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Intrapartum is defined as relating to childbirth or delivery. It is a time period

spanning childbirth, from the onset of labor through delivery of placenta. This can both
refer to mother and child. In first labor, usually the birth should be completed within 3
hours whereas in subsequent birth it is within 2 hours. As a level 2 nursing student from
Davao Doctors College, I aim to study and analyze the case of Yan, Mahani to provide
standard care according to the policy and to my morals to have a safe and healthy
delivery for baby and mother. The 29 year old patient’s name is Yan, Mahani. She was
admitted in the hospital with a 39 week AOG (age of gestation). An internal examination
begun and performed by the doctor’s order to verify and found she is 80% effaced with
a 5 cm dilated and an intact bag of water. An hour passed and she called attention to
the nurse and verbalized that water broke out but she is uncertain if it's her urine,
because of this the doctor ordered for IE to verify again. The doctor found some
changes with 8 cm dilated and thinner lining of cervix. She transferred to the labor area
and delivered a healthy baby boy.
To begin, I will share my perspective and view of this case. It was a relief that she
delivered the baby safely and was healthy. It was an exciting part of me to find a baby
coming out. It was a shocking experience from sudden labor. However it remains to me
that it is a thrilling and exciting experience.
In addition, as a nursing student, it is my duty and responsibility to keep the
patient during incoming or a period of where the mother will labor anytime soon. To
keep prepared any materials for labor as well as mental and spiritual. It is also my duty
to keep the mother mentally and spiritually well especially when the patient will labor
and deliver any time soon and to assist and educate her proper ways in delivering and
handling the baby. As well as to follow the doctor’s order in assisting any procedure and
administer the right medicine and to acknowledge the rights such as ‘right dosage’.
As a future healthcare professional, it is my obligation to develop and
acknowledge the intrapartum care in what to do, expect and perform in handling and
care for the patient. Through reading her labs and analyze what something that find
where and what is not healthy and good for the patient such as in the case of Mahani,
where she had 3 plus protein on her urine that should be negative and with the doctor’s
order of administering medicine and identify what medicine uses for that could improve
the patient health to reach an optimal state. To work as a team with other healthcare
professionals as well to improve the patient’s health and performing care.
In conclusion, I still had much to learn, developing my skills and preparing myself
in any situation and condition to provide care for patients to reach the expectations of
becoming healthy and well from physical and mental until the discharge. As well as
knowledge about intrapartum are in what to expect and what to perform in administering
medicine, replying to a patient’s concern, assuring the patient and teaching the patient
to be educated in caring of health to her and her baby.


Berman, A., Snyder, S., & Frandsen, G. (2016). Kozier & Erb’s fundamentals of
nursing: Concepts, process, and practice (10th ed.). Pearson Education, Inc.

Hinkle, J. & Cheever, K. (2018). Brunner and Suddarth’s textbook of medical-surgical

nursing (14th ed.). Wolters Kluwer

Marieb, E., & Keller, S. (2017). Essentials of human anatomy & physiology (12th ed.).
Retrieved from

Quigley, B., Palm, M.L., & Bickley, L. (2012). Bates’ nursing guide to physical
examination and history taking (1st ed.). Wolters Kluwer Health

Intrapartum definition and meaning | Collins english dictionary. (n.d.).

Intrapartum: NIH. Intrapartum | NIH. (n.d.).
Vikaspedia domains. Vikaspedia. (n.d.).

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