First Grading Reviewer in Mapeh 9

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Reviewer in Music, Arts, Physical Education and Health 9

First Grading Period (S.Y.: 2023 – 2024)

Class No. Name: Score: Written Work

Grade and
Performance Task

Reviewer (MUSIC)


 Mass songs can be sung in a capella or with orchestral
Music of the Medieval Period (700 – 1400) accompaniment while Madrigal music is sung a capella.
 Is also known as the Middle Ages or ―Dark Ages, that
started with the fall of the Roman Empire. MUSIC OF THE BAROQUE PERIOD (1685-1750)
 During this time, the Christian Church influenced Europe’s  The word Baroque is derived from the Portuguese word
culture and political affairs. “barroco” which means “pearl of irregular shape”.

Characteristics of the Gregorian Chants: Characteristics of Baroque Music:

 Monophonic  Primarily contrapuntal textures with some homophony
 The Gregorian chants were rendered in single  Dynamic contrast
melodic lines.  New forms
 Free meter
 Modal
 Use of Neume notation Music Genres of Baroque Period

 Roman Catholic Church influence art forms such as music and 1. Concerto
theatre arts through Gregorian chant which is widely used in  A form of orchestral music that employs a solo
Roman Catholic churches and sang by catholic monks; however instrument accompanied by an orchestra.
theatre performances are performed by churches during 2. Concerto Grosso
Sundays with biblical stories and events.  A form of orchestral music during the Baroque
Period wherein the music is between
Famous Composer of the Medieval Period: concertino and tutti.
3. Fugue
Adam de la Halle (France, 1237 – 1288)  A contrapuntal piece, developed mainly by
 He was one of the oldest secular composers whose literary imitative counterpoint.
and musical works include chansons and poetic debates. 4. Oratorio
 A large scale musical composition for orchestra
Pope Gregory I (c. 540 – 12 March 60) and voices that incorporates narratives on
 He established the schola propagated by the chant religious themes.
throughout the church, which to this day is better known 5. Chorale
as Gregorian chant.  Musical compositions that resemble a
harmonized version of hymnal tunes of the
Music of the Renaissance Period (1400 – 1600) Protestant Church during the Baroque era.
 The term “Renaissance” comes from the word “renaitre”
which means “rebirth”, “revival”, and “rediscovery”. Famous Composers of the Baroque Period
 The invention of printing in the 1400’s paved the way for a
wide distribution of renaissance compositions. Johann Sebastian Bach
 With the emergence of the bourgeois class, renaissance  His most important and long-term position was as “cantor”
music became popular as entertainment and activity for at St. Thomas Church.
amateurs and the educated.  He was known for his compositions for organ, orchestra,
and oratorio.
Characteristics of Renaissance Music:
 Mostly polyphonic Antonio Vivaldi
 Imitation among the voices is common  He is “The Red Priest” an Italian Baroque composer,
Catholic priest and a virtuoso violinist.
Famous Composers of the Renaissance Period  His famous piece is “The Four Seasons” were in the
dynamics used in this composition describe as an
1. Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina alteration between loud and soft.
 Is said to be the greatest master of Roman  This composition is a series of four violin concerti depicting
Catholic Church music during the Renaissance each of the seasons:
period.  Spring
2. Thomas Morley (1557-1602)  Summer
 He was the most famous composer of secular  Autumn
music in his time.  Winter

Vocal Music of the Renaissance Period George Friedrich Handel

 Handel became England’s favorite composer.
1. Mass The Messiah
 Is a form of sacred musical composition that sets
 He’s most famous creation and the very well
texts of the Eucharistic liturgy into music.
known “Hallelujah” chorus is part of Handel’s
 Madrigal
 It is the most important secular form during the  It was written in the space of twenty – four
Renaissance period. days in London but it was in Dublin when The
 Messiah was first performed and became an
The difference between Mass and madrigal in TERMS of: instant success.

1. Texture
 Mass songs are performed in homophonic texture while
Madrigal music is sung in polyphonic texture.

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Reviewer in Music, Arts, Physical Education and Health 9
First Grading Period (S.Y.: 2023 – 2024)

Reviewer (ARTS)
Venus of Willendorf
WESTERN CLASSICAL ART TRADITIONS  It is carved from limestone
with excessively heavy and
Paintings from the Pre-Historic era abdomen used as charm to
 Their paintings were found inside the caves which may ensure fertility.
have been their way of communicating with each other.

Cave of Lascaux, 1

Greek Sculptures
 After three centuries of experiments, Greek sculptures had
Painting from Ancient Egypt finally evolved and showed all the points of human
 It emphasizes the importance of life after death and the anatomy and proportion.
preservation of the knowledge of the past.

Myron; The Discobulus

 Shows an attitude of
Sarcophagus of Tutankhamen maximum tension, full of
compressed energy, and
about to explode an action.

Paintings from Classical Greek era

 Paintings during the classical era were most commonly ROMAN SCULPTURES
found in vases, panels and tomb.  Most Roman sculptures are made of monumental terra-
 Kerch Style is one of the common paintings in this era. Also cotta.
it referred to as Kerch Vases which are red-figured pottery
named after the place where it was found. They used a The Portonacio Sarcophagus
technique called polycromy, which is combination of  Used for the burial of Roman
General involved in the campaign
different colors specially the brilliant one in an artistic of Marcus Aurellius
manner.  It is a box-liked funeral
receptacle for a dead body.
 It depicts battle scenes
Paintings from the Romantic era
between Romans and Germans.
 The development of landscape painting is the main
innovation of Roman painting from Greek painting.
 The dominant themes in Byzantine sculptures are
religious, everyday life scenes, and motifs from nature.
Boscotrecase, Pompeii

The Barberini Diptych

Romanesque Painting
 It has a remarkable variety of artistic traditions such as
Romanesque Sculptures
modeling and treatment of faces and draperies that follow
Byzantine convention while the refreshingly decorative  Some of the famous sculptural pieces are reliquaries, altar
frontals, crucifixes, and devotional images.
feeling comes from southern French styles.
Christ in Majesty
 Means “Christ in Glory”. Pre-Historic Architecture
 This painting shows that Christ  This architecture is made of huge stone blocks which were
is seated on the throne as the probably intended for burial.
ruler of the world.
Three Main Types of Megalith Stones
 Elongated shape is evident in
1. Menhir
this artwork.  A huge stone standing vertically on the ground, usually
standing in the middle of the field or arranged in rows.
2. Dolmens
PAINTINGS FROM THE GOTHIC ERA  The word dolmen originated from the expression
 Paintings gave been confined in the illumination of taolmaen, which means “stone table”.
manuscript pages and the painting of frescoes on the walls  It is believed that it served as grave or as an altar.
3. Cromlech
of churches in cosmopolitan style, elegant, mannered and
 Literary it is a circle of standing stones.
 This architectural style was developed during the pre-
dynastic period 4,000 BC.
Pre-Historic Sculptures
 Material uses in sculptures vary according to region and
Pyramids of Giza
 It is the most substantial ancient structure of the

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Reviewer in Music, Arts, Physical Education and Health 9
First Grading Period (S.Y.: 2023 – 2024)

Mastaba Reviewer (P.E)

 It is a type of Egyptian tomb in the form of a flat-roofed, SPORTS OFFICIATING
rectangular structure with outward sloping sides. It was
made of mud-bricks or stone. Sports Officiating
 Is a system of managing a sport, specifically in
Greek Architecture implementing the game rules and keeping order during
 Temples consisted of a central shrine or room in an aisle the game’s duration.
surrounded by rows and columns.
 These buildings were designed in one of the three Officiating Official
architectural style.  He defines the success or failure of a certain physical
Three architectural Style or orders:
The following are the qualities to be considered:

1. Physical Qualities
 These qualities refer to the physical attributes of an
officiating official.
2. Emotional Qualities
Doric Ionic Corinthian  These qualities refer to the emotional readiness of
an officiating official to perform his or her role in a
Roman Architecture game.
 They built sturdy stone structures both for use and to 3. Mental Qualities
perpetuate their glory.  Mental toughness is the term used to refer to all of
the qualities pertaining to one’s mental
preparation in officiating a game.
4. Social Qualities
The Colosseum  Social qualities refer to the ability to deal with
others at any given situation.

Referee’s Hand Signals:

Byzantine Architecture  Hand signals are used by referees, players, and coaches to
 It has a lot in common with the early Christian communicate something non-verbally.
 Mosaic decoration was perfected by the Byzantines. A. Basketball:

Hagia Sophia
 Hagia Sophia
means “Holy Wisdom”

Gothic Architecture
 This design included two new devices: pointed arch which
enabled builders to construct much higher ceiling vaults
and stone vaulting borne on a network of stone ribs
supported by piers and clustered pillars.

Cathedral of Chartres
 Has rich architecture
and design
 Splendid stained glass
 Thousands of sculptured
 The principle of arts
evident in this architecture
is Symmetrical balance

Western Classical Art Forms Philippine Art Forms

Tutankhamen’s Inner Coffin Manunggul jar
Rose Window Pampanga Giant Lantern
Venus of Willendorf Bul-ol
Hieroglyphics Baybayin
Cathedral of Chartres San Sebastian Church

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Reviewer in Music, Arts, Physical Education and Health 9
First Grading Period (S.Y.: 2023 – 2024)

B. Volleyball Reviewer (HEALTH)



According to the World Health Organization:

 is a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-
being and not just the absence of disease or infirmity.
 is defined as a sociological group in a large place sharing
one environment.
Community Health
 is defined as the art and science of maintaining,
protecting and improving the health of all the members
of the community through organized and sustained
community efforts.
Environmental Health
 comprises those aspects of human health that are
determined by physical, chemical, biological, social and
psychosocial factors in the surrounding environment.

 Our government believes that a strong nation needs

healthy citizenry.
 In order to achieve this, the Department of Health
promoted community health with the partnership of
community, barangay, government, and non-
governmental organizations through the program called
Primary Health Care.

Some of the primary Health Care Programs in the Community

Health Center Services Functions
Maternal Health Care Pre-natal, Natal, Post-natal
Immunizations, Control of
Child Health Care
diarrheal diseases
Operation Timbang, Food
Nutrition Program
Dental Health Program Tooth Extraction
Medical Morbidity clinic Provision of free medicines
Epidemiology and Surveillance Controlling outbreaks like
program Dengue
Disaster Management Medical Services/assistance
preparedness Program during disaster
Distribution of medicines to all
Pharmacy Services
health centers


Waste Disposal
 It is the proper disposal of a discarded or discharged
material in accordance with local environmental guidelines
or laws.

Solid Waste Management Program

 It is one of the program that helps lessen the amount
of refuse in our country.

 According to RA No. 9003, there are many ways to do Solid

Waste Management.
 A highly recommended formula is to adopt the 3Rs of Ecological
Waste Management:


 The most pressing environmental problems in the

Philippines today:

 It is the destruction of big areas of forests.

 It is defined as the extraction of valuable minerals or other
geological materials from the earth.

mcmmanzano Page 4
Reviewer in Music, Arts, Physical Education and Health 9
First Grading Period (S.Y.: 2023 – 2024)

 It is a sudden flood of great volume, usually caused by a
heavy rain.

 It happens when soil and rock are moved from one place
to another by wind, water, and gravity.


 It is a significant problem throughout the world.
 It has been acknowledged that 27% of the world’s reefs
have been affected.

 It means any alteration of the physical, chemical and
biological properties of water, air and/or land resources.

Effects of the Environmental Problems

 Soil erosion
 Landslides
 Greenhouse effect
Deforestation  Denuded upland Silting of rivers and dams
 Degraded watershed
 Flooding
 Destruction of corals along the coast
 Causes of diseases such as Cholera and other
water borne diseases
 Loss of life
Flash Floods  Contamination of drinking water
 Destruction of Sewage System
 Destruction of dams and destruction of
 Unproductive use of farmland
 Difficulty in raising of livestock
Soil Erosion  Silting of artificial lakes
 Loss of soil and vegetation which causes
climate changes
Pollution  Global Warming, Climate change
 Loss of edible reef fish
Coral Reef  Reduction of species diversity and richness
Degradation  Alteration in the size structure of target
 Water poisoning of all the living things in it
Illegal Mining  Destruction of beautiful coral reefs
 Bareness of land

Parent’s/Guardian Signature:______________________________

Date: ____________________________

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