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Science Journal of Education

2022; 10(2): 79-86

doi: 10.11648/j.sjedu.20221002.15
ISSN: 2329-0900 (Print); ISSN: 2329-0897 (Online)

Assessing Higher Education Exit Exam in Ethiopia:

Practices, Challenges and Prospects
Eyob Ayenew, Abreham Gebre Yohannes
Ministry of Education, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

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To cite this article:

Eyob Ayenew, Abreham Gebre Yohannes. Assessing Higher Education Exit Exam in Ethiopia: Practices, Challenges and Prospects.
American Journal of Applied Psychology. Vol. 10, No. 2, 2022, pp. 79-86. doi: 10.11648/j.sjedu.20221002.15

Received: March 22, 2022; Accepted: April 20, 2022; Published: April 28, 2022

Abstract: Ensuring quality and relevant education in Higher Education institutions is one of the challenges that remained to
be solved. In a pursuit to rise educational outcomes in terms of quality and relevance, many countries currently aim to improve
accountability in the school system. Many school systems provide educational outcome information. However, the Exit exam
provides outcome information to be comparable across schools on an external standard. Exit exams have been argued to
improve the signaling of educational achievement on the labor market and to increase labor-market productivity through
increased human capital. The exit exam is intended to ensure all graduates from HEIs have developed adequate mastery of the
core competencies articulated in the respective curricula thereby satisfying the requirements of the labor market and
employability through the nationwide implementation of curriculum-based external exit examination. The purpose of this
study, therefore, is to examine the current practices, and challenges on the implementation of exit exams and put forward way
for its enhanced implementation. Thus, desk review of different articles, documents, policies, manuals, and guidelines was
made from global and local pieces of literature. Moreover, key informants from concerned institutions including National
Examination and Assessment Agency, Health Professionals Competency Assessment Licensure Directorate, Higher Education
Strategy Center, and Federal Justice and Legal Research and Training Institute) were interviewed to substantiate the desk
review result. Results have shown that although institutions across nations or states in a nation call exit exam in different
names, the purpose in one way or another is the same, improving students' achievement, enhancing graduates performance,
improve quality of education and improve graduates' competence in their respective fields of study. It has been identified that
exit exam has many strength including helping to ensure common standard knowledge and practical competencies, improving
public trust, improving reliability and validity of assessment tools, a tool for quality assurance to benchmark any potential
problem, and helping the faculty to perform an ongoing global assessment. Moreover, several concerns regarding the scheme
of exit exam including efforts and costs to maintain the process, opposing arguments, exposing potential weakness in the
education system, fear of impeding flexibility within curriculum, quality and trustworthiness of the employee, ownership,
exam administration, and management and cheating were indicated. Consequently, establishing independent exit exam
organization, online exam administration, awareness creation before full implementation of exit exam and cost-sharing are
some of the recommendations forwarded.
Keywords: Higher Education Institutions, Exit Exam, Practice, Challenges, Prospects

[5]. By contrast, research studies indicate that central exit

1. Introduction exams constitute an important feature of a system's
The perspective of taking "fitness for purpose" to institutional framework, which can hold students, teachers,
conceptualize quality education in higher education has schools, and administrators accountable for student outcomes
vividly become an increasingly difficult task. Of the many [5]. One potential way, therefore, to enhance educational
competing ingredients, educational achievement is still achievement and quality of education is the introduction of
considered a major determinant attribute of individual exit exams. It could influence these outcomes by certifying or
success in the labor market and for overall economic growth "signaling" that graduates have mastered a certain set of
80 Eyob Ayenew and Abreham Gebre Yohannes: Assessing Higher Education Exit Exam in Ethiopia:
Practices, Challenges and Prospects

skills, giving them an advantage in both employment and As part of this reform, the graduate exit exam has already
earnings over students without such certification [8]. been introduced in HEIs of Ethiopia for health and medical
Exit exams loom large in most educational systems across sciences and law graduates. However, the effect of exit
the world. They play a significant role in many countries, exams to improve quality and relevance in higher education
providing the basis for certifying a student as having institutions has not been supported with empirical evidence.
completed a formal course of studies in an educational Even in fields of study where exit exams are introduced,
system or for employment. It is a particularly important there is the contention that test results serve as simple records
consideration in countries with scarce employment with no defined role in recruitment or deployment processes.
opportunities and non-existent unemployment supports [9]. This demands research to formulate policies and strategies to
In addition to serving their traditional functions of extend the qualification role of exit exams to the labor market
certification and selection, improve human capital (cognitive needs beyond higher education systems. Moreover, how such
skills) and this improvement would have the potential to exit exams would be institutionalized for all first-degree
substantially improve the long-term economic well-being of graduates is not yet worked out. Thus, this paper tried to
a country [6]. examine the practice, challenges and prospects of exit exams
During the past one and half decades, we have seen a in areas that have already been introduced and looks into the
significant expansion of the Ethiopian Higher Education possibility of institutionalizing exit exams into the higher
system, harmonization of undergraduate curricula, education assessment system.
introduction of modular teaching, continuous assessment,
peer learning, and the establishment and operation of quality 2. Methods and Materials
assurance mechanisms to enhance and assure the quality of
higher education [10]. However, the expansion of higher The study employed qualitative analysis of policies,
education had not been accompanied by quality and official reports, foreign experiences, academic materials, and
relevance. Reduced quality of education is apparent across data collected through interviews with key informants. In
the higher education system in Ethiopia. The identified particular, it involves key informants’ interviews from the
quality problems exist in the regular, continuing, and distance concerned institutions that directly perform the exit exam
education (DE) programs as well as in public and private preparation, administration, and providing feedback process.
Higher Education Institutions (HEIs). The decline in quality In the interview process representatives of the National
of education is greater among the private institutions, Education Assessment and Examination Agency, Health
continuing & distance education programs than the regular Professionally Assessment and Licensure Directorate, Higher
and public education programs [7]. Education Regulation and Quality Agency, Higher Education
The Higher Education Proclamation Proc. No. 1152/2019 Strategy Centre, and Federal Justice and Legal Research and
provided that "… the teaching-learning process shall be Training Institute were involved in the study. The data
continuously updated in its design, delivery methods, and collected from the desk review were discussed with respected
instruments of assessment". In light of this, Universities in topics in line with the research objectives. Data from key
Ethiopia have taken various measures to improve the quality informants were transcribed, translated, and embedded in
and relevance of higher education to the market demand and each concept of the desk review to achieve the following
the country's development, including the introduction of research objectives.
criterion-referenced and continuous assessments [10]. a. Identify the purpose of the exit exam.
One way to improve student learning in a way it links with b. Examine the necessity of exit exam.
the labor market and economic growth is the introduction of c. Examine the effect of exit exams.
exit exams throughout higher education institutions [10]. In d. Examine the process of exit exam planning,
this case, the redesigning of the assessment based on key administration, and correction.
learning competencies requires the introduction of e. Identify the strengths and weaknesses of the exit exam.
nationwide quality indicators for placement and exit tests f. Explore the challenges facing the implementation of the
administered in the Ethiopian Higher Education system. It is exit exam.
recommended in the Education Roadmap that following such g. Examine the views/awareness of various stakeholders
excellent practice, it is important to institutionalize exit about exit exam.
exams for all first-degree graduates and put as a requirement
accreditation of graduate programs in five years after the 3. Result and Discussion
establishment by an independent body. To this end, the higher
education policy and Strategy, introduced in the 2020 exit Hereunder data collected through desk review from
exam as one of strategy in its policy issues. In its policy, different country’s experiences and literatures to gather with
strategy II, page 20, says, “HEIs should establish education the information collected using key informant interview is
quality centers that develop and manage entrance and exit presented and discussed.
examinations to quality students for admission laborer
education institutions and to ensure graduates competence to 3.1. Purpose of Exit Exam
the labor market”. Lessons have been taken from different countries about the
Science Journal of Education 2022; 10(2): 79-86 81

purpose of the exit exam. In addition an interview was participants. A study conducted by HESC [7] on the law exit
conducted with key informants. For instance, in the United exam, Ethiopian Lawyers Association, and few of the deans
Arab Emirates, the exit exam is given in the college of and instructors, students, and previous graduates of law are
technology. The primary purpose of the exit exams here, completely against exit exam. They believe the exit exam is
therefore, is to assess students' educational achievement in against continuous assessment and a flawed system. Some
the courses in their major area of program study. The exam is instructors were against exit exams and argued that taking
supposed to measure the learning outputs of the program as a exit exams as a requirement of graduation means grades
whole, not the individual courses. An exit examination tests given for the last five years are valueless. Moreover, sitting a
students at the end of their program of study for the single shot exam on a day (bad day) determines the fate is not
attainment of the program's intended learning outcomes. appropriate. Does this argument; justify the necessity of an
In India, exit exam focused on medical sciences, they call exit exam? To get justification for this question, different
it as National Exit Test (NET) is designed to ensure countries' experiences were reviewed analyzed hereunder.
uniformity in the level of training in the Bachelor of Experiences from different nations across the world and
Medicine Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS) course (more so in states in a nation show that exit exams loom large in most
private medical colleges), quality control for medical educational systems. They play a significant role in many
graduates from foreign medical colleges intending to practice countries, providing the basis for certifying a student as
in India, and abolishing the need to take multiple entrance having completed a formal course of studies in an
examination and/or multiple counseling processes for educational system or for employment. It is a particularly
admission in PG courses. important consideration in countries with scarce employment
In Ethiopia, exit exam is being given in law school and opportunities and non-existent unemployment supports [9].
health sciences. For instance, the candidate manual Exit exams in addition to serving their traditional functions
developed by Health Professional Competency of certification and selection, improve human capital
Assessment and Licensure Directorate (2019), indicates (cognitive skills) and this improvement would have the
that the sole purpose of competency assessment is to potential to substantially improve the long-term economic
identify health professionals who possess the minimum well-being of a country [6]. Studies compared student
basic knowledge and experience necessary to perform achievement in exit exam and non-exit exam educational
tasks on the job safely and competently, not to select the settings [6]. The findings support the view that students in
"top" candidates. It is also to validate safe and effective education systems with curriculum-based external
medical practice, job-related skills, and knowledge to examinations have higher levels of achievement than
provide an independent assessment and documentation of students in systems without such examinations.
competency. Therefore, competency assessment is very In Canada, there was an exit exam before the 1970s and
different from academic or employment examination. discontinued in the early 1970s. However, they reestablished
Moreover, Law school also stated the purpose of exit again the curriculum based exit exam that had been
exam from the problem they faced and identified plenty of discontinued in the early 1970s. These reformers argue that
problems that had plagued legal education in the country. 'curriculum-based external exit exams systems' (CBEEES),
As a result, the exit exam comes to the system as a based on world-class content standards will improve teaching
solution to rectify these bottlenecks, together with the and learning of core subjects through;
newly designed curriculum introduced and it is a a. Produce signals of student accomplishments that have
mandatory requirement to obtain an LL.B degree. real consequences for the student.
When reading the above objectives sated by different b. Define achievement relative to an external standard, not
fields across nations, though the name differs, their purpose relative to other students in the classroom or the school.
of exit exams are related to better student achievement, c. Are organized by discipline and keyed to the content of
favorable labor market outcomes, and higher economic specific course sequences.
growth. Better academic test results are related to d. Signal multiple levels of achievement in the subject.
significantly higher labor market earnings (Woessmann, The experience of the United Arab Emirates tells us that
2018). In the first place, according to [5]. the goal for the exit exam is highly important in higher education as it
implementing exit exams is to encourage students to put serves as a point of reference for program enhancement. The
effort into their learning [1]. Exit tests are intended to students taking the exam realize the importance of the exam
generate improvements in student achievement by when it is seriously taken. These types of exams will
establishing a concrete hurdle that students must clear to motivate students to work harder and help teachers identify
graduate. They are also intended to spur achievement by and address students' weaknesses. Moreover, Indian and
improving the way schools educate their lowest-achieving Saudi Arabia experience in medical sciences ensures the
students. necessity of exit exam as "it qualifies the graduate as a
competent physician with the ability to practice medicine as a
3.2. The Necessity of Exit Exam general practitioner anywhere in the nation or outside the
Is the exit exam really necessary and has to be continued? nation.
These are the basic questions raised by professionals and By providing information on the outcomes of the
82 Eyob Ayenew and Abreham Gebre Yohannes: Assessing Higher Education Exit Exam in Ethiopia:
Practices, Challenges and Prospects

educational process, central exams can also improve the Under such a scenario, the necessity of an exit exam is
monitoring of the behavior of teachers and schools. In a justifiable.
principal-agent framework, this reduces inefficiencies in the
educational process and raises educational outcomes [4]. 3.3. The Effect of Exit Exam
Experiences of the world tell us most countries in the When a policy or strategy is developed, the developer and
world use exit exam to enhance quality education for their stallholders expect an outcome that is different and better. To
students [5]. Moreover, they are recruiting graduates in this end when the exit exam is initiated, higher education
psychometrics and testing to assist in the development and institutions expected an education outcome that has quality
administration of these examinations seeking higher test and relevance. Consequently, the experiences of different
standards. The driving force that initiates countries to apply nations and programmers are reviewed and analyzed.
exit exam in their programs are; Extensive empirical literature studies have been conducted
a. The increased number of HEIs and students: The on how central exams affect students’ educational
exponential increase in the number of HEIs in a short achievement. Evidence from several international student
period necessitates a mechanism to ensure high-quality achievement tests such as the Programme for International
graduating students both from universities/colleges. Student Assessment (PISA) and Trends in International
However, the exit exam is not the only safeguard to Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) reveals consistent
ensure the high quality of the curriculum, instruction, positive associations between central exams and student
and learning outcomes. achievement across countries (Woessmann, 2016). However,
b. Lack of consistency in assessment methods: The lack of the association between central exams and student
consistency in using valid and reliable assessment achievement is robust to including continental fixed effects,
methods across nations is an area of potential concern. thus casting doubt on this particular theory.
c. Planned, delivered, assessed, and hidden curricula: The In German central exam affects the learning outcomes of
planned curriculum is what the planners have agreed to students and their labor-market performance. The different
include in the curriculum for feasibility and relevant mechanisms ultimately rest on the observation that the exit
reasons. The delivered curriculum is the delivery of the exam provides information that would otherwise not be
planned curriculum, matching different instructional available. Models of educational signaling and screening
methods. The assessed curriculum is what students stress stated that central exams improve the signal of
learn because they expect it will be assessed. Ideally, educational achievement for employers and institutions of
the planned, delivered and assessed curriculum should higher education [2, 3]. This in turn creates stronger
overlap perfectly. Mismatch, however, indicates the incentives for students to increase their learning effort.
presence of a hidden curriculum, which could In this regard, Bishop [4], reported that exit exams can
potentially impede the achievement of the planned improve the monitoring of the behavior of teachers and
educational objectives. schools by providing information on the outcome of the
d. Completing the standardization process: The educational process. Moreover, the exit exam may decrease
standardization of the assessment of students before collective peer pressure against learning because they make a
they entered into professional practice. collective strategy to lower standards in a classroom futile,
e. The increase in the proportion of international students: which again increases learning outcomes. Human capital
HEIs in Ethiopia will have expanded international theory predicts that such improvements in educational
scholarship and foreign students. As a result exam exit outcomes, in turn, increase a person's productivity in the
is needed for standardization. labor market, thereby improving labor-market outcomes.
Therefore, the exit exam is taken as one way of enhancing The experiences from Canada also give a lesson on this
the quality and relevance of education. On one hand, exit issue. According to them, CBEEE affects the academic
exams could be expected to positively influence student achievement of students by shifting attention from relative
achievement through several interrelated pathways including, achievement towards measures of absolute achievement. It is
pressuring teachers to align curriculum to national content to say if students are evaluated relative to an outside
standards. Moreover, the threat of diploma denial may also standard, they no longer have a personal interest in getting
motivate students to work harder to reach the standards set by teachers off track or persuading each other to refrain from
the state [8]. studying. Much of the ultimate effect of CBEEESs on student
On the other hand, regulatory mechanisms to assure the achievement derives from the changes they induce in school
quality of education such as accreditation and quality audits priorities and teacher pedagogy.
were not well established. Regulatory agencies were not Experiences from the United Arab Emirates also advocate
effectively discharging their responsibilities. There is a the effectiveness of exit exams. Exit exam results could be
shortage of trained personnel and an absence of explicit used as a monitoring tool whose outcomes could be used for
program-specific standards for audit and accreditation. The feedback, evaluation, and review processes. The monitoring
inspection is infrequent and inconsistent and poor mechanism can be seen as part of the implementation process of the
of follow-up. Besides, there was no mechanism to verify the curriculum. It is at this stage that departments have the
competence of new graduates with professional degrees. responsibility to verify that student performance is consistent
Science Journal of Education 2022; 10(2): 79-86 83

with the established goals and objectives of the university questions are introduced to distinguish between the smart and
curriculum. In this issue, Higher Education Strategy Center the average students. The number of questions varies from
[7] researched to explore the views of deans, instructors, department to department but is normally kept identical
previous graduates of law school, employers, exam settlers, among all years. Moreover, some exams are the same as in
and exam correctors on the effect of exit exams and the past taking into consideration that even no single question
education quality [7]. Most of the study participants reported will be known or revealed for the next student batch.
exit exam is the best option to ensure quality legal of The score on this exam should reflect the student's
education, even the only option for some to bring effect on performance. This exam tests the student on knowledge,
educational achievement. skills, and attitudes gained throughout the study of the
Overall, exit exams are related to better student courses of a specific program.
achievement, favorable labor market outcomes, and higher Regarding the administration of the exit exam, it is
economic growth. Better academic test results are related to administered in hard copy using paper and pencil. However,
significantly higher labor market earnings [5]. In the first the worldwide trend is now on computer-based and online
place, the goal for implementing exit exams is to encourage exams [1]. This is because:
students to put effort into their learning [1]. a. Multiple versions of the exam can be distributed
without having to manually monitor which students got
3.4. Preparation, Administration of Exit Exam and Scoring which tests.
When the exit exam was planned as one of the education b. Quickly evaluation of the performance of the group is
quality improving mechanisms, it has the following possible.
characteristics [1]; first, they are set or controlled by an c. Less time and effort are needed.
agency external to the schools from which students come. d. Question styles on exams, including graphics can be
Second, the administering authority is usually a national or mixed and made more interactive than paper-based
state government or agency or, if it does not administer the exams.
examinations, it will have an oversight function. Third, the e. Human errors in grading can be eliminated.
examinations are based on prescribed syllabi in curriculum f. Save paper.
(or subject) areas. Fourth, examinations involve the The use of computer-based exams or online exams goes
application of a common test administered under controlled under this trend of e-learning and e-education systems. This
conditions, in which students do not have access to books or offers the opportunity to display each question with its
other material and are separated from the classroom situation. multiple-choice options along with the percentage weight of
The examinations are usually administered on fixed days to each multiple-choice option. This helps in detecting how
many students at the same time. Fifth, there is a heavy many students have chosen the right answer and how many
emphasis on objective items involving multiple-choice, have chosen each of the other choices, as depicted.
essays and practical tasks. 3.5. The Strengths and Weakness of Exit Exam
The MoH in Ethiopia established a national licensing
examination (NLE) for university graduates including a a. Strengths of Exit Exam
written exam and OSCE. The written exam was piloted with The exam serves to provide the departments, colleges, and
over 15,000 graduates. Pass rates ranged from 21% for health universities with detailed up-to-date feedback, which helps
officers to 81% for anesthesia in the 2015 cohort of exam develop the program and its courses. Once the students take
takers. Post examination analysis revealed that the NLEs the exam, the results are analyzed, examined, and discussed
were of appropriate difficulty level, and had very good extensively to identify points of strengths as well as
reliability. The MoH is planning to require that new weaknesses and pinpoint any areas for development in the
graduates must pass NLE to get employed [11]. academic programs or even the introduction of new programs
Saudi Arabia Experience also gives a lesson on exit exam and courses. Thus as a consequence, those detailed results
administration, and it should be conducted and maintained by will allow colleges and departments to identify domains
an independent judicial body. Such an organization, where the students excel and those which need improvement
especially at the initial stages of such a project, would likely and better assessment. Based on the global and local
benefit from consulting experienced organizations in experiences and interviews conducted with key informants,
conducting such examinations. Additionally, they suggest the following strengths of the exit exam are identified.
recruiting medical education experts in psychometrics and 1) Exit exam helps to ensure whether the graduates
testing to assist in the development and administration of have achieved at least a common standard of
these examinations seeking higher test standards. knowledge and practical competencies.
The United Arab Emirates also shares its experience exit 2) Exit exam helps to improve the public trust and
exam preparation. A set of questions is normally identified confidence in the Healthcare and Judicial activities
covering the fundamentals and highlighting key concepts in of professionals.
engineering in the past year's course. These questions stress 3) The results of the exit exam are a reliable,
the fundamental knowledge that any engineer should possess transparent, and valid measure of candidates'
before starting practicing. By default, fewer advanced qualifications for jobs.
84 Eyob Ayenew and Abreham Gebre Yohannes: Assessing Higher Education Exit Exam in Ethiopia:
Practices, Challenges and Prospects

4) The exit exam/licensure can be used as a tool for students, and previous graduates of the law were
quality assurance to benchmark and to correct any completely against it. They believe that the exit exam
potential problem or deficiency in the curricula or is against continuous assessment and it is a flawed
methods of instruction. system. Instructors argued that if the exit exam is a
5) It also decreases the time constraints of the faculty to graduation requirement, the five years evaluation is
perform an ongoing global assessment. valueless. Therefore, determining the fate of a student
To sum up, the exit exam is hoped to help enhance the by a one-shot exam like the law school's exit exam is
quality and standards of education in the Ethiopian higher appropriate.
education institutions. It also determines if the student has 3) Exposing potential weakness in the education system:
both technical (knowledge and skill) and ethical competence. Colleges might resist this call for change fearing that
Therefore, all programs better think and prepare themselves they will be exposing the weaknesses of their schools
and their students; they will implement exit exams as major publicly. However, the potential embarrassment can be
criteria to certify/get their degree so that they will get avoided by keeping the results of the schools'
employment. performance confidential for the first 5 years of
b. Weaknesses of the National Exit Exam implementing the system.
Works of literature from global and local perspectives and 4) The fear of impeding flexibility within the school's
key informants in the interview session also tried to identify curriculum: Educators might resist the change because
the limitations of exit exams and some are presented below. they believe that national learning outcomes and a
1) Standardization of assessment (exit exam) will come national standardized examination will restrict the
up with standardization of the curriculum and may flexibility of customizing their curriculum and choice
eliminate creativity and innovation in instructional of assessment methods.
skills. 5) Inadequate preparation of students for the exam is an
2) Implementation of the exit exam in a national way emerging challenge and explained by different reasons
may stratify schools into the explicit league which like inadequate time for exam preparation, inadequate
makes it determinant for the morale of staff and support and help from the law schools in terms of lack
students. of orientation and dissemination of information about
3) Onetime assessment is not as comprehensive as the exam, and lack of commitments in mentoring and
ongoing assessments. giving due attention to the failure of their students.
4) The dependability and trustworthiness of students 6) Students’ lack of motivation, commitment, and time as
and who involves in the exam setting and a result of their condition is another challenge
administration process. regarding the non-regular program. These students join
5) The presence of committed and responsible the program who are working and have other duties.
invigilators during exit exam administration time. 7) There is limited access to teaching and reference
6) The misbehavior or ineffectiveness of campus materials for such students in different universities.
securities to discharge their responsibility during the Especially, the case of the distance program is worth
exam time. mentioning. Therefore, the content of courses and even
the quality of the material differ from that of the
3.6. Challenges of Exit Exam regular or other non-regular programs.
According to the literature reviewed in other nations and in 8) Employers' and Other Stakeholders' Limited
Ethiopia to evaluate exit examination system [4, 6, 7], and Awareness: the biggest challenges were the lack of
interviews conducted, exit exam is hoped to help enhance awareness of potential employers. Some students (from
quality and standards of education. It also determines if the the non-regular program) and higher education
student has both technical (knowledge and skill) and ethical institutions top officials about the nature and
competence. Depending on how the school's students perform in consequence of exit exam and lack of uniformity about
the exit exam, particular challenges are identified as follows. the consequence that failure should entail. There are
1) Efforts and costs to maintain the process: The several cases in which students who failed the exit
planning, writing, revising, scoring, and analyzing of exam have been given a temporary certificate of their
these examinations are very complex and tedious degree, employed, and promoted without giving due
processes that require the allocation of quite a regard to the exit exam results. And most employers do
significant amount of time, money, and personnel. This not use exit exams as a criterion in their recruitment
is the strongest barrier against the implementation of and promotion procedures.
such a system. 9) Quality of the Exam Questions: the lack of conceptual
2) Opposing arguments: The natural resistance to change clarity, uneven representation of courses and topics of
is expected from both administrators and students. For courses, lack of inclusion of oral examination to
instance, research conducted in Ethiopian law school evaluate students' oral skills, the inclusion of an
HESC [7], reported, the Ethiopian Lawyers unnecessary and immense number of courses in the
Association and few of the deans and instructors, exam, and the unpredictability of the courses to appear
Science Journal of Education 2022; 10(2): 79-86 85

on the exam, the inclusion of memory testing Like health sciences, an exit exam has to be given for
questions, incorporation of questions having debatable the sake of licensing students to join the job market.
issues in some exam questions and lack of procedure of 2) Existing preparation and administration is a complex
standardizing the exam based on difficulty level during and tedious process that requires the allocation of quite
exam preparation are the main challenges raised a significant amount of time, money, and personnel.
regarding the quality of the exam questions. Therefore it is recommended that some portion of the
10) Correction Process and Feedback: Shortage of time for cost better to be covered by graduates, Or else when
correction, unsuitability of the venue and offices where candidates number increases, the budget for this activity
the correction takes place, lack of commitment from will get immense high and high and the government
the correctors; lack of proper supervision and follow will be a terrible amount of cost.
up of the correction process and lack of timely and 3) There shall be a strict guideline on dependability and
proper communication of the feedback are the major trustworthiness of students, the presence of committed
challenges. and responsible invigilators, and the misbehavior or
11) Exam Administration and Management: Lack of ineffectiveness of campus securities to discharge their
institutionalized ownership of legal education reform responsibility during the exam time.
program in general and an exit exam, in particular, is 4) The exit exam is administered on a manual basis in
the governing challenge. As discussed earlier in the Ethiopia. This system might threaten the safety of the
existing setting, the administration of exit exam is a exam. The use of computer-based exams or online
shared responsibility that requires the collaborative exams goes under the trend of e-learning and e-
contribution of different institutions. Failure of one education systems. This solves the problems related to
institution has an impact on the overall administration. examination, examiner, and campus security problems.
Hence, with the emerging trend of financing the exit 5) The NAEA/the will be organizing body in collaboration
exam by the respective universities coupled with with universities has to organize rewarding system at
distributed ownership of the exam by different the national level. This can create a sense of
institutions (HESC, NEAEA, MOE) and lack of legal competition which enhances education quality, students
expertise on the part of NEAEA and HESC; is a learning, and their employability. Moreover, the NAEA
challenge manifested in failure to disseminate exam has to issue a separate certificate for the exit exam
related information timely, the gross mistake in exam result, especially for programs other than the fields of
packaging, lack of corrective and retributive measures health sciences.
taken on cheating cases and most importantly poor 6) The government planned to apply exit exam for all
record and documentation system of students' result. undergraduate students in different fields of study in the
12) Passing Mark: The fact that the passing mark is below country. Therefore, there should be an institution that
the average (50%) most of the time (30/35%) creates takes and discharge the responsibility and
psychological reluctance on the side of the students in accountability of exit exam whether in NAEA or
the effort they employ for the exam during preparation another separate organ. Moreover, clear policies,
and compromises the quality of the graduates. The strategies, and guidelines to lead the institute have to be
criteria used to determine the passing mark especially properly prepared.
of the minimum skill and knowledge is a general 7) If the exit exam is conducted without due deliberations
stipulation that made it inapplicable to determine the and preparedness, students might be failing multiple
passing mark. times. It may harm the psychology of students, parents,
13) Reward mechanism: the fact that there are no separate and society. The implementation process is better done
certifications for exam result communication and lack gradually starting to form manageable levels to the
of incentive and rewarding mechanism for high scoring desired level. Moreover, in the initial few years, it
students and universities at the national level is also a would be appropriate to set the level of exit exam
major challenge. This will affect the motivation of the relatively easier, to build up the confidence of students,
students to perform better for the exam. parents, and society.
8) Across nations, exit exam is among the mechanisms
4. The Way Forward that enhance education quality and relevance. However,
a detailed assessment will be important from
Based upon the conclusions discerned, the following stallholders, students, parents, and society before
recommendations are forwarded. implementing it in all HEIs.
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