Sumitomo - PPA - Procedure - of - Purchased - Parts - Guideline - For - Suppliers

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PPA procedure of purchased

parts – Guideline for suppliers

Grzegorz Musiałowski
Sumitomo Electric Bordnetze SE
1. Production proces and product approval (PPA)
2. Initiation of the PPA procedure
3. PPA deliverables/Scope of documentation
4. BMG - Additional requirements of the VW Group
1. BMG for single components
2. BMG for assembly system - Antennas
5. Releases from other companies
6. PPA procedure of ZSBs
7. IMDS - Declaration of constituens materials
8. Material Quality Verification - VW 52000
9. Result of PPA procedure
10. Retention periods
11. Requalification

Production process and product approval (PPA)

1. The PPA procedure at SEBN group occures on the basis of

VDA 2, edition from April 2020.

2. The supplier is under an obligation to present the documents agreed

with SEBN concerning PPA procedure (scope and content) including
free sample parts.

3. The PPA procedure described in the VDA 2 aims at a full release

(internal and at the customer) of a product including the
associated production process for series production.

Internal - independently of the PPA procedure towards SEBN, the

supplier carries out an internal PPA procedure and documents the
results. Thereby, the supplier executes the deliverables according to
the requirements in Table 1.

1. Production process and product approval (PPA)
2. Initiation of the PPA procedure
3. PPA deliverables/Scope of documentation
4. BMG - Additional requirements of the VW Group
1. BMG for single components
2. BMG for assembly system - Antennas
5. Releases from other companies
6. PPA procedure of ZSBs
7. IMDS - Declaration of constituens
8. Material Quality Verification - VW 52000
9. Result of PPA procedure
10. Retention periods
11. Requalification

Initiation of the PPA procedure

The PPA procedure is initiated for:

1. New parts

2. Changes to products

3. Re-use
Use of lines, machines, tools, cavities and nests after 12 or more months of standstill/ non-use for
the specific product.

4. Customer-specific agreements (e.g. requalification)

In case of changes to products the initiation towards SEBN is carried out according to the Trigger Matrix
(Appendix 8, VDA 2) or SEBN specific agreements.

Initiation of the PPA procedure
Decision options of the trigger matrix

= Customer involvement not required

(Note: PPA documentation must be internally archived)

= Customer must be informed

In accordance with IATF 16949, the customer must be
granted a term of 2 weeks to provide a statement.

A = Customer agreement required, execution of PPA


1. Production process and product approval (PPA)
2. Initiation of the PPA procedure
3. PPA deliverables/Scope of documentation
4. BMG – Additional requirements of the VW Group
1. BMG for single components
2. BMG for assembly system
5. Releases from other companies
6. PPA procedure of ZSBs
7. IMDS – Declaration of constituens materials
8. Material Quality Verification - VW 52000
9. Results of PPA procedure
10. Retention periods
11. Requalification

PPA deliverables/Scope of documentation

PPA-A PPA Agreement

S Submission to customer

D If applicable: Execution, documentation, and archiving by the organization (if appl. for inspection by the

A All submission items that go beyond the minimum scope must be agreed upon between the organization
and the customer in the PPA agreement.

PPA deliverables/Scope of documentation
Assignment to SEBN material groups
Material group 910 Material group 920 Material group 930 Material group 940 Material group 950 Material group 960 Material group 970 Material group 980 Material group 990
Terminals, spring pin, Connectors, flat Grommets, seals, Corrugated tube, Foam tubes, etc. Adhesive tapes, Wires, twisted wires, Antenna wires, Amec Protective caps,
cable socket, ring connector housing, single wire sealing, windscreen water identification tapes, etc. wires, ZSB-airbag brackets, security
cable socket, etc. relay adapter, fuse etc. pipes, plastic pipes, foam strips, etc. wire harnesses, ABS strips, fuse boxes,
holder, coupling protective tubing, sensor wires, etc. cable ties, cable
connectors, adapters, distributor, etc. feeds, clips, heat
fuse boxes, etc. protection mats, heat-
electronic shrink tubes, screws,
components: control washer, fuses, etc.
moduls, relays, etc. electronics
components: control
Deliverables insofar as they are applicable to moduls, relays, etc.
VDA no. the product Comments

0.1 Cover sheet for PPA report and PPA evaluation S S S S S S S S S

Self-assessment for product, production
0.2 S S S S S S S S S
process, and if appl. Software

1.1 Technical specifications Customer/OEM drawing or manufacturer drawing S S S S S S S S S

Technical engineering approval (BMG) if according

1.3 Design, engineering approvals S S S S S S S S S
to the drawing required
The IMDS no. must be entered on the cover sheet of
1.4 Material data via IMDS S S S S S S S S S
the PPA report and sent to IMDS ID no. 4244

3.1 Geometry, dimensions Test results S S S S S S S S S

3.2 Material (strength, physical properties, etc.) Inspection certificate/Material certificate S S S S S S S S S

3.3 Function Test results S S S S S S S S S

Quantity according to the agreement and free of

4.3 Samples including labeling S S S S S S S S S
(e.g. Current certificates/country-specific
5.1 Evidence of compliance with legal requirements authorization concerning environment, safety, S S S S S S S S S
recycling, etc.)
According to the LAH.000.971 as an evidence for the
PPA status in the supply chain for delivered ZSBs
(e.g. WWL, ABS, airbags or antennas), all
5.2 PPA status of supply chain S - - S - - - S S
components must be listed in a material list
according to the VW drawing with the release status
from sub-supplier
Documentation of all changes to the product and
5.5 Part history S S S S S S S S S
production process
Every 3 years the VDA 2 cover sheet with reference
to the requalification must be sent to SEBN,
evidence must be archived at supplier and may not
be older than 3 years (e.g. data of incoming goods
Documentation of the agreements regarding inspection, product audits and series production
5.8 S S S S S S S S S
requalification tests). Upon request, the evidence of conformity
must be submitted to SEBN as well.
D/TLD parts – the requalification must be
conducted every 12 months

BMG concerning basic manufactured cable (BK) Concerns only antennas - - - - - - - S -
Certificate concerning flammability according to Applies if required according to the drawing- the
the TL 1010 frequency is determined by the customer/OEM
Contains: (terminal part number and manufacturer,
Microsection catalogue S - - - - - - S -
wire cross section and type, tool number).
Microsection may not be older than 6 months
Technical specification concerning unwind
Concerns only tapes - - - - - S - - -
strength and adhesive strength, etc.

S – Submission to SEBN

PPA deliverables/Scope of documentation
Drawing for PPA procedure – Additional requirements
1. The basis for the PPA procedure at SEBN group is latest released customer drawing of the VW group.
PPA procedure for parts without customer part number is allowed with base upon drawing which is agreed
between SEBN and supplier (e.g. airbag or antennas).
2. The drawing including positoned grounds is to attach to the PPA documentation (examples below).

3. All requirements specified in the drawing (dimensions/markings) must be compared in the PPA documentation
with the "specification-actual" values.

PPA deliverables/Scope of documentation
Cover sheet for PPA – Additional requirements
1. According to the quality requirements for wiring harnesses LAH 000.971 the DUNS number of the respective
production location named in the BMG and PPA documentation must be identical.

2. For components with a customer drawing (OEM) and master

data list (e.g. wires, tapes, corrugated tubes, cable ties)
has the change status of the master data list and the drawing
status to be on the cover sheet.

1. Production process and product approval (PPA)
2. Initiation of the PPA procedure
3. PPA deliverables/Scope of documentation
4. BMG – Additional requirements of the VW Group
1. BMG for single components
2. BMG for assembly system - Antennas
5. Releases from other companies
6. PPA procedure of ZSBs
7. IMDS – Declaration of constituens materials
8. Material Quality Verification - VW 52000
9. Result of PPA procedure
10. Retention periods
11. Requalification

BMG - Additional requirements of the VW Group
BMG for single components
1. For all components of a drawing that are marked as subject to technical engineering approval has a technical
engineering approval (BMG) to be issued by the technical development (TD) of the group brand.
2. The BMG is issued for the respective production location. If the same component is manufactured at different
production locations the BMG must be issued for each location.

BMG - Additional requirements of the VW Group
BMG for single components
When a new BMG is required?

Yes No
The examples mentioned when a new BMG is required based on
the Supplier Guide for Product Development, which describes
technical change of component x the requirements of the VW Group concerning the BMG.
change of material x

change of manufacturer marking x

relocation of tool x
change of manufacturing location x
tool duplication/new tool x
change of production process (e.g.
duplication of production lines, x
adjustment from manual to fully
automated process)
change of software x

change of supplier (new second supplier, x

supplier changes the sub-supplier)
text changes on the drawing x

change of color (e.g. new wire color is x

added to the drawing)

BMG - Additional requirements of the VW Group
BMG for single components
1. For the usage of components with a missing BMG is a permission of deviation (AWE) necessary.
The supplier is under an obligation to request the AWE at the VW group development (component developer).

AWE examples:

2. The AWE must contain the affected projects at SEBN.


BMG - Additional requirements of the VW Group
BMG for assembly system - Antennas
1. According to the LAH.000.971 (Quality requirements for wiring harnesses) for release process of antennas the
supplier is obliged to submit the BMG for assembly system.

2. The requirements regarding the BMG for assembly system are described in the following specifications and
named as basic manufactured cable (BK):

 LAH V03 825 - Manufactured Coaxial Cables,

 LAH V03 825 D - Manufactured HSD and HSDe cables,

 LAH V03 825 E – Manufactured cables for 1000 BASE-T1 Ethernet.

3. Basis manufactured cable (BK) consists of assembly of two components: wire+terminal*

*In order to obtain the BMG for BK, the BMG and the release of the two standard parts must be first available at the supplier.

 The BMG (V03…) issued for basic manufactured cables (BK) replaces the BMG and initial sample release of
the two single components (wire and terminal) of the associated basic assembly.

 Other single components shown on the antenna drawing, such as housings, adhesive tapes, cable ties,
shrink tubes, etc., must be sampled by antenna manufacturer in accordance with VDA 2.
The same regulation applies to the wires and terminals which have no relation to the basic assembly
(there is no V03… number).

4. The changes (e.g. new wire or terminal supplier, etc.) must be evaluated by the antenna manufacturer in
accordance with VDA 2 and reported to SEBN. The scope of the PPA procedure must be agreed with SEBN.

BMG - Additional requirements of the VW Group
BMG for assembly system - Antennas
5. The combinations for based manufactured cables (BK) are specified via V-number and defined in the
TAB 016 772.

Detail of the TAB 016 772

V-number = part number and wire supplier

+ part number and terminal supplier

6. In case of additions/changes to the TAB (e.g. new wire), the releases of the BK samples already granted are

1. Production process and product approval (PPA)
2. Initiation of the PPA procedure
3. PPA deliverables/Scope of documentation
4. BMG – Additional requirements of the VW Group
1. BMG for single components
2. BMG for assembly system - Antennas
5. Releases from other companies
6. PPA procedure of ZSBs
7. IMDS - Declaration of constituens materials
8. Material Quality Vrification - VW 52000
9. Result of PPA procedure
10. Retention periods
11. Requalification

Releases from other companies

1. Sumitomo Electric Bordnetze Group accepts the following releases :

 all releases of the plants of SEBN Group,

 all releases of the plants of VW Group (VW, Audi, Seat, Skoda, Porsche, etc.),

 all releases from other wire harness manufactureres (e.g. Dräxlmaier, Kromberg&Schubert,
Fujikura, Leoni, etc.).

2. Concerning releases from other companies, the cover sheet (BeOn or VDA 2 form) including BMG (if required)
must be submitted to SEBN. In addition, the IMDS data must be sent to IMDS no. 4244 (Sumitomo
Electric Bordeze SE).

3. The releases must based on latest approved customer drawing of the VW Group.
Releases for parts without VW Group number (e.g. single components of ZSBs or ZSBs) must based on latest
approved drawing agreed between SEBN and supplier.

4. The DUNS number of the relevant production location in the BMG and PPA documentation must be identical.

5. In exceptional cases, SEBN reserves the right to use its own PPA procedure.

1. Production process and product approval (PPA)
2. Initiation of the PPA procedure
3. PPA deliverables/Scope of documentation
4. BMG - Additional requirements of the VW Group
1. BMG for single components
2. BMG requalification for wires
3. BMG for assembly system - Antennas
5. Releases from other companies
6. PPA procedure of ZSBs
7. IMDS – Declaration of constituens materials
8. Material Quality Verification - VW 52000
9. Result of PPA procedure
10. Retention periods
11. Requalification

PPA procedure of ZSBs

1. ZSBs with VW number

 The PPA procedure occurs based on the latest released VW Group drawing,
 When the ZSB is subject to technical engineering approval (BMG), the BMG has to be presented,
 For the usage of ZSBs with a missing BMG or release is a permission of deviation (AWE) from customer
(OEM) necessary,
 The requirement for successfully completing the PPA procedure for ZSB is the BMG presence (if required)
of the single components for the relevant production location and release with grade 1 (Customer-ready/
Redy for series production) of the single components.

2. ZSBs with internal SEBN number (without VW number)

 The PPA procedure occures based on latest released customer (OEM)

or manufacturer drawing,
 The manufacturer drawing has to be released by SEBN,
 The requirement for successfully completion the PPA procedure for ZSB
is the BMG presence (if required) of the single components for
the relevant production location and release with grade 1
(Customer-ready/Ready for series production) of the single components.

PPA procedure of ZSBs

3. Single components of ZSBs

The supplier is responsible for the release of all the components of his supply chain and is under an obligation
to present these with the PPA documentation.

3 a. Single components of the VW Group (VW number) at ZSBs

 For single components of the VW group the parts have to be released according to the current VW Group
 When the single component is subject to technical engineering approval, the BMG has to be presented,
 For the usage of ZSB with a missing BMG or release of single components is a permission of deviation
(AWE) from customer (OEM) necessary,

3 b. Single components without VW number at ZSBs

 For single components without VW number the parts have to be released according to the current
manufacturer drawing,
 For the usage of ZSB with a missing release of the single components is a permission of deviation (AWE)
from customer (OEM) necessary,

4. In case of changes to single components of ZSB (e.g. new part, change of supplier, technical change to the
part, new tool, relocation of tool, relocation of the manufacturing location), the supplier is obliged to present a
new PPA procedure for the ZSB at SEBN.

PPA procedure of ZSBs

5. Multiple variants of ZSBs may be released in a common PPA procedure (e.g. AMEC or airbag cables,

 The release of product families is only to be used if the products are manufactured with the same
production processes and production facilities and have the same product characteristic,

 The fulfillment of requirements for characteristics of product families can be demonstrated on the basis of a
one product. The evidence applies across the board to the whole product family,

 The details of the PPA procedure for the release of product families are to be agreed in the coordination of
the PPA procedure with SEBN.

PPA procedure of ZSBs
PPA status of supply chain
According to the LAH.000.971 as an evidence for the PPA status in the supply chain for delivered ZSBs
(e.g. ABS, airbags or antennas), all components must be listed in a material list according to the VW drawing
with the release status from sub-supplier.

List of materials to >drawing number<; status: >date<

Supplier assembly part/ DUNS-No.: >Supplier< / >DUNS - No.<

Creation date: >date<

Creator (complete): >name<

DUNS no. single Initial sample

Supplier OEM Manufacturer + Drawing Initial sample Initial sample Date of last
Designation component BMG BMG date approved Grade
part no. part no. production side date release date test report no. requalification
manufacturer organisation

1. Production process and product approval (PPA)
2. Initiation of the PPA procedure
3. PPA deliverables/Scope of documentation
4. BMG - Additional requirements of the VW Group
1. BMG for single components
2. BMG for assembly system - Antennas
5. Releases from other companies
6. PPA procedure of ZSBs
7. IMDS - Declaration of constituens materials
8. Material Quality Verification - VW 52000
9. Result of PPA procedure
10. Retention periods
11. Requalification

IMDS - Deklaration von Inhaltstoffen

1. The material data sheets have to be created via IMDS under and to be send to
IMDS-ID 4244 (Sumitomo Electric Bordnetze SE).

2. The supplier is under an obligation to ensure that the sent material data sheets are veridical and are shown
according to the mandatory, detailed and current specifications of the IMDS-Recommendations.

3. The verification of the material data of purchased parts in the IMDS by the SEBN locations takes place in
accordance with the following requirements:

 VW AG guideline for the creation of Material Data Sheets,

 VW 01155 – Vehicle Parts

Approval of first supply and changes,

 VW 91101 – Environmental Standard for Articles

Material and Chemical Conformity,

 VW 91102 – Environmental Standard for Vehicles

Recycling Requirements, Use of Recycled Material, Recyclability Type Approval.

1. Production process and product approval (PPA)
2. Initiation of the PPA procedure
3. PPA deliverables/Scope of documentation
4. BMG – Additional requirements of the VW Group
1. BMG for single components
2. BMG for assembly system - Antennas
5. Releases from other companies
6. PPA procedure of ZSBs
7. IMDS – Declaration of constituens materials
8. Material Quality Verification - VW 52000
9. Result of PPA procedure
10. Retention periods
11. Requalification

Material Quality Verification – VW 52000

1. VW 52000 specifies the requirements for materials testing and for the evaluation and documentation of the
test results.

2. In case that this standard is listed on a purchased part drawing, applies to all material quality verification
during the development phase (especially for a build sample inspection) and to the production process and
product approval procedure (PPA procedure) at the Volkswagen Group.
If this is not the case, no evidence in the form of the standard test report is required.

3. Should the VW 52000 change so that the standard should

also apply to components which are released by 1st tier,
a new evaluation and discussion with the customer/OEM
regarding wire harnesses is necessary.

1. Production process and produkt approval (PPA)
2. Initiation of the PPA procedure
3. PPA deliverables/Scope of documentation
4. BMG – Additional requirements of the VW Group
1. BMG for single components
2. BMG for assembly system - Antennas
5. Releases from other companies
6. PPA procedure of ZSBs
7. IMDS – Declaration of constituens materials
8. Material Quality Verification - VW 52000
9. Result of PPA procedure
10. Retention periods
11. Requalification

Result of PPA procedure

1. Customer-ready/Ready for series production

Serial delivery of the products has been approved:

 The agreed customer requirements are completely fulfilled,

 As an alternative, deviations are accepted permanently

by the customer following a joint risk assessment carried
out by the organization and the customer.
A separate deviation approval is not necessary.

The PPA procedure towards customer is closed

 The agreed customer requirements are not completely

Deviations are accepted by the customer for a limited time
or quantity following a joint risk assessment carried out
by the organization and the customer.
A separate deviation approval is not necessary if not
otherweise agreed between the organization and
the customer.

Update of PPA documentation is required

After the implementation of the agreed actions, the updated
PPA documentation must be submitted.

Result of PPA procedure
2. Not customer-ready/Not ready for series production
The serial delivery approval is not granted:

 Legal requirements have not been met,

 The agreed customer requirements have not been fulfilled

(e.g. BMG is missing, IMDS requirements are not fulfilled,
marking of the plastic parts according to VW 10500 is
missing, processing and assembly of the parts is very
difficult or the function is affected negatively),

 A permission of deviation may not be granted.

Delievery of products is not permitted.

A new PPA procedure is required

Important for the customer decision:

 The worst individual result determines the overall result,

 The decision concerning submission updated PPP documentation must be made by the customer,

 Adjustments to the specifications are to be documented by the customer in the release document for the PPA

1. Production process and product approval (PPA)
2. Initiation of the PPA procedure
3. PPA deliverables/Scope of documentation
4. BMG – Additional requirements of the VW Group
1. BMG for single components
2. BMG for assembly system - Antennas
5. Releases from other companies
6. PPA procedure of ZSBs
7. IMDS - Declaration of constituens materials
8. Material Quality Verification - VW 52000
9. Result of PPA procedure
10. Retention periods
11. Requalification

Retention periods

After PPA procedure, the initial sample reports, technical engineering approvals and measures must be retain for
30 years from the date of creation (according to the VDA 1). The same period concerns the reference samples
(according to the VDA 2).

Retention period 30 years

Retention period 30 years


1. Production process and approval (PPA)
2. Initiation of the PPA procedure
3. PPA deliverables/Scope of documentation
4. BMG – Additional requirements of the VW Group
1. BMG for single components
2. BMG for assembly system - Antennas
5. Releases from other companies
6. PPA procedure of ZSBs
7. IMDS – Declaration of constituens materials
8. Material Quality Verification - VW 52000
9. Result of PPA procedure
10. Retention periods
11. Requalification


1. All products (purchased parts and also manufactured products) have to undergo a requalification testing.

2. The requalification testing of all products is a requirement as to :

 IATF 16949 - Chapter 8.6.2

 Formel Q konkret - Chapter 4.6
 Quality specification for supplier and purchased parts management in the Volkswagen Group – Chapter 4.6
 VDA 2 - Chapter 10
 VDA 6.3 - Chapter 5.5 and 7.1
 VDA 6.4 - Chapter
 VDA Product manufacture and product delivery
„Robust production process”- Chapter 5.3.4

3. With the requalification testing, the supplier confirms that all characteristics proven for grade 1
(Customer-ready/Ready for series production-according to the new edition of VDA 2 from April 2020)
still continue to meet the drawing requirements regarding dimension, material and function during
series production.

4. The requalification does not replace the initial sample release.

For this reason, the material list has been supplemented by a column „Date of last requalification” in
accordance with the LAH.000.971 - Quality requirements for wiring harnesses.

The requalification starts with the completion of the PPA process.


Cover sheet PPA
5. The supplier is under an obligation to conduct the requalification
Organization Reason for report creation testing at least every three years* and to present it at SEBN
(* frequency is determined by the customer).
Report on production process and product approval (PPA)
Report on other samples
Trigger of PPA procedure

Customer (recipient)
Sample presentation
New part
D/TLD parts – the requalification testing must be conducted
Changes to product
Changes to production process
every 12 months.
Change to supply chain

6. SEBN Group requires for requalification testing the cover sheet

Re-use > 12 months standstill
Updated PPA documentation

according to VDA 2 (when the requalification is carried out by

Information about the organization Information about samples Information about the customer
Report number Delivery note number

SEBN) – Reason for report creation „Requalification”.

Report version Delivery quantity
Delivery location Batch number Order NumberPPA samples
Production location Sample weight [kg] Unloading point

Part Number Hardware version Part Number

Drawing number
Diagnosis status
Software version
Drawing number
The evidence of conformity for the requalification testing must be
Version / Date
Bauteil mit besonderer Archivierungspflicht
Hardware approval
Version / Date
Software approval
documented internally by supplier, stored securely, presented
Confirmation of organization to the customer on request and may not be older than 3 years,
It is hereby confirmed that the PPA procedure was carried out in accordance with the agreements concerning D/TLD parts 12 months.
For this purpose, data of series production tests, incoming goods
made in the PPA agreement and the specifications of VDA Volume 2.
The IMDS record was created under the MDS ID No.:

inspections and product audits may be used. During the
requalification testing, the supplier must also check the validity
Signature of the IMDS data (e.g. change in legal requirements) an send it
Customer decision to SEBN.
Customer-ready/Ready for series Not customer-ready /
production Not ready for series production
PPA procedure towards customer closed
New PPA procedure required
7. In case of requalification, the products may be formed in a
Update of PPA documentation required
product families. This is applicable if the products are
manufactured with the same production processes and production
Report number/version Customer

facilities and have the same product characteristics.


Our values


Board of Directors: Soichiro Namba (CEO and Member of the Administrative Board),
Sohei Kanazawa, Carsten Schulze, Henning von dem Hagen, Sven-Uwe Niemann

Brandgehaege 11, 38444 Wolfsburg,, [email protected],  +49 (0)5308 / 400 400



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