Purposive Comm Prelim Exam

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Test I: Choose the letter of your best answer. c. Formulating

Encircle your answer. (2 POINTS EACH) d. Applying
1. The language used at home and 6. The speaker use tools in sending the
vernacular to the region or province. message.
a. Foreign language a. Gadgets
b. Lingua Franca b. Channel
c. Mother Tongue c. Transmission
d. National Language d. Verbalizing
2. Diane responded to Ana’s question 7. The following sentences discuss the
regarding the Kdrama they’d watched. roles of components of communication.
a. Receiver Which among the sentences is incorrect?
b. Feedback a. The speaker can also be a receiver.
c. Noise b. The message needs to be clear to
d. Message understand.
3. People develop new ways of systems c. The receiver needs to understand the
and structures in communication. feelings of the speaker.
a. Language Change d. Feedback must be in words to
b. Language Acquisition understand.
c. Language Learning 8. Having been submitted through sound
d. Language Contact waves and light waves, it comes from
4. Which is incorrect among the statements the sender and reaches the receiver.
below? a. Encoding
a. Language is intended for humans b. Transmission
only. c. Receiving
b. Language 1 is a mother tongue. d. Feedback
9. The following are semantically correct
c. Language learning requires time and
sentences, EXCEPT.
effort to learn.
a. An apple a day keeps the doctors
d. Language and dialect are the same away.
in all aspects. b. My cat studies literature subject.
5. A process of discerning and assigning c. The table is empty.
meaning to the message sent. d. Juan keeps on laughing.
a. Decoding
b. Processing
10. The use of language for different 17. Joana and Liam talked in the classroom
audiences and for different reasons to silently. What did you call on the
write, talk, and present. environment of the communication?
a. Purposive Communication a. Context
b. Communication b. Environment
c. Intentional Communication c. Classroom
d. Direct Communication d. Setting
11. What is the incorrect sentence among 18. Which is not part of the effective
the choices? communication process?
a. The dog rolls in the mud. a. Be concise.
b. You look like a celebrity! b. Be natural with your delivery.
c. Atlas carries the world on his c. Be positive.
shoulders. d. Be clear with your purpose.
d. My roommate stay in his 19. This is the informal learning of the
bedroom from morning to night. language.
12. Which is not part of the general a. Language learning
principles of effective communication? b. Language acquisition
a. Know your audience c. Language is dynamic
b. Know your topic d. Language is systemic
c. Think clearly and accurately 20. The study of the correct arrangement
d. Work on feedback and structure of words in a sentence.
13. The written text has a correct a. Semantics
arrangement of words in a sentence and b. Phonology
grammatical structures. c. Syntax
a. Coherent d. Morphology
b. Clarity 21. Ana wanted to study the formation and
c. Conciseness sounds of English.
d. Courtesy a. Semantics
14. The text is appealing and b. Phonology
comprehensible and uses appropriate c. Syntax
words and a number of words. d. Morphology
a. Clarity 22. Communication is derived from the
b. Conciseness Latin word “communicare” or
c. Correctness “communico” which means
d. Completeness ________________.
15. Which correct in the arrangement of a. To inform
Aristotle’s Model of Communication? b. To share
a. Effect-speech-speaker-audience c. To decipher
b. Audience-speech-speaker- effect d. To transfer
c. Speech-speaker-audience-effect 23. Two types of medium.
d. Speaker-speech-audience-effect a. Sounds and tools
16. The process by which the sender, has b. Audio and visual
assigned codes to come up with thought c. Verbal and non-verbal message
symbols (message) that are also d. Written and auditory
comprehensible. 24. Which among the choices is not an
a. Encoding environmental noise?
b. Transmission a. Daydreaming
c. Receiving b. People
d. Feedback c. Weather condition
d. Bustle of the city
25. This model was developed because of b. Osgood-Schramm model of
the technology of the telephone and the communication
experience of noise coming from the c. Shannon-Weaver’s model of
switchboard. communication
a. Lasswell’s communication d. 2nd Osgood-Schramm model of
model communication

Test II: Explain and answer the following questions. Just answer 2-4 sentences ONLY! 5 points for
each question

1. When does communication become unethical?


2. What is the importance of Communication?


3. Instructor’s complete name


Test III: Enumeration:

7 C’s of a Written Communication

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