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Standardization of Animal Models and Techniques for
Platelet-Rich Fibrin Production: A Narrative Review
and Guideline
Carlos Fernando Mourão 1, * , Adam Lowenstein 1 , Rafael Coutinho Mello-Machado 2 , Shahram Ghanaati 3 ,
Nelson Pinto 4 , Tomoyuki Kawase 5 , Gutemberg Gomes Alves 6 and Michel Reis Messora 7

1 Department of Periodontology, Division of Dental Research Administration, Tufts University School of

Dental Medicine, Boston, MA 02111, USA
2 Department of Implant Dentistry, Universidade Iguaçu, Nova Iguaçu 26260-045, Brazil
3 Frankfurt Oral Regenerative Medicine, Clinic for Maxillofacial and Plastic Surgery, Johann Wolfgang
Goethe University, 60596 Frankfurt Am Main, Germany
4 Department of Periodontics and Implant Dentistry, University of the Andes, Santiago 12455, Chile
5 Division of Oral Bioengineering, Niigata University Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences,
Niigata 951-8514, Japan
6 Clinical Research Unit, Antonio Pedro Hospital, Fluminense Federal University, Niterói 24033-900, Brazil
7 Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and Periodontology, School of Dentistry of Ribeirao Preto,
University of Sao Paulo, Ribeirao Preto 14040-904, Brazil
* Correspondence: [email protected]; Tel.: +1-617-627-6300

Abstract: Experimental research is critical for advancing medical knowledge and enhancing patient
outcomes, including in vitro and in vivo preclinical assessments. Platelet-rich fibrin (PRF) is a blood
by-product that has garnered attention in the medical and dental fields due to its potential for
tissue regeneration and wound healing. Animal models, such as rabbits and rats, have been used
to produce PRF and examine its properties and applications. PRF has demonstrated potential in
the dental and medical fields for reducing inflammation, promoting tissue repair, and accelerating
Citation: Mourão, C.F.; Lowenstein, wound healing. This narrative review aims to compare existing evidence and provide guidelines
A.; Mello-Machado, R.C.; Ghanaati, for PRF animal research, emphasizing the importance of standardizing animal models, following
S.; Pinto, N.; Kawase, T.; Alves, G.G.; ethical considerations, and maintaining transparency and accountability. The authors highlight
Messora, M.R. Standardization of the necessity to use the correct relative centrifugal force (RCF), standardize centrifugal calibration,
Animal Models and Techniques for
and report detailed information about blood collection and centrifuge parameters for reproducible
Platelet-Rich Fibrin Production: A
results. Standardizing animal models and techniques is crucial for narrowing the gap between
Narrative Review and Guideline.
laboratory research and clinical applications, ultimately enhancing the translation of findings from
Bioengineering 2023, 10, 482.
bench to bedside.
Keywords: platelet-rich fibrin; animal models; experimental research; guideline
Academic Editor: Jeremy Magalon

Received: 1 March 2023

Revised: 7 April 2023
Accepted: 12 April 2023 1. Introduction
Published: 17 April 2023 Translational research is a critical process that involves the translation of basic sci-
entific discoveries into practical applications that benefit human health [1]. It consists of
bridging the gap between basic research and clinical practice by using experimental studies
to develop new techniques and procedures in the medical field. Experimental studies
Copyright: © 2023 by the authors.
play a crucial role in the development of new medical techniques and procedures, as they
Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.
provide the necessary evidence to support the effectiveness and safety of these innova-
This article is an open access article
tions. For example, clinical trials are essential to testing the efficacy of new treatments and
distributed under the terms and
drugs before they are approved for use in patients. Advancing medical knowledge and
conditions of the Creative Commons
developing new treatments that improve patient outcomes would be impossible without
Attribution (CC BY) license (https://
experimental studies, including important results derived from in vitro and in vivo pre-
clinical assessments. The presence of experimental research in translational research is a

Bioengineering 2023, 10, 482.

Bioengineering 2023, 10, 482 2 of 18

vital step in ensuring that scientific discoveries are translated into practical applications
that improve human health [2,3].
In the past two decades, platelet-rich fibrin (PRF) has become increasingly popular in
medicine and dentistry for its potential use in wound healing and tissue regeneration [4–8].
However, PRF’s development deviated from the typical research process as it was first used
in humans before being studied in vitro and with animal models [9]. This unconventional
approach was taken to enhance the research and gain a better understanding of the blood
by-product. This sequence of application was likely due to the urgent need for effective
treatments in human patients, leading to the rapid adoption of PRF in clinical practice. As
more knowledge and experience were gained, researchers began to study PRF in vitro and
in animal models to better understand its mechanisms of action and optimize its use [10,11].
Such studies have yielded valuable insights into the properties and potential applications
of PRF, paving the way for further translational research to develop new techniques and
procedures [12–15].
In order to improve the techniques and discover new clinical applications, animal
models, such as rabbits [16–20] and rats [21–23], have been used to produce PRF and inves-
tigate its properties and potential applications. The high concentrations of platelets, growth
factors, and other bioactive molecules make PRF useful in promoting tissue regeneration
and enhancing bone growth [11]. In the dental field, the blood by-product has been used
in various procedures to reduce inflammation, accelerate wound healing, and improve
outcomes. In the medical field, PRF has been used to treat chronic wounds, burns, and
musculoskeletal injuries, with promising results in enhancing tissue repair and reducing
inflammation [24,25].
Fibrin research has shown that fibrin clots in mammals such as mice, rats, and rabbits
can exhibit different fiber diameters and clot densities compared to human clots. These
differences have been considered when using animal models to study blood clotting and
related disorders in humans, as they can inform therapeutic development and enhance our
understanding of blood clotting mechanisms in general [26,27].
Compared to platelet-rich plasma (PRP), PRF does not necessitate the addition of
anticoagulants or other external factors during its preparation. This simplifies the process
and potentially mitigates the risk of adverse effects related to additives [27]. Nevertheless,
the anticoagulants in PRP can aid researchers in acquiring the appropriate amount of this
blood derivative for use in animal models, giving them more time during the blood draw.
The major concern about PRF’s production using animal models is the necessity to
have fast blood collection, which is essential in producing high-quality PRF as it minimizes
the risk of clotting and ensures that the concentration of platelets and other bioactive
molecules remains high. However, in some animal species, such as rabbits and rats, blood
coagulates quickly, making it necessary to collect blood rapidly to avoid clotting. In
addition, tubes with clot activators, such as silica, can also aid in blood coagulation and
make PRF’s production difficult. In addition, access to appropriate vessels (veins or arteries)
from animals can be challenging, and the amount of blood that can be obtained may be
limited. In this context, PRF has been investigated through very diverse animal models
with a great heterogeneity of methodologies, with little help available for the choice of the
best protocol for the production of this blood byproduct.
The aim of this narrative review is to compare the available evidence and provide a
helpful guideline for animal research on PRF. The guideline aims to assist researchers in
avoiding unnecessary loss of time and taking the lives of animals during the study process.
It is essential to emphasize the importance of animal welfare and ethical considerations in
research, and this guideline serves to clarify and guide future studies in this area.

2. Definitions and Search Process

Experimental studies aim to investigate the properties and potential applications of PRF.
For this narrative review, the authors conducted a literature search in PubMed/MEDLINE
Bioengineering 2023, 10, 482 3 of 18

databases for experimental studies involving the most common methods of blood collection
used in animal studies for PRF production.

3. Overview of Animal Research

Animal care is a crucial aspect of any animal study, as researchers are responsible for
ensuring that their subjects are treated humanely and with the utmost respect. This consists
of providing appropriate housing, nutrition, and care to minimize any potential harm that
may be inflicted on them during the study. In addition, by establishing an ethical committee
for animal studies, researchers can ensure that all aspects of the study are reviewed by an
independent body to ensure compliance with ethical standards and regulations [28].
In addition to ethical oversight, guidelines are essential in any animal study. The
ARRIVE guidelines were developed to provide a checklist of information that should be
included in reports of in vivo experiments [29]. These guidelines help to ensure trans-
parency and consistency in reporting by providing a standardized format that contains
information about animal welfare, housing, and health status. These guidelines also ensure
that researchers provide sufficient detail on their experimental design, methods, and results,
allowing others to reproduce the study if necessary. They are of special interest in platelet
concentrate research as these products depend on the content of several growth factors
and inflammatory mediators whose production and release may be affected by different
biological factors, health status, and stress.
Similarly, the PREPARE guidelines were developed to provide a framework for the
planning phase of animal studies [30]. By considering all the factors that may influence
the study’s outcome during the planning phase, researchers can ensure their study is
well-designed and scientifically rigorous. This includes considering factors such as the
choice of animal model, sample size, experimental design, and statistical analysis.
The importance of these guidelines cannot be overstated, as they provide clear and
concise instructions for the ethical use of animals in research. They promote transparency,
consistency, and accountability, ultimately enhancing the research findings’ credibility.
Sample size calculation is another critical aspect of studies involving animals [31,32].
By determining the minimum number of animals required to achieve statistical power,
researchers can ensure that their research is adequately powered to detect any effects of
the intervention or treatment being tested. Furthermore, sample size calculations consider
factors such as the expected effect size, variability, and significance level to ensure the study
is well-designed and scientifically rigorous. Adequate sample sizes also help to minimize
the number of animals used in the study, reducing any potential harm that may be inflicted
on them.

4. Considerations on Blood Collection

When collecting blood from animals for research, it is essential to prioritize the safety
and well-being of the animals, which requires adhering to similar guidelines as those
followed in human blood donation. One fundamental recommendation is the “10% rule”,
which states that the amount of blood drawn should not exceed 10% of the animal’s
total blood volume [33,34]. For instance, a 2 kg rabbit has an average blood volume of
approximately 55–70 mL per kilogram of body weight, translating to a total blood volume
of around 110–140 mL. Hence, based on the 10% rule, a maximum of 11–14 mL of blood
can be safely collected from this rabbit to avoid any adverse effects. By following these
guidelines, researchers can collect blood from animals safely and humanely in a manner
that does not jeopardize their health.
Similarly, when collecting blood from rats, it is essential to use proper techniques and
equipment. The amount of blood that can be safely collected from a rat depends on several
factors, including body weight, age, and strain. As a general guideline, the amount of blood
that can be safely drawn from a rat should not exceed 10% of its total blood volume. For
example, a 250-g rat has a total blood volume of approximately 15–20 mL, so a maximum
of 1.5–2 mL of blood can be safely collected from this rat.
Bioengineering 2023, 10, 482 4 of 18

In addition, ensuring safe and adequate blood collection involves adhering to proper
techniques and equipment, and selecting the appropriate vessel and blood flow for the
study type. The choice of vessel and blood flow depends on the desired blood by-product
and its specific requirements. For instance, in PRP studies [35–39], anticoagulants are
used, such as sodium citrate, which do not require fast blood flow to the collection tube.
Conversely, for PRF studies, a vessel with rapid blood flow is necessary due to the absence
of anticoagulants and the use of clot activators such as silica, making fast blood obtention
essential to produce this blood concentrate.

5. Venipuncture of Rats
Blood collection in rats is a common procedure in many research studies that require
blood samples for analysis (e.g., cytokines and growth factors) or for blood concentrate
production [40–46]. There are several anatomical sites from where blood can be collected
from rats; the most common are the tail vein, intracardiac function, and orbital sinus
(Table 1).

Table 1. Data was collected from the PRF process using the rat model in the last five years, including
one from 2023.

Author and Animal Number of Blood Centrifuge

Breed Donor Area
Year Size Animals Collected (mL) (RPM/min or RCF)
Akyildiz et al. Sprague-Dawley Intracardiac
340–380 g 23 4 3000 rpm/10 min
(2018) [44] rats puncture
Alizadeh et al.
Wistar rats 230–300 g NR NR 2700 rpm/12 min Orbital sinus
(2023) [45]
Alsherif et al. 10 2000 rpm/10 min
Wistar rats 300–360 g 4 Orbital sinus
(2020) [46] (PRF group) (400 RCF)
Awadeen et al. Sprague-Dawley
NR 63 10 3000 rpm/10 min Orbital sinus
(2020) [47] rats
2700 rpm/12 min
da Silva et al. (701 RCF-max) and Intracardiac
Wistar rats 350–450 g 24 3
(2022) [11] 1500 rpm/14 min puncture
(216 RCF-max)
Demirel et al. Sprague-Dawley Intracardiac
400–450 g 28 16 3000 rpm/13 min
(2018) [48] rats puncture
Engler-Pinto Intracardiac
Wistar rats 250–300 g 8 3.5 2700 rpm/12 min
et al. (2019) [42] puncture
Grecu et al. 1300 rpm/8 min Intracardiac
Wistar rats 220–420 g 35 10
(2019) [49] (400 RCF) puncture
Grecu et al. 35 (scarified to 1300 rpm/8 min Intracardiac
Wistar rats 220–420 g 10
(2019) [50] produce PRF) (400 RCF) puncture
Huang et al. Sprague-Dawley 24 (sacrificed to
180–220 g 5 400 g/10 min NR
(2020) [23] rats produce PRF)
1500 rpm/14 min
Jamalpour et al.
Wistar rats 300–350 g 60 2 and Orbital sinus
(2022) [51]
2700 rpm/12 min
Mirhaj et al. 3
Wistar rats 250–300 g NR 2700 rpm/12 min Orbital sinus
(2022) [52] (PRF group)
Mourad et al.
Wistar rats 250–300 g 30 2 3000 rpm/10 min Tail vein
(2022) [53]
Neves-Atti et al. Spontaneously Intracardiac
250 g 40 6 3000 rpm/10 min
(2022) [54] hypertensive rats puncture
Nica et al. Intracardiac
Wistar rats 460–550 g 40 9 to 12 450 g/12 min
(2019) [55] puncture
Nugraha et al. Intracardiac
Wistar rats 250 g 36 1.5 3000 rpm/10 min
(2018) [56] puncture
Bioengineering 2023, 10, 482 5 of 18

Table 1. Cont.

Author and Animal Number of Blood Centrifuge

Breed Donor Area
Year Size Animals Collected (mL) (RPM/min or RCF)
Özçay et al. Sprague-Dawley Intracardiac
250–300 g 40 1 3000 rpm/10 min
(2018) [22] rats puncture
Özçay et al. Sprague-Dawley Intracardiac
250–300 g 10 (PRF group) 1 3000 rpm/10 min
(2020) [40] rats puncture
1 animal
Padilha et al. Intracardiac
Wistar rats 300–400 g scarified per 9 3000 rpm/12 min
(2019) [57] puncture
Rady et al.
Wistar rats 175–200 g 36 2 3000 rpm/10 min Tail vein
(2022) [19]
54 (2 animals
Silveira et al. 2700 rpm/12 min Intracardiac
Wistar rats 320 g scarified for 10
(2022) [58] (857 RCF max) puncture
Sumida et al. Intracardiac
Wistar rats 400–450 g 23 6 890 g/13 min
(2019) [59] puncture
Tavakoli et al.
Wistar rats 400 g NR 6 1500 rpm/14 min Orbital sinus
(2022) [60]
60 (including a
Tayşi et al. Sprague-Dawley 3000 rpm/10 min Intracardiac
240–260 g sacrigication 10 to 15
(2018) [61] rats (400 RCF) puncture
Torul et al. 3000 rpm/10 min
Wistar rats 200–250 g 30 2 Tail vein
(2018) [39] (400 RCF)
Vares et al. 3000 rpm/12 min Intracardiac
Wistar rats 250–280 g 32 2
(2021) [62] (400 RCF) puncture
Wang et al. Sprague-Dawley Abdominal
NR 30 5 400 RCF/10 min
(2021) [41] rats aortic
Zhang et al. Sprague-Dawley Abdominal
210–310 g 20 5 3000 rpm/10 min
(2019) [63] rats aortic
Zhang et al. Sprague-Dawley Intracardiac
250–300 g 32 3.5 600 RCF
(2022) [64] rats puncture
RCF = relative centrifugal force; NR = not reported.

Blood collection from the tail vein is relatively easy and minimally invasive, making it
a preferred option for many researchers. The rat’s tail is first warmed with a heat lamp to
dilate the veins, and sometimes a small incision is made to collect the blood. This method
is used for collecting small amounts of blood and is suitable for tests that require minimal
manipulation of the blood sample.
Intracardiac is a more invasive blood collection method involving accessing the heart
directly. It requires surgical skills and experience and should be performed under anesthesia
(Figure 1). This method allows for the collection of larger volumes of blood and is more
suitable for tests that require more extensive manipulation of the blood sample. Therefore,
intracardiac should be the first area of election to produce the PRF from the rats.
Table 1 shows another option for blood collection in rats, the orbital sinus that involves
accessing the veins located behind the rat’s eyes (Figure 2). Although this blood collection
method is simple to carry out and is applicable for tests, with minimal manipulation of
blood samples and smaller volumes, it may be ineffective in situations where low blood
flow is an issue. Insufficient blood flow, which can result from certain medical conditions
or injuries, may restrict the amount of blood obtained using this method. Thus, in such
circumstances, alternative blood collection methods such as venous or arterial puncture
may need to be used to obtain the required amount of blood for testing. These observations
provide a comprehensive view of the advantages and limitations of this blood collection
method and emphasize the significance of considering alternative techniques when blood
flow is reduced.
Intracardiac is a more invasive blood collection method involving accessing the heart
Rady et al.
Wistar rats directly.
175–200It grequires 36surgical skills and
2 experience3000and should
rpm/10 minbe performedTailunder
vein anes-
(2022) [19] thesia (Figure 1). This method allows for the collection of larger volumes of blood and is
Silveira et more suitable 54 for(2tests
that require more extensive manipulation
2700 rpm/12 min of the blood sample.
2023, 10, 482
rats 320 g scarified for 10
Therefore, intracardiac should be the first area (857RCFof election to produce the PRFpuncture
Intracardiac from6 the
of 18
al.(2022) [58] max)
rats. PRF)
Sumida et al.
Wistar rats 400–450 g 23 6 890 g/13 min Intracardiac puncture
(2019) [59]
Tavakoli et al.
Wistar rats 400 g NR 6 1500 rpm/14 min Orbital sinus
(2022) [60]
60 (including
Tayşi et al. Sprague- 3000 rpm/10 min
240–260 g a sacrigication 10 to 15 Intracardiac puncture
(2018) [61] Dawley rats (400RCF)
Torul et al. 3000 rpm/10 min
Wistar rats 200–250 g 30 2 Tail vein
(2018) [39] (400RCF)
Vares et al. 3000 rpm/12 min
Wistar rats 250–280 g 32 2 Intracardiac puncture
(2021) [62] (400RCF)
Wang et al. Sprague-
NR 30 5 400RCF/10 min Abdominal aortic
(2021) [41] Dawley rats
Zhang et al. Sprague-
210–310 g 20 5 3000 rpm/10 min Abdominal aortic
(2019) [63] Dawley rats
Figure 1. (A) Intracardiac puncture in the rat’s heart using a syringe with a needle ranging between
Zhang et al. Sprague- Figure 1. (A) Intracardiac puncture in the rat’s heart using a syringe with a needle ranging be-
to 23G; (B)
g Blood placed
32 in tube (without
3.5 additives);600RCF
(C) The tube is then quickly placed
Intracardiac in the
(2022) [64] Dawley rats tween 18 to 23G; (B) Blood placed in tube (without additives); (C) The tube is then quickly placed
centrifuge, following protocols for PRF production, rpm, time, and relative centrifugal force (RCF);
in the
RCF centrifuge,
= relative following
centrifugal protocols
force; for PRF
NR = not production, rpm, time, and relative centrifugal force
(D) PRF is produced after following the previous steps.
(RCF); (D) PRF is produced after following the previous steps.

Table 1 shows another option for blood collection in rats, the orbital sinus that in-
volves accessing the veins located behind the rat’s eyes (Figure 2). Although this blood
collection method is simple to carry out and is applicable for tests, with minimal

Figure 2. (A) Orbital sinus puncture in the rat’s orbital area using a syringe with a needle ranging
Figure 2. (A) Orbital sinus puncture in the rat’s orbital area using a syringe with a needle ranging
between 21–23G;(B)(B)Blood
placed thecentrifuge,
produced afterfollowing

Once the blood sample is collected for PRF production, it is essential to understand
that the coagulation time for rat blood is around 2–5 min, which is faster than the human
coagulation time of 5–10 min [65–70]. Considering this information, the researcher needs a
fast blood collection from a vessel with satisfactory blood flow. After that, the tube must go
quickly to the centrifugation process.
In terms of the number of cells in the blood, rats have a higher number of red blood
cells and a lower number of white blood cells compared to humans. It is important to note
that the platelet count in rats can vary widely depending on various factors such as age, sex,
strain or breed, and health status. The platelet count in rats can range between 600,000 and
1,500,000. Therefore, it is recommended to consider these factors when interpreting the
platelet count in rats for PRF production. Additionally, the quantity of cytokines and
growth factors in rat blood varies based on these [71–73]. Therefore, it is essential to
consider these factors when conducting research using rat blood samples and comparing
data from different studies in the literature.
Bioengineering 2023, 10, 482 7 of 18

6. Venipuncture of Rabbits
Rabbits are another animal model used to study different types of blood concen-
trates [74–79]. Considering the animal’s anatomy, there are several areas where blood can
be collected from rabbits. The most common areas found in studies involving PRF include
the ear vein, intracardiac, and jugular (Table 2).

Table 2. Data was collected from the PRF process using the rabbit model in the last three years.

Animal Number of Blood Centrifuge

Author and Year Breed Donor Area
Size Animals Collected (mL) (RPM/min or RCF)
Choi et al.
New Zealand 2.5–3 kg 33 5 2700 rpm/12 min NR
(2021) [77]
Damayanti et al.
New Zealand 3–4 kg 18 3 3200 rpm/10 min Ear
(2022) [78]
Dereli-Can et al.
New Zealand 3.0–3.5 kg 45 5 2700 rpm/12 min Femoral vein
(2020) [79]
Karayürek et al.
New Zealand 2.6–3.9 kg 28 8 3000 rpm/10 min Ear
(2019) [80]
Kim et al.
New Zealand 3.0–4.0 kg 12 10 3000 rpm/10 min Ear
(2021) [81]
Kinoshita et al. 2400–3000 rpm/
New Zealand 3.5–4.2 kg 18 10 NR
(2021) [82] 13 min
Kızıldağ et al.
New Zealand 3.0–3.5 kg 18 5 2700 rpm/12 min Ear
(2020) [83]
Koyanagi et al.
New Zealand 3.5–4.0 kg 5 2.5 700 RCF/12 min Ear
(2022) [74]
Li et al. Intracardiac
New Zealand 2 ± 0.2 kg 52 5 2000 RCF/5 min
(2022) [73] puncture
Liu et al.
New Zealand 3–4 kg 12 10 3000 rpm/10 min Ear
(2021) [84]
Liu et al.
New Zealand 2.8 and 4 kg 12 5 3000 rpm/10 min Ear
(2019) [72]
Mogharehabed et al. 2700 rpm
New Zealand 1.5 kg 20 9 NR
(2022) [76] (408 RCF)/12 min
Mu et al.
New Zealand 3.0–3.5 kg 16 10 700 rpm/3 min NR
(2020) [71]
Mudalal et al. 3000 rpm
New Zealand 3.0–3.5 kg 12 10 NR
(2019) [85] (1278 RCF)/12 min
Rezuc et al. 3000 rpm/
New Zealand 2 kg 12 8 Ear
(2020) [86] 400 RCF/10 min
Salih et al. Intracardiac
New Zealand 1.5–2 kg 20 3 3000 rpm/10 min
(2018) [87] puncture
Şentürk et al.
New Zealand 2.0–3.0 kg 27 10 3500 rpm/15 min Ear
(2020) [14]
Shanei et al.
New Zealand 2.5–3 kg 5 5 2700 rpm/8 min Ear
(2022) [15]
Taufik et al.
New Zealand 2.0–3.5 kg 15 10 3000 rpm/10 min Ear
(2023) [16]
Wang et al.
New Zealand 3–3.5 kg 10 10 3000 rpm/12 min Ear
(2022) [17]
Wong et al.
New Zealand 2–2.5 kg 24 8 2700 rpm/10 min Ear
(2021) [88]
Zalama et al.
New Zealand N/D 30 NR NR NR
(2022) [18]
Zhang et al.
New Zealand 3.5 ± 0.5 kg 9 5 1300 rpm/14 min NR
(2023) [75]
RCF = relative centrifugal force; NR = not reported.

The ear vein is a less-invasive method for collecting small volumes of blood from
rabbits (Figure 3). This method is relatively easy, making it a preferred option for many
Taufik et al.
New Zealand 2.0–3.5 kg 15 10 3000 rpm/10 min Ear
(2023) [16]
Wang et al.
New Zealand 3–3.5 kg 10 10 3000 rpm/12 min Ear
(2022) [17]
Bioengineering al. 10, 482
Wong et2023, 8 of 18
New Zealand 2–2.5 kg 24 8 2700 rpm/10 min Ear
(2021) [88]
Zalama et al.
New Zealand N/D 30 NR NR NR
(2022) [18] researchers (Table 2). The rabbit’s ear usually is warmed to dilate the veins to collect the
Zhang et al. blood. The ear vein is the most common area used by researchers to produce PRF (Table 2).
New Zealand 3.5 ±this
However, 0.5 area
kg does not 9 offer a large amount
5 1300inrpm/14
of blood min flow to produce
a favorable NR the
(2023) [75]
PRF membrane. Therefore, it should not be considered
RCF = relative centrifugal force; NR = not reported. the first area of election to produce
more than one or a larger PRF membrane.

Figure 3. (A) Ear vein puncture in the rabbit using a syringe with a needle ranging between 21 to
Figure 3. (A) Ear vein puncture in the rabbit using a syringe with a needle ranging between 21 to
23G; (B)Blood
placed in
in aa tube/falcon
additives); (C)
(C) The
The tube
tube is
is then
then quickly
quickly placed
placed in
in the
centrifuge, following protocols for PRF production, rpm, time, and RCF; (D) PRF is produced
the centrifuge, following protocols for PRF production, rpm, time, and RCF; (D) PRF is produced after
following the previous steps.
after following the previous steps.

Intracardiac functionisisa a more
more invasive
invasive method
method of blood
of blood collection
collection thatthat involves
involves ac-
cessing the heart directly. It requires surgical skills and experience and should bebeper-
accessing the heart directly. It requires surgical skills and experience and should per-
formed underanesthesia.
collection of larger volumes of blood and is more suitable for extensive manipulation the
collection of larger volumes of blood and is more suitable for extensive manipulation of of
the sample.
blood sample.
The jugular vein puncture is another method for collecting blood in rabbits that
involves accessing the veins located in the neck area (Figure 4). This method is convenient
to perform, and it is used for collecting larger volumes of blood and is best suited for the
production of PRF and other blood concentrates. The jugular vein allows a faster and more
significant amount of blood than the marginal ear vein, making it less stressful for the
rabbit than a heart puncture [87].
The coagulation time for rabbit blood is around 5 to 10 min, which is similar to the
coagulation time in humans. In addition, they are often considered the best animal model
to study human platelets due to their similarities in platelet function and regulation [88–95].
Regarding platelet count, rabbits have a similar range of platelet numbers compared to
humans, with an average platelet count ranging from 150,000 to 450,000 platelets per
microliter of blood. However, there may be some differences in the size and distribution of
platelets between rabbits and humans, which can impact platelet function and response to
different stimuli [70,96].
In addition, comparing the number of cells in the blood, rabbits have a similar range of
red and white blood cells compared to humans. And the number of cytokines and growth
factors in rabbit blood can vary based on the age, sex, and strain of the rabbit [96,97].
Therefore, it is crucial to consider these factors when conducting research using rabbit
blood samples [70].
Regarding coagulation time, rabbit blood has a slightly longer coagulation time than
rat blood. However, both are faster than the human coagulation time.
The jugular vein puncture is another method for collecting blood in rabbits that in-
volves accessing the veins located in the neck area (Figure 4). This method is convenient
to perform, and it is used for collecting larger volumes of blood and is best suited for the
production of PRF and other blood concentrates. The jugular vein allows a faster and more
Bioengineering 2023, 10, 482 significant amount of blood than the marginal ear vein, making it less stressful for9 of the18
rabbit than a heart puncture [87].

Figure Thejugular
puncturein inthe
between 18–23G; (B) Blood placed in a tube/falcon (without additives); (C) The tube is then quickly
between 18–23G; (B) Blood placed in a tube/falcon (without additives); (C) The tube is then quickly
placed inthe
produced afterfollowing
previous steps.

7. Venipuncture
The coagulation of Dogs
time for rabbit blood is around 5 to 10 min, which is similar to the
Blood collection
coagulation from dogs
time in humans. for experimental
In addition, research
they are often involving
considered blood
the best concentrates
animal modelis
a common practice. The most commonly used methods for blood collection
to study human platelets due to their similarities in platelet function and regulation in dogs include
venipuncture of the cephalic, saphenous (lower limb veins), or jugular veins
95]. Regarding platelet count, rabbits have a similar range of platelet numbers compared (Table 3). The
to humans,of the site an
with foraverage
blood collection depends
platelet count on thefrom
ranging animal’s size,
150,000 totemperament, andper
450,000 platelets the
amount of blood needed for the study.
microliter of blood. However, there may be some differences in the size and distribution
of platelets between rabbits and humans, which can impact platelet function and response
to 3. Datastimuli
different was collected
[70,96].from the PRF process using the dog model.
In addition, comparing the number of cells in the blood, rabbits have a similar range
Animal Number of Blood Centrifuge
Author and Year of red and white blood cells compared to humans. And the number of cytokines
Breed Donor Areaand
Size Animals Collected (mL) (RPM/min or RCF)
factors in rabbit blood can vary based on the age, sex, and strain of the rabbit
Alenazy et al. (2021) [95] [96,97]. NR 4 10 3000 rpm/10 min NR
breed dog Therefore, it is crucial to consider these factors when conducting research using
Mixed blood samples [70].
Anwar et al. (2022) [96] 9–14 kg 9 20 2500 rpm/15 min NR
breed dog coagulation time, rabbit blood has a slightly longer coagulation time than
Benalcázar et al. rat blood. However, both are faster than the human coagulation time.
Beagle dog NR 13 18 2700 rpm/12 min NR
(2022) [97]
El Halaby et al. Mixed
7. Venipuncture Right cephalic
NRof Dogs 9 20 3000 rpm/10 min
(2020) [98] breed dog vein
Blood collection from dogs for experimental research involving blood concentrates is
Jeong et al. (2013) [99] NR 10–15 kg 6 10 400 RCF/10 min NR
a common practice. The most commonly used methods for blood collection in dogs in-
Lower limb
Ji et al. (2015) [100] NR venipuncture
clude 12–15 kgof the cephalic,
NR saphenous 5 (lower limb3000 rpm/5
veins), ormin
jugular veins (Table
3). The
Mixed choice of the site for blood collection depends on the animal’s size, temperament,
Kazemi et al. (2014) [101] and dog 20–30
the amount ofkg
blood needed12 for the study.
20 3000 rpm/10 min Jugular vein
Kazemi et al. (2017) [102] 18–40 kg 12 20 3000 rpm/10 min Jugular vein
breed dog
Mohammed et al. Mixed Lower limb
18–23 kg 8 5 400 RCF/10 min
(2021) [103] breed dog vein
Neiva et al. (2016) [104] Beagle dog NR 8 NR 2700 rpm/12 min NR
Park et al. (2022) [105] Beagle dog NR 7 NR 408 RCF—time NR NR
Park et al. (2016) [106] NR 15 kg 6 10 3000 rpm/12 min NR
Park et al. (2023) [107] Beagle dog 15 kg 7 20 1300 rpm/8 min Jugular vein
Xuan et al. (2014) [108] 15–20 kg 6 20 2400 rpm/10 min NR
breed dog
Zhou et al. (2017) [109] Beagle dog NR 3 10 NR
RCF = relative centrifugal force; NR = not reported.
Bioengineering 2023, 10, 482 10 of 18

The coagulation time in dogs is similar to that of humans, usually taking around 2
to 10 min. The number of cells in the blood, cytokines, and growth factors in dogs is also
similar to those found in humans [110,111]. However, it is important to note that there can
be individual variations in these factors between dogs, as well as between different breeds
and ages.
When compared to other animals used in experimental research, such as rats or rabbits,
dogs have a longer coagulation time. This difference should be considered when designing
studies that involve clotting factors or blood coagulation.
Regarding platelet count, dogs have a higher platelet count than humans, with an
average of 200,000 to 500,000 platelets per microliter of blood [111]. Thus, this difference
should also be taken into account when designing experiments that involve platelets.

8. Venipuncture of Pigs and Mini-Pigs

Blood collection in pigs and mini-pigs for studies in blood concentrates is a commonly
used technique in experimental research [112–117]. The choice of blood collection site in
pigs and mini-pigs will depend on the size and age of the animal. In PRF studies, the
most commonly used areas for blood collection in pigs and mini-pigs are the precaval vein,
jugular vein, and ear vein (Table 4).

Table 4. Data was collected from the PRF process using the pig model.

Number of Blood Centrifuge

Author and Year Breed Animal Size Donor Area
Animals Collected (mL) (RPM/min or RCF)
Superior vena
Chen et al. (2014) [113] Mini-pig 25–30 kg 20 8 3000 rpm/10 min
Li et al. (2013) [116] Pig NR NR 10 2100 rpm/12 min Precaval vein
Li et al. (2014) [117] Pig NR NR 10 2100 rpm/12 min Precaval vein
Right jugular
Sheu et al. (2017) [118] Mini-pig 21.8 kg 6 8 3000 rpm/10 min
Tsai et al. (2019) [114] Mini-pig 26.6 ± 4.1 kg 6 40 1300 g/15 min
jugular vein
Right jugular
Yang et al. (2012) [115] Pig 6.8–11.2 kg 21 8 3000 rpm/10 min
Yilmaz et al. (2014) [112] Pig 60 ± 5 kg 3 10 400 RCF/10 min Ear vein
RCF = relative centrifugal force; NR = Not reported.

Overall, pigs and mini-pigs are valuable models for experimental research. The use
of pigs and mini-pigs in biomedical research can provide important insights into human
health and disease. Careful consideration should be given to the choice of blood collection
site to ensure minimal stress to the animal and maximum accuracy of results.
The time for pig blood coagulation is approximately 2 to 5 min, which is similar to
human coagulation. This time may vary depending on the breed, age, and health status
of the animal. The number of cells in the blood, the quantity of cytokines, and the growth
factors in pig blood are also similar to that in humans. However, the platelet range is
between 250,000 to 600,000 per microliter of blood [67].
It is worth noting that pigs are often used as animal models for studying human health
and diseases. This is due to their anatomical and physiological similarity to humans and
their porcine genome being three times closer to that of humans than the rat’s genome [119].
However, researchers should be cautious when handling pigs and mini-pigs for PRF studies,
as their coagulation times can be faster than that of humans.

9. Venipuncture of Goats
Blood collection from goats for experimental research involving blood concentrates is
an important practice. The most common method for blood collection in goats is through
the jugular vein.
Bioengineering 2023, 10, 482 11 of 18

The coagulation time in goats is longer than that of humans, usually taking around 3 to
7 min. The number of cells in the blood, cytokines, and growth factors in goats are also sim-
ilar to those found in humans. However, similar to dogs, there can be individual variations
in these factors between goats, as well as between different breeds and ages [67,110].
When comparing platelet counts, goats exhibit a range similar to that of humans. On
average, goats have between 100,000 and 500,000 platelets per microliter of blood, while
humans typically possess 150,000 to 450,000 platelets per microliter of blood. This difference
should also be taken into account when designing experiments that involve platelets [67].
It is important to note that goats are particularly useful as models for human research
in studying blood products, particularly fibrinogen, due to the similarity of goat and human
fibrinogen structures.
The number of cells, cytokines, and growth factors in goats is similar to those found
in humans, and goats are particularly useful in studying fibrinogen [120,121]. The lower
platelet count in goats compared to humans should be considered when designing experi-
ments that involve platelets.
To perform dependable experimental studies on platelet concentrates, researchers
must consider several vital factors that can affect the results. These factors include each
animal’s age, gender, strain or breed, and overall health, as they can significantly influence
platelet count, coagulation time (Table 5), and their corresponding averages. By addressing
these factors, studies can more effectively ensure accurate and consistent findings.

Table 5. Comparison of platelet count and coagulation time between humans and various animal
models: an overview.

Animal Platelet Count (Platelets/µL) Coagulation Time (Min)

Human 150,000–450,000 5 to 10
Rat 600,000–1,500,000 2 to 5
Rabbit 150,000–450,000 5 to 10
Dog 200,000–500,000 2 to 10
Mini-pig 250,000–600,000 2 to 5
Goat 100,000–500,000 3 to 7

10. Considerations on the Relative Centrifugal Force

Producing blood concentrates, such as PRF, requires precise adherence to protocols;
one of these is accurately calculating the relative centrifugal force (RCF) or g force required
for the centrifugation process. Errors in RCF calculations can significantly affect the
quality and reproducibility of the final product, making it vital to ensure accurate RCF
calculations in every study. Standardizing RCF values across different studies can also
enhance comparability and facilitate the transfer of scientific knowledge from animal to
human studies.
The RCF value is determined by using a formula that considers the rotor’s radius
and the revolutions per minute (rpm). The formula is an essential component of the
blood concentrate production process, and any errors in calculating the RCF value can
significantly impact the final product’s quality. Therefore, it is crucial to ensure that the
formula is accurately applied in every study to produce reliable and reproducible results.
In addition, it is recommended to use standardized methods for determining the RCF value
to enhance comparability between different studies. Overall, correctly applying the RCF
formula is critical for producing blood concentrates necessary for various scientific and
clinical applications [122–126].
Communication of scientific and clinical protocols is crucial to ensure the reproducibil-
ity of human studies in a standard format. The principles of translational research determine
that all details of a method of study should be reported to facilitate the transfer of scientific
knowledge of animal studies to humans. However, inaccuracies in reports may impair the
translation of research results. The PRF protocol is an example of such inaccuracy. The
protocol reports the 400× g centrifugation RCF but does not specify the location of the rotor
Bioengineering 2023, 10, 482 12 of 18

in which the RCF was measured (mm). Therefore, to standardize the terminology for PRF
production, it is necessary to establish an approach that focuses on the RCF obtained from
the minimum radius (×1 mm), average radius (×2 mm), and maximum radius (×3 mm),
Bioengineering 2023, 10, x FOR PEER REVIEW 13 of 19
as illustrated in Figure 5. In doing so, animal studies can be conducted more accurately,
and the results can be applied more reliably to human studies.

Figure 5. Schematic illustration of the blood centrifugation process, highlighting the minimum radius
Figure 5. Schematic illustration of the blood centrifugation process, highlighting the minimum
(×1 mm), average radius (×2 mm), and maximum radius (×3 mm). It is important to note that
radius (×1 mm), average radius (×2 mm), and maximum radius (×3 mm). It is important to note
the relative
that centrifugal
the relative forceforce
centrifugal (RCF) calculation
(RCF) is higher
calculation for ×
is higher for3 ×3
mm than
mm ×1×1
than mm.
studies that use small tubes and low amounts of animal blood and for those using
for studies that use small tubes and low amounts of animal blood and for those using a commer- a commercial
cial to produce
centrifuge PRF,PRF,
to produce the the
authors should
authors consider
should the the
consider average radius
average (×2(×2
radius mm)mm)to provide the
to provide
the in their methods.
in their methods.

Obtaining standardizationin incentrifugal
ducible resultsininthetheproduction
production of of blood
blood concentrate.
concentrate. The The maximum
maximum RCF (×3 RCFmm)(×3ismm)
is thecommonly
most most commonly used parameter
used parameter for centrifuge
for centrifuge calibration,
calibration, as itthe
as it ensures ensures the best
best standard-
ization in differentin models
models and brands.
In order to have accurate and consistent
In order to have accurate and consistent results resultsininPRF
to follow the same standardized standard for human studies and use
to follow the same standardized standard for human studies and use the maximum radius the maximum radius
((×3 mm)totodetermine
determinethe theRCF
foundin inthe
[126] or
obtained from the centrifuge manufacturer.
obtained from the centrifuge manufacturer.
However, it
However, it is
is essential
location ofof ×3×3mm
thethe mm may
may varyvarydepending
depending on
the size and shape of the tube or hawk used for the study. Therefore,
on the size and shape of the tube or hawk used for the study. Therefore, it is recommendedit is recommended
to include a ×2 mm measurement as a standard in the study method. This measurement
to include a ×2 mm measurement as a standard in the study method. This measurement
provides a reliable alternative to ×3 mm and can be used when the size or shape of the
provides a reliable alternative to ×3 mm and can be used when the size or shape of the
tube or Falcon prevents the use of ×3 mm.
tube or Falcon prevents the use of ×3 mm.
In addition to the use of standard measurements, it is also crucial to report all the
In addition to the use of standard measurements, it is also crucial to report all the
details of the centrifuge protocol in a standardized format to ensure reproducibility and
details of the centrifuge protocol in a standardized format to ensure reproducibility and
comparability between studies. This includes reporting the rotor’s location, the centrifuge’s
comparability between studies. This includes reporting the rotor’s location, the centri-
time and speed, and other relevant details. Following these guidelines, researchers can
fuge’s time and speed, and other relevant details. Following these guidelines, researchers
improve the accuracy and reliability of their results and promote the advancement of
can improve the accuracy and reliability of their results and promote the advancement of
translational research in blood concentrate production.
translational research in blood concentrate production.
It was important to identify the correct protocol for each centrifuge. The maximum
It was important to identify the correct protocol for each centrifuge. The maximum
RCF (×3 mm) is commonly used for centrifugal calibration to obtain a more reliable
RCF (×3 mm) is commonly
standardization. used for
Consequently, centrifugal
in the calibration
standardization to obtainfor
published a more
human reliable stand-
studies, the
ardization. Consequently, in the standardization published for human studies, the maxi-
mum radius should be considered to determine the value of the RCF in the production of
blood concentrate using several centrifuges available on the market. The ×3 mm infor-
mation can be found in the literature or may be offered by the manufacturer.
The location of the ×3 mm mark for each study may also vary depending on the size
Bioengineering 2023, 10, 482 13 of 18

maximum radius should be considered to determine the value of the RCF in the production
of blood concentrate using several centrifuges available on the market. The ×3 mm
information can be found in the literature or may be offered by the manufacturer.
The location of the ×3 mm mark for each study may also vary depending on the size
of the tube or falcon used and the centrifuge radius. If the ×3 mm mark corresponds to a
distance larger than the tube’s size, the authors should consider adding a ×2 mm mark in
the study’s methods to standardize the RCF used in the protocol.
In order to ensure consistency and quality in PRF production, it is important to follow
a standardized protocol. Protocol deviation can result in variations in the fibrin mesh,
cell count, and growth factor content, making the scientific data obtained incomparable
and potentially useless. Therefore, adhering to the established procedures for reliable and
reproducible results is crucial.

11. Conclusions
Overall, the study concludes that standardization of animal models and techniques
is essential for reducing the gap between laboratory research and clinical applications. It
is crucial to report detailed information about the materials and vessel used for blood
collection, the type of centrifuge used, rpm, RCF, and the maximum or average radius for
the calculus, as well as the size of the tube and the amount of blood collected, to ensure
reproducibility of results.

Author Contributions: Conceptualization, C.F.M., A.L., R.C.M.-M., S.G., N.P., T.K., G.G.A. and
M.R.M.; Writing—original draft preparation, C.F.M. and A.L.; Writing—review and editing, C.F.M.,
A.L., R.C.M.-M. and G.G.A.; Visualization, C.F.M., A.L., R.C.M.-M., S.G., N.P., T.K., G.G.A. and
M.R.M. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research received no external funding.
Institutional Review Board Statement: Not applicable.
Informed Consent Statement: Not applicable.
Data Availability Statement: Not applicable.
Acknowledgments: The authors would like to acknowledge Suelen Sartoretto for her assistance with
the illustrations.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.

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