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Some of the key topics discussed include Kriya Yoga, Babaji, chakras, mantras, and stories that teach life lessons.

Kriya Yoga is presented as a tradition developed by Babaji that incorporates techniques from Tamil Yoga Siddhantham and helps one achieve self-realization. It is described as a means to higher states of consciousness through activities done with awareness.

The story of the three scholars and the lion illustrates that while the scholars had theoretical knowledge and powers, their lack of a practical skill like climbing a tree led to their demise, while the 'ordinary' friend with common sense survived.


This page is lovingly dedicated to the Immortal Masters, Their teachings,

Siddha Herbal Medicines, Kriya yog, Third Eye, Divinity & Supreme God....We
welcome all types of spiritual groups to visit this page....Let the Universal
Unconditional love & friendship be spread all over the world is our prayer....


This is the very powerful mantra for attracting the Divine Grace of Sri
Mahavatar Babaji.




Babaji's Guru Boganathar says that, " The five supports ( adharas) of
meditation are - Svadhisthana, Manipura, Anahata, Vishuddha, and
Ajna........stemming from Muladhara. They are called CHAKRAS. The term
chakra refers to the internal centers symbolized as lotus flowers. A CHAKRA is
called a lotus because it is composed of a constantly whirling stream of energy-
consciousness, which radiates outwards in petal-like emanation.When the
veils obstructing the chakras are lifted, they open up more like flowers from
In Tamil, the BIJA MANTRAS (basic sound-forms of the root energy) of these
five chakas are: NA, MA, SHI, VA, YA........when joined they make the mantra:
The basic bija mantra for Muladhara is: AUM.
Thus, in six adharas(chakras) we get the sacred mantra of the Siddhas, that is :
Siddha Boganathar advises the sadhaka to chant and meditate on this mantra
by doing Pranayama. (verse 7 ; Shiva yoga jnanam ; chapter four; from the
book: The Yoga of Siddha Boganathar - vol.1 - by Sri T. N. Ganapathy)


According to the book "Babaji & the 18 Siddha Kriya Yoga Tradition" - by Shri
Marshall Govindan - Babaji was born on auspicious day of "Kartik Deepam" -
[Festival of lights - Deva Deepavali - in Tamil Nadu State in South India] i.e.
Kartiki Purnima [full moon night in the month of Kartik.....His birth
Nakshatra is "Krittika" & His Janma lagna is "Rohini Nakshatra" of "Vrishabh"
Rashi.....and according to calculations done by Astrological software - This
type of combination comes on 6th November 203 [instead of Babaji's famous
birth date as 30 November 203] - Thus, Kartiki Purnima & 6th November are
Birth days of Shri Mahavatar Babaji according to Indian & English
Calenders.....Jai Babaji....Om Kriya Babaji Namah Om.....Our Many
Namaskaras to the Great Immortal Master on His auspicious Aavirbhava
Diwas - Birthday....


Yoga may be defined as "The scientific art of God union and perfection". Kriya
Yoga is that tradition of Yoga which has been developed and promulgated by
Immortal Master Shri Mahavatar Babaji directly or through his disciples. It is
a crystallization of the teachings and techniques of Tamil Yoga Siddhantham,
the ancient teachings of the Tamil Yoga Siddhas.
The word "Kriya" literally means, an activity performed with awareness. It is
taught as a series of practical yoga techniques, or "Kriyas", which can assist the
individual to realize his potential. Kriya Yoga also helps the individual to tap
latent sources of inspiration and higher states of consciousness.
"Self-realization" replaces bodily ego-consciousness, and all our activity
becomes a means of expressing loving service to the "Divinity", which can be
seen in everyone and everything, in an unfolding "universal vision of love".
[From the book - Babaji & the 18 siddha Kriya Yoga tradition - by - Marshall
Kriya Hatha Yoga, the scientific art of mastering the physical body, through
postures of relaxation, known as - "Asanas", muscular locks - "Bandhas", and
psycho-physical gestures known as - "Mudras".
It is relatively easy to control the physical body in comparison to the mental or
vital bodies as they are much subtler and less subject to the exercise of human
The postures, bandhas and mudras bring about a state of relaxation on all five
planes. They massage the internal organs and glands and stabilize the physical
body. They are effective in the prevention and cure of many diseases &
functional disorders - such as - diabetes, respiratory conditions and
hypertension, as well as emotional instability. They can thus eliminate one of
humanity's most common sources of misery i.e. "poor health". They also help
the physical body to be calm during meditation.
The postures enable one to regulate the debilitating effects of stress and
maintain one's balance in all situations. Their practice with continuous
awareness introduces the student to meditation.
There are 18 essential asanas [postures] in Babaji's Kriya Yoga. These are
listed below :-
1. Salutation pose [Namaskara].
2. Science of Sun-Worship [Surya Namaskara].
3. Integral shoulder stand [Sarvangasan].
4. Fish pose [Matsyasana].
5. Crane [Hansasana].
6. Bow pose [Dhanurasana].
7. Topsy-turvy pose [Viparita karani].
8. Half-Fish pose [Ardha matsyasana].
9. Plough pose [Halasana].
10. Serpent [Bhujangasana].
11. Yogic symbol pose [Yoga mudrasana].
12. Half wheel pose [Ardha chakrasana].
13. Sitting crane.
14. Locust.
15. Supine pose of firmness and light [Vajroli mudrasana].
16. Kneeling pose of firmness [Supta vajrasana].
17. Triangular pose [Trikonasana].
18. Complete peace relaxation pose [Purna Shava Shanti Asanam].
[From the book - Babaji and The 18 Siddha Kriya Yoga Tradition - by Marshall


The only physiological function - which is both - voluntary & involuntary is
Breathing can be controlled consciously by the mind - or - it can be allowed to
function automatically like other physiological processes - such as digestion -
under the control of the body.
Breathing is thus an important bridge between the mind and the body - and
can influence them both.
Our breathing patterns reflect our emotional and mental states.
The breath is jerky during anger, momentarily ceases during periods of fear,
gasps during amazement, chokes during sadness, sighs in relief, is slow and
steady during periods of concentration, and changes during periods in which
the mind is subject to passing thoughts & emotions of a random nature.
It is difficult to control the mind & emotions directly, but they can be mastered
indirectly by using the breath.
Various meditation traditions have long taught their students to concentrate
on breathing smoothly in order to eliminate distracting thoughts.
In modern times, many scientific studies have confirmed the effect of
breathing exercises in the treatment of hypertension and anxiety disorders.
[From the book - Babaji & the 18 Siddha Kriya Yoga Tradition - by Marshall
The process of respiration in which, oxygen is inhaled into the living cells and
carbon-dioxide is exhaled from them is a fundamental phenomenon of life
which is universally present in every type of living organism.
The nervous center that regulates rhythmic muscular contractions involved
with breathing is known as the "Medulla oblongata".
Respiration is a continuous requirement for obtaining an adequate supply of
oxygen, and life is not possible without a sufficient quantity of oxygen.
By deep breathing, we draw energy from the universal reservoir of life.
Accordingly, each individual cell maintains it's respiratory rate for it's
individual needs.
Finally, all the living cells depend upon the satisfactory working of the
respiratory system for their entire needs of energy.
The Siddhas [Perfected Masters] referred to the basic energy underlying all
activities, both - physical & mental - as "Prana Energy" or the Subtle life force.
Prana is found in the air that we breath, in the earth we live on, in the water
we drink and in sunlight.
Some of the Channels through which the more physical pranas flow have been
mapped out by both the Siddhas of India & China. The more physical channels
have been identified as - "Meridians" in "Acupuncture" which is originally
developed in India, and known as "Varma" in the Siddha system of medicine.
It is practiced by Siddha Vaidya physicians to this day, particularly in the
Nagercoil area of Tamil Nadu India.
Being of a grosser level, such channels are subject to physical manipulation
[treatment] as with needles & finger pressure. They are a small subset of a
much wider spectrum of pranic energy channels which are called as - "Nadis"
of Yoga.
[From the book - Babaji & the 18 Sidda Kriya Yoga Tradition - by Marshall
The scientific art of mastering the breath, is called as "Kriya Kundalini
It is the most important and potential tool in Babaji's Kriya Yoga. It awakens
the "Kundalini" or the latent energy situated in the muladhara chakra [basic or
root energy center], and distributes it through the network of "Nadis" or
The student, by regular practice, gradually awakens all of the chakras [energy
centers] with their corresponding levels of consciousness, and becomes a
dynamo in all five planes of existence. This leads to Self-realization and the
breathless state of samadhi.
In this, we learn to breath through both nostrils equally, bringing about an
integration and synthesis of the two major aspects of our personality. When
this is done, it is said that the energy of the breath flows through the central
"Shushumna Nadi" - producing a feeling of well being, serenity and profound
understanding - This is an ideal state for the practice of meditation.
The equilibrium produced in the breathing between the right side and the left
side - as well as - between the inner and the outer air pressure leads to the
breathless state of communion with God - known as "Samadhi" in yoga.
In this Samadhi state - the mental activity subsides to stillness, and the
individual's consciousness expands and dissolves into a Universal
These states have been referred to in the Psalms of David: "Be still and know
that I am God" [ Psalms 46, 11], and by St. Paul: "I protest in rejoicing in
Christ (Consciousness), I die daily (i.e. remain in samadhi state daily)" [I
Corinthians 15, 31].
[From the book - Babaji and the 18 Siddha Kriya Yoga Tradition - by Marshall


The scientific art of mastering the mind, Kriya Dhyana Yoga, consists of a
series of meditation techniques to master the unruly mind. It includes the five
senses and their subtle counterparts, such as clairvoyance, clairaudience and
The first technique in Kriya Dhyana Yoga brings about the cleansing of the
subconscious mind, with all of it's repressed desires, fears and memories.
Subsequent techniques gradually enable one to concentrate and to awaken the
latent faculties of the mind through - Concentration, Contemplation and
Continuous awareness.
Ultimately one realizes the Self and finds happiness in all five planes of
[From the book - Babaji and the 18 Siddha Kriya Yoga Tradition - by Marshall


People draw to themselves events and circumstances [either good or bad]
based upon their repeated thoughts.
Thoughts mostly involve desires, but when desires are not fulfilled, frustration
Frustration brings about confusion in the mind.
The confusion leads to absence of self awareness.
As a result, one loses sight of the inner Divine power & consciousness and
becomes a victim of circumstances & habit.
Repeated thoughts become habit forming & they are stored in the
subconscious mind - known as "Chittam" in Yoga.
According to Patanjali Siddha - "Yoga is cleansing the modifications of the
subconscious mind".[Yoga Chitta Vritti Nirodhaha].
Kriya Mantra Yoga is known as the silent repetation of potential sounds, to
awaken the intellect. Repetition of the mantra is known as"Japa" or "Mantra
The mantra bestows peace, bliss, illumination and consciousness.
It awakens the intellect by opening the intuition, which in turn inspires the
Mantra japa needs to be done with faith [shraddha], love [bhava], and
concentration [dharana].
Mantra is a word which replaces the "I" [Ego] centeredness with "God"
The most potential mantras contain the powerful "beeja" [seed] syllables or
sounds which were discovered by the Siddha Masters during profound state of
meditation as the keys to higher states of consciousness.
A mantra is representation or name of Divinity only. It contains a
transformative divine power, which manifests through sound.
Equanimity and self control are the result of Mantra-japa.
During periods of doubt, anxiety or dispersion, the repetition of the mantra
soothes and collects one's consciousness.
[From the book - Babaji and the 18 Siddha Kriya Yoga Tradition - by Marshall


Kriya Bhakti Yoga, the yoga of love and devotion, has been called the jet plane
to Self-Realization.
Devotional songs, chants, ritual worship and pilgrimage to sacred places open
the heart and mind to the Reality of - LOVE.
Gradually, all of one's activities may become soaked with sweetness, as the
"Beloved" is perceived in all.
Feelings of love and devotion are generally unstable, because of the other
tendencies and desires to which human nature is prone, and therefore
involvement in the above devotional activities is required to cultivate the
feelings anew.
Those drawn to Bhakti yoga, because of their emotional temperament, may
find that the emotions may at times be unruly and negative. This is why the
other types of yoga, such as Kriya Hatha Yoga, Meditation, Pranayama, Karma
Yoga and Mantra Yoga may help stabilize them.
[From the book - Babaji and the 18 Siddha Kriya Yoga Tradition - by Marshall
In the Bhagvad Gita, Lord Shri Krishna says to his friend disciple Arjuna about
Karma Yoga that :- "Thy business is with action only, never with it's fruits; so
let not the fruit of action be thy motive, nor be thou to inaction attached.
Perform action, O Dhananjaya (Arjuna), dwelling in union with the divine,
renouncing attachments, and balanced evenly in success and failure;
EQUILIBRIUM is called yoga" - [Gita II, 47 - 48]
Kriya Karma Yoga is defined as "Selfless service performed with skill".
In karma yoga, one performs action not because it will bring us happiness -
but because by performing the activity indicated by our duty in any given
situation, in a spirit of loving service - we free ourselves from attachment to
the results.
Thus we create no new karmas, or desire motivating and captivating actions,
and so find continuous peace.
We also perform our activities with "skill" because we do it in a spirit of love.
Doing it selflessly, allows the higher consciousness to work through us without
resistance from the petty demands of the ego.
The practice of Kriya Karma Yoga begins with the dedication of several hours
per week to some activity for the bebefit of others.
Karma Yoga progressively become all/everything that one does - as one sees
that one is not "the doer", but an instrument of the Divine, put here to love &
serve others.
A karma Yogi is free of anger, egoism, greed and personal desires.He has a
large heart and is always prepared to share and help others. He scrutinizes his
motives and does things without a selfish motive.
By doing so, the Karma Yogi attains purity of heart, and will see God in all
faces, the indwelling Presence everywhere.
He lives a simple life, following the motto of the Siddha Masters : "Simple
living and high thinking"
[From the book - Babaji and the 18 Siddha Kriya Yoga Tradition - by Marshall
Unlike many spiritual traditions which have viewed the desire for sex and
family life as a serious obstacle to Self-realization, the Yoga Siddhas have
transformed sex into domain for yogic practices and divinization.
Most of the 18 Siddha Masters practiced family life and used it as a part of
their spiritual sadhana.
Kriya Tantra Yoga involves retaining the energies - which are generally wasted
in sexual activity - and moving them up into the higher chakras.
It also involves loving one's life partner as the embodiment of the Divine.
One regards the objects of the world not as sources of temptation, or obstacles
to be avoided in becoming "spiritual" - but - as latent Divinity.
Through love, the worshiper experiences his or her oneness with the object of
Family life provides an opportunity to develop a selfless love, first by
expanding one's feeling of identity to include a life partner, and then to
multiply this with children. This may lead to the "Universal Vision of Love",
wherein one sees God in everyone.
Kriya Tantra Yoga also provides a rare opportunity for evolved souls to take
birth in a family - where right from the moment of conception - they can
benefit from the influences of yogic practices and orientation.
[From the book - Babaji and the 18 Siddha Kriya Yoga Tradition - by Marshall


Patanjali Siddha Master, in the second verse of his "Sutras", has defined yoga
as follows:
"Yoga chitta vritti nirodhah:"
i.e. "Yoga consists of cleansing the modifications of the subconscious mind".
One's experience in the daily life is colored by the thoughts , feelings, likes and
dislikes of the subconscious mind. These colorings mask the essential Reality.
Integrating yoga into one's daily life consists in seeing things as they are,
without such colorings.
This new vision develops progressively in the student as he or she practices all
of the Kriyas.
In doing so, it will be useful for the student to observe the following
- Love for Self, the Satguru [Master], and the Universal vision.
- Regular practice of Kriya Yoga Sadhana.
- Karma Yoga, the yoga of selfless service.
- Satsang, fellowship with truth seekers,
- Yogic vegetarian diet.
- Transformation of sleep into yogic rest.
- Mental purity, patience, silence and other observations.
- Seeking inspiration from Babaji and the 18 Siddhas.
[From the book - Babaji and the 18 Siddha Kriya Yoga Tradition - by Marshall

"Guru, God and Self are One" is a famous motto in the field of yoga.
Devotion to the Sat-Guru [True & pure Master is Sat Guru] also indicates the
fastest route to Self Realization.
The word "Guru" means "One who dispels darkness".
A Sat-Guru, such as Babaji, is one who can directly provide illumination to the
student of yoga, by a touch, a word, or even a look.
This will be generally preceded by years of indirect influence, during which the
student prepares the ground for such an awakening by regularly practicing the
yoga techniques.
Devotion to the Sat-Guru is manifested by such regular practice and by loving
service to others.
Gradually, all of one's activities are seen as a manifestation of the Divine,
creating the world through oneself.
The ordinary human experience of feeling separate from the world is replaced
progressively - with a consciousness of unity with it.
Love begins, however, with oneself. One should love and nourish each part of
one's being : The physical, vital, emotional, mental, intellectual and spiritual.
Loving oneself is the very basis of yoga. It allows one to love others and
ultimately to love God.
[From the book - Babaji & the 18 Siddha Kriya Yoga Tradition - by Marshall


"The amout of joy in life is directly related to the amount of discipline one has"
is another famous motto of the Yoga Siddha Masters.
This is because without self control, or self discipline, one is at the mercy of
every fleeting thought, sensory sensation or emotion that comes one's way.
Most people are easily invaded by the negative thoughts and feelings of
OTHERS - because they habitually "own" or identify with every such
movement - which passes through their consciousness.
Another word for "Discipline" is "Sadhana".
It includes all that one does - to remember - Truth - God - True Self - including
the five major categories of practice.
Such Self remembering replaces the ego-centeredness, and involves using
one's discrimination towards thought, feelings and sense perceptions.
The field of such self discipline is not limited to the yoga practice only, but it
extends to one's work, rest periods, family life and diet - as described above.
By dedicating certain periods of the day to practicing the Kriya Yoga
techniques - one can go deeper within - and tap the latent reservoirs of energy
and consciousness.
All efforts at self discipline are complimentary and have self-mastery as their
A master is one who has mastered himself or herself in one or more aspects.
Such mastery begins with the techniques and extends progressively to all of
the parts of one's life.
Success in disciplining the palate, or craving for food, for example, leads to
great powers of self control - according to the teachings of the Siddha Masters.
Success in disciplining oneself in seemingly insignificant areas paves the way
for self control in even the most difficult of circumstances.
[From the book - Babaji and the 18 Siddha Kriya Yoga Tradition - by Marshall


The word "satsang" means fellowship of truth seekers.
One should regularly associate with other students of Kriya Yoga to share
experiences, insights and to encourage one another.
The path of Kriya Yoga is long and gradual and there are many obstacles -
including desires, ignorance, laziness, distraction and confusion - which fellow
students may help one to overcome at a particular time.
No one can attain Self realization for another person; each person must work
through his or her own habits and tendencies. But fellow students of Kriya
Yoga can often provide encouragement or insights which assist one to
Satsang also implies that one should not allow oneself to be ridiculed by those
persons who do not share one's appreciation for yoga. While one may dismiss
their ridicule intellectually - but one may absorb their doubts and prejudices
In particular, "One should not", as Jesus said, "cast pearls before swine",
meaning - one should not try to share one's sublime experiences of yoga with
those who will only ridicule them.
Sharing with others, even those who are on a similar path, should not become
an excuse for inflating one's ego or for converting others to one's own way of
Teachers of Kriya Yoga do periodically organize gatherings of students for this
purpose. Such meetings also provide an opportunity to study together the
writings of the Siddha Masters.
[From the book - Babaji and the 18 Siddha Kriya Yoga Tradition - by Marshall
Much has been written in recent years with regards to the benefits of
vegetarianism [ as non-violence is prime important virtue for those who wish
to make progress on the spiritual path....which leads to the goal of loving
compassion towards all the living beings....because the Supreme God is love
towards all without any discrimination.....and as Babaji is embodiment of God
consciousness, he is also incarnation of pure anybody who loves
Babaji & his Kriya Yoga, will automatically turn vegetarian because of much
love towards all the animals, birds & fishes.....]
From the standpoint of yoga, however, what is most important in diet is the
effect on one's consciousness.
What we consume influences our behavior and thinking.
Meat and intoxicants should be avoided by the student of yoga because of the
animalistic tendencies and effects on the nervous system which they stimulate.
Such consequences will nullify much of the beneficial effects of yoga.
Foods which stabilize the consciousness, and which are easy to digest, will
permit one to apply one's energies to yoga [i.e. conscious & blissful state of
divine God-union] - rather than to digestion.
Giving preference to unprocessed and unrefined whole foods [ such as fresh
fruits, vegetables, corn, grains, cereals, nuts, dry-fruits etc.] which are locally
grown and in season, and which have a balance of various types of energies -
will permit one to avoid the numerous prevalent modern ailments such as
cancer and heart disease.
The National Academy of Sciences in Washington D.C. - in its 1982 report -
"Diet, Nutrition and Cancer" - stated that thirty to forty percent of cancers in
men and sixty percent in women - are caused by diet.
An over consumption of saturated fats, sugar and refined food products is to
The rapid increase in modern diseases indicates that modern man is in a
degenerative spiral, and faces extinction within a few generations - unless a
return is made to a simpler diet [i.e.vegetarian food], which biological man is
accustomed to by heredity.
[From the book - Babaji and the 18 Siddha Kriya Yoga Tradition - by Marshall
The practice of "Yoga Nidra" or "Shushupti", translated as "Yogic rest" can
replace the need for sleep as commonly known.
Yoga teaches that - there are four states of consciousness:-
1. Physical consciousness: present during daily activities;
2. Dream consciousness: present during astral experiences or in waking
mental activities;
3. Consciousness during deep sleep without dreams;
4. Pure consciousness: "Turiya", the fourth state, beyond the three others
[deep concentration or focus on the subject of meditation is Turiya state, in
which, inspiration comes from God], their source - eternal, infinite without
By practicing yoga nidra [ inactive externally but fully awaken and conscious
internally] - one arrives at this fourth state. The practice demands
reinforcement of the meditation practices, and analysis and resolution of all
desires, feelings and thoughts to enable a states of profound rest.
Such a yogic rest is different from sleep because one remains completely
conscious even as the body sleeps.
The quality of the rest given by it is superior to that given by meditation.
Only meditation and yoga nidra can give rest to - the totality of the
consciousness, including the subconscious mind, which also needs rest.
In sleep the awareness is withdrawn. It differs from meditation that - in
meditation one does not seek to maintain awareness during deep sleep.
By practicing yogic rest the student can study the boundaries between the
above four states of consciousness.
Yoga nidra may be learned during an Anthar Kriya Yoga.
[From the book - Babaji and the 18 Siddha Kriya Yoga Tradition - by Marshall
The student of Kriya Yoga, after being initiated or trained in Kriya Hatha Yoga,
Kriya Kundalini Pranayama and Kriya Dyana Yoga, should attend an "Anthar
Kriya Yoga" or Spiritual retreat. During it, one learns how to integrate Kriya
Yoga into ones daily life.
Practicing yoga for a few minutes in the morning and evening and then
completely ignoring it at other times - will provide some relief from the stress
of daily life, and some moments of insight, but no lasting transformation
occurs. It is therefore important to learn how to integrate Kriya Yoga into all
activities, including sleeping, eating and working.
The Anthar Kriya Yoga also introduces the new student to nutritious yogic
vegetarian diet, periods of silence, wherein one learns - how to quiet the mind
as well as the speech, and also additional techniques in pranayama [breathing
techniques] and meditation.
It is conducted in an ideal setting, close to nature, filled with spiritual
vibrations and away from one's home and daily preoccupations.
In such an environment, one can experience the potentiality of Kriya Yoga.
The Anthar Kriya Yoga also shows the student - how to practice Kriya Yoga
intensively in a lifestyle which integrates the process of Self-realization into
one's daily life.
It reaches it's climax with the "Mantra Yagna" [ a long fire ceremony with
chanting of holy mantras], and initiation into the bija [seed] mantras.
[From the book - Babaji and the 18 Siddha Kriya Yoga Tradition - by Marshall


Just as it is important to nourish the physical body with proper food, it is also
important to nourish the mind and intellect properly.
The student should seek out those sense experiences and sources of
intellectual stimulation which will be supportive of yogic discipline and
It would be self defeating to seek out sense gratifications for their own sake,
neglecting to maintain a continuous awareness.
The mental and vital reactions could cause one to be overwhelmed by self
doubts, or other negative emotions.
Sincerity is the most important quality in the field of Babaji's Kriya Yoga.
Sincerity means doing what is intended, and being honest with one's faults
and motivations. It includes regular self-examination and correction of one's
behavior, whenever one realizes that one has made a mistake, as well as
resolving not to repeat it.
Patience is also extremely important in the field of yoga. Those who maintain
it, ultimately succeed, even after millions of falls. Those who lack it, give up
and settle for a mediocre existence.
Silence refers to "Kriya Mowna Yoga", which includes mental quietude as well
as avoidance of unnecessary talk.
Its regular observance leads to Self realization as well as a recharging of all five
bodies with pranic energy.
Other important practices and/or attitudes for the students of Kriya Yoga to
create the optimal conditions under which Self realization and transformation
can occur include :-
Non-violence, Truthfulness, Equanimity, Compassion, Non-stealing, Self
control - and moderation with respect to sex, food and work.
An equal allotment of time should ideally be given to the following three major
classes of daily activity :-
1) Yogic practices,
2) Work in one's chosen field,
3) Rest & daily routine.
[From the book - Babaji and the 18 Siddha Kriya Yoga Tradition - by Marshall


Babaji and the 18 Yoga Siddhas are in this world to inspire all seekers of Truth
by serving both as examples of Divine transformation - as well sources of
direct guidance.
During the advanced classes of Kriya Yoga training in meditation, the student
learns how to contact Babaji and the 18 Siddhas and to seek inspiration from
them - with respect to their verses of wisdom - as well as - with respect to the
problems of daily life.
Every student of Kriya Yoga also faces countless problems, but unlike the
average person, he or she can draw upon that infinite source of wisdom - the
Divine Master Babaji, the Supreme Self - for guidance.
Such inspiration may also comes at the most unexpected moments. The source
is not difficult to recognize with practice.
Furthermore, "All that is good [for all] comes from God, & all that is bad - is
the work of the ego [& selfishness]" according to the Siddhas.
To differentiate between the two - see to what extent a given action serves only
oneself or mostly others.
"Where there is love, there am I" says Babaji. May everyone seek Babaji to
become like Babaji and so realize the Universal Vision of Love, leading to
Universal peace !
[From the book - Babaji and the 18 Siddha Kriya Yoga Tradition - by Marshall


Shiva Purana is filled with the stories - which describe - how Lord Shiva has
sat in meditation on Mt. Kailash, Tibet - since time immemorial.
Lord Shiva is worshipped by the Yogies and by all the gods as the Supreme
The history of the Siddha tradition begins millions of years ago - with the story
of Lord Shiva's initiation of his consort or Shakti, Parvati Devi - into Kriya
Kundalini Pranayama [the scientific art of mastering the breath] in a huge
cave at Amarnath in the Kashmir Himalayas.
Later Lord Shiva initiated others - including the Siddha Agastyar and the
Siddhas Nandi Devar and Thirumoolar on Mount Kailash in Tibet.
Siddha Agastyar subsequently initiated Babaji.
According to the traditions of southern India - there are 18 Siddhas - who
attained perfection.
After experiencing "union" or yoga with God or ultimate Reality in the
spiritual plane - like a salt doll merging with the ocean, these Tamil Yoga
Siddhas experienced a progressive transformaton of their intellectual, mental,
vital and ultimately, physical bodies.
In attaining such an integral realization - they have manifested a Divine
transformation of their entire human nature.
While their attainment is beyond human comprehension, a comparative study
of their lives and writings provides valuable insight into human potential.
The attainment of the 18 Siddhas and Babaji - has been the result of the Divine
Grace of God and the Kriyas or techniques used by them to prepare their
bodies - for the descent of the Divinity.
Collectively, the techniques are known as - "Kriya Yoga Siddhantham" - which
means, the practical yoga techniques bringing about final perfection in the
realization of God or Truth.
[From the book - Babaji and the 18 Siddha Kriya Yoga Tradition - by Marshall



1) Nandi Devar - Medicines, Kaya Kalpa [the Tamil Yoga Siddhas science of
rejuvinating the physical body through the use of herbal and mineral salt
preparations] and Alchemy.

2) Agastyar - Medicine, Kaya Kalpa, Tamil language grammar, Yoga.

3) Thirumoolar - Yoga, Phylosophy.

4) Boganathar - Yoga, Kaya kalpa, Medicine, Alchemy, Natural sciences,


5) Konkanavar - 25 known works in Medicine, Yoga, philosophy, religion.

6) Macchamuni [Matsyendra Nath] - 10 known works on Hatha Yoga, Tantra
Yoga practices.

7) Goraksha Nath - "Avadhuta Gita" and 13 other works, order of ascetics,

medicine, alchemy, Hatha yoga Pradipika classic.

8) Sattamuni - 46 known works: Medicine & Alchemy.

9) Sundar-anandar - 24 known works: medicine, philosophy.

10) Rama Devar - 24 known works : mantra shastra, medicine.

11) Kudambai [Lady Siddha] - Siddha philosphy.

12) Karuvoorar - Construction of Tanjore temple, Medicine.

13) Idai Kadar - Two known works: Kaya kalpa.

14) Kamala muni - Two known works on medicine and philosophy.

15) Valmiki Rishi - Recorded the epic work "The Ramayana" [legendary story
of Lord Shri Rama].

16) Patanjali - Yoga Sutras [about "Ashtanga Yoga" - 8 step Yoga] classic.

17) Dhanvanthri - Medicine, alchemy, Kaya kalpa, 22 known works.

18) Paambatti - Siddha philosophy.

Our many salutations & thanks giving to all the Siddha Masters for giving us
so valuable works about - Divine transformation of ordinary human nature &

[From the book - Babaji and the 18 Siddha Kriya Yoga Tradition - by Marshall


Babaji Nagaraj felt that his scholarship with regards to the scriptures was not
bringing him any closer to Self realization, lasting happiness and fulfillment.
The metaphysical disputations were not bringing him closer to the goal of
Words, no matter how well reasoned, could not capture the Truth. Words
could at best point the way to it - but to arrive at the goal, one needed to go
beyond the words and reasonings.
At the age of eleven, he made a long & difficult journey on foot and by boat
with a group of scholar ascetics - from Benares, India to the sacred shrine of
Katirgama, Shri Lanka.
Nagaraj met Siddha Master Boganathar at Katirgama, and seeing his
greatness, became his disciple.
Sitting under a large spreading banyan tree with him for six months, Nagaraj
performed intensive yogic "sadhana" [practices], particularly various "dhyana
kriyas" [meditation techniques] into which he was initiated by Boganathar.
The "tapas" [intensive yogic practice / penance] was done for long periods
without a break, initially for 24 hours and later for days, weeks and up to 48
days at a stretch.
During this period, Boganathar watched and progressively initiated him into
more advanced Kriyas.
For the first time, with deepening meditation experiences, the truths studied
and debated as a scholar became a reality for him.
The various meditation Kriyas unchained his mind - from the limiting
processes of the thinking mind - allowing his consciousness to expand - and
realize its identity with an undifferentiated absolute reality.
The "I" consciousness receded and a "Thou" [or Tao] consciousness became
established, in a series of experiences.
In the early stages of God-communion [savikalpa samadhi] his consciousness
merged in the Cosmic Spirit; his life force withdrew from the physical body,
living it completely motionless and cold as though it were dead.
The samadhi experiences deepened gradually over the months with Master
They reached a climax with a vision of Lord Kumara swami [Murugan] in his
form as the eternal youth. He realized that he was now incarnating the
consciousness of Lord Murugan.
Under Boganathar's guidance, he thoroughly analyzed the ten systems of
Indian philosophy and came to understand and appreciate the full significance
of Siddhantham [i.e. the teachings of the Siddha Masters].
[From the book - Babaji and the 18 Siddha Kriya Yoga Tradition - by Marshall


Master Boganathar inspired his disciple, Babaji, to seek initiation into Kriya
Kundalini Pranayama breathing technique - from the legendary Siddha
Agastyar at Courtrallam in Tamil Nadu India.
Babaji travelled on foot to Courtrallam and arrived there at the Shakti peetam
[Temple of Divine Mother].
He made a solemn vow to remain at that spot until Agastyar would initiate
him into the deep secrets of yoga.
Babaji, after fixing himself in a particular asana [yogic meditation posture] - so
as to steel himself for the coming ordeal - closed his eyes and began to pray.
He prayed with all of his body, heart, mind and soul for days.
He prayed that - Agastyar would come and initiate him.
Some pilgrims, recognizing the greatness of his quest, would at times feed him
or give him water to drink.
Despite rain, insects, heat and dust, his resolve was so intense, that he would
not allow himself to leave the place.
When doubts assailed him, he prayed with even more fervor for forbearance.
When memories of his life, his scholarship, and his fame came to him, he
compared them to the dust which blew around him.
Nothing held any significance to him - even death !!
He would not allow the fear of suffering or death to catch hold of him.
His love for Agastyar, as the personification of the Divine - whom he was
seeking, grew day by day - dispelling the clouds of despair, boredom and
desire for relief - which threatened to engulf him from all sides.
His physical body became more emaciated and weaker day by day.
Babaji looked upon his body as if it were not his own.
He had surrendered his life into the hands of God, and he knew that God
would either grant his prayers to see Agastyar, or allow his life to end. There
was no more reason for him to continue living without the initiation of
On the forty eighth day, when Babaji was on the verge of complete collapse -
with great longing, he simply repeated over and over again the name -
Suddenly, the eminent Siddha Rishi Agastyar, stepped out of the nearby forest
and came up to where Babaji was sitting in prayer.
Agastyar's heart was melted by the love of Nagaraj. Agastyar called Nagaraj's
name in a soft voice and then embraced him.
After giving him food and water, Agastyar initiated Nagaraj into the secrets of
Kriya Kundalini pranayama or the most powerful "Vashi Yogam" breathing
technique - which is the crystallization of the most important teachings of the
Tamil Yoga Siddha Masters.
Agastyar emphasized the strict conditions under which it was to be practiced -
and its potential for awakening the higher levels of consciousness, spiritual
enlightenment and ultimately the Divine transformation of all five bodies :
physical, vital, mental, intellectual and spiritual.
He then directed Babaji to go to Badrinath in the upper ranges of the
Himalayan mountains - and to become - "THE GREATEST SIDDHA THE
[From the book - Babaji and the 18 Siddha Kriya Yoga Tradition - by Marshall

The potential of pranayama [yogic breathing techniques] does not end with
such states of "Samadhi".
Its effect on our physiology is profound, as modern science is beginning to
Breathing is the first physical act of all human beings born in this world - and
the last also !!
But the 18 Siddhas have found that mankind need not die.
They found that one can attain perfection in life [Kaya Siddhi of perfect
immortal body] and by attaining an intelligent control over the breathing will
prolong life by increasing one's stamina, and surcharging and transforming
one's very cells.
The correct practice of breathing is known in the 18 Siddhas' science of
longevity as - "VASHI YOGA".
In Tamil, "Vashi" means breathing.
If one repeats the word "Vashi" several times, it will resound as "Shiva Shiva" -
the great mantra and name of God.
If its correct repetition can be realized and acquired during breathing, one will
soon find new health, energy and consciousness.
One of the greatest of the 18 Tamil Siddhas is - Thirumoolar.
He has composed 3,000 monumental verses known as "Thiru-Mandiram" [i.e.
Sacred Mystic Words]. The significant feature of Thiru-Mandiram is that - its
author has dealt with "Ashtanga Yoga" [i.e. 8 phases of yoga] in great detail. In
this, he has disclosed the efficacy of pranayama [breathing practices] as
follows :-
"That those who are capable of practicing them in the proper manner as
stipulated will surely dispel death" [T.M. 571].
Besides, he has postulated the device of conquering death [i.e. powerful "Vashi
yogam" breathing technique] in the following words ;-

"With His grace,

1) one by chanting the name "Shiva Shiva" - 4 times - should inhale the oxygen
- expanding the abdomen;
2) Retain and control the same (breath) near the glottis (inner part of throat) -
by closing the outlets of the nose, ear and mouth (with fingers and thumb).-
chanting mentally "Shiva Shiva" - 14 times;
3) And then exhale the carbon dioxide through the right hole of the nose -
chanting "Shiva Shiva" - 8 times.

If one is able to practice in this manner, one not only achieves Siddhi of
attaining deathless body but becomes Shiva (God) Himself". [T.M. 712]
Our many salutations and thanks giving to the great Siddha Masters of Babaji
- Agastyar, Boganathar and Thirumoolar for showing us the great path of
Divine transformation & Immortality......
[From the book - Babaji and the 18 Siddha Kriya Yoga Trdition - by Marshall


Many of the ancient sages and seers, in emphasizing the importance of the
soul, ignored the value of the physical body.
Siddha Thirumoolar challenged this fashion of denigrating the body and
raised questions such as :-
What is the soul / life - minus its body ?
What is the role of the body ?
Is the body a thing of worth ?
He also furnished answers to these questions, and his teachings became the
basis for a new school of thought - "Siddhantham" which means - "The
perfection of life".
In which the words -
"Siddhi" = perfection
"Anta" = Goal or conclusion
The word "Siddhantham" appears for the first time in "Thirumantiram" [The
writings of Siddha Thirumoolar].

He says that - The body is as important as the soul. Divorced from the body -
the soul is naught.
"If the physical body perishes,it is a doom to the soul and one would not attain
the true knowledge [& experience of the Divinity] firmly - So by knowing the
technique of tending and nourishing the body well, I not only tended and
nourished the body, but the soul too". [TM, verse 724]

"Time was when I despised the body;

But then I saw God within.
The body, I realized, is the Lord's temple;
And so I began preserving it [body] with care infinite". [TM, verse 725]

This is the message proclaimed by Thirumoolar.

The body may be a fleshy tenement. But as the soul or "jiva" is only a tenent, it
needs a tenement. The fact that the tenement is fleshy, is no reason for
decrying it. On the contrary, as it is fleshy and therefore vulnerable, the matter
required great consideration. The flesh is subject to a thousand ills and it is
man's duty to protect it from these ills. The body, like glass, must be handled
with care.

The Siddhas knew of the fragility and delicateness of the mechanism [of the
body] with which they had to deal. They therefore made a thorough study of
the physical body and other subtle bodies with the help of which alone, the
soul can reach the goal [of experiencing the ultimate blissful state of God-
union]. Before dealing with the soul itself, they had to deal with the soul's
every envelope and the ailments of the physical, vital, mental and intellectual
bodies had to be dealt with

The message of Thrumantiram may now be understood. The supreme reality,

Shiva (God) or Absolute Truth is to be realized not only in the spiritual plane,
by awakening - but also to be made manifest progressively in the other planes
and corresponding bodies : Intellectual. Emotional, Mental, Vital and
ultimately even the Physical......wherein the body glows with - "The Fire of
Immortality" [like Mahavatar Babaji]

[From the book - Babaji and the 18 Siddha Kriya Yoga Tradition - by Marshall
Badrinath is situated in the Himalayan mountains at an altitude of 10,243 feet,
a few miles south of the border of Tibet. It lies at the confluence of the Rishi
Ganga and Alaknanda rivers. Guarding it on either side are Nar & Narayan
mountain ranges, and in the distance is Neelakanth Peak.
Badrinath has been sanctified for thousands of years, by the hermitages of
saints, yogis, rishis and siddhas, as well as by the presence of a great temple
dedicated to Shri Badrinarayan (Lord Vishnu).
Babaji made the long pilgrimage to Badrinath and then spent eighteen "long,
lonely months" practicing intensively all the yogic Kriyas taught to him by his
Gurus Agastyar and Boganathar.
After eighteen months of arduous yogic discipline, Nagaraj (at the age of 16
years approximately) entered a state of "Soruba Samadhi" wherein the
Divinity descended, merged with - and transformed the Spiritual, Intellectual,
Mental, Vital and Physical bodies. The physical body ceased to age and
sparkled with a golden lustre of divine incorruptibility.
The attainment of Soruba Samadhi is an indication of the extent to which the
individual has surrendered to the Divine Will and has allowed It to descend
and transform the ordinary human nature, on all planes.
Through such great manifestations, God then works silently on the gross
physical plane, assisting all those who seek to evolve to the higher life.
Babaji, since attaining this state, has made his mission to assist suffering
humanity in their quest for God-realization.
Usually, he has done so anonymously. Those helped by him generally do not
know the source of assistance. But with practice, the source of inspiration and
assistance is not difficult to recognize.
[From the book - Babaji and the 18 Siddha Kriya Yoga Tradition - by Marshall

Babaji's ashram near Badrinath in the Himalayas is known as Gauri Shankar

It has been described by a devotee V. T. Neelakantan.
According to him, he was allowed to make an astral visit to it twice in October,
Neelakantan suddenly found that he had left behind his physical body in
Madras, India, and had taken on another body standing with Babaji in Gauri
Shankar Peetham.
His description of the ashram and its activities are given below :-
The ashram is situated near the temple town of Badrinath in an area
surrounded by sheer rock cliffs on all four sides with a row of caves at their
base.The largest cave belongs to Babaji.
In a corner opposite this cave are two waterfalls. The residents of the ashram,
who numbered fourteen, at the time of his visit, use the largest waterfall for
bathing and the smaller one for getting drinking water.
Even at night, though there is no visible light source, the whole area is well lit.
A mysterious force keeps any one away from approaching the ashram closer
than a mile. As a result, no one can reach the ashram without Babaji's
The residents were sitting in a circle, in front of Babai's cave, eating a meal.
Their clothing was white in color, with the exception of Babaji, whose dhoti
(waist cloth) was in a light red color.
During lunch, they spoke in Hindi and English with one another. Their faces
were radiant and expressed great joy and happiness.
The residents included the sister (parental cousin) of Babaji, "Mataji
Nagalakshmi Deviyar" (also known as "Annai"). She was wearing a cotton sari,
white in color, with a green border and a long red sash over it and around her
neck. According to him, she is a strikingly beautiful woman, with fair skin, a
thin frame and is taller than her brother (Babaji).
Annai Nagalakshmi Deviyar is in charge of organizing the ashram and serves
the residents in various capacities.
She supervises the preparation of a daily, simple, vegetarian meal served at
noon. The meal is supportive of the yogic lifestyle of the ashram.
She takes care of a large "Tulasi" (Holy Basil) plant which sits atop a
"peetham" or shrine, nearly four feet high. She daily worships "Tulasi Devi" a
greatest devotee of Lord Krishna. Tulasi Devi was granted a boon by the Lord
to remain in His presence eternally as a sacred Tulasi plant in His celestial
The residents of the ashram adhere to a daily schedule centered around the
practice of yogic sadhana, which includes asanas, pranayama, meditation,
mantras and bhakti yoga.
Every one awakens at four in the morning. After taking a bath by the large
waterfall, there is then an hour of yogic sadhana with emphasis on pranayama.
In the afternoon, the residents follow their individual respective sadhanas with
occasional consultation with Babaji on the practice of the techniques.
Babaji's loving personality, his warm sense of humour and universal
compassion endear him to all. If one had to choose one word which would best
describe him, it would be "humility".
In the evening the residents sit in a circle and chant around a large "Homa"
fire in front of Babaji's cave. The favorite chant is "Om Kriya Babaji Namah
Kriya Yoga sadhaks should understand that the "Heaven on earth" - Gauri
Shankar Peetham exists not only in the Himalayas, but also within the hearts
of Babaji's devotees....
[From the book - Babaji and the 18 Siddha Kriya Yoga Tradition - by Marshall


Swami Pranabananda - "The saint with two bodies" lives with Babaji at Gauri
Shankar Peetam Ashram.
He is now known as "Amman Pranabananda", and physically resembles very
closely the body of his last incarnation, except that - he has allowed his hair
and beard to grow long.
Swami Pranabananda has been described by Paramahansa Yogananda in his
Swami Pranabananda, at the end of his previous incarnation, had made a
conscious exit from his physical body - known as "Maha-Samadhi"- before his
assembled disciples. Some years later he was reborn. As a young man, he
suddenly remembered his previous life and connection with Babaji.
He then went to the Himalayas in search of his deathless guru. Finally,
through the grace of Babaji - he was reunited.
After practicing Kriya Yoga intensively under the guidance of Babaji for a
number of years, he attained the deathless state of Soruba Samadhi [Swarupa
He now serves as a source of spiritual inspiration and guidance for many
students. He also supervises the care of the ashram garden.
Among the disciples of Babaji, only Amman Pranabananda and Babaji's sister
Annai Nagalakshmi Deviar - have attained the deathless state of Soruba
Their attainment, more than anything, reflects the completeness of their self
surrender to God, the highest goal of Kriya Yoga.
[From the book - Babaji and the 18 siddha Kriya Yoga Tradition - by Marshall


Many saints and sages have realized God in the spiritual and mental planes.
However, very few have been able to bring about a complete surrender to the
Divine Consciousness at the level of vital plane and the cells of the physical
body, so subject are they to the forces of disease, aging and death. These
remain the last bastion of the limiting ego and subconscious.
For all Kriya Yoga sadhakas (initiated students of Kriya Yoga) and devotees -
Babaji, Annai and Amman Pranabananda serve as great examples of self
surrender. They are virtually living embodiment of the Divinity.
Having overcome the limitations of the ego-consciousness, they now assist all
who seek their aid.
Annai, in particular, assists Kriya Yoga sadhakas during the mid-night
meditation hour to completely cleanse the sub-conscious mind using the first
meditation technique taught during the initiation into "Kriya Dhyana Yoga".
Amman Pranabananda, as a master of the fourth meditation technique, assists
the Kriya Yoga sadhakas to tap their great potential for intellectual inspiration.
Babaji prefers to work silently and anonymously in the world, helping
thousands of devotees and millions of souls to evolve at their own place. Like a
great broadcasting station, he beams out His message of Universal Love and
Peace to all. We should learn - How to become a receiving and a transmitting
"station" - during the advanced classes of Kriya Yoga training in meditation -
in which, the student learns - how to contact Babaji and the 18 Siddhas - and
to seek inspiration from them.
[From the book - Babaji and the 18 Siddha Kriya Yoga Tradition - by Marshall


Boganathar was the Siddha Guru of Kriya Babaji Nagaraj, the famed
Himalayan master.
Boganathar lived an extremely long life through the use of alchemical
rejuvination formulae and special breathing techniques of "Pranayama".
He travelled all over the world, chronicled the lives of Siddhas - much older
than himself, and mapped out an illumined path to integral transformation of
human nature into divinity.
His astounding life provides a shining example of our human potential.
Apart from being a highly realized master, he also was a great scientist who
invented a steamship, an automobile, a flying machine, a parachute and
hundreds of medicinal remedies.
Boganathar says that - he received initiation from his Guru Kalangi Nathar -
who taught him all the sacred works, the great epics, Yoga and the method to
attain liberation.
After learning all the techniques of Yoga, Mantra and Tantra - he travelled all
over the eight directions of the world and went to China. The call to visit China
- came from his Guru Kalangi Nathar, who was in search of a successor to
carry on his mission there.
He visited China several times and trained the Chinese in Siddha sciences,
medicine, Yoga and ancient arts.
He travelled through islands, oceans, mountains, caves, rivers and places
where Siddhas lived. In the mountaines, he saw groups of Siddhas teaching
numerous sages.
According to Boganathar, the secret of living for a long period of time - is his
having been fed on the "Vital Ojas" (Vindu in Tamil).....Vindu / Bindu also
stands for the middle of the eyebrows, or "Ajna Chakra" - which is the
command centre.
He says that - he received the name "Bogar" - because he was fed on "bindu".
The name "Bogar" means "One who is enjoying", i.e. enjoying the bliss of
Immortality by the process of "Kundalini-Yoga".
[Based on the book - The Yoga of Siddha Boganathar - by Dr. T. N. Ganapathy]


Boganathar decided to overcome the limitations of the physical body, with its
degenerative tendencies, and prolong its life through the use of the "Kaya
Kalpa" herbs - long enough for the effect of Kriya Kundalini Pranayama and
related yogic techniques to bring the perfect divine state of "Swarupa
In his poem - Bogar Jnana Sutra - 8, verse - 4, he describes vividly that - what
happened after carefully preparing a tablet using thirty five different herbs :
"With great care and patience - I made the (Kaya Kalpa) tablet and then
swallowed it;
Not waiting for fools and skeptics who would not appreciate its hidden
meaning and importance.
Steadily I lived in the land of the Parangis (foreigners)
For twelve thousand years, my fellow !
I lived for a long time and fed on the vital "ojas" (sublimated spiritual energy)
With the ojas vindhu (bindu / inner divine star) - I received the name,
The body developed the golden color of the pill;
Now I am living in a world of gold"

He chose three of his best disciples and his faithful dog, and took them to the
top of a mountain.
After first offering a tablet to the dog, the dog immediately fell over dead.
He next offered it to his leading disciple, Yu, who also immediately fell over
After offering it to the two remaining disciples, who by this time were
extremely nervous, and who promptly hid their tablets rather than swallow
Boganathar swallowed the remaining tablets and also fell over unconscious.
Crying with grief, the two remaining disciples went down the mountain to get
material to bury the bodies.
When the disciples returned to the spot where the bodies had been left lying,
all that was found - was a note, in Boganathar's handwriting, which said:

"The Kaya Kalpa tablets are working.

After awakening from their trance - I restored faithful Yu (1st disciple) and the
dog - (but both of) you have missed your chance for immortality."

This kaya kalpa enabled Boganathar to transform the body (to live for over a
period of 12,000 years), during which time it developed a lustrous golden
The physiological transformation to the state of "Swarupa Samadhi" (complete
God-Soul union) was, however completed only later, at Palani - in the final
phases of Kriya Kundalini Yoga and related practices.
[From the book - Babaji and the 18 Siddha Kriya Yoga Tradition - by Marshall



While living in Pothigai mountain - Bogar went to a nearby village - where

brahmins were uttering "Veda mantras".
On seeing Bogar, they asked him to move away - so that he should not hear the
Veda mantras.
To teach a lesson to the vain glorious brahmins, Bogar caught hold of a cat -
and taught it the Veda mantras.
The cat started uttering the Veda mantras in a high pitch - so that the
brahmins could hear them.
Realizing their mistake - the brahmins prostrated before Bogar begging him to
pardon them for their foolish behavior.
Bogar then asked the brahmins to bring all their utensils and converted all of
them into gold.
The brahmins were blessed and happy.
The moral of the story of the cat indicates that there is no point in rendering
the Vedic hymns in a ritualistic way. Even a cat can do it (with the blessings of
a Siddha Master like Boganathar).
But one should enter into the spirit of the Vedic hymns -[That is to respect all
pervading universal God - present in each & every living body - as Shuddha
chaitantya / pure consciousness - so one has no right to insult or ignore any
living being considering it inferior - and one has no right to become proud
considering himself as superior than others....].
Though this incident seems to be a criticism of the brahmins and their dead
ritualistic methods, here a brahmin stands as a representative of ritualistic
Hinduism and an upholder of the caste system.
It is worth quoting here the definition given by Siddha Thirumoolar of a true
brahmin. He defines a brahmin as "One who has relinquished all desires" and
says that - the sacred thread (of the brahmins) symbolizes Vedanta (The
Ultimate Truth) and his tuft symbolizes the true jnana (Gyana - wisdom).
A brahmin who has NOT understood this (that is, the true meaning of his
sacred thread and his tuft) and maintains only a superficial caste distinction is
a fool.
The incident of the divine grace bestowed by Gurudeva Boganathar to a cat - is
an example that demonstrate the concern - that the Siddha Masters had
towards animals. These are expressions of guidance for humanity to do its
duty towards animals - with loving kindness.
"Jai Gurudeva"

[Based on the book - The Yoga of Siddha Boganathar - by Dr. T. N. Ganapathy]


Having entered the divine God-union state of "Samadhi" - Bogar was once like
a stone image.
A lion and a lioness came to stay at the site of Bogar's samadhi, thinking Bogar
to be made of stone. They killed animals and lived as husband and wife
(begetting cubs) at the site.
One day, when the lion was laying its head on the lap of the stone image (i.e.
on Bogar's lap) licking the image.
At that moment - tears from the eyes of Bogar, suddenly dropped into the
lion's mouth.
Having tasted the tears of the Siddha Master, the lion got jnana (Gyana -
wisdom) and understood that - this was not a statue but a Siddha in Tapas /
From that day, the lion and its family maintained cleanliness of the space in
front of Bogar.
They began worshiping him and eating only pure vegetarian food of leaves and
When Bogar came out of his samadhi state - he asked the lion that - who he
was ?
The lion narreted his story of having done all heinous things in the presence of
Bogar - thinking him to be a statue and how after tasting the tears of Bogar, he
attained jnana (wisdom).
On hearing this, Bogar blessed the lion so that he would be born as a king in
the next birth.

This shows that - if one does his duty, dedicated to the Guru (Spiritual Master)
- in a reverential manner and with faith (shraddha) - he can attain Godhead.

Jai Gurudeva

[From the book - The Yoga of Siddha Boganathar - by Dr. T. N. Ganapathy]

We shall review some of the details of the life of Bogar as found in his magnum
opus Bogar - 7000 (also called Saptakandam - i.e. the 7 cantos of 7,000
Writing about this work - Bogar says that he had already written seven lakhs
verses and later on reduced it to seven thousand - for the sake of enabling
people to read it.
The seven thousand verses contain his yogic experiences.
It is interesting to note that he has named all the seven cantos - after the seven
chakras - Muladhara (1st canto), Swadhishthana (2nd canto), Manipura (3rd
canto), Anahata (4th canto), Vishuddha (5th canto), Ajna (6th canto) and the
1,008 - petaled chakra i.e. the sahasrara (7th canto).
The seven cantos are therefore the autobiographical account of his Kundalini-
Yoga experiences, where he refers to - Yoga-siddhi, Vaada-siddhi, Kaya-siddhi,
and Jnana-siddhi.
He also warns that the Siddha method should not be revealed to - liars, men
with a very low capacity of understanding, murderers, sexually biased persons
or meat-eaters etc.
The Siddha method can be taught only to - those who respect and protect their
parents, those who keep their word, those who follow dharma (Right path),
and those who treat all living beings as if their lives were their own.
"Jai Gurudeva"
[From the book - The Yoga of Siddha Boganathar - by Dr. T. N. Ganapathy]


Tradition says that Bogar wrote his book - "Sapta-Kandam" - after his return
from China.
In China, Bogar was called by the name - "Bo-Yang".
"Bo" is a derivation of the word - "Bhogam"- which means bliss - material and
This bliss - for which he was named "Bo-Yang" - is experienced when the
"Kundalini Shakti" - the feminine primordial "Yin" energy awakens - passes up
to the crown of the head - the seat of Shiva - the masculine "Yang" pole - in the
Sahasrara chakra - at the summit of the head - and unites with it.
The result of this integration of feminine and masculine parts of the being - or
union (Yoga) of - Shakti and Shiva - Yin and Yang - is "Sacchidananda" -
Absolute Existance - Consciousness - Bliss.
There is a view that - "Bo-Yang" (Boganathar) is same as "Lao-Tzu" - the
founder of Taoism in China.
The basis for such a view seems to be that - Taoism also speaks of - "Physical
Immortality" - which is guaranteed by Bogar in his Yoga works.
Jai Gurudeva
[From the book - The Yoga of Siddha Boganathar - by Dr. T. N. Ganapathy]


In the work - Janana Sagaram - 557, Bogar gives a vivid description of the
place where he lived, viz., Caturagiri (in the modern Tirunelveli district, Tamil
Nadu, India).
He gives a beautiful account of the mountainous range where he says that
Siddhas stay and live.
In a section - on the greatness of Caturagiri, where it is said that a lot of
Siddhas live even today.
Bogar gives a vivid description of it in about 36 verses in Janana Sagaram -
He says that Gorakkar (Goraksha Nath), Sattai muni, Sundara aanandar,
Kalangi Nath, Thirumular, Agastyamuni, Konganavar, Karuvurar, Pambatti
Siddhar, Punnaku Siddhar and Aluganni Siddhar - are the Siddha Masters
belonging to "Mula-varga" and many other Siddhas (more than 4,000) reside
We also find a description of the other sacred hills in South India where
Siddhas live.
In addition, he indicates the pathway to reach the places - where these Siddhas
live, but also warns that - it is very difficult for ordinary human beings to reach
these places.
There are a lot of water fountains, caves, groves of trees of medicinal value,
medicinal plants - such as "Sanjivi" (or Sanjeevani - a plant that restores life
after death), and a lot of oil-producing plants.
He explains that if one takes these medicinal leaves, one's "Sthula-deha"
(Physical body) will "expand" and the idea of the "ego" also will disappear.
The body will glow in color and one will attain "Kaya-Siddhi" of a perfect body.
If one rubs the oils obtained in the Caturagiri mountains on copper- the
copper will turn into gold - for the medicinal leaves also have alchemic
In mountains - one can find "Karunelli" - a particular type of ingredient to
prepare "Muppu" - when ingested, the body develops a golden hue and
becomes hard like a rock !!
In fact, this section (of Janana Sagaram - 557) gives a lot of information about
the mountains, rocks, caves, water fountains, falls, medicinal trees and plants -
the descriptions of which are untranslatable from Tamil to English.
Jai Gurudeva
[From the book - The Yoga of Siddha Boganathar - by Dr. T. N. Ganapathy]


In Siddha philosophy - a "jivan mukta" (being dead while yet alive) does not
need to die - to attain liberation - but is transformed into the very mode of
liberation, viz. - the "Divya-deha".
When the jivan mukta gets into divya-deha - he becomes one with Eternity -
The "either-or" category of logic (of duel nature) regarding his existance
(living state) or non-existence (death) - does not arise in the case of a "Siddha"
- who has attained the "Divya-deha".
Divya-deha is a situation in which - one is participating in immortality - from
now onward - and - from this present world.
Immortality while living is not "videha mukti" (i.e. life or survival of soul -
after the death of physical body) - but it is the "transformation" of physical
body into the divine immortal body - "Divya-deha."
There are standing examples of divine transformation of the physical body -
such as - Saint Nandanar, Saint Manikkavasagar, Shri Andal, Shri Chaitanya
and Shri Ramalinga Swamigal - who have attained divya-deha.
It is highly interesting and instructive to note the process - that the Great
incarnation of Lord Shri Vishnu & also the great Yoga Master Lord Shri
Krishna - adopted (the process) - for transforming his material body into a
divya-deha - when he desired to leave the world. He (Lord Krishna), in
concentration, executed a Yoga process termed - "aagneyi-yoga-dharana", i.e.
the process of radiating inner fire, by which he reduced his body to a divine
subtler form, and with that body he left the world. This is mentioned in the

The divya-deha is called "Chinmaya" - "the body of light". It is a "body of

infinite space" - a vast expanse without any determination.
At this stage - the body glows with the fire of immortality. It is called - "the
body of light" (oli udambu in Tamil). As Siddha Master Thirumular says
figuratively, even the "hairs" of this transmuted body will shine.
When a Siddha attaines "divya-deha" - he attaines "Shivahood". Hence divya-
deha is reffered to as "kailaya-deha".
In Siddha mysticism - the liberation of the soul is not conceived as a
"purushartha" (aim of life) - rather we have the concept of jivan-mukti or
liberation within the span of life in the form of the attainment of immortality
(by the process of divine transformation).
"Jai Gurudeva"
[From the book - The Yoga of Siddha Boganathar - by Dr. T. N. Ganapathy]


Bogar says that he is born from the Aadi Siddha - from the Absolute.
He belongs to the linage of the Siddhas.
He belongs to the Kailaya varga (lineage of Kailaya - AUM) in which the
Siddhas attain the divine transformation of the physical body.
He was trained in Kundalini-Yoga and was named Bogar (Divine Bliss of
He received initiations from a Siddha by the name Kalangi Nathar.
From Siddha Master Kalangi Nathar, he gained Self-knowledge & realization,
through Kundalini Yoga.
He became a Siddha (Perfected Master) and attained all the Siddhis
(Miraculous Yogic Powers).
He says that he knows the technique of "Kaya-siddhi" of developing perfect
divine body.
And he explains the method of making the body - a "ripe one", through the
system of medicine and - the method of making it a divya-deha through
He lived for a long time with this divya-deha, a body with a golden hue.
He says that - he took a pill called "Kaya-Kalpa" medicine and that he lived
and spent twelve thousand years in foreign countries with a body of golden
Siddha Thirumular also says that he lived for an eternal long life - with a body
glowing with the fire of immortality. He calls divya-deha as - deathless,
transformed body par excellence, a stainlessly pure body, forever youthful
body, free from aging.
According to Bogar, the Siddhas live eternally, forever, with a deathless body
in the state of (divine bliss of) Samadhi - due to the practice of Pranayama
breathing techniques.
The Divine State of Soruba (Swarupa) samadhi means - "The ever-existing, the
ever-knowing and the ever-blissful".
This is an adjective for the state of samadhi in which state Bogar lives at
In this connection it would be worth nothing Bogar's prescription of medicinal
herbs (numbering forty-five) by taking which systematically - one can attain
eternal youth -and a body with which - one can see the microcosmic universe
in its entirety (The inner expirience of cosmos, cosmic sound of AUM, divine
light of various colors, galaxies & central star - within us - is called as
microcosmic universe).
"Jai Gurudeva"
[From the book - The Yoga of Siddha Boganathar - by Dr. T. N. Ganapathy]
Friends, we have seen the various books about the amazing construction of
Great Hindu Temples & Carving of Great Artistic Caves in India.
In this post we will discuss about the involvement of Siddha Masters in these
type of Great Constructions.
[According to the book - Babaji & The 18 Siddha Kriya Yoga Tradition - By
Marshall Govindan :- ]
"During the construction of the Brihateeshwarar Shiva Temple in Tanjore,
Tamil Nadu, India - around 900 A.D. - Siddha Boganathar advised its builders
as to how to raise the 80 ton cap-stone to the top of the temple - more than
200 feet high.
This was done through his disciple Karuvoorar and another Tamil disciple who
acted as intermediaries. At Bogar's suggestion a gradient ramp five miles long
was built - up which the stone was pulled to the top of the temple.
This was one of the most remarkable engineering feats of all times. About this
time he also advised the King of Tanjore to build a small shrine dedicated to
one of his greatest disciples, Karuvoorar, behind the Brihateeshwarar Shiva


Kundalini power is the individual bodily representation of the great cosmic
The term is derived from - "kundala" meaning a ring or coil.
Kundalini has been called "bhujangi" or "Serpent power".
Pambatti Siddha calls it a snake inside the body-pot.
It is symbolized by the sleeping serpent with three and half coils.
It has its tail in its mouth, which faces downward.
According to the Rudra-yamala, kundalini has 1,008 names, all of which begin
with the letter "ka".
The "Hatha-Yoga-Pradipika" uses the following terms for kundalini -
Kutilangi, Bhujangi, Shakti, Ishvari, Kundalini and Arundhati.
In each of us - kundalini dwells or sleeps at the base of the spine in the -
"Muladhara-chakra" [Basic energy center].
This latent sleeping energy is to be awakened and sent upward to the
Sahasrara [Crown chakra] - where it becomes fully awakened consciousness -
called "Samadhi".
Kundalini-Yoga is the technique for transforming normal consciousness into
supreme consciousness.
"Jai Gurudeva"
[From the book - The Yoga of Siddha Boganathar - by Dr. T. N. Ganapathy]


In Yoga, the "nadi" system is not the physical body nervous system.
It is the most important component of the subtle body.
It is the channel of activated energy; it is an etheric channel.
The energy that is carried by this channel is called the "prana" energy.
We may refer to a nadi - as wireless energy in motion.
The term "prana" can also stand for "nadi" - since both mean energy in
A nadi, in short, is a very subtle astral tube.
According to Yoga, the cosmic energy, which lies in the micro and
macrocosms, runs through the nadies.
The nadis are the positive and negative currents of the cosmic energy.
Since prana energy flows through the nadis - they are called "prana-vahini".
According to the "Hatha-Yoga-Pradipika" - there are about 72,000 nadis,
which spread and move the cosmic energy in the body.
The chief nadis are ten in number.
They are :-
1) ida, 2) pingala, 3) sushumna, 4) gandhari, 5) Hasti-jihva, 6) purusha, 7)
Yashasvini, 8) alambusa, 9) kuhu, and 10) shankhini.

All these nadis start from the "kanda" above the anus.
The spinal cord tapers down into a bunch of soft threads called "filium
terminale" - which is the portion of the "kanda".

The ida, pingala and sushumna are the most important nadis.
The middle nadi "sushumna" has different names like - pillar of fire, shunya /
zero position, sting of a musical instrument veena, mula / root / original nadi,
Brahma-nadi, Shambhav nadi, jnana - nadi.
The sushumna, which resembles the fine fibre of lotus stalk, passes through
the spinal cord - from mula / basic chakra - right up to the crown chakra - the

The yogins consider the sushumna to be just like a tree with its innumerable
branches covering the whole of the human body like a network, the root being
upward - at the sahasrara (crown) and the branches downward. The aim of the
yoga-sadhana practice is to get at this root (for the yoga of - absorption of
cosmic energy & connecting with the supreme God consciousness).

The ida and the pingala stand to the left and the right of the sushumna
Taking their origin from the navel, the ida has its terminus at the left nostril
and the pingala terminates at the right nostril.
These two nadies signify opposite poles.
They are described as male-female components within each individual.
The ida and pingala are described as possessing the following contrary
characteristics :-

The ida :- left eye, day, exhalation, food, vowel, semen, creation, prana,
samsara, shakti, Moon.

The pingala :- right eye, night, inhalation, consumer, consonant, ovum,

destruction, apana, nirvana, Shiva, Sun.

[From the book - The Yoga of Siddha Boganathar - by Dr. T. N. Ganapathy].


"Just as those who are thirsty - quench their thirst on perceiving a tank, (for
those) who desire attaining the path to the final bliss in the middle of the
I explain the practice in the art of "Samadhi".
As a disciple listen and assimilate the teaching;
Make a resolve to ascend through the one RIGHT WAY;
To experience the excellent plenitude of the self.
Direct the silent Ganges (River Ganga) to the open space;
Keep observe and seize the appropriate time to meditate at the junction of the

[To achieve bliss, meditate on the middle of the eyebrows (bhrumadhyaka) or

ajna-chakra - and direct the silent Ganges to the open space. Do it through one
way (the way of the Kundalini-Yoga) and meditate on the self with a desire like
that of a man who quenches his thirst after perceiving a tank. Enjoy the
experience of the plenitude of the self.]

In Tantric literature (the three subtle energy channels - named as) =
1) "ida" is referred to as the river Ganga,
2) "Pingala" as the river Yamuna,
and 3) "Sushumna" as the hidden stream called Sarasvati.

The confluence of the three together - ida, pingala and sushumna - by the
process of Kundalini-Yoga at the level of the ajna-chakra (called
bhrumadhyaka or the middle of the eye brows) is known as the triple stream
or triveni or pryaga.
The invisible middle one, that is the ajna chakra represents the principle of
The pathway to samadhi - lies through the ajna-chakra.
There is also a reference to "open space" at the top.
In Siddha literature "open space" is called "vettaveli"
Vettaveli is a state of niralamba (non-supported or self-supported) samadhi,
i.e. a state of blissful experience and tranquility.
It also stands for the indescribability of the mystic experience.
The term samadhi also expresses an experience that is completely
Samadhi like - vettaveli (which is incomparable pervasive space) is an ideal
transcendental state - not accessible to sensuous perception (antariksham), a
state without distinctive (descriptive) marks (alakshanam).
In this verse, Bogar assumes the role of a Guru (Master) and explains the
practice in the art of samadhi asking the disciple (i.e. the humanity) to
assimilate the teaching. He is emphatic that the Kundalini-Yoga method is the
only way to attain "Samadhi".
[From the book - The Yoga of Siddha Boganathar - by Dr. T. N. Ganapathy]


"There is a thing inherent and natural,

Which existed before heaven and earth.

Motionless and fathomless,

It stands alone and never changes;
It pervades everywhere and never becomes exhausted.
It may be regarded as the "Mother of the Universe".

I do not know its name.

If I am forced to give it a name;

I call it "Tao", and I name it as "Supreme".
Supreme means going on; going on means going far;
Going far means returning.

Therefore Tao is supreme; heaven is supreme;

earth is supreme; and man is also supreme.

There are in the universe, four things supreme,

and man is one of them.

Man follows the laws of earth;

Earth follows the laws of heaven;
Heaven follows the laws of Tao;
Tao follow the laws of its intrinsic nature".

[From the book "TAO-TE-CHING" By LAO TZU ]


"In order to obtain the status of immortality by union (Yoga of descend of
divinity in to physical body),
First purify the human body considered blissful,
Kept in imprisonment in the five passages.
O ! Dear ! Light the lamp and make it luminous,
Intertwine by doing worship with flowers,
Adhering to the method of the Siddhas and removing the misery.
Being steadfast in mind without becoming distracted
Adorn the unique beauty without burning it to ashes."
[To obtain the status of immortality, first purify and sanctify the human body
from the imprisonment of the five senses by twining it into a luminous body of
light, by unifying it through the "adhaaras" (flowers/chakras/energy centers)
and adhering to the methodology given by the Siddhas. Be steadfast in
adorning the unique beauty called the human body without being distracted to
burn it to ashes.]

In this verse Babaji's Guru Siddha BogarNath appeals to humanity to preserve
the human body by making it immortal.
This human body is not meant for consigning it to flames and being reduced to
It is meant to be preserved by the method suggested by the Siddhas.
The physical body, which is unripe, confined to the five senses and being
mortal, is to be made ripe through the process of Yoga.
The purification of the body, from the Siddha point of view, consists mainly of
"asanas" (postures), "mudras" (psycho-energetic gestures), "dhyana"
(meditation), and "pranayama" (ordered breathing).
By this purifying process, one attains a "yoga-deha" (yogic body), termed a
bodily siddhi in Tamil Siddha literature.
With the yoga-deha one attains a state of consciousness that is no longer
troubled by the presence of a physical body, just as an insect that moves on the
surface of the mud is not tarnished by the mud.
Once yoga-deha is attained, the kundalini-shakti (serpent power) in the
individual is aroused.
When the kundalini passes through the six adharas called the flowers, the
individual acquires a body called "Siddha-deha" (perfected body).
When kundalini passes through basic chakra "muladhara" - it develops the
natural health and strength of the body with the intellectual power;
when it passes through "svadhisthana" (abdominal chakra) it develops a
disease less and vital body;
when it reaches "manipura" (naval chakra) it develops the natural immunity of
the body and the attainment of long life;
when it touches "anahata" (heart chakra), it develops the inner beauty of the
At the "vishuddha" (throat chakra) the passing kundalini develops a body
adamantine in hardness and strength.
At the "ajna-chakra" (eyebrow center) - one gets a body of wisdom. It is called
as "pranava-deha" (body of cosmic sound Aum) or "mantra-deha" (body of
mantra Aum).
This body is a refined, trans-physical, incorruptible, transfigured body of glory
and power.
This "pranava-deha" is transformed into an eternal spiritual body called the
divya-deha (divine body).
This body is referred to by Bogar as a luminous one, a "body of light".
In Tamil this body is called "oli udambu".
When a Siddha attains divya-deha - he attains "Shivahood".
Bogar asks humanity to remain steadfast in preserving the beautiful, adorable
human body as a deathless body and not to confine it to ashes. This verse
advocates the Siddha philosophy of the human body.
[From the book - "The Yoga of Siddha Boganathar" - by Dr. T. N. Ganapathy].


About the stotram : Guru Paduka Stotram is a very powerful rendition of a
well-known chant that glorifies the "Sandals of the Guru", which are
symbolically represented as - the boat to help cross the endless ocean of life.
This chant will enable those who listen to become receptive to the Guru's

Guru Paduka Stotram :-

1) "Anantha samsara samudra thara

naukayithabhyam guru bhakthithabhyam,
Vairagya samrajyadha poojanabhyam,
namo nama sri guru padukhabhyam" ll 1 ll
[Salutations and salutations to the sandals of my Guru,
which is a boat, which helps me,
cross the endless ocean of the life,
which endows me, with the sense of devotion to my Guru,
and by worship of which, I attain the dominion of renunciation.]

2) "Kavithva varasini sagarabhyam,

dourbhagya davambudha malikabhyam,
Dhoorikrutha namra vipathithabhyam,
namo nama sri guru padukhabhyam" ll 2 ll

[Salutations and salutations to the sandals of my Guru,

which is the ocean of knowledge, resembling the full moon,
which is the water, which puts out the fire of misfortunes,
and which removes distresses of those who prostrate before it.]

3) "Natha yayo sripatitam samiyu

kadachidapyasu daridra varya,
Mookascha vachaspathitham hi thabhyam,
namo nama sri guru padukhabhyam" ll 3 ll

[Salutations and salutations to the sandals of my Guru,

which make those - who prostrate before it,
possessors of great wealth, even if they are very poor,
And which makes even dumb people in to great orators.]

4) "Naleeka neekasa pada hrithabhyam,

nana vimohadhi nivarikabhyam,
Nama janabheeshthathathi pradhabhyam,
namo nama sri guru padukhabhyam" ll 4 ll

[Salutations and salutations to the sandals of my Guru,

which attracts us, to lotus like feet of our Guru,
which cures us, of the unwanted desires,
And which helps fulfill the desires of those who salute.]

5) "Nrupali mouleebraja rathna kanthi,

sariddha raja jjasha-kanyakabhyam,
Nrupadvadhabhyam nathaloka pankhthe,
namo nama sri guru padukhabhyam" ll 5 ll

[Salutations and salutations to the sandals of my Guru,

which shine like gems on the crown of a king,
which shine like a (compassionate) maid in (middle of) the crocodile (like
cruel people) infested stream (of this worldly life),
and which make the devotees attain the the status of a king (i.e. attain the
crown chakra consciousness).]

6) "Papandhakara arka paramparabhyam,

thapathryaheendra khageswarabhyam,
Jadyadhi samsoshana vadaveebhyam,
namo nama sri guru padukhabhyam" ll 6 ll

[Salutations and salutations to the sandals of my Guru,

which is like a series of Suns, driving away the dark sins,
which is like the king of eagle, driving away the cobra of miseries,
and which is like a terrific fire, drying away the ocean of ignorance.]
7) "Shamadhi shatka pradha vaibhavabhyam,
Samadhi dhana vratha deeksithabhyam,
Ramadhavadeegra sthirha bhakthidabhyam,
namo nama sri guru padukhabhyam" ll 7 ll

[Salutations and salutations to the sandals of my Guru,

which endows us, with the glorious six qualities like sham (peaceful state),
which gives the students, the ability to go in to eternal trance,
And which help to get perennial devotion to the feet of Lord Vishnu
(Omnipresent God).]

8) "Swarchaparana makhileshtathabhyam,
swaha sahayaksha durndarabhyam,
swanthachad bhava pradha poojanabhyam,
namo nama sri guru padukhabhyam" ll 8 ll

[Salutations and salutations to the sandals of my Guru

which bestows all desires of the serving disciples,
who are ever involved in carrying the burden of service,
And which helps the aspirants to the state of realization.]

9) "Kaamadhi sarpa vraja garudabhyam,

viveka vairagya nidhi pradhabhyam,
Bhodha pradhabhyam drutha mokshathabhyam,
namo nama sri guru padukhabhyam" ll 9 ll

[Salutations and salutations to the sandals of my Guru

which is the Garuda (the great Eagle of Lord sri Vishnu), which drives away
the serpent of passion,
which provides one, with the treasure of wisdom and renunciation,
which blesses one, with enlightened knowledge,
And blesses the aspirant with speedy salvation.]

Jai Babaji.....Salutations in lotus feet of all divine Masters


[Periya-Puranam ("Great Ancient History") by Sekkizhaar is one of the 12 Holy
books of Shaiva Siddhantha Philosophy of the southern Indian Tamils.
It deals with the history of more than 63 saints.
During the 7th and 8th centuries A.D., several of these have reached God-
realization with the grace of Lord Shiva, and in so doing, conquered death.
It was written in the 11th century A.D.
The history of the well known great saints and some others reveals ample
proof of the prevalence of this philosophy.
It is supported by their own devotional songs of prayer.]

Some of them are described below:-

1) Saint Maanicka Vaachagar (775-807 A.D.) in his mellifluous ruby-like

utterances, in "Thiruvaachakam", has pointed out the gradual transformation
of his body into a "Body of Love".
He has sung that God-Shiva ordained for him an ecstasy-bubbling body with a
melting heart and pumped streams of wonderful and sweet Ambrosia into the
minute holes and pores of his bones and even into the hair root of his frame
and filled it up, to overflowing which converted his body into a "Body of
Finally He (God) transformed this body of the saint into a "Body of Bliss" and
converted him into Shiva Himself.
He simply disappeared at Chidambaram temple and merged with Shiva
beyond vision - while all assembled witnessed the miracle with wonder !
2) At the age of sixteen, Saint Thirugnana Sambanthar vanished straight away
into the divine Effulgence which shone forth just after his wedding at
Achaalpuram - in front of his newly wedded wife and an assemblage of

3) Saint Thiru-naavakkarasar (Appar) singing "Oh God ! I am reaching your

feet !" bodily merged with the Shivalingam at Pugalur.

4) Sundarar (8th century) rode on a white elephant with his friend Seramaan
Perumaal - and merged with Shiva at Mount Kailas.
This fact has been corroborated by Nambikanda-Nambi in his work "Thiru-
Isaippa" described as follows: "without shedding the body in this world -
Seramaan Perumaal and Aarooran (Sundarar) rode on a white elephant
straight away to His (Shiva-God) Feet".
It is to be noted that Nambi Aandaar Nambi has disclosed the transformation -
of the impure body of delusion (human body) of Sundarar and his friend
Seramaan Perumaal - when immersed in the flood of light of His (Shiva-God)
Thereby their body was converted into "celestial body" - in order to merge with
the Feet of Shiva.
He sang that God Shiva Himself is the greatest Siddha (Perfect Master) who
has ordained the culture of Siddhas in achieving all kinds of Siddhis
(Miraculous yogic / spiritual powers & perfections).

According to Thirugnana-Sambanthar - there lived saintly devotees at

"Vriddhachalam" (in south India) - who achieved the art of preventing ageing
and senility by worshipping God with a loving and melting heart. Besides,
divine sages having learnt the Vedas fully and having controlled their senses
were meditating on Him (Shiva-God) and doing penance in solitude to reach
Sundarar has stated that the God of Vriddhachalam has been bestoving His
Grace on the sacred saints and holy sages doing penance - thus "dispelling
their death."
[From the book - Babaji and The 18 Siddha Kriya Yoga Tradition - by Marshall

1) The Alvars: Saints devoted to Lord Shri Vshnu (Omnipresent God):-

Vaishnava (devotees of lord Vishnu) Sampradayam (path) speaks of such
Vaishnava saints as:

- Andaal (a maiden devotee) who vanished when she reached the presence of
Lord Ranganatha at Sri Rangam.

- Thirumangai Alwar and Namma Alwar attained Mukti (Salvation) through

Yoga and retained the body.

- Thiruppana Alwar ascended on the shoulder of Lokasaaranga Muni and

when he reached Sri Rangam, was absorbed in the Feet of Shri Ranganathar
(Lord Vishnu) when the divine and holy Feet touched his body.

2) The Acharyas (Great Teachers) who reformed Medieval Hinduism:-

It must be added to the unequivocal science of deathless life - the mystic and
wonderful disappearance of the great Acharyas Sri Adi Shankara (Kerala), Sri
Ramanujar (Tamil Nadu) and Sri Madva (Karnataka) who have founded the
following conceptions of God and absolute reality, respectively:-

1) Advaita (monastic - to feel oneness with God),

2) Dvaita (dualistic - to worship God and remain as a devotee)
3) Vishistadvaita (monistic-dualistic = in which a devotee feels that God
remains always with him within his heart).

-It is said that Sri Adi Shankara at the age of 32 visited Rishikesh and travelled
further towards Mount Kailas and vanished beyond vision.

-Sri Ramanujar entered into eternal absorption in the temple of Sri Rangam
and his sitting statue is still there.
-Sri Madva used to sit by the side of the main gate of the temple of Lord
Krishna at Udupi during the night and meditate on Him. One day during the
early hours of the dawn, while the temple priest was coming to open the gate,
he saw to his amazement - sparkling Effulgence at the place where the Acharya
used to sit. He rushed there but could not found Him. Thus he disappeared
with His divine body !!

These facts about the great sages simply go to prove the truth of this science
(of deathless life and the mystic and wonderful disappearance of the great
[From the book - Babaji and the 18 Siddha Kriya Yoga Tradition - by Marshall



When Lord Shri Krishna decided to leave this world and wanted to go back to
His holy abode, all the Devatas (divine beings) & Sages requested Him, not to
leave this world because, if Lord Krishna will go, then wicked Kali-yuga (dark
age) will rule this world & all good people will suffer.

Lord Krishna pacified them and said that - I will establish one protector of
goodness & destroyer of the evil, in my place.

After that - by the will of Shri Krishna, one divine being - with the ""Body of
Light" - came out from the body of Lord Krishna - to whom Krishna appointed
for the task of world protection & to give guidance on spiritual path of divinity.

Lord Krishna also asked this divine being to (later on) take a birth in human
form (i.e. Babaji Nagaraj) - to become an example of - the process of gradual
divine transformation - and to respect Guru-Shishya Parampara (Master &
desciple System) & to re-establish the path of Kriya-yoga, which Lord Krishna
taught to Arjuna in Bhagvad Gita.

Friends, this divine being with body of light was none other than Shri
Mahavatar Babaji, who always remained with Lord Krishna in the form of His
fiery weapon - "Sudarshana-chakra" which He left in this world for the
protection of good, destruction of evil and to guide the aspirants on the path of

All the advanced practitioners of Kriya yoga (in deep focused meditation) can
actually "see" Mahavatar Babaji in (his true form of whirl-pool of life energy
which is) in the form of divine "Sudarshana Chakra" - which is the spiritual
center of entire creation. All souls comes from him & returns to him only...

That is why Shri Paramhansa Yogananda ji always remembered both Babaji &
Shri Krishna together as - "Babaji-Krishna"....
Jay Gurudev
Jay Babaji-Krishna



Babaji can materialize or de-materialize his human body form - with the help
of "Anima Siddhi" (miraculous yogic power of controlling atoms by will).
When he converts his human body into light & energy form, these energies
constantly whirl in circular motion around his central star soul.
In this chakra form he can suck all the negative energies of the dark forces &
"burn" them to purify this world - and thus,destroys evil.
He spreads life, light & love in this world from his central star soul - and thus,
dispel the darkness of ignorance.
This chakra (Babaji) existed even before entire creation & will exist for ever -
to help those who meditate over him.
Thus, Babaji helps this world in both of his forms - i.e. human form & chakra
[This picture of Sudarshana chakra with Lord Krishna is a graphical
representation of Lord Krishna with so many hands representing the various
powers - in his form of almighty GOD surrounded by his most powerful
"weapon" - Sudarshana chakra]
Jai Babaji-Krishna



During Yogananda's visit at Ranbajpur with Ram Gopal Muzumdar, "the

sleepless saint", he (Ram Gopal) related the wondrous story of his first
meeting with Babaji.....

"Before I had recovered from my bewilderment, I was further wonder-struck

to behold a "CIRCLING MASS OF MYSTICAL LIGHT" traveling in the sky.
Descending swiftly, "THE FLAMING WHIRLPOOL" neared our group and
materialized itself into a body of a beautiful youth - who, I understood at once,
was Babaji. He looked like Lahiri Mahasaya, the only difference being that -
Babaji appeared much younger, and had long, bright hair."
[From the book - Autobiography of a Yogi - by Paramhansa Yogananda - First
edition 1946 - Chapter: 33 - Babaji, the Yogi-Christ of Modern India.]


Friends, The picture of Nataraj Shiva with fiery ring around him, better
explains the ultimate secret - which Shri Paramahansa Yoganandaji never told
clearly about Shri Mahavatar Babaji.....Maha-Mrityunjay - The Great
conqueror of Death.....Guru of all the Gurus.....God of all Gods.....The Father
(Baba ji) of entire creation....The Lord with three eyes (Tri-ambaka
baba)....These are the titles used by Yoganandaji for Shri Babaji.....without
giving His clear identity because of secrecy reasons....
[Note:- According to Shiva-purana, Lord Shiva gave Sudarshana Chakra to
Lord Vishnu, for world protection....The real meaning of this is - that Lord
Shiva gave a confidential aavahana mantra to call Him in the form of most
powerful fiery disc weapon Sudarshana chakra, to help Lord Vishnu....]

Jai Maha Mrityunjay

Jai Mahakaal
Jai MahaAvatar
Jai Mahadev
Jai Babaji


Shri Paramahansa Yoganandaji never told clearly about - who is Babaji's Sister
Annai Nagalakshmi Deviar....but he gave a hint about this Goddess - in his
Let us see the description of Shri Annai, given by Yoganandaji:-
[Lahiri Mahasaya told to Ram Gopal Muzumdar:]
"Ram Gopal, 'he said', Go at once to the Dasasamedh bathing ghat (at river
Ganges, Benaras, India)
[Ram Gopal explains his strange divine experience:]
"I soon reached the secluded spot. The night was bright with moon light and
the glittering stars. After I had sat in patient silence for a while, my attention
was drawn to a huge stone slab near my feet. It rose gradually, revealing an
underground cave. As the stone remained balanced in some unknown manner,
the draped form of a young and surpassingly lovely women was levitated from
the cave high into the air. Surrounded by a soft halo she slowly descended in
front of me and stood motionless, steeped in an inner state of ecstasy. She
finally stirred, and spoke gently:
"I am Mataji, the sister of Babaji. I have asked him and also Lahiri Mahasaya
to come to my cave tonight to discuss a matter of great importance".
[From the book - Autobiography of a Yogi - by Paramhansa Yogananda - First
edition 1946, ch. 33 - Babaji, the Yogi-Christ of Modern India.]

Friends, from this description about Shri Annai, given by Shri Yoganandaji, it
is very clear that this Great Goddess, coming from the inner earth [Naga-loka,
Pataal loka, Agartha] - is - none other than, our "MOTHER EARTH"
[Bhoodevi] in her personified Goddess form. Her name also suggests this same
fact that - She is Lakshmi [Mother Goddess] of Naga-loka [Inner Earth] that is
- Nagalakshmi Deviar, who spreads, thoughts of kindness, forgiveness, love &
devotion - in this world, she thus, assists greatly her brother Babaji in
establishing world peace & harmony.....

Our lots of love and salutations to this divine brother & sister on the holy
occasion of - Rakshabandhan.....
Jai Mrityunjay Mahavatar Babaji
Jai Shri Annai Nagalakshmi Deviyar


This name of Shri Mahavatar Babaji is like a title given to him for his spiritual
qualities and achievements.....which are as follows:-
1) Naga = Serpent - which represents "Kundalini Shakti" or the Serpent
Raj = Raja yoga or Raja vidhya.....
Thus, the name combining these two words suggests that = "NagaRaj" is the
Supreme Master of =
A) Science & art of raising up the Kundalini power to higher chakras/ higher
level of consciousness in order to merge it with pure consciousness of Shuddha
Shivam - which is called as "Kriya Kundalini Yogam"
B) Science & art of = activation of the Third Eye, Self Realization & connecting
with the Supreme God - which is called as Raja vidhya or Raja yoga.

2) "Naga" also means the serpents of senses & "Raja" means the
conqueror....Thus, second meaning of "Nagaraj" is the "conqueror of senses".
3) "Naga" also means the serpent who symbolizes "kaal" or "Death" and "Raja"
is the conqueror.....Thus, the third meaning of "Nagaraj" is the "conqueror of

4) "Naga" also has one very secret meaning as follows:-

"Na" means "No" (Don't)
& "Ga" means "To Go" (Go from this world / die)
Thus, "Nagas" are those, who don't go from this world /those who do not die /
those who are "Immortals"
& "Raja" means the "Lord"
Thus, "Nagaraj" is "The Lord of Immortals" i.e. "Amar Nath" Lord Shiva

5) "Naga" means the real serpents & "Raja" means the King or the
"Protector".....Thus, "Nagaraj" means the Lord who is the protector of serpents
(& who gives honor to the serpents to remain with Him as His ornaments).

6) "Nagaraj" also means that even the deadly poison of King Cobra can not
harm Him....thus, as "Nagaraj" He is conqueror of effect of snake poison....

7) "Naga" also means the "Naga" sadhus (renouncients) who worship Lord
Shiva as their God....Thus, the name "Nagaraj" means "The Lord of Naga

Thus, the name "Nagaraj" of Shri Mahavatar Babaji is NOT an ordinary name
BUT it is the title suggesting His Supreme Spiritual Status.....

"Jai Mrityunjay Mahavatar Babaji Nagaraj"


"Pralaya Shristih Sthiti Parvayham Kaivalya-avasthayam

Param Poornah Paratparah
Parabrahma Paramatmah Hiranyagarbhah
Purushottam Trayambakam
Mahavatari iti Sambodhanam"

"Our many many salutations to Mrityunjay Mahavatar Babaji Nagaraj who

drinks the deadly poison (Halahal) of all the negativity of His devotees and
thus free them from all sorrows"



Shri Mahavatar Babaji Mantra is as follows :-

"Pralaya Shrishtih Sthiti Parvayham

Param Poornah Paratparah
Parabrahma Parmatmah Hiranya-garbhah
Purushottama Trayambakam
Mahavatari Iti Sambodhanam"

1) Muladhar Chakra (basic center) - Meditate upon Babaji as "Param" (Final) -

in the form of Earth Element - which is the final state of creation.
2) Swadhisthan Chakra (sacral center) - Meditate upon Babaji as "Poornah"
(perfect) - in the form of Water Element - which always remains perfect in it's
full circular boundaries.

3) Manipur Chakra (solar center) - Meditate upon Babaji as "Paratparah" (Par

+ Apar) - in the form of Fire Element - which is both - Centripetal (Par) &
Centrifugal (Apar).
In the Centripetal form, it is pure energy, visible as Aureola resonance (Divine
light which is seen in meditation).
& In the Centrifugal form, hot light form is visible (in the spreading form).

4) Anahat Chakra (Heart Center) - Meditate upon Babaji as "Parabrahma"

(Life force) - in the form of Air Element - which is life force (Prana). This is the
center of un-struck sound (Divine Sound, Aum, Pranava). It is the abode of

5) Vishuddha Chakra (Throat Center) - Meditate upon Babaji as

"Paramatmah" (Supreme state of Soul) - in the form of Ether (Akash) Element
- which is void like Sky. It is pure in nature & able to purify the impure. This
center is the place of God, Soul in it's highest form.

6) Ajna Chakra (Eyebrow center / Soul Center) - Meditate upon Babaji as

"Hiranyagarbha" - in the form of Panch-Aakash (Five-skies) where the
creation of all the elements is possible & is the womb of all the beings.

7) Kutastha Chakra (forehead center) - Meditate upon Babaji as

"Purushottama" (Best Purusha / Higher Self) - This is the place of Higher Self
& also the place of Ishtadev (Personal God).

8) Sahasrar Chakra (Fontanale) - Meditate upon Babaji as "Tri-ambakam"

(Lord with 3 eyes, Lord of 3 times ) -This is the place of Nada (cosmic sound),
Bindu (Divine Star), Kala (Time).
9) Brahma-randhra (Upper head center / Divine pore at the top of head) -
Meditate upon Babaji as - "Mahavatar" (The Great Incarnation), who helps
even the "Avatars" incarnations to perform their works.
By living with complete surrender to this divine pore - Self-Realization,
Salvation, knowledge & all kind of Truth-realization happens. This state is
beyond the Shrishty (creation), Sthiti (preservation) & Pralaya (destruction).

This is the State of Mahavatar Babaji.....which is also known as Kaivalya (Only

One) State or Turiyatita State (Turiya = fourth diamention - Trance + Atita =
Beyond) i.e. beyond the fourth diamention is "Swarupa Samadhi" / Oneness
with the Supreme God.

Jai Mahavatar Babaji

Please accept my bow with complete surrender....

[From - "Insight of Kriya Yoga Meditation" - About tradition of Kriya Yoga by

Mahavatar Babaji - Book name :- Equanimous Yoga philosophy - Kriya Yoga
principle - by Yogacharya Rishi Om Prakash.....This book is available on


Friends, we all know that - Babaji gave Kriya yoga initiation to Lahiri
Mahashaya in a beautiful grand palace...but after the initiation ceremony
ends....the palace was vanished & they all were at the place near caves of
Babaji & his disciples....we may think that palace was dematerialised by the
will of Babaji....but in reality this palace is divine abode of Babaji....which
always remain at that same place....but we can't see it because of our
limitations of decoding only our dimension and the divine palace of Babaji is
in the other dimension or the other plane of existence....We are habituated to
see Babaji in the simple "tapasvi" form....but in reality His status is like a King
above all the Kings....the "Monarch".....the greatest King who rules over the
world i.e. Rajadhiraj or Raj-Rajeshwar.....In this glorious form He gave
Darshan & Initiation to Lahiri Mahashaya....
Jai Babaji
According to Siddhantam, or the teachings of the Siddhas, the human body is
a temple of God. Man is a miniature representation of Paramatma (Supreme
The purpose of life is to realize God and to manifest that realization in all
planes of existence.
According to Siddhas, it is possible for man to get over the five limitations of -
gray hair, dim vision, old age, disease and death - and also to maintain eternal
When our energy centers (chakras) are stimulated by yogic practices awaken
one's higher spiritual faculties - which bring about the final perfection in the
realization and manifestation of God or Truth.
By perfecting these practices of Kriya Yoga, eight great supernatural powers
(Siddhis) may manifest - about which we will discuss in the next post.
(From the book - Babaji and the 18 Siddha Kriya Yoga Tradition - by Marshall



The practices of kriya yoga siddhantam, bring about the final perfection in the
realization and manifestation of God or Truth. By perfecting these practices,
eight great supernatural powers may manifest as follows:-

1) Anima siddhi :- The power of controlling atoms I.e. to materialize /

dematerialize / rematerialize - any substance or living body at will - and to go
throughout any walls or barriers without any hindrance.

2) Mahima siddhi :- (Expansion) The power of expanding oneself without


3) Garima siddhi :- The power of becoming heavy at will.

4) Laghima siddhi :- (Lightness) The power of becoming as light as a feather.

5) Prapti siddhi :- The faculty of knowing everything, past, present and future -
and to reach anywhere, even to other planets and stars.

6) Prakamyam siddhi :- The power to achieve all one's desires; absolute keen
ness of the mind and senses.

7) Eshatwam siddhi :- Supreme power over both animate (living creatures)

and inanimate (plants and objects) throughout the universe.

8) Vashitwam siddhi :- The power of command over all by thought or word.

The greatest achievement is - Swarupa Mukti (true liberation of body & spirit
from the bondages of the laws of material world)
When the physical body glows with the fire of immortality - it is the sign of
Swarupa mukti.

(From the book - Babaji and the 18 Siddha Kriya Yoga Tradition - by Marshall

Friends, if you are interested to learn more about all the supernatural powers
and divine properties achieved by The Great Immortal Babaji - you may visit -
English translation of thousand holy names of shri Mahavatar Babaji (part 1-5)
on our website - (in "Menu" or "pages")

Thank you all

Jay Mrityunjay Babaji
Immortal Babaji can materialize & dematerialize his physical body at will, with
the help of "Anima Siddhi".

After the meeting with Babaji, Lahiri Mahasaya spent a few days with a
Bengali family at Moradabad (in India). What he experienced there is as
follows in his own words :-

"A party of six friends gathered to greet me (Lahiri Mahasaya). As I turned the
conversation to spiritual subjects, my host observed gloomily :

"Oh, in these days India is destitute of Saints !'

"Babu, 'I protested warmly,' of course there are still great masters in this land

"In a mood of exalted fervor, I felt impelled to relate my miraculous

experiences in the Himalayas. The little company was politely incredulous.

"Lahiri, 'one man said soothingly, 'your mind has been under a strain in those
rarefied mountain airs. This is some daydream you have recounted.'

"Burning with the enthusiasm of truth, I spoke without due thought. 'If I call
him, my Guru (Babaji) will appear right in this house'.

"Interest gleamed in every eye; it was no wonder that the group was eager to
behold a saint materialized in such a strange way. Half-reluctantly, I asked for
a quiet room and two new woolen blankets.

"The master will materialize from the ether,'I said. 'Remain silently outside the
door; I shall soon call you.'
"I sank into the meditative state, humbly summoning my Guru. The darkened
room soon filled with a dim aural moonlight; the luminous figure of Babaji

"Lahiri, do you call me for a trifle ?' The master's gaze was stern. 'Truth is for
earnest seekers, not for those of idle curiosity. It is easy to believe when one
sees; there is nothing then to deny. Super-sensual truth is deserved and
discovered by those who overcome their natural materialistic skepticism, 'He
added gravely, 'Let me go !'

"I fell entreatingly at his feet. 'Holy Guru, I realize my serious error; I humbly
ask pardon. It was to create faith in these spiritually blinded minds that I
ventured to call you. Because you have graciously appeared at my prayer,
please do not depart without bestowing a blessing on my friends. Unbelievers
though they be, at least they were willing to investigate the truth of my strange

"Very well; I will stay a while. I do not wish your word discredited before your
friends'. Babaji's face had softened, but he added gently, 'Henceforth, my son,
I shall come when you need me, and not always when you call me".

"Tense silence reigned in the little group when I opened the door. As if
mistrusting their senses, my friends stared at the lustrous figure on the
blanket seat.

"This is mass-hypnotism !' One man laughed blatantly. 'No one could possibly
have entered this room without our knowledge !'

"Babaji advanced smilingly and motioned to each one to touch the warm, solid
flesh of his body. Doubts dispelled, my friends prostrated themselves on the
floor in awed repentance.

"Let halua (sweet) be prepared, 'Babaji made this request, I knew, to further
assure the group of his PHYSICAL REALITY.
While the porridge was boiling, the divine Guru chatted affably. Great was the
metamorphosis of these doubting Thomases into devout St. Pauls.

After we had eaten, Babaji blessed each of us in turn. There was a sudden
flash; we witnessed the instantaneous de-chemicalization of the electronic
elements of Babaji's body into a spreading vaporous light. The God-tuned will
power of the ether atoms held together as his body; forthwith the trillions of
tiny lifetronic sparks into the infinite reservoir.

"With my own eyes I have seen the conqueror of death (Mrityunjay)' Maitra,
one of the group, spoke reverently. His face was transfigured with the joy of
his recent awakening. "The Supreme Guru played with time & space, as a child
playes with bubbles. I have beheld one, with the 'keys' of heaven and earth'.

"Jay Mrityunjay mahavatar Babaji"

[From the book - Autobiography of a Yogi (Ch. 34) - by Shri Paramhansa

Yogananda ji]
About the achievements of Immortal Babaji (part 4) : The descent of divinity
in physical body :-
Where in the divinity descend even in the physical body & the body glows with
the fire of immortality.
According to Siddha Tradition - the ultimate goal of Siddha yogis - is not to
merge into universal God by breaking the barrier of physical body - but they
believe in the divine transformation of physical body into an Immortal body of
They believe that our body is the greatest instrument - which can even
experience the ultimate joy of - "Truth-Existance-Bliss" i.e. God consciousness
(Shuddha Sacchidananda).
Therefore, the Siddha yogies give much importance to this precious physical
instrument & take great care of the body.
When the body is ripened by specific yoga practices - it becomes pure &
unchangeable (incorruptible) i.e. remains ever youth & immortal.
Thus, ordinary yoga system only talks about raising up the Kundalini (serpent)
power to the higher levels of consciousness & after that - to merge with God,
leaving the physical body dead. This process they call as mukti / moksha /

BUT, the Siddha yogies undergo two processes :-

1) Uplifting the Kundalini to higher consciousness & allowing it to merge with
God Supreme.
And simultaneously
2) To descend the God consciousness from our Brahmarandhra (i.e. Divine
pore at the top of head) through the middle energy channel Sushumna Nadi -
leading it (divinity) to even lowermost chakras up to basic Muladhara chakra -
which results in a permanent change in the nature of the earth-water elements
of our physical body - converting it in to an Immortal pure body.
And to achieve such a incorruptible Siddha (perfect) body, they call it the true
liberation (Para-mukti) from the bondages of the laws of nature.

"Jay Mrityunjay Mahavatar Babaji"

About the achievements of Immortal Babaji (Part 5) : Mrita Sanjeevani Shakti

(Power to ressurect the dead):-
On one occasion, Babaji's sacred circle was disturbed by the arrival of a
stranger. He had climbed with astonishing skill to the nearby inaccessible
ledge near the camp of the Master.
"Sir, you must be the great Babaji'. The man's face was lit with inexpressible
reverence. 'For months I have pursued a ceaseless search for you among these
forbidding crags. I implore you to accept me as a disciple '.
"When the great Guru made no response, the man pointed to the Rocky chasm
at his feet.
" If you refuse me, I will jump from this mountain. Life has no further value if
I cannot win your guidance to the divine'.
"Jump then,' Babaji said unemotionally. 'I cannot accept you in your present
state of development.'
"The man immediately hurled himself over the cliff. Babaji instructed the
shocked disciples to fetch the stranger's body. When they returned with the
mangled form, the Master placed his divine hand on the dead man, Lo ! he
opened his eyes and prostrated himself humbly before the omnipotent one.
"You are now ready for discipleship', Babaji beamed lovingly on his
resurrected chela (disciple). 'You have courageously passed a difficult test.
Death shall not touch you again; now you are one of our Immortal floak....'
(From the book - Autobiography of a yogi ch. 33 - by Sri Paramahansa

For Babaji's Maha Mrityunjay mantra (The great death conqueror mantra) -
please visit my page / Manu - Powerful invocation mantras of Babaji & 18
Siddha Masters - on -


Our Many Many Salutations to The Great Immortal Master Shri Babaji
Nagaraj on His Auspicious Aavirbhav Diwas (Birth Day) - Which comes on
Dev Deepavali - Kartikai Deepam - Kartiki Pournima - The Festival of Lights....
According to the calculations by astrological software - It was November 6 of
the year 203. Babaji's Janma lagna is Rohini nakshatra of Vrishabh Rashi
(Taurus) and his Moon Sign is Krittika Nakshatra of Vrishabh Rashi. His birth
time (approximately) at 6:00 Evening. His birth place - Parangipettai, Tamil
Nadu, India.
The name "Nagaraj" was given to him by his parents, which means the great
primordial force "Kundalini Shakti".
The father & mother of this child were descendants of families of Nambudri
Nambudri Brahmins have been renowned for their dedication to priestly duty
& scholarship. The priests of the famous Himalayan temple, Badrinath, have
come from this same Nambudri Brahmin caste. Near this temple, the child
Nagaraj blossomed into a great siddha, now known as Babaji....
Jai Babaji Nagaraj

[From the book - Babaji & the 18 Siddha Kriya Yoga Tradition - by Marshall

Although Chemistry has come to be known as an exact science within a

comparatively recent period, yet its origin dates back to the earliest times of
philosophical study.

The word "Chemistry" is closely associated with that of Alchemy. In a book on

"Chemistry in Modern Life", by the renowned Swedish chemist, svante August,
the author has justified the claims of India as the land in which the beginnings
of Chemistry as a Science can first be traced.

In the Siddha system, Chemistry was developed as a science auxiliary to

Medicine and Alchemy. It was found useful in the preparation of medicines for
curing all sorts of sufferings, spiritual as well as corporeal and also in
transmutation of baser metals into gold.

The processes like calcination of mercury, minerals and metals - and the
preparation of a super salt known as "muppu" - animated Mercury pills with
high potency - possessing marvelous properties of transmuting metals and
capable of rejuvenating the entire human system - were unknown to other
medical systems of India or other countries.

Using such special salts as well as herbal formulae the Siddhas developed the
unique science of rejuvenation, known as "Kaya Kalpa", which allowed them
(Siddhas) to prolong their lives until the long term effects of Kriya Kundalini
Pranayama and similar yogic practices (Kriyas) could complete the process of
transformation, bringing about "Physical Immortality".

Siddhas followed the ancient Guru-disciple apprenticeship method and they

revealed their secrets only to those students whom they felt could be trusted -
not to misuse the science, unlike the later Ayurveda school of textbook
methods. The dissemination of the science of Kaya Kalpa was limited to those
great sages who were prepared to sacrifice their own interests for the uplifting
of humanity.
[From the book - Babaji and The 18 Siddha Kriya Yoga System - by Marshall

"They (The Spiritual Masters) aid - in countless ways, the progress of


From the highest sphere (of consciousness) - they shed down light and life on
all the world, that may be taken up and in (by us).

As the physical world lives by the life of God, focused by the Sun, so do the
Masters specially connected with religions - use the religions as reservoirs into
which they pour spiritual energy - to be distributed to the faithful - in each
religion - through the duly appointed 'means of grace'.

Next comes the great intellectual work, wherein the Masters send out thought-
forms of high intellectual power to be caught up by men of genius - assimilated
by them and given out to the world; on this level also they send out their
wishes to their disciples, notifying them of the tasks to which they should set
their hands.

Then comes the work in the lower mental world, the generation of the
thought-forms - which influence the concrete mind and guide it along useful
lines of activity in this world, and (to spread) the teaching of those - who are
living in the heavenly world.

Then the large activities of the intermediate world, the helping of the so-called
dead (non-responding people), the general direction and supervision of the
teaching of the younger pupils, and the sending of aid in numberless cases of

In the physical world the watching of the tendencies of events, the correction
and neutralizing of evil currents - as far as law of karma permits - and the
constant balancing of the forces that work - for - and - against - evolution.The
strengthening of the good, the weakening of the evil." (Leadbeater, 1969, p.
[From the book - The Masters - by Dr. Annie Besant]

The Siddhas (perfected ones) developed a system of medicine - known as the

Siddha system of medicine.

The word "Siddha" is derived from its root, "Siddhi" which generally refers to -
the perfection of the aims of Yogic Self-discipline - or to achieve one or more
types of miraculous powers which are called as "Siddhis".

Using these yogic powers, Siddha Masters undertook a systematic study of

nature and its elements and from what they were able to grasp, they developed
a highly systematized medicine.

They left behind a large body of knowledge recorded on palm leaf

manuscripts, which were passed down and transcribed from one generation to
another of hereditary families of physicians.

The first medical treaties was by Siddhanathar or Shivanar (Lord Shiva) and
contained 700,000 stanzas !!

It was followed by the works of many other Siddhas including - Agastyar,

Nandi, Sanat kumar, Thirumoolar, Patanjali, Pulasthiyar, Kalangi nathar,
Boganathar, Karuvoorar, Dhanvanthri, Sattamuni, Theraiyar and Idai Kadar
(18 Siddha Tradition).

The Siddhas were scientists, particularly in their investigations into -

Chemistry, Astronomy, Astrology, plants, human anatomy and physiology.

They applied their extraordinary powers, developed through intensive yogic

practices (by focusing on the characteristics of the subject in deep meditation
in the all-knowing Third Eye) to research these areas on atomic and universal
levels without the use of sophisticated equipment.
The definition of medicine given by one of the greatest of Siddhas, Saint
Thirumoolar is as follows:

1) Medicine is that - which treats the disorders of the physical body;

2) Medicine is that - which treats the disorders of the mind;
3) Medicine is that - which prevents illness;
4) Medicine is that - which enables immortality....

[From the book - Babaji and The 18 Siddha Kriya Yoga Tradition - by Marshall


The means of curing diseases are according to Saint Thirumoolar:
1) Herbs (moolikai);
2) Consolidated salts, known as "uppu" - prepared using rock salt and the
juice of herbs, such as - Pongania Pinnata (Pungu in Tamil) and Fungus
(Kalan in Tamil), Fullers earth and camphor;
3) Acids ("theeneer");
4) Fasting ("upavasam");
5) Cleaning of entire body system;
6) Arsenics (padanam);
7) Metals reduced to a powder through calcination (lokam);
8) Extracts or essences (satthu);
9) Mercury pills (Rasa kulikai)
10) Yoga, including physical postures of relaxation, meditation and mantras
(for creating positive energy field).

Spiritual or magnetic healing is also used by the Siddhas with great effect.

To open a hospital was regarded as one of the sacred 32 charities.

Feeling the pulse to diagnose diseases is a highly developed art and science in
the Siddha system - with as many as 40 different characteristics recognizable -
by skilled Siddha physicians.

The eyes, tongue, urine, excrement, body, touch and sound are also observed.

To rejuvenate the body and to bring about its immortalization, special "kaya
kalpa" treatments were developed by the Siddhas. These include :-

1) Preservation of vital energies of the body by diverting the internal secretions

through controlled breathing excercises (pranayama and hatha yoga).

2) Conservation and transmutation of sperm and sexual energy through

celibacy and tantric yoga practices.

3) Use of three consolidated mineral salts, known as "Muppu" in Tamil,

prepared according to elaborate processes.

4) Use of calcined powders prepared from metals and minerals such as

mercury, sulphur, Mica, gold, copper, iron, etc.

5) Use of drugs prepared from certain rare Indian herbs.

Thus, Siddhas' mastery over nature came as a result of two seemingly

unrelated subjects : Yoga and Medicine. Particularly in modern times, where
everything becomes a field of specialization, the integrating of the "Spiritual"
and the "Scientific" may appear to be impossible....

[From the book - Babaji and the 18 Siddha Kriya Yoga Tradition - by Marshall
There are hundreds of ancient treaties from various areas of science ascribed
to Agastyar. These include - medicine, chemistry, pharmacy, astronomy and

Below is a list of manuscripts attributed to Agastyar, as mentioned in a 160

year old bibliography of Siddha medical literature:-

1) Vaidya Vahadam : A medical work by Rishi Agastyar - written in Tamool

poetry & consists of 1,500 verses.

2) Dhanvanthari Vahadam : A medical work, originally written by Tunmundrie

(Lord Dhanvantari) in Sanskrit & translated into Tamool verse by Agastyar : it
consists of 2,000 verses. The Hindu practitioners hold it in high veneration,
for the particular account it gives of many diseases, and the valuable receipts it
contains. (Manuscripts available at Palayamkottai)

3) Canda Puranam: A work on ancient history, originally written in sanskrit

verse, by Rishi Agastyar - and afterwards translated in Tamool by Cushiapa
Braminy. It consists of 1,000 stanzas.

4) Poosavedy (Pooja-vidhi): This book treats of the religious rites and

ceremonies of Hindus. It was written by Agastyar, and consists of 200 verses
(Ms. available at Tanjore and Madras)

5) Deeksha vidhi : A work which treats of - magic and enchanment - on the use
and virtues of rosary (japa mala) - and on the education of youth ; it consists of
200 verses, and was written by Agastyar (Ms. available at Tanjore and

6) Pernool (Peru Nul) : A medical work, written by Agastyar, in high Tamool.

It consists of 10,000 verses, and treats fully of all diseases, regimen (Ms.
available at Palayamkottai)
7) Poorna Nool : written by Agastyar - consists of 200 verses - treats chiefly of
exorcism; it also contains many forms of prayers.

8) Poorna Soostru (Poorna Shastra) : A work on the institution of religious

disciples, and on their forms of devotion, and which also treats of the materia
medica and regimen. I t was written by Agastyar and consists of 216 verses.
(Ms. available at Madras and Palani and also printed)
[From the book - Babaji and the 18 Siddha Kriya yoga Tradition - by Marshall


9) Karma Kandam :- A medical shaster of Agastyar, written in Tamool verse,

and consists of 300 stanzas: supposed to be translated from the Sanskrit of
Lord Dhanvantri. It treats of those diseases which are inflicted on mankind for
their follies and vices. (Ms. available at Tanjore and Madras and also printed)

10) Agastyar Vytia Ernoot Unjie (Agastyar Vaidyam 205) :- A work on

medicine and chemistry, written by Agastyar in Tamool verse and consisting of
205 verses. (Ms. available at Palani)

11) Agastyar Vytia Nootieumbid (Agastyar Vaidyam 150) :- A work in Tamool

verse, written by Agastyar. It consists of 150 stanzas, and treats of the
purification or rendering innocent - of sixty-four different kinds of poison
(animal, metallic, and vegetable), so as to make them safe, and fit to be
administered as medicine (Ms. available at Palani and printed)

12) Agastyar Vaidya Vahadum 48 :- A medical shaster, written by Agastyar, in

Tamool verse; on the cure of gonorrhoea; and consisting of 48 stanzas.

13) Agastyar Vytia Padinarroo (Agastyar Naidyam 16):- A medical shaster,

written by Agastyar, in Tamool, and consisting of 16 verses. It treats of the
diseases of the head, and their remedies.
14) Agastyar Vytia Eranoor (Agastyar Vaidyam 200):- A medical shaster,
written by Agastyar in 200 Tamool verses. It treats of chemistry and alchemy
(Ms. available at Palayamkottai and printed).

15) Kalai Gnanam):- A work on theology, written in Tamool verse, by Agastyar,

and consisting of 200 stanzas (Ms. available at Tanjore)

16) Mooppoo (Muppu):- A medical shaster written by Agastyar, in Tamool

verse, and consisting of 50 stanzas. It treats of the eighteen different kinds of
leprosy and their cure. (Ms. available at Thirupathi)

17) Agastyar Vytia Ayrit Eranoor (Agastyar Vaidyam 1200):-

A medical shaster, written by Agastyar, in Tamool verse and consisting of 1200
stanzas. It treats of botany and Materia Medica. (Ms. available printed).

18) Agastyar's Vytia Ayrnouroo (Agastyar Vaidyam 500):-

A valuable work on medicine, written by Agastyar, in Tamool verse and
consisting of 500 stanzas. It treats very fully of many diseases, and contains a
great variety of useful formulae.

19) Agastyar Vytia Moon-noor (Agastyar Vaidyam 300): A work on pharmacy,

written by Agastyar, in Tamool verse, and consisting of 300 stanzas. (Ms.
available at Palayamkottai and printed)

20) Agastyar Vydeyakh Moonooro (300 verses):- This chiefly instructs us in

the art of making various (herbal medicinal) powders.

21) Agastyar Auyerutty Annooroo (1500 verses):- A general work on Materia

Medica. (Ms. available at Tanjore, Madras and Palani)

22) Agastyar Aranooroo (600 verses):- (Ms. available at Tanjore and Palani)

23) Agastyar Moopoo Anbadoo (50 verses) (Agastyar Muppu 50)

24) Agastyar Goonnoo-vagadam Moonoor (300 verses) (Agastyar Guna
Vahadam 300) : Ms. available at Tanjore, Thirupathi, Palani and
Palayamkottai also printed.

25) Agastyar Dundakum Nooroo (100 verses). (Agastyar Thandaham 100):

These are various Works of Siddha Master Agastyar on chemistry and physic.
They also treat of theology, and of the best means of strengthening the human
frame. (Ms. available at Tanjore and Madras.)
[From the book - Babaji and The 18 Siddha Kriya Yoga Tradition - by
Marshall Govindan]


Agastyar is said to have had twelve disciples to whom he taught the different
arts and sciences - and who were afterwards employed by him in instructing
the people.

The names of these disciples are - Tolkappiyanar, Adankotasiriyanar,

Turalinganar, Semputcheyanar, Vaiyabiganar, Vippiyanar, Panambaranar,
Kazharambanar, Avinayanar, Kakkypadiniyar, Nattattanar and Vamanar, but
few particulars are known about them.

Other prominent disciples included - Thiruvalluvar (the author of the

perennial classic of Tamil literature - "Thirukural"....and Babaji Nagaraj - the
fountainhead of Kriya Yoga Siddhantham in the modern age. Their influence
on the world today is immeasurable.

Agastyar is a sage of cultural integration, leading a fusion - of the culture of the

northern Aryans with that of the southern Dravidians. His ashram was the
practical approach to harmony and integration - enabling every visitor to
worship the "Absolute" in his or her own way.
Jai Siddha Guru Agastyar
Jai Kriya Babaji Nagaraj
Jai All Siddha Masters
Namaste Namaste Namaste....

[From the book - Babaji and The 18 Siddha Kriya Yoga Tradition - by Marshall


About Super Fruit - Himalayan berry (Sea buckthorn) (Hippophae salicifolia)
Fruit :-
Rich in Vitamin C
Strengthens immune system,
Improve metabolism,
Used as anti-oxidant,
Helpful for coronary heart disease, blood pressure,
Helps in proper functioning of liver,
Prevents common cold.
It is available in market in the form of concentrated juice.

About Auspicious Medicinal Plant Tulasi :-

Types of Tulasi Plant are as follows -
Vishnu Tulasi (Ocimum sanctum)
Shyam Tulasi or Krishna Tulasi (Ocimum tenuiflorum)
Ram Tulasi (Ocimum gratissimum)
Nimbu Tulasi - with lemon like fragrance (Ocimum americamum)
Van Tulasi (Ocimum bacilicum)
Menthol Tulasi and Kapur Tulasi (with fragrances like menthol & camphor are
also found)
Uses :- Leaves & Seeds are used as medicine
Medicinal properties :-
Anti-cough, cold & fever,
Best water purifier.
Tulsi drops are available in market.

Fight Corona With : "Chyavanprash"

Here is the Original Formula and Ingredients for the preperation of
Chyavanprash Avaleha [Ayurvedic formulation to restore youth and vitality]:-
Chyavanprash is made from following ingredients =

Extract derived from following medicinal herbs (Plant part which is used is
mentioned in short with the Botanical Name):-
Patala (Stereospermum suaveolens, stem bark)
Agnimantha (Clerodendrum phlomidis, st. bk.)
Gambhari (Gmelina arborea, st. bk.)
Bilva (Aegle marmelos, st. bk.)
Shyonaka (Oroxylum indicum, st. bk.)
Gokshura (Tribulus terrestris, Fruit)
Shalaparni (Desmodium gangeticum, pulp)
Draksha (Vitis vinifera, Dried fruit)
Brihati (Solanum indicum, pulp)
Kantakari (Solanum surattense, pl.)
Pippali (Piper longum, flower)
Karkatshringi (Pistacia integerrima, Gel)
Prishniparni (Uraria picta, pl.)
Guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia, stem)
Haritaki (Terminalia chebula, pl.)
Bala (Sida cordifolia, root)
Tamalaki (Phyllanthus niruri, pl.)
Vasa (Adhathoda vasica, leaf)
Jiwanti (Leptadenia reticulata, pl.)
Shati (Hedychium spicatum, Rhizome)
Musta (Cyperus rotundus, Rz.)
Pushkara (Inula recemosa, Root)
Kakanasika (Martynia annua, Fruit)
Mudgaparni (Phaseolus trilobus, pl.)
Mashaparni (Teramnus labialis, pl.)
Vidari (Pueraria tuberosa, Root tuber)
Punarnava (Boerhavia diffusa, Root)
Utpala (Nymphaea stellata, flower)
Sukshamaila (Elettaria cardamomum, fruit)
Agaru (Cinnamomum zeylanicum, stem bark)
Shweta Chandan (Santalum album, hard wood powder)
Riddhi (Dioscorea bulbifera, root tuber)
Vriddhi (Dioscorea bulbifera, root tuber)
Meda (Asparagus recemosus, root)
Mahameda (Asparagus recemosus, root)
Jivaka (Pueraria tuberosa, root tuber)
Rishabhak (Pueraria tuberosa, root tuber)
Kakoli (Withania somnifera, root)
Kshir kakoli (Withania somnifera, root)
Main Basic Ingredients :-
Extract / juice / pulp of - Amalaki (Aamla fruit) - Gooseberry - (Emblika
Grita - Ghee
Tila tail (Seasamum indicum oil)
Sharkara (Sugar)
Madhu (Honey)

And powder of following :-

Pippali (Piper longum, fruit)
Vamsha (Bambusa bambos, solid crystals)
Tvak (Cinnamomum zeylanicum, stem bark)
Sukshamaila (Elettaria cardamomum, fruit)
Tvak patra (Cinnamomum tamala, leaf)
Nag kesara (Mesua ferrea, stamen)
Abhrak Bhasma
Mukta Pishti
Akarkarabha (Anacyclus pyrethrum, root)
Lavanga (Syzygium aromaticum, flower)
Kumkum (Crocus sativus, style/stigma)
Preservative - Sodium Benzoate

Method of preparation :-

1) Sugar is dissolved well in the extracts / juice / pulp of Amalaki and other
herbal plant [leaves / fruit / root] extracts.

2)This solution is then boiled over a moderate fire.

3) When this solution becomes thick and when pressed between thumb &
index finger - if threads are formed - and when the drop of it sinks down in a
glass of water without getting easily dissolved, it should be removed from fire.

4) Fine powders of herbal medicines are added in small quantities and stirred
continuously to form a homogenous mixture.

5) Ghee is added while the preparation is somewhat hot and mixed well.

6) Honey is added at the last when the preparation is cool and mixed well.

[Ingredients mentioned above are according to Dabur Chyavanprash Avaleha]

Names of Medicinal Plants Useful for Blood Purification :-

Blood purification is considered most important in Siddha Tradition for good

health and cure of most diseases - names of some most important medicinal
plants are given below which helps greatly to purify the blood, gives natural
glow to the skin and face, relieves skin rashes, pimples, prickles and boils due
to blood disorders:-

Ghritkumari Extract (Aloe barbadensis) Leaf's pulp

Neem Ext. (Azadirachta indica) Bark
Chitraya Ext. (Swertia chireta) Panchang [all parts of plant]
Giloy Ext. (Tinospora cordifolia) Stem
Pittapapra Ext. (Fumaria indica) Panchang
Amla Ext. (Emblica officinalis) Fruit
Usheer Ext. (Vetiveria zizanioides) Root
Kutki Ext. (Picrorhiza kurroa) Root
Bhuiamla Ext. (Phyllanthus niruri) Panchang
Punarnava Ext. (Boerhavia diffusa) Root
Brahmi Ext. (Bacopa monnieri) Panchang

About the names of medicinal plants and other Ayurvedic preparations -

which make our heart strong & healthy (This combination is Cardio protective
& useful in management of hypertension, other cardiac disorder, blood
pressure & maintain cholesterol level) :-
Arjun (Terminalia arjuna) Bark
Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) Root
Aloe (Aloe barbadensis) Leaves
Amleech (Hippophae rhamnoides) Seed
Lashun (Allium sativum) Tuber
Jatamanshi (Nardostachys jatamansi) Root
Sarpagandha (Rauwolfia serpentina) Bark
Brahmi (Bacopa monnieri) Panchang - all parts of the plant
Tagar (Valeriana wallichi) Root
Puskarmool (Inula racemosa) Flower
Gokhsur (Tribulus terrestris) Fruit
Amla (Emblica officinalis) Fruit
Mulethi Powder (Glycyrrhiza glabra) Root
Punarnava (Boerhaavia diffusa) Root
Shankhpushpi (Convovulus pluricaulis) Whole plant
Shilajeet Extract (Asphaltum punjabium) (Shila Niryas)
Mukta Pisti (Pearls paste)
Akik Pisti (Akik stone paste)
Praval Pisti (Coral Paste)
Mukta Sukti Pisti (Pearls Shell paste)


Ghritkumari (Aloe barbadensis)
Bhringraj (Eclipta alba)
Punarnava (Boerhaavia diffusa)
Bhumiamla (Phyllanthus niruri)
Pittpapara (Oldenlandia corymbosa)
Daruhaldi (Berberis aristata)
Raktrohida (Tecomella undulate)
Kutaki (Picrorhiza kurroa)
Kasani (Cichorium intybus)
Makoy (Solanum nigrum)
Kalmegh (Andrographis paniculata)
Kachur (Curcuma zedoria)
Sarpankha (Tephrosia purpurea)
Giloy (Tinospora cordifolia)
Arjun (Terminalia arjuna)
Tulsi (Ocimum sanctum)
Neem (Azadiracta indica)
Haritaki (Terminalia chebula)
Chitrak (Plumbago zeylanica)
Amla (Emblica officinalis)
Nimbu sat (Citrus limon)

Divine Fruit Noni - Morinda citrifolia :-

Benefits of Noni juice:
Noni juice boosts the overall immune system of the body and helps to
maintain optimal health.
It is helpful in treating - diabetes, high blood pressure, aches, burns, arthritis,
inflammation, tumors, signs of aging, depression,
and parasitic, viral and bacterial infections.
It helps in weight loss, thyroid,
improves nervous system,
prevents heart attack and keeps the heart healthy.
Available in market in the form of concentrated fruit juice.

Miraculous Plant - Aloe barbadensis (specific type of Aloe Vera) :-

Aloe Vera contains over 200 ingredients including -
20 essential minerals,
18 essential Amino Acids,
Vitamins - A, B 1, B 5, B 6, B 12, C and E.
Aloe Vera is world's best natural Anti-septic,
Germicidal (kills germs)
and Fungicidal agent (kills Fungus).
It helps in treating more than 220 diseases.
Leaf pulp Extract is used as medicine.

Medicinal properties of Brahmi plant (Centella asiatica) :-

All parts of plant are used as medicine (Panchang)
Brahmi Extract is useful as :-
Helps in maintaining strong memory power & mental alertness,
Keeps you away from mental disorder, tiredness.
Keeps the body fresh and energetic,
Helps in keeping the weak children physically active,
& good for lactating mothers.

Medicinal properties of : Vidharikand (Pueraria tuberosa) :-

Tuberous Root Extract is used as medicine.
It Enhances Immunity,
Boosts stamina,
and it is an Anti-aging agent.
Also helpful in -
Treatment of blood disorders, semen related problems and respiratory system.
Stimulates menstruation and lactation.

Fight Corona With : "Amla" [Phyllanthus emblica, Indian Gooseberry] - The

Greatest Boon to The Humanity :-

Medicinal properties of Amla as follows :-

Excellent Source of Vitamin C
Balances & controls 3 doshas (impurities) - Vata (Gas), Pitta (Acidity) & Kapha
Prevents Cancer due to the presence of some important poly-phenols.
Prevents hair loss, good for hair health.
Good for Skin Beauty.
Burns excess fat, good for weight loss.
Good for eyes as it is rich in Vitamin A.
Prevents Cough and Cold.
Cure mouth ulcer.
Control diabetes.
Good for heart as - It lowers the Cholesterol level and strengthens the Cardiac
(heart) muscles, Prevents the plaque formations in the blood vessels & thus
save us from stokes.
Helps in good digestion.
Relives Asthma, Bronchitis, Allergic Asthma, Respiratory Congestion, Chronic
Cough & Cold.

Amla is used in many forms - as raw fruit, as juice, dry powder,

Chyawanprash, Morabba (Jam) etc.
Fight Corona With : "Giloy"
Medicinal Properties of Giloy are as follows :-
Good for digestion. It makes the digestion process smoother.
Giloy acts as a hypoglycemic agent and helps treat Type 2 diabetes.
It helps in treating mental stress & anxiety,
It helps in removing toxins.
Boosts memory power.
Good for eyes, helps boost vision clarity.
Helps to rejuvenate the skin, reduces dark spots, pimples, and fine lines.
Rich in anti oxidants that fight free-radicals, keeping your cells healthy.
It helps to remove toxins and purifies the blood.
It fights liver diseases and urinary tract infections.

Leaf extract or Dried powder of leaves is used as medicine.

Common name :- Malkagani, Botanical name :- Celastrus paniculatus,
Engliash name :- Intellect Tree / Climbing Staff Tree.

Uses :-
Malkangani's seeds and oil are used for a variety of health and wellness
It's bark is also used as brain tonic.
If the oil is applied on a paralytic patient for one year on a regular basis, it can
help them to regain movements of the paralytic organs of the body.

Medicinal Properties :-
Thermogenic (heat producing)
Cardiac (heart) stimulant
Digestive stimulant
Useful in Insomnia (sleeplessness) as it calms the mind
Useful in Depression / Hyper-tension / Anxiety
For treating ulcers, paste of Malkangani Seeds with Turmeric is applied.
Nervine Stimulant

About Malkangani oil :-

Contains Vitamin B1 and is extremely useful for -
Skin problems,
Low and weak digestive system,
Poor eyesight,
Asthma & Bronchitis,
Pain disorders, Muscle cramps, Sciatica, Facial paralysis etc,
For Arthritis, Migrains, Headaches - Malkangani oil massage is beneficial.

Malkangani Seeds are -

Memory boosting,
for mental calm,
improves concentration,
enhance reasoning capabilities and tackle stress more effectively,
decrease fat deposits in liver,
lowers cholesterol level

Malkangani is hot & pungent.
Overdose can cause increase Pitta (Acidity) & body temperature,
Overdosing of Malkangani can cause restlessness, nausea, excessive sweating,
diarrhoea and burning sensations.
So it should be taken in right dose after consulting Ayurveda Doctor.
Pregnant and lactating mothers should avoid Malkangani.

About Medicinal plant : "Ashwagandha" - Withania somnifera - Widely known

as 'Rasayana', as it helps to maintain youthfulness - physically & mentally.

Roots of this herb used to treat -

Insomnia (Sleeplessness),
Helps to regulate blood sugar level.
Also helps to lower cholesterol and triglyceride levels.
Improves learning & memory powers.

It's medicinal properties are -


Not only the roots, but even the leaves, seed and fruits are also used for
various treatments.

Available in market in the form of roots, tablets and powder.

About "Shatavari" - Asparagus racemosus :-
Shatavari is mentiond as a "Rasayana" or "Rejuvenating" - and is regarded as
one of the six most important Rasayanas in Ayurveda.
Rasayanas promote the general well-being of the body by supporting
immunity, vitality and liveliness of body, mind and Soul.
Medicinal properties of Shatavari are -
Good for intelligence and the heart.
Increases breast milk production,
Supports the balancing of female hormones,
Used as a reproductive tonic for both - males & females.
It relieves menopausal symptoms.
It relieves urinary stones.
It lowers blood glucose levels.
It helps in proper digestion.
It stimulates the immune system.
It protects the heart.
It may help in diarrhoea and dysentry.

Dry Root powder is used as medicine.

About "Shankhpushpi"- Convolvulus Pluricaulis - Best Brain tonic - Improves

Concentration - Reduce Stress.

Whole plant is useful for medicinal purposes i.e. Flowers, Leaves, Stem, Roots.

Medicinal properties of Shankhpushpi are -

Memory enhancer,
Concentration booster

Shankhpushpi is effective on following symptoms :-

Aggressive behavior,
Feeling overwhelmed,
Feeling depressed,
Mental stress,
Burning sensation in head,
Heat sensation,
Excessive sweating,
Feeling mental fatigue,
Stress disorders,
Mental debility,
and aggressive behavior disorders.

About - Jiwanti - Dodi - Leptadenia reticulata.

The name - "Jiwanti" (life giving) means that - The plant is considered to have
the capacity of bestowing good health as well as vigor in a person.
This plant is considered to be a "Rasayana" that is added in a number of
revitalizing medicinal herbs.
The leaf, root, as well as the whole plant are used in medicinal preparations.
The bark of the plant is also used to stimulate heat levels in the body.

Medicinal properties & uses :-

1) Relaxes the smooth muscle cells of arteries & veins and causes widening of
the blood vessel, for an easy blood flow through vessels.

2) Relieves depression, anxiety disorders, seasonal effective disorder, mood

swings, sadness, loss of appetite and insomnia (sleeplessness)

3) Immunity and overall strength are improved.

4) Stops nasal bleeding.

5) Relieves burning sensation.

6) Absorbent action of this herb helps in inflammatory bowel disease and


7) Prevents abortion during pregnancy.

8) Improves count and motility of sperms.

9) Anti-inflammatory - relieves redness, pain and swelling of the effected area.

10) It helps to treat benign prostatic hyperplasia (enlargement of prostate

gland) and improve the flow of urine out of the bladder.

11) Relieves contraction of blood vessels.

12) It inhibits or stuns (stops) the growth of cancerous cells and prevents
cancer. It also decreases cancer cell number and tumor weight.

13) It acts as natural contraceptive and prevents implantation after


14) Anti-microbial and anti-bacterial activity of the herb prevents infections

and various diseases.

15) It lower the blood pressure and used to treat the patients with

16) Heart diseases can be relieved by use of Jiwanti.

17) Fever and associated weakness, vertigo, nausea, loss of appetite and body
pain can be relieved by the use of Jiwanti.

18) Vision and visual problems can be treated by this herb.

19) Faster healing of wounds by external application.

20) Increases breast milk.

21) Prevents epileptic fits.

22) Prevents or heals ulcers of any kind.

23) Elevated Serum SGOT, SGPT and ALP levels are reduced by use of this

24) It is used to treat Asthma - as this herb decreases the phlegm.

25) No side effects of this herb.

Fight Corona With : Super Antibiotic "Neem" - Azadirachta Indica :-

If the tender new leaves of Neem tree are consumed in the morning on an
empty stomach, we can protect our body from all kinds of infections.

Neem leaves are used extensively in Ayurvedic medicines as they are -
They contain nimbin, nimbinen, nimbolide, nimandial, nimbinene and over
130 beneficial active components that help in treating various health ailments.

Neem leaves are useful for :-

Removing dandruff
Boosting Immunity
Fighting Malaria,
Curing Acne,
It controls diabetes,
Good for oral (mouth) health,
Fights cancer,
Treats ulcers of intestine.
About "Bean Sprouts" : Rich Vegetarian Source of High Quality Protein :-
[Simple & Healthy Yogic Vegetarian Diet of Siddha Yogis & Rishis].

Bean Sprouts are highly nourishing because of following reasons:-

1) Higher content of Amino acids & Anti-oxidants - which helps in fighting

cancer & improve brain functions.

2) High Fiber content - that is beneficial for a healthy digestive tract.

3) Rich source of Enzymes - which are necessary for all body functions and
also help food digestion & to absorb nutrients.

4) Protein foods, such as - Beans, Nuts, Seeds and Grains - offer higher quality
protein - when they are consumed as sprouts - due to soaking & sprouting

5) Sprouts contains more vitamins - A, B, C, D, E & K.

6) Sprouts are a great source of essential fatty acids like - Omega-3 fatty acid -
which can replace the need of non-veg food.

7) Sprouts are also an excellent source of Iron, Potassium, Calcium,

Phosphorous, Magnesium and Zinc.

8) Mung bean sprout contain Estrogen like - Poly chemicals - called

isoflavones, which are responsible for good health.

9) Rich in iron, increases Hemoglobin in Red Blood Cells - so very good for the
patients of Anemia.

10) Good for heart.

11) As tasty food for the patients of law appetite - Boiled or raw bean sprouts
can be made more tastier by adding - Salt, Chaat Masala, Different Chutnies,
Souces, Lemon juice, Spices, Onion, Tomatoes, Green Chilly, Corn, Fruits,
Coriander etc. - For making Bean Sprout Bhel or Salads.

About - The Sacred boon of Lord Shiva :- "Bel" (Bilva) Tree - Aegle marmelos.
It is a Spiritual, Religious and Medicinal plant - as it's triplet (3) leaves
symbolizes (and nourishes) our "Spiritual 3rd Eye" (pineal gland) - which is
related with Lord Shiva - The God with powerful activated 3rd Eye. So leaves
of Bel (Biiva Patra) are used to worship Lord Shiva.

Bel also contains wonderful medicinal properties as follows :-

1) Used for the treatment of tuberculosis.

2) Helps to prevent gynecological related issues.

3) Used to overcome the problems of urinary diseases.

4) It is bitter pungent, full of anti-oxidants and helps to stimulate the pancreas

to secrete insulin, which leads to lowering of blood sugar. The leaves can be
used against diabetes.

5) It supports intestinal biological formulations and protects the digestive

system from ulceration, reduces the frequency of irritable Bowel Syndrome
(IBS). Thus, beneficial in treating of diarrhea, dysentery and other infections
of Elementary canal.

6) The leaf juice with honey is helpful in prevention of fever.

7) Flowers are used as epilepsy tonic.

8) Nutritional facts of Bel are :-

- Rich in alkaloids, polysaccharides, anti-oxidants, beta carotene, Vitamin C,
Vitamin B and many other bio-chemical substances.
- It also contains tannins, calcium, phosphorous, Iron, protein and fiber.

9)The extract of unripe Bel fruit is helpful in curing of piles and hemorrhoids.

10) Due to it's soothing effects on the digestive system, it reduces the acidity
level in the stomach. Thus, useful in treatment of gastric ulcers, gastrodudenal
ulcers etc.


1) Bel Fruit juice is used to make drink and squashes.

2) Tender leaves used as salads.

3) Cleans the atmosphere by absorbing harmful gases from it.

4) Used to increase appetite.

5) Extracted oil is used to cure respiratory problems also used as ear drops to
cure ear ache and other ear problems.

6) Used in the preparation of Candy, Squash, Toffee, Pulp powder etc.

7) Bel leaves, flowers & fruits are used in various herbal medicinal products.

Fight Corona With - "Haldi" [Turmeric - Curcuma longa] The Sacred Boon of
Mother Goddess Parvati Devi for Beauty & Health :-

Turmeric is a rhizomatous herbaceous perennial plant from the ginger family.

It plays a very important role in Indian cooking as a spice, and it also has
numerous uses in Indian medicine called 'Ayurveda' - and is even used in
herbal cosmetics. Turmeric has religious significance in Hindu culture for
worship of Mother Goddess.

Uses of Turmeric :-
Fresh rhizomes, paste & dried powder of turmeric are used. Leaves also used
in some Indian recipes.

Medicinal Properties of Turmeric :-

Best Antibiotic & Antiseptic,
Cures Acne,
Heals cuts & wounds faster,
Cures psoriasis,
Prevents Cancer growth cells,
Prevents inflammation,
Treats Diabetes,
Controls Blood Pressure,
Used as Face-pack for beauty,
Prevents skin damage,
Used to treat many skin diseases,
Exfoliating agent,
Tightens skin,
Gives you a Glowing Skin,
Lightens facial hair,
Regular application of Turmeric paste can remove unwanted hair on the body,
It has the ability to cure many digestive and liver illness,
Turmeric can inhibit clotting of blood,
Reduces cholesterol,
Bestows general good health & makes immunity strong.
On Auspicious occasion of "Holi"- Add Color, Beauty & Health to your body
with "Beet Root"
Beet root is one of the healthiest vegetables.
It is rich in vitamins, minerals and nutrients and without doubt it is a "Super
It helps to treat anemia (increases blood),
It also helps to treat indigestion, constipation, piles, kidney disorders,
dandruff, gall bladder disorders, cancer & heart disease.
It also helps to improve blood circulation & helps to deal with respiratory

Health Benefits of Beet Root :-

Helps reduce blood pressure,

Keeps your heart in good shape,
Helps prevent cancer,
Helps prevent respiratory problems,
Take care your eyes, helps to prevent cataract,
Increase your stamina,
Helps to reduce birth defects,
Helps to prevent dementia [decrease of blood flow to certain areas of brain
lead to dementia - drinking beet juice helps to improve supply of oxygen to the
brain & helps to prevent dementia].
Helps to prevent respiratory problems.
Beet root has natural beta carotene, which helps to prevent lung cancer.
Helps in purification of blood and liver,
Highly nourishing and improves overall health of entire body.

Fight Corona With : Herbal formula for protection against "Corona Virus"
suggested by Baba Ramdevji :-

To Drink Boiled Extract of :-

Giloy + Tulasi + Haldi + Kaali Mirch (Black pepper)

And to improve immunity :-

Breathing Exercises like =
Bhastrika Pranayam
Kapaal Bhati Pranayam
Anulom Vilom Pranayam
Bhramari Pranayam

And Yoga Postures like =

Surya Namaskar, Tadasana etc.
Fight Corona With : "Rasayana Churna" : Master Combination of 3 Wonder
Herbs for Rejuvenation of Entire Body and for strong Immunity :-
This is the mixture of dried powder of 3 herbs in equal quantity, can be taken 1
teaspoon with warm water.

Ingredients of Rasayana Churna are as follows :-

1) Guduchi (Giloy) :- Tinospora Cordifolia
2) Goksura (Gokhru) :- Tribulus Terrestris
3) Amlaki (Amla) :- Emblica Officinalis

Fight Corona With : "Maha Sudarshan Churna" :- Fiery Weapon of Lord Shri
Krishna against all ills, infections, fevers & respiratory problems...
It is the mixture of dried powders of various herbs, which is available in the
market in powder form (Churna) & in tablet form (Ghan Vati) it is bitter in
taste so people mostly prefer tablet form...but powder taken with warm water
is more effective than tablet.

Ingredients of Maha Sudarshan Churna are as follows:-

1) Triphala :- Amla (Emblica Officinalis + Bibhitaki (Terminalia Bellirica) +

Haritaki (Terminalia Chebula)
2) Haldi (Curcuma Longa)
3) Daru Haldi (Berberis aristata)
4) Brihati (Solanum indicum)
5) Kantakari (Solanum surattense)
6) Shati (Hedychium spicatum)
7) Trikatu :- Black pepper (Kali mirch - Piper Nigrum) + Long pepper (Pippali
- Piper Longum) + Daru Ginger (Sondh - Zingiber officinale)
8) Pippali mool (Root of Piper longum)
9) Giloy ( Tinospora cordifoliya)
10) Dhamasa (Fagonia cretica)
11) Kutaki (Picrorhiza kurroa)
12) Pitta papra (Fumaria officinalis)
13) Musta (Cyperus rotundus)
14) Trayamana (Gentiana kurroo)
15) Netrabala (Pavonia odorata)
16) Nimba (Azadirachta indica)
17) Pushkar mool (inula racemosa)
18) Mulethi (Glycyrrhiza glabra)
19) Kutaja (Holarrhena antidysenterica)
20) Ajwain (Trachyspermum ammi)
21) Indra yava (Seeds of Holarrhena antidysenterica)
22) Bharangi (Clerodendrum serratum)
23) Shigru beej (Moringa oleifera)
24) Fuli fitkari (Aluminum Sulfate)
25) Vacha (Acorus calamus)
26) Dalchini (Cinnamomum zeylanicum)
27) Padmak kaath (Prunus puddum)
28) Usheera (Vetiveria zizanioides)
29) Chandana (Santalum album)
30) Ativisha (Aconitum heterophyllum)
31) Bala (Sida cordifolia)
32) Shalparni (Desmodium gangeticum)
33) Prishni parni (Uraria picta)
34) Vidanga (Embelia ribes)
35) Tagar (Valeriana wallichi)
36) Chitrak (Plumbago zeylanica)
37) Devdaru (Cedrus deodara)
38) Chavya (Piper retrofractum)
39) Parval patra (Trichosanthes dioica)
40) Jeevak (Malaxis acuminata)
41) Rishabhaka (Microstylis muscifera)
42) Lavang (Syzygium aromaticum)
43) Vansh lochan (Bamboo manna)
44) Kamal (Nelumbo nucifera)
45) Kakoli (Roscoea procera)
46) Tej patra (Cinnamomum tamala)
47) Javitri (Myristica fragrance)
48) Talis patra (Abies webbiana)

All the above mentioned ingredients are ground into a fine powder and mixed
with powdered Kiratatikta (Swertia chirata). The resulting powder is Maha
Sudarshan Churna.

Benefits and Uses :-

1) It pacifies all three doshas [Vata-Gas, Kafa-Cough, Pitta-Acidity].
2) Useful in relieving all types of fevers, cough & cold.
3) Helpful in vertigo.
4) Useful for asthma and chronic respiratory problems.
5) Useful in anemia.
6) Helps in jaundice.
7) It relieves body ache.
8) Helpful in controlling infectious diseases such as typhoid fever, intestinal
infection, urinary tract infections and respiratory infections.

Fight Corona With : "Dashanga Dhoopa" : The Holy Medicinal Fragrant

Smoke - To purify air and protect our body from virus & bacteria :-

Ancient texts of India speaks about "Dashanga Dhoopa" - That originates

during the burning of chosen fragrant materials and herbs known for their
medicinal value. Inhaling this smoke, boosts health and leads to the well-being
of mind and soul. It also speaks of the powder of certain herbal medicinal
smoke to eliminate Virus and Bacteria from our body.
The powder of dhoopam to induce peaceful and spiritual ambiance is
scientifically accepted as it purifies the environment.

In a pooja ritual, which has 16 steps of worship (Shodashopchara), dhoopa is

offered soon after offering flowers to the deity by chanting -
"Dashangam gugguliopetham Sugandham cha Sumanoharam Dhoopam
dasyamithae deva Gruhana Parameshwara".
[ "O Lord ! I offer you the holy dhoopa (smoke) with 10 types of herbs &
fragrant materials, which is highly pleasing, so please accept my offering" ].

It is believed that the Universe is made of five elements - Water, Earth, Ether
(Sky), Air and Fire (Light). To represent them - water (arghya), sandal wood
paste, flowers & dhoopam are offered and then the lamp is lit before the deity.

Dhoopa is considered as very holy. It is used to make the environment very

pleasant and full of positive energy & it removes all negativity. It is also used
as "Havan Samagri". It contains 10 ingredients that's why it is called as
"Dashang Dhoop".
These ingredients are as follows :-
1) Ral,
2) Guggul,
3) Loban,
4) Nagar motha,
5) Bavachi,
6) Kapur kachali,
7) Abhrak,
8) Kachola,
9) Jatamansi,
10) Chandan powder.
plus, camphor (Karpoor) is also added with dhoopa.
Fight Corona With : "Nasya Therapy" to prevent Virus & Bacteria Entering
your body through Nose by - Ayurvaedic Nasal Treatment :-
"NASYA" :- It means that, medications instilled by the nose are called as

Nasya Benefits :-
Treats Nasal Infections, prevents virus & bacteria entering our body through
Relieves nasal congestion and opens blocked sinuses.
Strengthens the nasal passages.
Relieves Headaches & Migraine.
Treats Allergies & Sinusitis.
Clears Mucous Blockages.
Opens Blocked Channels.
Remedy for congestion.
Nasya oil aids in hair development.
It enhances the activities of sensory organs.
It strengthens the body's protection mechanisms.
It's calming influence decrease stress & aging process.

About Nasya Therapy :-

Nasya oil therapy is an extremely popular Ayurvedic method for nasal
Of the Pancha-karma therapies mentioned in Ayurveda texts, Nasya oil is one
of the five methods that can be used on their own.
Nasya oil is comprised of herbal solutions and beneficial oils - that give it it's
therapeutic effect effects.
Nasya therapy is a method, where the oil is administered through one's
nostrils, Since the nose is considered a gateway to the head, this therapy is
believed to protect and enhance immune system.
With the use of Nasya oil, the channels are cleansed and opened, resulting in
an improved oxygenation process.
The effects of this oil encompass a positive impact on the overall functioning of
the brain.
And if used regularly, this therapy can be extremely beneficial in keeping your
eyes, ears, nose and scalp healthy.

Nasya process :-
Administration of this Nasya oil is quite simple,
Just tilt your head back,
and pour or rub two drops into each nostril,
Inhale through the nose deeply after administration,
and while keeping your head tilted backwards, allow enough time for the oil to
penetrate properly.

6 Types of Nasya treatment :-

1) Pradhamana (Virechan) Nasya - [Cleansing Nasya] :- In this type, dry

herbal powders, such as Brahmi powder - are blown into the nose with a tube.

2) Brumhana Nasya [Nutrition Nasya] :- In this type, Ghee, Herbal Oils, Salt,
Shatavari ghee, Ashwagandha ghee, and medicated milk are used.

3) Shaman Nasya [Sedative Nasya] :- This type is used according to which

dosha is aggravated [dosha / disorders are of 3 types = Vata/Gas,
Pitta/Acidity, Kapha/Cough], but this type of nasya is mainly used for -
Pitta/Acidity disorders. In this, herbal medicated decoctions, Teas and
medicated oils are used.

4) Navana Nasya [Decoction Nasya] :- This type is used in Vata + Pitta and
Kapha + Pitta disorders and made from decoctions and oils together.

5) Marshya Nasya [Ghee or Oil Nasya] :- This type used for, Pitta + Vata
disorder and expels the toxin from head & neck.
6) Prati Marshya [Daily oil Nasya] :- This type is performed by dipping the
clean little finger in the Ghee or Oil and inserting into each nostril, lubricating
the nasal passage with gentle massage.

Substances used in Nasya :- Brahmi, Ginger, Ghee, Oils, Decoctions, Onion,

Garlic, Piper longum, Black pepper, Curry pepper, Rose, Jasmine, Mogra
flowers and Henna.

Nasya is useful for :-

Nasal infections,
Emotional Imbalances,
Stiffness in the neck and shoulders,
Dryness of the nose,
Sinus congestion,
Stiffness in the head, neck, teeth and jaw,
Facial paralysis.

Fight Corona With : Hot Tea with Spices, which can protect us from Infections
caused by Virus & Bacteria:-
Recently one Indian Sage suggested that - "Strong Hot drink of Tea leaves
boiled in water with Clove" (only 3 mouthful sip enough) will be highly
protective against corona virus.

Let us discuss about the benefits of Tea leaves & Some Hot spices which are
generally added with the Tea - which can be beneficial to fight against corona
1) Benefits of Tea :-
Anti inflammatory,
Prevents Cancer,
Control Diabetes,
Healthier heart,
For Skin problems,
Boost mental health,
Fight obesity,
Improves bone health.

2) Benefits of Clove :-
Strengthens the immune system,
Improves respiratory conditions,
Fights lung cancer,
Provides relief from toothache,
Improve digestion,
Acts as natural mouth freshener,
Treats nausea and vomiting,
Provides relief from inflammation and pain,
Can help in controlling blood sugar levels,
Can help in improving liver health,
Enhance bone strength,
Strong anti-bacterial agent.

3) Cinnamon bark powder :-

Treat virus infection,
Mouth freshener,
Highly effective on - Respiratory problems, Colds, Flu,
Menstrual Cramps,
Heavy menstruation,
Yeast infections,
Digestive problems,
Skin infections,
Helps in stopping bleeding,
Heat disorders,
Anti blood clotting,
Brain tonic,
Blood purification (removes impurities from blood),
Good for Blood circulation,
Anti inflammatory,
Relieves pain,
Cure for neuro-degenerative disease,
Infertility treatment,
Reduces risk of Cancer,
Youthful skin,
Powerhouse of Antioxidants.

Ginger :-
Fight infections, Cough & Cold,
Beat Nausea,
Treat Osteo-Arthritis,
Lowering blood sugar,
Treat chronic indigestion,
To beat Cancer,
Improve brain function.

Black pepper :-
Treats respiratory problems like Asthma,
Helps clear congestion,
Increases nutrient absorption,
Improves digestion,
Stimulates appetite,
Facilitates weight loss,
Relieves gas,
Combats arthritis,
Fights Cancer,
Natural anti-depressant,
Treat gum problems.

Spices generally added to Tea in dry powder form - available in market as -

"Chai (Tea) Masala" or it can be made at home according to taste.
The Ingredients are as follows :-
Cloves (Lavang),
Cinnamon Sticks,
Ginger (Dried or Fresh),
Green Cardamom pods (Eliechi),
Star anise,
Coriander seeds (Dhania),
Black pepper (Kali Mirch)
Fresh leaves of Tulasi & Fudina, plus Haldi powder also can be added while
making the tea, for their aroma & medicinal properties against Cough & Cold.
Fight Corona With : Holy Fire Ritual "Havan Kriya" :- Increase in Body
temperature and the surroundings by sitting near "Fire place" is one of the
most effective protective measure against Corona Virus, because the virus &
bacteria can not survive at higher temperatures.
Let us discuss about the Benefits of Ancient Indian Fire Ritual "Havan Kriya"
In ancient yoga system, to keep the environment free from - Pollution,
Microbes, Foul smell & Negative vibrations, "Havan Kriya" was performed.
The word HAVAN or AGNIHOTRA means the process which communions
(unites) our Self with the Supreme Soul through Fire and Mantras.
Havan is also called the fire ritual. In this holy fire, some desirable herbal
substances with ghee are sacrificed (added).
This creates holy smoke and fragrance, which is medicinal for our body and
the surroundings.
Holy smoke disinfects indoor air.
The temperature attained by the yagya kunda varies between 250 to 600
degrees which purifies the environment & kills the disease causing Bacteria,
Virus, fungus & other micro organisms. This also increases the body
temperature of nearby persons performing the their body (specially
respiratory system) is purified, free from germs & toxins are released from the
body in the form of profuse sweating.

There are two basic energy systems in the physical world : Heat & Sound.
In performing Havan Krya, these two energies - the Heat from fire & the
Sound from chanting of the holy mantras like - Gayatri Mantra and other
Vedic Mantras, (these two types of energies) are blended together, to achieve
the desired physical, psychological and Spiritual benefits.

Ingredients of Havan Samagri are of mainly 4 types as follows :-

1) Keetanu Nashak (Anti microbial)
2) Sugandhit (Full of fragrance)
3) Swasthya Vardhak (Medicinal action property)
4) Paushtik (Health giving)
Ready packets of Havan Samagri available in market, Small size metallic
Havan Kunda (Square Vessel in which Havan is performed) also available in
market for performing Havan at home in small scale.

To cure various diseases, following are the specific medicinal herbs used as
Havan samagri ingradients :-
Brahmi, Jo (Barley), Giloy, Rice, Shatavari, Ghodbach, Shankhapushpi,
Nagarmotha, Khandsaari, Gorakhmundi, Til, Sarpagandha, Mithi bach,
Maulsiri-chhal, Malkangani-seeds, Jalkumbhi, Karpura, Ghee.

Fight Corona by making our "Immune System" strong :-

Our body is like a "Durg" (Castle/Fort) with nine doors (openings) - & the
Power of immunity, which protects this Durg/Castle - is like "Goddess Durga"
who kills all the enemies trying to enter our body & system.
Let us discuss about our Immune System :-
The body's defence against - various micro-organisms [like Bacteria, Virus,
Fungus, dust, pollution etc.] that cause disease and illness - is called as the
immune system.
The immune system is composed of specialized cells, body fluids, various
proteins, tissue and organs.
The immune system works to defend us against hordes of micro-organisms
and germs that we are exposed to every day.
In the majority of the cases, the immune system performs excellent job of
preventing diseases and infections and keep us healthy.
It is said that various body fluids of human body are most powerful & of
superior grade chemistry - than that of any other living beings on earth...that's
why no other biological disturbances can harm a perfectly healthy human
However, in some cases, problems can occur in the immune system, which can
lead to occurrence of numerous illness and diseases.
Simple description of types of protection in our body, which kills or digests the
micro-organisms immediately - is as follows:-
1) White blood cells (WBCs) in our blood.
2) Blood Plasma (Liquid part of our blood).
3) Tears in eyes.
4) Saliva in mouth.
5) Wax in ears.
6) Mucous in nose.
7) Urine disinfects lower parts,
8) Perspiration all over the skin,
9) Digestive juice inside liver & stomach protects the body from inside.
10) Cell wall & Cell Cytoplasm (cell sap) do not allow any foreign substance
inside the cell.
So, it becomes nearly impossible for any foreign substance or organism to
enter & sustain in our body.
All these fluids in a healthy person are highly concentrated & capable to
destroy any external cellular structure with different chemistry or different
genetic formula - than our body.
If these fluids become dull then only any microbes can enter the body.
So, generally people prefer to include pungent ingredients like - Hot spices,
Chilly, Ginger, Lemon, Garlic, Onion etc. in their food, so their body fluids
become stronger to fight & digest disease causing micro-organisms.
Haldi, Tulsi, Fudina + little salt - in boiled water is very good combination for
prevention of infections.
Bitter herbs like Neem & Giloy also helps greatly in our protection.

Our Many Salutations to Mother Goddess Durga Devi on Auspicious occasion

of "Navaratri" festival...May Mother Durga Devi protect us from all evil...

Fight Corona With : Miraculous Ayurvedic Formula containing Camphor -

"Javerian's Jivan Mixture" - Which boosts Immune System, Soothing effect on
breathing problems due to cough & cold, and relieves stomach problems..
Friends, this post is not for any advertising purpose but out of real gratitude &
based on personal good experience, we are sharing information about this
wonder medicinal formula successfully working from 100 years - to give new
life to millions of people facing illness due to poor digestion & weak
Meaning of the Name :-
"Jivan Mixture" means the exact herbal medicinal formula of ancient
Ayurveda texts, which bestows new life to the patient.

Ingredients :-
Karpura (Camphor),
Ajwain Sattva (Extract),
Pudina Sattva (Extract),
Water base.

Indications :-
Cough, Cold,
Agni Mandya (Low appetite),
Gas & gripping,
Tightness in Abdomen due to gases,
Vomiting, Nausea & common stomach problems.
Digestive disorders,
Boosts Immune System.
Dosage :- One teaspoon of Jivan mixture, with 2 teaspoons of water consumed
internally. Jivan mixture can also be applied on stomach externally either raw
directly or with water.

Fight Corona With : Camphor (Karpooram / Kapur) :- Master remedy for the
relief of chest congestion because of cough & cold, Anti-microbial used against
infections & cure for breathing problems due to cold or asthma, great pain
The medicinal uses of camphor are as follows :-
(Only Natural Camphor is used as medicine :- simple method of intake of
camphor is to put small tablet of camphor in your jug or bottle of drinking
water and after 10 minutes the water becomes fragrant & disinfectant with
camphor having medicinal soothing properties against cough & cold.)
1) Used as an external remedy for pain relievers.
2) Used for pain relief from bruises, wounds inflammation, gout and
rheumatic joints.
3) Used in ointments and creams for rheumatic pain, neuralgia, arthritis, sore
muscles, sprains and bruises.
4) It is used in the products for pain relief and cold such as Vicks VapoRub.
5) It used as a pain relief for sores on the skin and insects bites. For this
Camphor can be used as the rub or it can be directly applied to the skin.
6) It is used for small burns and also to remove the scars due to the burns.
7) Camphor oil is used to relive pain, mainly for back pain and is also used for
pain and inflammations in muscles.
8) It is used traditionally for cold & related problems.
9) It is used for the relief of chest congestion during cold.
10) The Camphor oil can produce a cooling effect when it is applied on the
11) For cough & cold related problems = Boil camphor with water for 10
minutes. Then inhale the vapor. This can reduce cough and cold effectively.
12) As Camphor is Anti-Microbial and Anti-Fungal, It can be used for Fungal
infections. Water and Camphor mix. can be applied to the affected areas.
13) Improves the digestive system by stimulating many enzymes which help in
the proper functioning of the digestive system.
14) For the treatment of skin itching, apply Camphor on the affected areas.
15) It can reduce the scars caused by acne.
16) For heel cracks - soak your feet in solution of Camphor and water. After
that scrub the feet. Then apply any moisturising cream on it.
17) For Asthma :- The odour (smell) of Camphor can give relief from Asthma.
The inhalation of Camphor can reduce respiratory problems.

[CAUTION :- Overdose of Camphor can cause poisoning, vomiting and drop in

body temperature. Keep this away from children and pregnant or breast
feeding women should not use it. It may cause rashes and Allergy in some
people. Use it only with caution, in small amount.]

More Information About Camphor :-

Camphor is a flammable waxy white crystalline solid with strong fragrance.
It's chemical formula is C10 H16 O.
Camphor is native of southern islands of Japan and Taiwan. This is also found
in China.
Now the tree is cultivated in many countries including India.
Camphor is extracted from the leaves and bark of the tree. The bark is rough
and it is grayish brown in color. The plant contains small flowers. Which is
yellow and white in color. It is scientifically known as "Cinnamomum
Camphor is an evergreen huge plant (tree). It has wide spreading branches.
The stem of the tree is thick and rough. The fruit of the plant is clustered and it
is black in color. It grows up to a height of 50-500 feet. Thus, grows in the
temperate climate.
Artificial Camphor is made synthetically from turpentine. This type is
generally used in poojas for burning purpose.
The natural edible Camphor is used in dishes to enhance the flavour and taste
of the food. This natural Camphor is also used for medicinal purposes.
It is considered as a coolant and can be used for kapha doshas (Cough
disorders) and can be used to prevent cholesterol and fat levels. Camphor
available in different forms, such as white, yellow and brown. In which
"WHITE" is the ONLY ONE used for medicinal purposes. The other two
(yellow & brown) are TOXIC.

Fight Corona With : Adhatoda Vasika :- "Boon for Respiratory Problems"- as it

relieves chest congestion & expands the air-ways of lungs & trachea (wind
pipe), acts as expectorant & helps to ease out the phlegm, also have anti-
microbial properties to fight against cough, cold & fever, improves lung
function & it's efficiency:-
Common names = Adusi, Vasaka, Malabar Nut.
All plant parts can be used as medicine. Leaves are bitter in taste.
Medicinal uses of Adhatoda Vasika are as follows :-
1) For treatment of respiratory problems :- It is an effective herb in the
management of respiratory congestion due to cough, bronchitis, asthma etc.
This medicinal herb expands the air-ways in our respiratory system and
provides great relief to the bronchitis patients. It is well known medicine for
expectorant and helps to ease out the phlegm.
2) For treatment of tuberculosis :- It is known for anti-microbial properties,
helpful in fighting tuberculosis, also helps to cure cough & bronchitis.
3) For treatment of Arthritis :- Due to anti-inflammatory properties, it is good
for joint pain & helps to subside arthritis swelling.
4) Helps to purify blood :- Good for purifying the blood, Increases blood
count, ensures lowering of the blood pressure, Good for heart health - used as
cardiac tonic.
5) Helps to keep pitta (Acidity) and Kapha (Cough) doshas in balance
(control). Good for health of liver & gall bladder.
6) Good for voice, as it clears the voice.
7) For treatment of fever :- Beneficial in case of thirst, fiver, vomiting, sugar
(diabetes), bleeding disorders & leprosy.
8) For skin health :- Good for skin because of it's anti-inflammatory and anti-
microbial features.
9) It eases abdominal pain (cramps) - by coming down abdominal muscles.
10) For dyspnea (about lungs) :- It cures dyspnea by improving the lung
function and it's efficiency.
Vasaka Dose :- Fresh leaf juice 10-20 ml, or Dry powder 1-3 gms with warm
water can be taken as medicine. Ready syrup & decoction (kadha) also
available in market.

About the importance of knowledge of - Herbal medicine, Chemistry &

Metaphysics (Spirituality) - for the process of "Kaya Kalpa" [Rejuvenation] of
Physical Body In Siddha System :-
In teaching man to regard - his physical & mental body - as the perfectly
functioning vehicle of the divine life-spark within - the Siddha Masters
demonstrated - how medicine may work in unison with metaphysics
Medicine provides man with a necessary and adequate instrument towards
gaining the most highly valued of experiences the very essence of reality.
The primary dignity of medical knowledge centers in its metaphysical aim to
provide a sound physical basis for the realization of divine truth, and to help
man to attain the status of the enlightened.
Thus, medicine aids man in bringing to maturity the seed of divinity in his
perishable body.
Only by caring for his mortal vehicle is man able to arrive at the realization of
his highest potentials.
In the Siddha system, Chemistry was developed as a science auxiliary to
Medicine and Alchemy. It was found useful in the preparation of medicines for
curing all sorts of sufferings, spiritual as well as corporeal - and also in
transformation of baser metals into gold.
The knowledge of plants and minerals was of a very high order. The processes
like calcination of mercury, minerals and metals - and the preparation of a
super salt known as "Muppu" - animated Mercury pills with high potency
possessing marvelous properties of - 1) Transmutating metals and, 2) capable
of rejuvenating the entire human system - were unknown to other medical
systems of India or other countries.
Using such special salts as well as herbal formulae, the Siddhas developed the
unique science of rejuvenation, known as - "Kaya Kalpa" - which allowed them
to prolonging their lives until the long term effects of - "Kriya Kundalini
Pranayama" and similar yogic practices could complete the process of
transformation, bringing about - Physical Immortality.
Siddhas followed the ancient Master-disciple apprenticeship method (Guru-
Shishya parampara) and they revealed their secrets only to those students
whom they felt could be trusted not to misuse the science, unlike the later
Ayurveda school of textbooks methods.
The dissemination of the science of Kaya Kalpa was limited to those great
sages who were prepared to sacrifice their own interests for the uplifting of
[Following picture is of :- Immortal Babaji with his alchemist Siddha Master

[From the book - Babaji and the 18 Siddha Kriya Yoga Tradition - by Marshall

Fight Corona With : Quinine :- The "Queen of Medicine"

Quinine is the main alkaloid extract from the bark of the Cinchona family of
It occurs as a white crystalline powder that darkens when exposed to light.
It is odorless and has a very persistent bitter taste.

About the Medicinal plant :- Cinchona officinalis (Fever tree)

One of the several Cinchona species.
Used for the production of Quinine, an anti-fever agent.
specially in the prevention and treatment of Malaria.
It kills parasites in RBC.
Cinchona calisaya is the tree most cultivated for Quinine production.

About the Medicinal properties of Quinine :-

Natural white crystalline alkaloid.
Fever reducing, Anti-malarial, Analgesic (Pain killing) and Anti-inflammatory
Known for it's bitter taste.
Quinine Benefits :-
Treats Malaria,
Kills parasites,
Reduces Fever,
Regulates heartbeat,
Calms nerves,
Stimulates digestion,
Kills germs,
Reduces spasms,
Kills Bacteria and Fungi,
Relieves pain,
Kills insects too.
About "Kaya Kalpa" pill of Siddha Masters:- "The King of Medicine"
Description of such rejuvenating pill is given by Boganathar as follows :-
Bganathar [Siddha Master of Immortal Babaji] decided to overcome the
limitations of the physical body, with it's degenerative tendencies, and prolong
it's life through the use of the kaya kalpa [Rejuvenating] herbs - long enough
for the effect of Kriya Kundalini Pranayama and related yogic techniques to
bring "Swarupa Samadhi" state of complete Divine transformation &
In his poem - Bogar Jnana Sutra - 8, verse number 4, he describes vividly
about - what happened after carefully preparing a tablet - using 35 different
herbs (having antibiotic & rejuvenating properties) :-
He describes :
"With great care and patience I made the (Kaya Kalpa / Rejuvenating) tablet
and then swallowed it ;
Not waiting for fools and skeptics, who would not appreciate it's hidden
meaning and importance.
Steadily I lived in the land of the Parangis (foreigners),
For twelve thousand years, my fellow !
I lived for a long time and fed on the vital ojas (sublimated spiritual energy)
With the ojas vindhu I received the name, Bogar;
The body developed the golden color of the pill;
Now I am living in a world of Gold."
[Based upon translation by Yogi S.A.A. Ramaiyah, 1979, p. 40-42].

The Siddha Masters purposefully omitted key elements of their medicinal

formulae from their texts, preferring to transmit these orally to worthy
students directly, so that they would not be exploited by persons whose
motives were not the highest. The composition of the "Elixir of life" described
by the Siddhas thus remains an enigma. The deciphering of these formulae
will require a multidisciplinary team of researchers with expertise in Botany,
the ancient Tamil language, yoga and medicine - who will be able to fulfill the
strict conditions of the Yoga Siddha Masters, including the dedication to the
ideals of Yoga and the selfless service of humanity.

[From the book - Babaji and the 18 Siddha Kriya Yoga Tradition - by Marshall

About - How the State of Complete Equilibrium (Samatvam) is achieved by

Pranayama Breathing Technique, and how it helps in God communion :-
The definition of Yoga is - Establishment of Complete Equilibrium in Right &
Left Energy Channels - which help to balance our emotions as well as body
functions, which gives us stabilized mental & physical health. Let us discuss
about the actual process -
One may learn to breath through both nostrils equally by the pranayam
technique such as "Kapaal Bhaati", which brings about an integration and
synthesis of the two major aspects of our personality.
When this is done, it is said that the energy of the breath flows through the
central "Sushumna Nadi" energy channel, producing a feeling of well being,
serenity and profound understanding. This is an ideal state for the practice of
meditation. The equilibrium produced in the breathing between the right side
and the left side, as well as between the inner and the outer air pressure leads
to the breathless state - (because of full of stored oxygen, by powerful kapaal
bhaati breathing) - and this breathless state enables us to establish
communion (Yoga) with God, known as (blissful state of) "Samadhi" (the
perfect equilibrium & calmness) in Yoga System.
In this Samadhi state, mental activity subsides to stillness, and the individual's
consciousness expands and dissolves into a Universal greater Consciousness.
The potential of "Pranayama" does not end with such states of "Samadhi". It's
effect on our physiology is also profound, as modern science is beginning to
Breathing is the first physical act of all living beings born in this word - and
the last. But the 18 Siddha Masters have found that mankind need not die.
They found that one can attain perfection in life (Kaya Siddhi / Perfect body
functions) and by attaining an intelligent control over the breathing - will
prolong life by increasing one's stamina, and surcharging and transforming
one's body cells.
The correct practice of breathing is known in the 18 Siddhas' science of
longevity as - "Vashi Yoga".
In Tamil, Vashi means breathing. If one repeats the word "Vashi" several
times, it will resound as "Shiva Shiva" the great mantra and name of God. If its
correct repetition can be realized and acquired during breathing, one will soon
find new health, energy and consciousness.

The Most powerful "Vashi Yogam" breathing technique, in which Babaji

Nagaraj was initiated by his Master - Immortal Sage Agastiyar, is as follows :-

"With His grace,

1) one by chanting the name "Shiva, Shiva" four times,
should inhale oxygen, expanding the abdomen;

2) Retain and control the same (breath) near the glottis (inner throat) by
closing - the outlets of - the nose, ear and mouth,
chanting mentally "Shiva, Shiva" fourteen times;

3) and then exhale the carbon dioxide through the right hole of the nose -
chanting "Shiva, Shiva" eight times.

If one is able to practice in this manner, one not only achieves Siddhi of
attaining deathless body, but becomes Shiva (God) Himself." [Thirumandiram
: 712]
[From the book - Babaji and the 18 Siddha Kriya Yoga Tradition - by Marshall

Fight Corona With : "Gandhak Rasayana" - An Ayurvedic Sulphur based

medicine for Rejuvenation - which contains Anti-viral, Anti-Bacterial & Anti-
microbial agents - useful for treatment of - Chronic fever & Skin diseases :-
Gandhak Rasayana is a potent Ayurvedic medicine, which has a mineral base
namely that of - purified or detoxified Sulphur. This is processed with herbal
juices as the dominant ingredient.
Gandhak Rasayan is quite a versatile medicine and has powerful antibacterial,
antiviral and antimicrobial activity. It therefore has a broad-spectrum effect
and is used for the treatment of skin diseases such as eczema, psoriasis,
scabies and itching.
It also balances Vata (Gas), Pitta (Acidity), and Kapha (cough) doshas /
It is potent remedy in skin diseases, pruritus, diarrhea, loss of appetite.
It is very good remedy in case of chronic fever.
Effective in treating urinary tract disorders and bleeding disorders.
Efficient anti-aging medicine and immunity booster.
Efficient wound healer and pain reliever.
It can improve digestion and skin complexion.
Effective in treatment of gout.

The major key ingredients in Gandhak Rasayan are - Gandhak, Haritaki,

Giloy, Bahera, and Amalaki. Here are the health benefits of each of these :-
1) Shuddha Gandhak (Detoxified Sulphur) :- contains vital amino acids which
play an important role in forming the cells proteins, tissues and antibodies.
It also has the tendency to purify the blood and also used to treat skin diseases
such as - eczema, psoriasis and pimples.
2) Haritaki (Harad) :- is used as anti-fungal and anti-allergic agents that is
helpful in the treatment of skin diseases such as - itching, rashes, acne and
3) Giloy (Guduchi) :- has the property to purify the blood and it also removes
toxins from the body thus, it improves the complexion of the skin.
4) Bahera (Bibhitaki) :- It contains anti-bacterial activity that is helpful in the
treatment of skin diseases like acne and pimples.
5) Amla (Amalaki) :- is the richest source of vitamin C and it also nourishes
the scalp and skin. Amalaki acts as a blood purifier thus used to improve the
complexion of the skin.

Gandhak Rasayan is an Ayurvedic and herbal medicine. It is available in

market in tablet form and to be taken orally.

Fight Corona With : Health Benefits of Hot Springs :- More than just relaxing,
soaking in a hot spring can have great benefits for your health too. If the
"Sulphur" contained in the water, that can hold medicinal properties - that
may relieve many types of skin diseases caused due to Fungal, Bacterial or
Viral infections - such as eczema and psoriasis.
The healing powers of Hot springs have been used for thousands of years and
have been widely accepted all over the world - as natural treatment options for
various common ailments.
Hot springs are reputed to have a number of therapeutic benefits, with many
scientists from around the world studying the subject of "The treatment of
disease by bathing".
Here are some of the top benefits of dipping into a hot spring :-
1) Boost Blood Circulation :- The water found in natural hot springs contains a
variety of different minerals, including Calcium and Sodium bicarbonate. Our
bodies soak up these minerals when we are in hot spring, which increases
circulation and overall oxygen flow.

2) Reduce stress and promote sleep :- The mineral water in hot springs can
also help reduce stress by relaxing tense muscles. Meanwhile as your body
temperature rises in the bath, and then cools once you exit - can also help you
relax and fall into deeper sleep.

3) Relieve Pain :- Hot mineral baths may aid in pain relief and fatigue caused
by wide-spread pain. This is because the heat, (although sometimes intense),
can dull our perception of pain by blocking the pain receptors in our bodies.
Also being buoyant in the water supports the body's joints.
4) Heal Skin problems :- The high Silica content found in hot springs, can
smooth and soften dry and rough skin. Meanwhile the Sulphur contained in
the water can also hold medicinal properties that may relieve conditions such
as eczema and psoriasis.

Caution :- It is important to check with your doctor or medical professional

before bathing in a hot spring to ensure that the practice is safe for you.

[Now, in lock down days, only "Home Bath-Tub" can be used as our personal
Hot Water Spring - to heal our problems. Some Fresh Neem leaves can be
added to the water for medicinal and anti-microbial effect.]

Fight Corona With : "Sulphur Crystal" - Meaning, Properties and Spiritual

powers:- Friends, So far we have seen about the medicinal and anti-microbial
properties of Sulphur. Now, we will discuss about the Spiritual powers of
Sulphur crystal.

The name Sulphur is derived from Latin word "Sulphur", which means "To
Burn", So Siddha Masters used "Detoxified Sulphur" in their herbal medicines
to "Burn" the impurities inside the cells & to purify body of - all impurities &
infections. This helps in the Rejuvenation process of the body greatly, because
when the body becomes clear & purified in first step, then it is to be nourished
with the use of other nourishing herbal medicinal combinations like -
"Chyavanprash" etc.

Description of Sulphur :- It forms transparent to translucent brownish or

yellow crystals that are usually very well formed. It is heat sensitive. It can be
found as a sublimate from volcanic gases.

Spiritual powers of Sulphur Crystal as a gem stone :-

It is known to stimulate Solar plexus chakra / Mnipura Chakra / Energy

center - which is responsible of fire element of the body, body heat, digestion
and good health.
It also has the ability to balance Solar plexus and absorb all the negative
energies that have been stored in the other chakras.
This stone acts on your will.
It helps to calm your over willfulness and stubborn-ness, so that you can truly
see the reality of a situation.
If you are short tempered, Sulphur can help you become a more patient and
calm person in any type of situation.

As this stone carries a negative charge, it helps effectively to get rid of any
negativity in the body, aura or environment.
It can detoxify and absorb all negativity.
It will be a very helpful stone for anyone who is prone to negative outbursts or
has anger management issue.

This stone will allow you to get in touch with your inner self and know your
higher purpose. It will block off harmful or old behaviors that no longer are
beneficial for you.

The energies of Sulphur can soften a stubborn attitude and help you become
more flexible or versatile with the natural cycles of life.

Sulphur can also tune you into the best frequencies - that will give you inner
peace amidst all kinds of life experiences.

This stone is highly energizing.

It will eliminate the negative emotions, thoughts and blockages that are
keeping you from moving forward in life.

Sulphur can increase your creativity and spark your imagination.

Thus, spiritually, Sulphur's qualities are rich and abundant. It is useful in

cleansing your aura of all negative energy and transforming them into positive
Sulphur is also used to ward off negative or malicious forces that are attracted
in your environment by Sorcery or witchcraft (i.e. black magic / kaala jadu).

It helps to attract new opportunities for abundance and success.

The supportive energies of this stone will also encourage you to embrace the
new and unexpected.

Sulphur crystals are powerful crystals of transformation.

That will increase your inner power and self esteem.
Use this crystal to soothe your anger and rage.

It will support you - as you go through different transformations, that will

strengthen your beliefs, purify your thoughts and correct your bad behaviors.
It helps to make you a better partner to the person you love, by making
positive changes in you.
Sulphur will give you the confidence and personal power & also helps you in
getting rid of the negativity in your relationship.

About - How to use Sulphur Crystal for best results :-

As Sulphur is a powerful enhancer and purifier stone, it is usually used in

clearing negative energies in any space.
For that, keep a piece of Sulphur in center of your main living space to absorb
the negative energies.
When used as an elixir (medicine), Sulphur will bring your spiritual
illumination. It will also align your physical, emotional and intellectual bodies,
as well as your male and female energies.
It can ease your depression and boost your immune and nervous systems. A
sulphur elixier can also be used as a pain reliever and as a salve for aching
Sulphur is a stone of balance and transformation.

CAUTION must be taken when using Sulphur because of its toxicity.


1 ) Story about the "Scholars" who Resurrected a Lion :-

Friends, this is the story about 4 friends, who were returning home after
completing their studies at the ashram school of a Siddha Master. In these 4
friends, the 3 friends were very high degree scholars who achieved some
miraculous powers "Siddhis" from their Master & were very much proud about
it. and the 4th friend was just an ordinary student with ordinary intelligence &
have learned just ordinary subjects. So the 3 "highly developed" friends always
laughed at the 4th "ordinary" friend as he knew nothing about the miraculous
On the way back home, there was a thick forest. As they were crossing the
forest, they saw large size bones scattered here & there....The scholars
immediately identified that they were the bones of a Lion.
The 1st Scholar proudly declared that he was capable to re-set the entire
skeleton as it should be. He uttered a Magic Mantra & the bones reunited in
the shape of a perfect skeleton.
The 2nd Scholar now came forward & announced proudly that he can make
the body of the Lion perfect with flesh & blood & it should be...and He
uttered a Magic Mantra & miracle happened, the body became like a perfect
Now it was the turn of the 3rd Scholar, who was the most proud about his
power to bring life to a dead body...He uttered a Magic Mantra & sprinkled
some water over the body of Lion & Lo ! the Lion came to life....
All the 3 Scholars were very happy & feeling proud to see that their experiment
of miraculous powers was successful...
BUT as the Lion who was now ALIVE was very hungry...He roared & dashed
before the 3 proud scholars - who gave him life.
At the same time, the "Ordinary" friend quickly identified the high risk
situation & he climbed up on the tree.
He said his scholar friends to climb up the tree to save their lives...but the
scholars now helplessly realized that though they have learned all high level
technologies....but they didn't paid attention to learn some simple life saving
skills such as to climb up a tree...but it was now too late...while scholars stood
thinking about how to handle the situation ?? The Lion done his job & now the
Scholars are still thinking inside the stomach of the Lion...
Only the "ordinary" friend with the "common sense" survived...

Moral of the Story :- No need to explain....

[Story from Pancha Tantra]

2) Story About the Scholar & the Boatman :-

In old days, when there were no bridges over the rivers, people used small
wooden boats to cross the rivers. This is the story of India, when a high degree
learned scholar hired a boat to cross the river. He looked at the poor boatman
with pity and started talking with him..
The scholar proudly started describing about his various qualifications and
higher degrees of education...He said that he learned this and that great
subjects....and he has so & so scriptures at his tip of tongue...and he has done
great research work in so & so very difficult subjects...and he is a great
orator...and have mastery in debut...and has mastery over so many
languages...he has won so many first prizes...etc. etc.
Thus the prolonged lecture of self-praise by the learned scholar was going on
non-stop....The poor boatman uttered not a single word...only kept rowing the
boat silently.
When the boat came in the middle of the river, accidentally the wooden plate
at the bottom broke & the water started rushing inside the boat.
When the boat was at the verge of drowning, the boatman asked the learned
person to jump in to the river & save his life...The scholar was not prepared for
the situation & was very frightened...The boatman said to him that, "Sir, you
may have learned so many subjects....and I may be an ordinary illiterate
boatman...but I have learned to swim & at this time, it is the most essential
thing to survive...and he gave his hand to the scholar and saved his life too.
The scholar was ashamed before the greatness of illiterate boatman and
confessed that his knowledge may be vast but was not applicable in real life
problems, while the skills of illiterate boatman was proved more important to
save his life...and the proud scholar bowed before the humble boatman.
Moral of the story :- You can imagine yourself.....

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