The FEBS Journal 2023 Hounjet Iron Responsive Element of Divalent

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Iron-responsive element of Divalent metal transporter 1

(Dmt1) controls Notch-mediated cell fates

Judith Hounjet1, Arjan J. Groot1, Jolanda P. Piepers1, Onno Kranenburg2, Danny A. Zwijnenburg3,
Francesca A. Rapino1,4, Jan B. Koster3, Kim R. Kampen1 and Marc A. Vooijs1
1 Department of Radiation Oncology (Maastro), GROW School for Oncology, Maastricht University Medical Centre+, Maastricht, The Netherlands
2 Lab Translational Oncology, Division Imaging and Cancer, University Medical Center Utrecht, The Netherlands
3 Center for Experimental and Molecular Medicine, Amsterdam UMC Location University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
4 Department of Pharmacy, Giga Stem Cells, University of Liege, Belgium

Keywords Notch receptor activation is regulated by the intramembrane protease c-

divalent metal transporter 1 (Dmt1, secretase, which cleaves and liberates the Notch intracellular domain (Nicd)
Slc11A2, NRAMP2); iron; notch; stem cell
that regulates gene transcription. While c-secretase cleavage is necessary,
fate and differentiation; vesicles
we demonstrate it is insufficient for Notch activation and requires vesicular
Correspondence trafficking. Here, we report Divalent metal transporter 1 (Dmt1, Slc11A2)
M. A. Vooijs, Department of Radiation as a novel and essential regulator of Notch signalling. Dmt1-deficient cells
Oncology (Maastro), GROW School for are defective in Notch signalling and have perturbed endolysosomal traf-
Oncology, Maastricht University Medical ficking and function. Dmt1 encodes for two isoforms, with and without an
Centre+, Postbox 616, 6200 MD, iron response element (ire). We show that isoform-specific silencing of
Maastricht, The Netherlands
Dmt1-ire and Dmt1+ire has opposite consequences on Notch-dependent
Tel: +31 (043) 3882912
cell fates in cell lines and intestinal organoids. Loss of Dmt1-ire suppresses
E-mail: [email protected]
Notch activation and promotes differentiation, whereas loss of Dmt1+ire
Judith Hounjet and Arjan J. Groot causes Notch activation and maintains stem-progenitor cell fates. Dmt1
contributed equally to this article isoform expression correlates with Notch and Wnt signalling in Apc-
deficient intestinal organoids and human colorectal cancers. Consistently,
(Received 14 February 2023, revised 12 July Dmt1-ire silencing induces Notch-dependent differentiation in colorectal
2023, accepted 29 August 2023)
cancer cells. These data identify Dmt1 isoforms as binary switches control-
ling Notch cell fate decisions in normal and tumour cells.

Notch signalling constitutes a highly conserved pathway through Adam10 protease at the S2-site (NEXT). Subse-
in tissue homeostasis that occurs during development quent cleavage at the S3 site by c-secretase releases the
and in adult tissues [1]. Notch receptors are transmem- Notch intracellular domain (Nicd) that translocates to
brane transcriptional regulators that are activated by the nucleus. Together with the DNA binding protein
ligand-induced cleavage. In the absence of ligands, Notch RBP-jK, it activates Notch downstream target genes [2].
receptors are in a proteolysis-resistant state. Upon ligand Aberrant Notch signalling is observed in many
binding, the receptor unfolds and undergoes cleavage human malignancies, including T-ALL, breast ,

cAMP, cyclic-AMP; Dll4, delta-like 4; Dmt1, Divalent metal transporter 1; DOX, doxycycline; Eea1, early endosomal marker 1; GSI, c-
secretase inhibitor; Ire, iron-responsive element; Lamp1, lysosomal-associated membrane protein 1; Lc3b-II, microtubule-associated proteins
1A/1B light chain 3B-II; MEF, mouse embryonic fibroblasts; Msf, myosin skeletal FAST; Myf5, myogenic factor 5; MyoD, myoblast
determination protein 1; MyoG, myogenin; NAC, n-acetyl cysteine; NEXT, S2-cleaved Notch1 receptor; Nicd, Notch intracellular domain;
Rab5, Ras-related protein 5; ROS, reactive oxygen species; Slc11A2, solute carrier family 11, member 2; TfR1, transferrin receptor 1; TMIC,
S1-cleaved Notch1 receptor; U9, screening cell line.

The FEBS Journal (2023) ª 2023 The Authors. The FEBS Journal published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of 1
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Dmt1 controls Notch-mediated cell fates J. Hounjet et al.

colorectal and lung cancer [3]. Unlike ligand- Results

dependent Notch signalling, ligand-independent Notch
signalling requires c-secretase activity but is indepen- Loss of Dmt1 blocks Notch signalling
dent of Adam10 [4–7]. Notch/c-secretase cleavage
occurs at the cell surface and in the endosomes and We and others have shown that ligand-dependent
lysosomes [8,9], differentially regulating Notch stability Notch signalling requires the Adam10 protease S2
and transcriptional activity [10]. Recently, we demon- cleavage step [7,25]. Therefore, we examined whether
strated that Presenilin2-containing c-secretase com- ligand-independent Notch signalling also requires
plexes localize to endosomes [11], and that increasing Adam10 and the related Adam17. We transduced
endosomal and lysosomal pH strongly inhibits onco- Adam10 and Adam17 knockout (Adam10//17/)
genic Notch signalling [12–16]. These findings indicate mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs) with a
that endosomal and lysosomal trafficking plays an Myc-tagged murine Notch1 cDNA that lacked ligand-
essential role in the ligand-independent processing of binding EGF-like repeats and harboured the gain-of-
Notch1; however, an in-depth understanding of function mutation found in human leukaemia’s
ligand-independent Notch signalling is lacking. (ΔEGF-Notch1-L1594P-6xMYC), rendering it ligand-
Here, we used a shRNA gene silencing screen to independent [7]. These cells also express a GFP
find new rate-limiting regulators of ligand- luciferase-driven Notch transcriptional reporter
independent Notch signalling. We identified Divalent (12xCSL-GFP-Luciferase) and are referred to as the
metal transporter 1 (Dmt1), a proton-coupled trans- screening cell line (U9). We discovered Notch1 to be
membrane transporter of Fe2+ and other divalent transcriptionally active in the U9 cells (Fig. 1A) and
metals, as a novel Notch regulator [17]. Dmt1 mouse cleaved at the common S3-Val1744-cleavage site
mutants are highly anaemic, indicating its essential (Fig. 1B), despite the absence of both Adam10 and
role in intestinal iron absorption and metabolism [17– Adam17. Furthermore, Notch transcriptional activity
20]. Dmt1 is encoded by the Slc11A2 (solute carrier and cleavage were blocked by the c-secretase inhibitor
family 11, member 2) gene that is expressed as four DBZ (GSI), validating U9 cells as a faithful Notch
different transcript isoforms due to alternative pro- reporter for c-secretase-dependent Notch signalling.
moter usage (Dmt1a and Dmt1b) and the presence or Consistent with our previous research, we found that
absence of an iron-responsive element (ire) in the the Notch1 activity in U9 cells was blocked entirely by
30 UTR [21–23]. Recent evidence suggests that despite the vesicle-targeting agents, chloroquine and Bafilomy-
all four isoforms exhibiting similar iron transport effi- cin A1, despite cleaved Nicd1 as shown previously
ciency, they have distinct functions [23,24]. Further- (Fig. 1A,B) [12]. These data highlight that Adam10
more, Dmt1 isoforms present organ specificity; Dmt1a and Adam17 are not required for ligand-independent
is expressed only in the duodenum and kidney, Notch signalling, that c-secretase cleavage is not suffi-
whereas Dmt1b is ubiquitously expressed [22], sug- cient for Notch transcriptional activity and that Notch
gesting that its function might differ in a cell-type- trafficking in intracellular vesicles is rate-limiting.
specific manner. To identify these unknown Notch regulators, we
Here, we show that Dmt1 isoforms, with or without conducted a shRNA drop-out screen in U9 reporter
an iron-responsive element, oppositely regulate Notch cells (Fig. 1C, Fig. S1A). We identified more than 100
signalling in various mammalian cell types. Specifi- significant hits that strongly downregulated Notch
cally, silencing the Dmt1-ire isoform suppresses Notch reporter activity. Cntnap1 and Slc11a2 (Fig. 1D,
activation and induces the differentiation of muscle, Fig. S1B) showed the highest enrichment of sequence
neural and normal intestinal epithelial cells, and colo- reads. Of note, Cntnap1 is a known c-secretase-
rectal cancer cells. Conversely, knockdown of associated protein-regulating Notch processing and
Dmt1+ire results in Notch hyperactivation in the same activity [26,27], validating our screening platform.
cell types and induces stemness in mouse intestinal Slc11a2 encodes for Divalent metal transporter 1
organoids. Furthermore, in intestinal organoids from (Dmt1), a proton-coupled transmembrane protein
Apc-mutant mice, and human colorectal cancer, Dmt1 responsible for the transport of iron (Fe2+) and other
isoform expression correlates with Notch activity. divalent metals [17]. In addition, pathway analysis
Thus, our study defines Dmt1 isoforms as novel check- revealed significant enrichment for (ion) transmem-
points that dictate the fate of Notch receptor activity brane transporter and transition metal ion binding
during intracellular transport to control cell renewal (Fig. 1E, Table S1). Subsequently, we created Dmt1
and differentiation in mammalian (cancer) cells and knockout (KO) MEFs that lack the Dmt1 protein
tissues. from MEFs endogenously expressing Dmt1b-ire and

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J. Hounjet et al. Dmt1 controls Notch-mediated cell fates

Fig. 1. Loss of Dmt1 inhibits ligand-independent Notch signalling. (A) Notch1 activity in a screening cell line (U9) upon DEGF-Notch1-L1594P
expression and DMSO, GSI or chloroquine (CQ) treatment for 24 h measured by luciferase counts [one-way ANOVA (Tukey comparison),
***P < 0.001, significantly compared with control]. (B) Immunoblot analysis of (cleaved) Notch1 (Myc), Val1744 and b-Actin (loading control)
in U9 cells treated with DMSO, GSI, chloroquine (CQ) or Bafilomycin A1 (BAFA1) for 24 h. Notch reporter for c-secretase-dependent Notch
signalling due to inhibition of Nicd1 formation, as shown by the appearance of S2-cleaved Notch1 (Next). (C) shRNA screen in Adam10/

17/-deficient MEFs expressing active ligand-independent Notch1 and Notch reporter. RFP-positive and GFP-null expressing cells were
sorted, and HT-barcode sequencing revealed the Slc11a2 gene, encoding Dmt1 as a novel regulator of Notch signalling. (D) Representation
of genes that were included in the shRNA screen. Nonsignificant (grey dot) and significant (red dot) genes are shown according to the aver-
age number of reads from the screen. (E) Pathway analysis of the shRNA screen reporting the number of genes included in each of the
pathways. GSI, c-secretase-inhibitor dibenzazepine. Data are representative of three independent experiments and values are expressed in
mean  SD.

Dmt1b+ire (Fig. S1C,D). Functionally, Dmt1 KO activation, we overexpressed doxycycline-inducible

MEFs showed reduced transport activity of the diva- Nicd1. We observed that Nicd1 expression (Fig. S2C),
lent metals Fe2+ and Co2+ (Fig. S1E) and reduced nuclear translocation (Fig. 2B) and Hey1 mRNA
uptake of fluorescently labelled transferrin (Fig. S1F) expression (Fig. S2D) were similar between Dmt1 WT
without affecting the expression of transferrin receptor and KO MEFs. These findings demonstrate that loss
1 (TfR1) (Fig. S1D). To investigate whether loss of of Dmt1 inhibits ligand-induced endogenous Notch
Dmt1 affected endogenous Notch1 signalling, Dmt1 signalling and acts upstream or parallel to Notch/c-
WT and KO MEFs were stimulated with Notch ligand secretase cleavage that produces Nicd.
(Dll4). In Dll4-stimulated Dmt1 WT MEFs, potent
GSI-dependent activation of Notch targets Hey1 and
Dmt1 controls vesicular trafficking and clearance
Hey2 was observed (Fig. 2A). In contrast, neither Dll4
of cleaved Notch
(Fig. 2A) nor Jagged2 (Fig. S2A) stimulation in Dmt1
KO MEFs led to expression of Notch targets Hey1 or Surprisingly, we observed increased levels of Val1744-
Hey2. Total Notch1 receptor expression was similar cleaved Notch1 in Jagged2-stimulated Dmt1 KO
between Dmt1 WT and KO MEFs (Fig. S2B). MEFs (Fig. 3A), despite diminished Hey1 expression
To determine whether Dmt1 KO MEFs have a gen- (Fig. S2E), similar to perturbation of Notch signalling
eral defect in nuclear transport and transcriptional in cells by CQ and BafA1 (Fig. 1A,B). In addition, the

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Dmt1 controls Notch-mediated cell fates J. Hounjet et al.

Fig. 2. Loss of Dmt1 results in diminished endogenous Notch1 signalling, which is rescued by overexpression of Nicd. (A) mRNA
expression levels of Notch target genes, Hey1 and Hey2, in Dmt1 WT and KO MEFs stimulated with Dll4 and treated with DMSO or GSI
for 24 h, measured by qRT-PCR. Csnk2a2 mRNA expression was employed as a housekeeping control [one-way ANOVA (Tukey compari-
son), *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001, significantly compared with Dmt1 WT cells stimulated with Dll4]. (B) Fluorescent ectopic expres-
sion of Nicd1-mCherryGFP in Dmt1 WT and KO cells upon doxycycline (DOX)-induction. Cells were counterstained with DAPI. Scale bar:
10 lm. GSI, c-secretase inhibitor dibenzazepine. Data are representative of three independent experiments, and values are expressed in
mean  SD.

Fig. 3. Loss of Dmt1 results in increased Notch1 cleavage and disturbed intracellular trafficking. (A) Immunoblot analysis of Notch1 (C-20),
Val1744, Myc (JAGGED2) and Vinculin (loading control) protein levels in Dmt1 WT and KO MEFs treated with DMSO or GSI for 24 h. (B)
Flow cytometry analysis of extracellular Notch1 receptor expression at the plasma membrane (unpermeabilized) and total expression (per-
meabilized) in Dmt1 WT and KO MEFs (Student t-test, *P < 0.05, ***P < 0.001). (C) Fluorescently labelled dextran uptake within 1 and 24 h
in Dmt1 WT and KO MEFs, pretreated with or without chloroquine for 24 h, measured by flow cytometry (one-way ANOVA [Tukey compari-
son], ns, nonsignificant, *P < 0.05, ***P < 0.001, significantly compared with untreated Dmt1 WT MEFs after 1 h of dextran uptake). (D)
Blue/yellow fluorescence ratio of Dmt1 WT and KO MEFs pretreated with or without chloroquine for 24 h, after 24 h of Lysosensor-labelled
dextran uptake [one-way ANOVA (Tukey comparison), ns, nonsignificant, **P < 0.01, significantly compared with untreated Dmt1 WT
MEFs]. (E) Immunoblot analysis of Eea1, Rab5, Lamp1, Lc3b-II and b-Actin (loading control) protein levels in Dmt1 WT and KO MEFs treated
with or without chloroquine for 24 h. (F) Representative electron microscopy images of Dmt1 WT and KO MEFs. Dmt1 KO MEFs show
damaged intracellular vesicles, displaying nonintact membranes (red asterisks), missing membranes (red hashtags) and formation of isolation
membranes (phagophores, red arrows). (G) Cellular Fe2+ probe fluorescence in Dmt1 WT and KO MEFs measured by flow cytometry (Stu-
dent t-test, **P < 0.01). (H) Cytoplasmic ROS levels measured by flow cytometry in Dmt1 WT and KO MEFs (pretreated with 10 mM of
NAC; one-way ANOVA [Tukey comparison], **P < 0.01). CQ, chloroquine; Eea1, Early endosome antigen-1; GSI, c-secretase-inhibitor diben-
zazepine; Lamp1, lysosomal-associated membrane protein 1; Lc3b-II, membrane-associated microtubule-associated protein 1 light chain 3-II;
MFI, median fluorescent intensity; NAC, N-acetyl-L-cysteine. Data are representative of three independent experiments, and values are
expressed in mean  SD.

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J. Hounjet et al. Dmt1 controls Notch-mediated cell fates

full-length, S1-furin-cleaved (Tmic) and S2-cleaved Because we observed high levels of Val1744-cleaved
(Next) Notch1 receptor levels were increased in Dmt1 Nicd1 without target gene activation in Dmt1 KO
KO MEFs. Total and cell surface staining for Notch1 cells, we investigated whether Dmt1 loss perturbs
demonstrated a twofold increase in the Notch1 receptor Notch1 receptor trafficking. We observed a threefold
levels in Dmt1 KO MEFs, albeit without a change in increase in the uptake of fluorescently labelled dextran
the surface/total ratio (Fig. 3B). within 24 h in Dmt1 KO MEFs compared with wild-

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Dmt1 controls Notch-mediated cell fates J. Hounjet et al.

type cells, which was not affected by blocking autop- We also used immunostaining and ectopic Dmt1 iso-
hagy with chloroquine (Fig. 3C). We utilized dextran form expression to investigate whether the differences
as a pH sensor to test whether intracellular pH in Dmt1 isoform localization could explain the oppo-
changes correlated perturbed Notch activity, using a site effects of Dmt1b isoforms on Notch activity
dextran-emitting yellow fluorescence in acidic and blue (Fig. 4A–C). While Dmt1b-ire was expressed in small
fluorescence in neutral environments. In Dmt1 KO cytoplasmic speckles and showed (peri-) nuclear accu-
MEFs, an absolute increase in yellow and blue fluores- mulation, Dmt1b+ire overexpression marked large
cence was observed compared with the uptake in cytoplasmic speckles (Fig. 4C) that strongly over-
Dmt1 WT MEFs (Fig. 3C, Fig.S2F); however, the lapped with the lysosomal marker Lamp1. Together,
ratio remained constant (Fig. 3D). Chloroquine neu- these data show that different Dmt1 isoforms show
tralized the pH (increase in blue fluorescence) in both different localization, which may be indicative of the
Dmt1 wild-type and KO cells. different roles in Notch trafficking.
Furthermore, compared with Dmt1 WT MEFs,
Dmt1 KO MEFs also exhibited increased levels of the
Dmt1 controls Notch1-mediated cell fate
early endosomal marker 1 (Eea1), Rab5, the lyso-
somal-associated membrane protein 1 (Lamp1) and
the autophagosome marker Lc3b-II (Atg8) (Fig. 3E). Because Dmt1 isoforms strongly and oppositely affect
In addition, we observed a decreased autophagic flux Notch signalling, we investigated whether Dmt1 was
in Dmt1 KO MEFs, evident by the decreased accumu- necessary and sufficient for Notch-mediated cell fate
lation of Lc3b-II in the presence of chloroquine. In decisions in the Notch-controlled tissues such as mus-
line with this, electron microscopic analysis of Dmt1 cle, nervous system and intestinal epithelium.
KO MEFs revealed damaged intracellular vesicles with First, we created Dmt1+ire or Dmt1-ire knockdown
disrupted and punctured membranes (Fig. 3F). These in murine C2C12 myoblasts. C2C12 cells express both
data suggest that loss of Dmt1 compromises the integ- Dmt1b-ire and Dmt1b+ire isoforms (Fig. S4A). C2C12
rity of endo/lysosomal membranes, disrupting the cells differentiate into myotubes upon serum starva-
autophagy/lysophagy catabolic process and trafficking tion, and differentiation is blocked by ectopic Notch1
of Notch receptors. activation and accelerated by Notch inhibition [28].
To understand how Dmt1 loss perturbs vesicle integ- When treated with GSI, C2C12 cells displayed acceler-
rity, we measured cytoplasmic Fe2+ and ROS levels as ated myotube formation (Fig. 5A) with a concomitant
the cytotoxic by-products of iron-catalysed reactions increase in myogenic gene expression and downregula-
upon deregulated metal transport. Dmt1 KO MEFs tion of Hey1 (Fig. 5B,C). Dmt1-ire knockdown
showed increased cellular levels of Fe2+ (Fig. 3G) and (~ 79%, Fig. 5D) in C2C12 cells resulted in increased
accumulation of cytoplasmic ROS, which could be myotube formation (Fig. 5A) and premature and
reverted by the antioxidant n-acetyl cysteine (NAC) increased expression of the muscle differentiation
(Fig. 3H). Collectively, these data suggest that Dmt1 markers, Msf (myosin fast) (Fig. 5B), Myf5, MyoD
deficiency may cause vesicle membrane damage due to and MyoG (Fig. 5C) [29]. Consistent with the loss of
abnormal iron (Fe2+) accumulation and metabolism, Notch1, Dmt1-ire knockdown decreased Hey1 mRNA
leading to oxidative stress. after 4 days of C2C12 differentiation (Fig. 4C). In
contrast, Dmt1+ire knockdown (~ 76%, Fig. 5D) sup-
pressed myotube formation and muscle cell differentia-
Dmt1 iron response element controls Notch1
tion, with reduced MyoD, MyoG, Myf5 and Msf
signalling differentially
expression (Fig. 5A–C). In line with decreased myo-
Dmt1 occurs in different isoforms, with and without a 3- blast differentiation, Dmt1+ire knockdown showed
primed iron-responsive element; Dmt1+ire and Dmt1- enhanced Notch activity through increased Hey1
ire, respectively. To investigate how these isoforms regu- expression. The data show that Dmt1 isoform expres-
late Notch signalling, we stably transduced U9 Notch sion is necessary and sufficient to control Notch-
reporter cells (which only express Dmt1b (Fig. S3A)) mediated muscle cell differentiation in C2C12 cells.
with Dmt1-ire and Dmt1+ire shRNAs (Fig. S3B). Silenc- Next, we investigated the role of Dmt1 in Notch-
ing of Dmt1-ire reduced Notch reporter activity dependent neuronal differentiation [30]. The neuronal
(Fig. S3C) and Hey1 and Hes1 expression (Fig. S3D). differentiation of Neuro2A cells [which only express
Conversely, silencing of the Dmt1+ire isoform had the Dmt1b isoforms (Fig. S4B)] is induced by serum deple-
opposite effect, causing increased Notch reporter activ- tion and cAMP treatment (Fig. 6A). As expected, GSI
ity and target gene expression (Fig. S3C,D). treatment enhanced Neuro2A differentiation, as

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J. Hounjet et al. Dmt1 controls Notch-mediated cell fates

Fig. 4. Ectopic expression of Dmt1b+ire localizes to the lysosomes. (A) Dmt1b mRNA expression levels in U9 cells with stable
overexpression of empty vector (EV), Dmt1b-ire (1B-) or Dmt1b+ire (1B+). Csnk2a2 mRNA expression was used as a housekeeping control.
(B) Immunoblot analysis of HA, FLAG and b-Actin (loading control) protein levels in U9 cells with stable overexpression of empty vector
(EV), Dmt1b-ire or Dmt1b+ire treated with DMSO or GSI for 24 h. (C) Immunofluorescence co-staining for HA- or FLAG-tagged Dmt1b iso-
forms (green) and Lamp1 (red) in U9 cells with stable overexpression of empty vector (EV) or the different Dmt1b isoforms. Cells were
counterstained with DAPI. Scale bar: 10 lm. GSI, c-secretase inhibitor dibenzazepine; Lamp1, lysosomal-associated membrane protein 1.
Data are representative of three independent experiments, and values are expressed in mean  SD.

measured by the increased number and length of neur- Dmt1 isoforms control cell fates in intestinal
ites (Fig. 6B,C). Interestingly, under noninducing basal organoids oppositely
conditions, Dmt1-ire knockdown (~ 90%, Fig. 6D)
Notch signalling is essential for intestinal cell renewal
resulted in an increased number of neurites that were
and differentiation [31–33]. To study Dmt1 function in
further enhanced upon cAMP stimulation and compa-
intestinal homeostasis, we perturbed Dmt1 isoform
rable with GSI treatment. Silencing of the Dmt1+ire
expression in mouse intestinal organoids using shRNA
isoforms (~ 65%, Fig. 6D) showed no significant
knockdown. Wild-type intestinal organoids expressing
reduction in neuronal differentiation. To test whether
both Dmt1a and Dmt1b isoforms (Fig. 8A, Fig. S4C)
the increased neurite formation in Dmt1-ire knock-
showed a mixed population of immature (sphere-like)
down could be suppressed by ectopic Notch1, we
and mature (crypt-like) organoids (Fig. 8B). Macro-
transduced Neuro2A shDmt1-ire cells with lentiviral
scopically, Dmt1-ire knockdown (~ 52%) resulted in
Nicd1-GFP (Fig. 7A). Nicd-overexpression (GFP+) in
mature crypt-villus-containing mini-guts, while knock-
Dmt1-ire knockdown Neuro2A cells strongly impaired
down of Dmt1+ire (~ 63%) resulted in sphere-like
neurite formation (Fig. 7B) and neurite length
organoids (Fig. 8B–D). Moreover, shDmt1+ire orga-
(Fig. 7C) under both basal and inducing conditions
noids showed a significantly higher replating capacity
compared with GFPneg shDmt1-ire Neuro2A cells.
than both shScr and shDmt1-ire knockdown orga-
These findings demonstrate that constitutive Nicd1
noids, consistent with their more immature phenotype
expression is sufficient for blocking the accelerated
(Fig. 8E). Typically, both shScr and shDmt1-ire intes-
neuronal differentiation induced by the loss of Dmt1-
tinal organoids displayed columnar organization,
ire expression and that Dmt1 isoforms function
microvilli and goblet cells: features lacking in
upstream of Nicd production.

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Dmt1 controls Notch-mediated cell fates J. Hounjet et al.

Fig. 5. Dmt1 controls Notch1-mediated myoblast differentiation. (A) Bright-field representative images of C2C12 cells differentiated for
6 days. Scale bar: 100 lm. (B) Dmt1-ire and Dmt1+ire mRNA expression in C2C12 cells with stable knockdown of scrambled, Dmt1-ire or
Dmt1+ire analysed by qRT-PCR [one-way ANOVA (Tukey comparison), **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001, significantly compared with scrambled
control]. Csnk2a2 mRNA expression was used as a housekeeping control. (C) Immunoblot analysis of Msf and lamin A (loading control) pro-
tein levels in undifferentiated (Day 0) and differentiated (Days 1–6) C2C12 cells with stable knockdown of scrambled (treated with GSI),
Dmt1-ire or Dmt1+ire. (D) qRT-PCR for the mRNA expression of differentiation markers MyoD, MyoG, Myf5 and Notch target gene Hey1 at
4 days postdifferentiation initiation in C2C12 cells with knockdown of scrambled treated with DMSO or GSI, Dmt1-ire or Dmt1+ire. Csnk2a2
mRNA expression was used as a housekeeping control [one-way ANOVA (Tukey comparison), **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001, significantly com-
pared with the DMSO-treated scrambled control]. GSI, c-secretase-inhibitor dibenzazepine; Msf, myosin skeletal FAST; Myf5, myogenic fac-
tor 5; MyoD, myoblast determination protein 1; MyoG, myogenin. Data are representative of three independent experiments, and values are
expressed in mean  SD.

Dmt1+ire knockdown organoids (Figs 8F and 9A). expression of Trop2 is associated with worse outcomes
Silencing of Dmt1-ire led to reduced expression of in cancer patients, we examined whether Dmt1 also
Notch targets, Hes1 and c-Myc (Fig. 9B). In contrast, regulates Notch signalling in human cancer cells.
in immature Dmt1+ire knockdown organoids, we Human colorectal adenocarcinoma (LS174T) cells only
observed increased expression of the Wnt/b-catenin express Dmt1b isoforms (Fig. S4D) and retain the
stem cell marker, Ascl2 (Fig. 9B) and fetal endodermal ability to differentiate into secretory cells, including
stem/progenitor cell genes, Spp1, Trop2 and Cnx43 goblet cells, upon treatment with GSI [34,35]. In
(Fig. 9C). These results confirm that isoform-specific Dmt1-ire knockdown (~83%) LS174T cells (Fig. 10A),
loss of Dmt1 results in either the induction (shDmt1- we observed an increased number of goblet cells
ire) or the suppression (shDmt1+ire) of differentiation (Fig. 10B), elevated Muc5ac mRNA (Fig. 10C) and a
through Notch signalling. decrease in the expression of the intestinal stem cell
marker Olfm4 (Fig. 10D) and Notch target genes,
Hes1 and Hes4 (Fig. 10E). The phenotype of Dmt1-ire
Dmt1 controls Notch activity in human colorectal
LS174T cells strongly resembled those after treatment
cancer cells and Apc/ organoids
with GSI. Moreover, immunoblot analysis revealed
Because Notch deregulation is frequently observed in increased Val1744-cleaved Notch1 upon Dmt1-ire
leukaemia and many solid cancers and the increased silencing (Fig. 10F). We confirmed these findings using

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J. Hounjet et al. Dmt1 controls Notch-mediated cell fates

Fig. 6. Dmt1 regulates Notch-mediated neuronal differentiation. (A) Bright-field representative images of basal (left, cAMP) and differenti-
ated (right, +cAMP) Neuro2A cells with knockdown of scrambled (treated with DMSO or GSI), Dmt1-ire, or Dmt1+ire. Scale bar: 50 lm. (B,
C) Quantification of the number of neurites per cell and neurite length under basal and differentiated conditions (one-way ANOVA [Tukey
comparison], **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001, significantly compared with the DMSO-treated scrambled control). (D) Dmt1-ire and Dmt1+ire
mRNA expression in Neuro2A cells with stable knockdown of scrambled, Dmt1-ire or Dmt1+ire measured by qRT-PCR. Csnk2a2 mRNA
expression was used as a housekeeping control (one-way ANOVA (Tukey comparison), ns, nonsignificant, **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001, signifi-
cantly compared with scrambled control).

an independent shRNA, targeting a different region of by increasing fetal and stem cell identity and blocking epi-
Dmt1-ire (#2) (Fig. 10A,E). Taken together, the Dmt1- thelial differentiation.
ire isoform sustains high Notch activity in colorectal Lastly, we investigated the clinical relevance of
cancer cells. Dmt1 isoform expression in a cohort of 113 colorectal
Because most human colorectal cancers have perturba- peritoneal cancer metastases (RSEM) [36]. We selected
tion of the Wnt/b-catenin pathway, we utilized murine two transcripts [ENST00000262052.9_2 (Dmt1+ire)
Apc/-derived intestinal organoids to model colorectal and ENST00000644495.1_1 (Dmt1-ire)] in GENCODE
adenoma. Apc/ organoids showed a sphere-like pheno- that were expressed throughout the cohort (Fig. S5B).
type (Fig. 11A), low expression of intestinal differentia- Interestingly, there is no direct correlation between the
tion markers (Fig. S5A), and increased Trop2 and Hes1 expression of the two isoforms in this dataset
expression (Fig. 11B), analogous to wild-type organoids (R = 0.093, P = 0.328, Fig. S5C). When we analysed
with knockdown of Dmt1+ire. In line with this, both the ratio of Dmt1-ire/Dmt1+ire expression, we identi-
Dmt1a+ire and Dmt1b+ire expression was diminished in fied a significant correlation with expression of the
Apc/ compared with Apc+/+ intestinal organoids Notch target gene Hes4. Furthermore, when using
(Fig. 11C). Altogether, decreased Dmt1+ire expression in Hes4 as a proxy for Notch activity, the Dmt1+ire and
intestinal organoids results in altered intestinal cell fates Dmt1-ire isoform expression in this dataset shows

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Dmt1 controls Notch-mediated cell fates J. Hounjet et al.

Fig. 7. Overexpression of NICD1 rescues

shDmt1-ire induced neuronal differentiation.
(A) Bright-field and fluorescent images of
basal (cAMP) and differentiated (+cAMP)
Neuro2A cells with stable Dmt1-ire
knockdown and overexpression of empty
vector (GFP) or NICD1 (GFP). GFP-positive
cells are outlined in red. Scale bar: 50 lm.
Data are representative of three
independent experiments, and values are
expressed in mean  SD. (B, C)
Quantification of the number of neurites per
cell and neurite length in Neuro2A cells with
the overexpression of empty vector or
Nicd1 and knockdown of Dmt1-ire [one-way
ANOVA (Tukey comparison), *P < 0.05,
**P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001, significantly
compared with the control]. GSI, c-
secretase-inhibitor dibenzazepine; Nicd1,
Notch1 intracellular domain. Data are
representative of three independent
experiments, and values are expressed in
mean  SD.

opposite correlations (Fig. 11D). For Dmt1-ire, a sig- In line with our findings, loss of Apc in colorectal
nificant positive association can be seen only in BRAF cancer results in the accumulation of iron resulting
mutated CRC (R = 0.401 P = 0.017). In addition, sig- from increased expression of Tfr1 and Dmt1 through
nificant positive correlations were also found for other Wnt pathway activation [37]. Furthermore, inhibitors
canonical Notch target genes, including Hey1 and of Dmt1 selectively target cancer stem cells, which are
Hey2 with Dmt1 isoform ratio (Dmt1-ire/+ire) addicted to iron, inducing ferroptosis by blocking lyso-
(Table S2). Together, these data further support the somal iron translocation [38]. Finally, Dmt1 is a prom-
relevance of distinct Dmt1 isoforms and link its ising reporter protein for tracking human neural
expression to Notch activation in cancer patients. progenitor/stem cells by tracking manganese [39], and
iron is essential for human pluripotent stem cells [40].
We observed increased Trop2 expression in Dmt1+ire
knockdown organoids and Apc/ organoids. The
We identified Dmt1 as an essential novel regulator of findings are consistent with studies in colorectal cancer
Notch signalling and demonstrated that Dmt1 showing that Trop2 expression is associated with high
isoforms are opposite regulators of Notch-mediated Notch activity, a more malignant phenotype and worse
self-renewal and cell fate. Interestingly, our study high- outcomes [41,42]. Thus, our data show an important
lights the responsiveness of Dmt1 expression to iron, role for Dmt1 isoforms and iron in stem cell mainte-
through the presence or absence of the iron response nance and demonstrate that these functions involve
element, as a critical factor in Dmt1 regulation. There- Notch activity regulation.
fore, the Dmt1-ire isoform is necessary to sustain Interestingly, we observed high Val1744-cleaved
Notch signalling, while Dmt1 iron-sensitive isoforms Nicd1 while Notch target genes were decreased in Dmt1
are potent suppressors of Notch activity. Furthermore, KO MEFs and upon silencing of Dmt1-ire in LS174T
the specific modulation of different isoforms leads to cells. We previously showed that blocking the vesicular
opposite effects on Notch-dependent cellular fate in trafficking in cells using chloroquine, or V-ATPase inhi-
several cell types and in organoid mini-guts where bition also led to high levels of Val1744-cleaved Nicd1
Dmt1 controls the balance between cell renewal and in Notch1-mutated T-ALL cells without Notch target
differentiation. gene activation [12]. These findings emphasize that

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J. Hounjet et al. Dmt1 controls Notch-mediated cell fates

Fig. 8. Dmt1 isoforms regulate mouse intestinal organoid differentiation and stemness. (A) Primary mouse intestinal organoids were
generated from Villin-Cre mice. A mixed population of immature and mature organoids was obtained after stem cell enrichment. (B) Repre-
sentative images of mouse intestinal organoids generated after viral transduction with shScrambled (shScr), shDmt1-ire, and shDmt1+ire at
the fourth replate. Scale bar: 50 lm. (C) Dmt1-ire and Dmt1+ire mRNA expression in mouse intestinal organoids with stable knockdown of
Scrambled (Scr), Dmt1-ire or Dmt1+ire analysed by qRT-PCR [one-way ANOVA (Tukey comparison), **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001, significantly
compared with scrambled control]. Csnk2a2 mRNA expression was used as a housekeeping control. (D) Mature (left) and immature (right)
organoid counts in all replates combined from two donor mice [one-way ANOVA (Tukey comparison), **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001]. (E) Total
number of organoids in final replate [one-way ANOVA (Tukey comparison), *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01]. (F) Representative electron microscopic
images of mouse intestinal organoids transduced with hairpins against Scr, Dmt1-ire and Dmt1+ire. shScr (mature and immature) and
shDmt1-ire organoids showed columnar organization (top panel) and well-established microvilli (bottom panel), both of which were lost in
shDmt1+ire organoids. Scale bar: 5 lm. The experiment was performed using intestinal stem cells obtained from two individual donor mice,
and values are expressed in mean  SD.

Val1744-Notch1 cleavage is not sufficient for Notch1 transcriptional activity and caution against the use of
activity and that subsequent intracellular events are rate Val1744 as a single biomarker for Notch1 activity.
limiting [12,43]. Since Nicd1 rescues the phenotype of While ectopic Nicd1 expression rescued the Notch sig-
Dmt1 KO MEFs, Dmt1 acts upstream or parallel to the nalling defects in Dmt1 KO and Neuro2A shDmt1-ire,
NICD/RBP-jk transcriptional regulation. Therefore, overexpression of a Notch1 gain-of-function T-ALL
our work demonstrates that c-secretase cleavage and mutant in Adam10/17/ deficient cells was not suffi-
Val1744-Nicd1 expression are insufficient for Notch1 cient to restore Notch activity upon Dmt1-ire silencing.

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Dmt1 controls Notch-mediated cell fates J. Hounjet et al.

This observation is consistent with the identification of expression upon loss of Dmt1, we propose that Dmt1
the shRNA targeting the Dmt1-ire isoform in our screen. function involves Notch regulation in vesicles and
Consistent with the increase in Notch1 surface trafficking.

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J. Hounjet et al. Dmt1 controls Notch-mediated cell fates

Fig. 9. Dmt1 isoforms regulate Notch signalling and fetal transcript programs in mouse intestinal organoids. (A) Toluidine blue and electron
microscopy was used to detect goblet cells (black arrows) in primary mouse intestinal organoids with stable knockdown of Scr, Dmt1-ire or
Dmt1+ire. Scale bar: 5 lm. The experiment was performed using stem cells derived from two individual donor mice, unless stated other-
wise, and values are expressed in mean  SD. (B) mRNA expression levels of Notch target genes, Hes1 and c-Myc, and Wnt target gene
Ascl2 in shScr, shDmt1-ire and shDmt1+ire mouse intestinal organoids measured by qRT-PCR. Csnk2a2 mRNA expression was used as a
housekeeping control [one-way ANOVA (Tukey comparison), *P < 0.05, ***P < 0.001, significantly compared with shScr organoids]. (C) Fetal
transcript program genes Spp1, Trop2 and Cnx43 mRNA expression in shScr, shDmt1-ire and shDMt1+ire mouse intestinal organoids, mea-
sured by qRT-PCR. Csnk2a2 mRNA expression was employed as a housekeeping control [one-way ANOVA (Tukey comparison), *P < 0.05,
**P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001, significantly compared with shScr organoids]. The experiment was performed using intestinal stem cells obtained
from two individual donor mice, and values are expressed in mean  SD.

Fig. 10. Dmt1 regulates Notch signalling and differentiation in human colorectal cancer cells. (A) qRT-PCR for Dmt1-IRE and Dmt1+IRE
mRNA expression in LS174T cells with stable knockdown of scrambled (shSCR) or Dmt1-IRE (sh-IRE) [one-way ANOVA (Tukey comparison),
ns, nonsignificant, **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001, significantly compared with scrambled control]. An independent hairpin targeting another
sequence of Dmt1-IRE was used as a control (sh-IRE#2). GAPDH mRNA expression was used as a housekeeping control. (B) Periodic Acid–
Schiff (PAS) staining in LS174T cells treated with DMSO or GSI for 7 days or LS174T cells with stable knockdown of SCRAMBLED (SCR)
or Dmt1-ire. Scale bar: 50 lm. (C) qRT-PCR for mRNA levels of MUC5AC in shSCR cells treated with DMSO or GSI for 7 days and shDmt1-
IRE cells. GAPDH was used as a housekeeping control [one-way ANOVA (Tukey comparison), **P < 0.01, significantly compared with the
DMSO control]. (D) OLFM4 mRNA expression in LS174T cells with knockdown of Dmt1-IRE, measured by qRT-PCR. GAPDH was employed
as a housekeeping control (Student t-test, ***P < 0.001, significantly compared with the scrambled control). (E) qRT-PCR for Notch target
gene (HES1, HES4) mRNA expression in LS174T cells with knockdown of SCR (treated with DMSO or GSI for 7 days) or Dmt1-IRE (and
independent hairpin sh-IRE #2). GAPDH was used as a housekeeping control [one-way ANOVA (Tukey comparison), **P < 0.01,
***P < 0.001, significantly compared with the scrambled control]. (F) Immunoblot analysis of protein levels of Notch1 (C-20), Val1744 and
lamin A (loading control) in LS174T cells with knockdown of SCR (treated with DMSO or GSI for 7 days) or Dmt1-IRE. GSI, c-secretase
inhibitor dibenzazepine; NEXT, Notch1 extracellular truncation; TMIC, transmembrane/intracellular fragment. Data are representative of three
independent experiments, and values are expressed in mean  SD.

Dmt1 loss disrupted vesicular trafficking, increased Eea1-positive endosomes, surface proteins are trans-
endocytosis, increased expression of endo- and lyso- ported directly from the cell surface to the nucleus
somal markers, and increased basal autophagic flux. In [44]. The increased levels of Eea1 upon loss of Dmt1

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Dmt1 controls Notch-mediated cell fates J. Hounjet et al.

Fig. 11. Dmt1 isoform expression correlates with Notch target gene expression in peritoneal CRC metastases. (A) Representative bright-
field images of APC+/+ and APC/ mouse intestinal organoids. Scale bar: 50 lm. (B) Hes1 and Trop2 mRNA expression in APC+/+ and
APC/ mouse intestinal organoids, measured by qRT-PCR. Csnk2a2 mRNA expression was utilized as a housekeeping control (Student t-
test, **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001, significantly compared with APC+/+ organoids). (C) qRT-PCR for mRNA levels of Dmt1 isoforms in Apc+/+ and
Apc/ intestinal organoids. Csnk2a2 mRNA expression was utilized as a housekeeping control. (D) Correlations between Dmt1+ire (R = -
0.533, P = 1.17e-09), the ratio of Dmt1-ire/+ire (R = 0.409, P = 7.05e-06) and Dmt1-ire (R = 0.210, P = 0.026), and HES4 (Notch target gene)
expression (log2) in tumour colon metastases [cohort of 113 colorectal peritoneal cancer metastases (RSEM)]. Data are representative of
three independent experiments, and intestinal stem cells were derived from three individual donor mice per condition (Apc/ and Apc+/+).
Values are expressed in mean  SD.

may disrupt full-length and S2-cleaved Notch trans- Dmt1 KO MEFs due to the accumulation and disba-
port and activation. In addition, loss of Dmt1 resulted lance of cytoplasmic and vesicular iron, causing oxida-
in damaged intracellular vesicles with disrupted/miss- tive stress that results in lysosomal membrane
ing membranes and the formation of isolation mem- peroxidation [46]. Lysosomal damage is sensed by
branes, which is characteristic of the formation of cathepsins which trigger lysophagy, the selective autop-
phagophores, an early step in autophagy/lysophagy hagy of lysosomes, which correlates with the elevated
[45]. Lysosomal membrane damage may occur in basal autophagy flux in Dmt1 KO MEFs [45]. These

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J. Hounjet et al. Dmt1 controls Notch-mediated cell fates

findings support observations that blocking vesicle by Adam10 [7,58] and c-secretase activity is modulated
function inhibits Notch-dependent T-ALL growth and by zinc and copper [59]. Further research is needed to
leads to ROS accumulation [12]. Consistently, chloro- establish if and how Notch activity and iron/divalent
quine was less effective in raising the intravesicular pH metal signalling are hardwired.
in Dmt1 KO MEFs, reflecting perturbed trafficking The ubiquitous expression of Dmt1b in many tissues
and a lysosome defect. The c-secretase complex, which during development and in adult tissues [22] may sug-
is present on the plasma membrane, endocytic com- gest a general role of Dmt1 in regulating stem cell
partments and lysosomes [11,47], shows more efficient renewal and cell fate. Our study primarily focused on
S3-cleavage in endocytic compartments, which have a the role of Dmt1 on Notch1 activity. Mammalian cells
lower pH [8,48]. Together with the finding that defects encode for four Notch receptors, and whether Dmt1
in vATP-ase reduce Notch signalling [49], these data isoforms also control these remains unknown. Further
support the notion that perturbations in vesicular traf- research is needed to identify how Dmt1 isoform
ficking and pH caused by loss of Dmt1 result in an expression and iron transport are regulated in tissues
accumulation of inactive Notch/Nicd in vesicles. and their relation to Notch transcriptional activity.
Previous studies have shown that intracellular ROS Although we provide evidence for the critical role
levels regulate Notch signalling in airway basal stem cells played by Dmt1 isoforms in Notch activation cascade,
through Nrf2-dependent Notch signalling [50]. These the precise identity of the vesicles through which Dmt1
observations raise the possibility that ROS levels can regulates Notch cell fates requires further study.
directly inactivate the Notch pathway by reducing NICD Finally, we show that Dmt1 isoform expression in
degradation that could contribute to observed pheno- colorectal cancers may have clinical relevance and
types. Further experiments will be needed to dissect the implication and correlate with expression of canonical
direct and indirect roles of ROS on the Notch pathway. Notch target genes. It has been previously shown that
In this study, we report that Dmt1-ire loss phenoco- tumour expression of DMT1 is elevated in CRC
pies Notch is a loss of function phenotype in muscle, patients [60]; however, Dmt1 isoform expression is not
neurons, intestinal organoids and human cancer tis- assessed. Therefore, further validation in different
sues. However, Dmt1 knockout mice are viable while CRC clinical subtypes is necessary but the role of
Notch1 knockouts are embryonic lethal. This suggests Notch in CRC is supported by literature and the in
that Dmt1 is not important for all tissues that require vitro models presented here. Together, these findings
Notch signalling. Another explanation could be warrant a further investigation into the role of Dmt1
that Dmt1 knockouts do not express any Dmt1 iso- as a biomarker and therapeutic target in cancer. In
form. Dmt1-ire specific isoform knockout mice (retain- addition, our data imply that pharmacological inhibi-
ing Dmt1+ire expression) could address this question. tion of Dmt1-ire isoforms may be employed to curtail
Our findings warrant further investigation into the reg- Notch signalling in cancers. At the same time,
ulation of Notch activity by Dmt1 in specific tissues. Dmt1+ire inhibitors might augment Notch signalling
Others have also shown that Dmt1-ire is expressed in to specify cell fates or promote tissue regeneration.
early, sorting and recycling endosomes [51–53]. Our study To conclude, we identified Dmt1 as a novel regula-
highlighted that Dmt1b-ire is expressed in intracellular tor of Notch activity, which, in an isoform-specific
vesicles with minor co-localization to lysosomes, while manner, determines the fate of the Notch signalling
Dmt1b+ire is almost exclusively located in the lysosomes. cascade between c-secretase cleavage and downstream
Therefore, we speculate that Dmt1b-ire promotes Notch transcriptional activation. Furthermore, our data dem-
intracellular trafficking and receptor processing in early, onstrate that the current paradigm of c-secretase cleav-
sorting and recycling endosomes to promote Notch activ- age equating Notch activation is incomplete. We
ity [54], whereas Dmt1+ire isoform promotes lysosomal propose that Dmt1-containing intracellular vesicles
degradation to turn off Notch activity. If and how iron is represent a new and essential rate-limiting step
controlling Dmt1 isoform localization, expression and through which Notch receptors traverse to control cell
activity requires further study. fate in normal tissues and diseases.
A relation between iron and Notch signalling has
been reported before. For example, iron drives the
Materials and methods
proliferation of Notch-induced T-ALL in mice [55]
and breast cancer cells upregulate Dmt1 to import iron
[56]. Beyond iron, Dmt1 transports other divalent
metals, including Zn2+, Co2+, Cu2+ and Mn2+ [57]. Cells were treated with dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO), 0.2 lM
Importantly, zinc is required for Notch-S2 shedding of c-secretase inhibitor dibenzazepine (DBZ) (Syncom,

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Dmt1 controls Notch-mediated cell fates J. Hounjet et al.

Groningen, The Netherlands) dissolved in DMSO, 30 lM from an unpublished vector pcDNA/FRT/TO-3xFLAG-

of 2-(3-carbamimidoyl-sulfanylmethyl-benzyl)-Isothiourea mNicd, that we generated using the 3XFlagNicd plasmid
(CISMBI) dissolved in DMSO (Merck, cat. #s302678) or a gift from Raphael Kopan (Addgene, cat. #20183) [64],
1 lgmL1 of Doxycycline (Sigma, cat. #D9891) dissolved after digestion with SrfI-BclI, generating a lentiviral vec-
in water, as indicated, unless stated otherwise. Neuro2A tor 3xFLAG-Nicd1-RFP (Tet-On). These two backbone
cells were stimulated with 0.3 mM of dibutytyl-cAMP (Bio vectors were used to replace the RFP at the C terminus
Connect, cat. #sc-201567A) dissolved in DMSO. Chloro- with a MluI flanked gBlock encoding a fusion of
quine diphosphate salt (Sigma Aldrich) and Bafilomycin A1 mCherry with GFP based on the vector sequence of
(Sigma) were dissolved in deionized water, and cells were pBABE-puro mCherry-EGFP-LC3B (Addgene, cat.
treated with 15 lM of chloroquine or 1 nM of Bafilomycin #22418) after digestion with MluI, generating lentiviral
A1 for 24 h. vectors Notch1DE-mCherry-GFP (Tet-On) and 3xFLAG-
Nicd1-mCherry-GFP (Tet-On), respectively. Lentiviral vec-
tor FUCGW-hNicd-FLAG was a kind gift of David
shRNA constructs
Spencer [65]. This vector was digested with EcoRI remov-
The pLKO.1-TRC cloning vector, a gift from David Root ing hNicd-FLAG and back ligated to generate the
(Addgene, cat. #10878) [61], was used to generate our dif- FUCGW empty vector.
ferent shRNA constructs according to Addgene’s pLKO.1 The pDEST30-mDmt1bnonire FLAG vector was a kind
protocol. Primers: pLKOHygroF: 50 -CGGGATCCGCCG gift from Michael Garrick [66]. The cDNA including the
CCACCATGCCTGAACTCAC CGCGACGTCTG-30 and 50 prime UTR was retrieved from this vector by an EcoRV
pLKOHygroR: 50 -CGGGTACCGCTATTCCTTTGCCC digest, and the fragment was sub-cloned in the mung bean
TCGGACG-30 were used to PCR amplify the hygromycin blunted, sequentially CIP treated, and PacI site digested
gene from a pcDNA5FRT vector used as a template in into the retroviral pQCXIH vector. In order to generate
order to replace the puromycin gene from our pLKO.1- the +ire isoforms of Dmt1, a gBlock encoding from the
puro vector with the hygromycin resistance gene using the BclI site, the N-terminal sequence of these cDNAs followed
BamHI-KpnI restriction sites in the TRC cloning (stuffer) by an MluI flanked HA-tag, stop-codon and flanking XhoI
vector. Functional hairpins were sub-cloned from their site was generated and sub-cloned in the pQCXIH and
puromycin to the hygromycin vector with either a BbvCI- pQCXIN by use of the XhoI and ApaI sites in these vec-
BamHI digest to swop the hairpins or a BamHI-KpnI tors. The plasmid’s digested and CIP-treated MluI site was
digest to swop the resistance cassettes in the backbones. used to replace the HA-tag by FLAG annealing and
The pLKO.1 vector scramble shRNA was a gift from ligating with phosphorylated oligo’s MLUflagPMEsense:
David Sabatini (Addgene, cat. #1864) [62]. Enzymes used 50 -CGCGTGTTTAAACTCACTTGTCGTCATCGTCTTT
were purchased from New England BioLabs, Ipswich, MA, GTAGT CAGTA-30 and MLUflagPME-sense: 50 -CGCG
USA. All vectors used were verified by sequencing. Target- TACTGACTACAAAGACGATGAC GACAAGTGAGT-
ing sequences are listed in Table S3. TTAAACA-30 containing a unique PmeI site for analysis
of the isolated plasmids. This resulted in generation of all
four C-terminal tagged Dmt1 isoform encoding cDNAs in
Viral vectors different selectable retroviral vectors: pQCXIH-Dmt1b-ire-
pGL4.24 12xCSL Luc2P-[minP] [5] was digested with NheI- FLAG and pQCXIH-Dmt1b+ire-HA. Enzymes used were
EcoRV, and a fragment was isolated and ligated into a SpeI purchased from New England BioLabs. All vectors used
digested pGreenFire1 vector (SBI) that was blunted with were verified by sequencing. Lentiviral packaging vectors
Klenow (in addition of dNTPs) sequentially digested with were derived from the Trono [67] and Weinberg [68] labo-
XbaI, purified from a gel and CIP treated. This resulted in ratories, and pseudo- or lentiviral production was described
the lentiviral Notch reporter plasmid 12xCSL-GFP-Luc. previously [5].
pBABE-Notch1-L1594-6xMyc was generated by ligating an
BamH1-HincII fragment with a BamH1-XbaI (blunted) frag-
Generation of the Notch reporter (screening)
ment into pCS2-ΔEGF-Notch1-L1594P-6xMyc [7]. pBABE-
cell line
puro JAGGED2-3xMYC as described previously [5].
pCW57-MCS1-P2A-MCS2 (Blast) was a gift from Adam10/17/ MEFs [5], devoid of physiological ligand-
Adam Karpf (Addgene, cat. #80921) [63]. In this lenti- dependent Notch signalling, were transduced with a
viral vector, the Notch1DE-RFP cDNA was sub-cloned 12xCSL-GFP-Luc reporter and DEGF-Notch1-L1594P-
in the NheI site of this vector. The cDNA was retrieved 6xMYC vector with a puromycin selectable. First, mono-
with an SpeI and XbaI digest from a construct, recently clonal cell lines were generated by single-cell seeding and
published by our laboratory [12], to express an inducible selecting GFP-positive clones (an indication for Notch
Notch1DE-RFP (Tet-On). In this backbone, the N termi- activity) for expansion. Next, a clone was selected that
nus was replaced by ligation with a PmeI-BclI fragment, showed high luciferase counts, which were significantly

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J. Hounjet et al. Dmt1 controls Notch-mediated cell fates

inhibited after c-secretase inhibition (GSI) (Fig. S1A,B) post-transduction, single-cell suspensions were generated and
and is referred to as screening cell line (U9). expanded to obtain single-cell-derived clones.

Genetic screen Cell lines

Lentiviral shRNA libraries were kindly provided and devel- Screening cell line (U9) MEFs (Adam10/17/ MEFs, D-
oped by Cellecta (Mountain View, CA, USA) based on EGF-Notch1-L1594P-6xMYC, 12xCSL-GFP-Luc),
NIH-funded research grant support 44RR024095 and mNramp2fl/fl MEFs, Neuro2A cells (a kind gift from Pilar
44HG003355. We screened the Cellecta DECIPHER Martinez-Martinez), LS174T cells (a kind gift from Marc
shRNA Library Disease-Associated Targets (Mouse Mod- van de Wetering) and U2OS/JAGGED2 cells [70] were
ule 2) against 4520 Targets containing 27 500 hairpins in maintained in DMEM (Dulbecco’s Modified Eagle’s
the pRSI12 vector, expressing TagRFP (Cellecta, cat. medium; Sigma) containing 10% FBS and 50 UmL1 of
#DMDAC-M2V2-P). A transfection mix of 120 lg of Penicillin/Streptomycin. In addition, C2C12 cells (a kind
Module 2 plasmid DNA, 120 lg of psPAX2 (a gift from gift from Ramon Langen) were maintained in DMEM
Didier Trono) (Addgene, cat. #12260) and 120 lg of (Dulbecco’s Modified Eagle’s medium, high glucose; Gibco)
pCMV-VSV-G (a gift from Bob Weinberg) (Addgene, containing 10% FBS and 50 UmL1 of Penicillin/Strepto-
#8454) [68] plasmids in DMEM (Dulbecco’s Modified mycin (growth medium). All cell lines were maintained
Eagle’s medium, Sigma) without additives was prepared. under cell culture conditions (37 °C, 5% CO2) and regu-
Poly(ethylenimine) (P-PEI, 25 kDa, pH 5.0) was added, larly tested for mycoplasma contamination.
and the transfection mix was incubated for 15 min at the
room temperature. The transfection mix (38 lg of plasmid
mix) was applied to sub-confluent 293FT cells and
Calcein quenching assay
incubated for 24 h at 37 °C. After 24 h, cells showed red Dmt1 transport activity was detected as described previ-
fluorescence, and the medium was replaced. At 48 h post- ously [71]. In short, Dmt1 transport activity was measured
transfection, the virus-containing medium was harvested by loading cells with 0.25 lM of calcein-AM (Invitrogen,
through a 0.45-um filter. The presence of the virus was Thermofisher, Waltham, MA, USA; cat. # C3100MP) for
checked by using a GoStick (Takara Bio Europe) and 20 min at 37 °C in DMEM supplemented with 20 mM of
was found positive. Cells from our screening cell line were Hepes. Cells were washed with 1XPBS and resuspended in
transduced in the presence of polybrene (1 lgmL1) at an transport buffer (150 mM NaCl, 20 mM of MES, pH 6.0).
MOI of 0.7, in which 50% of the cells should become Fluorescence (excitation 485 nm, emission 520 nm) was
TagRFP positive with one hairpin per cell. At 48 h postin- recorded using a FLUOstar Omega multi-mode microplate
fection, TagRFP expression showed that 51.5% of the reader (BMG Labtech, Ortenberg, Germany). Baseline fluo-
transduced cells were RFP positive. rescence was measured for 20 s (every 2 s), 100 lM of
CoCl2 or Ammonium iron (II) sulfate hexahydrate (FAS,
Sigma, cat. #F2262) was added to the cells, and quenching
Distribution and pathway analysis
of fluorescence was measured every 0.5 s for 150 s. Fluores-
The average count of reads per gene was calculated in cent counts were corrected for baseline fluorescence.
each independent screen run. The distribution of the aver-
age of two independent screen runs per gene was gener-
ated, and the cumulative frequency distribution of the
Notch activity reporter assay
reads was generated. Screen hits were defined as those in Cells were seeded and treated for 24 h with DMSO,
the top 5% of the distribution of the cumulative reads 800 nM of DBZ, 15 lM of chloroquine or 1 nM of Bafilo-
(cut-off: average reads = 2800). GSEA analysis (GO_Mo- mycin A1. After 24 h, luciferase activity was measured
lecular_Function dataset) was performed using ToppFun using a dual-luciferase reporter assay system (Promega,
on the screen hits. Madison WI, USA; cat. #E1910) according to the manu-
facturer’s protocol or GFP fluorescence was measured by
flow cytometry using a FACSCantoII cytometer with BD
Generation of Dmt1 KO MEFs
FACSDIVA 6.1.1 software, Becton Dickinson (BD), Franklin
mNramp2(Dmt1) fl/fl MEFs were a kind gift from Sara Cherry. Lakes, NY, USA. Cells were lysed in 1XPassive Lysis
For genetic typing, primer combinations F1-R1 and F1-R9 Buffer for luciferase measurements and incubated for
were used as described previously [69]. Dmt1 KO clones were 20 min on a shaker at room temperature. Luciferase activ-
generated by transduction with Adeno-Cre or Adeno-dsRED ity was measured in cell lysates by adding a 1:1 firefly lucif-
as a control (5.0 9 1012 particlesmL1, 1 : 1000, VDR). The erin substrate using a FLUOstar Omega multi-mode
medium was replaced at 48 h post-transduction. Three days microplate reader (BMG Labtech).

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Dmt1 controls Notch-mediated cell fates J. Hounjet et al.

Notch stimulation by ligand Waltham, MA, USA, containing 0.5% heat-inactivated

FBS and 50 UmL1 of Penicillin/Streptomycin) was
Delta-like 4 (Dll4) stimulation was performed using recom- added. Undifferentiated and differentiated cells up to
binant human Dll4 (R&D Systems, Minneapolis, MN, 6 days postdifferentiation initiation were analysed for myo-
USA; cat. #1506-D4-050/CF). Plates were coated with tube formation and expression of differentiation markers.
5 lgmL1 of Dll4 in 0.2% gelatin 0.1% BSA in 1XPBS
for 24 h at 4 °C. Control well plates were coated with
0.2% gelatin 0.1% BSA in 1XPBS. Cells were seeded on Neuro2A differentiation
coated plates and incubated for 24 h at 37 °C. JAGGED2
Neuro2A cells were passed through a cell strainer and
stimulation was performed by seeding U2OS cells constitu-
sparsely seeded in DMEM containing 10% FBS
tively expressing JAGGED2 in 6-well plates. U2OS cells
and 50 UmL1 of Penicillin/Streptomycin, and treatments
were used as a control. After 24 h, cells were fixed in 4%
with DMSO or 800 nM of DBZ were added. After 24 h,
PFA in 1XPBS for 15 min at room temperature. U2OS
pictures were taken from undifferentiated Neuro2A cells,
cells were washed with 1XPBS and added on top for 24 h
washed with 1XPBS, and DMEM without any additives
at 37 °C for ligand stimulation. Dmt1 wild-type (WT) and
containing 0.3 mM of dibutytyl-cAMP (Bio Connect, cat.
knockout (KO) MEFs stably expressing JAGGED2-
#sc-201567A) was added to the cells for 4 h at 37 °C. After
3xMYC were seeded sub-confluent treated with DMSO or
4 h, pictures were taken from differentiated Neuro2A cells,
DBZ for 24 h at 37 °C. After 24 h, Dmt1 WT or KO
and differentiation was analysed by counting the neurites/
MEFs stably expressing JAGGED2-3xMyc were seeded on
cell and neurite length using ImageJ.
top, treated with DMSO or DBZ and incubated for
another 24 h to ensure Notch activation by ligand binding.
Transferrin and dextran uptake assay For Lamp1 staining in U9 cells with Dmt1 isoform overex-
Cells were serum-starved for 30 min at 37 °C. After serum pression, cells were fixed in methanol for 15 min at 20 °C.
starvation, cells were incubated with 10 lgmL1 of mouse Next, cells were washed with 1XPBS, blocked and permeabi-
FITC-labelled transferrin (Jackson ImmunoResearch, lized in 5% NGS 0.2% Triton X 1% BSA in 1XPBS (block-
Cambridgeshire, UK; cat. #015-090-050) for 10 min at ing solution) for 30 min at room temperature. After
37 °C, or 40 lgmL1 of Alexa488-labelled dextran (Thermo blocking, cells were incubated with rat anti-Lamp1 (1 : 200,
Fisher Scientific, Waltham, MA, USA, cat. #D22910) for Abcam, Cambridge, UK; cat. #ab24170) in blocking solution
60 min at 37 °C, or 0.5 mgmL1 LysoSensor yellow/blue at 4 °C overnight, washed with 1XPBS and incubated for 1 h
dextran (Thermo Fisher Scientific, cat. #L22460) for 24 h at at room temperature with anti-rat Alex594 (1 : 500, Invitro-
37 °C. For a pulse-and-chase assay, FITC transferrin was gen, cat #A11007). MEFs overexpressing the Dmt1 isoforms
removed after a pulse of 10 min, washed with 1XPBS and were also stained with rabbit anti-HA (1 : 400, Sigma, cat
chased for 50 min at 37 °C. Cells were washed with 1XPBS, #H6908) or mouse anti-FLAG M2 (1 : 500, Sigma, cat.
trypsinized and analysed by flow cytometry using a FACS- #F3165). For combined Lamp-1 and Flag staining (both
CantoII cytometer with BDBD FACSDIV 6.1.1 software. Mean antibodies generated in closely related species), first anti-
fluorescent intensity (MFI) was determined, corrected for LAMP-1 primary and secondary were incubated. Next, after
background and normalized to the control to obtain the fold 1 h of blocking (5% NGS 0.2% triton X 1% BSA in 1XPBS)
change in transferrin or dextran fluorescence. at room temperature, primary and secondary antibodies
against FLAG were added. Finally, HA- or FLAG tags were
visualized using secondary goat-anti-rabbit or mouse
C2C12 differentiation Alexa488 antibodies (Invitrogen), respectively.
C2C12 cells were grown at medium passage number (10– All fluorescently labelled cells were counterstained with Dapi
20) and maintained in the growth medium. Myogenic dif- and analysed using an inverted Leica SPE confocal microscope
ferentiation was induced according to a previously pub- and LEICA LAS AF LITE software, Wetzlar, Germany.
lished protocol [72]. In short, Matrigel (Corning, cat.
#356230) was diluted 1 : 50 in DMEM (high glucose) with- Immunohistochemistry
out any additives and incubated for 30 min at 37 °C to
coat the wells or coverslips for C2C12 differentiation. After For Periodic Acid Schiff (PAS) staining, LS174T cells with
30 min, the Matrigel dilution was removed, and cells in the stable knockdown of Dmt1-ire or SCRAMBLED (SCR)
growth medium were added on top of the Matrigel coating were seeded on Poly-L-lysine coated coverslips. As a con-
and were treated with DMSO or 800 nM of DBZ. After trol, shSCR cells were treated with DMSO or DBZ for
24 h, cells were washed with 1XPBS, and differentiation 7 days. After 7 days, cells were rinsed with 1XPBS and
medium (DMEM, high glucose, Gibco, Thermofisher, fixed in 4% PFA in 1XPBS for 15 min at room

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J. Hounjet et al. Dmt1 controls Notch-mediated cell fates

temperature. After fixation, cells were incubated with peri- Notch1 receptor flow cytometry
odic acid solution (Sigma, cat. #3951) for 5 min at room
temperature. Next, cells were rinsed with MilliQ and Notch1 receptor availability at the cell surface was analysed
stained with Schiff reagent (Sigma, cat. #3952) for 15 min by flow cytometry. Dmt1 WT and KO MEFs were fixed in
at room temperature. Finally, cells were rinsed with tap 4% PFA in 1XPBS and stained with a PE-labelled mouse
water, dehydrated using 80% ethanol and mounted on anti-Notch1 antibody targeting the extracellular domain of
glass slides using DPX mounting medium. Notch1 (1 : 40, BioLegend, San Diego, CA, USA; cat.
#352105) for 15 min at 4 °C. For total Notch1 receptor
expression, Dmt1 WT and KO MEFs were permeabilized
Immunoblotting with saponin-based permeabilization reagent (Thermo
Fisher Scientific, cat. #C10418) before staining. A
Cell lysates were prepared in 1xLaemlli loading buffer. Pro- PE-labelled mouse IgG1j was used as isotype control (Bio-
teins were separated on Tris–HCL SDS/PAGE gels and trans- Legend). After staining, cells were analysed using a FACS-
ferred onto PVDF membranes. Membranes were blocked in CantoII cytometer with bd facsdivaBD FACSDIVA 6.1.1
5% dried skimmed milk (Marvel) and 0.05% Tween20 software. Using FLowV10.1, doublets and cellular debris
in 1XTBS. Protein detection was performed with subsequent were excluded. Mean fluorescent intensity (MFI) was deter-
primary antibodies: rabbit anti-cleaved Notch1 (Val 1744, mined and normalized to the control to obtain the fold
D3B8) (Cell Signalling, Danvers, MA, USA; cat. #4147S, change in extracellular Notch1 receptor expression.
1 : 1000), rabbit anti-lamin A (C-term) (Sigma, cat. #L1293,
1 : 1000), mouse anti-actin clone C4 (MP Biomedicals, Santa
Ana, CA, USA; cat. # 691001, 1 : 20 000), mouse anti-Myc DMT1 isoform expression in CRC peritoneal
(9e10) (3 mgmL1, 1 : 1000), mouse anti-skeletal myosin metastases
FAST (Sigma, cat. #M4276, 1 : 1000), rabbit anti-Notch1
RNA-Seq data from human colorectal cancer patients were
(C-20) (Santa Cruz, Dallas, TX, USA; cat. #sc-6014-R,
described [36] deposited and retrieved from GEO
1 : 1000), rabbit anti-LC3B (MBL, WOBURN, MA, USA;
(GSE190609). Fastq files were mapped to HG19/GRCh37
cat. #PM036, 1 : 1000), mouse anti-Rab5A (Cell Signalling,
using the STAR [73] algorithm, with GENCODE-
cat. #46449, 1 : 1000), rabbit anti-EEA1 (Abcam, cat.
v32_GRCh37 as annotation source. BAM files were subse-
#ab2900, 1 : 1000), mouse anti-vinculin (Sigma, cat.
quently passed to RSEM [74] for isoform quantification
#V9131, 1 : 5000), mouse anti-FLAG M2 (Sigma, cat.
using GENCODE-v32_GRCh37 as annotation source. The
#F3165, 1 : 1000), rabbit anti-HA (Sigma, cat. #H6908,
results were converted into a dataset in the R2: genomics
1 : 1000), rabbit anti-Dmt1 (Novus Biologicals, Centennial,
analysis and visualization platform ( R2
CO 80112, USA; cat. #NBP2-30045, 1 : 1000), mouse anti-
was used for subsequent analyses and visualizations.
transferrin receptor (Invitrogen, cat. #13-6800, 1 : 1000)
and rabbit anti-LAMP1 (Abcam, cat. #ab24170, 1 : 1000).
Secondary antibodies used were anti-mouse (Cell Signal- Iron (Fe2+) and cytoplasmic ROS flow
ling, cat. #7076S, 1 : 5000) or anti-rabbit IgG-horseradish cytometry assay
peroxidase (Cell Signalling, cat. #7074S, 1 : 5000). Amer-
sham ECL Prime Western Blotting Detection Reagent (GE Iron (Fe2+) was detected in Dmt1 WT and KO MEFs with
Healthcare, Chicago, IL, USA) was used for visualization the fluorescent imaging probe BioTracker 575 Red Fe2+
as described by the manufacturer. Dye (Sigma, cat. #SCT030) according to the manufac-
turer’s protocol. In short, cell culture media was removed,
and cells were washed with 1xHBSS and subsequently
Quantitative RT-PCR stained with 5 lM BioTracker 575 Red Fe2+ dye for 1 h at
37 °C. Next, cells were washed with 1xHBSS analysed by
Total RNA was isolated using NucleoSpin RNA flow cytometry. Cytoplasmic ROS levels were analysed
(Macherey-Nagel, D€ uren, Germany) from cells according by incubating Dmt1 WT and KO MEFs [pretreated with
to the manufacturer’s protocol. cDNA was obtained using 10 mM of N-Acetylcysteine (NAC, Sigma Aldrich) for
iScript cDNA synthesis kit (Bio-Rad, Hercules, CA, USA) 20 min at 37 °C in complete medium] with 5 lM of Cell-
followed by SYBR-green-based reverse transcription quan- ROX Deep Red Reagent (Thermo Fisher, cat. # C10422)
titative PCR (qRT-PCR) using SensiMix SYBR high-ROX in serum-free medium at 37 °C for 30 min. Fe2+ and cyto-
kit (GC Biotech, Waddinxveen, The Netherlands). mRNA plasmic ROS levels were analysed by a FACSCantoII cyt-
expression was analysed using of forward and reverse ometer with BD FACSDIVA 6.1.1 software. FlowJo V10.1 was
primers (Tables S4 and S5). In addition, cycle threshold used to: exclude doublets and cellular debris and analyse
(Ct) values were analysed with CFX Connect Real Time the mean fluorescent intensity (MFI). MFI was normalized
System (Bio-Rad) and Csnk2a2 (mouse) and GAPDH to the DMSO control to obtain the fold change in cyto-
(human) were used as housekeeping genes. plasmic ROS levels.

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Dmt1 controls Notch-mediated cell fates J. Hounjet et al.

Intestinal organoid culture and lentiviral electron microscope equipped with an Eagle 4kx4k CCD
transduction camera (Thermo Fisher Scientific).

Organoids were extracted from 8-week-old Villin-Cre and

the Villin-Cre-Apclox/lox mice (The Jackson Laboratory, Bar Toluidine blue staining
Harbor, Maine, USA) treated with four daily injections of
For toluidine blue staining, semi-thin sections (1 lm) of
2 mg tamoxifen in sunflower oil intraperitoneally. Mice
EM-fixed organoids were stained with 1% toluidine blue
were sacrificed 14 days after the last injection. All animal
and 1% sodium tetraborate dissolved in distilled water for
experiments were ethically approved and conducted accord-
30–60 s. Excess staining was rinsed with distilled water,
ing to regulations at the University of Liege. Organoid
and slides were analysed by Light Microscope Perkin Elmer
extraction was performed as described previously [75,76].
Nuance FX.
Briefly, small pieces of intestine were incubated in 2 mM
EDTA-PBS for 30 min at 4 °C. Crypts were extracted,
washed twice in PBS and cultured at the same density in Statistical analysis
Matrigel (BD). WT organoids were grown in IntestiCultTM
Organoid Growth Medium (StemCell). Apc organoids were Data are presented as mean, including the standard devia-
grown in DMEM/F12 supplemented with B27, N2, EGF tion (SD) of three independent experiments. Statistical ana-
(20 ngmL1) and Noggin (100 ngmL1). lyses were performed using GraphPad Prism 5, and
statistical significance was defined as P-value < 0.05. One-
The shRNA sequences targeting Dmt1-ire, Dmt1+ire or
way ANOVA and a Tukey post-test were used for statisti-
scrambled (Scr) control were inserted into a pLKO1-puro
cal analysis (unless stated otherwise).
vector. Lentiviral particles were generated by co-transfection
of the pLKO1-puro plasmids with packaging plasmid
psPAX2 and the envelope plasmid pMD2.G (VSV-G) into Acknowledgements
Hek293T cells using Lipofectamine (Thermo Fisher). Intesti-
nal stem cells were enriched by valproic acid and CHIR99021 We thank David Root, David Sabatini, Adam Karpf,
treatment [77]. They were incubated overnight with lentiviral Raphael Kopan, David Spencer, Michael Garrick,
supernatants, after which stably transduced cells were Didier Trono and Bob Weinberg for sharing reagents.
selected by 72 h puromycin (1 lgmL1) selection and grown We thank Matt Roush for his assistance with cell sort-
in organoids using IntestiCultTM Organoid Growth Medium ing and Kasper Rouschop for helpful discussions
(Mouse) (STEMCELL Technologies, Vancouver, CAN; cat. (Maastricht University). We also thank Sara Cherry,
#06005). Organoids were dissociated and replated every 10– Pilar Martinez-Martinez, Ramon Langen and Marc van
14 days. Organoids were derived from wild-type mice (n = 5) de Wetering for providing cell lines. We also acknowl-
and from Apc-mutant mice (n = 3). edge Carmen L opez Iglesias, Kevin Knoops and Willine
van de Wetering from the Microscopy CORE Lab
Electron microscopy (M4I, Maastricht University) for scientific and technical
support in the electron microscopy. Lastly, we thank
Cells were seeded in a 6-well plate at 90% confluence and MSc students: Daphne Peters and Hannah Goldfarb
left to attach overnight. Next, cells were fixed in 2.5% glu- Wittkopf for help in experiments. This work was sup-
taraldehyde in 0.1 M phosphate buffer (pH 7.4) at room ported by Maastro Clinic, the European Research
temperature for 1 h. After the first fixation, fresh fixative Council (ERC) under the European Community Sev-
was added, and the cells were stored at 4 degrees for 24 h. enth Framework Program (FP7/2007-2013) ERC Start-
Next, organoids were fixed with 1.5% glutaraldehyde in ing Grant 208259 and the Kootstra-Talent Fellowship
0.1 M cacodylate buffer for 2 min at room temperature.
Program 2016-2017 from Maastricht-UMC+ and a
The fixative was refreshed and kept for 24 h at 4 °C. Next,
grant from the Netherlands Organisation of scientific
the cells/organoids were washed in 0.1 M cacodylate buffer
research (NWO OCENW.M20.155).
and postfixed with 1% osmium tetroxide and 1.5% potas-
sium ferrocyanide in cacodylate buffer for 1 h at 4 °C.
Finally, the fixed cells/organoids were dehydrated in etha- Conflicts of interest
nol, infiltrated with Epon resin, embedded in resin and
polymerized at 60 degrees for 72 h. Ultrathin sections were The authors declare no conflict of interest.
obtained using Ultracut UCT ultramicrotome (Leica
Microsystems, Vienna, Austria) and mounted on Formvat- Author contributions
coated copper grids. These grids were stained with 2% ura-
nyl acetate in 50% ethanol and lead citrate. Electron JH, AG, JP, FR and KK performed the experiments
microscopic images were obtained using a Tecnai T12 and analysed the experimental data. JH drafted the

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J. Hounjet et al. Dmt1 controls Notch-mediated cell fates

manuscript and designed the figures under the supervi- 10 Tagami S, Okochi M, Yanagida K, Ikuta A, Fukumori
sion of AG and MV. AG, MV, FR and KK contrib- A, Matsumoto N, Ishizuka-Katsura Y, Nakayama T,
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generates an intracellular Ab Pool. Cell 166, 193–208.
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Barbeau LM, Yahyanejad S, Rouschop KM, Groot AJ
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