Active Recreation

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Active Recreation


Active recreation is leisure time physical activity undertaken outside of structured,

competition sport.

The Simple Truth

 There is no quick and easy way to take off excess body fat and keep it off for
good. Weight management is accomplished by making a lifetime commitment
to be physically active and have proper food selection. When taking part in a
weight/fat reduction program, you also have to decrease your caloric intake, be
physically active, and implement strategies to modify unhealthy eating

Weigh Loss Strategies

 Make a commitment to change. You must accept that you have a problem and
decide that you really want to change.
 Incorporate exercise into the program. Choosing enjoyable activities, places,
time, equipment, and friends to work out with will help you get motivated.
 Avoid automatic eating. Many people associate certain daily activities with
eating, for example cooking, watching television, or reading. Most foods
consumed in these situations lack nutritional value or are high in sugar and fat.
 Stay busy. People tend to eat more when they sit around and do nothing.
 Try “junior size” instead of “super-size”. People who are served larger portion
seat more, whether they are hungry or not. Use smaller plates, bowls, cups,
and glasses
 Eat slowly and at the table only. Eating at the table encourages people to take
time out to eat and deters snacking between meals. After eating do not sit
around the table but rather, clean up and put away the food to avoid snacking.
 Cut unnecessary items from your diet. Substituting water for daily can of soda
would cut calories from your diet.
 Do not serve more food than you should eat. Measure food in portions and
keep serving dishes away from the table.
 Think positive. Avoid negative thoughts about how difficult changing past
behavior’s might be. Instead think of the benefits you will reap, such as feeling,
looking, and functioning better, plus enjoying better health and improving the
quality of life.
Eating Disorders

 Eating disorders are illnesses that involve crucial disturbances in eating

behaviors thought to stem from some environmental pressures. These
disorders are characterized by an intense fear of becoming fat, which does not
disappear even when the person is losing weight in extreme amounts.

Examples Eating Disorder

 Anorexia nervosa – an eating disorder characterized by self-imposed

starvation to lose and maintain very low body weight due to a false/distorted
perception of being fat
 Bulimia nervosa – an eating disorder characterized by a pattern of binge eating
and purging in an attempt to lose weight and/or maintain low body weight
 Binge-eating disorder – an eating disorder characterized by uncontrollable
episodes of eating excessive amounts of food within a relatively short time
 Emotional Eating – the consumption of large quantities of food to suppress
negative emotions

Benefits of Recreational Activities:

 Enhances personal growth

 Helps to build self-esteem and confidence
 Reduces tension and anxiety
 Encourages spiritual renewal and personal growth
 Increases mental relaxations
 Generates a general sense of well being
 Teaches positive conflict resolution skills
 Provides alternatives to self-destructive behaviors

The Good Dose of Exercise


Frequency refers to how often you involve yourself in regular physical activity or
Intensity refers to how hard you should exercise or the level of difficulty of your
physical activity.
Time refers to how long you should engage in a specific physical activity.
Type refers to the kind of exercise or physical activity you should engage in.
Tips to Enjoy your Walking Routine

 Pass the talk test

 Walk before you run
 Wear bright clothing
 Warm-up before you walk and cool-down after.
 Change your route.
 Listen while you walk
 Walk with a friend.
 Meditation or prayer.
 Crosstrain

The Many Benefits of Yoga Exercise

1. It increases respirator efficiency.
2. It improves posture and balance.
3. It increases one’s endurance and energy.
4. It improves one’s memory, concentration, mood and self-actualization.
5. It decreases anxiety and depression.
6. It is relaxing. It has slow dynamic and static movements.
7. It has a low risk of injuring the muscles and the ligaments.
8. It increases one’s flexibility and is good for muscle toning.
9. It is the best way to build core strength.
10. It tests mental endurance and physical stamina.
11. It is a good form of meditation

Myths and Fallacies about Weight and Strength Training

Myth 1: Females who lift weights will develop big, bulky, muscles like those of
Myth 2: Muscle can turn to fat if a person lifting weights.
Myth 3: Strength training reduces flexibility.
Myth 4: Strength and weight training will make you slower and less coordinated
Myth 5: Elderly people should avoid strength training
Myth 6: Weight training is good way to improve cardiovascular fitness.
Myth 7: Strength training is harmful to the growth and development of
Myth 8: Female muscles will not develop strength.
Myth 9: Strength training has few benefits for women and will only detract from
their personal appearance.
Myth 10: Strength training slows down the aging process of men more than
How long should individual exercise every session? 20 – 30 Minutes
How many times per week is required to have a healthy lifestyle? 3 per week
1. How can one maintain an ideal body weight? B. Balance the amount of food
you eat with regular physical activity.

2. A desirable level of fitness can be achieved through at least how many

workouts per week? A. 3

3. People who lead sedentary lifestyles are often referred to as A. couch potatoes.

4. Which of the following is not a positive outcome of personal fitness?

a. Improved physical appearance
b. Enhanced self-esteem
c. Hypertension
d. Stress reduction

5. Which of the following can help you determine which fitness and recreational
activities are realistic for you? Cost, skills and attitude, social needs, all of the

6. How many servings from the bread, rice, cereal and pasta group should you eat
each day? Six to eleven (6 to 11)

7. Which of the following is an example of a passive warm-up exercise? B.

whirlpool bath

8. Which of the following would not be a benefit of walking?

a. helps with weight managements
b. lowers blood pressure
c. it is a high impact exercise
d. builds aerobic fitness

9. People who are physically active throughout their lives may add about d. 2.5
year(s) to their life expectancy

10. Which of the following is not a fitness benefit of Yoga Exercises?

a. improves posture and balance
b. high-risk of injuring the muscles and the ligaments
c. best way to build core strength
d. increases one’s flexibility and muscular strength
11. Which of the following will not improve your personal fitness program?
a. exercising at moderate intensities
b. starting slowly
c. engaging in high-impact, weight bearing activities
d. making your program convenient

12. Participation in active recreation is everyone’s responsibility. Which of the

following is the best reason for this? A. to have healthy lifestyle

13. In performing hip-hop aerobics, what fitness component is required of you? D.


14.Which of the following is not a health-related physical fitness test?

a. sits and reach
b. 50-meter run
c. sit-up
d. push-up

15. Your body composition is influenced by which of the following? Genetics, age
and gender (d. all of the above)

16.Which of the following signs or symptoms is not characteristic of bulimia

A. depressed mood
B. noticeable weight loss or gain
C. lack of concern about weight
D. habit of visiting the bathroom immediately after meals

17. Which of the following food groups should be consumed sparingly?

A. fats, oils, and sweets
b. fruits
C. vegetables
D. milk, yogurt, and cheese

18. Your friend Kaye is overweight and she wants to start her weight loss program.
What strategies and advice would you give her?
A. avoid automatic eating while watching the television, reading or studying.
B. try “junior size” instead of “super-size”, use smaller plates, bowls, cups, or
C. incorporate easy and enjoyable exercises into the program to be motivated
D. all of the above
19. What term/s describe/s the use of barbells, dumbbells, and machines to
improve fitness, health and appearance? C. Weight Training

20. You are invited to talk on how to prevent diseases and live a healthy and
quality life. What would be the focus of your talk? a. nutrition and physical
activity of the family.
1. National environmental Awareness and Education Act – Provides for the
inclusion of environmental education programs in various national institutions.

2. Tobacco Regulation Act – supervises the legal production of cigarettes in the


3. Philippine AIDS Prevention and Control Act – Provides assistance for the
prevention and control of AIDS

4. Consumer Act – Provides for the regulation of products and services being sold
and offered in the country.

5. National Blood Services Act – Describes the blood donation program in the

6. Anti-Hazing Law – Prohibits physical and emotional harm and abuse as

initiation to a certain social group

7. Anti-Drunk and Drugged Driving Law – Penalizes vehicle drivers who are under
the influence of drugs and alcohol

8. Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act – Provides for the regulation of narcotic

and other related substances being sold/imported in the country

9. Traditional and Alternative Medicines Act – Identifies scientifically proven

herbs as medicinal plants

10. Seat belts Use Act – Penalizes vehicle users who will not wear safety belts
while on the road

11. Anti-child Pornography Act – Protects children from any malicious acts online

12. Cybercrime Prevention Act – Provides for criminal offenses committed crime

13. Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive Health Act – Provides for maternal
and child healthcare, family planning, and responsible parenthood
V. Social Health
Peer influence also concerns you as adolescents. You are in the
developmental stage. Wherein you build lasting relationships with peers. Here are
some issues that you may encounter.

1. Cybercrime
With the advancement of technology, there are various platforms where you
may express yourself. This diversity may do both good and harm to you. “Cyber
refers to a computer or a computer network, the electronic medium in which
online communication takes place”. Thus, cybercrime is simply any crime
committed in cyberspace. To protect the citizens from this concern, the
government mandated Republic Act No. 10725 or the Cybercrime Prevention Act
of 2012. The law mandates the prohibition of cybersex, child pornography,
unsolicited commercial communications, and computer-related identity theft.

2. Child Pornography
In relation to cybercrime, child pornography has become a pressing concern of
this generation. Republic Act No. 9775 or the Anti-Child Pornography Act of
2009 defines the crime of child pornography As defined, “Child pornography”
refers to any representation, whether visual, audio, or written combination
thereof, by electronic, mechanical, digital, optical, magnetic or any other
means, of child engaged or involved in real or simulated explicit sexual
activities” (Official Gazette, 2009). In addition, it is also important to note how
the Act defines a “child”
“Child” refers to a person below eighteen (18) years of age or over, but is
unable to fully take care of himself/herself from abuse, neglect, cruelty,
exploitation or discrimination because of a physical or mental disability or
condition. For the purpose of this Act, a child shall also refer to:
(1) a person regardless of age who is presented, depicted or portrayed as a
child as defined herein; and
(2) computer-generated, digitally or manually crafted images or graphics of a
person who is represented or who is made to appear to be a child as defined
Child pornography may also be indicated if there are three (3) or more persons
confederating with one another. In this light, it is not only the victim who
can file a complaint, but the parents or guardians, relative within the third
degree, officer or social worker of a licensed child-caring institution or
DSWD, barangay chairman, law enforcement officer, at least three
concerned responsible citizens in the same place where the pornography
occurs, and a person who is knowledgeable of the law may do so.
Once the victim is identified, he/she is subject to care, custody and
treatment from the Department of Social Welfare and Development. In
addition, an inter-agency program shall also be established to prevent child

3. Hazing
Fraternities and sororities , gangs, and social groups are starting to become
more and more identified and publicized. Because of their “alleged” prestige
and prime, more teens are encouraged to be a part of them. For some of these
groups, hazing may be an option to test an “applicant’s” willingness and
commitment. On the other hand, hazing is very dangerous, and proven to have
killed many lives.
The government protects the youth through the Republic Act No. 8949 or
the Anti-Hazing Law. The act penalizes those who will go too far during
initiation rites wherein the “applicant” is subjected to severe physical and
emotional pain and suffering

4. Blood Donation
Being proactive citizens of the country, you must willingly help others in
ways that will not harm you. One of the emerging forms of voluntary
service is blood donation. Republic Act No. 7719 or the National Blood
Services Act of 1994 aims to promote and encourage voluntary blood
donation by the citizenry, provide for adequate, safe and affordable and
equitable distribution of blood and blood products. In order to attain these
aims, the Act provisions the establishment of a Blood Services Network
which consist of the following.

a. National Council for Bood Services and its various committees

It serves as the governing body of the network and is responsible for approval
of various policies on blood services.
b. Philippine National Blood Services
Under its Blood Centers, it works on the recruitment, retention, and care of
voluntary blood donors, collection of blood from qualified donors, testing of units
of blood for infectious diseases, and the like.
c. Authorized Blood Collection Units and Facilities
d. Private and Public Hospital Blood Banks and Blood Stations
e. Non-Hospital Health Facilities
f. National Reference Laboratories for Immunology and Immunohematology

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