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FTM and The Mighty Essay Assignment

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“Freak the Mighty” and “The Mighty”

Similarities and Differences Essay


Name: _________________________________________________________

You have recently completed reading Freak the Mighty by Rodman Philbrick and
viewing the movie The Mighty. There are numerous similarities and differences
between the book and the movie. You are to write an essay analyzing the
similarities, differences, and your opinion about both pieces. Your essay will
include the following:

● An introductory paragraph

● 1st body paragraph: Similarities

● 2nd body paragraph: Differences

● 3rd body paragraph: Your opinion of the book and/or movie

● Concluding paragraph

To write an effective essay, remember these aspects:

1. This is an explanatory essay, so you must follow the format provided. The
essay must be typed.
2. Avoid repetition, especially at the beginning of sentences and paragraphs.
Use transition words.
3. Use strong vocabulary and varied sentence styles.
4. Watch punctuation, spelling, capitalization, and sentence structure.
Remember to indent (no spaces between paragraphs) and justify the
paragraph formatting.

Grade 7 Language Arts – Performance Assessment: Rubric
“Freak the Mighty” and “The Mighty”
Similarities and Differences Essay

Student: ___________________________________________________________________________


4 3 2 1 Insufficient/

Excellent Proficient Adequate Limited Blank*


Compare, contrast Provides a Provides a Provides a Provides No score is

and combine ideas comprehensive substantial rudimentary undeveloped awarded because
and information description of description of description of description of there is
from several similarities, similarities, similarities, similarities, insufficient
sources (3.3) differences, and differences, and differences, and differences, and evidence of student
enjoyable enjoyable enjoyable enjoyable performance based
qualities. qualities. qualities. qualities. on the
requirements of
X2 the assessment

Justify own point Synthesizes Synthesizes Synthesizes Synthesizes

of view about print information to information to information to information to
and other media develop a develop a develop a develop a vague
texts, using perceptive convincing simplistic position
evidence from texts position position position supported by
(2.2) supported by supported by supported by weak evidence.
significant relevant general evidence.
evidence. evidence.


Attend to Writing is There are few There are There are

Conventions (4.2) essentially free errors in several errors in numerous errors
of any errors in conventions, but conventions in conventions
conventions. writing remains which impact the which seriously
clear and effectiveness impact the
effective and clarity of effectiveness
writing. and clarity of

T-Chart, Planning All 3 parts Various areas Minimal effort,

and Sentences complete and needed more criteria for

(out of 3) thoughtfully time; semi- planning
done complete unattained,
XXXXX incomplete

TOTAL _____/23
Graphic Organizer – Freak the Mighty and The Mighty: Similarities and Differences Essay
Use this page to organize your essay. Jot down notes in point form.
Paragraph #1: Introduction. Introduce the book (author) and movie (director). Introduce the
purpose of this essay (identifying the similarities and differences of these two works) and to
present your opinion of both works. Explain specifically what you will be discussing in the
following paragraphs. This is a planning box, so complete sentences are not necessary at this

Paragraph #2: Similarities – note some of the similarities you notice between the novel and
the movie, use examples. Observations could include aspects of plot, characters, setting, mood,

Paragraph #3: Differences - note some of the differences you notice between the novel and
the movie use examples. Observations could include aspects of plot, characters, setting, mood,

Paragraph #4: Your opinion of the book and/or the movie and support.

Paragraph #5: Conclusion. Restate the book and the movie you have used in this essay.
Restate any key points or ideas which will close off the essay smoothly. Do not introduce any
new ideas in your concluding paragraph.

Paragraph #1 sentences:
Introduce the book (author) and movie (director):



A general sentence about similarities in the book and movie:



A general sentence about differences in the book and movie:



A general sentence about what you enjoyed about the book and/or movie:



Concluding sentence:



Paragraph #2 sentences:
Main idea (define similarities):



First similarity (explain and reference from movie/novel):



Second similarity (explain and reference from movie/novel):



Third similarity (explain and reference from movie/novel):



Concluding sentence:



Paragraph #3 sentences:
Main idea (define differences):



First difference (explain and reference from movie/novel):



Second difference (explain and reference from movie/novel):



Third difference (explain and reference from movie/novel):



Concluding sentence:



Paragraph #4 sentences:
Main idea (your opinion on novel/movie):



First comment with support:



Second comment with support:



Third comment with support:



Concluding sentence:



Paragraph #5 sentences:
Restate what you were exploring in this essay about the book (author) and movie (director):



A general sentence about the similarities (comparisons) and differences (contrasts) in the book

and movie:



A general sentence about your opinion of the book and movie:



Concluding sentence:



T-Chart – Similarities and Differences between the novel, “Freak the Mighty” and the film,
“The Mighty”
*Be detailed and have solid points

Similarities Differences


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