DLL Tle Week 6 Q1
DLL Tle Week 6 Q1
DLL Tle Week 6 Q1
B. Performance Conducts a survey using online tools Processes and summarizes numerical data using advanced functions and formulas
Standards in an electronic spreadsheet tool
C. Learning Disseminates an online survey Process an online survey data Uses functions and formulas in Uses functions and formulas Uses functions and
Competencies/Objectiv form TLE6IE-0e-11 an electronic spreadsheet tool in an electronic spreadsheet formulas in an electronic
es TLE6IE-0e-10 to perform advanced tool to perform advanced spreadsheet tool to
calculations onnumerical data calculations onnumerical data perform advanced
TLE6IE-0f-12 data calculations onnumerical
TLE6IE-0f-12 data
II. CONTENT Gathering and organizing Gathering and organizing Analyzing information using Analyzing information Analyzing information
information using ICT information using ICT ICT using ICT using ICT
2. Learner’s Material
3. Textbook Pages
4. Additional Reference
from Learning
B. Other Learning https://link.quipper.com https://link.quipper.com https://link.quipper.com https://link.quipper.com https://link.quipper.com
Resources Powerpoint Presentation Powerpoint Presentation Powerpoint Presentation Powerpoint Presentation Powerpoint Presentation
A. Reviewing previous What is an online survey? How to disseminate an online How to process an online What are the functions in an What are the formulas in
lesson or presenting the survey? survey data? electronic spreadsheet? an electronic
new lesson spreadsheet?
B. Establishing a purpose Why are formulas created?
for the lesson
C. Presenting After producing an online survey Today, you will learn how to Today, you will learn about What are the functions in Today you will going to
examples/instances of form, what is the next step you process an online survey data. spreadsheet and Microsoft Microsoft Excel? perform calculations with
the new lesson have to ensure? Excel. functions.
D. Discussing new Identify the steps in disseminating From the data summary Discuss the following: Define what is function. Go over with the
concepts and practicing an online survey. provided by the online survey 1. Spreadsheet program Identify its elements. functions already
new skill #1 tool, it would be easy to analyze 2. Microsoft excel Give examples of fuctions. discussed.
it. Here are some points to
remember in analyzing the
survey data.
E. Discussing new Discuus each step. Discuss each point. Discuss what are formulas and Discussions. Give each pupils task to
concepts and practicing Sharing ideas. examples of it. perform using the
new skill #2 spreadsheet.
F. Developing mastery What is the purpose of a survey if How to process an online What is an spreadsheet What is a function? Compare the monthly
(Leads to Formative it will not be disseminated? survey data? program? What are its elements? salaries paid by
Assessment) What are the formulas in Company A with those
Microsoft Excel? paid by Company B. Find
the sum and average of
salaries for each
company using Microsoft
Excel’s functions and
G. Finding practical How do spreadsheet
applications of makes our work easier?
concepts and skills in
daily living
H. Making generalizations Disseminating form is just very A summary of the responses Spreadsheet program Functions are ready-made
and abstractions about easy. The challenge, however, is will show you the number of processes and carries out formulas that perform a series
the lesson to make respondents commit to responses to the survey and the calculations on the data of operations on a specific
answer and complete your results for every question. It will entered by the user. range of values. For example,
survey. They have to be also provide you the percentage Microsoft Excel is one of the to determine the sum of a
convinced to take part of the of each question. Aside from most powerful and most series of numbers in cells A1
development of the research or that, this will give you a popular electronic spreadsheet through H1, you can enter the
the study. summary in a form of different tool available. It offers function =SUM(A1:H1),
graphs, like a bar graph, line unmatched spreadsheet, instead of entering
graph and pie graph that you database, and chart creation =A1+B1+C1+ and so on.
can also use to support your abilities all rolled into one
data analysis and results. software application. Every function consists of the
following three elements:
I. Evaluating learning What are the ways/ steps in / or x. What is spreadsheet program? Using Microsoft Excel
disseminating a google online 1. Look for the number of What arethe different formulas functions:
survey form? respondents who in Microsoft Excel? Give
completed the survey. examples. =AVERAGE: Calculates
2. Filter the data by the mean or average of
subgroup, for example, group of numbers
check a specific age
group responded to =SUM: Adds the values
your survey. and calculates the total in
3-5. a range of cells
1. No. of learners who
earned 80% on the
formative assessment
2. No. of learners who
require additional
activities for
3. Did the remedial
lessons work? No. of
learners who have
caught up with the
4. No. of learners who
continue to require
5. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
6. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
7. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I
wish to share with other