Crafty Feeling Brainstorm

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The Craft of Writing: Bringing the ideas together for examination tasks

Activity: In the Trial HSC and the HSC you may need to construct a text that links to concepts, ideas or issues that emerge from a COW text or a
prescribed text. This will be challenging unless you have thought through some scenarios that allow you to engage meaningfully with this
question type. Complete your own mind maps for each COW text, as well as the prescribed texts so the connection in terms of a
concept or issue is clear. Complete one map for each text and each writing form. (imaginative, persuasive and discursive)
Persuasive possibilities:

Can anyone
be a writer?

We all exist in Should we

a constructed really all
reality follow our

Zadie Smith

Social media
has reduced
The art of
being a fraud our ability to
exist in the
real world
Why we need
to be the
critical friend
to grow

Rachel Palgan COW 2019

Zadie Smith: That Crafty Feeling Discursive Text Possibilities

Micromanaging:Is our "The Final Word"

Have we lost the art of
temptation to document and The ending of a
reading and writing in the
manage every aspect of our relationship:when do you end
modern world?
lives reducing happiness? it?

"Step away from the vehicle"

Headlines: The The importance of taking a
media/communication and break to gain a new Is constructive criticism good
the complexities of language, perspective-study/work/life/ for us?
message and meaning issues writing/

The painful truth will not

Learning from our mistakes always set you free
*The learning pit * honest relationships What is beauty?
*Cognitive strategies for life * honest editing and critical

Rachel Palgan COW 2019

Zadie Smith: That Crafty Feeling Imaginative Text Possibilities

"Writers speak to each other "Step Away from the

across time and space" Escape from Reality: Vehicle"
Bonds formed through Character and plot framed Construct a narrative
literature-class, culture, through escapism into fragment where the main
interests, life experiences- literature/literary time character has a change in
narrative framed around travel/metafictive elements perspective about an issue
the words of a COW text. or event or ideology

"Magical thinking" "The Smart Stranger"

Construct a text that "The first twenty pages"
Compose a narrative about a
includes two perspectives The importance of
randon, chance meeting or
and contrasting worlds. beginnings-first experience,
incident that provides a new
Possibilities: child/adult, first meeting, a learning
understanding of a
male/female, new/old first, first memory.....

"I use scaffolding to hold up my

confidence when I have none,
Time to reduce the despair, and to Hang a nice facade over it.."
feel that what I am doing has a
Compose a narrative about goal, some endpoint..." Create an opening that
the passing of time changing Use the quotation as a lifting explores facades of
a perspective or ideology. off point for a narrative humanity.
opening examining the need
for security.

Rachel Palgan COW 2019

Choose your own adventure…..
Choose a text we have studied in class. What concepts/issues or ideas emerge from the text?
Activity: Construct your own ideas mind maps for the prescribed text you best connect with. Think carefully about the set questions. If this was your HSC question what
would you have needed to do and experiment with before the examination that might be challenging to do in the confines of the examination time limit? You must think
through the connections between what you have analysed and what you could possibly construct so these connections are valid and meaningful and demonstrate you have
understood elements of the prescribed text and can use this knowledge to be creative.

My Persuasive Text Possibilities Text:

Rachel Palgan COW 2019

Idea Idea

Idea Idea Idea

Idea Idea Idea

Rachel Palgan COW 2019

My Discursive Text Possibilities Text:
Choose a text we have studied in class. What concepts/issues or ideas emerge from the text?

Idea Idea

Idea Idea Idea

Idea Idea Idea

Rachel Palgan COW 2019

My Imaginative Text Possibilities Text Choice:
Choose a text we have studied in class. What narrative ideas emerge from the text?

Idea Idea

Idea Idea Idea

Idea Idea Idea

Rachel Palgan COW 2019

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