Book Reviews: PROLOG: Patient Management in The Office, 5th Edition
Book Reviews: PROLOG: Patient Management in The Office, 5th Edition
Book Reviews: PROLOG: Patient Management in The Office, 5th Edition
Book reviews
PROLOG: Patient Management This edition contains more thorough and complete
reference tables and flow diagrams for the
in the Office, 5th edition management of medical and gynaecological issues,
Author American College of Obstetricians and requiring more decision-making than previous
Gynecologists editions. The appendix of the explanation book
contains standard (US) lab values, diagnostic
The fifth edition of PROLOG: Patient Management criteria for metabolic syndrome and asthma
in the Office is one of five question-and-answer- management during pregnancy and lactation, as
style, soft-cover educational books in the PROLOG well as photographs and pictures referenced to
(Personal Review of Learning in Obstetrics and individual questions. There is a thorough and
Gynecology) series. The complete series is made up easy-to-understand index of topics at the end of the
of four other books—Obstetrics, Gynecologic book.
Oncology and Critical Care, Reproductive
Endocrinology and Infertility and Gynecology and In summary, the fifth edition of PROLOG: Patient
Surgery—and is designed to serve as a self- Management in the Office represents a
assessment study guide, as well as to complement continuation of clear, high-quality and enjoyable
other educational material. review material published by the American
College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists
This most recent edition, published in 2007, (ACOG). This and other books in the PROLOG
includes a 61-page test booklet, complemented by a series provide many useful hours of review in a
264-page answer booklet containing explanations, concise and highly relevant fashion. They often
diagrams and pictures. The book is intended to serve as the starting point for further or more in-
review seven broad areas related to the office depth revision of related material in preparation
practice of obstetrics and gynaecology: screening for exams or self-directed learning. They also
and diagnosis; medical management; surgical serve well as a quick reference for topics
management; epidemiology; counselling; ethical encountered in the office. Overall, this book is a
and legal issues; and office procedures. Questions highly-recommended ‘must read’ for obstetricians
on these topics are randomly interspersed and gynaecologists preparing for standardised
throughout the textbook. exams in the USA, or physicians anywhere who
wish to assess and expand their knowledge base.
There are 167 questions in total, of which the first
148 are multiple choice and the remaining ones Reviewer Stephan Krotz MD
matching; they can be completed in as little as Fellow, Reproductive Medicine and Infertility;
2–3 hours. The real benefit to this series is the and Gary Frishman MD
thorough review provided in the explanation book. Director, Residency Program
In addition to providing the answers and reasoning Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University,
behind the correct answer, each explanation Rhode Island, USA
provides an up-to-date review of the subject matter
up to a full page in length and includes references. American College of Obstetricians and
Examples of topics discussed that are continually Gynecologists, 2007
evolving include prenatal and cervical cancer ISBN 9781932328288
screening, infectious disease management in Paperback, 264 pages, £105.50
pregnancy, contraception, hormone replacement 10.1576/toag.
and management of perimenopausal issues.