General Specifications

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General Daqstation
Specifications DX2000

GS 04L42B01-01E

The DX2000 is a DAQSTATION that displays real-
time measured data on a color LCD and saves data
on a CompactFlash memory card (CF card). It can
be hooked up to network via Ethernet, which enables
to inform by E-mail and to monitor on Web site as
well as to transfer files by using FTP. Also, it can
communicate with Modbus/RTU or Modbus/TCP.
It comes with a four, eight, ten, twenty, thirty, forty-
channel or forty eight-channel model. As the input
signal, a DC voltage, thermocouple, resistance
temperature detector, or contact signal can be set to
each channel. The data saved on a CF card can be
converted by data conversion software to Lotus 1-2-3,
Excel, or ASCII format file, facilitating processing on
a PC. Not only this, the Viewer software allows a PC
to display waveforms on its screen and to print out

General Specifications Input
Number of inputs:
DX2004: four channels
Mounting: Flush panel mounting (on a vertical
DX2008: eight channels
DX2010: ten channels
Mounting may be inclined downward up
DX2020: twenty channels
to 30 degrees from a horizontal plane.
DX2030: thirty channels
Allowable panel thickness:
DX2040: forty channels
2 to 26 mm
DX2048: forty eight channels
Material: Case: drawn steel
Measurement interval:
Bezel: polycarbonate
DX2004, DX2008:
Display filter: polycarbonate
125 ms, 250 ms, 25 ms (fast sampling
Case color:
Case: Grayish blue green
DX2010, DX2020, DX2030, DX2040, DX2048:
(Munsell 2.0B 5.0/1.7 or equivalent)
1 s (Not available when A/D integration
Bezel: Charcoal grey light
time is set to 100 ms), 2 s, 5 s, 125 ms
(Munsell 10B 3.6/0.3 or equivalent)
(fast sampling mode*)
Front panel: * A/D integration time is fixed to 1.67 ms in
Water and dust-proof* case of fast sampling mode.
(based on IEC529-IP65 and NEMA
No.250 TYPE4 for indoor locations Inputs: DCV (DC voltage), TC (thermocouple),
(except external icing test)) RTD (resistance temperature detector),
*Except for side-by-side mounting. DI (digital input for event recording), DCA
Dimensions: (DC current with external shunt resistor
288 (W) × 288 (H) × 221.6 (D) mm attached)
288 (W) × 288 (H) × 226 (D) *mm
*In case of /H2 or /PM1 option is specified.
Weight: DX2004, DX2010: approx. 6.0 kg*
DX2008, DX2020: approx. 6.3 kg*
DX2030 : approx. 6.9 kg*
DX2040, DX2048: approx. 7.3 kg*
*without optional features

GS 04L42B01-01E
©Copyright November. 2005
1st Edition Nov. 2005(KP)
16th Edition Feb. 2017(YK)
<<Contents>> <<Index>> 2
Input Moving average:
Range Measuring range
type Moving average on/off selectable for
20 mV –20.000 to 20.000 mV each channel
60 mV –60.00 to 60.00 mV Moving average cycles 2 to 400
200 mV –200.00 to 200.00 mV
2V –2.0000 to 2.0000 V Differential computation:
6V –6.000 to 6.000 V Between any two channels
1-5V –0.800 to 5.200 V Available for DCV, TC, RTD and DI
20 V –20.000 to 20.000 V ranges.
50 V –50.00 to 50.00 V Linear scaling:
R*1 0.0 to 1760.0°C 32 to 3200°F Available for DCV, TC, RTD and DI
S*1 0.0 to 1760.0°C 32 to 3200°F
Scaling limits: -30000 to 30000
B*1 0.0 to 1820.0°C 32 to 3308°F Decimal point: user-selectable
K*1 –200.0 to 1370.0°C –328 to 2498°F Engineering unit: user-definable, up to
E*1 –200.0 to 800.0°C –328.0 to 1472.0°F 6 characters
J*1 –200.0 to 1100.0°C –328.0 to 2012.0°F Over value: Exceeds ± 5% of scaling
TC limits (on/off selectable)
T*1 –200.0 to 400.0°C –328.0 to 752.0°F
N*1 –270.0 to 1300.0°C –454 to 2372°F
Square root:
Available for DCV range.
W*2 0.0 to 2315.0°C 32 to 4199°F
Scaling limits: -30000 to 30000
L*3 –200.0 to 900.0°C –328.0 to 1652.0°F Decimal point: user-selectable
U*3 –200.0 to 400.0°C –328.0 to 752.0°F Engineering unit : user-definable, up to
WRe*4 0.0 to 2400.0°C 32 to 4352°F 6 characters
Pt100*5 –200.0 to 600.0°C –328.0 to 1112.0°F Low level cut off: 0.0 to 5.0% of display
RTD span
JPt100*5 –200.0 to 550.0°C –328.0 to 1022.0°F
Over value: Exceeds ± 5% of scaling
OFF : less than 2.4 V limits (on/off selectable)
ON : more than 2.4 V 1-5VDC scaling:
Available for 1-5VDC range.
Contact ON/OFF Scaling limits: -30000 to 30000
Display span limit: 0.800 to 5.200
*1 R, S, B, K, E, J, T, N: IEC 60584-1, DIN EN Decimal point: user-selectable
60584-1, JIS C 1602 Engineering unit : user-definable, up to
*2 W: W-5% Re/W-26% Re (Hoskins Mfg. Co.), 6 characters
ASTM E988-96 Low level cut off: Fixed to lower span
(Type C equivalent of OMEGA Engineering Inc.)
*3 L: Fe-CuNi, DIN43710, U: Cu-CuNi, DIN43710
*4 WRe: W-3%Re/W-25%Re (Hoskins Mfg. Co.), Over value: Exceeds ± 5% of scaling
ASTM E988-96 limits (on/off selectable)
(Type D equivalent of OMEGA Engineering Inc.) Display
*5 Pt100: JIS C 1604, IEC 60751, DIN EN 60751 Display unit:
JPt100: JIS C 1604, JIS C 1606 10.4-inch TFT color LCD (VGA, 640 ×
Measuring current: i = 1mA
480 pixels)
Note) In the part of crystal display, there are some pixels
A/D integration time: that can’t always turn on or off. Please understand
20 ms (50 Hz), 16.7 ms (60 Hz), 100ms that the brightness of screen looks uneven
(50/60Hz for DX2010/2020/2030/2040/ because of characteristics of crystal display, but it
2048), or AUTO selectable (automatic is not out of order.
selection by detection of power supply Display group:
frequency) Each measurement channel and computation
A/D integration time is fixed to 1.67 ms channel can be assigned to display group of the
(600Hz) in case of fast sampling mode. trend, digital and bargraph display.
Thermocouple burnout: Number of display: 36 groups
Burnout upscale/downscale function can Number of assignable channels for one
be switched on/off (for each channel). group: 10 channels
Burnout upscale/downscale selectable Display color:
Normal: Less than 2 kΩ, Burn out: More Trend/Bargraph:
than 100 kΩ Selectable from 24 colors
Detection current: approx. 10 µA Background:
1-5V range burnout: White or black selectable
Burnout upscale/downscale function can Trend display:
be switched on/off (for each channel). Trend display type:
Burnout upscale/downscale selectable Vertical, horizontal, landscape,
Upscale burnout: More than +10% of horizontal split or circular selectable
configured span Number of indication channels:
Downscale burnout: Less than -5% of 10 channels per display (maximum)
configured span

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<<Contents>> <<Index>> 3
Number of display: Stacked bar graph display:
36 displays (36 groups) Display the periodic sums of report
Line width: data.
1, 2, and 3 pixels selectable Event switch status:
Scales: Maximum 10 scales. Display the event switch status.
Bargraph, green band area and alarm Log display:
mark can be displayed on scale display. Log display types:
Number of divisions: Selectable from 4 Login log*1, error log, communication
to 12 or C10 (10 divisions by main scale log, FTP log, Web log, E-mail log,
mark and scale values are displayed on SNTP log, DHCP log, Modbus log,
0, 30, 50, 70 and 100% position). operation log*2, setting change log*2
Trend update rate: *1 operation log when the /AS1 option is
5, 10, 15, 30 sec.,1, 2, 5, 10, 15, 20, 30 installed
min., 1, 2, 4, 10 hours/div selectable *2 only for /AS1 option
(5, 10 sec/div is available for only Tags:
DX2004 and DX2008. DX2010, Display the tag number and tag comment.
DX2020, DX2030, DX2040, and, Tag number:
DX2048 can be specified to 15 sec/div Number of characters:
when they are in fast sampling mode.) 16 characters maximum
Circular waveform span rate: Tag comment:
20, 30 min., 1, 2, 6, 8, 12, 16 hours, 1, Number of characters:
2 days, 1, 2, 4 weeks/rev selectable 32 characters maximum
(20 min/rev is available for only DX2004 Messages:
and DX2008) Number of characters:
Bargraph display: 32 characters maximum
Direction: Vertical or horizontal selectable Number of messages:
Number of indication channels: 100 messages (including 10 free
10 channels per display messages)
Number of display: Message adding function:
36 displays (36 groups) Message can be added on historical
Scales: Green band area and alarm mark can display.
be displayed on scale display. Other display contents:
Number of divisions: Selectable from 4 to 12 Status display area:
Reference position: Left, right or center Date & time (year/month/day,
Display renewal rate: 1 s hour:minute:second), batch name
Digital indication: (batch number + lot number), login user
Number of indication channels: name, display name, internal memory
10 channels per display status, status indication icon
Number of display: Trend display area:
36 displays (36 groups) Grid lines (number of divisions
Display renewal rate: 1 s selectable from 4 to 12), hour : minutes
Overview display: on grid, trip levels (line widths are
Number of indication channels: selectable from 1, 2 and 3 pixels)
Measuring values and alarm status of Data referencing function:
all channels Display the retrieved data (display data or event
Information display: data) from internal or external memory.
Alarm summary display: Display format:
Display the list of latest 1000 alarms Whole display or divided to 2 areas
summary. Time axis operation:
Jump to historical trend display by Display magnification or reduction,
cursor pointing. scroll by key operation
Message summary display: Data searching operation:
Display the list of latest 450 messages Display the retrieved data from internal
and time. memory by specifying date and time.
Jump to historical trend display by Display auto scroll function:
cursor pointing. Display group of monitor display (trend
Memory information: display, bargraph display and digital
Display the file list in internal memory. display) automatically changes in a
Jump to historical trend display by preset interval (5, 10, 20, 30 s and 1
cursor pointing. min).
Report information: Sign record:
Display the report data in internal Only for /AS1 option
memory. LCD saver function:
Modbus status: The LCD backlight automatically dims or
Display the Modbus status. off (selectable) if no key is touched for a
Relay status: certain preset time (can be set from 1, 2,
Display the on/off status of internal 5, 10, 30, and 60 min).
switch and relay output.

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<<Contents>> <<Index>> 4
Display register function: Media FIFO function :
Up to 8 display types can be registered Allows the oldest file to be deleted and
with display name. the newest file to be saved if the free
Display auto return function: space on the CF card is insufficient (on/
The display type automatically returns to off selectable).
registerd display type if no key is touched Sampling Period (data saving period):
for a certain preset time (can be set from Display data file:
1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 30 and 60 min) Linked with the trend update rate
Temperature unit: Event file: Linked with the specified sampling
°C or °F selectable period
Custom display function: Event File Sampling Period:
Display can be customized by lay outing display DX2004, DX2008:
parts. Display data is saved in internal memory or Selectable from 25, 125, 250, 500 ms,
external medium. and 1, 2, 5, 10, 30, 60, 120, 300, 600,
Number of customized display: 900, 1200 and 1800 s*
28 displays maximum (3 in internal DX2010, DX2020, DX2030, DX2040, DX2048:
memory and 25 in external medium) Selectable from 125, 250, 500 ms, and
Display part: 1, 2, 5, 10, 30, 60, 120, 300, 600, 900,
- General parts (digital, bar, label, tag 1200 and 1800 s*
number, tag comment, system icon, *Sampling period faster than measurement interval can
Modbus input, etc) not be selected.
- Scale parts Measurement data File:
- Trend parts The following two file types can be created.
- List parts (alarm list, message list) Event file (stores instantaneous values
- Figure parts (line, rectangle, circle) sampled periodically at a specified
Edit function: sampling period)
Select parts, grid, edit parts (move, Display data file (stores the maximum
resize, property, copy, paste, layout and minimum values for each sampling
order change, dependency of visual period from among measured data
property), group control, delete, save sampled at measurement intervals)
display Files can be created in the following combinations.
Custom display data: (a) Event file + display data file
Contents: Display contents data (for (b) Display data file only
each display) (c) Event file only
Format: Text Data format: YOKOGAWA private format (Binary)
Output: External medium Maximum data size per file:
Custom display data save/load: 8,000,000 byte (8MB)
Each or all custom display data file can Data per channel:
be saved in specified directory. Display data file:
Custom display data can be loaded Measurement data......4 byte/data
from specified directory. Mathematical data......8 byte/data
External channel data..4 byte/data
Data Saving Function
Event data file:
External storage medium:
Measurement data......2 byte/data
Medium: CompactFlash memory card (CF card)
Mathematical data......4 byte/data
Format: FAT16 or FAT32
External channel data..2 byte/data
Internal memory:
Sampling time:
Medium: Flash memory
The sampling time per file (8MB) during manual
Capacity: 400MB
data saving can be determined by the formula
Maximum number of files can be saved:
“number of data items per channel × interval of data
400 files (total number of display data
saving (sampling period).”
file and event data file)
This logic is explained in more detail below:
Manual saving:
1) When handling display data files only
Data files in internal memory can be saved
If we assume that the number of measuring
channels is 30, the number of computing
Selectable form all data saving or selected data
channels is 10, and the trend update rate is 30
min/div (60 sec sampling period), then:
Drive: CF card or USB flash drive (only for USB
Number of data items per channel =
8,000,000 bytes/(8 bytes(time stamp) + 30 ×
Automatic saving:
4 bytes + 10 × 8 bytes) = 38,462 data items
Display data:
Sampling time per file = 38,462 × 60 sec =
Periodic saving to CF card
2,307,720 sec = approx. 26 days
Event data:
2) When handling event files only
In case of trigger free...Periodic saving
If we assume that the number of measuring
to CF card
channels is 30, the number of computing
In case of using trigger...Save the data
channels is 10, and the sampling period is 1 sec,
when sampling is finished
then :

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<<Contents>> <<Index>> 5
Number of data items per channel =
8,000,000 bytes/(8 bytes(time stamp) + 30 ×
2 bytes + 10 × 4 bytes) = 74,074 data items
Sampling time per file = 74,074 × 1 sec =
74,074 sec = approx. 20 hours
3) When handling both display data files and event
The sampling time is calculated by defining
the size of data items in a display data file as
8,000,000 bytes and the size of data items in an
event data file as 8,000,000 bytes. The method
of calculation is the same as shown above.

Examples of Sampling Time for 1 file (8MB)*:

*If sampling time exceeds 31 days, data file is divided.

In case measurement ch = 8 ch, mathematical ch = 0 ch

Display data file (approx.)
Trend update rate
15 s 30 s 1 min 2 min 5 min 10 min
Sampling period 0.5 s 1s 2s 4s 10 s 20 s
Sampling time 27.8 h 2 days 4 days 9 days 23 days 46 days

Event data file (approx.)

Sampling period 25 ms 125 ms 0.5 s 1s 2s 5s 10 s
Sampling time 2.3 h 11.6 h 46.3 h 3 days 7 days 19 days 38 days

In case measurement ch = 48 ch, mathematical ch = 60 ch

Display data file (approx.)
Trend update rate
15 s 1 min 5 min 10 min 20 min 30 min 1h 2h
Sampling period 0.5 s 2s 10 s 20 s 40 s 1 min 2 min 4 min
Sampling time 1.6 h 6.5 h 32.7 h 2 days 5 days 8 days 16 days 32 days

Event data file (approx.)

Sampling period 25 ms 125 ms 0.5 s 1s 10 s 30 s 1 min 2 min
Sampling time NA 48 min 3.2 h 6.5 h 2 days 8 days 16 days 32 days

Manual sample data: Pre trigger: Selectable from 0, 5, 25, 50, 75, 95,
The measuring and computing data can be saved 100%
manually to the internal memory and CF card. Trigger source:
Trigger: Key operation, communication Key operation, communication
command or event action function command or event action function
Data format: Display hard copy:
Text Trigger: Key operation, communication
Max. number of data: command or event action function
400 data (if exceeds 400 data, oldest Data format:
data is overwritten) png format
Report data (only for MATH option): Drive/output:
Types: Hourly, daily, hourly + daily, daily + CF card or communication interface
weekly, and daily + monthly Data file retrieving function:
Data format: Data file in CF card or USB flash drive (only for
Text USB option) can be retrieved and displayed.
Drive: CF card Retrieved data file:
Trigger function: Display data file or event data file
Selectable from FREE or TRIG for event data saving. Saving and retrieving of configuration data:
Trigger mode: Configuration information can be saved and
Selectable from free, single or repeat retrieved as text data.
trigger Drive: CF card or USB flash drive (only for
Data length: USB option)
Selectable from 10, 20, 30 min, 1, 2, 3, 4,
6, 8, 12 hour, 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 10, 14, 31 day

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<<Contents>> <<Index>> 6
Alarm Function Event list:
Number of alarm levels:
Up to four levels for each channel Event Level/Edge Description
Alarm types: Remote Level/Edge Action by remote control signal
High and low limits, differential high and Relay Level/Edge Action by relay operation
low limits, high and low rate-of-change Internal Action by internal switch
limits and delay high and low switch operation
Alarm delay time: Alarm Level/Edge Action by any alarm
1 to 3600 s* Timer Edge Action by timer time up
* with the /AS1 option, it can be setup to 24 hours Action by time up of match time
Match time Edge
Interval time of rate-of-change alarms: timer
The measurement interval times 1 to 32 USER key Edge Action by USER key operation
Display: The alarm status (type) is displayed Event level
Action by custom display, or
in the digital value display area upon switch communication command
occurrence of an alarm. A common alarm Action by custom display, FUNC
Event edge
indication is also displayed. Edge display or communication
Alarm display color and display order can command
be changed by configured importance Alarm OFF Level/Edge Action by alarm OFF
level and color. Internal
Level/Edge Action by internal switch OFF
Alarming behavior: switch OFF
non-hold or hold-type can be selectable Relay OFF Level/Edge Action by Relay OFF
for common to all channels. Level switch
Level/Edge Action by level switch OFF
Hysteresis: On/off selectable (common to OFF
measurement channels, mathematical
channels or external channels) Action list:
0.0 to 5.0% of display span (or scaling Action Level/Edge Description
Outputs: start/stop
Level Memory start and stop
Output: Internal switch or relay output (optional) Memory start Edge Memory start
Number of internal switch: Memory stop Edge Memory stop
30 points
Internal switch action: trigger*
Edge Event data sampling start
AND/OR Alarm ACK Edge Alarm ACK
Number of relay output points:
Math start/
2, 4, 6, 12, 22 or 24 points (optional) stop
Level Computation start and stop
Relay action: Math start Edge Computation start
Energized/deenergized, hold/non-hold, Math stop Edge Computation stop
AND/OR, alarm reflash selectable.
Math reset Edge Computation reset
Alarm no logging function:
When alarm occurs, only internal switch sample
Edge Manual sample
or relay output is activated. There are Save display image to external
no alarm display on screen and no Snapshot Edge
record on alarm summary. Message
On/off selectable for each channel and Edge Message writing
alarm level. Trend
Memory: update rate Level Change trend update rate
The times of alarm occurrences/recoveries, alarm change
types, etc. are stored in the memory. Display data Save currently sampled display
Up to 1000 latest alarm events are stored. save data to internal memory as a file
Alarm annunciator function: Event data Save currently sampled event
Alarm display and relay output based on alarm save data to internal memory as a file
sequence. Relative time
Edge Reset relative time timer
Alarm sequence: 3 types (ISA-A-4, ISA-A, ISA-M) timer reset
First out display function: Not available Display
Change to specified display
group Edge
Event action function group
General: Particular action can be executed by
Time Adjust internal clock to the
particular event. adjustment
nearest hour
Number of event action: Flag Level Normal: "0", Event: "1"
40 actions can be set
Setting file Load setting file from CF card
load* (up to 3 setting files).
Edge Reset alarm display
display reset
Edge Display comment
Favorite Display registered favorite
display screen
*Not available with /AS1 option.

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<<Contents>> <<Index>> 7
Security functions* - Memory end
General: Login function or key lock function - Storage medium error, FTP client
can be set for each key operation or function error
communication operation. - Specified time period
Key lock function: - Report data time up (only for
On/off and password can be set for each mathematical option)
operation key and FUNC operation. (Not - When a user locked (only for /AS1
available with /AS1 option) option)
Login function: POP before SMTP and SMTP authentication
Using the login function described below, you can (PLAIN and CRAM-MD5) is available.
enter security settings on the instrument FTP client function:
- User name Data file auto-transfer from DX
- Password Transferred data file:
User level and number of users: Display data file, event data file, report
System administrator: 5 users (all can data file and display image file, setting
be operated) file (only for /AS1 option)
General user: 30 users (With FTP server function:
user restrictions, File transfer from DX, file elimination (Not
you can set available with /AS1 option), directory
restrictions on operation and file list output are available
each operation by request from host computer.
key and Web server function:
FUNC display Display image of DX and alarm
operation.) information can be displayed on web
User restrictions setting: 10 kinds (for browser.
general users) Display the data searching display and
* If the /AS1 option is installed, see the advanced report data of DX on web browser.
security functions (/AS1) specifications. You can have a buzzer sound on the PC
Clock when an alarm occurs on the DX.
Clock: With calendar function (year of grace) SNTP client function:
Clock accuracy: The time on DX can be synchronized to
± 10 ppm, excluding a delay (of 1 the time of a SNTP server.
second, maximum) caused each time the SNTP server function:
power is turned on. The DX can operate as a SNTP server.
Time setting method: DHCP client function:
Key operation, communication Network address configuration can be obtained
command, event action function or SNTP automatically from DHCP server.
client function Obtained information:
Time adjustment method: IP address, subnet mask, default
During memory sample: gateway and DNS information
Adjust 40 ms per second (No influence Modbus client function:
for measurement period) Reading or writing of measurement data
During memory stop: on other instruments are available by
Adjust at a time Modbus protocol.
Time zone: Mathematical option or external input
Time difference from GMT: option is required to read the data from
Settable from -1300 to 1300 other instruments.
Date display format: Modbus server function:
Selectable from YYYY/MM/DD, MM/DD/ Output of measurement data from DX is
YYYY, DD/MM/YYYY or DD.MM.YYYY available by Modbus protocol.
DST function (summer/winter time): Control operation such as message or
The time at which the daylight savings batch name writing is available.
time adjustment is automatically Access control from Modbus client to
calculated and configured. register is available by IP filtering
Communication Functions function.
Electrical specifications: Setting/measurement server function:
Confirms to IEEE802.3 (DIX specification Operation, setting or output of
for Ethernet frames) measurement data are available by DX
Connection: private protocol.
Ethernet (10BASE-T) Maintenance/test server function:
Protocols: TCP, UDP, IP, ICMP, ARP, DHCP, HTTP, Output connection information or
FTP, SMTP, SNTP, Modbus, DX private, network information of the Ethernet
EtherNet/IP communication.
E-mail inform function: Instrument information server function:
E-mail is sent by events as below. Output instrument information such as
- Alarm occurring/alarm canceling serial number or model name of DX.
- Recover from power failure

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<<Contents>> <<Index>> 8
EtherNet/IP server function: Between measuring input terminals:
- Reading of measurement data or 1000 VAC (50/60 Hz), 1 min (except
mathematical channel data for b-terminal of RTD input of DX2010,
- Reading or writing of external channel DX2020, DX2030, DX2040 and
data DX2048)
- Reading or writing of communication Between remote control terminal to ground terminal:
input channel 1000 VDC, 1 min
Batch function Safety and EMC Standards
General: Data display and data management with CSA: CSA22.2 No.61010-1, CSA C22.2
batch name, text field function and batch No.61010-2-030
comment function are available. Installation category II*1, pollution degree
Batch name: 2*2, measurement category II*3
Batch name can be used as file name of display UL: UL61010-1, UL61010-2-030 (CSA
data, event data and report data. NRTL/C)
Batch name format: CE:
Batch number (max. 32 characters) + EMC directive:
lot number (max. 8 characters) EN61326-1 compliant, Class A Table 2
Use/not use selectable for lot number, (For use in industrial locations)
on/off selectable for auto increment EN61000-3-2 compliant
function EN61000-3-3 compliant
Text field function: EN55011 compliant, Class A, Group 1
Field number: Low voltage directive:
1 to 24 EN61010-1, EN61010-2-030 compliant,
Field title: Installation category II*1, pollution
Max. 20 characters degree 2*2, measurement category II*3
Field text: EMC Regulatory Arrangement in Australia and
Max. 30 characters New Zealand: EN55011 compliant, Class A, Group 1
Batch comment function: *1: Installation Category (Overvoltage
Batch comment is added to display data and event Category) II
data. Describes a number which defines a
Batch comment information: transient overvoltage condition. It implies
the regulation for impulse withstand
3 comments (max. 50 characters) are voltage. “II” applies to electrical equipment
available. which is supplied from fixed installations
Power Supply like distribution boards.
Rated power supply: *2: Pollution Degree
100 to 240 VAC (automatic switching) Describes the degree to which a solid,
Allowable power supply voltage range: liquid, or gas which deteriorates dielectric
strength or surface resistivity is adhering.
90 to 132 or 180 to 264 VAC “2” applies to normal indoor atmosphere.
Rated power supply frequency: Normally, only non-conductive pollution
50/60 Hz (automatic switching) occurs.
Power consumption: *3: Measurement Category II
Applies to measuring circuits connected
Supply voltage LCD off Normal Max. to low voltage installation, and electrical
100 VAC 28 VA 42 VA 74 VA instruments supplied with power
240 VAC 38 VA 54 VA 100 VA from fixed equipment such as electric
Allowable interruption time:
Less than 1 cycle of power supply  Normal Operating Conditions
frequency Power voltage:
Other Specifications 90 to 132 or 180 to 250 VAC
Memory backup : Power supply frequency:
A built-in lithium battery backs up 50 Hz ±2%, 60 Hz ±2%
the setup parameters (battery life: Ambient temperature:
approximately 10 years at room 0 to 50 °C
temperature). Ambient humidity:
Insulation resistance: 20% to 80% RH (at 5 to 40 °C)
Each terminal to ground terminal: Vibration: 10 to 60 Hz, 0.2 m/s2 or less
20 MΩ or greater (at 500 VDC) Shock: Not acceptable
Dielectric strength: Magnetic field:
Power supply to ground terminal: 400 AT/m or less (DC and 50/60 Hz)
2300 VAC (50/60 Hz), 1 min
Contact output terminal to ground terminal:
1600 VAC (50/60 Hz), 1 min
Measuring input terminal to ground terminal:
1500 VAC (50/60 Hz), 1 min

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<<Contents>> <<Index>> 9
Noise: Warm-up time:
Normal mode (50/60 Hz): At least 30 min after power on
DCV: The peak value including the Installation location:
signal must be less than 1.2 times the In-room
measuring range. Altitude: Less than 2000 m
TC: The peak value including the
signal must be less than 1.2 times the
measuring thermal electromotive force.
 Standard Performance
RTD: 50 mV or less Measuring and Recording Accuracy:
Common mode noise voltage (50/60 Hz): The following specifications apply to operation of
250 Vrms AC or less for all ranges the recorder under standard operation conditions.
Maximum noise voltage between channels (50/60 Temperature:
Hz): 23 ± 2 °C
250 Vrms AC or less Humidity:
Mounting position: 55% ± 10% RH
Can be inclined up to 30 deg backward. Power supply voltage:
Mounting at an angle away from the 90 to 132 or 180 to 250 VAC
perpendicular is not acceptable. Power supply frequency:
50/60 Hz ± 1%
Warm-up time:
At least 30 min.
Other ambient conditions such as vibration should
not adversely affect recorder operation.

Measurement accuracy (digital display)

Max. resolution of
Input Range A/D integration time: A/D integration time: digital display
16.7ms or more 1.67ms (fast sampling mode)
20 mV ±(0.05% of rdg + 12 digits) ±(0.1% of rdg + 40 digits) 1 µV
60 mV 10 µV
±(0.05% of rdg + 3 digits) ±(0.1% of rdg + 15 digits)
200 mV 10 µV
2V ±(0.05% of rdg + 12 digits) ±(0.1% of rdg + 40 digits) 100 µV
6V 1 mV
1-5 V 1 mV
±(0.05% of rdg + 3 digits) ±(0.1% of rdg + 15 digits)
20 V 1 mV
50 V 10 mV
±(0.15% of rdg + 1°C) However, ±(0.2% of rdg + 4°C) However,
R R, S: R, S:
±3.7°C at 0 to 100°C ±10°C at 0 to 100°C
±1.5°C at 100 to 300°C ±5°C at 100 to 300°C
B: B:
±2°C at 400 to 600°C ±7°C at 400 to 600°C
B Accuracy at less than 400°C is not Accuracy at less than 400°C is not
guaranteed. guaranteed.
±(0.15% of rdg + 0.7°C) However, ±(0.2% of rdg + 3.5°C) However,
K ±(0.15% of rdg + 1°C) at ±(0.15% of rdg + 6°C) at
-200 to -100°C -200 to -100°C
(Excluding RJC J ±(0.15% of rdg + 0.5°C) However, ±(0.2% of rdg + 2.5°C) However,
accuracy) 0.1°C
T ±(0.15% of rdg + 0.7°C) at ±(0.2% of rdg + 5°C) at
L -200 to -100°C -200 to -100°C
±(0.15% of rdg + 0.7°C) However, ±(0.3% of rdg + 3.5°C) However,
±(0.35% of rdg + 0.7°C) at ±(0.7% of rdg + 3.5°C) at
N -200 to 0°C -200 to 0°C
Accuracy at less than -200°C is Accuracy at less than -200°C is
not guaranteed. not guaranteed.
W ±(0.15% of rdg + 1°C) ±(0.3% of rdg + 7°C)
±(0.2% of rdg + 2.5°C) However, ±(0.3% of rdg + 10°C) However,
±4°C at 0 to 200°C ±18°C at 0 to 200°C
RTD ±(0.15% of rdg + 0.3°C) ±(0.3% of rdg + 1.5°C)

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<<Contents>> <<Index>> 10
Measurement accuracy in case of scaling (digits): Power supply:
= measurement accuracy (digits) × With variation within 90 to 132 V and 180 to 250
scaling span (digits)/measurement span VAC (50/60 Hz):
(digits) + 2 digits Within measurement accuracy
Decimals are rounded off to the next With variation of ± 2 Hz from rated power frequency
highest number. (at 100 VAC):
Reference junction compensation: Within measurement accuracy
INT (internal)/EXT (external) selectable Magnetic field:
(common for all channels) AC (50/60 Hz) and DC 400 A/m fields:
Reference junction compensation accuracy: ± (0.1% of rdg + 10 digits) or less
Types R, S, B, W, WRe: ± 1 °C Input source resistance:
Types K, J, E, T, N, L, U: ± 0.5 °C (1) DCV range (with variation of +1 kΩ)
(Above 0 °C, input terminal temperature 200 mVDC range or less:
is balanced) ± 10 µV or less
Maximum allowable input voltage: 2 VDC range or greater:
± 60 VDC (continuous) for all input ± 0.15% of rdg or less
ranges (2) TC range (with variation of +1 kΩ)
Input resistance: ± 10 µV
Approx. 10 MΩ or more for DCV ranges (3) RTD range (Pt100)
of 200 mVDC or less and TC With variation of 10 Ω per wire (resistance of all
Approx. 1 MΩ for more than 2 VDC three wires must be equal):
ranges ± (0.1% of rdg + 1 digit) or less
Input source resistance: With maximum difference of 40 mΩ between
DCV, TC: 2 kΩ or less wires:
RTD: 10 Ω or less per wire (The approx. ± 0.1 °C
resistance of all three wires must be Effects of Vibration
equal.) Effects from a sinusoidal vibration along all three
Input bias current: axis at a frequency between 10 to 60 Hz and an
10 nA or less (approx. 100nA for TC acceleration of 0.2 m/s2: ± (0.1% of rdg + 1 digit) or
range with burnout function) less
Maximum common mode noise voltage:
250 Vrms AC (50/60 Hz)
Maximum noise voltage between channels:
 Transport and Storage Conditions
250 Vrms AC (50/60 Hz) The following specifies the environmental conditions
Interference between channels: required during transportation from shipment to
120 dB (when the input source the start of service and during storage as well as
resistance is 500 Ω and the inputs to during transportation and storage if this instrument is
other channels are 60 V) temporarily taken out of service.
Common mode rejection ratio: No malfunction will occur under these conditions
A/D integration time 20 ms: without serious damage, which is absolutely
More than 120 dB (50 Hz ± 0.1%, impossible to repair; however, calibration may be
500 Ω imbalance between the minus necessary to recover normal operation performance.
terminal and ground) Ambient temperature:
A/D integration time 16.7 ms: -25 °C to 60 °C
More than 120 dB (60 Hz ± 0.1%, Humidity: 5% to 95% RH (No condensation is
500 Ω imbalance between the minus allowed.)
terminal and ground) Vibration: 10 to 60 Hz, 4.9 m/s2 maximum
A/D integration time 1.67 ms: Shock: 392 m/s2 maximum (while being
More than 80 dB (50/60 Hz ± 0.1%, packed)
500 Ω imbalance between the minus
terminal and ground)  SPECIFICATIONS OF OPTIONAL
Normal mode rejection ratio:
A/D integration time 20 ms:
More than 40 dB (50 Hz ± 0.1%) Alarm Output Relays (/A1, /A2, /A3, /A4, /A5)
A/D integration time 16.7 ms: An alarm signal is output from the rear panel as a
More than 40 dB (60 Hz ± 0.1%) relay contact signal.
A/D integration time 1.67 ms: Number or output:
50/60Hz is not rejected. Select from 2, 4, 6, 12 and 24 points
Relay contact rating:
250 VDC/0.1 A (for resistance load), 250
 Effects of Operating Conditions VAC (50/60 Hz)/3 A
Ambient temperature: (Only for 16.7 ms A/D Terminal configuration:
integration time or more) SPDT (NO-C-NC). Energized-at-alarm/
With temperature variation of 10 °C deenergized-at-alarm,
DCV, TC: ± (0.1% of rdg + 0.05% of AND/OR, and hold/non-hold actions are
range) or less selectable.
Excluding the error of reference junction
RTD: ± (0.1% of rdg + 2 digits) or less

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<<Contents>> <<Index>> 11
Serial Communication Interface (/C2, /C3) Status Description
Connection: Memory status Relay is energized when internal memory
EIA RS-232 (/C2) or RS-422A/485 (/C3) or external storage media is in the following
Protocols: DX private protocol, Modbus(master/ conditions: Abnormality in the internal memory
slave) protocol, DX private bar code When automatic saving of settings to the
protocol (only for /AS 1 option) external storage media is ON
Synchronization method: • When the remaining space on the external
Start-stop asynchronous transmission storage medium reaches 10%.
• When an abnormality occurs with the
Connection method (RS-422A/485):
external storage medium, and auto save
4-wire half-duplex multi-drop connection fails
(1 : N, N = 1 to 31) • When the external storage medium is
Transmission speed: not inserted, operation is same as when
1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200 or 38400 automatic saving of settings to the external
bps storage media is Off
Data length: When automatic saving of settings to the
7 or 8 bits external storage media is Off
Stop bit: 1 bit • When the remaining space on the internal
memory reaches 10%
Parity: Odd, even, or none
• When the number of data file which is not
Communication distance (RS-422A/485): saved to external storage media exceeds
Up to 1.2 km 390
Communication mode: *Not including USB memory connected to the
ASCII for input/output for control and instrument.
setting Measurement Relay energized upon A/D converter
ASCII or binary for output of measured Failure abnormality or burnout detection
data Comm. failure Relay energized when communication error
Setting/measurement server function: occurs in the Modbus master
Operation, setting or output of Memory stop Relay energized upon memory stop
measurement data are available by DX
Alarm Relay energized upon any alarm occurs
private protocol.
Modbus communication:
Reading or writing of measurement data - Memory start and stop output
on other instruments are available by - Outputting the user locked condition
Modbus protocol. - Outputting the presence of login users
Mathematical function option or These three are only available with the
external input option is needed to /AS1 option.
read measurement data from other Relay contact rating:
instruments. 250 VDC/0.1 A (for resistance load), 250
Control operation such as message or VAC (50/60 Hz)/3A
batch name writing is available (Modbus Fail & Alarm Output Relays 22 points (/F2)
slave function). Combination of “Fail/Memory end output function”
Operation mode: and “Alarm output relays 22 points”.
RTU MASTER or RTU SLAVE Clamped Input Terminal (/H2)
Modbus master command number: Clamped input terminal (detachable type) is used for
1 to 16 input terminal.
VGA Video Output (/D5) Available wire size:
Resolution: 640 × 480 pixels (VGA) 0.08 to 1.5 mm2 (AWG28 to16)
Connector: 15 pins D-SUB (DB15HD) Desk Top Type (/H5[ ], /H5*)
Fail/Status Output (/F1) Provides carrying handle and power cord.
The relay contact output on the rear panel indicates * In case that /P1 is specified together, /H5 must be
the occurrence of CPU failure or selected status. specified. Power terminal will be screw type and power
You can select the contents output to the two relay code will not be provided.
output signals. Mathematical Functions (/M1)
FAIL output relay: Used for calculating data, displaying trends and
The relay contact output on the rear digital values, and recording calculated data
panel indicates the occurrence of CPU assigned to channels.
failure. Channel assignable to calculated data:
Relay operation: CPU normal: DX2004, DX2008:
Energized, Up to 12 channels (101 to 112)
CPU failure: DX2010, DX2020, DX2030, DX2040, DX2048:
Deenergized Up to 60 channels (101 to 160)
Status output relay: Max. character length of expression:
The relay contact output on the rear 120 characters
panel indicates the occurrence of
selected status
Relay operation: Status detection:

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<<Contents>> <<Index>> 12
Operation: Data format:
General arithmetic operations: TEXT
Four arithmetic operations, square root, Excel spread sheet template function:
absolute, common logarithm, natural reports can be automatically created in
logarithm, exponential, power, relational XML spread sheet format according to
operations (>, ≥, <, ≤, =, ≠), logic a predefined spread sheet template
operations (AND, OR, NOT, XOR) Long term rolling average:
Statistical operations: Computation interval:
TLOG (Average, maximum, minimum, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 12, 15, 20, 30 sec.,
summation and P-P value of time series 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 12, 15, 20, 30, 60
data) min
CLOG (Average, maximum, minimum, Number of sampling:
summation and P-P value of channel 1 to 1500
series data) Power supply voltage:
Special operations: 90 to 132 or 180 to 250 VAC
PRE (Previous data) Power supply frequency:
HOLD(a):b (Hold data of “b” in case of 50/60 Hz ± 1%
“a” is not “0”) Warm-up time:
RESET(a):b (Reset data of “b” and At least 30 min.
restart in case of “a” is not “0”) Other ambient conditions such as vibration should
CARRY(a):b (If “b” exceeds “a”, “b-a” not adversely affect recorder operation.
becomes computation results)
Conditional operation:
[a?b:c] (Execute “b” in case of “a” is not
“0”, or execute “c” in case of “a” is “0”)
Constant: Up to 60 constants (K01 to K60)
Digital data input via communication:
Up to 60 data (C01 to C60)
External input:
Up to 240 data (201 to 440) (only for
external input option)
Remote status input:
Remote input status (0/1) can be used in
mathematical expression
Up to 8 inputs (D01 to D08)
Pulse input: Up to 8 pulse count input (P01 to P08,
Q01 to Q08) (only for pulse input option)
Status input:
Internal switch status (S01 to S30), relay
status (I01 to I36), memory sampling
status (M01 to M12) and flag status (F01
to F08) can be used in mathematical
Cu10, Cu25 RTD Input /3 leg isolated RTD Input
This option allows Cu10 and Cu25 inputs to be
added to the standard input types.
A, B, b legs are of isolated input type for DX2010,
DX2020, DX2030, DX2040 and DX2048.
Input type Measuring range:
The following specifications apply to operation of
the recorder under standard operation conditions.
23 ± 2 °C
55% ± 10% RH
Report functions:
Number of report channels:
DX2004, DX2008: up to 12 channels
DX2010, DX2020, DX2030, DX2040:
up to 60 channels
Report type:
Hourly, daily, hourly + daily, daily
+weekly and daily + monthly
Max. 4 types are selectable from
average, maximum, minimum,
instantaneous and summation

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<<Contents>> <<Index>> 13
Measurement accuracy Max.
Measurement A/D integration time: resolution
Input Type guaranteed A/D integration time:
range 1.67ms of digital
range 16.7 ms or more
(Fast sampling mode) display
-70 to
Cu10 (GE)
-75 to
Cu10 (L&N)
RTD -200 to ±(0.4% of rdg + 1.0°C) ±(0.8% of rdg + 5.0°C) RTD
Cu10 (WEED) -200 to 300°C 260°C 0.1°C
Cu10:α =0.00392 at 20°C -200 to
Cu10:α =0.00393 at 20°C 300°C
Cu25:α =0.00425 at 0°C ±(0.3% of rdg + 0.8°C) ±(0.5% of rdg + 2.0°C)

*1 Measuring current: i = 1mA

Input source resistance:
1 Ω or less per wire (The resistance of all
three wires must be equal.)
Ambient temperature: (Only for 16.7 ms A/D
integration time or more)
With temperature variation of 10 °C
± (0.2% of rdg + 2 digits) or less
Input source resistance:
With variation of 1 Ω per wire (resistance of all three
wires must be equal):
± (0.1% of rdg + 1 digit) or less
With maximum difference of 40 mΩ between wires:
approx. ± 1 °C
3 legs Isolated RTD Input (/N2)
A, B, b legs are of isolated input type.
* Can be specified only for DX2010, DX2020, DX2030,
DX2040 and DX2048.
A, B, b legs of DX2004 and DX2008 are isolated as
Extended Input Types (/N3)
This option allows extra inputs types to be added to
the standard input types.
Input type Measuring range:
The following specifications apply to operation of
the recorder under standard operation conditions.
23 ± 2 °C
Humidity: 55% ± 10% RH
Power supply voltage:
90 to 132 or 180 to 250 VAC
Power supply frequency:
50/60 Hz ± 1%
Warm-up time:
At least 30 min.
Other ambient conditions such as vibration should
not adversely affect recorder operation.

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<<Contents>> <<Index>> 14
Measurement accuracy Max.
A/D integration time: resolution
Input Type Measurement range A/D integration time:
1.67ms of digital
16.7 ms or more display
(Fast sampling mode)
Within ±4.5K at 0 to 20K Within ±13.5K at 0 to 20K
Kp vs Au7Fe 0.0 to 300.0K 0.1 K
Within ±2.5K at 20 to 300K Within ±7.5K at 20 to 300K
PLATINEL 0.0 to 1400.0°C ±(0.25% of rdg+2.3°C) ±(0.25% of rdg+8.0°C)
Accuracy is not guaranteed Accuracy is not guaranteed
at 0 to 450°C at 0 to 450°C
±(0.9% of rdg+3.2°C) at 450 ±(0.9% of rdg+15.0°C) at
to 750°C 450 to 750°C
PR40-20 0.0 to 1900.0°C
±(0.9% of rdg+1.3°C) at 750 ±(0.9% of rdg+6.0°C) at 750
to 1100°C to 1100°C
TC ±(0.9% of rdg+0.4°C) at ±(0.9% of rdg+3.0°C) at
1100 to 1900°C 1100 to 1900°C
NiNiMo 0.0 to 1310.0°C ±(0.25% of rdg+0.7°C) ±(0.5% of rdg+3.5°C)
±15.0°C at 0 to 400°C ±30.0°C at 0 to 400°C 0.1°C
W/WRe 0.0 to 2400.0°C ±(0.2%of rdg+2.0°C) at 400 ±(0.4%of rdg+4.0°C) at 400
to 2400°C to 2400°C
TypeN(AWG14) 0.0 to 1300.0°C ±(0.2% of rdg+1.3°C) ±(0.5% of rdg+7.0°C)
±(0.25% of rdg +0.8°C) ±(0.5% of rdg +4.0°C)
XK GOST -200.0 to 600.0°C ±(0.25% of rdg +1.0°C) at ±(0.5% of rdg +5.0°C) at
-200 to -100°C -200 to -100°C
Pt50 -200.0 to 550.0°C ±(0.3% of rdg+0.6°C) ±(0.6% of rdg+3.0°C)
Ni100(SAMA) -200.0 to 250.0°C ±(0.15% of rdg+0.4°C) ±(0.3% of rdg+2.0°C)
Ni100(DIN) -60.0 to 180.0°C ±(0.15% of rdg+0.4°C) ±(0.3%of rdg+2.0°C)
Ni120 -70.0 to 200.0°C ±(0.15% of rdg+0.4°C) ±(0.3% of rdg+2.0°C)
Within ±3.0K at 0 to 40K Within ±9.0K at 0 to 40K
J263*B 0.0 to 300.0 K 0.1 K
Within ±1.0K at 40 to 300K Within ±3.0K at 40 to 300K
Cu53 -200.0~550.0°C ±(0.15% of rdg +0.8°C) ±(0.3% of rdg+4.0°C)
RTD Cu100 -50.0 to 150.0°C ±(0.2% of rdg+1.0°C) ±(0.4% of rdg+5.0°C)
Pt25 -200.0 to 550.0°C ±(0.15% of rdg +0.6°C) ±(0.3% of rdg +3.0°C)
Pt46 GOST -200.0 to 550.0°C ±(0.3% of rdg +0.8°C) ±(0.6% of rdg +4.0°C)
Pt100 GOST -200.0 to 600.0°C ±(0.15% of rdg +0.3°C) ±(0.3% of rdg +1.5°C) 0.1°C
Cu10 GOST -200.0 to 200.0°C ±(1.5% of rdg+3.0°C) ±(3.0% of rdg +15.0°C)
Cu50 GOST -200.0 to 200.0°C ±(0.4% of rdg +0.5°C) ±(0.8% of rdg +2.5°C)
Cu100 GOST -200.0 to 200.0°C ±(0.15% of rdg +0.3°C) ±(0.3% of rdg +1.5°C)
Pt200(WEED) -100.0 to 450.0°C ±(0.3% of rdg +0.6°C) ±(0.6% of rdg +3.0°C)

*1 Measuring current: i = 1mA

Input source resistance: 24 VDC/AC Power Supply (/P1)

TC: 2 kΩ or less Rated power supply: 24 VDC or 24 VAC (50/60Hz)
RTD: 1 Ω or less per wire (The Allowable power supply voltage range:
resistance of all three wires must be 21.6 to 26.4 VDC/AC
equal.) Insulation resistance:
Ambient temperature: (Only for 16.7 ms A/D Power supply to ground terminal: 20 MΩ
integration time or more) or greater (at 500 VDC)
With temperature variation of 10 °C Dielectric strength:
TC: ± (0.1% of rdg + 0.05% of range) Power supply to ground terminal: 500
or less Excluding the error of reference VAC (50/60 Hz), 1 min
junction compensation. Max. power consumption:
RTD: ± (0.2% of rdg + 2 digits) or less
Input source resistance: Supply voltage LCD off Normal Max.
(1) TC range (with variation of + 1 kΩ) 24 VDC 12 VA 20 VA 45 VA
24 VAC (50/60 Hz) 20 VA 34 VA 70 VA
±10 µV
(2) RTD range Remote Control (/R1)
With variation of 1 Ω per wire (resistance of all three This option allows eight functions to be controlled
wires must be equal): remotely by a contact input.
± (0.1% of rdg + 1 digit) or less Please refer the part of “Event action function” for
With maximum difference of 100 mΩ between functions to be controlled.
approx. ± 1 °C 24 VDC transmitter power supply (/TPS4, /TPS8)
Output voltage:
22.8 to 25.2 VDC (rated load current)
Rated output current:
4 to 20 mADC

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<<Contents>> <<Index>> 15
Max. output current: Pulse input (/PM1)
25 mADC (current to guard operation Pulse input option includes mathematical functions
against overcurrent: approx. 68 mADC) option (/M1) and remote control option (/R1).
Allowable conductor resistance: Number of inputs:
RL ≤ (17.8 - transmitter minimum 3 points (8 points are available in case of
operation voltage)/0.02 A (not include using remote inputs)
drop voltage with load shunt resistance) Input format:
Max. length of wiring: Photocoupler isolation (shared common)
2 km (CEV cable) Isolated power supply for input terminal
Insulation resistance: (approx. 5 V)
output terminal to grand terminal more Input type:
than 20 MΩ (500 VDC) Non-voltage contact:
Dielectric strength: Close: 200 Ω or less, Open: 100 kΩ or
Output terminal to grand terminal: more
500 VAC (50/60 Hz, I = 10 mA), 1 min Open collector:
Between output terminal: ON: 0.5 V or less (30 mADC), Leakage
500 VAC (50/60 Hz, I = 10 mA), 1 min current of OFF: 0.25 mA or less
Easy text entry (/KB1, /KB2) Counting: Counts rising edges of pulses
Normal operating conditions: Allowable input voltage:
Ambient temperature for usage: 30 VDC
0 to 40 °C Max. sampling pulse period:
Ambient humidity for usage: Max.100 Hz
20 to 80% RH (When 5 to 40 °C, no Minimum pulse length:
condensation) 5 ms
Ambient temperature for storage: Pulse detection period:
-10 to 60 °C Approx. 3.9 ms (256Hz)
Power supply: Pulse measuring accuracy:
AA dry battery × 2 ±1 pulse (for instantaneous mode)
Weight: Approx. 60 g (excluding dry battery) Pulse count period:
Dimensions: 170 (W) × 50 (H) × 23.7 (D) mm Counts the number of pulse per
Number of units that can be controlled: measurement period (P01 to P08) or per
Max. 32 units by ID setting second (Q01 to Q08).
Communication distance: Calibration correction function (/CC1)
Max. 8 m (depending on battery strength Corrects the measurement value of each channel
and usage area) using segment linearizer approximation.
Orientation specifications: Number of segment points:
Depends on battery strength & usage 2 to 16
area Calibration correction control function:
USB interface (/USB1) You can specify how calibration
USB interface specification: correction settings are periodically
Based on Rev1.1, host function performed
Number of ports: External input function (/MC1)
2 ports (Front and rear panel) Digital input channels via communication or Modbus
Power supply: master function are extended to input data from other
5V, 500mA (for each port)*1 instruments*.
Available USB devices: Number of external input channels:
Keyboard: 104/89 keyboard (US) based on USB Up to 240 channels (channel number: 201 to
HID Class Ver.1.1 440)
External medium: * Only for DX2010, DX2020, DX2030, DX2040 and DX2048
USB flash drive (some of USB flash * Fast sampling mode is not available with external input
drives may not be supported by function option.
DXAdvanced) Multi-batch functions (/BT2)
Barcode reader: This option allows to start/stop the independent data
Interface based on USB HID Class file for each batch and creating independent data
Ver.1.1 and supports standard US file*.
keyboard * Only for DX2010, DX2020, DX2030, DX2040 and DX2048.
*1: For low powered devices (bus power < 100 mA): * Fast sampling mode is not available when the multi-batch
5V ± 5% function is being used.
For high powered devices (bus power < 500 mA): Number of batches:
5V ± 10% 2 to 12
Devices which need more than 500 mA total bus Independent operation for each batch:
power for 2 ports can not be connected at the same Memory start/stop, math reset, writing
time. message
Common operation for all batches:
Math start/stop, report start/stop, manual
sample, setting data save/load

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<<Contents>> <<Index>> 16
Measurement interval: Login function:
Only normal mode (fast sampling mode Using the login function described below,
is not available), 1 s fastest (common for you can enter security settings on the
all batches) instrument
Data type: - User name
Display data file or event data file only. - Password
Trigger mode is not available for event - User ID (depend on setting)
data file. User level and number of users:
Data saving period: System administrator: 5 users (all can
Common for all batches be operated)
Data file: General user: 90 users (With
Each display/event data file is created for user restrictions,
each batch you can set
Number of group: restrictions
12 groups maximum for each batch on performing
10 channels maximum for each group operations and
Number of timer and match time timer: sign authority .)
12 timers maximum User restrictions setting: 10 kinds (for
Independent settings for each batch: general users)
Group setting, trip line setting, file header Password expiration time:
setting, data file name setting, text field select form Off, 1month, 3 month,
setting, batch number setting, lot number 6month
setting Password control function:
PROFIBUS-DP Communication Interface (/CP1) Logins are verified by a Kerberos
PROFIBUS-DP master device can access to internal authentication server* (only user name
data below. and password)
Reading measurement channel data Encryption method:
Reading mathematical channel data AES128-CTS-HMAC-
Writing communication input channel data (32 SHA1-96
channels maximum) AES256-CTS-HMAC-
Note: When the computation function option is installed, SHA1-96
PROFIBUS-DP always uses communication input ARCFOUR-HMAC-MD5
channels C01-C32, therefore it is not possible to Pre-Auth function: use
read/write to the same communication input using * The function has confirmed compatibility
other communication functions. with Windows Server2003 SP2/Windows
Data mapping: Server2008 SP2 Active Directory
Signature function:
Buffer Description Max. size After checking data that has finished
Input Measurement data are mapped from top 128 byte being recorded, you can add three levels
of buffer Math channel data are mapped of electronic signature, select a pass/
in rest of buffer fail, and enter comments (32 characters
Output Communication input channel data are 128 byte maximum)
mapped (32 channels max.) Audit trail function:
The operation log, the settings change
Node address setting range: log and the settings file when the change
0 to 125 was made are saved.
Interface: Individual alarm ACK function:
PROFIBUS-DP-V0 Slave Alarm display and relay output can be
Transmission medium: cancelled on individual alarms
2 wires exclusive cable (2 wires for ACK can be performed in the overview
signal) display
Transmission speed/distance: Extended alarm delay time:
9.6 kbps/1200m to 12Mbps/100m Alarm delay times of up to 24 hours can
Terminator: be set
Not included (external terminator is
Advanced security functions (/AS1)
Security and electronic record/signature functions
have been added that are compliant with the USA’s
FDA title 21 CFR Part 11.
Data anti-tamper function:
Settings and measured data are saved
as encrypted binary files.
Data type:
Only for display or event
Trigger mode is not possible with event

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<<Contents>> <<Index>> 17


Custom display builder software
DAQSTANDARD Custom display is available on DX2000 with release
Operating environment number 3 or later
OS: Windows Vista (Home Premium SP2, Operating environment
Business SP2)* OS: Windows Vista (Home Premium SP2,
* Except for 64-bits editions Business SP2)*
Windows 7 (Home Premium SP1 32-bit * Except for 64-bits editions
and 64-bit editions, Professional SP1 Windows 7 (Home Premium SP1 32-bit
32-bit and 64-bit editions) and 64-bit editions, Professional SP1
Windows 8.1 (Update 32-bit and 64-bit 32-bit and 64-bit editions)
editions (Supports the desktop mode), Windows 8.1 (Update 32-bit and 64-bit
Pro Update 32-bit and 64-bit editions editions, Pro Update 32-bit and 64-bit
(Supports the desktop mode)) editions)
Processor and main memory Windows 10 (Home 32-bit and 64-bit
Vista: Intel Pentium 4, 3GHz or faster x64 or editions, Pro 32-bit and 64-bit editions)
x86, 2GB or more Processor
7/8.1: 32-bit edition Intel Pentium 4, 3GHz Vista: Intel Pentium 4, 3GHz or faster x64 or
or faster x64 or x86, x86 processor
2GB or more 7/8.1/10: 32-bit edition Intel Pentium 4, 3GHz
64-bit edition Intel x64 processor that or faster x64 or x86
is equivalent to Intel processor
Pentium 4, 3 GHz or 64-bit edition Intel x64 processor that
faster, 2GB or more is equivalent to Intel
Hard disk: 100MB or more of free space Pentium 4, 3 GHz or
Display: A video card that is recommended for faster
the OS and a display that is supported Memory: 2 GB or more (Windows Vista/7/8.1/10)
by the OS, has a resolution of 1024 Hard disk: 100MB or more of free space
× 768 or higher, and that can show Display: A video card that is recommended for
65,536 colors (16-bit, high color) or the OS and a display that is supported
more. by the OS, has a resolution of 1024 ×
Configuration software: 68 or higher, and that can show 65,536
Setting mode: colors (16-bit, high color) or more.
Configuration of setting mode and basic General functions
setting mode (1) Send and receive the parts layout data of the
Configuration via communication: custom display (via Ethernet or CF card).
Configuration of setting mode and basic (2) Display the custom screens, create new
setting mode without communication custom display and edit.
configuration (ex. IP address) (3) Save and load the file of configured or edited
Data viewer software: custom display data.
Number of display channels:
32 channels per group, 50 groups
Viewer function
Waveform display, digital display,
circular display, list display, report
display, operation log display etc.
Signature function:
Three levels of electronic signature,
select a pass/fail, and comments (32
characters maximum) can be inserted
on the currently displayed data file
*Applying electronic signatures to data files
created using the password management
function requires a network that can
connect with the Kerberos authentication
server set on the main unit.
Data conversion:
File conversion to ASCII, Lotus 1-2-3 or
MS-Excel format

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<<Contents>> <<Index>> 18


Suffix Optional
Model code Description
code code
DX2004 4ch, 125ms (Fast sampling mode: 25ms)
DX2008 8ch, 125ms (Fast sampling mode: 25ms)
DX2010 10ch, 1s (Fast sampling mode: 125ms)
DX2020 20ch, 1s (Fast sampling mode: 125ms)
DX2030 30ch, 1s (Fast sampling mode: 125ms)
DX2040 40ch, 1s (Fast sampling mode: 125ms)
DX2048 48ch, 1s (Fast sampling mode: 125ms)
Internal memory –3 400MB
External media –4 CF card (with media)
Display language –2 English/German/French, degF, DST(summer/winter time)
Options /A1 Alarm output 2 points *1
/A2 Alarm output 4 points *1 *12
/A3 Alarm output 6 points *1
/A4 Alarm output 12 points *1 *9 *12
/A5 Alarm output 24 points *1 *2 *8 *12
/C2 RS-232 interface *3
/C3 RS-422A/485 interface *3
/D5 VGA output
/F1 FAIL/Status output *2 *4 *9
/F2 FAIL + Alarm output 22 points *1 *4 *8 *12
/H2 Clamped input terminal (detachable)
/H5 Desktop type (only for /P1 model, without power cable, M4 screw type power terminal) *5
/H5[ ] Desktop type *5 *6
/M1 Mathematical functions *12
/N1 Cu10,Cu25 RTD input/3 leg isolated RTD
/N2 3 leg isolated RTD *7
/N3 Extended input type (PR40-20, Pt50, etc.)
/P1 24VDC/AC power supply *5
/R1 Remote control *12
/TPS4 24VDC transmitter power supply (4 loops) *8
/TPS8 24VDC transmitter power supply (8 loops) *8 *9 *12
/KB1 Easy text entry (with input terminal) *10 *11
/KB2 Easy text entry (without input terminal) *10
/USB1 USB interface
/PM1 Pulse input (including remote control and mathematical functions) *12
/CC1 Calibration correction function
/MC1 External input function *13
/BT2 Multi-batch functions *14
/CP1 PROFIBUS-DP communication interface *3
/AS1 Advanced security functions

*1 /A1, /A2, /A3, /A4, /A5, /F2 cannot be specified together.

*2 /A5 and /F1 cannot be specified together.
*3 /C2, /C3 and /CP1 cannot be specified together.
*4 /F1 and /F2 cannot be specified together.
*5 In case that 24 VDC/AC power supply (/P1) and desktop type are specified together, /H5 must be specified.
/P1 and /H5[ ] cannot be specified together.
*6 /H5[ ]
D: Power cord UL, CSA st’d
F: Power cord VDE st’d
R: Power cord SAA st’d
J: Power cord BS st’d
H: Power cord GB st’d
*7 /N2 can be specified for only DX2010, DX2020, DX2030, DX2040 and DX2048.
*8 /TPS4, /TPS8, /A5 and /F2 cannot be specified together.
*9 In case that /TPS8 is specified, combination of /A4/F1 cannot be specified together.
*10 /KB1 and /KB2 cannot be specified together.
*11 In case that /KB1 is specified, remote input terminal (438227) is included.
*12 In case that /PM1 is specified, /A5, /F2, /M1 and /R1 cannot be specified. And combination of /A2/F1 and combination of
/A4/TPS8 cannot be specified together.
*13 /MC1 can be specified for only DX2010, DX2020, DX2030, DX2040 and DX2048.
*14 /BT2 can be specified for only DX2010, DX2020, DX2030, DX2040 and DX2048.
In case that standard memory is specified, maximum number of batches is 6.

All Rights Reserved. Copyright © 2005, Yokogawa Electric Corporation GS 04L42B01-01E Feb. 3, 2017-00
<<Contents>> <<Index>> 19
Application Software

Model code Description OS

DXA120 DAQSTANDARD software Windows Vista/7/8.1
DXA170 DAQStudio software (optional) Windows Vista/7/8.1/10
DXA250 DAQManager (optional) Windows Vista/7

Product Qty
Mounting brackets 2
Door lock key 2
Operation guide 1
CF card (128MB) 1
Power cable *1 1

*1 For /H5[ ] option

The electronic manual (CD, part no.

B8706ZZ) is available for purchase. Please
contact your nearest YOKOGAWA dealer
for details.

For / KB1 option

Product Qty
Remote control terminal (438227) 1
Labels for remote control terminal 2

Model code
Product Specification
(part number)
Shunt resister 415920 250 Ω±0.1%
(for M4 screw input terminal) 415921 100 Ω±0.1%
415922 10 Ω±0.1%
Shunt resister 438920 250 Ω±0.1%
(for clamped input terminal) 438921 100 Ω±0.1%
438922 10 Ω±0.1%
CF card adapter 772090 –
CF card 772093 512 MB
772094 1 GB
772095 2 GB
Mounting bracket B9900BX –
Door lock key B8706FX –
Remote control terminal 438227 For /KB1, /KB2 option
Removable clamp input terminal A1923JT For /H2 option
Validation document 438230 For /AS1 option (CD)

All Rights Reserved. Copyright © 2005, Yokogawa Electric Corporation GS 04L42B01-01E Feb. 3, 2017-00
<<Contents>> <<Index>> 20

Dimentions Panel Cutout & Spacing Unit : mm

280.2 (11.03) 360MIN



(min. space for mounting)

MAX 226 (8.90)

(/H2 or /PM1)
295.2 (11.62) 27.3 221.6 (8.72)

9.4 (0.37)
288 (11.33) 168 (6.61)

180 (7.09) 2 to 26
(panel thickness)

280.2 (11.03)
295.2 (11.62)
288 (11.33)
180 (7.09)



54.6 (2.15) 32.1 (1.26)


108 (dimension after mounting)


Note: If not specified, the tolerance is ±3%. However, for dimentions less than 10mm, the tolerance is ±0.3mm.

All Rights Reserved. Copyright © 2005, Yokogawa Electric Corporation GS 04L42B01-01E Feb. 3, 2017-00
<<Contents>> <<Index>> 21

Desk-top type Unit : mm


282.5 (11.12)

MAX253.3 (9.97)
(/H2 or /PM1)

289.6 (11.40) 245.1 (9.65)

352.8 (13.89)

287.8 (11.33)
289.7 (11.41)


Note: If not specified, the tolerance is ±3%. However, for dimentions less than 10mm, the tolerance is ±0.3mm.

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<<Contents>> <<Index>> 22

Rear View

VGA Output Terminal (/D5)

Ethernet Ethernet


RS-232 (/C2),
RS-422A/485 (/C3)
Power Supply Terminal Power Supply
Terminal (/H5 )

Option Option
Terminal Terminal

Input Input
Terminal Terminal
(M4 Screw Type) (Clamped Type)

Power Supply Terminal


RS-422-A/485 Terminal RS-232 Terminal


1 N.C.
2 RD
6789 3 SD
4 N.C.
5 SG
6 N.C.
7 RS
8 CS
9 N.C.

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<<Contents>> <<Index>> 23
Input Terminals

M4 Screw Terminals Clamped Terminals (/H2)

DX2004, DX2008 DX2010, DX2020, DX2030, DX2040 DX2004, DX2008

DX2010, DX2020, DX2030, DX2040



Option Terminals

* For the option terminals, refer to “Installation and Wiring” in the Daqstation DX2000 Operation Guide (IM 04L42B01-02E).

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<<Contents>> <<Index>> 24

The TCP/IP software used in this product and the document for that TCP/IP software are based in part on
BSD networking software, Release 1 licensed from The Regents of the University of California.
• Daqstation, DXAdvanced and DAQstudio are registered trademark of Yokogawa Electric Corporation.
• Microsoft, MS and Windows are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation USA.
• Lotus and 1-2-3 are registered trademark of Lotus Development Corporation.
• Pentium are registered trademarks of Intel Corporation.
• Modbus is a registered trademark of AEG Schneider.
• PROFIBUS-DP is a registered trademark of PROFIBUS User Organization.
• EtherNet/IP is a trademark of ODVA (Open DeviceNet Vendor Association).
• Kerberos is a trademark of MIT.
• Other company and/or product names are registered trademark of their manufactures.

All Rights Reserved. Copyright © 2005, Yokogawa Electric Corporation GS 04L42B01-01E Feb. 3, 2017-00
Subject to change without notice.

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