Sinif Ingilizce 1. Unite Calisma Kagiti Ve Etkinlikler Studying Abroad

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A. Fill in am, is, are, am not, isn’t or aren’t.

1. A : Where______ Carlos from?
B : He _____ from Italy.
2. A : _____ you from Brazil?
B : No, I _______. I _____ from Spain.
3. A : _____ they Greek?
B : Yes, they _____.
4. A : ____ she your sister?
B : No, she _______
5. A : Your friends ______ students at a school of tourism, aren’t they?
B : No, they _________
B. Put the words in the correct order.
1. you / a / student / university / _____________________________________________________
2. sister / My / old / years / is / nineteen _______________________________________________
3. is / English / subject / my / favourite _________________________________________________
4. isn’t / Matthew / Ireland / from _____________________________________________________.
5. room / Her / very / is / big ___________________________________________________________
6. you / in / class 9B / Are / your / and / friend __________________________________________________
C. Look at the words in brackets and complete the sentence with the correct subject pronoun.
1. _________ is watching TV. (George)
2. _________ is white. (the board)
3. _________ are on the wall. (the posters)
4. ________ are running. (the cats)
5. ________ are cleaning our rooms. (my sister and I)
6. _______ are riding his bike. (Tom and Susan)
7. _______ have got a dog. My dog’s name is Berry.
8. ______ is from Bristol. (Victoria)
9. ________ are in the garden. (the flowers)
10. Are ________ coming, Joe?
D. Fill in the blanks with his, her, its, my, our, your, their.
1. Bill is my cousin. ________ bike is green.
2. Mike and Peter are Irish. _________ parents are teachers.
3. I am interested in movies. __________ favourite director is Steven Spielberg.
4. Linda is the new student. __________hair is red.
5. We are from Sweden. ___________classmates are French and Turkish.
6. You are tall but ___________brother is short.
7. My dog is so cute. __________ name is Dark.
E. Choose the correct answer.
1. My twin brothers ............... eighteen years old.
a) am b) is c) are
2. This is my friend Linda. ............... favourite sport is tennis.
a) Her b) She c) His
3. Look at Jill and Sue’s cat. ............... colour is white and grey.
a) It b) Its c) Their
4. Who is that with your brother? .............. best friend.
a) He b) His c) Her
5. My favourite subjects.............. History and Literature.
a) are b) is c) am
F. Choose the correct option.
1. Have / Has Simon got a wardrobe in his room?
2. My grandparents have / has got a big house with a swimming pool.
3. Have / Has your twin sister got a laptop?
4. Sheila haven’t / hasn’t got a TV in her bedroom.
5. What have / has your sister got in her hand?
G. Put the words in the correct order.
1. got / has / Jane / camera / new / a _______________________________
2. Have / a / you / sister / got _______________________________
3. Sue / got / eyes / hair / blonde / has / and / green ______________________________________
4. you / got / new / a / phone / Have _________________________________________________
5. big / living room / My / have / a / got / grandparents ______________________________________
H. Fill in the blanks using “positive imp.” or “don’t” where necessary.
1. look at the camera and move.
2. You are very thirsty. drink some water.
3. Your room is very untidy. tidy your room.
4. There is a good program on this channel. change the channel.
5. I haven’t got any bread. pass the bread please.
6. It is very cold. take your jacket off.
7. The weather is very hot. put your anorak on.
8. I am not very thirsty. pass the water.
9. Your t-shirt is very dirty. take your t-shirt off.
10. Your little brother is asleep. make a noise.
A. Write in the correct Verb to be (am-is-are) (10x1=10p.)
1. Cindy ______ my best friend.
2. Peter and Kate ______ classmates.
3. ________Johnny your brother?
4. _______you a good student?
5. They ______ in the classroom.
6. _______this an apple?
7. Felicia and I ______ sisters.
8. I _____ her teacher.
9. Those _______ my schoolbags
10.Their father _______ a doctor.
B. Re-arrange the sentences (10x2=20p.)
1. I / not / an architect / am ___________________________
2. She / my mother / is ___________________________
3. The girl / not / in the room. / is ___________________________
4. Your / a housewife / mother / is ___________________________?
5. We / not / got / have / a computer /at home. ___________________________
6. My dad / smart / has / clothes / got ___________________________
7. The boys / a ball / got / have ___________________________
8. Has / sister / your / a car / got ___________________________?
9. Straight / turn / and / go / ahead / right ___________________________
10. Can / get to / I / the cinema / how ___________________________?
C. Fill in the blanks with the correct po ssessive adjectives (my, your, his, her, ıts, our, their). (12x1=12p.)
1. Hello. I’m Tina. This is _____ mother. _____ name is Betty.
2. They are sisters. _______ names are Hale and Jale.
3. Are you John? Is this _______ book?
4. Steve is here. These are ________books.
5. Orhan and I are brothers and this is ____ house.
6. _____names are Frank and George. We are doctors.
7. You are a teacher and _______ class is 11A.
8. This is our car. ________color is blue.
9. My favorite pop stars are Noel and Liam. I think _______ music is great.
A: Who’s _______ favorite pop star? B: _______ favorite pop star is Mustafa Sandal.
D. Write the numbers in words. (5x1=5p.)
E. Write the words in numbers. (5x1=5p.)
Seven :
Seventy :
Forty-nine :
Nineteen :
F. Write the countries or the nationalities (5x1=5p.)
1. The USA ______________________
2. Spain ______________________
3. ______________ English
4. ______________ Chinese
5. Greece ______________________
G. Match the jobs with the explanations. (8x1=8p.)
___1)A baker a) designs buildings.
__ 2) A florist b) catch the criminals.
__ 3) A mechanic c) helps people while they’re shopping.
___4) An architect d) makes bread.
__ 5) A shop assistant e) sells flowers
___6) A writer f) is the assistant to the boss.
___7) A secretary g) writes books.
___8) A policeman h) repairs cars.
H. Use have got or has got (5x1=5p.)
1. I______________ 5 English classes a week.
2. My brother______________ a new book.
3. My father______________ a lot of tools.
4. George and Mary ______________ a new flat.
5. Our school ______________ a big garden.
I. Fill in the blanks with the correct family members (5x2=10p.)
1. My mother’s husband is my __________________
2. My sister’s mother is my ____________________
3. My father’s sister is my _____________________
4. My brother’s sister is my _____________________
5. My uncle’s son is my ________________________
J. Look at the map and answer the questions (5x2=10p.)

1. Where is the book shop?

2. Go straight ahead. Take the second turning on the right. Go past the pub. It is on the right…………………

3. Where is the flower shop?

4. Go straight ahead. Take the second turning on the right Go past the bookshop. It is on the left …………………
5. Where is the baker’s?

K. Write five sentences about yourself (5x2=10p.)

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