding Date 1996
IPO Date
IPO Date June 2007 (Delisted on August 2015 as it was acquired by
Jul 2021 Asahi Kasei and 3M)

No. of Years to IPO No. of Years to IPO

16 years 10 years

Market Cap Market Cap

Raised US$39 million through IPO Raised US$285 million through IPO
Current market cap is US$214M (3/11/2021) In 2015, its market cap was US$2.7B

©2021 SEPPURE All rights Reserved 61

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