What Is a Summary?
Excellent summaries are easy to read and explain all of the main points in the original article. Important
points to remember:
The aim of an article is to convey a certain idea or topic through arguments and evidence.
In a summary, you want to identify the main idea of the article and put this information into your own
words. To do this, you must be willing to read the article several times. On the first reading, try to gain a
general notion of what the article is trying to say. Once you've done this write down your initial impression.
This is most likely the thesis, or main idea, of the article. Also, be sure to include the author's first and last
name and the title of the article in your notation for later reference.
Example: In the article "Why Two Best Friends Doesn't Work," author Cassandra Grimes argues that
most teenage girls can't get along in groups of more than two.
When trying to identify the central idea, you should ask yourself, "Why was this essay written and
2. Identify the place it was published, as this can help you determine the intended audience.
Applying these methods of identification, let's take a look at the article "Bypass Cure" by James Johnson.
We can assume the subject of the article from the title. Upon further examination, it becomes clear that
the author is arguing that new research suggests the best cure for diabetes is the surgical solution of a
gastric bypass.
Example: "Bypass Cure" by James Johnson records a recent discovery by researchers that people who
have bypass surgery for weight control are also instantly cured of diabetes. Since rising diabetic rates and
obesity has become a worldwide concern, the article provides a startling but controversial potential
Now that we have identified the main idea of the article, we can move on to finding the key arguments.
At this point, you should read the article again. This time, read more carefully to see the supporting
arguments, the reasons the author gives for the main point. Here are some tips on how to find these:
1. Read on a paper copy or use a computer program that lets you make annotations.
2. Underline the topic sentence of each paragraph. (If no one sentence tells the main concept, then write a
3. Write that sentence in your own words on the side of the page or on another piece of paper.
4. When you finish the article, read all the topic sentences you marked or wrote down.
7. Be sure you don't use the same words, phrases, or sentence structure as the original.
8. You may find you need to leave out some of the unimportant details.
In short, you want to boil the article down to its main, supporting arguments. Let everything else fall away,
and what you are left with is an argument or an opinion, and the arguments that support it.
Your summary should start with the author’s name and the title of the work. Here are several ways to do
this correctly:
As John Wood vividly elucidates in his ironic story "Cats Don't Dance" ...
John Wood claims in his ironic story "Cats Don't Dance" that ...
Combine the thesis of the article with the title and author into your first sentence of the summary.
In "Cats Don't Dance," John Wood explains that in spite of the fact that cats are
popular pets who seem to like us, felines are not really good at any activities that
require cooperation with someone else, whether that is dancing or sharing.
If possible, your first sentence should summarize the article. The rest of your summary should cover
some of the central concepts used to support the thesis. Be sure to restate these ideas in your own
words, and to make your summary as short and concise as possible. Condense sentences and leave out
author after that, you always use their last name. The following examples show how to use the author's
Toller criticizes...
You don't need to use an author's title (Dr., Professor, or Mr. and Mrs.), but it does help to add their
credentials to show they are an authoritative source. The sentences below show ways to do this.
New York Times critic Johann Bachman argues in "Global Warming is the Next
Best Thing for the Earth" that ...
If you are discussing the ideas of the author, you always need to make it clear that you are reciting their
Add the page number that the information is found on in parenthesis at the end of the sentence
essay, book, or other source. The sentence below is a great example of how to do this.
According to Mary Johnson in her essay, "Cats Make Good Pets," the feline
domestic companion is far superior to the canine one.
You also need to continue to make it clear to the reader when you are talking about the author's ideas. To
do this, use "author tags," which are either the last name of the author or a pronoun (he or she) to show
Also, try to make use of different verbs and adverbs. Your choice of author tag verbs and adverbs can
contribute to the way you analyze the article. Certain words will create a specific tone. See the tables for a
The length of an article summary will depend on the length of the article you are writing about.
If the article is long (say, 10-12 pages) then your summary should be about four pages. If the article is
shorter, your summary should be about one to two pages. Sometimes, an article summary can be less
summary for yourself, it's up to you how long or short it will be (but remember, a summary is supposed to
be a short regurgitation of the information outline in an article). If you are writing a summary for a class
In "My Favorite Shoe," Treyvon Jones explains that Nike shoes are the best brand
of running shoe for serious track athletes. Jones supports this view by pointing
out that Nike shoes are more comfortable, last longer, and provide more
cushioning for the feet. He notes that the statistics from sales and scientific
evidence of how Nike shoes are better for the feet support his claim. In addition,
Jones points out that most professional runners use Nike and he tells his own
story of how he won the 100-meter men's competition after switching to Nike
Summary Template
Part of
Introductio In "My Favorite Shoe," Treyvon Jones explains (insert main idea).
n Sentence
Supporting Jones supports this view by pointing out (insert author's supporting
Arguments arguments).
3. Let one of your peers read your summary. Make changes according to their feedback.
Suggested Reading
Writing a summary of a journal article is not only a common assignment, but it's also one of the best ways
Here are resources and tips for teachers and students on how to summarize and paraphrase.
Here are clear lessons on paraphrasing, quotation, and summary in research papers, including examples
of each method.
This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for
Answer: An abstract is basically a summary of a research article. To write a good summary in your field
of science, it would help to look up several research articles and look at their abstracts. Use that as a
Answer: The summary should end with the author's conclusion or last main point.
Answer: Conclude your summary with a statement about what the author is trying to convince you to
Answer: A summary should begin by stating the name of the author (first and last) and the title of the
article, along with a single sentence describing the main idea of the whole article. Here are some
1. According to Tom Castaway in "Taking Your Management to the Next Level," effective management
means clearly articulating your goals, supporting your employees and keeping the team on track.
2. "Supporting Your Cat's Needs" by Jane Yogurt is a humorous article that describes how a can
3. In her usual humorous style, Sanda Cunningham offers support and advice to dog owners who feel out
of control in "Taking Back the Leash: A Dog Owner's Guide to Freedom from Panic Attacks."
Answer: "Skimming" means that you don't read every word. You look at the bold print in a chapter, the
first sentences of each paragraph and look over a page to see if there are important points. Skimming is
like doing an overview. Skimming is easy if you are reading in your own language and often we do
skimming when we are looking at a newspaper, or scrolling down our social media posts. Basically, when
you skim read, you are looking for the most interesting or most important things. When you find it, you
might read a whole section, but you might also skip a lot that doesn't seem important.
Answer: Your summary should reinforce the main point of the article, and should always be in your own
words, just like the rest of your essay. However, a summary should not add your own opinion. The
response is your opinion, and the summary is just a repetition of what is in the article.
Answer: You end a summary with the conclusion of the article or a comment about the reason the author
1. In conclusion, the article clearly articulates all of the reasons a person needs to be careful not to let
2. To make sure the reader gets the point, the author concludes with a funny story of why she will never
3. Although she may belabor the point too much, Johnson does clearly and effectively explain many
reasons why college students should take the time to recycle as much as they can.
Answer: You will put the title in the first or second sentence which will identify the author, the title, and
usually the main point of the article. It would go something like this:
The humorous article "Have you ever met a houseplant you really liked?" by James Green gives the
author's perspective that people who adore growing things indoors are mentally deranged.
Question: Which tense do we have to use in a summery on an article written in simple past about a past
Answer: There is more than one way to write this sort of summary. The most important thing is to be
consistent in the verb tense you use. All articles are written in the past and are published before you are
In the article written by John Jacobs about cats ruling the world, he states that "Cats make better leaders
than men." However, in his conclusion, he stated that he would never want to live in that world.
Question: How do you begin an article summary when it has multiple authors?
Answer: You would list all of the authors in the first mention of the article and afterwards refer to "the
In "Our First Jobs," authors Bob Johns, Sean Conley, and Stephan Ruiz explain how their first
employment helped them develop as people. The authors agree...Moreover, this article
Question: How do I include the author, title, and content in the summary of an article?
Answer: There is a clear format for including the author tags in summaries. To start with, you need to
include the title and full name of the author, usually in the first sentence of the summary. Here are some
James Joseph, in his article, "Remember When," talks about his experiences in World War II.
In his interesting retrospective article, "Remember When," James Joseph retells his war experiences in
reader a glimpse into that period of history from the viewpoint of an eighteen-year-old soldier.
For other ideas on how to do this and more words, you can use as author tags, see my article on
Question: Our teacher told our group to write a discussion summarizing our assignment? What can I
Answer: Summarizing means telling all of the most important points. Often, in English, the main ideas are
in the first sentence of each paragraph, but sometimes they can be at the end or the middle.
Occasionally, the author doesn't actually say the main idea, but gives you a lot of details and lets you
read them and decide on the main idea by yourself. Whatever type of writing you are summarizing, the
basic way to do it is the same. You read the whole thing through and underline the parts which seem the
most important. Then you think about the article and decide on the main point the author wanted you to
understand after reading. I tell my students to think about what the author wants you to think, do or
believe. Often, there will be a sentence in the article which says that main idea. That sentence is often in
the beginning of the article. Write that sentence down and include the name of the article and the author.
Then you need to read each paragraph and write down the main idea. A summary does not usually
include all of the examples. It includes all of the main ideas. Putting those all together makes a summary.
Question: Can I include a particular term that the author uses in the article while writing a summary?
Answer: If the writer coins a term for something, you absolutely should use that term in your summary
and explain that what the author means by that word. Similarly, if the author uses some specialized terms
or vocabulary that is difficult to say in any other way, you should use the same words. You do need to
make sure that your summary does not use the same phrases or sentences of the original (see my article
Answer: A summary tells all of the main ideas but doesn't include the background details or evidence.
Usually, a summary is much shorter than the original article, often a couple of paragraphs. In science, the
Question: In the exam, we will be given an article and asked to write an abstract for that article. What do
Answer: An abstract is another way of saying "summary." However, an abstract is generally just one or
two paragraphs. Often, the word "abstract" is used for a summary of a scientific article. Your abstract of
the article should start with a sentence telling the main point of the article. Then it should have no more
than ten other sentences telling other main ideas or reasons and evidence that support the first main idea.
Answer: What kind of an introduction you do will depend on how long your paper is supposed to be. If
you are just writing a summary, you will probably just start with a first sentence that tells the author, title
and main idea. Then the rest of the first paragraph should give the basic overview of the main points of
the article. Several examples of this are given above. If you are doing a longer summary, or a response
and a summary, you might want to start with an introduction that gives your own experiences or
background on the topic before you began to read the article. For more information and links to three
Question: In a summary, should I create my own topic or use the article's topic?
Answer: Your summary should use the main idea of the article for your topic. The first sentence of the
summary should include the author's full name and the title of the article. Assuming that you are doing
just a summary and not a response, you should keep your summary in the 3rd person.
Here is a sample: Stephanie Arnold's article, "How to Live With a Cat," humorously describes her attempt
Question: How do I introduce the article title with no author's name when writing an article summary?
Answer: I assume you mean that you have an article which does not have an author. Generally, an
article without an author is not a good source. However, some exceptions would be information from
government websites or other authoritative sources which do not list the person who actually wrote down
the article. In that case, you would introduce the article by telling where it was published and also possibly
Answer: The best way to start a summary is to say the name of the author and the title of the work and to
give the main point of the article. Here are some examples:
1. The complete guide to gardening not only annuals but also perennials and flowering bushes is "Texas
2. In "How to Get the Best Gas Mileage," James Stevens explains the importance of car maintenance as
3. "Organizing for Non-Experts" is Joan Causeways humorous instruction manual for helping messy
about tone. Moreover, you should also notice that you don't have to start with the name of the author and
title. That can be placed at the beginning, middle, or end of the sentence.
Answer: Conclude your summary with the main point of the article or if you are allowed to give your own
Answer: In summary, you need to just tell the view of the author. If you are also doing a response to the
summary, that is where you tell your view of the issue and also your view about what the author wrote.
Answer: Often students are asked to write a short summary of the articles they use in a research paper.
These are often fairly short, and are sometimes called an "annotated bibliography" or a "survey of
sources." To write that sort of summary, you will read the whole article through and then write only the
main idea in a few sentences. You may also be required to explain how you are going to use that article in
Question: How do I keep the flow of my one-sentence summary smooth, and not awkward or choppy?
Answer: Using transition words which link your ideas will help your writing to be clearer as well as less
choppy. I have several articles to help you write better sentences. Start with Easy Words to Use as
You can also look at my Ways to Write Effective Sentences:
Question: When wiring a summary of an article, do I need to mention methodology in a summary? If yes
Answer: If you are writing a summary of a scientific research project, you do need to explain the
methodology but not in detail. You would mention the type of methodology used and any key terms that
would let a person in that field understand how that science project was either conducted or analyzed.
Question: Can I put a hypothesis in the summary of the article to support the main idea?
Answer: Generally, a "hypothesis" is giving what you think about something. A summary of the article is
Answer: Generally, if you are just summarizing a single article and you have provided the name of the
author and title of the article in the first sentence, you do not need to add any additional citations.
However, be sure to follow your instructor's directions. Sometimes, they may want you to provide page
numbers (or even paragraph numbers) to show what you are summarizing.
Answer: In a business or science report, you can use bullets in a summary; however, in most academic
subjects, it would not be appropriate. If you are in doubt, you should probably contact the person who
gave you this assignment and ask whether or not they would like you to use bullets.
Answer: It is appropriate to include a brief mention of an example in the summary but most of what you
Answer: I would always suggest that you start by skimming the article to get the main ideas; however,
you probably need to read the article closely at least once in order to make sure you haven't missed a
major point.
Answer: You summarize a movie by telling the main characters, setting, plot (conflict and resolution), and
what the main message of the movie is for the viewers. You can find more information in this
Answer: In the second paragraph, you will give a summary of the main reasons for the author's thesis.
You may also briefly explain the evidence the author uses to support those reasons.
Answer: You would summarize a video in the same way that you would an article. In fact, I'd suggest that
if possible you look at the video with captions on and take notes about the main points (stopping the video
as you listen). Depending on how long the video is, you might want to watch the whole thing through once
and then make notes about the main claim and supporting ideas. Then watch it through again and fill in
some other details to help you do your summary. You would begin with a sentence like this:
In the video "Walking a dog in the park" by Jordan James, the author contends that the most important
thing to remember is that the walk is for the dog's sake, not yours.
Hi, i have to write a summary of an article and i can only have 500 words.My article have many author,
How can i introduce them in the introduction. my teacher didn't specifically say if we have to include the
title of the article too as its really lengthy.How do u advice i should start my summary. Can i just include
the first author and start my summary like "VANESSA M. MCDONALD et al. article suggest"
Hi Saima, that probably means the date that the article was published.
This information is very helpful. My teacher wanted us to write a summary. Below are the requirements for
Hi Riggzie! So glad you have decided to go to college! I think that when you are older in college, you
really appreciate it more than when you've just graduated from high school. Essays from older students
are always more interesting because they've had time to see things from more than one perspective
and/or have more interesting experiences to write about. As far as your question, I always need to remind
people to follow the instructions of your teacher first. Different textbooks and teachers will give different
instructions based on what they are trying to do in that assignment. However, generally a summary does
not have an opening or conclusion; however, if you are writing a summary, analysis, response (which
often is an assignment after the summary), you will be putting in some of those other elements. Good
Thank you very much. I am 47 and decided to go to college. I guess better late than never! I have been
searching the web for summaries and I think you have helped me a lot. I was told by my family (wife has 2
associates and a bachelors, and my oldest is 20 and in college) that I should still do the opening
paragraph, the content paragraph and a conclusion paragraph, but what you have listed is clearly not the
case. I take English Composition in my next semester, so I have to do run before I walk.
Thanks again!
Hi Ashi! You have asked a good question. There are two ways to cite more than one author. One is
simply to list all of the authors when you first mention the article title and authors. The other way is to cite
the first author and then add "et al." which means "and others." After that first citation, you should
probably use "in the article," or "the authors point out" rather than trying to use the name of the author,
although you can say "Baker et al. suggest" but that sounds a bit formal, and I have never used that
In "COVID-19 Responses" by Jim Barker, Jose Hererra, and Ysinda Gomez, the authors argue that
individual responsibility and government action needs to be considered together when evaluating the
problem is that ,there are three authors of that article. Now plz tell me how I can start my summary and in
Very helpful information. now i should construct a better summary write up for my assignment.
Good explanations
such as a journal or magazine. If it is a search engine like Gale that compiles different magazine articles,
I have a question, I have to write a report on an article at Uni, and the Article is 50 pages long and written
by Jones (2019).
When I reference the articles referenced in the Jones article, should it look like Jones, 2019 in all the
should I reference using the secondary reference … (Brown et. al, 1995, cited in Jones, 2019) ....
Thanks so much
- :-)
this is a very nice work of you. you've really done a good work.thanks.
important for us non English speakers. Was greatly appreciated. Thanks for sharing your knowledge and
your gifts. May you be blessed abundantly in the work you are doing.
Hi Kaghija, paragraphs can be any length but a "typical" English essay has 5 sentences: topic sentence, 3
Hi Sandi, you don't tell me what age your son is, but that type of assignment is pretty straightforward for
High School. There are two ways to do a compare and contrast between passages. One way is to
separate it into two sections: how the responses are similar; how the responses are different. A different
and generally more difficult (but potentially better essay) is to do talk about the passages topically and
inside each topic explain what is same and different. For example, topics could be: choices, responses,
Hello Virginia:
Recently my son had brought home an English Essay that his teacher is only allowing students to
complete in 2 days!! It is writing an essay on comparing 2 different stories, on the basis of "How we make
decisions when faced with difficult choices?" The 2 stories are titled, "The Lady or the Tiger" by Frank
Stockton and "The Choices of Hercules" by James Baldwin. His instructions are to read both passages
and write an essay in which compare Hercules' and the princess's responses to the choices they are
given. He needs to support his discussion with evidence from the text. What do you suggest on how I go
Hi James, my German is a bit rusty but I did a bit of searching for the answer and I think the problem is
that English Present Perfect and German Perfekt are not quite the same. In both English and German, we
can refer to past events using a simple past and the present perfect; however, the German Perfekt is
somehwat different than the English perfect in that the engish "We have eaten" means it began in the
past and is now completed, while the German "Wir haben...gegessen" is usually used to speak about a
completed action.
My guess is your student's English teacher did not know the difference.
When I encounter these sorts of issues with students, I usually tell them that what I am trying to teach
them is "standard English practice" which means that it is not just about rules but about how native
speakers actually talk. No native speaker is going to talk about a historical situation in the present tense
(even if there might be an obscure rule that would allow that). If he does that, he will be regarded as
having incorrect verb tenses, or else confuse the listener. However, I will usually not grade a person down
in this sort of situation. Instead, I would allow them to redo the assignment or else just give them a good
Hello, I am a native English speaker and teach ESL in Germany. Recently, I had one of my students write
a summary of a historical event that I verbally had recounted. The purpose of the exercise was to test his
listening comprehension. The story itself concerned a Saxon knight named Konrad von Wettin who lived
in the 12th century. The student proceeded to write a very nice summary which demonstrated his
excellent listening skills. The problem was that he wrote the summary in the present tense. For example,
“Konrad is a knight living in the 12th century.” “He has a wife named Liutigard and twelve children.” He
continued on in this fashion throughout the summary. In response, I corrected his grammar by putting
every sentence, when appropriate, into the past tense. For example, “Konrad was a Saxon knight who
To my surprise, he argued the corrections and stated that his German high school English teacher told
the class to write summaries only in the present tense. My student went further to claim that if he had
turned in a summary written in the past tense that he would have received a poor grade.
So... I’m a bit phased and looking for some backup on this topic. Is my student correct? If so, why is he
correct? As a history major, I would find it strange to write about a historical figure in the present tense
unless I had discovered time travel. By the way, my story was told in the past tense as well, so when he
made the leap to present tense I was surprised. I would be happy to post his original summary with my
Generally I would suggest that you summarize each article in a separate paragraph but I’d suggest you
How do I start my summary introduction when I read 3 articles should I list the article's name for three of
Hi Shirin,you can find that information in my articles that talk about summar response or “How to write a
Summary Analysis Response Paper,” find them by searching for that title and my name.
I want to know after I write my summary about am article then how do I start my discussion about that
Often a summary is just one to three paragraphs. See the article for the format.
Hi Hazel, I am very happy to have you share this information by giving students a link to my website or
showing my website information in class. However, please do not violate my copyright by copying and
printing or posting this online without having students go to my website to view it. I cab offer my materials
free to students and teachers because I make a small amount of money from advertising when people
view my website.
Hi Jessica! I'm so glad this was helpful and congratulations for getting up the courage to finish your
degree. I recently met a woman in her 60s who is going to graduate with her AA degree this month and is
planning to keep on going! I have lot of other articles on different kinds of writing. If you type the kind of
paper you are doing in Google and then add my name or Owlcation, you can find them. Good luck!
Thank you so much. This was so helpful. I am back in school trying to finally finish my degree after
decades. I have to write a summary of a Case study. Then I have to write my first paper after decades.
You should keep the same name of items in the summary article that cannot be easily changed to a
synonym. However, you should not keep the same structure of sentences. Actually, in a summary your
sentences will only tell the broader picture not the details. Therefore, your sentences should not match
the original.
You can just use the name of the first author and add "et al" which means "and others."
now I know how to write a summary with your helpful words and examples... great
OMG....This is the best explanation i have ever i know what needs to be done with my
Your explanation very helpful and easy to understand. Now I can write good article summary for my
Finally, someone actually gets to the point. And gives a practical, useful informations. I personal
referencing was a challenge for me. This article is definitely going to help me.
I caught very effective information from your explanation about how to write a summary of which kinds of
Hi Syawal, I do not have any articles about how to write short stories. That is a good idea!
Thank you very much bcoz from this article I can understand a little bit about how to write a summary.Did
Cyrille, the last sentence depends on whether your job is just to write a summary or whether you are also
supposed to respond with what you thought about the article. If you are supposed to respond, then the
last sentence should tell whether you were convinced by the article. If you are just summarizing, then the
last sentence should say what the author wants to convince the audience to do, say, think, or believe.
Hi! I don't know how to make the conclusion of the summary of an argumentative article
Ekr on May 10, 2018:
Hi Mudradevi, You can do either present or past tense if you are consistent throughout, but generally, I
We are using this in class right now. The teacher love this, because this is how sh want us to write. She
loves this!!
Hi Bethany, I think that you are quite correct except that the response would not be personal. Instead,
your response would be an outline of how you would teach that topic. I think I would try to clarify with the
person who gave you this assignment whether they want an outline or a narrative (paragraph form) of
writing. I think that summarizing the article as a beginning would be helpful, especially if you are going to
teach this information. I don't have information about developing curriculum, but I do have some articles
about outlining an explaining article, which is what this probably would be like.
I was told to read several articles and then write a "curriculum outline" over each one (this is for a job
where I will be required to teach certain topics, closely related to the required reading).
I feel this is similar to a summary but maybe it should be formatted like an outline for an essay. I would
i am so glad you made this because i am not good at this kind of stuff
Thanks for helping me. I haven't wrote a summary in awhile and this will help me.
thank you a lot. monday i have english exam and it will help me
Thank you for helping me. Actually it's my first time taking help from you. So thank you. I'll make sure to
take help from you next time as well when I'll again get in some problem.I'm sure you will help me again.
Hi Karen, you can use the actual noun of the person's name, or a word that describes the person or their
relationship to you. For example:, mom, teacher, friend, the woman wearing purple, the lady with long
Good Morning! I was just wondering if you might have a list of words to use in place of "I", "you" and
Hi Helencab! I'm so glad that my ideas are helping your students. One of the most enjoyable parts of
posting these articles has been to see people all over the world using them.
Thanks a lot! I have been looking for something like this for my students of 2nd Bachillerato (in Spain) and
it's perfect!
marii on October 24, 2017:
great tip! VK
nice work
Thank you
Raphy on August 29, 2017:
Thank you.
Hi Edu--If you assignment is to write about an article, then you usually need to summarize (tell the main
ideas of the article) before you talk about it. Sometimes you summarize the whole article and then tell
what you think. Other times, you might just summarize smaller parts of the essay and mix it with what you
think. You might want to see my article on How to Write a Reading Response paper.
Is there any other way of writing the essay or summarizing the article is the only means to be my essay?
Thanks a lot...
Zukiswa Dube on April 13, 2013:
thankyou so much this is loud and clear i was so frustrated don't know where to start my summary.
That's the most clear explanation that i've been looking. Thank You though
So glad to have you join us on Hubpages xstatic. I've been a teacher of writing for years and I've
published in print, but I love this medium because you get a chance to have much more feedback. And
you can always go back and edit your Hubs! Besides, you can write on anything you like.
I bookmarked this one. I was an English major, but have not written formally for a long time. When I
strated to write my first Hub the other day, based on an article I read elsewhere and some personal
experience, I decided I needed to brush up on the process. This is a big help, and I will read more of your
Thanks donnaisabella--what a pretty name! Glad you find the information useful. I really only started
posting here for my own students and have been amazed at how many people look at my pages each
day on writing. However, I've written these up because so many times I felt the books didn't explain very
have made. But guess what, I will still need it in a little while!
I'm so glad I've helped you Asmaa. So many English books really don't give very clear directions. That is
why I've written up a summary of the best instructions I've found over the years in different textbooks