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Mechanism of H2O2 Decomposition on Transition Metal Oxide

Cláudio M. Lousada,* Adam Johannes Johansson, Tore Brinck, and Mats Jonsson
Applied Physical Chemistry, School of Chemical Science and Engineering, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, SE-100 44
Stockholm, Sweden

ABSTRACT: We performed an experimental and density func-

tional theory (DFT) investigation of the reactions of H2O2 with
ZrO2, TiO2, and Y2O3. In the experimental study we determined the
reaction rate constants, the Arrhenius activation energies, and the
activation enthalpies for the processes of adsorption and
decomposition of H2O2 on the surfaces of nano- and micrometer-
sized particles of the oxides. The experimentally obtained enthalpies
of activation for the decomposition of H2O2 catalyzed by these
materials are 30 ± 1 kJ·mol−1 for ZrO2, 34 ± 1 kJ·mol−1 for TiO2,
and 44 ± 5 kJ·mol−1 for Y2O3. In the DFT study, cluster models of
the metal oxides were used to investigate the mechanisms involved
in the surface process governing the decomposition of H2O2. We
compared the performance of the B3LYP and M06 functionals for
describing the adsorption energies of H2O2 and HO• onto the oxide
surfaces as well as the energy barriers for the decomposition of H2O2. The DFT models implemented can describe the
experimental reaction barriers with good accuracy, and we found that the decomposition of H2O2 follows a similar mechanism for
all the materials studied. The average absolute deviation from the experimental barriers obtained with the B3LYP functional is 6
kJ·mol−1, while with the M06 functional it is 3 kJ·mol−1. The differences in the affinity of the different surfaces for the primary
product of H2O2 decomposition, the HO radical, were also addressed both experimentally and with DFT. With the experiments
we found a trend in the affinity of HO• toward the surfaces of the oxides, depending on the type of oxide. This trend is
successfully reproduced with the DFT calculations. We found that the adsorption energy of HO• varies inversely with the
ionization energy of the metal cation present in the oxide.

1. INTRODUCTION Besides being able to react through a redox path,15 H2O2 also
Reactions of H2O2 with metal and metal oxide surfaces have reacts via catalytic decomposition.16,17 The latter type of
been studied to some extent1−7 mainly due to their importance reaction is typical of systems where the metal present in the
in areas ranging from catalysis to geo- and environmental oxide cannot undergo further oxidation. Nevertheless, the
chemistry and nuclear technology. Due to the complexity of the presence of catalytic decomposition of H2O2 in systems where
systems involved, which is dominated by the heterogeneity the metal atoms have the possibility to undergo oxidation has
caused by the introduction of a solid phase, several mechanistic been reported.18 Since H2O2 can act both as an oxidant and as a
details remain to be understood. Furthermore, effects such as reductant, reduction of Ti4+ to Ti3+ by reaction of H2O2 with
solution pH, type of oxide, temperature, and oxide particle size TiO2 has also been proposed based on experimental studies.19
have profound effects on the kinetics and energetics of this type The initial step of the catalytic decomposition of H2O2 on
of reactions.8−10 The reactivity of H2O2an aqueous radiolysis metal oxide surfaces has been proposed to be the homolytic
producttoward metal and metal oxide surfaces is important cleavage of the O−O bond in H2O2 to form two HO
in the context of nuclear technology.11 The knowledge of the radicals.19,20 We previously reported a study in which we
mechanistic details that govern this type of reactions is of the followed the dynamics of formation of HO radicals during the
utmost importance for allowing a rigorous assessment of the course of H2O2 decomposition on the surface of ZrO2. Our
chemistry of nuclear technological systems which is determi- findings show that the HO radical is a primary product of this
nant for sensitive issues such as the reliability, stability, and type of reaction.21 The further reactions of the HO radicals
safety of an operating nuclear power plant or of a repository for formed in this process are still a matter that is not completely
spent nuclear fuel.12,13 In spite of their importance in a variety understood. It has been suggested that these radicals can react
of contexts, radiation-induced processes at solid−liquid further with H2O2 to form HO2· and O2·−.7,22,23 In previous
interfaces are often poorly understood. To better understand
these processes, the mechanisms and kinetics of reactions Received: January 9, 2012
between radiolysis products in solution and the solid surfaces Revised: March 27, 2012
must be known.14 Published: April 18, 2012

© 2012 American Chemical Society 9533 dx.doi.org/10.1021/jp300255h | J. Phys. Chem. C 2012, 116, 9533−9543
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C Article

studies of this type of reaction, EPR/ESR measurements the literature. These values are used as benchmarks for the
revealed the presence of HO2·, O2·−, and peroxyl radical species performance of our cluster models. A comparison between our
on the surface of different oxides. These normally short-lived experimentally obtained activation enthalpies for the decom-
and reactive species had become long-lived due to the position of H2O2 on the surface of the different metal oxides
stabilization imparted by their adsorption onto the oxide and the values calculated with DFT allowed us to conclude that
surface.20,24 It was also demonstrated that the possible existence we can, to a good extent, describe the complex chemistry of the
of such chemical species is a factor that depends on the solution surface reactions involved, by using small clusters comprised of
pH. Kinetic studies on these systems have shown that for the (MxOy)2 where M is the metal atom. This indicates that on the
catalytic decomposition of H2O2 on different metal oxide real particle surfaces, due to the dominance of surface defects,
surfaces similar activation energies are involved, while the pre- localized properties of the surface are decisive in determining
exponential factors differ widely. Consequently, the rate the mechanism of the reaction and its kinetics and energetics.
constants differ substantially depending on the type of
oxide.25 This indicates that different surface processes might 2. EXPERIMENTAL AND COMPUTATIONAL METHODS
be involved in the reactions of H2O2 with the different metal 2.1. Instrumentation. Specific surface areas of the powders
oxides. were determined using the BET method of isothermal
In this paper, we report a combined theoretical and adsorption and desorption of a gaseous mixture consisting of
experimental effort aimed at providing an understanding of 30% N2 and 70% He on a Micrometrics Flowsorb II 2300
the mechanisms and surface processes involved in the reactions instrument. γ-Irradiation was performed using an MDS
of H2O2 with different metal oxides. We performed a Nordion 1000 Elite Cs-137 γ-source with a dose rate of 0.15
comprehensive experimental investigation of the reactions Gy·s−1. This value was determined by Fricke dosimetry.36 X-ray
between H2O2 and ZrO2, TiO2 and Y2O3. We studied the powder diffractograms (XRDs) were obtained at 293.15 K,
kinetics of such reactions, and some mechanistic aspects were using Cu Kα radiation, on a PANanalytical X'pert instrument.
addressed. The affinity of HO radicals for the different metal For all samples, the default setup with the X’Celerator was used.
oxides was also studied. Density functional theory (DFT) The data were collected over the range 10° ≤ 2θ ≤ 100°, with a
calculations were used to study the reactions of the different step size of 0.033° (2θ). Data evaluation was done using The
oxide surfaces with H2O2 and HO•. The potential for using High Score Plus software package, and the PDF-2 database was
molecular cluster models to describe these systems was used for matching the experimentally obtained diffractograms.
explored using the DFT functionals B3LYP (refs 26−29) and The reactions were performed under an inert atmosphere with
M06 (ref 30). a constant flux of N2 gas (AGA Gas AB) with a flow rate of 0.21
The surface processes studied in this work are represented in L·min−1 that was also used for stirring the solutions. The
Figure 1. The adsorption of H2O onto metal oxide surfaces can temperature was kept constant throughout the experiments by
using a Huber CC1 or a Lauda E100 thermostat, calibrated
against a Therma 1 Thermometer coupled to a submersible K-
type (NiCrNi) temperature probe, with a precision of ±0.1 K.
For the γ-irradiations, the samples were purged with N2O with
a flow rate of 0.7 L·min−1. UV/vis spectra were collected using
a WPA Biowave II UV/vis spectrophotometer.
2.2. Reagents and Experiments. All the solutions used in
this study were prepared using water from a Millipore Milli-Q
ZrO2 (CAS[1314-23-4], Aldrich 99%), TiO2 (CAS[13463-
67-7], Alfa Aesar, 99.9%), and Y2O3 (CAS[1314-36-9], Alfa
Aesar, 99.9%) were used without further purification. A
Rietveld refinement using ICSD-26488 as a starting model
was performed yielding the following cell parameters for ZrO2:
(a) 5.1458(2) Å, (b) 5.2083(3) Å, (c) 5.3124(3) Å. These
Figure 1. Surface processes studied in this work: (a) adsorption of values are in good agreement with the cell parameters
H2O; (b) reaction with H2O2−initial adsorption of H2O2 with attributed to the monoclinic phase.37 For TiO2, the Rietveld
desorption of H 2O; and (c) formation of products of the refinement yielded a composition of 88.5% anatase and 11.5%
decomposition of H2O2 and their adsorption to the surface. rutile. The obtained cell parameters for TiO2 are: (a = b)
3.7856(2) Å, (c) 9.5058(5) Å for the anatase phase, and (a = b)
occur via two pathways which are molecular adsorption or 4.5914(8) Å, (c) 2.9539(10) Å for the rutile phase.38 The
dissociative adsorption.31 It has been reported that the mode of obtained cell parameters for Y2O3 are: (a) 10.60398(9) Å,
adsorption of the first layer of water onto a metal oxide surface attributed to the bixbyite-type structure.39 The specific surface
is in general dissociative.32 However, for certain defective metal areas of the powders were found to be 5.0 ± 0.2 m2·g−1 for
oxide surfaces, the cleavage of water occurs spontaneously only ZrO2, 38.9 ± 0.2 m2·g−1 for TiO2, and 4.48 ± 0.03 m2·g−1 for
on specific surface defects.32−34 The first reaction step Y2O3. These values are the average of three measurements, each
investigated in this work by DFT was the adsorption of consisting of a sorption and a desorption isotherm whose values
H2O2 onto the surfaces of the clusters in which H2O had been were also averaged. The particle suspensions where the
previously dissociatively adsorbed. The energies of H2O reactions with H2O2 took place consisted of TiO2 (0.146−
adsorption obtained in an undergoing work where we study 0.341 g) or Y2O3 (1.269−2.961 g) in 50 mL of H2O2 (0.5−6
the performance of similar cluster models to describe a diversity mM) solution. The H2O2 solutions were prepared from a 30%
of surface processes35 are compared with the available data in standard solution (Merck). After extraction of the sample from
9534 dx.doi.org/10.1021/jp300255h | J. Phys. Chem. C 2012, 116, 9533−9543
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the reaction vessel, the sample was filtered through a Gema Corrections to obtain the thermodynamic potential enthalpy
Medical 0.45 μm−25 mm Cellulose Acetate syringe filter. (H) were calculated from a Hessian matrix of harmonic force
Subsequently, a sample volume of 0.2 mL was used for the constants using the partition functions of an ideal-/non-
measurement of the H2O2 concentration. The concentration of interacting gas at T = 298.15 K and P = 1 atm. The vibrational
H2O2 was determined using the Ghormley triiodide method. In frequencies obtained from the Hessian matrix were also used to
this method, I− is oxidized to I3− by H2O2.40,41 The absorbance verify the first-order saddle point nature of the transition states.
of the product I3− is measured spectrophotometrically at the
wavelength of 350 nm. A calibration curve where the 3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
absorbance of I3− was plotted as a function of the concentration 3.1. Experimental Results. 3.1.1. Kinetics of Decom-
of H2O2 was obtained in the range 0.02−0.8 mM resulting in a position of H2O2 on ZrO2, TiO2, and Y2O3. The reaction of
linear correlation between absorbance and concentration. A H2O2 with a solid catalyst which in this case is a metal oxide of
mechanistic study of the decomposition of H2O2 on the surface the type MxOy consists of a series of steps characteristic of
of the metal oxides was carried out and involved verifying the cycling surface-catalyzed reactions. The first step is the diffusion
presence and quantifying the rate of production of HO• as and adsorption of H2O2 to the surface followed by its cleavage
intermediate product in H2O2 decomposition on TiO2 and to form HO•. One can write these two processes as
Y2O3. This was done by means of the reaction between
ka ′
tris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane (Tris) (CAS[77-86-1], H 2O2 (aq) ⇄ H 2O2 (ads)
BDH Chemicals, 99%) and the HO radicals to produce ka ″ (R1)
formaldehyde. The formaldehyde produced was then quantified
spectrophotometrically at 368 nm, by using a modified version kb ·
H 2O2 (ads) → 2HO(ads)/(aq) (R2)
of the Hantzsch reaction. We reported this method to detect
the HO radicals in a previous work,21 and the same procedure where reaction R1 represents the adsorption of H2O2 onto the
was followed in this study. The reaction media for HO• oxide surface and R2 represents the cleavage of H2O2 catalyzed
detection during decomposition of H2O 2 consisted of by the oxide surface to form HO radicals. ka′ is the rate constant
TiO2(0.197 g) or Y2O3, (1.678 g) in 50 mL of solution H2O2 of adsorption of H2O2; ka″ is the rate constant of desorption;
(5 mM) with Tris (20 mM) at a pH of 7.5. The pH was and kb is the rate constant for the cleavage of H2O2 on the
adjusted with HCl. The study of the scavenging capacities of surface of the metal oxide. When the surface is saturated with
the oxides toward HO• consisted initially of γ-irradiating adsorbate, the rate of disappearance of H2O2 from solution will
samples of the oxides in the presence of Tris. The reaction be governed by kb of reaction R2. Hence, a quasi-equilibrium
media used was ZrO2 (1.5 g) or TiO2 (0.197 g) or Y2O3 (1.678 state is reached.45
g) in 50 mL of Tris (20 mM) solution at pH 7.5. The pH was It has been reported that the catalytic decomposition of
adjusted with HCl. The detection of the amount of HO radicals H2O2 follows first-order kinetics.46−48 However, the observed
scavenged by Tris followed the same procedure as described reaction order is strongly dependent on the solid-surface-area-
above. to-solution-volume-ratio (SA/V) and other experimental
2.3. Computational Details. DFT calculations were conditions.21 When the available surface area of the catalyst is
performed using the Molecular Cluster Model (MCM)42 in excess, first-order kinetics are observed. Zeroth-order kinetics
approach and the software package Jaguar 7.7.43 Cluster are observed when the available surface area is too small. In this
geometries were optimized using the hybrid functional work, using the same SA/V as we used to obtain first-order
B3LYP (refs 26−29) with the LACVP+* basis set. B3LYP kinetics in the case of ZrO2,21 it was verified that the reactions
can provide accurate molecular geometries even when hydro- of H2O2 with TiO2 and Y2O3 deviated from first-order kinetic
gen bonds are present.44 The basis set LACVP+* is a behavior, and two different trends can be observed in the plots
combination of the split valence basis set 6-31+G(d) and the of Figure 2 where [H2O2]t is the concentration of H2O2 at time
Los Alamos effective core potential for the transition metals Zr, t and [H2O2]0 is the concentration of H2O2 at t = 0. In both
Ti, and Y. Single-point evaluations of the energies were cases, after a fast initial consumption of H2O2, the reaction is
performed at the B3LYP/LACV3P++** and M06 (ref 30)/ slowed down significantly. To extract the rate constants, we
LACV3P++** levels of theory. The basis set LACV3P++** is considered the two visible trends for each reaction in Figure 2
triple-ζ in the valence space and is supplemented with
polarization and diffuse functions on all atoms. Tight SCF
convergence criteria were used for all calculations. Transition
states were located using the quadratic synchronous transit
(QST) method implemented in Jaguar 7.7. To characterize the
stationary points and make zero-point energy corrections, a
frequency analysis was done for all stationary points. All
transition states were found to have one imaginary frequency.
The adsorption energies reported herein were calculated as

ΔEads = Eadsorbate/cluster − (Eadsorbate + Ecluster) (1)

were Eadsorbate/cluster, Eadsorbate, and Ecluster represent the optimized Figure 2. Normalized concentration of H2O2 as a function of reaction
electronic energies in the gas phase for the adsorbate binding to time in the reaction of H2O2 with TiO2 (blue diamond) and Y2O3 (red
the cluster, free adsorbate, and bare cluster, respectively. This circle) at T = 298.15 K with [H2O2]0 = 0.5 mM. The highlighted areas
means that the more negative the electronic adsorption energy, denote the regions where the kinetics start to be controlled by the
the stronger is the adsorption. decomposition of H2O2 after the initial adsorption process.

9535 dx.doi.org/10.1021/jp300255h | J. Phys. Chem. C 2012, 116, 9533−9543

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to be the result of two different processes governing the where Ea is the Arrhenius activation energy for the reaction; A
kinetics. The nature of the two different kinetic trends of this is the pre-exponential or the frequency factor; R is the gas
reaction were investigated by performing the reaction in the constant; and T is the absolute temperature. The respective
presence of Tris buffer and tracking the formation of CH2O reaction enthalpies of activation were obtained by means of a
with reaction time. Verifying if HO• is formed during the stage linearization of the Eyring equation
of initial fast disappearance of H2O2 from solution is essential
⎛k⎞ ΔH o, ⧧ ΔS o, ⧧ ⎛k ⎞
to make valid statements regarding the surface process ln⎜ ⎟ = − + + ln⎜ B ⎟
involved. The process can be either molecular adsorption of ⎝T ⎠ RT R ⎝h⎠ (3)
H2O2 onto the surface or decomposition of H2O2 or a mixed where k is the reaction rate constant; T is the absolute
adsorption/decomposition phenomenon. The reaction of H2O2 temperature; ΔHo,⧧ is the enthalpy of activation; R is the gas
(5 mM) with TiO2 (0.537 g) was performed in a volume of 50 constant; kB is the Boltzmann constant; h is the Planck
mL of Tris (200 mM) solution at pH 7.5. The pH was adjusted constant; and ΔSo,⧧ is the entropy of activation. To determine
with HCl. the Arrhenius activation energies and the activation enthalpies
It can be seen in Figure 3 that the initial disappearance of for the reactions of decomposition of H2O2 on TiO2 and Y2O3,
H2O2 from solution is not accompanied by the formation of a we obtained the zeroth-order rate constants as a function of
temperature in the temperature intervals T = [298.15−348.15]
K for TiO2 and T = [293.15−308.15] K for Y2O3. The
respective Arrhenius plots are represented in Figure 4. The

Figure 3. Evolution in the concentrations of H2O2 (blue diamond)

and CH2O (red square) during the reaction of H2O2 with a particle
suspension of TiO2 at T = 298.15 K.

Figure 4. Arrhenius plots for the reaction of decomposition of H2O2

on TiO2 (blue diamond) and Y2O3 (red square).
detectable amount of HO radicals. From the calibration
experiments, a consumption of the equivalent amount of
H2O2 (0.5 mM) that disappeared from solution in the initial resulting activation energies for decomposition of H2O2 on
process would produce ∼0.18 mM CH2O. From Figure 3, we TiO2 and Y2O3 are 37 ± 1 kJ·mol−1 and 47 ± 5 kJ·mol−1,
can see that this is not the case. Hence, we can conclude that respectively. The pre-exponential factors are 18 ± 2 M·s−1 for
the initial fast disappearance of H2O2 can be attributed to TiO2 and 6228 ± 6 M·s−1 for Y2O3. The activation enthalpies
molecular adsorption of this species onto the surface of the ΔH⧧ for H2O2 decomposition are 34 ± 1 kJ·mol−1 for TiO2
TiO2. We can attribute the two different kinetic trends and 44 ± 5 kJ·mol−1 for Y2O3.
represented in Figure 2 and Figure 3 to the following The activation energies of adsorption Ea,ads were calculated
processes: an initial adsorption step followed by a second from plots of the logarithm of the first-order rate constants as a
process that consists of the cleavage of H2O2 on the surface of function of the inverse of the temperature. The activation
the oxide. By extracting the rate constants from these plots, enthalpies of adsorption ΔHads⧧ were determined by using the
taking into account the fact that the two processes, adsorption same first-order rate constants. The first-order rate constants
and decomposition of H2O2, occur on different time scales, it is for adsorption were extracted from the initial parts of the plots
possible to obtain the kinetics of decomposition of H2O2 with of ln([H2O2]t/[H2O2]0) as a function of reaction time. The
minimal errors associated. resulting activation energies for adsorption are Ea,ads = 23 ± 1
The kinetic experiments were performed using H2O2 (0.5 kJ·mol−1 for adsorption of H2O2 on TiO2 and Ea,ads = 32 ± 3
mM) with TiO2 (0.197 g) or Y2O3 (1.67 g) in 50 mL of H2O. kJ·mol−1 for adsorption of H2O2 on Y2O3. The frequency
The zeroth-order rate constants (k0) obtained at T = 298.15 K, factors are A = 21 ± 2 s−1 for the adsorption on TiO2 and A =
with a (SA/V) = 1.4 × 105 m−1 for TiO2 and 1.5 × 105 m−1 for 2625 ± 3 s−1 for the adsorption on Y2O3. The activation
Y2O3 are k0 = (5.9 ± 0.6) × 10−6 M·s−1 for the decomposition enthalpies of adsorption are ΔHads⧧ = 21 ± 2 kJ·mol−1 for
of H2O2 on TiO2 and k0 = (4.5 ± 0.4) × 10−5 M·s−1 for the adsorption of H2O2 onto TiO2 and ΔHads⧧ = 29 ± 3 kJ·mol−1
decomposition of H2O2 on Y2O3. The rate constants for for adsorption of H2O2 onto Y2O3.
adsorption under the same conditions were extracted from the The second-order rate constants for the process of
initial parts of the plots. The obtained first-order rate constants adsorption were determined by studying the variation of the
(k1) for this process are k1 = 3 × 10−3 s−1 for adsorption of pseudo first-order rate constants as a function of solid-surface-
H2O2 on TiO2 and k1 = 6 × 10−3 s−1 for adsorption of H2O2 on area-to-solution-volume-ratio. The rate expression for the
Y2O3. adsorption process is given by
The variation of the rate constant with temperature generally
follows the Arrhenius equation d[H 2O2 ] ⎛ S AMxOy ⎞
− = k 2⎜⎜ ⎟⎟[H 2O2 ]
k = Ae−Ea / RT (2) dt ⎝ V ⎠ (4)

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where SAMxOy denotes the surface area of the metal oxide function of the oxide surface area, we can estimate the number
powder; V is the volume of the solution where the reaction of adsorption sites per unit surface area of the oxide. Increasing
takes place; and k2 is the second-order rate constant. The the surface area of oxide increases the amount of H2O2
second-order rate constants for adsorption of H2O2 onto the removed from solution by adsorption. The proportionality
surfaces of TiO2 and Y2O3 were obtained from experiments in coefficient between these two quantities gives the number of
which the first-order rate constants were determined for adsorption sites available to accommodate H2O2 per unit
different oxide SA values. The resulting data are represented in surface area. The amount of H2O2 removed from solution as a
Figure 5. The second-order rate constants extracted from the function of TiO2 and Y2O3 surface areas is represented in
Figure 7. The number of adsorption sites that can

Figure 7. Variation in the amount (n) of H2O2 molecules removed

Figure 5. First-order rate constants as a function of solid-surface-area- from solution by adsorption onto TiO2 (blue diamond) and Y2O3 (red
to-solution-volume-ratio (SA/V) for the adsorption of H2O2 onto Y2O3 square) as a function of the surface area of solid present in the reaction
(red square) and TiO2 (blue diamond) at T = 298.15 K. system.

plots of Figure 5 obtained at T = 298.15 K are k2 = (5.2 ± 0.6) accommodate H2O2, extracted from the slopes of the plots, is
× 10−8 m·s−1 for adsorption of H2O2 onto TiO2 and k2 = (1.5 2 × 10−4 mol·m−2 for TiO2 and 1 × 10−4 mol·m−2 for Y2O3.
± 0.2) × 10−7 m·s−1 for adsorption of H2O2 onto Y2O3. These These values correspond to 1.2 (adsorption sites)/Å2 for TiO2
values are far from the diffusion limit of systems containing and 0.6 (adsorption sites)/Å2 for Y2O3.
particle suspensions within this size range.14 A plot of the 3.1.2. Study of the Affinity of HO• for Metal Oxide
variation of the zeroth-order rate constant for decomposition of Surfaces. Water radiolysis and the products formed therein are
H2O2 as a function of SA/V gives the rate constant k which well documented in the literature. During the process of water
represents the catalytic capacity of the surface. The rate radiolysis induced by γ radiation, for times greater than 10−6 s
constants extracted from the plots of Figure 6, obtained at T = after energy deposition, the radiation chemical yields for the
solvated electrons (e−aq) and HO• are the same.49 Upon
saturation of the aqueous phase with N2O before and during
irradiation, e−aq is quantitatively converted to HO•.50
We investigated the scavenging capabilities of the different
metal oxides toward HO• present in solution. This was done by
γ-irradiating aqueous powder suspensions of the different
oxides in the presence of Tris. The competition for HO•
between Tris and the surface of the oxides can give us a picture
of the differences in the abilities of the different oxides to
scavenge HO• from solution. A background plot was obtained
to determine the yield of the method in a similar way as
described in a previous work.21 To obtain the background, the
reaction media consisted of a solution of Tris (20 mM) at pH
Figure 6. Zeroth-order rate constants as a function of solid-surface- 7.5 adjusted with HCl in 50 mL of H2O, continuously purged
area-to-solution-volume-ratio (SA/V) for the reactions of decom- with N2O. The yield of the methodCH2O formed per total
position of H2O2 with Y2O3 (red square) and TiO2 (blue diamond) at amount of HO• formedis ≈35%. In the scavenging capability
T = 298.15 K. experiments, ZrO2 (1.5 g, SA = 7.5 m2) or TiO2 (0.197 g, SA =
7.5 m2) or Y2O3 (1.678 g, SA = 7.5 m2) were added to a
298.15 K, are k = (1.93 ± 0.02) × 10−13 mol·m−2·s−1 for solution with the same volume and composition as described
reaction with TiO2 and k = (2.08 ± 0.06) × 10−11 mol·m−2·s−1 above. Plots showing the amount of HO• detected as a function
for reaction with Y2O3. of irradiation time are represented in Figure 8. After irradiating
In the plots of Figure 1, it can be seen that it is possible to the system for 1600 s, the different scavenging capacities of the
distinguish between the adsorption and the decomposition different metal oxides toward HO• start to become evident.
processes because the latter process is slower than the former. This fact can provide a qualitative measure of the affinity of
This allows us to determine the amount of H2O2 removed from HO• toward the surfaces of the oxides. The affinity of HO•
solution during the adsorption process which is directly toward the surfaces of the oxides is expected to control the
dependent on the number of adsorption sites on the surface relative kinetics for adsorption, desorption, and eventual
of the oxides that can accommodate H2O2. By determining the diffusion of HO• on the surface.51 According to the plots, the
amount of H2O2 removed from solution due to adsorption as a HO• affinity toward the surfaces vary in the order: TiO2 < ZrO2
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barriers for reactions catalyzed by surface sites where the metal

atoms are undercoordinated can be much lower than the
energy barriers for equivalent reactions catalyzed by non-
defective surfaces.52−54 Consequently, for defective surfaces,
the overall reaction rate is often determined by processes
occurring at defect sites.55 The physical-chemical properties of
the defects and consequently the chemical reactivity of such
surface sites are the result of the local properties of the defect
and not so much dependent on the properties of the extended
In our cited work,35 the performance of the models used here
is compared with the performance of larger clusters. The
clusters used in this work can reproduce with small deviation
the data obtained with clusters composed of 8 and 12 units of
(MxOy) where M is the metal present in the oxide. The cluster
Figure 8. [HO•] measured in γ-irradiated solutions with and without performance in reproducing adsorption energies was evaluated
the presence of different metal oxides. No oxide (blue diamond); TiO2 by benchmarking the water adsorption energies against
(green triangle); ZrO2 (red square); and Y2O3 (purple circle).
experimental and computational data found in the literature.
The data can be found in Table 1. The overall performance of
< Y2O3. The amount of HO• scavenged from solution by the our models for describing water adsorption energies is good.
metal oxide depends on the (SA/V) of the metal oxide present The adsorption of water, both molecular and dissociative, can
in the system. Consequently, the amount of HO• detected be modeled with good agreement between experimental and
varies inversely with metal oxide (SA/V). computational data using our minimal sized clusters to
3.2. Computational Results. In this section, we discuss represent the metal oxides. The same clusters are used in this
results of DFT calculations on the reactions of H2O, H2O2, and work to study the surface processes involved in the catalytic
HO• with stoichiometric clusters of ZrO2, TiO2, and Y2O3. The decomposition of H2O2 catalyzed by metal oxide particles. It
clusters studied are of the type (ZrO2)2, (TiO2)2, and (Y2O3). should be noted that these particle surface topologies are
The choice for using these model sizes is based on an dominated by defects. As H2O adsorption is dissociative in
undergoing work where we verified that the type of reactions most of the metal oxide defective surface sites,31 the clusters
studied here can be modeled using minimal sized clusters for where the reaction with H2O2 was performed had previously
describing the metal oxides (work to be published).35 There are been saturated with the products of H2O adsorption. These
several examples in the literature where it is shown that energy products are HO− and H+ which bind to a surface metal and

Table 1. ΔEads Obtained with DFT Calculations for the Adsorption Reactions Represented in Figures 9−12 and Data Found in
the Literature for Comparisona
data H2O molecular adsorption H2O dissociative adsorption H2O2 molecular adsorption HO• adsorption
B3LYP −80 −115 −121 −503
M06 −93 −129 −141 −514
literature - −(119; 142)b;60
−(44)b60 −− −−
experimental −(70−94)b61
literature - −(42−100)c;62 −(194−208)c;64
−− −(498)c63
theoretical −(57)c63 −(91−170)c62
data H2O molecular adsorption H2O dissociative adsorption H2O2 molecular adsorption HO• adsorption
B3LYP −45 −146 −58 −382
M06 −52 −160 −81 −403
literature -
−(48−68)b65 −− −− −−
literature - −(71−79) ;c 66
−(22−153) ; c 66
−(4−78)c69 −−
theoretical −(90)c;67 −(83)c68 −(141)c67
data H2O molecular adsorption H2O dissociative adsorption H2O2 molecular adsorption HO• adsorption
B3LYP −70 −86 −83 −541
M06 −76 −96 −99 −550
literature - −(91)b;70
−− −− −−
experimental −(38−99)b71
literature -
−− −− −− −−

All values in kJ·mol−1per mole of adsorbate. bRefers to an ΔHads. cRefers to an ΔEads without zero-point energy corrections.

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Figure 9. Optimized geometries for adsorption and further decomposition of H2O2 on a (ZrO2)2 cluster: (a) bare cluster, (b) chemisorption of a
H2O2 molecule, (c) transition-state for the cleavage of the O−O bond in H2O2, (d) product of the decomposition of H2O2. Zr (blue); O (red); H

Figure 10. Optimized geometries for the study of adsorption and further decomposition of H2O2 in reaction with a (TiO2)2 cluster: (a) bare cluster,
(b) chemisorption of a H2O2 molecule, (c) transition-state for the cleavage of the O−O bond in H2O2, (d) product of the decomposition of H2O2.
Ti (cyan); O (red); H (white).

oxygen atoms, respectively. The structures of the resulting surface of the metal oxides. Energy minima geometries
products are represented in Figures 9(a), 10(a), and 11(a). corresponding to the molecular adsorption of H2O2 onto the
To study the reactions of our clusters with H2O2, we surface of the clusters were found for the three materials
investigated the molecular adsorption of this species as being studied. The corresponding structures are depicted in Figures
the first step of the reaction of decomposition of H2O2 on the 9(b), 10(b), and 11(b). The obtained adsorption energies are
9539 dx.doi.org/10.1021/jp300255h | J. Phys. Chem. C 2012, 116, 9533−9543
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Figure 11. Optimized geometries for the study of adsorption and further decomposition of H2O2 in reaction with a (Y2O3) cluster: (a) bare cluster,
(b) chemisorption of a H2O2 molecule, (c) transition-state for the cleavage of the O−O bond in H2O2, (d) product of the decomposition of H2O2. Y
(green); O (red); H (white)

given in Table 1. The molecular adsorption energies obtained Table 2. Experimental ΔH⧧ and DFT Obtained ΔH⧧ and
for H2O2 lie in the range of the molecular adsorption energies ΔE⧧ for the Decomposition of H2O2a
reported for H2O, the adsorption of the former being slightly
experimental DFT ΔH⧧ DFT ΔE⧧
more exothermic than that of H2O. This was expected given

that these two chemical species adsorb onto the cluster surfaces material ΔH B3LYP M06 B3LYP M06
through a similar process which is largely mediated by ZrO2 30 ± 1b 37 33 38 36
hydrogen bonding. The fact that H2O2 adsorbs to the metal TiO2 34 ± 1 29 29 31 31
oxides stronger than H2O is an explanation for the fact that in Y2O3 44 ± 5 23 38 23 38
the kinetic experiments represented in Figure 2 it is possible to a
The DFT barriers were obtained using the LACV3P++** basis set
observe an adsorption process that precedes the decom- and clusters of the type (ZrO2)2, (TiO2)2, and (Y2O3) represented in
position. The existence of molecular adsorption of H2O2 as the Figures 9, 10, and 11, respectively. Values in kJ·mol−1 in the gas phase.
first step of the reaction of its decomposition on the surfaces of
Value recalculated from reference 21.
the metal oxides studied can be inferred also from the
experiments reported above where the consumption of H2O2 There is a very good agreement between the experimentally
and the formation of HO• were tracked simultaneously and are obtained enthalpy barriers and the DFT obtained ones,
represented in Figure 3. As already described above, the initial especially with the M06 functional. The larger discrepancy
process responsible for the disappearance of H2O2 from between experimental and DFT values is for the reaction
solution is molecular adsorption according to the experimental barrier calculated with the B3LYP functional in the case of
results. The energy minima geometries corresponding to Y2O3. In this case, the B3LYP functional underestimated the
adsorption, found with the DFT calculations, agree well with reaction barrier by 21 kJ·mol−1. The M06 functional could
this experimental evidence. Both the M06 and B3LYP reproduce this barrier with better accuracy, only 6 kJ·mol−1
functionals are able to describe these adsorption energies lower than the experimental value. This leads us to conclude
following a similar trend. For all the materials studied, the that our models, in spite of their small size, are able to
molecular adsorption of H2O2 is slightly more exothermicup reproduce with good accuracy the processes responsible for the
to 23 kJ·mol−1when computed with the M06 functional. apparent reaction energy barriers that exist in the real systems.
Given the scarcity of literature data for molecular adsorption of Overall, M06 performs better than B3LYP for the reaction
H2O2 onto the materials studied, we cannot benchmark the barriers. This can be attributed to that noncovalent interactions
performance of the two functionals in describing this process. such as hydrogen bonding play an important role in the
The transition state geometries for the cleavage of the O−O obtained geometries of reactants and transition-states; the latter
bond in H2O2 are represented in Figures 9 (c), 10(c), and are mediated by multiple hydrogen bondings between H2O2
11(c). The enthalpy barriers for the decomposition of H2O2 and the surface HO groups. The M06 functional performs
can be found in Table 2. The reactants for these reactions have better in describing these types of systems where noncovalent
the structures shown in Figures 9(b), 10(b), and 11(b), where interactions are present and dispersion effects are large.56−58
H2O2 is molecularly adsorbed to the surface of the clusters. The products of H2O2 decomposition are represented in
9540 dx.doi.org/10.1021/jp300255h | J. Phys. Chem. C 2012, 116, 9533−9543
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C Article

Figures 9(d), 10(d), and 11(d). The products consist of HO experimentally obtained trends for HO• adsorption energies
radicals in all the cases. This is in agreement with the onto the surface of these materials which are visible in Figure 8.
experimental results shown above in Figure 3 and with the The good agreement between experimental and DFT data is
results published in a previous work by our group that point also relevant to note that the ionization energies of the metal
toward the existence of HO radicals as a primary product of the cations present in the metal oxides studied vary in the order:
decomposition of H2O2 when catalyzed by the surface of Y3+< Zr4+< Ti4+. Clearly the HO• adsorption exothermicity
transition metal oxides.21 The two HO radicals initially formed varies inversely with the ionization energies of the metal ions
can have different fates. From the products of the reaction of present in the oxides. The higher the ionization energy of the
H2O2, it can be seen that one HO radical can adsorb to the metal cation present in the oxide, the weaker is the adsorption
surface by bonding with a metal atom, while the other can of HO• onto that metal oxide; this is because the HO• adsorbs
remove a surface H• initially bound to a surface oxygen atom, onto the metal oxide by forming bonding states with the metal
to form physisorbed H2O. The formation of H2O due to the atom.
reaction of a HO• with the surface of the wet clusters is in Overall, there is a good agreement between the data obtained
agreement with the experimental evidence that D2O is formed with our minimal sized cluster models and the literature and
upon exposure of DO saturated surfaces to DO radicals.59 The experimental values. Whereas to describe a perfect surface of a
obtained reaction enthalpies for decomposition of H2O2 are conductor or semiconductor a large model is necessary to
shown in Table 3. correctly account for the delocalized electronic states of the
material, a smaller model can be a good descriptor to describe a
Table 3. ΔH and ΔE for the Reactions of Decomposition of defective surface like the case of our particles. This is because
H2O2 on the Surface of (ZrO2)2, (TiO2)2, and (Y2O3) the electronic states of the metal oxides are not as delocalized
Clusters Obtained with the B3LYP and M06 Functionalsa on the surface defective sites as they are on a perfect surface.
This makes the local properties of the defect, such as the type
cluster B3LYP ΔH M06 ΔH B3LYP ΔE M06 ΔE of metal atom present and its intrinsic properties, the factors
(ZrO2)2 −617 −605 −613 −608 that will have a larger contribution to the adsorption energies
(TiO2)2 −493 −488 −494 −485 and reaction energy barriers. Furthermore, on defective
(Y2O3) −679 −681 −678 −678 surfaces, effects such as diffusion of adsorbates across the
Values in kJ·mol−1 in the gas phase. plane of the surface will be hindered when compared to the
same phenomena occurring on a perfect surface.
The large exothermicity of the reaction of cleavage of the O−
O bond in H2O2 and formation of adsorbed HO radicals can be 4. CONCLUSIONS
attributed to the process of adsorption of the later species. Both The kinetic experiments on the decomposition of H2O2
B3LYP and M06 reaction enthalpies differ very little for all the together with the experiments on HO• detection show the
metal oxides with the largest difference for the case of ZrO2 existence of an adsorption step prior to decomposition. This
which is 12 kJ·mol−1. The reaction of two HO radicals with the type of process is also predicted with the DFT calculations. The
metal oxide clusters was also studied and leads to the formation decomposition of H2O2 follows a similar mechanism for the
of stable species. The obtained geometries are represented in three metal oxides studied. The obtained transition states are
Figure 12. largely mediated by hydrogen bonding between H2O2 and
The energies for adsorption of HO• onto the surfaces of surface HO groups. Nevertheless, direct interaction between
(ZrO2)2, (TiO2)2, and (Y2O3) presented in Table 1 are of the oxygen atoms of H2O2 and the metal atoms present in the
similar magnitude. The only value found in the literature for oxide was also observed in the geometries of the transition
which first-principles molecular dynamics with periodic states. The formation of two HO radicals as the primary
boundary conditions was used to calculate the adsorption product of the decomposition of H2O2 is confirmed with both
energy of HO• onto the surface of ZrO2 is in good agreement the DFT calculations and the experiments. One of these
with the values obtained in this work. The adsorption energies radicals can further abstract a H atom initially bound to a
of HO• vary in the order of decreasing exothermicity Y2O3 > surface O and form H2O. The other HO radical can adsorb to
ZrO2 > TiO2. This is in excellent agreement with our the surface by forming bonding states with the metal cation

Figure 12. Optimized geometries for the adsorption of two HO radicals onto each of the clusters previously saturated with two H2O molecules: (a)
(ZrO2)2, (b) (TiO2)2, and (c) (Y2O3).

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