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Background of the Study

Rice is the seed of the grass species Oryza sativa. As a cereal grain,

it is the most widely consumed staple food for a large part of the world’s

human population, especially in Asia.

Rice grows well in Agusan del Sur wherein it has a high rainfall

because it requires plenty of water. Rice can be grown practically

anywhere in Agusan Del Sur [Bunawan is one of the Municipality in

Agusan Del Sur that the farmers having a capacity to cultivate rice] even

in mountain or a steep hill. Since ancient times, rice has been commonly

used food grain for a majority of the “Lumad of Agusan”. Through rice

cultivation, the farmers can provide food to people for human

consumption (Bacomo 2016). Mechanization positively contributed to rice

productivity. Fully and partially mechanized rice farms seemed to

outperform non-mechanized farms (Gonzales, et al., 2013). Challenges of

rice Mechanization in the municipality of Bunawan includes; High cost of

efficient machines, increasing cost and consumption of fuels, Postharvest

losses because of Lack of capital for mechanization which common

difficulties of rice farmers for they cannot afford to buy or to provide

needed types of machinery for their farming, problem of transporting

machines from farm to shop during repair is needed for damaged parts

and limited availability of agricultural machinery spare parts and

accessories on hardware stores within the area and even to the nearby


In recent years, remote-sensing (RS) technology and geographic

information systems (GIS) for spatial analysis have become widespread.

These technologies can be used to monitor and evaluate agricultural

systems to determine where and when rice is grown, as well as where

crops are performing well or where they are not.

Mapping and monitoring of the biophysical and socioeconomic

characteristics of rice-producing areas are key for developing effective

targeting strategies for the dissemination of new technologies and

sustainable crop management and diversification options.

Similarly, the identification of [area or boundaries] where there is an

opportunity to expand rice production is necessary as an input for

policies that will deal with the growing demand for rice. (IRRI, 2018).

These concerns the researchers to conduct a study on the Mapping

of Rice Mechanization Level in Municipality of Bunawan, Agusan Del Sur

Using Geographical Information System (GIS). By the use of this

technology, researchers will Identify, tabulate and categorize by level the

different rice growers’ problems of mechanizing their paddies they were

facing during planting and yielding of rice crops. This will be the means of

representing rice farmers’ concerns to the local office of the department of

agriculture in the municipality of Bunawan Agusan del Sur specifically


these rice mechanization problems that they may be encountered

nowadays. This study will tend to help the local government of Bunawan

to assess the needs of rice farmers and for the proper allocation of budget

for the individual local farmers on the mechanizations of their farm to

increase the production of rice grains.


Objectives of the study

This study aims to create a Map of Rice Mechanization Level in

Bunawan, Agusan del Sur.

Specifically, it aims to:

1. determine the socio-demographic profile of the respondents.

2. determine the problems encountered by the respondents in farm

mechanization on rice production in Bunawan, Agusan del Sur.

3. determine the level of rice mechanization in Bunawan, Agusan

del Sur

Significance of the Study

This study will benefit the people and the Local Government Unit of

Bunawan, Agusan Del Sur, since the result of this study will serve as a

basis or guide for applying proper management of their resources

especially about agricultural mechanization.

The Department of Agriculture in the Municipality of Bunawan will

be updated on the status of the Agricultural Mechanization. The data that

will be taken to serve as inputs for further government plans and policies.

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

The focus of the study is to create a Map of Rice Mechanization

Level in Municipality of Bunawan, Agusan del Sur. It is limited only to

farmers who are engaged in rice production and are registered only in the

Municipal Agriculture Office.

This study will be administered 2nd Semester of School Year 2019-

2020 in Bunawan, Agusan del Sur.

The Municipality of Bunawan is located in the second district of the

province of Agusan del Sur in the CARAGA Region. There were 45,151

people (2015 census). There are 10 Barangays to be surveyed for farm

mechanization within two weeks.

Time and Place of the Study

This study will be conducted in the Barangays of the Municipality of

Bunawan, Agusan del Sur namely: San Teodoro, Poblacion, Bunawan

Brook, Imelda, Mambalili, Nueva Era, San Marcos, Consuelo, San Andres,

and Libertad.

Operational Definition of Terms

Agricultural Mechanization refers to the use of tools, implements and

machines for agricultural land development, crop production,

harvesting, and preparation for storage and on-farm processing.

Geographical Information System (GIS) is a set of overplayed maps of

relationships from which you can make spatial analysis to support

decision making.

Map refers to a picture or chart that shows the rivers, mountains, streets,

etc., in a particular area.

Farmers refer to all end – users of farm power, tools, and equipment,

such as small family-operated farms, commercial farm businesses,

farmer's organizations, irrigation groups, contractors, government

operators, and primary agricultural produce processors.

Harvesting refers to the process of gathering the useful portion of the

crop from the field.

Planting Equipment refers to a mechanical device used to place seeds or

plants in the soil for crop production.

Threshing refers to separate grain from a plant typically with a flail or by

the action or revolving the mechanism.


Tillage refers to any physical soil manipulation which changes the

structure of the soils; kills weeds, and rearranges dead plant


Water Pumping Equipment refers to the mechanical device used for

transferring fluids from one place to another.

Weeding refers to remove unwanted plants (an area of the ground or the

plants cultivated on it).


Conceptual Framework

Input Output
1. Socio- demographic
profile of respondents.

2. Problems Map on Socio-

encountered by the Interview demographic profile of
respondents in Rice respondents their on
mechanization in problems encountered
Bunawan, Agusan del Geographical and the level of rice
Sur. Information mechanization in
System (GIS) Bunawan, Agusan del
3. Level of rice
mechanization in
Bunawan, Agusan del

Figure 1.Conceptual Framework of the study

Figure 1 presents the conceptual framework of the study. It

consists of Input, Process, and Output. The Input is the Socio-

demographic profile, Problems encountered by the respondents in Rice

mechanization, and the Level of Rice Mechanization. While the Process

will be using Geographical Information System (GIS) and the Output are

the Map on socio-demographic profile, Map on Problems encountered by

the rice mechanization and Map on level of rice mechanization in

Bunawan, Agusan del Sur.



Extent of Farm Mechanization on Rice Production in Agusan del Sur

This study was conducted to find out the extent of farm

mechanization on rice production in Agusan del Sur. The data were

gathered through survey questionnaire supplemented by interviews of the

500 respondents.

This study found out that the level of Application of farm machinery in

land preparation, cultivating, harvesting were applicable. The machine of

equipment used in Planting, transplanting, spraying. Threshing were very

applicable. Furthermore, rice mill in farming operation was extremely

applicable with an average rating of 4.71.

The potential benefits of agricultural mechanization in rice production

were classified very good by respondents.

Among the problems encountered regarding the use of agricultural

machinery, some spare parts are not readily available in the area rank

first, followed by the knowledge on how to maintain and operate. Other

problem encountered were lack of support from the LGU, high cost of

operation of the machine and price of fuel, high cost of farm inputs.

Results of study showed that the extent of farm mechanization on rice

production in Agusan del Sur is at leve 3 or intermediate mechanization

(Bacomo, 2016).

Importance of Rice Area Mapping

Rice is one of the staple foods for more than three billion people

worldwide. Rice paddies accounted for approximately 11.5% of the World’s

arable land area during 2012. Rice provided ~19% of the global dietary

energy in recent times and its annual average consumption per capita was

~65 kg during 2010–2011. Therefore, rice area mapping and forecasting

its production is important for food security, where demands often exceed

production due to an ever increasing population. Timely and accurate

estimation of rice areas and forecasting its production can provide

invaluable information for governments, planners, and decision makers in

formulating policies in regard to import/export in the event of shortfall

and/or surplus. (Mosleh, 2015).

Rice Competitiveness Enhancement Fund

Rice Competitiveness Enhancement Fund, herein referred to as the

“Rice Fund”. The Rice fund shall consist of an annual appropriation of

Ten billion pesos (P10,000,000,000.00) for the next 6 years following the

approval of this act and shall be automatically credited to a Special

Account in the General Fund of the National Treasury which shall be in

place within ninety (90) days upon the effectively of this act.

Rice Farm Machineries and Equipment – fifty percent (50%) of the Rice

Fund shall be released and implemented by the Philippine Center for

Postharvest Development and Mechanization (PhilMech) as grant in kind

to eligible farmers associations, registered rice cooperatives and local

government units (LGU), in the form of rice farm equipment, such as

tillers, tractors, seeders, threshers, rice planters, harvesters, irrigation

pumps, small solar irrigation, reapers, driers, millers, and the like, for

purposes in improving farm mechanization. Provided that the PhilMech

shall, whenever feasible, procure from accredited local manufactures to

assist in the promotion of locally manufactured farm machineries and

equipment (R.A 11203,Sec. 13a).

Digital Soil Mapping and GIS-based Land Evaluation for Rice


A GIS-based multi-criteria land evaluation was performed in

Kilombero Valley, Tanzania in order to avail decision makers and farmers

with evidence based decision support tool for improved and sustainable

rice production in this important region for agricultural investment. Five

most important criteria for rice production in the area were identified

through literature search and discussion with local agronomists and

farmers. The identified criteria were 1) soil properties, 2) surface water

resources, 3) accessibility, 4) distance to markets, and 5) topography.

Spatial information for these criteria for the study area was generated

(Massawe, 2015).

Establishment of GIS –based Decision Support System for

Postharvest Development and Mechanization

The right information at the right time is crucial in making the right

decisions. This point to the importance of databases that contain

updated, reliable and accessible data. For over 15 years, the Philippine

Center for Postharvest Development and Mechanization (PHilMech) has

gathered, processed, cleaned, stored and encoded voluminous data on

postharvest machinery, facilities and equipment. This data is a major

component of the postharvest development master plans that PHilMech

crafted for the country’s 81provinces, 15 regions, 7 cities and 1


This project enhanced the databases with the use of Geographic

Information System (GIS) and expanded its coverage to include other

agricultural machines and equipment in response to PHilMech’s broader

mandate on the overall mechanization of the country’s agriculture


Data was gathered in collaboration with Municipal and Provincial

Agricultural Offices, Department of Agriculture Regional Field Offices and

various government agencies like the National Food Authority, Philippine

Rice Research Institute, Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources,

Bureau of Soils and Water Management, and the Department of

Agriculture-Information and Communications Technology Service, among


The databases are now in full service and are being used by various

clients and stakeholders. The databases are continuously updated while

the software that manages these databases is being enhanced to become

a robust web-based platform for updating and accessing the data.

(Tolentino et. al., 2017)



Methods to be used

This study used a descriptive correlation research design.

Descriptive correlation research design represents a general approach to

research that focuses on assessing the co-variation among naturally

occurring variables (Hill, 2009). The goal of this research is to study the

implication for decision making, as reflected in the appropriate use of

actuarial predictions.

Source of Data

The researchers gather secondary data from the records in

Agriculture and Planning Office in Bunawan, Agusan del Sur. Sources of

secondary data are; the actual field survey of planning and Department of

Agriculture's Municipal office field staffs, logbook of individual registered

farmers of every barangay's rice farmers associations, enrolment forms of

RSBA (Registry System for Basic Sector in Agriculture).


Data Gathering Instrument

The primary means of data collection was a questionnaire. A survey

questionnaire was composed of a scaled response. The questions were

classified into five parts, each part allotted for specific objectives of the


Part one (1) considered the profile of the respondents. The names of

the respondents were listed optional to assure them about the

confidentiality of the study. The name, age, barangay, gender, civil status,

educational attainment, no. of family members, size of the farm cultivated

ethnic group, tenure status, type of equipment or machinery used in

farming, and source of information of the machine or equipment used in

the farms.

Meanwhile, Part two (II) dealt with the level of application of farm

mechanization in the selected barangay of Bunawan, Agusan del Sur.

This was done using a Likert scale. Likert scaling is a

unidimensional scaling method where a questionnaire was set with

potential scale items rated one to five. Scale item as follows; extremely

applicable, very applicable, applicable, not applicable, and not at all

Responses of the respondents on Rice Mechanization Level in

Municipality of Bunawan, Agusan del Sur were scored using scale Likert

scoring the data will be one of the bases on making a map using

Geographical Information System. Scale and description equivalent are as


Scale Limits Descriptive Equivalent


4.50 - 5.00 Extremely Applicable

3.50 - 4.49 Very Applicable

2.50 - 3.49 Applicable

1.50 - 2.49 Not Applicable

1.00 - 1.49 Not at All

Meanwhile, part three (III) dealt with the rate of the potential benefit

of farm mechanization experiences in cultivating their farm respectively.

The rating scale was the questionnaire best with potential scale

items rated 1-5. Items were scaled as; excellent, very good, good, fair, and


Responses of the respondents on Rice Mechanization Level in

Municipality of Bunawan, Agusan del Sur were scored using scale Likert

scoring the data will be one of the bases on making a map using

Geographical Information System. Scale and description equivalent are as


Scale Limits Descriptive Equivalent

4.50 - 5.00 Always

3.50 - 4.49 Often

2.50 - 3.49 Sometimes

1.50 - 2.49 Seldom

1.00 - 1.49 Never


Part V dealt with the level of farm mechanization on rice production

in Bunawan, Agusan del Sur was done using a percentage scale. It was

set with a potential percentage scale item rated 1 to 100. Scale item as

follows; lowest mechanization (level 1), low mechanization (level 2),

intermediate mechanization (level 3), high mechanization (level 4) and full

mechanization (level 5) (UPLBBAR, 2001).

Scale (%) Limits (%) Descriptive Equivalent

1.00 - 19.99 Level 1

20.00 - 39.99 Level 2

40.00 - 59.99 Level 3

60.00 - 79.99 Level 4

80.00 - 100 Level 5

Level 1. Lowest mechanization means that the operations are done

with the use of man.

Level 2. Low mechanization means that the operations are done

with the use of man and animal.

Level 3. Intermediate mechanization means that the operations are

done with the use of a none - mechanical power source operated by man.

Level 4. High mechanization means that operations are done solely

with the use of mechanical power sources with limited human

intervention such as computerized machines or robots.

Operational Procedure

Below is the list of procedures that the researchers must undergo to fully

complete their study:

1. The researchers collected data from the Municipal Agriculture

Office to know the no. of rice farmers in the locality. The total no.

of Rice Farmer in Bunawan, Agusan del Sur is 2,552.

2. The researchers used Sloven’s Formula to determine the number

of samples to represent the population.

n= 2
1+ N e

Where: N= Total no. of Farmers

n = actual no. of sample

1 = constant

e= marginal error (0.05)

1+2,552 ¿ ¿

n=345.79∨346 Sample ¿ ¿

To determine the no. of rice farmers in every barangay to be


Farmers to be
Barangay Population Percentage (%)

Bunawan Brook 169 7 24

Consuelo 166 7 24

Imelda 151 6 21

Libertad 813 32 111

Mambalili 345 13 45

Nueva Era 159 6 21

Poblacion 426 17 59

San Andres 184 7 24

San Marcos 73 3 10

San Teodoro 66 2 7

Total 2552 100 346

x 100=Percentage

% x n=Farmers ¿ be interviewed every barangay


m = barangay population

N = total population

n = Sample Size

3. Preparing a questionnaire for the respondents.


4. Coordinating with the barangay captain and other barangay

officials and ask their permission and assistance for the proper

conduct of the study.

5. Distributing questionnaires to the target respondents. The

respondent's names are in the lists of sample size, which has

been done by the use of Sloven’s formula to represent the whole

population of rice farmers of individual barangay.

6. Reviewing the questionnaires for some clarification if there

is/are, that needs to be clarified from the respondent's answers

before leaving the area.

7. Tabulation of collected data on Microsoft Excel and adding it into

the QGIS software properties to create and produce an output of

our study through a map.

Statistical Treatment

The data obtained from the accomplished questionnaire was

classified, tallied and subjected to top statistical analysis. Non -

parametric statistical test such as frequency count and the percentage

was used in analyzing the data from the accomplished questionnaire.

Litertarature Cited

Mapping | International Rice Research Institute (2018), Retrieved on December

10,2019 from http.//

Mostafa K. Mosleh, Quazi K. Hassan * and Ehsan H. Chowdhury (2015), Application

of Remote Sensors in Mapping Rice Area and Forecasting Its Production,
Retrieved on Decmber 10, 2019 from http.//

ESRI,(2009), GIS BEST PRACTICES, Retrieved on Dec. 11, 2019 from


PRODUCTION IN AGUSAN DEL SUR, Published Thesis, Bunawan,
Agusan del Sur.

A.S. Juliano, D.B. Fenangad, J.P. Jimenez, M., J.C. Regalado, R.F., Orge, and
J.G. Tallada (2016), Challenges and Opportunities in Rice Mechanization,
Retrieved on December 12, 2019 from

Massawe, BHJ. (2015), Digital Soil Mapping and GIS-based Evaluation for Rice
Suitability, Published Thesis, Ohio State University.

Tolentino, G., Sebastian, KL., Ganabo, MA., Gaoiran, G., Domingo, J., and
Gonzales, L., (2017), Establishment of GIS-based Decision Support
System for Postharvest Development and Mechanization, Retrieved on
January 17, 2020 from

R.A. 11203 Sec. 13, Rice Competitiveness Enhancement Fund, Retrieved on

January 17, 2020 from



Republic of Philippines
Agusan del Sur State College of Agriculture and Technology
Department of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering
Bunawan, Agusan del Sur

The purpose of this questionnaire is to create mapping of rice

mechanization level in municipality of Bunawan, Agusan del Sur. This
information gathered will be kept confidential and exclusively used for
research purposes only.

(Ang katuyuan niini nga pangutana mao ang pagbuhat ug mapa

mahitungod sa farm mechanization sa pag-uma sa humay sa Bunawan,
Agusan del Sur. Kini nga mga information kompedential ug alang sa
research ug katuyuan lamang.)

Direction: Please read carefully the following question and answer by

putting a check on the line provided before choices of every item.

(Palihog sa pagbasa pag-ayo ug pagsabot sa mga pangutana ug tsek ang

gitagana nga blanko o linya).

1. Name of the Respondents (Ngalan sa tag tungod):


2. Barangay: _________________________ 3. Age(Edad:______________

4. Municipality (Municipyo):___________________________________

I. Socio-demographic Profile

5. Gender/Kasarian:
Male Female

6. Civil Status
Single (dalaga/ulitawo) (Separated) Bulag
Married (Minyo) (widow/widower) Wala nay
asawa/ bana

7. Educational Attainment (Nahuman nga Grado)

Non – formal Education High School level
Elementary level High School Graduate
Elementary Graduate College level
College Graduate
Others, Please specify (palihug pagsulat):__________________________

8. Household size no. Of family members


(Pila kabuok miyembro sa pamilya)

1-3 (member) miyembro 4-6 (member) miyembro

7-10 (member) miyembro 10 og taas pa

9. Area being cultivated

(Kadak-on sa yuta nga giugmad)

Less than 1 ha (ubos sa is 3-5 ha. (3-5 hektarya)

aka hektarya)
1-2 ha. (1-2 hektarya) 5-10 ha. (5-10 hektarya)
10 hec. Above (10 ug taas

10. Tribal (Tribo)

Ilocano Agusanon
Manobo Illonggo

Others, Please specify (palihog sa pagsulat):___________________

11. Tenural Status(Kahimatng sa Pagpang-uma)

Owner (tag-iya) Maintainer (Nagmaintin)

Tenant (Saop)

Others, Please specify (palihog pagsulat) ________________________

12. Type of equipment or machine used in machined in farming

(mga klase sa makina nga natistingan paggamit sa uma)

Quantity Quantity
(pila (pila
kabook) kabook)
Moldboard Plow Rice Combine
Disc Plow
Tillers (Bao-bao)
Rice Thresher
Solar Drier/MPDP

Others Please specify: (palihog sa pagsulat):___________________________


13. Source of the machine or equipment used in farming

(tinubdan sa impormasyon sa makina o ekipo nga gigamit sa pag-

ASSCAT Extension Services Brochures (Brochures o

Friends (mga amego/amega Own Knowledge
Farm Technician (hanas na) (Kaugalingong kahibalo)
Others. Please specify: (palihog sa pagsulat)

II. Application of farm machinery ( aplikasyon sa makinarya sa pag

pang uma)

Direction: Please read the statement carefully and rate the level of
application for the farm operation show below. Please mark a (/) on the
box provided to indicate your answer.

Direksyon: Palihug basaha ang pag-ayo ang pamahayag ug gradohi sa

mga lebel sa pag gamit sa makenaryang pang-agrikultura nga
nagapakita sa ubos. Palihog timan-I ang us aka tsek (/) sa luna nga
gihatag sa gipakita sa maong tubag.

5 Extremely Applicable (kanunay magamit)

4 Very Applicable (kasagaran magamit)
3 Applicable (usahay magamit)
2 Not Applicable (dili magamit)
1 Not at all (dili jud magamit)

5 4 3 2 1
Farm Operation
1. Land preparation (pag-andam
sa yuta)
 Plowing (pagdaro)
 Harrowing (Pagbungkal)
 Rotavating (Pagbungkal
ug sa pagpino sa yuta)
2. Planting
 Direct
 Indirect
3. Transplanting
4. Spraying (Pag-isprey)
 Pesticide (pistisedio)
 Fertilizer (abuno)
5. Cultivating (Pag-ugmad)
6. Harvesting (pag-ani)
7. Threshing (Giukanan)
8. Drying (Pagpauga)

9. Milling (paggaling)

III. Impact of Farm Mechanization (Epekto sa farm mechanization)

Direction: Please read the statement carefully and rate the imact of
farm mechanization experience in cultivating your farm. Please mark
check (/) on the spaces provided to indicate your answer, palihog
basaha pag-ayo ang pamahayag ug graduhi ang epekto sa farm
mechanization na sinati sa pag – ugmad sa imong uma. Palihog timan
us aka tsek (/) sa luna nga gihatag sa nagpakita ang imong mga

Totally applicable to
5 Always
the farm
Quite applicable to the
4 Often
3 Sometimes Applicable to the farm
Barely applicable to
2 Seldom
the farm
1 Never Totally did not applied

5 4 3 2 1
Potential benefits from mechanization
(Potensyal nga mga benepisyo gikan sa makina)
1. Increase cropping intensity
(dugang cropping intensity)
2. Reduce human effort
(Pagkunhod sa paningkamot sa
3. Increase quality of product.
(dugang kalidad sa mga
4. Improve timeliness of operation
of various operations ( pag-
palambo sa panahon sa
operasyon sa mga nagkalain-
laing operasyon.
5. Reduce harvest and post-
harvest losses (Pagpakunhod
pag-ani ug sa post-harvest
6. Employment and livelihood
generation (Employment ug
livelihood nga mga kaliwatan ug
post-harvest kapildihan)
7. Increased productivity of labor

(Dugang produksyon sa labor)

8. Minimize profit from the farms
( Naka-paayo ginansya gikan sa

IV. Level of problem encountered (Level sa problema nasugatan)

Direction: Please read the statement carefully and rate the level of
problems encountered in agricultural mechanization shown below.
Please mark a check in the spaces provided to indicate your answers.
(palihog basaha ang pag-ayo ang pamahayag ug grado sa lebel sa
problemang masugatan sa problemang masugatan sa agrikulturang
makinarya. Plahog ug tseke ( /) ang luna nga gitagan sa imong mga

5 Always (kanunay) Totally problem in the farm

4 Often (kasagaran) Quite problem in the farm
3 Sometimes (usahay) Problem in the farm
2 Seldom (panagsa) Barely problem in the farm
1 Never (dili problema) Not a problem

5 4 3 2 1
Problema (mga problema)
1. Knowledge on how to maintain the farm
machinery ( Kahibalo kon sa unsang
pamaagi sa mga makinarya).
2. Knowledge on how to operate the farm
machinery (Kahibalo kon sa unsang
pamaagi sa pag operate sa mga
3. Price of fuel (Presyo sa Gasolina/Crudo)
4. High cost of operation (kadako sa
kantidad sa gasto sa operasyon)
5. Small farm site (Gamay nga umahanan)
6. Some spare parts are not readily
available ( Ang uban nga piyesa dili dali
7. Cost of unemployment to the farmers
(Hinungdan sa kawalay trabaho ngadto
sa mga mag-uuma.)
8. Lack of Knowledge on how to identify
the parts of machine (kakulang sa
kahibalo kon sa unsang paagi sa pag-ila
sa mga bahin sa makina.)
9. Lack of support of the LGU (Kakulangon

sa suporta sa LGU)
10. Lack of assistance from the
technician. (kakulang sa tabang sa
11. Improper selection of agricultural
machinery. (Dili haum nga pag-pili sa
mga makinaryang pang-agrikultura.)
12. Quality of materials of the
machine. (Kalidad sa materyales sa
13. Ease of maintainance. (Kasayon
sa pag-gamit sa makina.)
14. Safety in the Machine. (Seguridad
sa makina).
15. Power source if diesel or gasline
engine. (Klase sa makina Diesel o
16. High costs of farm inputs (Hataas
nga gasto sa kaumahan
17. Lack of inadequate support
structures suach as roads and
irrigation (Dili igo nga supporta na
instruktura sama sa mga dalan ug mga

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