Workshop Manual Husqvarna 131r

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Workshop manual


675 - 002 - 23.04.2018


1 Introduction 8 Repair instructions

1.1 Document description............................................ 3 8.1 Product overview for repair instructions............... 21
1.2 Target group...........................................................3 8.2 To clean and examine the product parts..............21
1.3 Revisions................................................................3 8.3 Starter.................................................................. 22
1.4 Safety..................................................................... 3 8.4 Ignition system..................................................... 24
1.5 Servicing tools........................................................3 8.5 Handle and throttle trigger....................................28
8.6 Air filter................................................................. 29
2 Safety 8.7 Fuel tank.............................................................. 30
2.1 Safety definitions....................................................4 8.8 Fuel filter.............................................................. 30
2.2 General safety instructions.....................................4 8.9 Carburetor............................................................ 31
2.3 Special safety instructions......................................4 8.10 Centrifugal clutch............................................... 36
2.4 Symbols on the product......................................... 4 8.11 Bevel gear.......................................................... 39
8.12 Cylinder and piston............................................ 41
3 Prepare and do servicing on the product 8.13 Crankshaft and crankcase................................. 49
3.1 Assembly................................................................5 8.14 Muffler................................................................ 52
3.2 Function test...........................................................8
3.3 Servicing schedule............................................... 10 9 Troubleshooting
9.1 Troubleshooting................................................... 53
4 Technical data
4.1 Technical data......................................................11

5 Servicing data
5.1 Service data for the model 967 84 31-xx and
the model 967 84 30-xx..............................................14

6 Servicing tools
6.1 Servicing tools for 967 84 31-xx and 967 84
30-xx.......................................................................... 16

7 Function overview
7.1 Type plate/Product serial number........................ 18
7.2 Engine.................................................................. 18
7.3 Fuel...................................................................... 18
7.4 Cutting equipment................................................ 19
7.5 To sharpen grass cutters and grass blades......... 20

2 675 - 002 - 23.04.2018

1 Introduction
1.1 Document description
This manual gives a full description of how to do
maintenance and repair on the product. It also gives
safety instructions that the personnel must obey.

1.2 Target group

This manual is for personnel with a general knowledge
of how to do repair and do servicing. All personnel that
do repair or do servicing on the product must read and
understand the manual.

1.3 Revisions
Changes to the product can cause changes to the
maintenance work and spare parts. Separate
information is sent out for each change.
Read the manual together with all received information
about changes to maintenance and spare parts for the

1.4 Safety
WARNING: All personnel that repair or do
servicing on the product must read and
understand the safety instructions in this
workshop manual.

1.5 Servicing tools

The manual gives information about necessary servicing
tools. Always use original tools from Husqvarna.

675 - 002 - 23.04.2018 Introduction - 3

2 Safety
2.1 Safety definitions Use a protective helmet in locations where
Warnings, cautions and notes are used to point out objects can fall on you. Use approved
specially important parts of the manual. hearing protection. Use approved eye
WARNING: Used if there is a risk of injury or
death for the operator or bystanders if the
instructions in the manual are not obeyed.

Use approved protective gloves.

CAUTION: Used if there is a risk of damage to
the product, other materials or the adjacent area
if the instructions in the manual are not obeyed.

Use heavy-duty slip-resistant boots.

Note: Used to give more information that is necessary in
a given situation.

The product can cause objects to eject,

2.2 General safety instructions which can cause injury.

WARNING: Read the warning instructions that

follow before you use the product. Maximum speed of the output shaft.

The service center that repairs the product must have Keep a minimum of 15 m (50 ft) distance
safety devices that obey local regulations. Warnings and 15 m 15 m to persons and animals during operation
of the product.
50FT 50FT

cautions are used to point out specially important parts

of the workshop manual.
Risk of blade thrust if the cutting
equipment touches an object that it does
2.3 Special safety instructions
not immediately cut. The product can cut
• When you use compressed air, do not point the off body parts. Keep a minimum of 15 m
airflow in the direction of your body. Air can go into (50 ft) distance to persons and animals
the blood circulation and kill you. during operation of the product.
• Use eye protection when you do work on springs
that have tension.
• Do not use accessories that are not approved by the
manufacturer. Do not do changes that are not
approved by the manufacturer. This can cause injury Air purge bulb.
or death to the operator or other persons.
• Always use original spare parts and accessories.
• Use approved hearing protection. Noise from the The direction to close the choke.
product can result in permanent hearing loss.

2.4 Symbols on the product The direction to open the choke.

WARNING! This product is dangerous.
Injury or death can occur to the operator
or bystanders if the product is not used Keep all parts of your body away from the
carefully and correctly. To prevent injury hot surfaces.
to the operator or bystanders, read and
obey all safety instructions in the
Noise emission to the environment refer to
operator's manual.
the European Community's Directive. The
emission of the product is specified in the
Please read the operator's manual Technical data chapter and on the label.
carefully and make sure that you
understand the instructions before use.
Note: Other symbols/decals on the product refer to
certification requirements for other commercial areas.

4 - Safety 675 - 002 - 23.04.2018

3 Prepare and do servicing on the product
3.1 Assembly 3. Make a last adjustment to make sure the product is
in a comfortable position when it hangs from the
3.1.1 Introduction harness.

WARNING: Read and understand the safety

chapter before you assemble the product.

3.1.2 To install the main body

1. Connect the engine (A) to the tube (B) with four
screws (C).

4. Tighten the screws.

3.1.4 To connect the throttle cable and stop switch

1. Remove the air filter cover.
2. Install the throttle cable (A) through the carburettor
bracket (B).
3.1.3 To install the handlebar and throttle
1. Install the handlebar in the handlebar clamp on the

3. Turn the cable adjuster sleeve (C) into the

carburettor bracket fully.
4. Put the slot fitting (D) on the carburettor. At this time,
the recessed hole (E) for the cable lug (F) is away
from the cable adjuster sleeve (C).

2. Put on the harness and hang the product from the
support hook. D E

5. Rotate the carburettor throttle cam and move the

throttle cable (A) through the slot in the slot fitting.
6. Make sure the cable lug (F) drops into the recessed
7. Operate the throttle trigger some times to make sure
that it operates correctly.
8. Adjust the cable adjuster sleeve (C).

675 - 002 - 23.04.2018 Prepare and do servicing on the

product - 5
a) Make sure the stop on the carburettor throttle 3. Turn the output shaft until one of the holes in the
cam touches the throttle stop correctly. drive disc aligns with the related hole in the gear
b) Make sure the cable position keeps 1-2 mm housing.
between cable lug (F) and slot fitting when the
4. Put the locking pin (C) in the hole to lock the shaft.
throttle trigger is fully pushed.
1-2mm 5. Put the blade (D), support flange (G) and the
support cup (F) on the output shaft.
6. Put the cup washer (F) on the output shaft with the
not flat side against the blade.
7. Install the nut (E). Hold the shaft of the wrench near
the blade guard as much as possible. To tighten the
nut, you must turn the wrench in the opposite
direction of rotation. Tighten the nut to a torque of
9. When the throttle cable (A) is adjusted correctly,
35-50 Nm (3.5-5 kpm).
tighten the locknut (G).
10. Connect the stop switch wires (H) with the E
connectors from the engine.


Note: Left hand thread.

11. Install the air filter cover. 3.1.6 To install blades and trimmer heads
WARNING: Only use the approved guard for the
3.1.5 To install the blade guard, grass blade and blades, see the operator's manual. A defective
grass cutter guard can cause injury.
CAUTION: Only use the approved guard for the
blades. See the operator's manual. WARNING: If you operate the product with a
grass blade, first install the correct handlebar,
blade guard and harness.
CAUTION: Make sure that the guard extension
is removed.
WARNING: If you do not install the the blades
1. Attach the blade guard/cutting attachment guard (A) correctly, it can cause injury.
onto the shaft and tighten with the bolt (L).
1. Make sure that the lifted section on the drive disc/
support flange engages correctly in the center hole
of the blades.
2. Install the blades.

2. Install the drive disc (B) on the output shaft.

6 - Prepare and do servicing on the 675 - 002 - 23.04.2018

3.1.7 To attach the cutting attachment guard and 3.1.9 To install the 2-teeth blade in the guard
the trimmer head 1. Install the blade in the transport guard.
1. Attach the guard (A) to the shaft and tighten with the
bolt (L). Make sure to use the correct guard for the
correct trimmer head.


3.1.10 To adjust the harness
WARNING: Always attach this product to the
2. Attach the drive disc (B) to the output shaft. harness correctly. If not, you cannot control the
product safely and this can result in injury to you
3. Turn the output shaft until the hole in the drive disc or others. Do not use a harness with a defective
aligns with the hole in the gear housing. quick release.
4. Put the locking pin in the hole to lock the shaft. Put
"G" on the shaft.
WARNING: Use the harness quick release
5. Turn the trimmer head (H) counterclockwise. function if you must release from the product
and the harness in an emergency situation.

1. Put on the harness.

2. Adjust the harness for the best work position.
3. Adjust the side straps until the weight is equally
applied across your shoulders.

6. To disassemble, do the reverse procedure.

3.1.8 To install the transport guard

1. Install the blade in the transport guard (A).
2. Put the two fasteners (B) into the slots (C) to attach
the transport guard.

675 - 002 - 23.04.2018 Prepare and do servicing on the

product - 7
4. Adjust the harness until the cutting attachment is risk of dangerous injury. The safety distance is
parallel to the ground. 15 m.

1. Put the stop switch to the start position.

2. Press the air purge ten times.

5. Let the cutting attachment stay lightly on the ground.

Adjust the harness clamp to balance the product

3.2 Function test 3. Move choke control to the choke position.

3.2.1 To examine before start

1. Examine the product for missing, damaged, loose or
worn parts.
2. Examine the nuts, screws and bolts.
3. Examine the blades.
4. Examine the locknut. Make sure that the locknut has
a minimum locking force of 1.5 Nm (1,1 ft lb). Torque
the locknut to 35-50 Nm (26-36 ft lb).
5. Examine the air filter.
6. Examine the throttle trigger lockout and the throttle
control. 4. Hold the product to the ground. Pull out the cord
slowly with your right hand until you feel some
7. Examine the stop switch. resistance. Pull the cord quickly and with force.
8. Examine the product for fuel leaks. Keep doing it until you hear the engine start.

3.2.2 To start a cold engine

WARNING: Before you start the product, install
the complete clutch cover and shaft. The loose
clutch can cause injury. Use gloves.

WARNING: Move the product away from the

refuelling area and the power. Put it on a flat
surface. Make sure that no objects touch the
cutting attachment.
Note: Do not twist the starter rope around your hand.

WARNING: Make sure that no unauthorised

persons are in the work area. Or it can cause a CAUTION: Do not pull all the starter rope
out. Hold the starter rope handle when it is
fully extended. Failure to obey these
instructions can cause damage to the

5. Set the choke control to the run position, then pull

the start rope until the engine starts.

8 - Prepare and do servicing on the 675 - 002 - 23.04.2018

6. Pull the throttle trigger lightly and run at low speed
for 60 seconds.
WARNING: Do not touch the cover. It can
burn your skin and cause electrical shock if
the spark plug cap is damaged. Do not use
a product with damaged spark plug cap.

3.2.3 To start a warm engine

1. Put the stop switch to the start position.
2. Press the air purge ten times.

3. Set the choke control to the run position, then pull

the start rope until the engine starts.

3.2.4 To stop
• Push the stop switch to stop the engine.

675 - 002 - 23.04.2018 Prepare and do servicing on the

product - 9
3.3 Servicing schedule
The descriptions of the maintenance procedures are in the operator's manual.

Maintenance task Before After Every 10 Every 25

use each use hours hours
Clean the external surfaces. √
Clean the air filter. Replace if it is necessary. √
Make sure that the harness frame is not damaged. √
Make sure that the throttle trigger lock and the throttle functions correctly. √
Make sure that the handle and the handlebar functions correctly. √
Make sure that the stop switch functions correctly. √
Examine the guards. √
Make sure that the blade is sharp and not damaged. √
Make sure the blade is installed correctly in the center position.
Examine the trimmer head. √
Make sure that the idle speed functions correctly. √
Examine the locknut. √
Do a check of fuel leaks. √
Examine the transport guard. √
Examine the starter rope handle and the starter rope. √
Make sure that the bevel gear grease is sufficient. √
Clean the external part and the adjacent areas of the carburetor. √
Clean the external part of the spark plug. √
Remove the spark plug and examine the electrode gap. Adjust the dis-
tance or replace the spark plug. Install a correct spark plug to the supres- √
Clean the cooling system. √
Examine the fuel filter. √
Examine the fuel hose. √
Examine all cables and connections. √

10 - Prepare and do servicing on the 675 - 002 - 23.04.2018

4 Technical data
4.1 Technical data

Cylinder displacement Cylinder bore Stroke Max. power/rpm

cm3/cubic inch Ømm/Øinch mm/inch kW/hp / rpm
967 84 30-xx
32,6/1.99 36/1.42 32/1.26 0.9/7500
967 84 32-xx
967 84 31-xx
32,6/1.99 36/1.42 32/1.26 0.9/7000
967 84 33-xx

Electrode gap
Model Compression ratio Spark plug Ignition system
967 84 30-xx
8.5:1 NGK BPMR7A 0.6/0.02 FENGLONG CDi
967 84 32-xx
967 84 31-xx
8.5:1 NGK BPMR7A 0.6/0.02 FENGLONG CDi
967 84 33-xx

Air gap Pre-ignition angle

Model Air filter type Carburetor type
mm/inch max output/idle
967 84 31-xx
967 84 30-xx 0.34/0.01 27/22 Dry sponge RuiXing SK-C33E/SS
967 84 32-xx
967 84 33-xx 0.34/0.01 27/22 Dry sponge RuiXing H167-04

675 - 002 - 23.04.2018 Technical data - 11

T rpm

Max speed Idle speed Clutch diameter Engage speed

rpm rpm mm/inch rpm
967 84 30-xx
7000 3000±300 76/3 4500±300
967 84 32-xx
967 84 31-xx
7000 3000±300 76/3 4500±300
967 84 33-xx

Control disc drive Shaft diameter

Model Drive gear angle Bevel gear ratio
mm/inch Ømm/Øinch
967 84 31-xx
30 14:19 25.4/1 28/1.10
967 84 30-xx
967 84 32-xx
30 14:19 25.4/1 26/1.02
967 84 33-xx


Drive axle diameter Weight without fuel Volume fuel tank

Ømm/Øinch kg/lbs Litre/US. pint
967 84 31-xx
8/0.31 8.4/18.5 0.9/1.90
967 84 30-xx
967 84 32-xx 8/0.31 10.1/22.3 0.9/1.90
967 84 33-xx 8/0.31 10.5/23.2 1.1/2.32

12 - Technical data 675 - 002 - 23.04.2018

Vibration levels1 Unit 967 84 31-xx 967 84 30-xx
Vibration levels (ahv,eq) at handles, equipped with trimmer m/s2 5,56/6,94 5,56/6,94
head, left/right
Vibration levels (ahv,eq) at handles, equipped with grass m/s2 4,59/4,34 4,59/4,34
blade, left/right
Noise emissions2
Sound power level, guaranteed (LWA) dB(A) 115 115
Sound power level, measured - see footnote 2 dB(A) 111,9 111,9
Sound levels 3
Sound pressure level at operator's ear, equipped with dB(A) 92,4 92,4
grass blade
Sound pressure level at operator's ear, equipped with dB(A) 93,6 93,6
trimmer head
Product dimensions
Weight without fuel, cutting attachment and harness kg 7,0 7,0
Fuel tank capacity cm3 900 900

1 Reported data for equivalent vibration level has a typical statistical dispersion (standard deviation) of 1.5 m/s2.
2 Noise emissions in the environment measured as sound power (LWA) in conformity with EC directive 2000/14/
EC. Reported sound power level for the machine has been measured with the original cutting attachment that
gives the highest level. The difference between guaranteed and measured sound power is that the guaranteed
sound power also includes dispersion in the measurement result and the variations between different machines
of the same model according to Directive 2000/14/EC.
3 Reported data for equivalent sound pressure level for the machine has a typical statistical dispersion (standard
deviation) of 2.5 dB (A).

675 - 002 - 23.04.2018 Technical data - 13

5 Servicing data
5.1 Service data for the model 967 84 31-xx and the model 967 84 30-xx

3 - 5 Nm

3 - 5 Nm 8 - 10 Nm 5 mm
4 mm

4 - 6 Nm 4 mm 6 - 8 Nm 4 mm

3 - 5 Nm 4 mm

6 - 8 Nm 4 mm 18 - 20 Nm
6 - 8 Nm 4 mm 13 mm
6 - 8 Nm 4 mm

0.6 ~ 1.2 Nm
18 - 20 Nm
19 mm

6 - 8 Nm
4 mm ▲

18 - 20 Nm 13 mm

4 - 6 Nm
4 mm 3 - 5 Nm
4 mm
6 - 8 Nm 6 - 8 Nm
4 - 6 Nm 4 mm 5 mm 5 mm

3 - 5 Nm
18 - 20 Nm 17 mm

4 - 6 Nm 4 mm

4 - 6 Nm 4 mm

14 - Servicing data 675 - 002 - 23.04.2018

3 - 5 Nm 5 mm

6 - 8 Nm
5 mm

3 - 5 Nm 4 mm

4 - 6 Nm 5 mm

18 - 20 Nm 19 mm 0.6 - 1 Nm

0.6 - 1 Nm
1.2 - 2 Nm

6 - 8 Nm 5 mm

1.5 - 2.5Nm

1.5 - 2 Nm 4 mm

1 - 1.5 Nm

6 - 8 Nm 5 mm

675 - 002 - 23.04.2018 Servicing data - 15

6 Servicing tools
6.1 Servicing tools for 967 84 31-xx and 967 84 30-xx

1 2 3

4 5 6 7

8 9 10

11 12 13

14 15 16

16 - Servicing tools 675 - 002 - 23.04.2018

17 18 19

20 21

Item Description Use for Article number

1 Driver Removing the drive 510 13 90-01
2 Piston stop Locking the piston 522 43 18-01
3 Test spark plug Checking the ignition spark 502 71 13-01
4 Ignition cable plier Repairing the ignition cable 502 50 06-01
5 Flywheel removal tool Removing the flywheel 502 51 49-02
6 Active cleaning Cleaning product 505 69 85-70
7 Air filter oil Air filter cleaning 531 00 60-76
8 Pressure vacuum tester Leakage testing 531 03 06-23
9 Hook for fuel filter Removing the fuel filter 502 50 83-01
10 Pin To lock the angle gear 502 02 61-02
11 Carburetor adjustment screwdriver Adjusting the carburetor settings 501 60 02-03
12 Tachometer Checking engine rpm 502 71 14-01
13 Grease Greasing the parts in the angle gear 503 97 64-01
14 Allen key 4 mm 502 50 18-01
14 Allen key 5 mm 502 50 64-01
15 Air gap tool 0,3 mm Adjusting ignition module 502 51 34-02
16 Drift Disassembling/assembling sealing ring 505 38 17-09
17 Piston pin rod Disassembling/assembling piston pin 505 38 17-05
18 Piston assembly kit Assembling the piston 502 50 70-01
19 Assembly fixture For brush cutters and trimmers 502 51 03-01
20 Circlip Pliers N/A
21 Pliers N/A

675 - 002 - 23.04.2018 Servicing tools - 17

7 Function overview
7.1 Type plate/Product serial number 7.3.3 Two-cycle engine oil
The product serial number is given on the type plate. • Use only the two-cycle engine oil of high quality,
Supply the model name and the article number when especially HUSQVARNA two-cycle oil. Use only the
you send an order for spare parts. oil of an air cooled engine.
• Mixture ratio 1:40 (2.5%).
7.2 Engine • Oil of low quality and high oil/fuel ratio can decrease
the lifetime of catalytic converters.
967 84 31-xx and 967 84 30-xx have engines with
• Speak to your dealer when you select an oil.
rotating carburetors.
• If Husqvarna two-stroke oil is not available, you can
use another two-stroke oil of good quality that is
intended for air cooled engines. Contact your dealer
when you select oil.
• Do not use the two-stroke oil for water-cooled
outboard engines. The two-stroke oil is sometimes
referred to as outboard oil.

Gasoline,litre Oil,litre
5 0,125
10 0,25
15 0,375
20 0,50

7.3.4 To make the fuel mixture

Note: Always use a clean fuel container when you mix
the fuel.
7.3 Fuel
Note: Do not make more than 30 days quantity of fuel
7.3.1 To use fuel
CAUTION: This product has a two-cycle engine.
Use a mixture of gasoline and two-cycle engine
oil. Make sure to use the correct quantity of oil 1. Add half of the gasoline quantity.
in the mixture. Incorrect ratio of gasoline and oil 2. Add the full quantity of oil.
can cause damage to the engine.
3. Shake the fuel mixture to mix the contents.

7.3.2 Gasoline 4. Add the remaining gasoline quantity.

CAUTION: Do not use gasoline with an octane 5. Shake the fuel mixture to mix the contents.
number less than 90 RON (87 AKI). This can 6. Fill the fuel tank.
cause damage to the product.
7.3.5 To add fuel
CAUTION: Do not use gasoline with more than WARNING: Do not smoke or put hot objects
10% ethanol concentration (E10). This can near fuel. Before you add fuel, stop the engine
cause damage to the product. and let it cool for minutes.

• Always use new unleaded gasoline with a minimum WARNING: When you add fuel, open the fuel
octane number of 90 RON (87 AKI) and with less tank cap slowly to release unwanted pressure.
than 10% ethanol concentration (E10).
• Use gasoline with a higher octane number if you
frequently use the product at continuously high WARNING: After you add fuel, tighten the fuel
engine speed. tank cap carefully. Move the machine away from
the refuelling area and the power before you
start the engine.

18 - Function overview 675 - 002 - 23.04.2018

• Always use a fuel container with an anti-spill valve. • Smaller machines requires small trimmer heads and
• Make sure that the area near the fuel tank cap is vice versa.
clean. Contamination in the tank can cause • The length of the trimmer line is important. A longer
operating problems. trimmer line requires greater engine power than a
• Shake the fuel container before you add the fuel shorter trimmer line of the same diameter.
mixture to the fuel tank. • Make sure that the cutter on the trimmer guard is
intact. This cuts the trimmer line to the correct
7.4 Cutting equipment
• Soak the trimmer line in water for a couple of days
before use to increase the life length.
7.4.1 Cutting equipment
• Use the blades and grass knives to cut thick grass. 7.4.3 Grass blades and grass cutters
• Use the product with an approved grass blade. Do
not use a grass blade without proper installation of
all required parts. Make sure that the installation is
done correctly and that the proper parts are used.
Inproper installation may cause the blade to fly off
and seriously injure the operator or the bystanders.
• Wear protective gloves when you handle or do
maintenance on the blade.
• Use the trimmer head to cut grass.
• Use head protection when you operate a product
with a grass blade.
• Grass blades and grass cutters are used to cut
rough grass.
• A grass blade can cause injury while it continues to
spin after the engine is stopped or the throttle trigger
is released. Make sure that the grass blade has
completely stopped rotating before any
• An incorrectly sharpened or damaged blade
increases the risk of accidents. Keep the teeth of the • Stop the engine before you do work on the cutting
blade correctly sharpened. Obey the instructions attachment. Make sure the cutting attachment fully
and use the recommended file gauge. stops. Disconnect the lead from the spark plug.
• Only use an approved cutting attachment or a
correctly sharpened blade.
• Keep the teeth of the blade correctly sharpened.

• Examine the cutting attachment for damage or

cracks. Replace a damaged cutting attachment.
• Only use cutting attachments with recommended
guards, see the operator's manual.

7.4.2 Trimmer head

WARNING: Always make sure the trimmer line
is wound tightly and evenly around the drum to
prevent harmful vibration. • Do not use a damaged cutting attachment.
• Attach the transport guard to the grass blade when
you transport or store the product.

7.4.4 Blade thrust

• A blade thrust is a sudden movement of the product
to the side, forward or rearward. A blade thrust
occurs when the grass blade or saw blade hits an
• Only use recommended trimmer heads and trimmer object that cannot be cut. In areas where it is not
lines. easy to see the material being cut the risk of blade
• Only use recommended cutting attachments. thrust increases.

675 - 002 - 23.04.2018 Function overview - 19

• When a blade thrust occurs, there is a risk that the
product or the operator moves out of position. A
blade that moves can hit bystanders and there is a
risk of injuries.
• If a blade is bent, has cracks, is broken or damaged,
discard the blade.
• Use a sharp blade. The risk of blade thrust
increases when a blade is not sharp.

7.5 To sharpen grass cutters and grass blades

1. Sharpen grass cutters and grass blades with a
single-cut flat file.
2. Sharpen all edges of the grass cutters and blades
equally to keep the balance.

20 - Function overview 675 - 002 - 23.04.2018

8 Repair instructions
8.1 Product overview for repair instructions

11 3



5 7

4 2 8

1. Starter 8.2 To clean and examine the product parts

2. Ignition system • Clean and examine all parts fully. You find more
3. Air filter instructions in the chapter for each part if special
4. Fuel tank tools or procedures are necessary.
5. Fuel filter
• Replace damaged or defective parts.
6. Carburetor
7. Handle • Always use original spare parts.
8. Centrifugal clutch
9. Bevel gear
10. Cylinder and piston
11. Crankshaft and crankcase
12. Muffler

675 - 002 - 23.04.2018 Repair instructions - 21

8.3 Starter 3. Pull out the starter rope approximately 30 cm. Slow
the starter pulley with your thumb. Put the starter
8.3.1 To disassemble the starter rope in the groove in the starter pulley. Let the
starter pulley rotate rearward until the spring tension
WARNING: Use protective glasses to prevent stops.
injury to the eyes if the recoil spring ejects.

1. Remove the screw (A), the spark plug cap (B), the
spark plug cable (C) and the spark plug. Remove
the screw (D) from the cylinder cover (E).


WARNING: The recoil spring can cause
injury to your thumb when the starter pulley
rotates in reverse.

4. Remove the screw (A) and remove the pulley (B).

2. Remove the screws (F) and the cylinder cover. Remove the torsion spring (C). Remove the starter
Remove the screws (G and H). Remove the starter pulley (D) to access the recoil spring (E). Carefully
(J), the bracket (I), the gasket (K) and the nuts (L). remove the recoil spring (E) from the starter housing



WARNING: Be very careful when you

remove the starter pulley. The recoil spring
can eject and cause injury to you.

22 - Repair instructions 675 - 002 - 23.04.2018

8.3.2 To replace the recoil spring in the starter 3. Put the pulley on the starter pulley and attach the
housing screw.
1. Put the recoil spring in the starter groove of the
2. Push down the recoil spring with your thumb on the
inner side of the starter housing.
3. Move your thumb around the edge of the starter
housing and push down the recoil spring turn after

4. Pull the starter rope through the starter rope handle.

5. Make a small knot on the starter rope and pull the
knot into the handle.

8.3.3 To replace the starter rope in the starter

1. Pull the starter rope through the hole in the starter
pulley and tie a knot.

6. Tighten the recoil spring. Pull out the starter rope

fully and slow the starter pulley with your thumb. Lift
the starter rope up out of the groove on the starter
pulley. Then turn the starter pulley counterclockwise
4 revolutions. Pull out the starter rope fully and turn
the starter pulley a minimum of a half revolution

2. Make sure that the knot is as small as possible and

enters the groove on the starter pulley.
3. Wind the cord 3 turns counterclockwise around the
starter pulley.
4. Lubricate the recoil spring and the stub axle of the
starter pulley with cold resistant grease or thin oil.
5. Put the starter rope through the opening in the
starter housing and the opening in the bearing

8.3.4 To assemble the starter

1. Put the starter pulley down into the starter housing.
2. Put the torsion spring in the starter pulley.

675 - 002 - 23.04.2018 Repair instructions - 23

7. Put the gasket (K) on the crankcase and attach the 3. Loosen the nut (A). Remove the drive and the
screws (H) to the starter housing (J) and crankcase. spacer in the drive disc.
Attach screws (G) to the support plate and the
bracket (I). Attach the nuts (L) to the screws (G) and
tighten. Put the cylinder cover in the correct position
and attach the screws (F) to the starter housing and
cylinder cover. Tighten the screws to the correct
torque. Refer to Service data for the model 967 84 A
31-xx and the model 967 84 30-xx on page 14.

4. Examine the drive. Clean the drive if it is dirty.
L Replace the drive if it is damaged.
5. Assemble in the opposite sequence to how it was
8.4 Ignition system
8.4.1 To disassemble the ignition system
8. Attach the screw (D) to the cylinder cover (E). Attach 1. Loosen the screws and remove the shaft assembly.
the spark plug cable (C). Attach the spark plug cap
(B) and the screw (A). Tighten all screws to the
correct torque. Refer to Service data for the model
967 84 31-xx and the model 967 84 30-xx on page



2. Remove the spark plug cover and the spark plug.

3. Remove the cylinder cover.
4. Remove the air filter cover.
8.3.5 To replace the drive
1. Remove the starter assembly as given in To
disassemble the starter on page 22.
2. Use a piston stop to lock the axle.

24 - Repair instructions 675 - 002 - 23.04.2018

5. Disconnect the throttle wire from the carburetor. 8. Remove the 2 screws (D), the cables (E), the
ignition module (F) and the 2 washers (G).

9. Remove the 2 screws (H) and the spacers that hold
the centrifugal clutch. Lift off the clutch. Remove the
2 spacers between the flywheel and the centrifugal
6. Disconnect the cables.

10. Attach the puller on the flywheel. Hold the puller to
loosen and remove the nut.
7. Remove the 2 screws (A) and the 4 screws (B) and
pull away the clutch drum assembly (C). Remove
the 2 washers.


675 - 002 - 23.04.2018 Repair instructions - 25

11. Attach the center unit to the puller. Tighten the 3. Use a feeler gauge to make sure the distance
center bolt and use the holding tool to prevent between the ignition module and the flywheel is 0.3
movement until the flywheel releases. mm.

8.4.2 To assemble the ignition system

1. Make sure that the keyway in the flywheel and the
keyway in the crankshaft are not damaged. Make
sure that the key is not damaged. Attach the
flywheel and the centrifugal cluth with the spacers
and screws as shown in the illustration.

4. Assemble the clutch drum and clutch drum cover.

Attach the clutch drum assembly (C) with the 2
screws (A), the 4 screws (B) and the 2 washers.

Note: Turn the clutch until you can see the arrows
that show the turning direction.
2. Assemble the cables (E) to the ignition module (F). A C
Use the 2 screws (D) and the 2 washers (G) to
assemble the ignition module on the frame.


26 - Repair instructions 675 - 002 - 23.04.2018

5. Connect the cables. 8.4.3 To examine the ignition spark
1. Disassemble the spark plug cup and the spark plug
2. Remove the spark plug and clean it from particles
with a steel brush.
3. Examine the spark plug. If the electrodes are worn
more than 50%, replace the spark plug. Make sure
that the electrode gap is 0.6 mm. Adjust the space
with the side electrode.

6. Assemble the throttle wire and attach the cap.

4. Ground the spark plug on the cylinder and pull tightly

on the start handle.

7. Assemble the air filter cover, spark plug, cylinder

cover and spark plug cover.
8. Attach the shaft. Tighten the screws to the correct
torque. See Service data for the model 967 84 31-xx
and the model 967 84 30-xx on page 14.

5. If no spark occurs, replace the spark plug with a test

spark plug see Servicing tools on page 16. If a spark
occurs, the spark plug is defective. Replace the
spark plug.

675 - 002 - 23.04.2018 Repair instructions - 27

6. If no spark occurs, examine the spark plug 8.5 Handle and throttle trigger
connection. Remove the spark plug cover and make
sure that the ignition cable is not damaged. If it is 8.5.1 To disassemble the handle
necessary, remove a part of the cable to get
1. Remove the 4 screws, the bolt and the nut.
sufficient connection at the connection coil.

2. Remove the handles halves from the rod. Make sure

7. Use pliers to make a new hole in the ignition cable to
that the parts do not fall to the ground.
attach the connection coil.
3. Remove the throttle trigger (A). Remove the throttle
wire (B). Remove the spring (C). Remove the throttle
lock (D).


8. Attach the ignition coil to the ignition cable and make

sure that the wire is folded along the cable. Move A
the connection coil into the spark plug cover. If it is
necessary, lubricate the hole in the spark plug cover. 4. Remove the stop switch.

9. If no spark occurs, examine the other cables for

unsatisfactory connections, dirt, corrosion, cable
breakage and damaged insulation. If no spark
occurs, replace the ignition module.
Note: Use an Ohmmeter to examine if a cable is

28 - Repair instructions 675 - 002 - 23.04.2018

8.5.2 To assemble the handle 3. Remove the air filter (D).
1. Connect the cables to the stop switch. Connect the 4. Remove the air filter holder (E), if it is dirty or
stop switch to the handle. damaged.


2. Attach the throttle lock (D). Attach the spring (C).
Attach the throttle wire (B). Attach the throttle trigger 8.6.2 To clean and examine the air filter
(A). CAUTION: Do not use gasoline to clean the air
filter, it will damage the air filter.
B 1. Examine the air filter. If the air filter is damaged,
replace it with a new air filter.
2. Clean the air filter with warm water and cleaning
C agent. Make sure to use the correct cleaning agent,
see Servicing tools on page 16. Flush the air filter
with warm water until it is free of cleaning agent.
3. Soak the air filter with oil. Put the air filter in a plastic
bag and put about a tablespoon of oil into the bag.
A make sure to use the correct oil, see Servicing tools
on page 16. Press the outside of the plastic bag to
apply the oil equally in the air filter.
3. Put the shaft in the left handle half. Attach the right
half with the 4 screws, the bolt and the nut. Make
sure that you use the correct torque. Refer to
Service data for the model 967 84 31-xx and the
model 967 84 30-xx on page 14.

8.6.3 To assemble the air filter

1. Assemble in the opposite sequence to how it was

8.6 Air filter

8.6.1 To disassemble the air filter

1. Turn the knob (A) to remove the air filter cover (B).
2. Remove the air filter plate (C).

675 - 002 - 23.04.2018 Repair instructions - 29

8.7 Fuel tank 4. Assemble the fuel tank cap. Make sure the seal (F)
is not damaged.
8.7.1 To do a fuel tank venting
Fuel tank venting must be done correctly for the engine
to operate satisfactorily.
1. Empty the fuel tank.
2. Remove the air filter cover.
3. Remove the transparent fuel hose from the D
4. Connect the fuel hose to a pressure tester. Refer to
Servicing tools on page 16. 5. Attach the fuel tank cap to the fuel tank.

8.8 Fuel filter

8.8.1 To remove the fuel filter

1. Loosen the hose clamp (A).

5. Examine the hose bushings in the fuel tank for
6. Put your thumb on the hole in the fuel tank cap.
7. Pump up a vacuum of 0.5 bar in the fuel tank.
8. Remove your thumb from the hole in the fuel tank
cap. 2. Pull out the filter through the opening in the fuel tank
with a hook. Refer to Servicing tools on page 16.
The pressure decreases to atmospheric pressure in less
than 15 seconds.

8.7.2 To clean and examine the fuel tank

1. Disassemble the fuel tank cap for cleaning. Use a
screwdriver to remove the housing (A) that contains
the check valve (B) and cover (C).
2. Use compressed air to clean the filter (D) and the
hole in the fuel tank cap (E).
3. Examine the check valve.
a) Press the sides of the check valve to see a small
space (G). If you can see the space when you
do not press the sides of the check valve, the
valve is damaged.
b) Replace the check valve if it is damaged.

30 - Repair instructions 675 - 002 - 23.04.2018

8.8.2 To clean and examine the fuel filter 6. Push fuel through the carburetor with the bellows of
the fuel pump. Fill all the pipes with fuel. This
CAUTION: Always replace a damaged fuel filter. pushes out all the bubbles that cause blockages in
the pipes.

1. Examine the fuel filter. If the fuel filter is dirty, clean it

with a brush.
2. If the fuel filter cannot be cleaned, replace the fuel
3. Examine the fuel hose for cracks and leaks. Replace
the fuel hose if it is damaged.

8.8.3 To attach the fuel filter

1. Attach the fuel filter to the fuel hose.
2. Make sure that you put the fuel filter as high up into
the fuel hose as possible.
3. Tighten the hose clamp. Make sure that the filter
cannot move off the tube.
7. Remove the 2 screws (A) and lift off the throttle
mechanism. Loosen the valve stop screw (B). Make
8.9 Carburetor sure that the sealing ring on the connection flange is
not damaged.
8.9.1 To disassemble the carburetor
1. Remove the air filter cover and the air filter. A
2. Close the choke valve and blow dirt off the
3. Disconnect the throttle cable. A
4. Disconnect the fuel hoses from the carburetor and
make a note of how they are connected.
5. Remove the carburetor screws and the air filter

8. Remove the 4 screws (A). Remove the bellows of

the fuel pump (B), the valve housing (C) and the
control diaphragm.



675 - 002 - 23.04.2018 Repair instructions - 31

9. Carefully lift up check valve (C) using your nails. a) Examine the connection points against the
Clean the valve housing and make sure that the control diaphragm for wear.
channels are open. Carefully push the short sides of b) Examine the grooves for the needle valve for
the check valve (D) together to make sure that the wear.
seals are not damaged. Replace the valve if the c) Examine the top of the needle valve for wear.
seals are damaged. d) Examine the groove for the lever arm for wear.
D C e) Replace damaged parts with new parts.

13. Push out the seat of the needle valve for

replacement. Use a correct punch Ø 4.5 mm.
10. Carefully remove the pump diaphragm and its
gasket. Examine the diaphragm for wear, where the A
illustration show (A). Hold the pump diaphragm up to
the light to find holes in the material. Clean the fuel B
screen (B). Replace the fuel screen if it is damaged.
Use a needle to remove the fuel screen.


Note: Replace the seat, needle valve and lever arm

at the same time. The seat of the needle valve must
be pressed in level with the carburetor housing. Use
a vise with soft jaw guards to prevent damage to the
A seat of the needle valve.

11. Loosen the screw (A) and remove the lever, the
axle, the needle valve and the spring. Be careful to
prevent that the spring ejects.

12. Examine the lever arm and the needle valve for

32 - Repair instructions 675 - 002 - 23.04.2018

14. Assemble the parts in the opposite sequence as set 15. Replace the nozzle of the carburetor if it is
out for disassembling. Make sure that the lever arm damaged. Use a small screwdriver to remove the
is flush with the diaphragm housing. If the lever arm nozzle (A) and the small O-ring (B) from the
is set too high, too much fuel goes into the carburetor housing.
carburetor. If the lever arm is set too low, a too small
quantity of fuel goes into the carburetor. A

Note: Do not disassemble the plastic pipe in the

valve housing.

675 - 002 - 23.04.2018 Repair instructions - 33

8.9.2 Overview of the carburetor on 967 84 31-xx and 967 84 30-xx



A. Sealing ring 8.9.3 To assemble the carburetor

B. Gasket See Overview of the carburetor on 967 84 31-xx and
967 84 30-xx on page 34 for an overview of how the
C. Diaphragm parts of the carburetor connects.
D. Screen 1. Assemble the carburetor in the opposite sequence
E. Fuel inlet to how it was disassembled. Make sure that the
sealing ring has its wide edge against the carburetor
F. Valve, inlet housing. Make sure that the screen is clean and not
G. Gasket damaged.
H. Diaphragm 2. Do a pressure test of the carburetor:
I. Pump a) Make sure that the carburetor is sealed.
b) Connect a pressure tester to the fuel inlet on the
carburetor. Refer to Servicing tools on page 16.
c) Pump up the pressure to 0.5 bar.

34 - Repair instructions 675 - 002 - 23.04.2018

d) Lower the carburetor in a container with gasoline 5. Connect the fuel hoses and make sure that they are
to find leaks. No leakage is permitted. attached correctly. Hold the air filter in position and
put the carburetor screws through the air filter holder
and carburetor. Put the carburetor gasket in position
and attach the carburetor tightly to the distance
piece with the screws.

3. Examine the distance piece for cracks and damage

that can result in leakage. Replace the distance
piece if it is damaged.

4. Make sure that the sealing ring (A) is attached

correctly on the carburetor before the carburetor is
attached on the engine. The wide edge on the ring
must be nearest to the carburetor housing.

675 - 002 - 23.04.2018 Repair instructions - 35

8.10 Centrifugal clutch 4. Remove the 2 screws that hold the centrifugal
clutch. Remove the clutch. Remove the flat washers
8.10.1 To disassemble the clutch that are behind the clutch shoes.
1. Loosen the screws and remove the shaft assembly.

2. Remove the 4 screws. Remove the clutch drum

8.10.2 To clean and examine the clutch
1. Remove the clutch parts and examine for damage.
2. Examine the spring and outer edge for wear and
damage. The thickness of the outer edge must be
minimum 1.0 mm at the most worn point.

3. Put a piston stop in the spark plug hole to prevent

movement of the piston.

3. Replace damaged parts.

36 - Repair instructions 675 - 002 - 23.04.2018

8.10.3 To assemble the clutch 4. Attach the shaft with the screws.
1. Connect the clutch shoes together with the spring.
Attach the clutch and the washers on the flywheel.
See the turn arrows on the clutch shoes.

8.10.4 To disassemble the clutch drum

1. Loosen the screws and remove the shaft assembly.

2. Attach the clutch drum assembly.

2. Remove the 4 screws. Remove the clutch drum

3. Remove the piston stop.

675 - 002 - 23.04.2018 Repair instructions - 37

3. Remove the clamp (B) from the clutch drum 8.10.5 To assemble the clutch drum
housing. Do not remove the screw (A). Use pliers to 1. Attach the bearing (H). Attach the large snap ring
remove the large snap ring (C). Remove the bushing (G). Attach the clutch drum (F).
(D). Use pliers to remove the small snap ring (E).


2. Attach the small snap ring (E). Attach the bushing
A (D). Attach the large snap ring (C). Attach the clamp
(B) to the clutch drum housing.

4. Remove the clutch drum (F). Use pliers to remove

the large snap ring (G). Remove the bearing (H).

3. Attach the clutch drum assembly with the 4 screws.

38 - Repair instructions 675 - 002 - 23.04.2018

4. Attach the shaft with the screws. 8.11 Bevel gear

8.11.1 To disassemble the bevel gear

1. Remove the trimmer head (A). Remove the support
flange (Y). Put a rod through the hole (B) to lock the
axle. Remove the protective plate (C). Remove the
screw (D), the screws (E) and the bracket (F).
Remove the screw (G) and the bracket (H). Remove
the screw (I) and pull out the gear housing (J).




2. Remove the bushing (K). Remove the snap ring (L)

with pliers. Remove the snap ring (M) with pliers.
Remove the grease plug (N).


675 - 002 - 23.04.2018 Repair instructions - 39

3. Put on protective gloves. Use a hot air gun to 8.11.2 To assemble the bevel gear
increase the temperature of the angle gear to 1. Put the cogwheel (V) on the output shaft (U). Attach
approximately 110°C - 140°C. Hit the gear housing the 2 bearings (T and X). Increase the temperature
against a wooden block. Disassemble the input shaft of the gear housing to approximately 140°C with a
assembly (O). hot air gun. Put the output shaft into the gear
housing (J). Make sure that the bearings are in their
correct positions. If it is necessary, use a sufficient


4. Increase the temperature of the gear housing to

approx. 140°C. Disassemble the bearing (T) on the V
output shaft. If it is necessary, hit the gear housing
against a wooden block until the bearing falls out.
Disassemble the cogwheel (V) and bearing (X) from
the output shaft (U). If it is necessary to replace the
bearings (R and Q), remove the snap ring (P) from
the input shaft (S).

U 2. Make sure the output shaft is attached to the gear

housing. Attach the bearings (R and Q) on the input
T X shaft. Make sure that the snap ring (P) that holds the
ball bearings in position is attached. Make sure that
the gear housing is approximately 110°C.


40 - Repair instructions 675 - 002 - 23.04.2018

3. Put the input shaft assembly (O) into the housing 5. Attach the gear housing (J) on the shaft and tighten
with a pair of pliers or a sleeve. the screw (I). Attach the bracket (H) and tighten the
screw (G). Attach the bracket (F) and tighten the
screw (E). Tighten the screw (D). Attach the
protective plate (C). Remove the rod from the hole
(B) to unlock the axle. Attach the support flange (Y).
Attach the trimmer head (A).



4. Attach the snap ring (L) for the bearing on the output G H
shaft. Attach the bushing (K) on the output shaft.
Attach the grease plug (N). Attach the snap ring (M)
for the bearings on the input shaft. Fill the gear with
8.12 Cylinder and piston

8.12.1 To get access to the cylinder and piston

1. Remove the shaft.
N 2. Remove the spark plug cover and the spark plug.
3. Remove the cylinder cover.
4. Remove the starter.
5. Remove the muffler and heat shield.
6. Remove the air filter cover, the air filter and the air
filter holder.

M 7. Remove the carburetor, the distance piece and the

heat shield.

675 - 002 - 23.04.2018 Repair instructions - 41

8.12.2 To disassemble the cylinder and piston 4. Push the wrist pin from the piston with a punch of
1. Remove parts as given in To get access to the the correct dimension. If the wrist pin is too tight,
cylinder and piston on page 41 to get access to the increase the temperature of the piston with a hot air
cylinder and piston. gun.

2. Loosen the 4 bolts. Pull the cylinder up. Make sure

no dirt goes into the crankcase. Put a cloth on top of
the crankcase opening.

8.12.3 To clean and examine the cylinder and

1. Remove carbon particles from the top of the piston,
from the combustion chamber of the cylinder and
from the exhaust port of the cylinder.

3. Use a pointed tool to remove the wrist pin snap

rings. Hold down the snap ring with your thumb to
make sure the snap ring does not eject.

CAUTION: Clean carefully to not cause

damage to the soft metal parts.

2. Clean all the components with water.

3. Examine the components for damage and wear.
a) Examine the piston and cylinder for damage and
wear. Refer to Faults and causes on page 43.
b) Examine the piston rings for wear and damage.
Refer to Faults and causes on page 43.
c) Examine the wrist pin. Replace the wrist pin if it
is blue. Replace the piston and the wrist pin if
the piston moves too easily.
d) Examine the needle bearing. Replace the needle
bearing if it has discoloration or damages.
e) Examine the snap rings. Replace the snap rings
if they have cracks or discoloration.
f) Examine the distance piece for cracks and other

42 - Repair instructions 675 - 002 - 23.04.2018

8.12.4 Faults and causes Piston damages

1 2 3

4 5 6

7 8 9

10 11

675 - 002 - 23.04.2018 Repair instructions - 43

Item The piston is not sufficiently lubricated, ex- Cause Procedure
ample 1
1 The piston has small to moderate score The carburetor is incorrectly Examine and adjust the car-
marks usually in front of the exhaust port. adjusted. buretor.
Very high temperature makes the piston ma-
The engine speed is higher
terial come off along the piston skirt and cylin-
than the recommended
der bore.
max. speed.
Usually the piston ring is not damaged and
Incorrect oil mixture in the Change to a fuel with the
moves freely in the ring groove. There can al-
fuel. correct oil mixture.
so be scores on the inlet side of the piston.
Too low octane fuel. Change to a higher octane

Item The piston is not sufficiently lubricated, ex- Cause Procedure

ample 2
2 A piston ring that is almost blocked or fully Incorrect oil mixture in the Change to a fuel with the
blocked in its groove does not seal against fuel. correct oil mixture.
the cylinder wall. This results in intense tem-
Too low octane fuel. Change to a higher octane
perature increases in the piston. There can
also be scores along the piston skirt on the
inlet and on the exhaust sides. Air leaks. Damaged fuel Replace the damaged
hose. Inlet gasket leaks. parts.
Damaged distance piece or
inlet manifold.
Air leakage in the engine Replace damaged gaskets
body. Crankshaft seals and shaft seals.
leaks. Cylinder and crank-
case gaskets leaks.
Unsatisfactory mainte- Clean the cooling fins and
nance. Dirty cooling fins on the air intake.
the cylinder. Blocked air in-
take on the starter.
Blocked spark arrester Clean or replace the spark
screen in the muffler. arrester screen.

Item Scores on the piston because of heavy car- Cause Procedure

bon contamination
3 This piston damage starts at the exhaust port. Incorrect type of two-stroke Replace the fuel.
Carbon particles loosen and stay between the oil or gasoline.
piston and the cylinder wall. Typical for this
Incorrect oil mixture in the Change to a fuel with the
piston damage is brown or black discoloration
fuel. correct oil mixture.
of the piston skirt.
The carburetor is incorrectly Adjust the carburetor.

44 - Repair instructions 675 - 002 - 23.04.2018

Item Piston damage because of a too high engine speed
Too high engine speed can cause damage to the piston rings, the snap ring on the wrist pin and the
bearings. Too high engine speed can also loosen the guide pin for the piston ring.
A too lean carburetor setting results in too high speed and a high piston temperature. If the piston tem-
perature increases too much, the piston ring is blocked and does not go down sufficiently in its groove.
The edges of the piston ring can then hit the top edge of the exhaust port and break and cause piston
damage. A too high engine speed also causes damage to the piston ring and play in the piston ring
groove, usually in front of the exhaust port. The wear can cause the piston ring to catch in the exhaust
port and cause damage to the piston.
4 The figure shows the exhaust side damaged by a broken piston ring. The piston ring parts damage the
top section and cause score marks.
5 A too high engine speed causes the ends of the piston ring to hit the guide pin again an again. This can
push the pin through the top of the piston and cause damage to the cylinder.
6 A too high engine speed causes vibration to the snap rings of the wrist pin. The snap ring pulls out of its
groove and the tension of the snap ring decreases. The snap ring becomes loose and causes damage to
the piston.
7 Failure of the crankshaft bearing or on the connecting rod bearing is usually caused by a too high engine
speed. This results in the overload to the bearing or that the bearing becomes too hot. Overload to the
bearing can prevent rotation of the bearing rollers and break the roller or ball retainer. The broken mate-
rial causes a blockage between the piston and cylinder wall and causes damage to the piston skirt. Un-
wanted material can also move through the supply channels of the cylinder. This causes damage to the
combustion chamber of the cylinder and to the top and sides of the piston.

675 - 002 - 23.04.2018 Repair instructions - 45

Item Particles of unwanted material Cause Procedure
Unsatisfactorily filtered air that moves through the carburetor and into the engine causes damage to the
cylinder and piston. The increased wear is seen on the inlet side of the piston. The wear starts at the
lower edge of the piston skirt.
8 Small score marks and a matt, gray surface Defective air filter. Small dirt Attach a new filter of correct
from small dirt particles on the inlet side of particles move through the type.
the piston. filter.
The filter is worn out be- Examine the filter carefully
cause of too much cleaning for holes and damage after
and small holes show in the cleaning. Replace the filter
material. if it is necessary.
Incorrect filter maintenance, Clean more carefully and
such as incorrect procedure use the correct cleaning
or incorrect cleaning agent. agent, for example warm
Air filter material becomes soap water. Replace the fil-
loose and holes show. ter.
Air filter incorrectly attach- Attach the filter correctly.
Air filter damaged or miss- Attach a new air filter.
9 Inlet side. Dirt from particles on the top of the Defective air filter. Small dirt Attach a new filter of correct
piston and in the piston ring groove. The pis- particles move through the type.
ton ring is held tightly in the groove. Piston filter.
material is worn off. The lower part of the pis-
The filter is worn out be- Examine the filter carefully
ton skirt is thinner on the inlet side than on
cause of too much cleaning for holes and damage after
the exhaust side.
and small holes show in the cleaning. Replace the filter
material. if it is necessary.
Incorrect filter maintenance, Clean more carefully and
such as incorrect procedure use the correct cleaning
or incorrect cleaning agent. agent, for example warm
Air filter material becomes soap water. Replace the fil-
loose and holes show. ter.
Air filter incorrectly attach- Attach the filter correctly.
Air filter damaged or miss- Attach a new air filter.
10 Larger, softer particles that enter the engine Air filter incorrectly attach- Attach the air filter correctly.
cause damage to the piston skirt below the ed.
piston ring.
Air filter damaged or miss- Attach a new air filter.
11 Larger, harder particles that enter the engine Air filter damaged or miss- Attach a new air filter.
cause damage to the bottom of the piston ing.
Parts from the carburetor or Do maintenance regularly.
inlet system have come
loose and entered the en-

46 - Repair instructions 675 - 002 - 23.04.2018

Other damages on the cylinder/piston Procedure
Broken cooling fins, damaged threads or broken bolts by Repair the threads with a thread repair kit. Replace the
the exhaust port. cylinder if it cannot be repaired.
Score marks in the cylinder bore, especially by the ex- Polish the damaged area with an emery cloth of fine
haust port. grade to remove the coating of aluminum. Replace the
piston and cylinder if the score marks are large.
Surface layer in the cylinder bore worn out, especially at Replace the cylinder and piston.
the top of the cylinder.
The piston shows signs of seizure score marks. Carefully polish the damaged area with an emery cloth of
fine grade. Before the piston is attached to the cylinder,
the piston must be polished as above. Replace the cylin-
der and piston if the score marks are large.
The piston ring is burned in its groove. Carefully loosen the piston rings and clean the groove
before attaching them. Carbon particles in the groove de-
crease the heat supply between the piston and cylinder.
Be careful with the lower edge of the piston ring groove. If
this is damaged, or if there are carbon particles, the com-
pression pressure can leak through. To examine the wear
on the piston ring, put it in the lower part of the cylinder
Bolts much too tight in the metal material. Put an applicable punch on the bolt head and hit the
punch hard with a hammer. If the bolt does not loosen, do
the procedure again.

8.12.5 Wear tolerance of the cylinder. Replace the cylinder bore if the space is
more than 1.0 mm. Cylinder bore
Examine the cylinder bore. Replace the cylinder bore if
the surface layer is worn and aluminum shows. Piston ring space

Measure the piston ring space. The space must not be
larger than 1.0 mm with the piston ring in the lower part

675 - 002 - 23.04.2018 Repair instructions - 47 To measure the piston ring groove and piston 3. Make sure that the pulse channel in the cylinder is
ring play open. Put a new cylinder base gasket on the
1. Clean and measure the the piston ring groove (A). crankcase. Lubricate the piston and the large end
The groove must not be larger than 1.6 mm. bearing with some drops of engine oil. Use the
Replace the piston if the groove is larger than 1.6 piston ring compressor and carefully move the
mm. cylinder into position.

2. Clean the piston ring groove and measure the piston

ring play (B). The piston ring play must not be larger
than. 0.15 mm. Replace the piston ring if the piston
ring play is larger than 0.15 mm.

CAUTION: Do not turn the cylinder. The

piston rings break easily.

4. Tighten the 4 screws diagonally.

8.12.6 To assemble the cylinder and piston 5. Assemble the distance piece and heat shield on the
1. Lubricate the needle bearing of the wrist pin with cylinder.
some drops of engine oil.
2. Point the arrow on the top of the piston in the
direction of the exhaust port. Push the wrist pin and
attach the piston rings.

6. Assemble remaining parts in the opposite sequence

as set out for disassembling. Refer to To
Note: Put a cloth in the crankcase opening to make disassemble the cylinder and piston on page 42
sure that the piston rings do not fall into the
crankcase. Make sure that the piston rings are
correctly attached in the grooves.

48 - Repair instructions 675 - 002 - 23.04.2018

8.13 Crankshaft and crankcase 4. Use a hot air gun to increase the temperature of the
crankcase and the crankcase cover to 110°C. Hit the
8.13.1 To disassemble the crankshaft and crankcase and the crankcase cover against a
crankcase wooden block to make the bearings fall out.
To get access to the crankshaft and crankcase, you
must remove all components of the product. Refer to the
manual section for each component for instructions.
1. Remove the key for the flywheel.
2. Remove the 4 screws (A) from the crankcase cover

5. While the crankcase half is warm, use a hammer

and an applicable punch to hit out the sealing rings.

3. Remove the crankcase cover (D). Remove the

crankshaft (E) from the crankcase (G). Remove the
crankcase gasket (F).


675 - 002 - 23.04.2018 Repair instructions - 49

8.13.2 To clean and examine the crankshaft and a) Put the bearing in the crankcase and the
crankcase crankcase cover.
The crankshaft can not be repaired, it must be replaced b) Use a hot air gun to increase the temperature of
if it is worn or damaged. the crankcase and crankcase cover to 110°C.
c) Use a hammer and an applicable punch to hit
1. Examine the large end of the connecting rod. the bearings into position.
Replace the crankshaft if you see scratch marks,
d) Make sure that the bearings is against the
discoloration on the sides or damaged needle
shoulder in the bearing seat.

2. Examine the small end of the connecting rod.

Replace the crankshaft if you see scratch marks or
discoloration in the bearing track.
2. Attach the sealing rings.
a) Attach the sealing rings in the crankcase and the
crankcase cover with an applicable punch.
b) Turn the sealing rings so the abraded edge
faces inwards.
c) The sealing ring on the flywheel side must be 5
mm below the edge of the bearing seating. Make
sure the sealing ring levels with the crankcase
on the starter side.

3. Examine the bearing. Make sure the connecting rod

does not have radial play. Make sure the connecting
rod have axial play. Axial play is necessary for
lubrication of the bearing.

3. Attach the crankshaft.

a) Lubricate the stub axle with some oil and
carefully move the crankshaft (E) into the
bearing in the crankcase (G).
b) Make sure that the 2 guide bushings (H) are in
8.13.3 To assemble the crankshaft and crankcase position in the crankcase.
1. Attach the bearing.

50 - Repair instructions 675 - 002 - 23.04.2018

c) Put a new crankcase gasket (F) on the e) Attach the flywheel.
crankcase. Use grease to make sure the gasket
stays in position.

4. Prepare the crankshaft.
a) Lubricate the crankshaft journal with some drops 6. Attach and lubricate the cylinder.
of oil and move the crankcase cover (D) into a) Put the cylinder base gasket (I) in the correct
position. position.
b) Tighten the 4 screws (A) crosswise. Make sure b) Put a piston assembly kit (J) below the piston to
that the crankshaft rotates easily. make sure the piston is stable.
c) Lubricate the piston and piston rings (K) with
some oil.
d) Use the piston ring compressor (L) and carefully
move the cylinder into position.
A e) Tighten the four screws (M), diagonally.

5. Attach the piston and the flywheel.
a) Assemble the piston on the connecting rod. I
Make sure that the arrow on the piston points in
the direction of the exhaust port.
b) Put the spacers between the piston and the
needle bearing.
c) Make sure to put wrist pin snap ring correctly in
the slots.
d) Put the flywheel key in position in the crankcase
keyway. Make sure that the flat surface is
parallel to the center line of the crankshaft.

7. Assemble the remaining parts in the opposite

sequence to how they were disassembled.

675 - 002 - 23.04.2018 Repair instructions - 51

8.14 Muffler 3. Attach the screw (F), the washers (B) and the 2
screws (A).
8.14.1 To disassemble the muffler
1. Remove the 2 screws (A), the washers (B) and the
screw (F). C
2. Remove the muffler cover (C), the muffler (D) and B
the heat shield (E). A
3. Remove the screw (H) and the protective plate (G).
8.14.2 To clean and examine the muffler
WARNING: Risk of burn injury or fire. Mufflers
with catalytic converters become very hot during

WARNING: Risk of fire. The exhaust gases are

hot and can contain sparks.

1. Clean all parts. Clean the spark arrester screen with

a wire brush.
2. Examine the muffler for wear and damage. Replace
the muffler if it is damaged.
3. Examine the spark arrester screen. Replace the
spark arrester screen if it is damaged.
4. Examine the remaining parts. Replace worn or
damaged parts with new ones.
5. Make sure that the muffler is correctly attached to
the product.

8.14.3 To assemble the muffler

1. Attach the protective plate (G) with the screw (H).
2. Hold the heat shield (E) in position and attach the
muffler (D) and the muffler cover (C).

52 - Repair instructions 675 - 002 - 23.04.2018

9 Troubleshooting
9.1 Troubleshooting
The engine is hard to start The stop screw for the throttle does not operate correctly
Blocked fuel filter
Blocked fuel hose
Air in fuel pipes
Incorrect/unsatisfactory fuel
The needle valve is defective
The lever arm of the needle valve is damaged
The lever arm of the needle valve does not operate correctly
The control diaphragm is damaged
The control diaphragm has a defective seal
Blocked needle valve
The needle valve is worn
Object in the needle valve guide

Idle speed (low speed)

The engine does not operate on The stop screw for the throttle does not operate correctly
idle speed
Blocked fuel filter
Blocked fuel hose
Air in fuel pipes
The carburetor is not attached correctly
The lever arm of the needle valve does not operate correctly
The idle speed is too low Defective heat insulation seal
The lever arm of the needle valve is damaged
The lever arm of the needle valve is too high
The lever arm of the needle valve does not operate correctly
The needle valve is worn
Object in the needle valve guide

675 - 002 - 23.04.2018 Troubleshooting - 53

Idle speed (low speed)
The idle speed does not become The stop screw for the throttle does not operate correctly
Blocked fuel filter
Blocked fuel hose
Air in fuel pipes
Incorrect/unsatisfactory fuel
The needle valve is defective
The carburetor is not attached correctly
The lever arm of the needle valve does not operate correctly
The needle valve spring is not attached correctly
The control diaphragm is damaged
The needle valve is worn
Object in the needle valve guide
The engine stops when idling The stop screw for the throttle does not operate correctly
Blocked fuel filter
Blocked fuel hose
Air in fuel pipes
The needle valve is defective
Defective heat insulation seal
The lever arm of the needle valve is too high
The lever arm of the needle valve does not operate correctly
The spring of the needle valve is damaged
The needle valve spring is not attached correctly
The needle valve is worn
Object in the needle valve guide

54 - Troubleshooting 675 - 002 - 23.04.2018

High speed
Unsatisfactory performance at Blocked fuel filter
high speed
Blocked fuel hose
Air in fuel pipes
Incorrect/unsatisfactory fuel
Vacuum pulse leakage
Blocked vacuum pulse pipe
Loose screws on the pump cover
Defective pump diaphragm
The needle valve is defective
The carburetor is not attached correctly
The lever arm of the needle valve is damaged
The lever arm of the needle valve does not operate correctly
The spring of the needle valve is damaged
The needle valve spring is not attached correctly
The control diaphragm is damaged
The control diaphragm has a defective seal
The needle valve is worn
Object in the needle valve guide

Increasing and decreasing speed

The engine does not increase Blocked fuel filter
Blocked fuel hose
Air in fuel pipes
Vacuum pulse leakage
Blocked vacuum pulse pipe
Loose screws on the pump cover
Defective pump diaphragm
The needle valve is defective
The carburetor is not attached correctly
The lever arm of the needle valve is damaged
The lever arm of the needle valve is too low
The lever arm of the needle valve does not operate correctly
The needle valve spring is not attached correctly
The control diaphragm is damaged
Blocked needle valve
The engine stops when decreas- Defective pump diaphragm
ing speed
The lever arm of the needle valve is too high
The lever arm of the needle valve does not operate correctly
The needle valve is worn
Object in the needle valve guide
Can not increase speed Defective heat insulation seal

675 - 002 - 23.04.2018 Troubleshooting - 55



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